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Biological studies withChrysocharis parksi Crawford, a parasite of agromyzid leafminers, were conducted.C. parksi successfully parasitized the following species in the genusLiriomyza Mik.,L. huidobrensis (Blanchard),L. sativae Blanchard,L. trifolii (Burgess), andL. trifoliearum Spencer. Successful parasite development was recorded from 8 plant families and 16 genera. Host plants which were suitable for leafminer development to the adult stage were also suitable for parasite development. Mean immature developmental period (egg to adult, usingL. trifolii as the host) at 21.1°, 26.7°, and 32.2° C was (for both sexes) 23, 14, and 14 days, respectively. Longevity of females provided only water was inversely related to temperature; significantly longer survival occurred at 21.1° C (5.0 days) compared to 26.7° C and 32.2° C (3.2 and 2.1 days, respectively). The addition of honey to the diet significantly improved longevity of both sexes at all temperatures. Adult female parasites which were provided an average of 33.0L. trifolii larvae per day produced an average of 135 offspring at a constant 26.7° C.C. parksi host-fed on ca. 3.7 leafminer larvae per day over an 11-day adult lifespan.   相似文献   

We investigated the hypotheses that Liriomyza trifolii is a polyandrous species and that multiple mating is required to maximize female fecundity. In addition, the hypothesis that male copulating frequency reduces female fecundity was examined. Using sterile and fertile males, we found that L. trifolii females mate more than once during their life span, and that multiple mating is required to maximize female fecundity. A similar amount of sperm was transferred during five successive male copulations with an equal insemination probability. However, the probability of reproduction failure was strongly correlated with the male copulating sequence. Moreover, the failure rate of sperm transfer was found to be 6.8%. In light of these results, possible selection pressures driving for polyandry in L. trifolii are discussed.  相似文献   

In the laboratory, mortality rates of the agromyzid leafminer larvae,Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess), ranged from 48 to 98% by 20 strains and/or species of steinernematid and heterorhabditid nematodes. In the greenhouse, abamectin provided superior control of larval leafminers, killing 100% of them as compared withSteinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) All strain (24 to 43% leafminer mortality) orS. carpocapsae Liriomyza-selected strain (8 to 44% leafminer mortality); the maximum relative humidity (r.h.) ranged between 81 and 91% and the minimum r.h. between 50 and 70%. In the foghouse under high r.h., the commercially available All strain and the Hawaiian isolate ofS. feltiae (Filipjev) MG-14 strain caused 69 and 67% mean mortality, respectively. There was a significant correlation (P<0.01) between nematode mortality of leafminers and r.h., including the mean, standard deviation, and minimum r.h. during the 48 h after treatment. Average r.h. >92% with a standard deviation of <9% r.h. and a minimum of 72% r.h. providedS. carpocapsae All strain mortality rates of leafminers >65%. The major constraint against the use of nematodes against leafminers in the foliar environment is low r.h. The use of nematodes againstL. trifolii can be successful if the r.h. remains high and if nematodes enter leafmines before desiccation, and the nematodes should be integrated with chemical insecticides such as abamectin to manage pesticide resistance inL. trifolii.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on the solitary egg-larval endoparasitoidPhanerotoma hendecasisella Cam. [Hymenoptera: Braconidae] to determine its biology onDiaphania indica (Saunders) [Lepidoptera: Pyralidae]. Larvae pass through 3 stages as determined by the shape and size of the mandibles. Mean developmental period from egg to adult was 26.51 days at 26.06 °C and 73.88% RH. There is no preoviposition period. The sex ratio was 1∶1.12 (male/female). Mean adult longevity was not different for ♂♂ and ♀♀.   相似文献   

M. Katô 《BioControl》1989,34(4):503-509
The host-handling behavior of individual female waspsDiglyphys minoeus which attack the larvae of the honeysuckle leaf-miner,Phytomyza lonicerae, include 4 types of behavior: probing, ovipositor insertion, host-feeding, and resting. Ovipositor insertion may either be injection of venom, probing of the host by the sensilla on the ovipositor's tip or egg laying. Three types of attacks were distinguished: oviposition attack for unparasitized larvae, host-feeding attack for unparasitized host larvae and host rejection for previously parasitized host larvae. Oviposition attack was characterized by frequent alternation between probing and ovipositor insertion, long duration of ovipositor insertion and resting, and the long duration of host-handling. Resting behavior is thought to protect the progeny against superparasitism, host-feeding by other wasps or hosts' recovery from paralysis. Host-feeding attack was characterized by frequent alternation between host-feeding and ovipositor insertion and long duration of host-feeding. Host rejection was composed mainly of probing and ovipositor insertion and short handling time.   相似文献   

