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RNA synthesis during germination was investigated by labelingpea embryo axes or seedling roots with radioactive uridine oradenosine. The results indicated that all RNA species of pre-rRNAs(ribosomal precursor RNAs), rRNAs, heterodisperse-type RNA and4–5S low molecular weight RNA were synthesized from the6th to 64th hour of the period examined. At the very early stageof germination, some conspicuous labeling of the heterodisperse-typeRNA was observed after pulse-labeling. There was no great differencein the labeling patterns of various RNA species with regardto other later stages. When embryo axes were labeled for 1 hrwith 3H-adenosine from the 16th hour, about 25% of the labeledwhole cell RNA was retained on the membrane filter. The ratioof labeled poly(A)-containing RNA, however, decreased as germinationproceeded. The poly (A)-containing RNA sedimented heterodisperselywith a mean value of about 20S in a sucrose density gradient;this size-distribution did not vary throughout germination. (Received January 16, 1979; )  相似文献   

以小麦和豌豆为材料,研究了UV-C辐射(波长<280 nm)对叶片光合特性及抗氧化酶活性的影响.结果表明: UV-C辐射增强,可使豌豆叶片光合速率减弱,气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率和羧化效率明显降低,而对小麦叶片上述各项指标的影响则是先增加、后降低;在UV-C辐射下,豌豆的CO2补偿点逐渐升高,而小麦的CO2补偿点先降低、后升高.UV-C辐射除了使豌豆的POD活性和小麦的SOD活性逐渐降低外,其他抗氧化酶活性则呈先升高、后降低的变化趋势.小麦对短时间UV-C辐射的抗性比豌豆强,但随着UV-C辐射时间的延长,小麦和豌豆的抗氧化酶活性均降低,光合作用减弱.  相似文献   

Miller CO 《Plant physiology》1972,49(3):310-313
Soybean tissue incubated in liquid media formed daidzin in response to cytokinin when the media contained 0.1 m sucrose but formed another, unidentified compound when the media contained 0.6 m sucrose or mannitol. The cytokinin effect in either setup was detectable only after a lag period of several hours. Addition of possible precursors of the compounds being synthesized or of related compounds did not alter the lag period to any great extent. Trans-cinnamic acid did perhaps shorten it a little as did preincubation of the tissue in the basal medium before the addition of kinetin. Several inhibitors of RNA synthesis substantially reduced the production of daidzin and the other compound. Protein synthesis inhibitors were also effective except that cycloheximide and puromycin actually promoted synthesis of the unknown compound while inhibiting that of daidzin. The results do not give a clear impression as to how the cytokinins are involved in the synthesis of the compounds, but are at least suggestive that cytokinin is involved in RNA or protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Polysome stability and the formation of various polysomal populations in pea stem and root tissue were examined. Both total ribosomal fraction and four polysome populations were isolated: FP (free polysomes), MBP (membrane-bound polysomes), CBP (cytoskeleton-bound polysomes) and CMBP (cytoskeleton-membrane-bound polysomes). The content of above mentioned populations decreased in roots and stems during germination. In both roots and stems a gradual decrease of FP participation in the total polysomal population was also observed during germination. On the other hand, an obvious increase in participation of CMBP population in the total polysomes pool was observed in later stages of germination. Increase of CMBP participation in pea root and stem tissues in later stages of germination is probably due to intensive enzymatic protein synthesis taking place in them. These proteins may participate in elongating growth of cells. The results of investigation on polysomes stability showed that total polysomes isolated from pea roots appeared to be more resistant to digestion by exogenous ribonuclease (EC than polysomes isolated from stems. As protein-mRNA interactions are widely known and ribosomes are also very adhesive structures, numerous non-ribosomal proteins are present in the polysome preparations. We suppose that changes in proteins bound to polysomes indicated by us previously, significantly influence both the stability and also translatability of polysomes isolated from different plant organs.  相似文献   

