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Methanogenesis, sulfate reduction, and rates of carbon mineralization were determined for samples derived at different depths from four cores drilled at the Savannah River Plant, Aiken South Carolina. Three‐gram subsamples of the sediments were dispensed to 10‐mL serum bottles under 5% H2/95% N2 and amended with 0.5 mL degassed distilled water with or without the following solutes: formate plus acetate, bicarbonate, lactate, and radiolabeled sulfate, glucose, and Índole. After incubating 1 to 5 days, the sediments were assayed for methane, H2, 35S, and I4CO2. No methanogenesis was detected at any depth in any core and sulfate was rarely reduced. Evolution of 14CO2 from glucose and indole was detected in sediments as deep as 262 and 259 m, respectively. At some depths the 14CO2 evolution rate was comparable to that of surface soils; however, at other depths no 14CO2 evolution could be detected. Injection of sterile air into anaerobic incubations increased rates of carbon mineralization at all depths that had demonstrated anaerobic activity and stimulated mineralization activity in sediments that were inactive anaerobically, suggesting a predominance of aerobic metabolism. Increasing the concentration of added glucose and indole often increased the resulting rates of 14CO2 evolved from these substrates. Our data indicate that both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms are present and metabolically active in samples from deep subsurface environments.  相似文献   

Activities of microorganisms residing in terrestrial deep subsurface sediments were examined in 46 sediment samples from three boreholes. Radiolabeled time course experiments assessing in situ microbial activities were initiated within 30 min of core recovery. [1‐C4] Acetate incorporation into lipids, [ methyl‐3H] thymidine incorporation into DNA, [2‐14C]acetate, and [U‐14C]glucose mineralization in addition to microbial enrichment and enumeration studies were examined in surface and subsurface sediments. Surface soils contained the greatest biomass and activities, followed by the shallow aquifer zones. Water‐saturated subsurface sands exhibited three to four orders of magnitude greater activity and culturable microorganisms than the dense clay zones, which had low permeability. Regardless of depth, sediments that contained more than 20% clays exhibited the lowest activities and culturable microorganisms.  相似文献   

Sulfate-reducing bacteria Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator (CDA) were originally discovered in deep fracture fluids accessed via South African gold mines and have since been found in geographically widespread deep subsurface locations. In order to constrain models for subsurface microbial evolution, we compared CDA genomes from Africa, North America and Eurasia using single cell genomics. Unexpectedly, 126 partial single amplified genomes from the three continents, a complete genome from of an isolate from Eurasia, and metagenome-assembled genomes from Africa and Eurasia shared >99.2% average nucleotide identity, low frequency of SNP’s, and near-perfectly conserved prophages and CRISPRs. Our analyses reject sample cross-contamination, recent natural dispersal, and unusually strong purifying selection as likely explanations for these unexpected results. We therefore conclude that the analyzed CDA populations underwent only minimal evolution since their physical separation, potentially as far back as the breakup of Pangea between 165 and 55 Ma ago. High-fidelity DNA replication and repair mechanisms are the most plausible explanation for the highly conserved genome of CDA. CDA presents a stark contrast to the current model organisms in microbial evolutionary studies, which often develop adaptive traits over far shorter periods of time.Subject terms: Environmental microbiology, Molecular evolution, Bacterial genetics  相似文献   

Anaerobic microorganisms were enumerated and metabolic activities measured in deep Coastal Plain sediments sampled from three water‐bearing formations at depths down to 300 m. Aseptically obtained sediment cores harbored the potential for anaerobic biodegradation of various substrates in almost all samples. Although the sediments were not predominantly anaerobic, viable methanogens and sulfate‐reducing bacteria (SRB) were present almost throughout the depth profile. Coliform organisms were also found at various locations, but were not recoverable from drilling muds or water used to slurry the muds. The anaerobic metabolism of lactate and formate was easily detected in most samples. However, acetate and benzoate were degraded only in portions of the subsurface that harbored methanogens. The water‐saturated transmissive zones harbored the highest numbers of SRB and the potential for the widest variety of anaerobic metabolic activities. Small or negligible anaerobic microbial activity was associated with thick clay layers. The accumulation of acetate and the production of methane in samples not amended with exogenous organic matter demonstrated that some strata contained reserves of fermentable carbon and suggested that environmental factors or nutrients other than carbon were potentially limiting in situ microbial activity.  相似文献   