Functional response of a solitary, larval-pupal endoparasitoid of Liriomyza leafminers, Ganaspidium utilis Beardsley, was estimated on Liriomyza trifolii Burgess at three temperatures (17℃, 25℃, 29℃ ) and host densities. A type Ⅱ random parasitoid equation (RPE) was used to estimate instantaneous search rate and handling time. The instantaneous search rate increased as temperature increased. All of the RPE regressions obtained for functional response of G. utilis at different temperatures were significant (P〈0.01). The slope of RPE regression lines was lower across the temperatures. At 29±2℃, the maximum number of larvae parasitized was 7.8 per day. It decreased to 7.2 larvae parasitized at 25±2℃. At 17±2℃, no significant increment of parasitization was observed due to the host density increments. The estimated handling time was lowest at 17±2℃ and highest at 25 ± 2℃, respectively. The ability of G. utilis to find and parasitize L. trifolii over a wide range of temperatures makes them a good candidate for biological control of Liriomyza leafminers.  相似文献   

The reproductive tract of the parasitoidMicroctonus hyperodae was found to comprise 6.1±0.2 ovarioles containing a total of 40–60 oöcytes. After oviposition into its hostListronotus bonariensis, the parasitoid's egg volume increased by 205 times prior to hatching. At 19.1°C ovipositingM. hyperodae survived for a mean 21±4 days and laid a mean of 48±8 eggs.M. hyperodae collected from Colonia, Uruguay laid a mean of 62±15 eggs which was significantly more than the other ecotypes. Under caging conditions with an ample supply of hosts,M. hyperodae laid 51% of its eggs in the first 72 hours and on average 41% of the species' life-span occurred after the exhaustion of its egg supply. Minimum temperature forM. hyperodae oviposition was found to be c. 5°C; beyond this the rate of increase in egg-laying was approximately linear until 30°C whereafter the rate fell abruptly. There was effectively no egg-laying at 39°C. The parasitoid showed no preference for one host sex or the other either in the laboratory or under field conditions. Compared to otherMicroctonus spp.,M. hyperodae appeared to show low fecundity and high longevity. The adaptive implications of this are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Rapidly identifying juvenile individuals of Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) from Liriomyza sativae Blanchard is crucial in plant quarantine. We report a molecular method to identify L . trifolii based on real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). By comparing partial DNA sequences of mitochondrial COI genes of L . trifolii samples collected from Guangdong and Taiwan provinces in China, Japan, Philippine, Israel, Germany, the USA, Mexico and Honduras sequenced by authors, and those of related species recorded in GenBank, a L . trifolii -specific probe was developed. There was no difference in individuals of different stages tested by this probe. The total time for real-time PCR assay system was 2 h, and it would save 3–7 h compared with conventional PCR.  相似文献   

The potato leaf miner, Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard), is an important pest of potato throughout the world, including Korea. A method was developed for mass rearing the parasitoid Diglyphus isaea (Walker) using faba bean, Vicia faba L. (Fabaceae), as the host‐plant and L. huidobrensis as the insect host. Faba bean plants were planted in pots and maintained in a greenhouse for about 15 d. Pots were then exposed to adult leaf miners in oviposition cages for 4 h. Plants containing late second to early third instar larvae were exposed to adult D. isaea in parasitoid cages for 24 h. The leaf area per pot after 15 d was 597.9 cm2, which produced 103.33 larvae per pot. The number of adult parasitoids emerging per pot was 72.5; about 41% of these were female. The daily cost of parasitoid production was USD20.95 per 1000 individual parasitoids. The methodology developed for D. isaea could be used to rear other ectoparasitoids such as Hemiptarsenus spp. and Pnigalio sp. with different insect hosts like L. trifolii. This is why this mass‐rearing information is important for securing test insect materials for ecological and biological study of Liriomyza species, and also for developing a biological control for Liriomyza species other than L. huidobrensis by mass production of associated natural enemies. We are facing rapid agro‐ecosystem changes including pest systems. Continuous monitoring of Liriomyza in solanaceous crops is needed.  相似文献   

