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通过体内外基因重组,将大肠杆菌粘附因子cs3基因定位整合到痢疾杆菌福氏2a疫苗株T32菌染色体的asd基因内,使asd基因灭活;将来内O抗原基因克隆至无抗药性表达载体pXL378,获得重组质粒pXL390,将其转化asd-的T32受体菌,构建成福氏2a和宋内双价苗苗株FS01。实验表明:重组质粒pXL390在不带任何抗菌素基因的情况下,在asd-的T32受体菌内是稳定的。FS01株遗传稳定,能表达两种痢疾菌的PLS-O抗原,无明显毒性作用。动物试验表明,以FS01株皮下免疫的小鼠对福氏2a和宋内有毒株的腹腔攻击有100%的保护。  相似文献   

利用宿主-载体平衡致死系统构建志贺氏菌3价疫苗候选株   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择福氏2a志贺氏菌疫苗株T32为受体菌,通过基因同源重组交换技术,对其染色体asd基因进行定位突变,使之不能在LB培基上生长;同时利用链球菌asd基因构建Asd+的无抗药性互补载体,两者组成1套T32宿主载体平衡致死系统.进一步应用该系统克隆和表达了具有重要免疫保护功能的宋内I相O抗原基因和志贺氏毒素B亚单位基因(stxB),构建成福氏2a-宋内-StxB3价菌苗候选株FSD0l.结果显示:该菌株遗传稳定,重组质粒不需用抗生素选择,能有效表达3价抗原和产生针对上述3种野生型毒株的免疫保护反应.  相似文献   

福氏2a志贺氏菌△aroA突变减毒株的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
志贺氏菌芳香族氨基酸合成酶基因缺陷能够使菌体明显减毒,并有可能成为新一代痢疾疫苗.用PCR技术从野生型福氏2a志贺氏菌2457T中克隆出aroA基因,在体外进行精确的缺失突变,并通过体内同源重组,构建成△aroA突变体RS426.实验结果表明,这种突变体仍保持了侵袭能力和保护性O抗原的表达,但其毒力已明显降低,不能产生豚鼠角结膜炎,小鼠半数致死量明显提高.免疫保护试验显示,RS426可在小鼠中产生对福氏2a野生菌100%的保护作用.  相似文献   

痢疾基因工程三价菌苗候选株的构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过DNA体内外同源重组, 用霍乱毒素B亚单位基因(ctxB)完全取代了福氏志贺氏2a T32株染色体上的asd基因, 获得了稳定表达CtxB的DAP依赖株FWL01. 随后, 用T32株的asd基因标记志贺氏宋内S7株的Ⅰ相大质粒, 并将其诱动至FWL01, 构成三价菌苗候选株FSW01. 在该菌苗候选株中, 表达宋内Ⅰ相O抗原的大质粒与宿主菌是平衡致死的. 因此, 该候选株在没有任何抗生素存在情况下, 能稳定地表达福氏 2a, 宋内O抗原和CtxB. 豚鼠眼角膜试验和HeLa细胞侵袭试验证明FSW01无毒, 家兔免疫试验证实了其有很好的免疫原性. 小鼠和猴体免疫保护试验显示该候选株对相应的有毒株攻击具有很好的保护效果.  相似文献   

本文测试了经三剂(共1×1011cfu)FS双价活菌苗口服免疫的163名中学生免前及免后1、3和6个月时特异性sIgA粪抗体水平。结果发现,服苗后半年内,分别有71%和77.9%的免疫人群特异性抗福氏2a和抗宋内氏sIgA有四倍以上升高,且有82.9%的人群粪便中,两种抗体的应答状况表现一致,说明该菌苗具有良好的免疫原性,并具有双价菌苗的免疫学特性。  相似文献   

FS54是本室构建的宋内氏福氏2a双价志贺氏菌杂交株,有与志贺氏菌毒株相同的毒力。本研究通过遗传重组技术,给FS54株引入了aroD基因的转座子Tn10插入失活物(aroD∶∶Tn10),构建了FS54株的芳香族氨基酸营养缺陷型减毒株,并进一步去除了Tn10所携带的四环素抗性和宋内氏Ⅰ相大质粒(pSS120∶∶Tn5)上Tn5所携带的卡那霉素抗性,得到了宋内氏福氏2a双价志贺氏菌芳香族氨基酸营养缺陷型减毒株FS54—7b。  相似文献   

痢疾福氏2a asd基因的克隆及其序列分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文根据大肠杆菌(E.coli)K12asd基因两侧序列设计了一对引物,用全菌PCR扩增了福氏2a T32株的asd基因及其两侧序列。对PCR产物的初步结果表明,在asd基因两端存在BamH I位点。为了防止由PCR扩增带来的差错,我们又从福氏2a T32株染色体中克隆了全长的asd基因。序列分析了结果表明,福氏2aT32株asd基因的序列与E.coli K12的完全一致,全长1680bp,其两侧  相似文献   

