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Timo Tamminen 《Hydrobiologia》1982,86(1-2):109-113
Microbial heterotrophic activity, dark CO2 assimilation, primary productivity and microbial ATP were measured monthly in the extremely eutrophic Lake Tuusulanjärvi during the winter of 1979–1980. Because of continuous water circulation caused by low temperature and artificial aeration of the lake, no winter stratification developed. Very low summertime 3H-glucose turnover times of 5 h increased to a level of 10–20 h from August to January. Winter maximum of 110 h was measured in March, and turnover times returned to 10–20 h in April, before the vernal bloom of algae occured. Oxygen saturation remained over 46% during the winter.High primary productivity was observed in November (400–500 mg C m–3 day–1), and measurable productivity was detected under ice in January (80 mg C m–3 day–1). Dark CO2 assimilation increased to 14% of primary productivity in March. No correlation was found between 3H-glucose turnover rate and dark CO2 assimilation. ATP correlated slightly better with primary productivity than with turnover rate. The single concentration method proved to be sensitive for winter heterotrophic activity measurement.  相似文献   


During the summer of 1977, a severe drought throughout the western part of the United States caused the north arm of the Great Salt Lake, Utah, to evaporate to its lowest level in a number of years, resulting in the precipitation of about 99.6% pure sodium chloride. At the extreme north end of the north arm, in the vicinity of Monument Point, low humidity combined with a shallow‐bottom gradient to form a salt crust along the lake margin in which gas‐emitting domes were common. The domes varied in size; each contained a large amount of gas that analysis showed to be 82 to 86% oxygen and 14 to 18% nitrogen, with <0.2% or no methane, and no detectable carbon dioxide. The bottom of the crust of the domes (3 to 4 cm thick) was a bright red color. Microscopic examination of this red zone revealed 3.5 × 104 cells of Dunaliella salina, 2 × 103 cells of D. viridis and 108 to 109 clumps of red halophilic bacteria per g of salt. Measurements in situ showed sufficient light (34 klx) and temperature (34°C) under the salt to favor the growth of the algae and associated bacteria within the water phase of the crust or in water immediately underneath the crust. Oxygen produced as a result of algal photosynthesis was trapped under the crust until the crust was either eroded by waves or broken under pressure, releasing the gas. The domes were not observed during the summers of 1978 and 1979.  相似文献   

During the drilling process and transport of crude oil, water mixes with the petroleum. At oil terminals, the water settles to the bottom of storage tanks. This drainage water is contaminated with emulsified oil and water-soluble hydrocarbons and must be treated before it can be released into the environment. In this study, we tested the efficiency of a continuous flow, two-stage bioreactor for treating drainage water from an Israeli oil terminal. The bioreactor removed all of the ammonia, 93% of the sulfide and converted 90% of the total organic carbon (TOC) into carbon dioxide. SYBR Gold staining indicated that reactor 1 contained 1.7 × 108 bacteria and 3.7 × 108 phages per millilitre, and reactor 2 contained 1.3 × 108 bacteria and 1.7 × 109 phages per millilitre. The unexpectedly high mineralization of TOC and high concentration of phage in reactor 2 support the concept of a phage-driven microbial loop in the bioremediation of the drainage water. In general, application of this concept in bioremediation of contaminated water has the potential to increase the efficiency of processes.  相似文献   

Lacustrine carbonate chimneys are striking, metre‐scale constructions. If these were bioinfluenced constructions, they could be priority targets in the search for early and extraterrestrial microbial life. However, there are questions over whether such chimneys are built on a geobiological framework or are solely abiotic geomorphological features produced by mixing of lake and spring waters. Here, we use correlative microscopy to show that microbes were living around Pleistocene Mono Lake carbonate chimneys during their growth. A plausible interpretation, in line with some recent works by others on other lacustrine carbonates, is that benthic cyanobacteria and their associated extracellular organic material (EOM) formed tubular biofilms around rising sublacustrine spring vent waters, binding calcium ions and trapping and binding detrital silicate sediment. Decay of these biofilms would locally have increased calcium and carbonate ion activity, inducing calcite precipitation on and around the biofilms. Early manganese carbonate mineralisation was directly associated with cell walls, potentially related to microbial activity though the precise mechanism remains to be elucidated. Much of the calcite crystal growth was likely abiotic, and no strong evidence for either authigenic silicate growth or a clay mineral precursor framework was observed. Nevertheless, it seems likely that the biofilms provided initial sites for calcite nucleation and encouraged the primary organised crystal growth. We suggest that the nano‐, micro‐ and macroscale fabrics of these Pleistocene Mono Lake chimneys were affected by the presence of centimetre‐thick tubular and vertically stacked calcifying microbial mats. Such carbonate chimneys represent a promising macroscale target in the exploration for ancient or extraterrestrial life.  相似文献   