The quantitation and characterization of indigenous bacteria of a deep aquifer, located in the southwestern United States and contaminated with halogenated aliphatic compounds, was undertaken. Water samples were obtained aseptically from depths of 45 to 151 m from four sites that ranged from 260 to 1,800 m in distance from the location of contaminant release. Sediment samples were also obtained from the proximal and distal sites for analyses. Results for aerobic and anaerobic colony-forming units were obtained on four agar media that were used to retrieve heterotrophs, oligotrophs, and pseudomonads. Most probable number estimates were obtained from a liquid medium favorable for oligotrophs. Representative isolates were tested against Biolog plates (Biolog, Inc., Hayward, Calif.) for patterns of carbon source utilization. Of 103 Gram-negative (GN) isolates, 48 could not be identified and the others were only tentatively identified via the Biolog database, and none of the 35 Gram-positive (GP) isolates were identifiable. However, the metabolic patterns were subjected to average cluster linkage analyses; the GN and GP bacteria were separable into eight and four groups, respectively. The oligotroph group comprised one-third of the GN and one-half of the GP isolates. The consensus carbon source utilization pattern for each group was determined and will be useful in future characterization of additional aquifer bacterial isolates. Although predominantly aerobic and oligotrophic, the microbial community of this aquifer was highly diverse with discernible viability and metabolic features of the microbiota distinctive to each of the four water and two sediment samples. Correspondence to: C.M. McCarthy.  相似文献   

In 1975, a leak of 83,000 gallons (314,189 liters) of jet fuel (JP-4) contaminated a shallow water-table aquifer near North Charleston, S.C. Laboratory experiments were conducted with contaminated sediments to assess the aerobic biodegradation potential of the in situ microbial community. Sediments were incubated with 14C-labeled organic compounds, and the evolution of 14CO2 was measured over time. Gas chromatographic analyses were used to monitor CO2 production and O2 consumption under aerobic conditions. Results indicated that the microbes from contaminated sediments remained active despite the potentially toxic effects of JP-4. 14CO2 was measured from [14C]glucose respiration in unamended and nitrate-amended samples after 1 day of incubation. Total [14C]glucose metabolism was greater in 1 mM nitrate-amended than in unamended samples because of increased cellular incorporation of 14C label. [14C]benzene and [14C]toluene were not significantly respired after 3 months of incubation. With the addition of 1 mM NO3, CO2 production measured by gas chromatographic analysis increased linearly during 2 months of incubation at a rate of 0.099 mumol g-1 (dry weight) day-1 while oxygen concentration decreased at a rate of 0.124 mumol g-1 (dry weight) day-1. With no added nitrate, CO2 production was not different from that in metabolically inhibited control vials. From the examination of selected components of JP-4, the n-alkane hexane appeared to be degraded as opposed to the branched alkanes of similar molecular weight. The results suggest that the in situ microbial community is active despite the JP-4 jet fuel contamination and that biodegradation may be compound specific.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   



Communities of microorganisms control the rates of key biogeochemical cycles, and are important for biotechnology, bioremediation, and industrial microbiological processes. For this reason, we constructed a model microbial community comprised of three species dependent on trophic interactions. The three species microbial community was comprised of Clostridium cellulolyticum, Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough, and Geobacter sulfurreducens and was grown under continuous culture conditions. Cellobiose served as the carbon and energy source for C. cellulolyticum, whereas D. vulgaris and G. sulfurreducens derived carbon and energy from the metabolic products of cellobiose fermentation and were provided with sulfate and fumarate respectively as electron acceptors.  相似文献   

Geisel N  Vilar JM  Rubi JM 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e18622
Bacteria spend most of their lifetime in non-growing states which allow them to survive extended periods of stress and starvation. When environments improve, they must quickly resume growth to maximize their share of limited nutrients. Cells with higher stress resistance often survive longer stress durations at the cost of needing more time to resume growth, a strong disadvantage in competitive environments. Here we analyze the basis of optimal strategies that microorganisms can use to cope with this tradeoff. We explicitly show that the prototypical inverse relation between stress resistance and growth rate can explain much of the different types of behavior observed in stressed microbial populations. Using analytical mathematical methods, we determine the environmental parameters that decide whether cells should remain vegetative upon stress exposure, downregulate their metabolism to an intermediate optimum level, or become dormant. We find that cell-cell variability, or intercellular noise, is consistently beneficial in the presence of extreme environmental fluctuations, and that it provides an efficient population-level mechanism for adaption in a deteriorating environment. Our results reveal key novel aspects of responsive phenotype switching and its role as an adaptive strategy in changing environments.  相似文献   