The phytohormone cytokinin triggers numerous and diverse responses during the plant life cycle via a two-component phosphorelay signalling system. Each step of the signalling cascade is supported by a gene family comprising several members. While functional redundancy is observed among family members, additional gene-specific functions encoded by cis-regulatory and coding sequence of individual family members have been described and contribute to specificity in signalling output. In addition, the cellular context of the signal-receiving cell affects the response triggered. Recent studies in Arabidopsis have demonstrated how expression of cytokinin signalling components predefines a spatiotemporal map of signalling sensitivity, which causes local signal amplification and attenuation. In summary, the specific interpretation of cytokinin signalling is affected by an orchestrated interplay of signalling genes and cellular context.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made of the effects of fusicoccin with those of washing on segments of corn (Zea mays L.) root tissue. Both fusicoccin and washing caused increases in K+(86Rb) influx, net H+ efflux, and electrogenic cell membrane potential, but with no effect on respiration rate. The similarity was most evident with fresh tissue during the initial phases of washing, prior to the developmental changes which augment the anion and general solute transport rates of the tissue. After the development of enhanced transport capacity the proportional response to fusicoccin was much diminished. It is suggested that the fusicoccin-like response to washing may be a manifestation of recovery from injury.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology - Root-specific expression of a cytokinin-degrading CKX gene in maize roots causes formation of a larger root system leading to higher element content in shoot organs. The...  相似文献   

Hydrotropism: root growth responses to water   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The survival of terrestrial plants depends upon the capacity of roots to obtain water and nutrients from the soil. Directed growth of roots in relation to a gradient in moisture is called hydrotropism and begins in the root cap with the sensing of the moisture gradient. Even though the lack of sufficient water is the single-most important factor affecting world agriculture, there are surprisingly few studies on hydrotropism. Recent genetic analysis of hydrotropism in Arabidopsis has provided new insights about the mechanisms that the root cap uses to perceive and respond simultaneously to moisture and gravity signals. This knowledge might enable us to understand how the root cap processes environmental signals that are capable of regulating whole plant growth.  相似文献   

Summary Thein vitro culture ofActinidia deliciosa petioles results in a decline of cytokinin content and an increase of auxin levels. The addition of plant growth regulators (PGRs) to the medium lead to recovery of the initial auxin content, and callus induction occurs at the basal end of the explants. Endogenous auxin/cytokinin ratio was higher at this side than in the apical one, due to unequal distribution of endogenous PGRs in the cultured petioles. Some of the induced calluses showed shoot formation when they were transferred to proliferation medium. Most important differences found in hormonal content between organogenic and non-organogenic callus concerned benzyladenine levels. In this paper the relationships between explant behaviour and their hormonal content is discussed.Abbreviations BM basal medium - BA 6-benzyladenine - CIM callus induction medium - CPM callus proliferation medium - (diH)Z dihydrozeatin - DW dry weight - ELISA enzyme linked immunoassay - FW fresh weight - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - iP N6-(2-isopentenyl)adenine - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - PBS phosphate buffer - PGR plant growth regulator - (diH)[9R]Z 9--D-ribofuranosyl-(diH) - [9R]iP 9--Dribofuranosyl-iP - [9R]Z 9--D-ribofuranosylzeatin - TBS trishydroxymethyl-aminomethane buffer - Z zeatin  相似文献   

The effects of Zn deficiency on antioxidant responses of two pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes, a Zn-efficient IPFD-99-13 and Zn-inefficient KPMR-500, grown in sand culture were studied. In the pea genotype KPMR-500, Zn deficiency decreased dry matter yield, tissue Zn concentration, and antioxidant enzyme activities istronger than in the genotype IPFD-99-13. Genotype IPFD-99-13 developed more efficient antioxidant system to scavenge ROS than genotype KPMR-500. Zinc deficiency produced oxidative damage to pea genotypes due to enhanced accumulation of TBARS and H2O2 and decreased activities of antioxidant enzymes (Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), and ascorbate peroxidase (APX)). In the leaves of IPFD-99-13 genotype, the higher activity of ROS-scavenging enzyme, e.g., SOD, CAT, POD, and glutathione reductase, and antioxidants, such as ascorbate and non-protein thiols, led to the lower accumulation of H2O2 and lipid peroxides. These results suggest that, by maintaining an efficient antioxidant defense system, the IPFD-99-13 genotype shows a lower sensivity to Zn deficiency than the KPMR-500 genotype.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of cytokinins was examined in pea (Pisum sativum L.) plant organs and carrot (Daucus carota L.) root tissues. When pea roots, stems, and leaves were grown separately for three weeks on a culture medium containing [8-14C]adenine without an exogenous supply of cytokinin and auxin, radioactive cytokinins were synthesized by each of these organs. Incubation of carrot root cambium and noncambium tissues for three days in a liquid culture medium containing [8-14C]adenine without cytokinin demonstrates that radioactive cytokinins were synthesized in the cambium but not in the noncambium tissue preparation. The radioactive cytokinins extracted from each of these tissues were analyzed by Sephadex LH-20 columns, reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography, paper chromatography in various solvent systems, and paper electrophoresis. The main species of cytokinins detectable by these methods are N6-(Δ2-isopentyl_adenine-5′-monophosphate, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenyl-amino)-9-β-ribofuranosylpurine-5′- monophosphate, N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)adenosine, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-9-β-ribofuranosylpurine, N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)adenine, and 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)purine. On the basis of the amounts of cytokinin synthesized per gram fresh tissues, these results indicate that the root is the major site, but not the only site, of cytokinin biosynthesis. Furthermore, cambium and possibly all actively dividing tissues are responsible for the synthesis of this group of plant hormones.  相似文献   

