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The tabulate coral Pleurodictyum americanum Roemer has been cited as an example of a host-specific organism occurring exclusively on the shells of gastropods, particularly Palaeozygopieura hamiltoniae (Hall). Examination of over 1600 specimens of P. americanum, from the Middle Devonian Hamilton Group of western New York, reveals additional complexities which require reinterpretation. While substrate selectivity for Palaeozygopieura shells is evident in all 42 subsamples, a variety of other substrates were also utilized by Pleurodictyum including corals, brachiopods, other molluscs and pebbles. Recent scleractinian corals inhabiting soft bottoms show similar substrate preference, selecting for the tubes of live serpulids, or gastropod shells (invariably with a secondary sipunculid host), but also occasionally settling on unoccupied shells or pebbles. Shell surfaces of P. hamiltoniae, preserved as external molds on the Pleurodictyum epitheca, exhibit encrustation by worm tubes and bryozoans as well as borings and mechanical shell damage, suggesting that these were not the shells of live gastropods. However, the invariant aperture-downward orientation and the high degree of selectivity of P. americanum strongly suggest that the shells were occupied by secondary hosts. □ Substrate specificity, commen-salism, tabulate coral, gastropod, sipunculid, Devonian, Hamilton Group, New York.  相似文献   

Streit A 《Parasitology》2008,135(3):285-294
Nematodes of the genus Strongyloides parasitize the small intestines of vertebrates. In addition to a parasitic life-cycle, which is generally considered to be parthenogenetic, Strongyloides can also have a facultative, free-living generation involving male and female worms. The purpose of the present article was to review the literature on the modes of reproduction, the routes of development in the two generations of Strongyloides, discuss the controversial opinions in the literature regarding these aspects and point to new opportunities for addressing key questions in relation to the biology of reproduction of members of the genus employing genetic and genomic tools.  相似文献   

Baarli, B. G., Johnson, M. E. & Keilen, H. B. 1992 07 15: Size and shape distribution of level-bottom tabulate corals and stromatoporoids (Silurian).
Size and shape distribution of tabulate coral and stromatoporoid faunas were studied at two Lower Silurian sections in Norway on the Baltic platform and one section in eastern Iowa on the Laurentian platform. All the sections are dominated by storm beds with predominantly shallowing upward features; they differ from one another in clastic content and proximity to land. Most of the fauna lived below normal wave-base, but within the photic zone, on fine grained and firm bottoms. In all three localities, size clearly increases up-section for stromatoporoids, favositids, and heliolitids but it decreases for halysitids in the Oslo region. Sediment influx worked negatively on size but generally not so much as to affect average size. lurbulence in combination with decreasing sediment influx affected the size decrease in heliolitids up section. Nutrients and turbidity were of minor importance as growth controlling factors. Light intensity is the only factor that shows a pattern consistent with increased size up-section. Sediment influx alfected fauna composition and shape: heliolitids had the highest sediment tolerance and stromatoporoids had the lowest. Ragged skeletons were linked to tempestites. Corals and stromatoporoids reveal a population-specific response to environmental change, largely independent of benthic assemblage zones or communities. Tabulate corals, stromaroporaids, bathymetry, size variation. clastic input, benthic assemblages .  相似文献   

Cathy H. Lucas 《Hydrobiologia》2001,451(1-3):229-246
The scyphozoan Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus) is a cosmopolitan species, having been reported from a variety of coastal and shelf sea environments around the world. It has been extensively studied over the last 100 years or so, and examination of the literature reveals three striking features: (1) the presence of populations in a wide range of environmental conditions; (2) large inter-population differences in abundance and life history patterns over large and small spatial scales; and (3) inter-annual variability in various aspects of its population dynamics. A. aurita is clearly a highly flexible species that can adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions. While various physiological and behavioural characteristics explain how A. aurita populations can take advantage of their surrounding environment, they do not explain what governs the observed temporal and spatial patterns of abundance, and the longevity or lifespan of populations. Understanding these features is necessary to predict how bloom populations might form. In a given habitat, the distribution and abundance of benthic marine invertebrates have been found to be maintained by four factors: larval recruitment (sexual reproduction), migration, mortality and asexual reproduction. The aims of this review are to determine the role of reproduction and life history strategies of the benthic and pelagic phases of A. aurita in governing populations of medusae, with special attention given to the dynamic interaction between A. aurita and its surrounding physical and biological environment.  相似文献   

MOORE  LUCY B. 《Annals of botany》1951,15(2):265-278
Oogamy is recorded in five southern species of Halopteris. Ineach the gametangia and asexual sporangia occur in similar sori,although situated on separate plants. The plurilocular antheridiaand the unilocular oogonia occur within one and the aame sorus.In both the dehiscence is apical. In H. congesta fertilization has been observed in cultures.The polarity of the zygote is established by the direction ofthe first-formed wall. Early divisions convert it into a nodulecomposed of small cells. First rhizoids appear and then cylindricalshoots arise from the opposite pole. Sporelings of five NewZealand species of Halopteris have been raised in culture. Theconditions in the culture greatly affected the character ofthe sporelings, the simplest of which at the end of 2 months'growth were only uniseriate filaments. The best developed sporelingshad a compact basal disc with up to four upright shoots showingthe beinnings of branching.  相似文献   

