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Vectors for high conditional expression of cloned genes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
P Leplatois  A Danchin 《Biochimie》1983,65(6):317-324

Microsatellite markers have been used to study the genetic variability of rainbow wrasse (Coris julis) Mediterranean and Atlantic populations. Differentiation tests failed to reveal any significant genetic differentiation among samples from continental Portugal and the Azores, despite more than 1800 km of geographical separation. Preliminary results tended to indicate a significant genetic differentiation among Atlantic and Mediterranean samples. It also supported the specific status of Cape Verde populations (Coris atlantica). We compare these results with previous mtDNA analyses and propose a biogeographic scenario that could explain our results.  相似文献   

The origins of the strategy of codon use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Hénaut  J Limaiem  P Vigier 《Biochimie》1985,67(5):475-483
We analyzed the DNA sequences taking as an elementary pattern segments of increasing length from the codon to the gene. We have thus been able to identify part of the constraints from which originates the use of the code degeneracy in each gene. Our results show that the strategy of codon use is not solely related to the translation apparatus characteristics.  相似文献   

Total casein phosphatase activity of erythrocytes from one-month-old rats was separated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography into three peaks--E1, E2 and E3--and only into two peaks--E1 and E3--when the erythrocyte donors were six- and 12-month-old rats. The activity of E1 (Mr 330 K) decreased continuously in erythrocytes during the first year of postnatal life. E2 (Mr 230 K) also decreased and completely disappeared from the cells of 12-month-old rats. E3 (Mr 180 K) was the dominant molecular form in the cytosol of erythrocytes during the first year of life. It decreased only up to six months of life. In this form E3 seems to be cooperative with respect to the substrate and to inhibitor molecules. The decrease of its kinetic parameters (Vmax and K0.55) was also found during postnatal ontogenesis. E3 isolated from erythrocytes of older rats (6 and 12 months) was more susceptible to inhibitory effect of pyrophosphate and to the change of ionic strength of eluting buffer than the enzyme from one-month-old rats. 0.2 mol.1(-1) NaCl lowered Mr of E3 phosphatase from 180 K to 128 K only in older rats.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries demonstrating surprising cell plasticity in animals and humans call into question many long held assumptions regarding differentiative potential of adult cells. These assumptions reflect a classical paradigm of cell lineage development projected onto both prenatal development and post-natal maintenance and repair of tissues. The classical paradigm describes unidirectional, hierarchical lineages proceedings step-wise from totipotent or pluripotent stem cells through intermediate, ever more restricted progenitor cells, leading finally to 'terminally differentiated' cells. However, in light of both the recent discoveries and older clinical or experimental findings, we have suggested principles comprising a new paradigm of cell plasticity, summarized here.  相似文献   

苏云金芽胞杆菌鲇泽亚种HD—133 cry1D的表达调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用PCR扩增基因crylD启动子及上游区片段,在测序的基础上构建含crylD—lacZ融合基因穿梭质粒,导入不同遗传背景的苏云金芽胞杆菌菌株中,并以crylAb—lacZ融合基因为对照测定β—半乳糖苷酶活性,检测启动子上游区的作用。结果表明,crylD—lacZ和crylAb—lacZ融合基因在不同遗传背景的菌株中表达完全不同,也许一些宿主专一性的因子参与了转录调控;而在同一菌株中CerylD-lacZ和cryl Ab-lacZ的表达差异是由于上游区的不同以及竞争有限的σ因子所致。利用PCR定点诱变技术突变其SD序列GGGGA为GGAGG后,CerylD-lacZ融合基因的表达提高了1.0—1.6倍。表明GGAGG是苏云金芽胞杆菌合适的SD序列,也揭示了不合适的SD序列是crylD表达量低的原因之一。  相似文献   

P Dessen  G Zaccai  S Blanquet 《Biochimie》1985,67(6):637-641
Direct demonstration of the reversible dissociation of native dimeric methionyl-tRNA synthetase from E. coli has been obtained using small angle neutron scattering and deuterated enzyme. Structural parameters of the fully deuterated dimer are very similar to the hydrogenated one. Analysis of the variations of the intensity and of the radius of gyration of a stoichiometric mixture of the two types of dimer (hydrogenated and deuterated), as a function of D2O content in the solvent, enabled us to characterize an hybrid dimer, having both hydrogenated and deuterated protomers. By separating the contribution of each protomer to the scattering, the radius of gyration of the protomer in situ and the distance between the centers of mass of each protomer in the dimer are determined.  相似文献   

Previous work demonstrated that tubulin binding drugs specifically inhibit the capacity of prolactin to initiate casein and DNA synthesis in the mammary cell. It was concluded that microtubules or other tubulin containing cellular structures were involved in the transmission of the prolactin message to genes. In the present work, it is shown that griseofulvin, an antimitotic drug which alters microtubule structure and function, does not prevent prolactin actions. Autoradiographic studies showed that [3H]colchicine binds preferentially to plasma and Golgi membranes in the mammary cell. Short term cultures of mammary explants with [3H]colchicine demonstrated that the labelled drug binds to membranous cellular structures which were isolated from explants at the end of the culture. Fractions containing plasma and Golgi membranes contained the highest amount of radioactivity. Solubilisation of the membranes by Triton X-100 dissociated the [3H]colchicine from the prolactin receptors as judged by a chromatography of the soluble fraction on a Sepharose 6 B column. On the column, the labelled colchicine remains associated with a molecular entity which may be free tubulin. In all cases, the binding of [3H]colchicine was greatly attenuated by an excess of unlabelled colchicine but was only slightly affected by the competition with lumicolchicine. These results suggest that mammary membranes contain tubulin and that binding of drugs to this molecule inhibits the generation of the prolactin second messengers eliciting the hormonal actions in the mammary cell. This also suggests that microtubules are probably not involved in the mechanism of prolactin action.  相似文献   

