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目的:慢性高原病(CMS)以红细胞过度增生、肺动脉高压和低氧血症为特征,但对该病的发病机制尚未完全阐明。本研究以CMS患者和高原世居藏族健康人为研究对象,探讨血管生成相关因子在CMS发生、发展过程中的作用。方法:以海拔4380m地区的CMS患者35例(CMS组)和高原世居藏族健康人13名(世居组)为研究对象,西宁地区(海拔2260m)世居健康人17名为对照组,采用固相双抗体夹心ELISA方法测定血清碱性成纤维生长因子(bFGF)、血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)和血小板源生长因子(PDGF)浓度,同时测定血红蛋白(Hb)浓度、红细胞比积(Hct)和动脉血氧饱和度(SaO2)。结果:血清bFGF浓度CMS组(107.26±7.86)ng/L与世居组(37.01±9.16)ng/L和对照组(40.58±5.34)ng/L比较,有显著差异(P〈0.01);血清PDGF浓度CMS组(630.18±9.89)ng/L与世居组(292.16±6.88)ng/L和对照组(287.68±8.33)ng/L比较,有显著差异(P〈0.01);血清VEGF浓度CMS组(543.74±6.76)ng/L与世居组(125.51±7.26)ng/L和对照组(76.26±4.60)ng/L比较,有显著差异(P〈0.01),世居组与对照组比较,也有显著差异(P〈0.01)。CMS患者血红蛋白(Hb)浓度与其血清bFGF、PDGF和VEGF水平均呈正相关(P〈0.01)。血清bFGF、PDGF、VEGF之间亦呈正相关(P〈0.01)。结论:CMS患者血清bFGF、PDGF和VEGF水平显著高于居住在同一个海拔高度的健康人和居住在西宁地区的健康人,提示CMS患者血管生成因子过度表达,血管新生可能是CMS病理生理的重要方面;血清VEGF水平高原健康人高于西宁地区健康人,提示VEGF高表达可能是高原健康人对高原环境适应机制的组成部分;CMS患者Hb浓度与其血清bFGF、PDGF和VEGF水平均呈正相关,提示在CMS患者中,bFGF、PDGF和VEGF可能与红细胞生成有?  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out on the role of biogenic amines in the development of glomerulonephritis in rabbits using the experimental model of acute and chronic serum sickness. The animals immunized with foreign-species albumin received additionally 5HT and some of them were given reserpine or PCPA for reducing the level of biogenic amines. The results of histological examinations demonstrated a clear cut inhibitory effect of PCPA and reserpine on the development of inflammatory changes in the glomeruli, and their intensification with simultaneous 5HT administration. The obtained results seem to suggest a significant role of biogenic amines in the pathogenesis of inflammatory lesions developing in renal glomeruli in acute or chronic serum sickness in rabbits.  相似文献   

We evaluated autonomic cardiovascular regulation in subjects with polycythemia and chronic mountain sickness (CMS) and tested the hypothesis that an increase in arterial oxygen saturation has a beneficial effect on arterial baroreflex sensitivity in these subjects. Ten Andean natives with a Hct >65% and 10 natives with a Hct <60%, all living permanently at an altitude of 4,300 m, were included in the study. Cardiovascular autonomic regulation was evaluated by spectral analysis of hemodynamic parameters, while subjects breathed spontaneously or frequency controlled at 0.1 and 0.25 Hz, respectively. The recordings were repeated after a 1-h administration of supplemental oxygen and after frequency-controlled breathing at 6 breaths/min for 1 h, respectively. Subjects with Hct >65% showed an increased incidence of CMS compared with subjects with Hct <60%. Spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity was significantly lower in subjects with high Hct compared with the control group. The effects of supplemental oxygen or modification of the breathing pattern on autonomic function were as follows: 1) heart rate decreased significantly after both maneuvers in both groups, and 2) spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity increased significantly in subjects with high Hct and did not differ from subjects with low Hct. Temporary slow-frequency breathing may provide a beneficial effect on the autonomic cardiovascular function in high-altitude natives with CMS.  相似文献   

Colice, Gene L., Nicholas Hill, Yan-Jie Lee, Hongkai Du,James Klinger, James C. Leiter, and Lo-Chang Ou. Exaggerated pulmonary hypertension with monocrotaline in rats susceptible tochronic mountain sickness. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(1): 25-31, 1997.Hilltop (H) strainSprague-Dawley rats are more susceptible to chronic mountain sicknessthan are the Madison (M) strain rats. It is unclear what role pulmonaryvascular remodeling, polycythemia, and hypoxia-induced vasoconstrictionplay in mediating the more severe pulmonary hypertension that developsin the H rats during chronic hypoxia. It is also unclear whether theincreased sensitivity of the H rats to chronic mountain sickness isspecific for a hypoxia effect or, instead, reflects a generalpropensity toward the development of pulmonary hypertension.Monocrotaline (MCT) causes pulmonary vascular remodeling and pulmonaryhypertension. We hypothesized that the difference in the pulmonaryvascular response to chronic hypoxia between H and M rats reflects anincreased sensitivity of the H rats to any pulmonary hypertensivestimuli. Consequently, we expected the two strains to also differ intheir susceptibility to MCT-induced pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonaryarterial pressures in conscious H and M rats were measured 3 wk after asingle dose of MCT, exposure to a simulated high altitude of 18,000 ft(barometric pressure = 380 mmHg), and administration of a single doseof saline as a placebo. The H rats had significantlyhigher pulmonary arterial pressures and right ventricular weights afterMCT and chronic hypoxia than did the M rats. The H rats also had morepulmonary vascular remodeling, i.e., greater wall thickness as apercentage of vessel diameter, after MCT and chronic hypoxia than didthe M rats. The H rats had significantly lower arterialPO2 than did the M rats after MCT,but the degree of hypoxemia was mild [arterialPO2 of 72.5 ± 0.8 (SE) Torr for Hrats vs. 77.4 ± 0.8 Torr for M rats after MCT]. The H ratshad lower arterial PCO2 and largerminute ventilation values than did the M rats after MCT. Theseventilatory differences suggest that MCT caused more severe pulmonaryvascular damage in the H rats than in the M rats. These data supportthe hypothesis that the H rats have a general propensity to developpulmonary hypertension and suggest that differences in pulmonaryvascular remodeling account for the increased susceptibility of H rats,compared with M rats, to both MCT and chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonaryhypertension.