The Everglades in South Florida are a unique ecologicalsystem. As a result of the widespread use of pesticides andherbicides in agricultural areas upstream from these wetlands,there is a serious potential for pollution problems in theEverglades. The purpose of this study was to evaluate theability of indigenous microbial populations to degradexenobiotic organic compounds introduced by agricultural andother activities. Such biodegradation may facilitate theremediation of contaminated soils and water in the Everglades.The model compound selected in this study is 4-nitrophenol, achemical commonly used in the manufacture of pesticides. Themineralization of 4-nitrophenol at various concentrations wasstudied in soils collected from the Everglades. Atconcentrations of 10 and 100 µg/g soil, considerablemineralization occurred within a week. At a higherconcentration, i.e., 10 mg/g soil, however, no mineralizationof 4-nitrophenol occurred over a 4-month period; such a highconcentration apparently produced an inhibitory effect. Therate and extent of 4-nitrophenol mineralization was enhancedon inoculation with previously isolated nitrophenol-degradingmicroorganisms. The maximum mineralization extent measured,however, was less than 30% suggesting conversion to biomassand/or unidentified intermediate products. These resultsindicate the potential for natural mechanisms to mitigate theadverse effects of xenobiotic pollutants in a complex systemsuch as the Everglades.  相似文献   

Laha S  Petrova KP 《Biodegradation》1997,8(5):349-356
The Everglades in South Florida are a unique ecological system. As a result of the widespread use of pesticides and herbicides in agricultural areas upstream from these wetlands, there is a serious potential for pollution problems in the Everglades. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of indigenous microbial populations to degrade xenobiotic organic compounds introduced by agricultural and other activities. Such biodegradation may facilitate the remediation of contaminated soils and water in the Everglades. The model compound selected in this study is 4-nitrophenol, a chemical commonly used in the manufacture of pesticides. The mineralization of 4-nitrophenol at various concentrations was studied in soils collected from the Everglades. At concentrations of 10 and 100 microg/g soil, considerable mineralization occurred within a week. At a higher concentration, i.e., 10 mg/g soil, however, no mineralization of 4-nitrophenol occurred over a 4-month period; such a high concentration apparently produced an inhibitory effect. The rate and extent of 4-nitrophenol mineralization was enhanced on inoculation with previously isolated nitrophenol-degrading microorganisms. The maximum mineralization extent measured, however, was less than 30% suggesting conversion to biomass and/or unidentified intermediate products. These results indicate the potential for natural mechanisms to mitigate the adverse effects of xenobiotic pollutants in a complex system such as the Everglades.  相似文献   

In 1975, a leak of 83,000 gallons (314,189 liters) of jet fuel (JP-4) contaminated a shallow water-table aquifer near North Charleston, S.C. Laboratory experiments were conducted with contaminated sediments to assess the aerobic biodegradation potential of the in situ microbial community. Sediments were incubated with 14C-labeled organic compounds, and the evolution of 14CO2 was measured over time. Gas chromatographic analyses were used to monitor CO2 production and O2 consumption under aerobic conditions. Results indicated that the microbes from contaminated sediments remained active despite the potentially toxic effects of JP-4. 14CO2 was measured from [14C]glucose respiration in unamended and nitrate-amended samples after 1 day of incubation. Total [14C]glucose metabolism was greater in 1 mM nitrate-amended than in unamended samples because of increased cellular incorporation of 14C label. [14C]benzene and [14C]toluene were not significantly respired after 3 months of incubation. With the addition of 1 mM NO3, CO2 production measured by gas chromatographic analysis increased linearly during 2 months of incubation at a rate of 0.099 mumol g-1 (dry weight) day-1 while oxygen concentration decreased at a rate of 0.124 mumol g-1 (dry weight) day-1. With no added nitrate, CO2 production was not different from that in metabolically inhibited control vials. From the examination of selected components of JP-4, the n-alkane hexane appeared to be degraded as opposed to the branched alkanes of similar molecular weight. The results suggest that the in situ microbial community is active despite the JP-4 jet fuel contamination and that biodegradation may be compound specific.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Undecompressed microbial populations from the deep sea.   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Metabolic transformations of glutamate and Casamino Acids by natural microbial populations collected from deep waters (1,600 to 3,100 m) were studied in decompressed and undecompressed samples. Pressure-retaining sampling/incubation vessels and appropriate subsampling/incubation vessels and appropriate subsampling techniques permitted time course experiments. In all cases the metabolic activity in undecompressed samples was lower than it was when incubated at 1 atm. Surface water controls showed a reduced activity upon compression. The processes involving substrate incorporation into cell material were more pressure sensitive than was respiration. The low utilization of substrates, previously found by in situ incubations for up to 12 months, was confirmed and demonstrated to consist of an initial phase of activity, in the range of 5 to 60 times lower than the controls, followed by a stationary phase of virtually no substrate utilization. No barophilic growth response (higher rates at elevated pressure than at 1 atm) was recorded; all populations observed exhibition various degrees of barotolerance.  相似文献   