弗氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株yciD基因缺失突变株的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:构建弗氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株yciD基因缺失突变体,以研究yciD基因的功能。方法:根据弗氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株基因组全序列,采用Red重组系统对yciD基因进行缺失,并经PCR和SDS-PAGE证实;对野生株和突变株的生长状态及生化反应进行比较研究。结果:构建了弗氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株的yciD基因缺失突变株2457TΔyciD,该突变株外膜蛋白样品中缺失了一条相对分子质量与从yciD基因推导的蛋白相当(约22000)的蛋白带。该突变株比野生株生长快,利用葡萄糖和甘露醇的能力也比野生株大为增强。结论:获得了弗氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株的yciD基因缺失突变株。  相似文献   

志贺氏痢疾是我国常见病、多发病。根据我国主要流行型别特点,构建f侵袭表型阳性的福氏人来内氏双价痢疾菌苗。2株议价菌苗候选株生物表型及其稳定性研究结果:(1)O抗原表达,候选株能良好表达福氏Za及来内氏双价0抗原,用针对保护性表位单抗2E6及SSD3所做的FAS表明,福氏Za抗原表达为亲株FS-15的86.8%一121.0%,来内氏为兀.4%~119.0%;经液体传代20代后,双价O抗原表达稳定率均在95%以上。(2)IPa表达,WesTen1Dlot结果表明,候选株能表达侵袭相关蛋白IPaA、IPaB、IPaC、IPaD,经液体连续传20代后,侵袭蛋白的…  相似文献   

将含有编码Vi抗原ViaB基因片断的质粒转导进入宋内氏痢疾菌无毒株S7中,组建了重组菌株S7Vi。质粒电泳图谱显示重组菌株S7Vi中存在被转入的外源质粒带。重组株的生化特性没有改变。菌体凝集及Vi抗血清标记的SPA菌液凝集反应证明在重组株的菌体表面,同时表达了Vi抗原和宋内氏毒菌的O抗原。以5×10~8CFU、10×10~8CFU的重组株免疫近交系的LIBP小鼠,免疫小鼠对宋内氏毒株S63攻击的保护率为60%至90%,对伤寒毒株Ty2攻击的保护率为25%至40%。  相似文献   

Shigella flexneri causes more fatalities by shigellosis than any other Shigella species. There are 13 different serotypes of S. flexneri and their distribution varies between endemic geographical regions. The immune response against S. flexneri is serotype-specific, so current immunization strategies have required the administration of multiple vaccine strains to provide protection against multiple serotypes. In this study, we report the construction of a multivalent S. flexneri vaccine strain, SFL1425, expressing the O-antigen structure specific for serotypes 2a and 5a. This combination of type antigens has not previously been reported for S. flexneri. The multivalent vaccine strain, SFL1425 was able to induce a specific immune response against both serotypes 2a and 5a in a mouse pulmonary model.  相似文献   

目的:构建福氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株argT基因缺失突变体和ArgT蛋白非降解突变体,以进行后续ArgT功能研究。方法:根据福氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株基因组全序列,采用λ-Red重组系统对argT基因进行缺失,并经PCR验证;采用定点突变的方法构建ArgT非降解株,并经SDS-PAGE验证;对野生株、argT缺失突变株和ArgT非降解突变株37℃时的生长曲线及生化反应进行比较研究。结果:构建了2457T的argT缺失突变株和ArgT非降解突变株;2种突变株初始生长均较慢,但最终和野生株状态一致;2种突变株利用甘露醇的能力都比野生株强,而利用葡萄糖的能力降低。结论:获得了福氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株argT基因缺失突变体和ArgT蛋白非降解突变体。  相似文献   

弗氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株YciD蛋白的融合表达和纯化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:原核表达重组弗氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株YciD蛋白,为其功能研究奠定基础。方法:用PCR方法从弗氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株染色体中扩增YciD蛋白编码序列,经过纯化、酶切后克隆到原核表达载体pET32a中,构建重组载体pET32a-yciD,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)菌株获得工程菌株,对其表达和纯化条件进行优化;利用Western Blot检测融合蛋白的表达。结果:构建了YciD蛋白的融合表达载体,并在大肠杆菌中获得高效表达;经Ni-NTA亲和层析柱纯化获得了高纯度的YciD蛋白;Western Blot表明,此蛋白可与His标签抗体反应,表明获得了目的蛋白。结论:在原核表达系统中表达、纯化弗氏2a志贺氏菌2457T株YciD蛋白,为进一步对其进行功能研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

