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Recent experiments to fossilize microorganisms using silica have shown that the fossilization process is far more complex than originally thought; microorganisms not only play an active role in silica precipitation but may also remain alive while silica is precipitating on their cell wall. To better understand the mechanisms that lead to the preservation of fossilized microbes in recent and ancient rocks, we experimentally silicified a Gram-positive bacterium, Geobacillus SP7A, over a period of five years. The microbial response to experimental fossilization was monitored with the use of LIVE/DEAD staining to assess the structural integrity of the cells during fossilization. It documented the crucial role of silicification on the preservation of the cells and of their structural integrity after several years. Electron microscopy observations showed that initial fossilization of Gram-positive bacteria was extremely rapid, thus allowing very good preservation of Geobacillus SP7A cells. A thick layer of silica was deposited on the outer surface of cell walls in the earliest phase of silicification before invading the cytoplasmic space. Eventually, the cell wall was the only recognizable feature. Heavily mineralized cells thus showed morphological similarities with natural microfossils found in the rock record.  相似文献   

Siliceous sinters that precipitate around modern hot spring systems are able to fossilize the indigenous microbial communities, forming molds that accurately outline the shape of the microorganisms. Over time, the biomass decays, and only silica molds or their infill may remain as evidence of the former living cells. However, little is known regarding the fidelity of such silica molds in terms of size and morphology, and the preservation of critical parameters for the identification of ancient silicified microorganisms by silica molds remains untested. Here we report experiments examining the formation of microbial molds of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus in silica gel. We demonstrate that post-depositional processes, primarily desiccation, are crucial for obtaining accurate and robust molds, and that initial desiccation acts to strengthen cell molds against further alteration. However, all silica gel treatments systematically created preservational biases (changes in size, additional structures) that may be misleading and may complicate the identification of fossil microorganisms.  相似文献   

The potential for microscale bacterial Fe redox cycling was investigated in microcosms containing ferrihydrite-coated sand and a coculture of a lithotrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacterium (strain TW2) and a dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing bacterium (Shewanella alga strain BrY). The Fe(II)-oxidizing organism was isolated from freshwater wetland surface sediments which are characterized by steep gradients of dissolved O2 and high concentrations of dissolved and solid-phase Fe(II) within mm of the sediment–water interface, and which support comparable numbers (105–106 mL−1) of culturable Fe(II)-oxidizing and Fe(III)-reducing reducing. The coculture systems showed minimal Fe(III) oxide accumulation at the sand-water interface, despite intensive O2 input from the atmosphere and measurable dissolved O2 to a depth of 2 mm below the sand–water interface. In contrast, a distinct layer of oxide precipitates formed in systems containing Fe(III)-reducing bacteria alone. Examination of materials from the cocultures by fluorescence in situ hybridization indicated close physical juxtapositioning of Fe(II)-oxidizing and Fe(III)-reducing bacteria in the upper few mm of sand. Our results indicate that Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria have the potential to enhance the coupling of Fe(II) oxidation and Fe(III) reduction at redox interfaces, thereby promoting rapid microscale cycling of Fe. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Stromatolitic cherts of the late Precambrian Gaoyuzhuang Formation at the Stratotype section of the “Sinian Suberathem” near Jixian, North China, contain a varied assemblage of well-preserved filamentous and coccoid blue-green algae. This assemblage constitutes perhaps one of the well-preserved, diverse Precambrian microbiota now known. The fossiliferous cherts occur in the lower part of this formation which is about 1500 Ma-old interpolated depending on Pb-Pb ages yielded from the middle part of it and K-Ar ages yielded from the underlying Dahongyu Formation. Fifteen new taxa of microfossils, comprising 6 new genera, are here described from the Gaoyuzhuang stromatolitic cherts. All species of blue-green algae have been recognized in the assemblage and refer to the modern Chroococcaceae, OsciUatoriaceae, Nostocaceae and Rivullariaceae. Most of these fossil algae are comparable in morphological details particularly to living Cyanophyta. It is evident that the cyanophytes had become well-diversified already by the late Precambrian. This evidence indicates that at least the morphological details are similar to those exhibited in living cyanophytes and these blue-green algae have not changed since Gaoyuzhuang time. This apparent evolutionary conservatism is probably attributable to a wide ecological tolerance and flexibility and also reflects its inherent genetic stability. The plant phylogenesis especially of Cyanophyta is discussed in this paper according to microfossil records detected in the thin sections of stromatolitic cherts from the Gaoyuzhuang Formation. Based on morphological characteristics and their generations Rivullariaceae may originate from Oscillatoriaceae. In addition algal biocoenoses in this stromatolitic chert grew in the form of laminar mats in the apparently subtital to intertital environment. The paleoclimate was subtropical or tropical. The following new taxa are here described:Microcystopsis yaoi, Eoaphanothece zhuiana, Oscillatoriopsis acuminata, O. hemisphaerica, O. disciformis, O. glabra, O. tuberculata, Eophormidium liangii, E. capitatum, E. semicirculare, Schizothropsis caudata, Paleoisocystis monosporata, P. disporata, Anabaenidium sophoroides and Paleocalothrix xui.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria synthesize intracellular magnetic particles, magnetosomes, which arrange in chain(s) and confer on cell a magnetic dipolar moment. To explore the function of geomagnetic field to magnetotactic bacteria, the effects of hypomagnetic field on magnetosome formation in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 were studied. Cells were cultivated in a specially designed device where geomagnetic field was reduced by about 100-fold to less than 500nT. AMB-1 cultures were incubated in hypomagnetic field or geomagnetic field. Results showed that hypomagnetic field had no significant effects on the average number of magnetic particles per bacterium and bacterial iron depletion. However, the growth (OD) of cell at stationary-phase was lower and cellular magnetism (R mag) at exponential growth phase was higher than that of bacteria cultivated in geomagnetic field. Statistic results on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs showed that the average size of magnetic particles in AMB-1 cells in hypomagnetic field group was larger than that of in geomagnetic field group and more ratio of larger-size magnetic particles (>50 nm) was observed when cultivated 16 h under hypomagnetic field. Furthermore, the influences of hypomagnetic field on gene expression were studied in AMB-1 cells. Quantitative RT-PCR results showed that hypomagnetic field up-regulated mms13, down-regulated mms6 and had no effect on magA. Together, the results showed that hypomagnetic field could affect the growth of AMB-1 at the stationary-phase, the crystallization process of magnetosomes, and mms13, mms6 expressions. In addition, our results suggested that the geomagnetic field plays an important role in the biomineralization of magnetosomes.  相似文献   

