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A K Bej  M H Perlin 《Gene》1991,98(1):135-140
Plasmid pUCH1 is a 5.2-kb pUC18 construct bearing the hygB gene fused to a promoter from Cochliobolus heterostrophus. Haploid cells of the basidiomycete, Ustilago violacea, were transformed with this plasmid. In addition to multiple integrations of plasmid sequences into U. violacea nuclear DNA, vector sequences independent of the nuclear genome were indicated by Southern-blot analysis using all or part of pUCH1 as a probe. Hybridization also revealed intact pUCH1 and several larger derivatives in satellite bands from CsCl-bis-benzamide gradients of whole cellular DNA and in DNA from purified mitochondria [mitochondrial (mt) DNA preparations] of transformed U. violacea; circular DNAs consistent with the sizes of DNAs in these satellite bands were seen in electron microscope analyses of the same mt DNA preparations as well. The plasmids could be detected in mt DNA preparations even after 30 generations of transformant growth under selective pressure. Transformation of Escherichia coli by these mt DNA preparations produced bacterial transformants bearing intact pUCH1, as well as several pUCH1 derivatives, including pUCH2, an approx. 8.0-kb plasmid. A 2.5-kb EcoRI fragment from pUCH2 showed only weak hybridization with pUCH1. This unique fragment did hybridize strongly with mt DNA from untransformed U. violacea. This derivative thus appears to have acquired mt sequences from U. violacea.  相似文献   

A transformation vector, pLS-hph, was constructed with the promoter and terminator of the glyceraidehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) gene derived from an ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete, Lyophyllum shimeji, and with the hygromycin B (HmB) phosphotransferase (hph) gene from Escherichia coli. This vector was introduced into protoplasts of L. shimeji and 3.4 transformants per microg plasmid DNA were obtained. In most of the transformants, multiple copies of the vector were integrated into the genomic DNA. The results indicate that pLS-hph is a useful vector for L. shimeji.  相似文献   

Trametes versicolor, a white-rot basidiomycete, degrades cellulose and lignin as well as many recalcitrant chemicals. There have been many reports about the cloning of laccase and peroxidase genes of T. versicolor which are involved in lignin degradation. In order to analyze a gene function and introduce foreign genes into an organism, genetic transformation is required. Here we have successfully transformed T. versicolor to hygromycin B resistance using pAN 7-1 plasmid by restriction enzyme mediated integration and have obtained many mutants in peroxidase activity and growing patterns. The transformation frequency was 25-50 transformants (microg plasmid DNA)(-1). The transformants were quite stable after 10 consecutive transfers in non-selectable medium.  相似文献   

During feed-batch cultivation of the white-rot fungus Panus tigrinus in a 5-l bioreactor on N-limited medium, 100, 200, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 mg 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (2,4,6-TCP) l–1 were added sequentially after 90% removal of the previous portion of the toxicant. The addition of 500 mg 2,4,6-TCP l–1 without preliminary adaptation killed the culture. The addition of 300 mg 2,4,6-TCP l–1 without prior adaptation resulted in its slower removal than removal of 2,000 mg 2,4,6-TCP l–1 by this adapted culture. After adaptation of P. tigrinus to 2,4,6-TCP in a 72-l bioreactor, the mixture of 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,4,6-TCP, and pentachlorophenol, each at 500 mg l–1, was totally removed over 3 weeks. No lignin peroxidase activity was found in the course of cultivation of the fungus. Laccase activity was suppressed by addition of 2,4,6-TCP. Mn-peroxidase was found to be responsible for transformation of the chlorophenols. As final products of the process, several newly formed aromatic polymers, both chlorinated and non-chlorinated, were found in the culture liquid. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Abstract A procedure for isolation of genomic DNA from the zygomycete Cunninghamella elegans and other filamentous fungi and yeasts is reported. This procedure involves disruption of cells by grinding using dry ice, removal of polysaccharides using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and by phenol extractions, and precipitation of DNA with isopropanol at room temperature. The isolation method produced large scale (approximate 1 mg DNA/5 g wet cells) and highly purified high molecular mass DNA. Sau 3AI partially digested DNA showed high transformation efficiency (106 / 100ng DNA) when ligated to ZAP-express λ vector.  相似文献   