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The unsaturated subsurface (vadose zone) receives significant amounts of hazardous chemicals, yet little is known about its microbial communities and their capacity to biodegrade pollutants. Trichloroethylene (TCE) biodegradation occurs readily in surface soils; however, the process usually requires enzyme induction by aromatic compounds, methane, or other cosubstrates. The aerobic biodegradation of toluene and TCE by indigenous microbial populations was measured in samples collected from the vadose zone at unpolluted and gasoline-contaminated sites. Incubation at field moisture levels showed little activity on either TCE or toluene, so samples were tested in soil suspensions. No degradation occurred in samples suspended in water or phosphate buffer solution; however, both toluene and TCE were degraded in samples suspended in mineral salts medium. TCE degradation depended on toluene degradation, and little loss occurred under sterile conditions. Studies with specific nutrients showed that addition of ammonium sulfate was essential for degradation, and addition of other mineral nutrients further enhanced the rate. Additional studies with vadose sediments amended with nutrients showed similar trends to those observed in sediment suspensions. Initial rates of biodegradation in suspensions were faster in uncontaminated samples than in gasolinecontaminated samples, but the same percentages of chemicals were degraded. Biodegradation was slower and less extensive in shallower samples than deeper samples from the uncontaminated site. Two toluene-degrading organisms isolated from a gasoline-contaminated sample were identified as Corynebacterium variabilis SVB74 and Acinetobacter radioresistens SVB65. Inoculation with 106 cells of C. variabilis ml–1 of soil solution did not enhance the rate of degradation above that of the indigenous population. These results indicate that mineral nutrients limited the rate of TCE and toluene degradation by indigenous populations and that no additional benefit was derived from inoculation with a toluene-degrading bacterial strain. Correspondence to: K.M. Scow  相似文献   

S Fan  K M Scow 《Applied microbiology》1993,59(6):1911-1918
The biodegradation of trichloroethylene (TCE) and toluene, incubated separately and in combination, by indigenous microbial populations was measured in three unsaturated soils incubated under aerobic conditions. Sorption and desorption of TCE (0.1 to 10 micrograms ml-1) and toluene (1.0 to 20 micrograms ml-1) were measured in two soils and followed a reversible linear isotherm. At a concentration of 1 micrograms ml-1, TCE was not degraded in the absence of toluene in any of the soils. In combination, both 1 microgram of TCE ml-1 and 20 micrograms of toluene ml-1 were degraded simultaneously after a lag period of approximately 60 to 80 h, and the period of degradation lasted from 70 to 90 h. Usually 60 to 75% of the initial 1 microgram of TCE ml-1 was degraded, whereas 100% of the toluene disappeared. A second addition of 20 micrograms of toluene ml-1 to a flask with residual TCE resulted in another 10 to 20% removal of the chemical. Initial rates of degradation of toluene and TCE were similar at 32, 25, and 18 degrees C; however, the lag period increased with decreasing temperature. There was little difference in degradation of toluene and TCE at soil moisture contents of 16, 25, and 30%, whereas there was no detectable degradation at 5 and 2.5% moisture. The addition of phenol, but not benzoate, stimulated the degradation of TCE in Rindge and Yolo silt loam soils, methanol and ethylene slightly stimulated TCE degradation in Rindge soil, glucose had no effect in either soil, and dissolved organic carbon extracted from soil strongly sorbed TCE but did not affect its rate of biodegradation.  相似文献   

Aims: The objectives of this work were to explore the diversity in Fe (III)-reducing enrichment cultures from the deep subsurface and to identify strains involved in metal reduction.
Methods and Results: Analyses of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) of enrichments, supplemented with hydrogen, acetate or pyruvate as an electron donor, identified three dominant operational taxonomic units (OTUs). All cultures exhibited considerable diversity (36–24 OTUs), even after being transferred at least nine times. Two OTUs were present in all three cultures, constituting about 65% of the total clones examined.
Conclusions: Dominant OTUs appeared to be most closely related to Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus or T. kivui . One OTU, which is potentially responsible for autotrophic Fe (III) reduction, was only about 95% similar to T. ethanolicus and may represent a new species.
Significance and Impact of the Study: An unexpectedly high diversity was found in these enrichments and this diversity may be a feature that can be exploited.  相似文献   