Abstract. The epidermis of the free-living typhloplanids Mesostoma viaregginum and M. productum (Mesostominae) is described. In both species, the epidermis has polarized cells with nuclei located at the basal part of the cell, whereas mitochondria are in the apical one. The epidermis is entirely covered by microvilli and locomotory cilia anchored in the cytoplasm by vertical and horizontal rootlets. Rootlets exhibit distinct length and periodic structure in the two species. Furthermore, in each species vertical and horizontal rootlets possess different periodic structure. The pattern of termination of microtubules in epidermal cilia is described for the first time in the Typhloplanida; central microtubules shift along one axonemal side, doublets 1 and 6–9 lose their microtubule B, and gradually peripheral doublets become singlets. Finally, an electron-dense material caps the tip of the cilia. This pattern of termination closely resembles that of Temnocephalida, Kalytorhynchia, and Dalyelliida examined so far, but differences exist.  相似文献   

The cytopathological effects of cotton bunchy top (CBT) disease and its mode of transmission by Aphis gossypii Glover (cotton aphid), were studied. CBT infection affected the leaf epidermal layer producing a loose, ruptured and rough surface morphology with many stomata closed and misshapen. Roots of CBT‐infected plants showed reduced growth, small knots and a dark brown appearance. A single aphid per plant was capable of transmitting CBT at 5%, whereas three aphids per plant transmitted CBT to 50% of the cotton seedlings and 20 aphids per plant transmitted the disease agent to 80% of the cotton seedlings. Aphis gossypii acquired CBT after a minimum acquisition access period of 5 min and transmitted the agent after a minimum inoculation access period of 1 h. Both alate and apterous aphids and nymph instars 2, 3 and 4 of A. gossypii transmitted CBT. This preliminary data suggest that A. gossypii transmits CBT in a semi‐persistent manner. Myzus persicae Sulz (green peach aphid) was unable to transmit CBT. A comprehensive attempt to isolate the CBT agent, using a range of virological techniques including double‐stranded RNA extraction, two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis for viroid, circular DNA test, nanovirus polymerase chain reaction (PCR), luteovirus PCR and enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay, phytoplasma test, nucleoprotein purification and electron microscopy, was unsuccessful, raising the possibility that CBT may be caused by a unique new pathogen.  相似文献   