R. S. Wotton 《Hydrobiologia》1982,96(3):243-251
The life histories of Simulium noelleri Fried. and S. truncatum Ldstr. were studied at a lake-outlet site in Finland. A detailed study was made of the second summer generation of both species and this consisted of a single, synchronized cohort in S. noelleri, and overlapped cohorts in S. truncatum. Larvae of the two species also show differences in their habitat preference: those of S. noelleri predominate on the sluice which marks the beginning of the river, and S. truncatum larvae just downstream from the sluice. In winter, the latter site was dominated by immature individuals of two other species, S. erythrocephalum de Geer and S. equinum L., and these were found downstream from the two ‘lake-outlet’ species during the summer. Adult females of S. noelleri are able to mature a first batch of eggs without taking a blood meal but those of S. truncatum need to feed on blood before eggs can be fully developed. The consequences of these different reproductive strategies on the ecology of individuals of the two species is discussed.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the serranid fish Plectropomus maculatus sampled from inshore waters of the Central Great Barrier Reef was studied based on histological analyses of gonad material. This species was shown to be a monandric protogynous hermaphrodite. The process of sex change foliowed the spawning period observed during September through November. Plectropomus: maculatus showed multiple spawning during this period. Sex change followed the usual protogynous mode with degeneration of ovarian germinal tissue accompanied by proliferation of male germinal tissue in the gonad. The sex structure of the sampled population was analysed based on age and size information. The size and age of first reproduction for females was 30.0cm s. L. and 2 years of age. The size and age of sex-transition was 35.4 cm s. L. and 4.4 years of age. The sex/size and sex/age relationships indicated that sex-change can occur over a broad range of sizes and ages. The sizes and age distributions of males and females P. maculates overlapped over 38% of the length range and over 42% of the maximum age observed.  相似文献   

A comparative morphological analysis of all known members of the Lower-Middle Cambrian genus Kutorgina, one of the brachiopod genera with a carbonate shell that are oldest and richest in species. The evolution of the genus is discussed, and the borders between the Kutorgina species are emended. A new species, Kutorgina elanica sp. nov., is described.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Photoperiodic control of lobster (Homarus) ovipositionranges from none in the European species (H. gammarus) to atwo-phase requirement in some populations of H. americanus.In the inshore population from Massachusetts two to three monthsof shortday photoperiod appear necessary to condition the ovaryfor final vitellogenesis following long-day onset (LDO). Thestimulus of LDO is only effective near the time of molt. Ifmolt follows LDO within 120 days, egg extrusion follows themolt in about 80 days. If LDO follows the molt, extrusion occursin about 125 days. Extrusion delayed in this way delays thefollowing molt, which is also delayed by the retention of eggson the pleopods. In lobsters from Prince Edward Island the photoperiodic responseseen at laboratory temperatures (ca. 14°C) appears to besubordinated to a response to other cues, probably temperature,when females are held on a near-natural temperature regime withwinter minimum of 2°C characteristic of inshore environments.H. americanus from the migratory outer continental shelf populationexperience winter temperatures rarely lower than 8°C andprobably require photoperiodic control to initiate migrationas well as vitellogenesis. The photoperiodic response may haveoriginated in offshore populations during the Pleistocene andspread to more northerly inshore areas as habitat opened afterthe retreat of the continental ice sheet.  相似文献   

Macrocystis pyrifera is an ecologically dominant species along the temperate Northern and Southern Pacific Coast of America, showing some similarities and differences at population and community level. In general, this kelp is reported to be reproductive all year round. Annual populations present in wave-protected areas of southern Chile suggest that the reproductive strategies of this population can be different. In this study we explore the reproductive strategies of annual M. pyrifera present in wave-protected areas and perennial populations encountered in exposed areas of southern Chile (41S). Our results show that M. pyrifera present in wave-exposed locations has a reproductive strategy that is similar to populations in the northern hemisphere. These populations reproduce all year round and their strategy is to produce high numbers of sporophylls and ensure that most of them (over 90%) become sporogenous. On the other hand, the protected populations with an annual life cycle, produce more spores per area of sorus. In a few months, they are able to produce sufficient propagules to recolonize areas before the adult plants disappear in autumn.  相似文献   

