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Calculating the required sample size for a desired power at a given type I error level, we often assume that we know the exact time of all subject responses whenever they occur during our study period. It is very common, however, in practice that we only monitor subjects periodically and, therefore, we know only whether responses occur or not during an interval. This paper includes a quantitative discussion of the effect resulting from data grouping or interval censoring on the required sample size when we have two treatment groups. Furthermore, with the goal of exploring the optimum in the number of subjects, the number of examinations per subject for test responses, and the total length of a study time period, this paper also provides a general guideline about how to determine these to minimize the total cost of a study for a desired power at a given α-level. A specified linear cost function that incorporates the costs of obtaining subjects, periodic examinations for test responses of subjects, and the total length of a study period, is assumed, primarily for illustrative purpose.  相似文献   

Summary A novel anaerobic hybrid reactor (AHR) configuration incorporating floating support media for biomass immobilization and biogas recirculation for enhanced mixing was used for anaerobic digestion of dairy manure. No pretreatment or solid liquid separation was applied. The reactor was operated at high influent volatile solids (VS) and organic loading rates (OLR) of up to 9.87% and 7.30 g VS/l day, respectively. After 149 days of continuous operation the results revealed that a high amount (38.1 g VSS) of biomass was able to attach itself to the support medium being used. The investigated AHR configuration achieved COD, BOD, TS, and VS removal efficiencies of 48–63, 64–78, 55–65, and 59–68%, respectively, at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 15 days. The corresponding average methane production value obtained in this study was 0.191 l/g VS added.  相似文献   

Peridinin-pigmented dinoflagellates contain secondary plastids that seem to have undergone more nearly complete plastid genome reduction than other eukaryotes. Many typically plastid-encoded genes appear to have been transferred to the nucleus, with a few remaining genes found on minicircles. To understand better the evolution of the dinoflagellate plastid, four categories of plastid-associated genes in dinoflagellates were defined based on their history of transfer and evaluated for rate of sequence evolution, including minicircle genes (presumably plastid-encoded), genes probably transferred from the plastid to the nucleus (plastid-transferred), and genes that were likely acquired directly from the nucleus of the previous plastid host (nuclear-transferred). The fourth category, lateral-transferred genes, are plastid-associated genes that do not appear to have a cyanobacterial origin. The evolutionary rates of these gene categories were compared using relative rate tests and likelihood ratio tests. For comparison with other secondary plastid-containing organisms, rates were calculated for the homologous sequences from the haptophyte Emiliania huxleyi. The evolutionary rate of minicircle and plastid-transferred genes in the dinoflagellate was strikingly higher than that of nuclear-transferred and lateral-transferred genes and, also, substantially higher than that of all plastid-associated genes in the haptophyte. Plastid-transferred genes in the dinoflagellate had an accelerated rate of evolution that was variable but, in most cases, not as extreme as the minicircle genes. Furthermore, the nuclear-transferred and lateral-transferred genes showed rates of evolution that are similar to those of other taxa. Thus, nucleus-to-nucleus transferred genes have a more typical rate of sequence evolution, while those whose history was wholly or partially within the dinoflagellate plastid genome have a markedly accelerated rate of evolution. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Debashish Battacharya]  相似文献   

Intra- and interspecific competition for food is one of the main factors governing zooplankton community structure and the evolution of the life history of herbivorous zooplankters. Competitive advantage considered as the ability of a whole population or some developmental stages to survive at low food concentrations is related to individual growth rate rather than to the body size of zooplankters as the “size-efficiency hypothesis” postulates. The slow-growing individuals have been shown to have the most competitive advantage. The outcome of competition among cladoceran species in predator-free waterbodies depends on the trophic status of the latter. In oligo-trophic and mesotrophic waterbodies, small slow-growing cladocerans are the superior competitors, while large rapid-growing species dominate in eutrophic waters and can outcompete the small cladocerans. Small rapid-growing species, which are poor competitors, can temporarily colonize eutrophic waterbodies. Three main types of cladoceran life history represent the compromises between low population mortality during periods of food depletion and high population natality at the abundance of food.  相似文献   

考虑了具有周期传染率的SIR流行病模型,定义了基本再生数^-R0=β/(μ+γ),分析了该模型的动力学性态,证明了当^-R0〈1时无病平衡点是全局稳定的;^-R0〉1时,无病平衡点是不稳定的,模型至少存在一个周期解。对小振幅的周期传染率模型,给出了模型周期解的近似表达式,证明了该周期解的稳定性,最后做了数值模拟,结果显示周期解可能是全局稳定的。  相似文献   

本文对一类食饵种群具有常数收获率的Kolmogolov系统进行了非线性分析,研究了 系统平衡点的性态,在较宽的条件下证明了系统不存在闭轨线;并获得了系统存在两个极限环的条件。  相似文献   

Heart rate (HR) was continuously monitored during successive 24-hr periods in 19 healthy subjects and 26 major depressed patients (DSM III-R). Recordings were performed after a 2-week wash-out period and the morningness or eveningness typology of each subject was determined. The chronobiological parameters and rhythm percentage (RP) were calculated by the single cosinor method from the smoothed HR curves of each subject. In normal subjects, HR follows a circadian rhythm (RP > 65%) with the lowest values at night. Morning type subjects have an earlier peak time (13:30) than evening type subjects (17:30). Major depressive patients were split into two groups; in the first one HR circadian rhythm was still present (RP > 63%) with a decrease in amplitude (24%) while in the second group, no circadian rhythm of HR could be detected (RP < 25%, decrease in amplitude > 70%). In the group of patients with a persisting HK circadian rhythm, no veritable phase advance was observed. Our results suggest that circadian HR rhythm, which can be easily studied with non-invasive methods, might represent a chronobiological marker of some depressions. Given the lag that exists between the rhythms of morning type and evening type subjects, our study also stresses the importance of taking into account this behavioural trait in chronobiological studies.  相似文献   

The coat protein complex II (COPII) generates transport carriers from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) under the control of the small GTPase Sar1. Sec23 is well known as a structural component of the COPII coat and as a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Sar1. Here, we showed that Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a novel Sec23 paralog, Nel1, which appears not to function as a subunit of the COPII coat. Nel1 does not associate with any of the COPII components, but it exhibits strong Sar1 GAP activity. We also demonstrated that the chromosomal deletion of NEL1 leads to a significant growth defect in the temperature-sensitive sar1D32G background, suggesting a possible functional link between these proteins. In contrast to Sec23, which is predominantly localized at ER exit sites on the ER membrane, a major proportion of Nel1 is localized throughout the cytosol. Our findings highlight a possible role of Nel1 as a novel GAP for Sar1.  相似文献   

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