AIMS: The objectives of this work were to explore the diversity in Fe (III)-reducing enrichment cultures from the deep subsurface and to identify strains involved in metal reduction. METHODS AND RESULTS: Analyses of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) of enrichments, supplemented with hydrogen, acetate or pyruvate as an electron donor, identified three dominant operational taxonomic units (OTUs). All cultures exhibited considerable diversity (36-24 OTUs), even after being transferred at least nine times. Two OTUs were present in all three cultures, constituting about 65% of the total clones examined. CONCLUSION: Dominant OTUs appeared to be most closely related to Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus or T. kivui. One OTU, which is potentially responsible for autotrophic Fe (III) reduction, was only about 95% similar to T. ethanolicus and may represent a new species. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: An unexpectedly high diversity was found in these enrichments and this diversity may be a feature that can be exploited.  相似文献   

We studied the acclimation to mercury of bacterial communities of different depths from contaminated and noncontaminated floodplain soils. The level of mercury tolerance of the bacterial communities from the contaminated site was higher than those of the reference site. Furthermore, the level of mercury tolerance and functional versatility of bacterial communities in contaminated soils initially were higher for surface soil, compared with the deeper soils. However, following new mercury exposure, no differences between bacterial communities were observed, which indicates a high adaptive potential of the subsurface communities, possibly due to differences in the availability of mercury. IncP-1 trfA genes were detected in extracted community DNA from all soil depths of the contaminated site, and this finding was correlated to the isolation of four different mercury-resistance plasmids, all belonging to the IncP-1beta group. The abundance of merA and IncP-1 plasmid carrying populations increased, after new mercury exposure, which could be the result of selection as well as horizontal gene exchange. The data in this study suggest a role for IncP-1 plasmids in the acclimation to mercury of surface as well as subsurface soil microbial communities.  相似文献   

Abstract An isolate of Pseudomonas aureofaciens from the phylloplane of sugar beet which was chromosomally modified for monitors purposes by the insertion of two gene cassettes (kmr- xyl E and lac ZY) was introduced to the phytosphere of spring wheat in a number of experiments and the resulting microbial perturbations quantified. Such studies involving innocuous bacterial isolates can serve as a guide in the assessment of risk associated with the release of functionally modified microorganisms. Introductions of P. aureofaciens on seeds caused large microbial perturbations (up to 2 log units) at the seedling stage on seeds and roots. As the inoculated plants matured (tillering, flowering and ripening), perturbations of total microbial populations were found to be non-significant. Microbial perturbation on maturing wheat roots as a result of seed inoculations with P. aureofaciens could only be detected using more sensitive monitoring procedures describing the Pseudomonas community in terms of colony appearance rate on a selective Pseudomonas medium. Spray applications of the marked P. aureofaciens isolate onto the leaf surface of wheat caused no significant perturbations of the indigenous microbial present on the phylloplane.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous and ever‐changing thermal environments drive the evolution of populations and species, especially when extreme conditions increase selection pressure for traits influencing fitness. However, projections of biological diversity under scenarios of climate change rarely consider evolutionary adaptive potential of natural species. In this study, we tested for mechanistic evidence of evolutionary thermal adaptation among ecologically divergent redband trout populations (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) in cardiorespiratory function, cellular response and genomic variation. In a common garden environment, fish from an extreme desert climate had significantly higher critical thermal maximum (< .05) and broader optimum thermal window for aerobic scope (>3°C) than fish from cooler montane climate. In addition, the desert population had the highest maximum heart rate during warming (20% greater than montane populations), indicating improved capacity to deliver oxygen to internal tissues. In response to acute heat stress, distinct sets of cardiac genes were induced among ecotypes, which helps to explain the differences in cardiorespiratory function. Candidate genomic markers and genes underlying these physiological adaptations were also pinpointed, such as genes involved in stress response and metabolic activity (hsp40, ldh‐b and camkk2). These markers were developed into a multivariate model that not only accurately predicted critical thermal maxima, but also evolutionary limit of thermal adaptation in these specific redband trout populations relative to the expected limit for the species. This study demonstrates mechanisms and limitations of an aquatic species to evolve under changing environments that can be incorporated into advanced models to predict ecological consequences of climate change for natural organisms.  相似文献   

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