Residual dipolar couplings arise from small degrees of alignment of molecules in a magnetic field. Most biomolecules lack sufficient intrinsic magnetic susceptibility anisotropies for practical purposes; however, alignment can be achieved using dilute aqueous phospholipid mixtures, colloidal suspensions of rod-shaped viruses, complex phases of surfactant systems and strained gels. The stability of the liquid crystalline phases varies with respect to temperature range, pH variation and time and is critically dependent on sample composition and experimental conditions. The magnitude of the residual dipolar couplings depends upon the degree of ordering and allows the determination of the corresponding inter-nuclear vectors with respect to the molecule's alignment frame. Inclusion of dipolar constraints into NMR structure calculations leads to improved precision and accuracy of the resulting structures, especially in cases where the information content provided by traditional NOE constraints is limited. In addition, rapid evaluation of backbone protein folds and determination of the relative orientations of individual components in multi-molecular complexes have become feasible. Dipolar coupling based strategies may well emerge as the most critical developments, in establishing NMR as a valuable and competitive methodology in the structural genomics initiative.  相似文献   

The glycosylation and immunoreactivity of an estrogen regulated glycoprotein secreted by breast cancer cells in culture and defined by its molecular mass (52 000-Mr protein) have been studied indirectly using an inhibitor of glycosylation and specific endoglycosidases. The protein and its deglycosylated forms were immunoprecipitated with specific monoclonal antibodies to the 52 000-Mr protein and analyzed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The 52 000-Mr protein was intensely labelled by [3H] mannose or [35S] methionine. Tunicamycin treatment of the cells, endoglycosidase H or endoglycosidase F digestion of conditioned media, gave two identical deglycosylated forms of 50 000-Mr and 48 000-Mr which remained immunoreactive. The 48 000-Mr protein, in contrast to the 52 000 and 50 000-Mr proteins, was unable to bind concanavalin A. The 52 000-Mr protein was resolved into five spots of decreasing pI on two-dimensional gels following immunoprecipitation. Endoglycosidase H treatment decreased the molecular weight and reduced the intensity of spots of lower pI, suggesting that the N-glycosylated chains contain acidic molecules. We conclude that: The 52 000-Mr secreted protein contains at least two high mannose or hybrid N-glycosylated chains of approximately 2,000 molecular weight corresponding to 8% of the mass of the 52 000-Mr protein. The two types of monoclonal antibodies (site 1 and 2) raised against the 52 000-Mr glycoprotein are still able to recognize the 48 000-Mr N-deglycosylated form indicating that they do not interact with the N-glycosylated moiety of the molecule.  相似文献   

Sheep scrapie is a prototypical transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), and the most widespread of these diseases. Experimental study of TSE infectious agents from sheep and other species essentially depends on bioassays in rodents. Transmission of natural sheep scrapie to conventional mice commonly requires one or two years. In an effort to develop laboratory models in which investigations on the sheep TSE agent would be facilitated, we have established mice and cell lines that were genetically engineered to express ovine PrP protein and examined their susceptibility to the infection. A series of transgenic mice lines (tgOv) expressing the high susceptibility allele (VRQ) of the ovine PrP gene from different constructs was expanded. Following intracerebral inoculation with natural scrapie isolates, all animals developed typical TSE neurological signs and accumulated abnormal PrP in their brain. The survival time in the highest expressing tgOv lines ranged from 2 to 7 months, depending on the isolate. It was inversely related to the brain PrP content, and essentially unchanged on further passaging. Ovine PrP transgene expression thus enhanced scrapie disease transmission from sheep to mice. Such tgOv mice may bring new opportunities for analysing the natural variation of scrapie strains and measuring infectivity. As no relevant cell culture models for agents of naturally-occurring TSE exist, we have explored various strategies in order to obtain stable cell lines that would propagate the sheep agent ex vivo without prior adaptation to rodent. In one otherwise refractory rabbit epithelial cell line, a regulable expression of ovine PrP was achieved and found to enable an efficient replication of the scrapie agent in inoculated cultures. Cells derived from sheep embryos or from tgOv mice were also used in an attempt to establish permissive cell lines derived from the nervous system. Cells engineered to express PrP proteins of a specified sequence may thus represent a promising strategy to further explore, at the cellular level, various aspects of TSE diseases.  相似文献   

M Cohn 《Biochimie》1985,67(1):9-27
Two concepts of the evolution and regulation of expression of the combining site repertoire of the immune system, are compared. One view is based on the Associative Recognition Theory as formulated by the author and the other is based on the Idiotype Network Idea as conceived by Jerne. The two concepts are analyzed from the point of view of their logic, internal consistency and factual support.  相似文献   

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