Limited taxonomic classification is possible for Archaean microbial mats and this is a fundamental limitation in constraining early ecosystems. Applying Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), a powerful tool for identifying vibrational motions attributable to specific functional groups, we characterized fossilized biopolymers in 3.5–3.3 Ga microbial mats from the Barberton greenstone belt (South Africa). Microbial mats from four Palaeoarchaean horizons exhibit significant differences in taxonomically informative aliphatic contents, despite high aromaticity. This reflects precursor biological heterogeneity since all horizons show equally exceptional preservation and underwent similar grades of metamorphism. Low methylene to end-methyl (CH2/CH3) absorbance ratios in mats from the 3.472 Ga Middle Marker horizon signify short, highly branched n-alkanes interpreted as isoprenoid chains forming archaeal membranes. Mats from the 3.45 Ga Hooggenoeg Chert H5c, 3.334 Ga Footbridge Chert, and 3.33 Ga Josefsdal Chert exhibit higher CH2/CH3 ratios suggesting mostly longer, unbranched fatty acids from bacterial lipid precursors. Absorbance ratios of end-methyl to methylene (CH3/CH2) in Hooggenoeg, Josefsdal and Footbridge mats yield a range of values (0.20–0.80) suggesting mixed bacterial and archaeal architect communities based on comparison with modern examples. Higher (0.78–1.25) CH3/CH2 ratios in the Middle Marker mats identify Archaea. This exceptional preservation reflects early, rapid silicification preventing the alteration of biogeochemical signals inherited from biomass. Since silicification commenced during the lifetime of the microbial mat, FTIR signals estimate the affinities of the architect community and may be used in the reconstruction of Archaean ecosystems. Together, these results show that Bacteria and Archaea flourished together in Earth's earliest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The benefits of “bet‐hedging” strategies have been assumed to be the main cause of phenotypic diversity in biological populations. However, in their recent work, Healey et al ( 2016 ) provide experimental support for negative frequency‐dependent selection (NFDS) as an alternative driving force of diversity. NFDS favors rare phenotypes over common ones, resulting in an evolutionarily stable mixture of phenotypes that is not necessarily optimal for population growth.  相似文献   

Oncorhynchus kawamurae (Osteichthyes: Salmonidae) (common name “Kunimasu”), a species endemic to Lake Tazawa, Akita Prefecture, Japan, was believed to have been extinct since 1940. However, nine specimens were discovered in March and April 2010 in Lake Saiko, Yamanashi Prefecture, one of the lakes to which eyed eggs of the species were introduced in 1935. These were identified as O. kawamurae because of having 47–62 pyloric caeca, 37–43 gill-rakers, a black-colored body, and spawning at 30–40 m depth in early spring, which are unique characteristics within Oncorhynchus. Furthermore, the distinctiveness of Kunimasu from sympatric kokanee (O. nerka) was supported by microsatellite DNA data.  相似文献   

Nucleic acids from 41 strains of Metarhizium anisopliae, obtained from different parts of the world were extracted and examined by electrophoresis. Strong bands of double‐stranded RNA (dsRNA) were detected in two isolates from Brazil, V215 and V291, which had, respectively, 13 and 9 distinct bands ranging in size from ca. 0.75 to 3.5 kb. Icosahedral virus‐like particles (VLPs) (ca. 33 nm in diameter) were observed by transmission electron microscopy in extracts of these isolates. The VLPs and dsRNA were both absent from a clone of the isolate V291 which had been subcultured successively on solid medium. Bioassays against the aphid Myzus persicae showed no detectable difference in virulence between the clone of V291 which contained dsRNA and the clone that did not.  相似文献   