Zhang  Leiying  Liu  Xiaomin  Wei  Qingxia  Zou  Liyang  Zhou  Lingling  Yu  Yang  Wang  Deqing 《Mammalian genome》2023,34(1):76-89
Mammalian Genome - Hypobaric hypoxia is an environmental stress leading to high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. While high-altitude pulmonary hypertension has been linked to high hematocrit...  相似文献   

Canonical transient receptor potential-6 (TRPC6) channels have been implicated in a variety of chronic kidney diseases including familial and acquired forms of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and renal fibrosis following ureteral obstruction. Here we have examined the role of TRPC6 in progression of inflammation and fibrosis in the nephrotoxic serum (NTS) model of crescentic glomerulonephritis. This was assessed in rats with non-functional TRPC6 channels due to genomic disruption of an essential domain in TRPC6 channels (Trpc6del/del rats) and wild-type littermates (Trpc6wt/wt rats). Administration of NTS evoked albuminuria and proteinuria observed 4 and 28 days later that was equally severe in Trpc6wt/wt and Trpc6del/del rats. By 28 days, there were dense deposits of complement and IgG within glomeruli in both genotypes, accompanied by severe inflammation and fibrosis readily observed by standard histological methods, and also by increases in renal cortical expression of multiple markers (α-smooth muscle actin, vimentin, NLRP3, and CD68). Tubulointerstitial fibrosis appeared equally severe in Trpc6wt/wt and Trpc6del/del rats. TRPC6 inactivation did not protect against the substantial declines in renal function (increases in blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine and kidney:body weight ratio) in NTS-treated animals, and increases in a urine maker of proximal tubule pathology (β2-macroglobulin) were actually more severe in Trpc6del/del animals. By contrast, glomerular pathology, blindly scored from histology, and from renal cortical expression of podocin suggested a partial but significant protective effect of TRPC6 inactivation within the glomerular compartment, at least during the autologous phase of the NTS model.  相似文献   

A syndrome of experimental chronic mountain sickness can be produced in the Hilltop strain of Sprague-Dawley rats by chronic hypobaric hypoxic exposure. This syndrome is characterized by polycythemia, plasma hemoglobinemia, pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy with eventual failure and death. It has generally been assumed that these changes are caused by chronic hypoxemia, not by hypobaric exposureper se. We have now confirmed this directly by showing that chronic normobaric hypoxic exposure (10.5% O2) produces similar hematologic and hemodynamic changes. Further, the addition of hypercapnic exposure to the hypoxic exposure blunted or prevented the effects of the hypoxic exposure probably by stimulating respiration, thus increasing the rate of oxygen delivery to the cells. Changes in the rate-controlling enzymes of hepatic heme metabolism, 5-aminolevulinate synthase and heme oxygenase, and in cytochrome(s) P-450, the major hepatic hemoprotein(s), were also measured in hypoxic and hypercapnic rats. Hypoxia decreased 5-aminolevulinate synthase and increased cytochrome(s) P-450, probably by increasing the size of a regulatory heme pool within hepatocytes. These changes were also prevented by the addition of hypercapnic to hypoxic exposure.  相似文献   

In acute serum sickness induced with one intravenous dose of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in 40 rabbits the patterns of excretion of adrenaline (A), noradrenaline (NA), serotonin (5HT) and 5-hydroxyindole-acetic acid (5HIAA) were studied in 24-hour urine, and the 5HT level was determined at intervals of three days. The urinary levels of biogenic amines were determined daily. Some rabbits immunized with BSA received also additionally 5HT, reserpine or parachlorphenylalanine (PCPA). Administration of BSA to rabbits caused a significant increase in the excretion of A and NA and a less evident increase in 5HT level in the blood. The greatest correlation with the course of the immune reaction was shown by the increase in NA excretion observed on the 2nd and 3rd days after BSA administration, and then between the 5th and the 12th days of the experiment. Daily subcutaneous injections of 5HT during 15 days caused a significant rise of its level in the blood and urine, and an increase of 5HIAA excretion. After reserpine or PCPA administration a significant decrease of the levels of all these amines was observed. Taking into account the results of histological examination of the kidneys, that is intensification of the inflammatory changes after 5HT administration and evident inhibition of the inflammatory process after administration of reserpine and PCPA it must be accepted that the studied amines have an important role in the pathomechanism of glomerulonephritis in acute serum sickness.  相似文献   

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