A stable extrachromosomally maintained transformation vector (pG12-1) for the lignin-degrading filamentous fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium is described. The vector is 6.3 kb and contains a Kanr marker, pBR322 ori, and a 2.2-kb fragment (ME-1) derived from an endogenous extrachromosomal DNA element of P. chrysosporium. Vector pG12-1 was able to transform P. chrysosporium to G418 resistance and was readily and consistently recoverable from the total DNA of transformants via Escherichia coli transformation. Southern blot analyses indicated that pG12-1 is maintained at a low copy number in the fungal transformants. The vector is demonstrable in the total DNA of individual G418-resistant basidiospore progeny of the transformants only after amplification by polymerase chain reaction. Exonuclease III and dam methylation analyses, respectively, indicated that pG12-I undergoes replication in P. chrysosporium and that it is maintained extrachromosomally in a circular form. The vector is stably maintained in the transformants even after long-term nonselective growth. There is no evidence for integration of the vector into the chromosome at any stage.  相似文献   

农杆菌介导的高效玉米遗传转化体系的建立   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
魏开发 《遗传》2009,31(11):1158-1170
为了建立玉米高频再生及高效遗传转化体系, 对影响玉米胚性愈伤组织诱导的11个因素及影响胚性愈伤分化的9个因素用正交实验方法进行研究。结果显示, 基因型对胚性愈伤诱导有极显著影响。6-BA、培养基、AgNO3、2,4-D、ABA对胚性愈伤诱导的影响达到显著水平。多重比较分析显示ABA 2 mg/L每间隔1代添加对胚性愈伤诱导率有显著影响。在影响分化的因素中, 基因型和6-BA浓度表现出极强的主效应, NAA、培养基、KT、2,4-D对分化产生显著影响。Southern blotting 分析表明, 25 mg/L潮霉素选择压下抗性愈伤率作为转化体系优化指标是可靠的。在影响转化效率的因素中, acetosyringone (AS)使用浓度因基因型不同而表现出敏感度差异, 共培养温度24~25℃、农杆菌浓度和浸泡时间0.7 OD×15 min, 以及pH值5.5~6.2是最高转化率的优选组合。在整合后的玉米遗传转化体系中, 黄早4和综31自交系以抗性愈伤率为指标的GUS基因稳定转化率分别达到48.6%和46.2%。  相似文献   

Lin YJ  Zhang Q 《Plant cell reports》2005,23(8):540-547
Establishment of high efficiency Agrobacterium-mediated transformation techniques has greatly accelerated the widespread application of transformation in japonica rice. However, transformation in indica rice remains difficult. In this study, we identify two new media for subculture and differentiation, the two major steps in the tissue culture process for transformation. These media were tested using four cultivars representing very different germplasms of indica rice. The results show that the new media significantly improved the growth rate and quality of the calli, and also increased the differentiation rate for all four cultivars tested. Use of these modified media in transformation experiments also greatly improved the transformation efficiency of all four indica cultivars.  相似文献   

为了建立适合米根霉的遗传转化体系,应用重叠延伸PCR的方法构建了以潮霉素B抗性为选择标记的单交换整合型表达载体p BS-hygro-ldh A;分别采用PEG/Ca Cl2介导的原生质体转化、原生质体电转化及萌发孢子电转化的方法将表达载体p BS-hygro-ldh A转化入米根霉AS 3.819菌株中,并研究了菌丝酶解时间、孢子萌发时间以及电转化电场强度对于转化效率的影响;通过荧光定量PCR(q PCR)对米根霉转化子基因组中质粒整合拷贝数进行了检测,并研究了其对米根霉转化子抗性稳定性的影响。实验结果表明成功获得整合了表达载体p BS-hygro-ldh A的米根霉转化子。菌丝酶解140 min产生的原生质体其再生率和转化率最高,原生质体电转化最佳电场强度为13 k V/cm,孢子萌发2.5 h转化率最高,萌发孢子电转化最佳电场强度为14 k V/cm。萌发孢子电转化方法转化率要高于原生质体转化的方法。荧光定量PCR检测结果表明,在一定范围内,高质粒整合拷贝数的米根霉转化子比较稳定。研究建立了用于工业米根霉菌株的遗传转化体系,为米根霉代谢调控研究以及菌种改造工作提供了基础与支持。  相似文献   

Smut is a major disease of sugarcane caused by Ustilago scitaminea. Germination of fungal teliospores is achieved on the internode surface of plants, and it is followed by the formation of appressoria. A primary response of sugarcane plants to the infection seems to be the production of several glycoproteins, defined as mid-molecular mass (MMMG) or high molecular mass (HMMG) macromolecules. Teliospore germination in the presence of both MMMG and HMMG decreased about 50% following 5 h of teliospore contact with glycoproteins. This may be related to the ability of glycoproteins to produce cytoagglutination. Binding of fluorescein-labelled glycoproteins was studied by fluorescence microscopy, showing that staining of cells was not uniform, but mainly in the contact zone between two individual teliospores when aggregated. HMMG was composed of only one fraction that was completely retained by smut teliospores, whereas three of the five different glycoproteins occurring in the MMMG fraction were retained by teliospore cell walls. Moreover, a unique application of salicylic acid, naturally produced by sugarcane stalks after experimental fungal infection, enhanced the production of both glycoprotein pools. A hypothesis about the role of both HMMG and MMMG as defence glycoproteins is discussed.  相似文献   