Resumen El desarrollo del bracónidoMeteorus rubens (Nees) se estudió en condiciones de laboratorio sobre las especies de noctuidosAgrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel),A. puta (Hübner),A. segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller),Peridroma saucia (Hübner),Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) yAutographa gamma (L.). Las larvas deA. ipsilon yA. puta fueron las únicas adecuadas para el desarrollo del parasitoide. EnA. ipsilon este bracónido parasitó y completó su desarrollo en el tercero, cuarto, quinto y sexto estadios larvarios, mostrando preferencia por los dos últimos estadios. El número de hembras que parasitan, el porcentaje de larvas parasitadas y el número de parasitoides emergidos por hospedante estuvo en relación directa con la edad del hospedante en el momento de la parasitación. En las larvas parasitadas en el tercer estadio el tiempo de desarrollo del parasitoide fue significativamente mayor que en los otros tres estadios. Sin embargo, el estadio en que fueron parasitadas las larvas no influyó en la longevidad de los adultos.   相似文献   

In vitro rearing of the aphid endoparasitoidLysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) was attempted. Successful permanent cultures ofAphis fabae Sc. andMyzus persicae Sulz. cells were not obtained. Therefore, parasitoid larvae were reared in 2 unnatural media rone of which included cells ofCeratitis capitata Wied. (Diptera, Trypetidae). A group of larvae was reared in a substrate to which parasitoid teratocytes had been added. SinceLysiphlebus fabarum females did not oviposit into paraffin droplets including the substrates, the larvae were directly transferred from parasitized aphids into the rearing media. Several larvae reached the final instar, but only 2 out of the 48 tested in the 3 substrates became adults. The meaning of teratocytes inin vitro rearing of Aphidiine, Braconids is discussed. This work was supported by a grant from the italian Ministry of Education (M.P.I. 40%).  相似文献   

Oviposition-experienced females of Opius dissitus Muesebeck, a braconid parasitoid of Liriomyza sativaeBlanchard, preferentially landed on leafminer-infested rather than uninfested lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) plants in a flight tunnel assay. Both naive and oviposition-experiencedparasitoids responded strongly to odors of infested lima bean plants in a four-arm olfactometer in comparison with odors of uninfested plants, suggesting that volatile semiochemicals are used in host location. Parasitoids with an oviposition experience on lima bean (lima-experienced) spent significantly more time in the infested odor than naive individuals, however, eggplant-experienced wasps did not spend significantly more time in the infested odor field than naive wasps. When parasitoids reared on leafminers in lima bean were provided a choice between the odor of infested lima bean and the odor of infested eggplant or cotton, naive and lima-experienced wasps preferred infested lima odor. An oviposition experience on the other plant species resulted in a dramatic shift in preference. It was concluded that the experience effect was due, at least in part, to associative learning, as has been reported for other parasitoids. The parasitoids may perceive unconditioned stimuli during host contact and oviposition on an infested leaf and may associate those stimuli with volatile semiochemicals emanating from the leaf or host. Subsequently, the volatiles associated with the presence of hosts are used in directing the search for hosts.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were conducted on certain aspects of biology ofDiadegma semiclausum Hellén, a larval parasite of a crucifer pest,Plutella xylostella (L.). Within the range of 15°C to 35°C, the higher temperature, the shorter was the duration of larval and adult stages. Egg hatching and adult emergence were high at 15°C to 30°C but were significantly reduced at 35°C. The higher the temperature, the higher was the proportion of males produced. Temperature threshold was 5.74°C for eggs, 3.80°C for larvae, 5.91°C for pupae and 6.60°C for adults.D. semiclausum oviposition in the first threeP. xylostella larval instars produced more parasite males than females but oviposition in the fourth instar produced significantly more females than males. Parasite adults tended to emerge from their pupae from 06∶00 to 09∶00 hours although some emerged at other hours during the photophase. Adult longevity and production of eggs increased when adults were provided with a food source (honey) compared with no food or provision of water alone. Parasite adults survived and laid eggs for 28 days when provided with food but for only three days when deprived of food.  相似文献   

Two factors, among others, influence the oviposition of Opius dissitus Muesebeck. The first was the host species, the second the plant upon which the pest host larvae develop. O. dissitus females prefer Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) larvae over those of L. huidobrensis (Blanchard). O. dissitus females were more attracted to the larvae of L. trifolii or L. huidobrensis when these were present on courgette rather than tomato or lettuce.  相似文献   