A population of the red-tailed phascogale ( Phascogale calura ), a marsupial with a restricted distribution, was studied during a three-year period at a small reserve in the South-Westem Wheatbelt of Western Australia. This species shows a life-history pattern which is typical of many Antechinus species and is characterized by a synchronized winter mating period followed by a complete male post-mating mortality. Mating occurs during a three-week period in July. In the field, males live only 11.5 months while females may live up to 36 months. Females are monoestrous and polyovular and have eight teats which are usually all occupied by pouch young. The production of supernumerary young is common. Pregnant females become aggressive toward the males.
To explain the semelparous life history in this species, an adaptive-stress-senescence hypothesis is proposed. As males enter the mating period they make major physiological adjustments which are beneficial to the success of mating. However, there may be a longer-term cost, that of hormonally accelerated ageing and senescence, which is finally expressed in impairment of feedback control of adrenocortical function.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) is poorly documented because of infrequent captive breeding success and the absence of field studies of this species. Reproductive data were collected from a breeding colony of slow lorises held at the Duke University Primate Center for the past 10 years. Nineteen infants were born, with a sex ratio of 1:1 and a neonatal mortality rate of 15.8%. In all cases, litter size was one. Females born in the colony copulated for the first time between 18 and 24 months of age. A male that reached sexual maturity in the colony sired his first offspring at the age of 17 months. Estrous cycles ranged in duration from 29–45 days, with copulations usually occurring for 1 day of estrus. Gestation length averaged 192.2 days. Although a postpartum estrus was observed in three cases of infant death, no conceptions resulted. Lactation lasted approximately 6 months. A clear birth peak was observed, with 12 out of 19 births occurring in March, April, and May. The comparatively low basal metabolic rate of this species may account for the unusually low reproductive rate of the slow loris in comparison with other prosimian primates.  相似文献   

The walleye ( Stizostedion vitreum ) is a North American mesothermal freshwater teleost that spawns once each year in early spring. Walleye spawn randomly over suitable substrates and do not provide any parental protection for eggs or juveniles. The majority of gonadal recrudescence in adult male walleye occurs in the autumn, and walleye testes contain large numbers of viable spermatozoa from late autumn through the spawning season. Adult female walleye exhibit group synchronous ovarian development, and similar to males, the majority of gonadal development occurs in the autumn. Evidence suggests that 17α,20β-dihydroxyprogesterone is the maturational steroid in this species. Simple environmental manipulations coupled with injections of human chorionic gonadotropin can be used to advance spawning in walleye by up to 12 weeks. To spawn and propagate walleye, hatcheries in North America use a wide range of methods that have been developed to meet the needs and conditions present at specific facilities.  相似文献   

Speciation by host shift is a common phenomenon observed in many symbiotic animals. The symbiont–host interaction is highly dynamic, but it is poorly documented in the marine realm. In the present study, we examined the genetic and morphological differentiation of the coral barnacle Wanella milleporae (obligate to fire corals) collected from four different Millepora host species in Taiwan to investigate the host specificity of this barnacle. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial COI gene for 241 individuals of Wanella revealed five distinct clades, whose sequence divergences are comparable to values between other cogeneric barnacle species. The five clades also differ in shell and opercular plate morphology and colour. Genetic and morphological differentiations together strongly suggest the presence of cryptic species. Although the five clades do not display species-level host specificity, they showed a significant difference in preference on host growth form. Clades 1 and 2 were predominantly found on encrusting Millepora exaesa and Millepora platyphylla , while clades 3, 4 and 5 live exclusively on branching-form fire corals Millepora dichotoma and Millepora tenella . Phylogeny inferred from the combined mitochondrial COI, 16S and 12S (2182 bp) analysis suggests the division of the five clades into two major lineages congruent with the morphology of the host coral. Multiple independent invasions to the same form of host and subsequent speciation are evident in the Red Sea and Taiwan. Our results indicate that ecological/sympatric speciation could occur in marine symbiotic invertebrates through host shift and specialization. It appears that, as in their terrestrial counterparts, host–symbiont radiations in the marine realm are more prevalent than we expected and thus warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Two species of sympatric hermit crab, Diogenes moosai Rahayu & Forest, 1995 and D. lopochir Morgan, 1989, spatially defined in the Matang mangrove estuary, and facing high mortality due to tidal emersion, predation and competition are hypothesised to adopt different reproductive strategies for successful recruitment. The crabs were sampled by a small otter trawl at mid-estuary, river mouth, mudflat and shoal area along the estuary to adjacent coastal area. Diogenes moosai was widespread in the mudflat as well as in the subtidal shoal area where D. lopochir was dominant. Diogenes moosai showed year-round reproduction, whereas D. lopochir a discontinuous spawning pattern. Major reproduction in both species, however, occurred in January/February and July which resulted in two major recruitment pulses in a year. Diogenes moosai also suffered very high mortality resulting from cockle harvesting on the mudflat, twice that of D. lopochir. Our results show that the more widespread species at higher risk of exposure to extreme physical conditions (in the mudflat), predation and competition for shell resources, generally spreads its reproduction over the year, while the dominantly subtidal species at greater risk of predation only reproduces less regularly but at the most favourable period.  相似文献   

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