The herbicides chlorsulfuron and clopyralid were taken up rapidly by excised pea root tissue and accumulated in the tissue to concentrations ten and four times those in the external medium, respectively. Uptake was related linearly to external herbicide concentration over a wide concentration range, implying that transport across the membrane is by nonfacilitated diffusion. Uptake of both compounds was influenced by pH, with greatest uptake at low pH. The pH dependence of uptake suggests that the herbicides (both of which are weak acids) are transported across the plasma membrane in the undissociated form, and accumulate in the cytoplasm by an ion trap mechanism. Most of the absorbed herbicide effluxed from the tissue when it was transferred to herbicide-free buffer, indicating that the accumulation was not due to irreversible binding. Consequently, both herbicides remain available for transfer to the phloem. These results can explain the high reported phloem mobility of clopyralid in intact plants. The low phloem mobility of chlorsulfuron must be accounted for by factors that override its ability to accumulate in the symplast.  相似文献   

A comparative study of RNA metabolism as an indicator of major changes of tissue organization, cell number, and physiology in the two developmentally and cytologically distinct parts of the bean embryo, the organogenetic part and the suspensor, was carried out. The metabolism of RNA was determined separately for these two parts of embryos removed aseptically from seeds at different times during embryogeny and incubated in culture medium containing 3H-adenosine. Equilibration of ATP in the nucleotide pool, ATP pool size and specific activity, total RNA content, rate of RNA synthesis in culture, rate of RNA synthesis and specific activity during embryogeny, and total protein content were determined. Synthetic activity of the suspensor was highest early in development and then declined, whereas synthetic activity of the organogenetic part increased throughout development. These changes may reflect developmental and functional differences in the two parts of the embryo.  相似文献   

Isogenic lines of pea (Pisum sativum L.) with the genetically determined changes in leaf morphology, afila (af) and tendril-less (tl), were used to study the relationship between shoot and root growth rates. The time-course of shoot and root growth was followed during the pre-floral period in the intact plants grown under similar conditions. The af mutation produced afila leaves without leaflets, whereas in the case of the tl mutations, tendrils were substituted with leaflets, and acacia-like leaves were developed. Due to the changes in leaf morphology caused by these mutations, pea genotypes differed in leaf area: starting from day 7, the leaf area was lower in the af plants and larger in the tl plants as compared to the wild-type plants. Such divergence was amplified in the course of plant development and reached its maximum immediately before the transition to flowering. Plants of isogenic lines did not notably differ in stem surface areas. In spite of significant difference in total leaf area, the wild type and tl plants did not differ in leaf dry weight. Starting from leaf 9, the af plants lagged behind two leaflet-bearing genotypes (wild type and tl) in leaf dry weight, whereas stem dry weight was similar in the wild type and tl forms and slightly lower in the af plants. Root dry weights were practically similar in the wild type and tl plants until flowering. The reduction of leaf area in the af plants drastically reduced root dry weight. In other words, the latter index was related to the total weight and total area of leaves and stems. The correlation analysis demonstrated an extremely low relationship between leaf and stem area and dry weight and those of roots early in plant development (when plants develop five to seven leaves). Later, immediately before flowering (nine to eleven leaves), root weight was positively related to leaf weight and area; however, stem area and root weight did not correlate. Thus, in three genotypes (wild type, af, and tl), at the end of their vegetative growth phase, leaf and root biomass accumulated in proportion, independently of leaf area expansion.  相似文献   

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