The supratidal–intertidal sabkha of the Al-Kharrar area, Red Sea coast, Saudi Arabia, contains the evaporite minerals gypsum, anhydrite, and halite. Microbial mats flourish adjacent to the sabkha evaporites in tidal flats and pools of the Al Kharrar lagoon. Desiccation and decay of some microbial mats in tidal flat areas have led to precipitation of gypsum and halite there. The evaporite minerals have been precipitated through displacive, inclusive, and replacive growth within mud, sand, gravelly sand, and bioclastic sediment of the sabkha. Gypsum occurs as lenticular and tabular crystals whereas anhydrite occurs as nodular (individual, mosaic, and enterolithic) and pseudomorphs of lenticular gypsum crystals that grew displacively and replacively near the surface of the sabkha. Halite exists as a diagenetic cement within the sabkha sediment, or as primary rafts and skeletal crystals in desiccated tidal pools with salinity over 220‰. Microbial mats are growing on the surface of the upper tidal flat areas and in pools at a salinity range of 80–110‰, and they lead to biostabilization of the sediment. They have induced a range of sedimentary surface structures (MISS) including gas domes, reticulate patterns, tufts, pinnacles, wrinkles, and microbial shrinkage cracks. The occurrence, abundance, and association of evaporite minerals and MISS are controlled by local environmental factors such topography of the sabkha, emergence or submergence of tidal areas, surface area of the evaporite basin, contribution of meteoric water from floods from the adjoining Red Sea Mountains, and water salinity. These factors promote the growth of the microbial mats in the winter months, and deposition of evaporite minerals during summer months. Field and petrographic data indicate that the main recharge to the sabkha area is from tidal flow and water seepage from the Al-Kharrar lagoon. The results of this study indicate that within a small sabkha area of Al-Kharrar (3?×?17 km), a large variation in evaporite mineral types and morphologies grade into and are associated with MISS due to local environmental parameters. The interpretation of this association of evaporite minerals and MISS provides useful data for understanding the mechanisms responsible for precipitation of evaporite minerals and formation of MISS.  相似文献   

Genetically identical cells in microbial populations often exhibit a remarkable degree of phenotypic heterogeneity even in homogenous environments. Such heterogeneity is commonly thought to represent a bet‐hedging strategy against environmental uncertainty. However, evolutionary game theory predicts that phenotypic heterogeneity may also be a response to negative frequency‐dependent interactions that favor rare phenotypes over common ones. Here we provide experimental evidence for this alternative explanation in the context of the well‐studied yeast GAL network. In an environment containing the two sugars glucose and galactose, the yeast GAL network displays stochastic bimodal activation. We show that in this mixed sugar environment, GALON and GALOFF phenotypes can each invade the opposite phenotype when rare and that there exists a resulting stable mix of phenotypes. Consistent with theoretical predictions, the resulting stable mix of phenotypes is not necessarily optimal for population growth. We find that the wild‐type mixed strategist GAL network can invade populations of both pure strategists while remaining uninvasible by either. Lastly, using laboratory evolution we show that this mixed resource environment can directly drive the de novo evolution of clonal phenotypic heterogeneity from a pure strategist population. Taken together, our results provide experimental evidence that negative frequency‐dependent interactions can underlie the phenotypic heterogeneity found in clonal microbial populations.  相似文献   

Wu  Lipeng  Wang  Yidong  Zhang  Shirong  Wei  Wenliang  Kuzyakov  Yakov  Ding  Xiaodong 《Plant and Soil》2021,463(1-2):523-535
Plant and Soil - Soil was sampled (0–20&nbsp;cm) from a 5-year Yellow River Delta paddy field experiment: no fertilizers (Control), mineral fertilizers (NPK), and NPK plus organic...  相似文献   