In unbudded cells of the anther smut fungus Ustilago violacea there is a dome-shaped spindle-pole body (SPB) consisting of a core 0.1 mum in diameter surrounded by a ribosome-free region 0.3-0.4 mum in diameter lying in a pocket of the nuclear membrane. After budding the nucleus moves towards the bud and begins to rotate rapidly. At about this stage the SPB divides into two parallel bars each about 0.1-0.15 mum in diameter and 0.3 mum long, separated by a distance of about 0.3 mum. Microtubules associated with the nuclear membrane but not with the SPB are present at the time of nuclear rotation. These microtubules disappear when rotation stops. Microtubules attached to the SPB are found during migration of the chromatinic portion of the nucleus into the bud cell. These microtubules disappear when migration stops and the nuclear membrand begins to break down. The twin SPB bars appear to move into the nucleus through a break in the membrane and begin to move apart forming a spindle about 1 mum long. Chromosomal microtubules (one per kinetochore) were found in several serial sections, and in addition there appeared to be several continuous microtubules present. The separation of the two chromatinic masses appeared to result from elongation of the continuous microtubules to about 3 mum long. Cytoplasmic microtubules and spindle microtubules were both found attached to the SPB as it elongated and one nucleus returned to the mother cell. The paper concludes with a discussion of the SPB as a multifuncitonal control center affecting nuclear migration, spindle formation, membrane breakdown and synthesis, karyogamy, conjugation, budding, chromosomal movement, replication, and disjunction.  相似文献   

Development of a transformation system in the n-alkane-assimilating diploid yeast Candida tropicalis requires an antibiotic resistance gene in order to establish a selectable marker. The resistance gene for hygromycin B has often been used as a selectable marker in yeast transformation. However, C. tropicalis harboring the hygromycin resistance gene (HYG) was as sensitive to hygromycin B as the wild-type strain. Nine CTG codons were found in the ORF of the HYG gene. This codon has been reported to be translated as serine rather than leucine in Candida species. Analysis of the tRNA gene in C. tropicalis with the anticodon CAG [tRNA(CAG) gene], which is complementary to the codon CTG, showed that the sequence was highly similar to that of the C. maltosa tRNA(CAG) gene. In C. maltosa, the codon CTG is read as serine and not leucine. These results suggested that the HYG gene was not functional due to the nonuniversal usage of the CTG codon. Each of the nine CTG codons in the ORF of the HYG gene was changed to a CTC codon, which is read as leucine, by site-directed mutagenesis. When a plasmid containing the mutated HYG gene (HYG#) was constructed and introduced into C. tropicalis, hygromycin-resistant transformants were successfully obtained. This mutated hygromycin resistance gene may be useful for direct selection of C. tropicalis transformants.  相似文献   

T Randall  C A Reddy 《Gene》1991,103(1):125-130
In this study, a lignin peroxidase-encoding gene (LIP) of Phanerochaete chrysosporium was disrupted by inserting into its coding region the kanamycin-resistance determinant from Tn903. The resulting recombinant plasmid, pUGLG1: kan, was transformed into P. chrysosporium with the expectation that the disrupted gene might replace the homologous LIP gene in the chromosome. However, the results showed that pUGLG1: kan sequences do not integrate into the chromosome; instead, the plasmid is maintained intact in the transformants in an extrachromosomal state. Our data also show that pUGLG1: kan undergoes replication in P. chrysosporium, is maintained as a circular element, is recoverable from meiotic and mitotic progeny, although at a low frequency, and can be recovered intact by Escherichia coli transformation. These results suggest that the GLG1 component of pUGLG1: kan contains as yet unidentified sequences that allow its autonomous replication in P. chrysosporium transformants.  相似文献   

We have identified an open reading frame and DNA element that are sufficient to maintain shuttle vectors in Methanococcus maripaludis. Strain S0001, containing ORF1 from pURB500 integrated into the M. maripaludis genome, supports a significantly smaller shuttle vector, pAW42, and a 7,000-fold increase in transformation efficiency for pURB500-based vectors.  相似文献   

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