为探究黄曲霉菌的毒素合成是否影响菌丝超微形态,本研究结合扫描和透射电镜技术比较观察产毒(28℃和30℃)和不产毒(37℃和40℃)温度下培养的不同发育阶段的黄曲霉菌菌丝形态和超微结构.扫描电镜结果显示:28℃下,在24h和44h菌丝体表面有丝状粘性分泌物附着,48-72h之间菌丝体逐渐出现皱缩、塌陷和扭曲现象,而37℃...  相似文献   

In the species‐specific and obligate mutualism between the fig (Moraceae: Ficus spp.) and its pollinator (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae), the continuity of lifecycle of both partners completely depends on the female pollinator's ability to detect receptive figs. To better understand the chemical location mechanism, we examined the antennae and their sensilla of the female fig pollinator Eupristina sp. using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The antennae of female Eupristina sp. are geniculated, and in total, there were seven types of sensilla found on the antennae: two types of multiporous placoid sensilla (type 1 is sausage‐like and type 2 is rounded), sensilla trichodea (ST), basiconic sensilla (BS), chaetica sensilla (ChS), coeloconic sensilla (CoS), and one specialized sensillum classified as sensillum obscurum (SO). We described external morphology, abundance, distribution, ultrastructure and discussed putative functions. We inferred from their ultrastructures as chemoreceptors that two types of multiporous placoid sensilla, BS and CoS, were innervated by sensory neurons. The aporous type ST, ChS, and SO were not innervated by dendrites which may function as mechanoreceptor/proprioceptor. These results were also discussed in relation to the interaction between Eupristina sp. and its host fig.  相似文献   

Isolated chlorosomes of several species of filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (FAPB) and green sulfur bacteria (GSB) were examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM) to characterize their topography and biometry. Chlorosomes of Chloroflexus aurantiacus, Chloronema sp., and Chlorobium (Chl.) tepidum exhibited a smooth surface, whereas those of Chl. phaeobacteroides and Chl. vibrioforme showed a rough one. The potential artifactual nature of the two types of surfaces, which may have arisen because of sample manipulation or AFM processing, was ruled out when AFM images and transmission electron micrographs were compared. The difference in surface texture might be associated with the specific lipid and polypeptide composition of the chlorosomal envelope. The study of three-dimensional AFM images also provides information about the size and shape of individual chlorosomes. Chlorosomal volumes ranged from ca. 35000 nm3 to 247000 nm3 for Chl. vibrioforme and Chl. phaeobacteroides, respectively. The mean height was about 25 nm for all the species studied, except Chl. vibrioforme, which showed a height of only 14 nm, suggesting that GSB have 1–2 layers of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) rods and GFB have 4. Moreover, the average number of BChl molecules per chlorosome was estimated according to models of BChl rod organisation. These calculations yielded upper limits ranging from 34000 BChl molecules in Chl. vibrioforme to 240000 in Chl. phaeobacteroides, values that greatly surpass those conventionally accepted.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

应用扫描电镜术和透射电镜术显示,纤毛虫念珠异列虫(Anteholosticha monilata)的射出胞器早期发生在细胞质深处,附近有不同类型的囊泡结构。成熟后射出胞器向表膜迁移,结构由不同电子密度片层的体部、结晶状的中心轴杆部和多层膜的帽部组成。受外界刺激时胞器冲破皮层射出,形态呈"蘑菇"状。据上述观察结果推测:该射出胞器具有防御作用,它可能起源于高尔基体活动产生的小泡;在亲缘关系较近的纤毛虫中,其射出胞器可能具有相似的分化特征。  相似文献   