To develop a prophylactic recombinant HPV58L1-attenuated Shigella live vector vaccine and evaluate its protective efficacy and immunogenicity in the guinea pig keratoconjunctivitis model, the HPV58L1 gene was cloned into vector pUCmt, and then subcloned into the suicide vector pCVD442. The recombinant plasmid pCVD442-HPV58L1 was introduced into attenuated Shigella (sf301:AvirG) with the helper plasmid PRK2013 by filter mating. The positive colonies were harvested and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. The expression of the HPV58L1 protein with a molecular weight of 60 kDa was confirmed by western blot. The ability of the interested protein to self-assemble into virus-like particles was identified by transmission electron microscope, and murine erythrocyte hemagglutination assay. The guinea pig keratoconjunctivitis model was used to evaluate the protective efficacy and immunogenicity of the vaccine. Animal experiments showed that there was no keratoconjunctivitis occurred in the immunized group (HPV58-attenuated Shigella), and the serum levels of anti-HPV58Ll-IgG and -IgA were obviously increased (P 〈 0.05), but the anti-sf301 LPS-IgG just slightly increased (P〉 0.05). Enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot assay showed that HPV58Ll-specific IgA-antibody-secreting cells (ASC) and IgG-ASC of spleen and lymph nodes were also obviously increased (P 〈 0.01). In this study, a recombi- nant HPV58Ll-attenuated Shigella live vector vaccine was successfully constructed, and it could induce strong humoral immune responses in the immunized animals, and induce protective antibody production.  相似文献   

The pH response of Shigella flexneri 2a 301 was identified by gene expression profiling. Gene expression profiles of cells grown in pH 4.5 or 8.6 were compared with the profiles of cells grown at pH 7.0. Differential expression was observed for 307 genes: 97 were acid up-regulated, 102 were acid down-regulated, 91 were base up-regulated, and 86 were base down-regulated. Twenty-seven genes were found to be both acid and base up-regulated, and 29 genes were both acid and base down-regulated. This study showed that (1) the most pH-dependent genes regulate energy metabolism; (2) the RpoS-dependent acid-resistance system is induced, while the glutamate-dependent acid resistance system is not; (3) high pH up-regulates some virulence genes, while low pH down-regulates them, consistent with Shigella infection of the low gut; and (4) several cross-stress response genes are induced by pH changes. These results also illustrate that many unknown genes are significantly regulated under acid or basic conditions, providing researchers with important information to characterize their function.  相似文献   

In this work asd gene of Shigella flexneri 2a strain T32 was replaced by Vibrio cholerae toxin B subunit (ctxB) gene with DNA recombination in vivo and in vitro. The resulting derivative of T32, designed as FWL01, could stably express CtxB, but its growth in LB medium depended on the presence of diaminopimelic acid (DAP). Then form I plasmid of Shigella sonnei strain S7 was labeled with strain T32 asd gene and mobilized into FWL01. Thus a trivalent candidate oral vaccine strain, designed as FSW01, was constructed. In this candidate strain, a balanced-lethal system was constituted between the host strain and the form I plasmid expressing S, sonnei O antigen. Therefore the candidate strain can express stably not only its own O antigen but also CtxB and O antigen of S. sonnei in the absence of any antibiotic. Experiments showed that FSW01 did not invade HeLa cells or cause keratoconjunctivitis in guinea pigs. However, rabbits immunized FSW01 can elicit significant immune responses. In mice and rhesus monkey  相似文献   

A trivalent liveShigella vaccine candidate FSD01 against S.flexneri 2a, S.sonnei and S.dysenteriae I was constructed. This candidate strain was based on the S.flexneri 2a vaccine T32. By homologous recombination exchange, the chromosomalasd gene of T32 was site-specifically inactivated, resulting in the strain unable to grow normally in LB broth, while anotherasd gene of S.mutans was employed to construct an Asd+ complementary vector. This combination ofasd - host/Asd+ vector formed a balanced-lethal expression system in T32 strain. By use of this system, two important protective antigen genes coding for S.sonnei Form I antigen and Shiga toxin B subunit were cloned and expressed in T32, which led to the construction of trivalent candidate vaccine FSD01. Experimental results showed that this strain was genetically stable, but its recombinant plasmid was non-resistant. Moreover, it was able to effectively express trivalent antigens in one host and induce protective responses in mice against the challenges of the above threeShigella strains.  相似文献   

以合成的单链序列特异性标签为模板,通过PCR得到双链DNA标签并将其克隆到自杀质粒pUT-Tn5 Km2的转座子中,转化大肠杆菌S17-1λpir;然后用经转化的S17-1λpir与福氏志贺菌2a 2457T交配,挑出对氨苄青霉素敏感,对卡那霉素和萘啶酮酸抗性的菌落,结果表明构建了包含4376个福氏志贺菌突变体信号标签诱变库,为进一步鉴定该病原体的毒力基因打下了基础。  相似文献   

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