Ornithogenic soils (N = 97) dated up to 7000 Before Present (bp) were sampled in 16 relict and modern breeding colonies of Adélie penguin along the Victoria Land coast (Ross Sea, Antarctica). Taxonomic identification of fish otoliths (N = 677) recovered in these soils allowed to identify the Antarctic silverfish as the most eaten prey (90.1%) throughout the investigated period. A morphometric analysis of the otoliths revealed that the Adélie penguin primarily selected prey averaging 67.23 ± 23 mm of standard length. Temporal distribution of Pleuragramma antarcticum showed a peak between 2,000 and 4,000 years bp, a period corresponding to the maximum spread of Adélie penguin in the Victoria Land. Possible explanations of the variations of the abundance of the fish prey in the diet are discussed in the context of the paleoclimatic events and as possible consequences of dietary shifts due to the temporal variation of prey availability in the Ross Sea ecosystem.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine age‐related differences in the daily attention patterns of preschool, kindergarten, first‐grade, and fifth‐grade pupils by means of a cross‐sectional sample of 4–11‐year‐old French students. The importance of this study comes from the need to understand attention and apply the information it provides in educational settings. The first study conducted in a school setting with three age groups (4–5‐, 6–7‐, and 10–11‐year‐olds) demonstrated a rapid rhythmicity (60 minute period) for preschoolers (4–5 years old), with higher performance at the beginning of a teaching session. This pattern evolved until the fifth grade (10–11‐year‐olds), after which the temporal variation in attention was comparable to that of working adults, with fluctuations occurring on a half‐day basis. The children's scores on crossing‐out tests rose during the morning, declined in the early afternoon, and then rose again later during the afternoon. The second study enhanced our understanding of the change of the rhythm in attention of 4–7‐year‐old pupils. The rapid daily rhythmicity, linked to a session effect, seems to gradually disappear as children move from preschool 2 to kindergarten (4–5‐ to 5–6‐year‐olds) and then on to first grade (6–7‐year‐olds), where the daily attention patterns are closer to the standard pattern found by chronopsychology studies. The evolving patterns obtained from group means were confirmed by analysis of individual patterns. Exploratory statistical analysis of the data provided greater detail on the observed interindividual patterns, indicating that within each school grade, the attention patterns of some children are similar to the standard pattern while the attention patterns of others are more atypical. Deviations were mainly found in the 5–6‐year‐old age range (kindergarteners). The greatest ‘mixture’ of patterns was observed in the kindergartners (5–6‐year‐olds). Age plays a role not only in modifying daily changes but also in the distribution of interindividual differences in daily fluctuations, which occur most when children are of kindergarten age (5–6 years of age).  相似文献   

Three distinct types of Tc1‐family transposable elements have been identified in the malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae. These three elements, named Tsessebe, Topi and Tiang, have the potential to encode transposases that retain most of the conserved amino acids that are characteristic of this transposon family. However, all three are diverged from each other by more than 50% at the nucleotide level. Full‐length genomic clones of two types, Topi and Tsessebe, have been isolated and fully sequenced. The third, Tiang, is represented only by a 270 bp, PCR‐amplified fragment of the transposase coding region. The Topi and Tsessebe elements are 1.4 kb and 2.0 kb in length, respectively, and differ in the length of their inverted terminal repeats (ITRs). The Topi elements have 26 bp ITRs, whereas the Tsessebe clones have long ITRs ranging in length from 105 to 209 bp, with the consensus being about 180 bp. This difference is due primarily to variation in the length of an internal stretch of GT repeats. The copy number and location of these elements in ovarian nurse cell polytene chromosomes varies greatly between element subtypes: Topi elements are found at between 17–31 sites, Tsessebe at 9–13 and at 20 euchromatic sites, in addition to several copies of these elements in heterochromatic DNA. The copy number and genomic insertion sites of these transposons varies between A.gambiae strains and between member species of the A.gambiae complex. This may be indicative of transpositionally active Tc1‐like elements within the genome. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

James O. Buckman 《Ichnos》2013,20(2):83-97
The new ichnogenus Parataenidium is erected for backfilled tubular trace fossils that can appear superficially similar to Taenidium, but are divided horizontally into two distinct levels. Two ichnospecies are recognised: Parataenidium mullaghmorensis isp. nov. and Parataenidium moniliformis (Tate 1859). The latter ichnospecies is transferred from Eione Tate 1859, which is a junior homonym of Eione Rafinesque 1814, and therefore unavailable for Tate's ichnotaxon. The ichnogenus is an important component of late Paleozoic shallow‐water siliciclastic sediments, and can be considered as a “guide”; indicator for the Carboniferous.  相似文献   

Membrane‐bound pyroglutamyl‐2‐naphthylamide‐hydrolyzing enzyme activity was analyzed fluorometrically in the anterior hypothalamus, pituitary, and retina of adult male rats to investigate day–night differences. Six groups (n=6 per group) were assessed—three during the light span and three during the dark span—under a standard 12 h–12 h light–dark cycle (light on from 07:00 to 19:00 h) and controlled temperature environment, with food and water available ad libitum. In the hypothalamus, enzyme activity levels were higher for time points of the dark than the light period. In contrast, the pituitary and retina exhibited the highest levels at the time points of the light period. The pituitary and retina also exhibited significant differences between the clock‐hour means of the light period. Day–night differences in membrane‐bound pyroglutamyl‐2‐naphthylamide‐hydrolyzing activity may reflect differences in its susceptible endogenous substrates.  相似文献   

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