El‐Bakry, A.M. 2011. Comparative study of the corneal epithelium in some reptiles inhabiting different environments. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 54–61. The vertebrate cornea functions in either aquatic or aerial environments and in some cases in both. In terrestrial and aerial vertebrates, the cornea contributes most of the refractive powers of the eye because of the large variation in refractive index between the air and the cornea. The present study aimed to examine and compare the main features of the corneal epithelial surface of three reptilian species related to three different families (Caretta caretta, Varanus griseus and Mabuya quinquetaeniata) and inhabiting different environment, by light, scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy. The mean epithelial cell densities of the species of the study were 8.670 ± 3.134, 5.945 ± 2.144 and 2.124 ± 713 respectively. The corneal epithelium of the three species observed by SEM showed a similarity to one another indicating that the apical cell surfaces possess regular polygonal cells with varieties of microprocesses. These microprocesses were represented by microplicae, numerous microvilli and some long microridges in C. caretta, microplicae and minute microholes in V. griseus and microplicae intermingled with short microvilli in M. quinquetaeniata. According to the densities of these microprocesses, three polymorphic cell types (light, medium and dark) appeared in C. caretta, light and medium cell types were observed in V. griseus and medium and dark cell types were noticed in M. quinquetaeniata. Different types of tight adhesions were observed by transmission electron microscopy between the cell borders of the epithelial cells which differ according to environment where the species occupy. In conclusion, variation in the structure of the corneal epithelial cells appears to be related to the living environment, such as aerial, terrestrial and aquatic ones, which is occupied by every species.  相似文献   

Kesterite‐type Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 has been extensively studied over the past several years, with researchers searching for promising candidates for indium‐ and gallium‐free inexpensive absorbers in high‐efficiency thin‐film solar cells. Many notable experimental and theoretical studies have dealt with the effects of intrinsic point defects, Cu/Zn/Sn nonstoichiometry, and cation impurities on cell performance. However, there have been few systematic investigations elucidating the distribution of oxygen at an atomic scale and the correlation between oxygen substitution and charge transport despite unavoidable incorporation of oxygen from the ambient atmosphere during thin‐film fabrication. Using energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy, scanning transmission electron microscopy, and electron energy‐loss spectroscopy, the presence of nanoscale layers is directly demonstrated in which oxygen is substantially substituted for Se, near grain boundaries in polycrystalline Cu2ZnSnSe4 films. Density‐functional theory calculations also show that oxygen substitution remarkably lowers the valence band maximum and subsequently widens the overall bandgap. Consequently, anion modification by oxygen can make a major contribution to the formation of a robust barrier blocking the holes from bulk grains into grain boundaries, thereby efficiently attaining electron?hole separation. The findings provide crucial insights into achieving better energy conversion efficiency in kesterite‐based thin‐film solar cells through optimum control of oxidation during the fabrication process.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The structure and morphogenesis of the ventral ciliature of Paraurostyla hymenophora (Stokes) are described. The oral primordium apparently originates in association with transverse cirrus #6, from which it migrates anteriorly simultaneous with kinetosomal proliferation. The primordium eventually forms an elongate ciliary field from which the future opisthe's fronto-ventro-transverse (FVT) and undulating membrane primordial fields arise. Concomitantly, the future proter's FVT primordial field is initiated by the disaggregation of frontal cirri #4, #5, and #6. Primordia then develop simultaneously within marginal and ventral cirral rows by a disaggregation of cirri within the respective rows, and do not give rise to new cirri until the FVT fields complete segregation into discrete cirri. Near the completion of cirral production from the FVT primordia, each ventral cirral primordium (VCP) forms the 2 rightmost transverse cirri. Segregation of new cirri within the marginal cirral primordia and VCP then occurs, eventually replacing all old cirri within their respective marginal and ventral cirral rows. At the end of cortical morphogenesis, all old ciliary organelles, with the exception of the adoral zone of membranelles, are either reorganized or replaced. These results suggest an evolutionary affinity between the ventral and marginal cirral rows and raise questions about the control of the developmental competence of individual primordia.  相似文献   

Two mutations in the alpha-synuclein gene (A30P and A53T) have been linked to autosomal dominant early-onset Parkinson's disease (PD). Both mutations promote the formation of transient protofibrils (prefibrillar oligomers), suggesting that protofibrils are linked to cytotoxicity. In this work, the effect of these mutations on the structure of alpha-synuclein oligomers was investigated using electron microscopy and digital image processing. The PD-linked mutations (A30P and A53T) were observed to affect both the morphology and the size distribution of alpha-synuclein protofibrils (measured by analytical ultracentrifugation and scanning transmission electron microscopy). The A30P variant was observed to promote the formation of annular, pore-like protofibrils, whereas A53T promotes formation of annular and tubular protofibrillar structures. Wild-type alpha-synuclein also formed annular protofibrils, but only after extended incubation. The formation of pore-like oligomeric structures may explain the membrane permeabilization activity of alpha-synuclein protofibrils. These structures may contribute to the pathogenesis of PD.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon degrading bacteria, enriched from an in situ bioremediation site in Long Valley, AZ emulsified and colonized the surface of waste engine oil. The application of a partial dehydration conventional embedding protocol for ultrathin-section transmission electron microscopy preserved the hydrocarbon degrading bacteria–surfactant–oil interface. Bacterial adsorption to oil occurred in association with a highly charged, amphipathic bacterial surfactant interface (25–50 nm thick). This biosurfactant completely encapsulated the emulsified oil droplets demonstrating that less than 1% surfactant (by volume) is required to emulsify waste hydrocarbon during or to promote biodegradation. Growth on oil appeared to occur by the uptake of tens of nm-sized droplets of emulsified oil.  相似文献   

Plasmodium gallinaceum ookinetes adhered to Aedes aegypti midgut epithelia when purified ookinetes and isolated midguts were combined in vitro. Ookinetes preferentially bound to the microvillated luminal surface of the midgut, and they seemed to interact with three types of structures on the midgut surface. First, they adhered lo and migrated through a network-like matrix, which we have termed microvilli-associated network, that covers the surface of the microvilli. This network forms on the luminal midgut surface in response to blood or protein meals. Second, the ookinetes bound directly to the microvilli on the surface of the midgut and were occasionally found immersed in the thick microvillar layer. Third, the ookinetes associated with accumulations of vesicular structures found interspersed between the microvillated cells of the midgut. The origin of these vesicular structures is unknown, but they correlated with the surface of midgut cells invaded by ookinetes as observed by TEM. After binding to the midgut. ookinetes underwent extensive morphological changes: they frequently developed one or more annular constrictions, and their surface roughened considerably, suggesting that midgut components remain bound to the parasite surface. Our observations suggest that, in a natural infection, the ookinete interacts in a sequential manner with specific components of the midgut surface. Initial binding to the midgut surface may activate the ookinete and cause morphological changes in preparation for invasion of the midgut cells.  相似文献   

Collagen fibrils are the principal tensile element of vertebrate tissues where they occur in the extracellular matrix as spatially organised arrays. A major challenge is to understand how the mechanisms of nucleation, growth and remodelling yield fibrils of tissue-specific diameter and length. Here we have developed a seeding system whereby collagen fibrils were isolated from avian embryonic tendon and added to purified collagen solution, in order to characterise fibril surface nucleation and growth mechanisms. Fragmentation of tendon in liquid nitrogen followed by Dounce homogenisation generated fibril length fragments. Most (> 94%) of the fractured ends of fibrils, which show an abrupt square profile, were found to act as nucleation sites for further growth by molecular accretion. The mechanism of this nucleation and growth process was investigated by transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy mass mapping. Typically, a single growth spur occurred on the N-terminal end of seed fibrils whilst twin spurs frequently formed on the C-terminal end before merging into a single tip projection. The surface nucleation and growth process generated a smoothly tapered tip that achieved maximum diameter when the axial extension reached ∼ 13 μm. Lateral growth also occurred along the entire length of all seed fibrils that contained tip projections. The data support a model of collagen fibril growth in which the broken ends of fibrils are nucleation sites for propagation in opposite axial directions. The observed fibril growth behaviour has direct relevance to tendon matrix remodelling and repair processes that might involve rupture of collagen fibrils.  相似文献   

The development and release of the unique vegetative propagules of the freshwater encrusting alga Hildenbrandia angolensis Welwitsch ex West et West, gemmae, were studied using several different microscopic and histochemical techniques. In addition, the seasonality of gemma production was monitored bimonthly over a 12‐month period in two spring‐fed streams in Texas, USA. Gemmae differentiate within the thallus and are subsequently released from the surface of the crust. Release of the gemmae most likely occurs by digestion of surrounding cells, as suggested by the presence of starch granules and lipid globules in the region between the released gemma and the thallus. The initial separation of the gemmae from the thallus occurs from the sides of the gemma or the bottom, or possibly simultaneously. Contrary to previous studies, we have observed that gemma production occurs endogenously within the thallus of freshwater Hildenbrandia, rather than on the surface of the crust in raised structures. Histochemical tests and electron microscopic examination indicate that the cells of the gemmae contain a large amount of floridean starch. The starch granules frequently form rings surrounding the nuclei of both gemma and thallus cells; a feature infrequently reported for florideophyte red algae. Our seasonality investigations indicate that large fluctuations in gemma production occur over 1 year, but at least some gemma production continues year‐round in the streams examined.  相似文献   

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