A Yugoslavian strain ofCotesia rubecula (Marshall) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was released in spring broccoli for control of the imported cabbageworm,Pieris rapae (L.), in Montgomery Co., Virginia, in 1987.C. rubecula reproduced and parasitized imported cabbageworm larvae in fall broccoli in 1987. It was found in moderate numbers in the summer and fall crops in 1988, and by fall had dispersed 0.8 km from the original release site. However, noC. rubecula were detected in our broccoli plots in Montgomery Country in 1989 or 1990. The hymenopteran hyperparasitesIsdromas lycaenae (Walker)(Ichneumonidae), Spilochalcis torvina (Cresson) (Chalcididae), andTetrastichus galactopus (Ratzeburg) (Eulophidae) were found attackingC. rubecula. Hyperparasites emerged from 31.8% and 41.1% of theC. rubecula cocoons in 1987 and 1988, respectively.T. galactopus was the most numerous hyperparasite in 1987, butS. torvina was dominant in 1988. Hyperparasite activity was low during early spring, but increased in July in both years. By August 1988, only hyperparasites emerged from theC. rubecula cocoons collected in the field. In spite ofC. rubecula's success in overwintering, hyperparasites, especiallyS. torvina, may be a limiting factor in the establishment ofC. rubecula in southwestern Virginia.   相似文献   

The method whereby equal numbers of seven ecotypes of the parasitoidMicroctonus hyperodae Loan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Euphorinae) were reared and released is described along with the reasons for doing so. This was achieved by variably intense rearing effort depending on the number of founder females in that particular ecotype. The parasitoid was released in three regions of New Zealand as a control agent of theListronotus bonariensis Kuschel (Col.: Curculionidae), a severe pest of New Zealand pastures. It was later recovered from all three regions.  相似文献   

Superparasitism frequency and its effects on the quality of mass-reared Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) parasitoids were investigated under laboratory conditions. Percentage of adult emergence, sex ratio, survival, fecundity and flight ability of adult parasitoids that emerged from Anastrepha ludens (Loew) pupae with different levels of superparasitism were determined. A high prevalence of superparasitism was observed. The number of scars per pupa, produced by insertion of the parasitoid ovipositor, ranged from 1 to 30, with an average (±SD) of 8.3 ± 6.2. Adult parasitoid emergence decreased as the level of superparasitism increased. However, the fraction of females rose with increasing superparasitism and the flight ability was lower in adults emerging from pupae with only one scar, compared with adults emerging from superparasitized hosts. Female longevity and fecundity were not affected by superparasitism. Our results support the hypothesis that superparasitism in D. longicaudata might be adaptive, since adults emerging from hosts with moderate levels of superparasitism showed the highest percentage of emergence and there were no significant differences in the other quality control parameters tested. Our findings are relevant to the mass rearing process, where the ratio of hosts to parasitoids can be optimized as well as the distribution of eggs deposited in host larvae. This contributes to efficient mass rearing methods for augmentative biological control programs.  相似文献   

Encapsulation and development of the endoparasitoid,Microplitis croceipes (Cresson), were studied in six atypical lepidopteran host species whose usual host isHelicoverpa zea (Boddie). The candidate hosts examined were: the fall armywormSpodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith); the beet armyworm,Spodoptera exigua (Hübner); the cabbage looper,Trichoplusia ni (Hübner); the greater wax moth,Galleria mellonella (L.); the Indian meal moth,Plodia interpunctella (Hübner); and the diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella (L.). BothS. exigua andT. ni were completely unsuitable forM. croceipes development due to the high rate of eggs that were encapsulated within three days after parasitism. Encapsulation inS. frugiperda included mainly parasitoid eggs and was first detected six days after parasitization at 25°C and two days at 30°C. Encapsulation inG. mellonella occurred only in the larval stage of the parasitoid. InP. interpunctella, parasitoid larvae reached the 3rd stadium, but none of them pupated. OnlyS. frugiperda andG. mellonella supported successful development ofM. croceipes from egg to adult. The percentage of parasitoids reaching the adult stage in these hosts was higher at 30°C than at 25°C (13% vs. 4% inS. frugiperda, and 21% vs. 3% inG. mellonella, respectively). However, these percentages were too low to substitute them as a more economical host for rearingM. croceipes. This biological information will be useful in additional laboratory studies directed toward reducing the rate of encapsulation (e.g., manipulation of host rearing temperature) to increase production ofM. croceipes on these hosts.  相似文献   

P. S. Stevens 《BioControl》1995,40(3-4):379-385
Trichogrammatoidea bactrae fumata Nagaraja is a naturally occurring egg parasitoid of some leafrollers in New Zealand kiwifruit orchards. The parasitoid showed a distinct preference for younger host-eggs ofEpiphyas postvittana, in which it achieved a higher rate of successful development. Such a preference is not as apparent withCtenopseustis obliquana. Host-species preference experiments found that the parasitoid rarely attackedPlanotortrix octo, and successful wasp emergence from parasitised eggs of this host was low.Epiphyas postvittana was the preferred host whenT. bactrae fumata was reared on this species. When reared onC. obliquana, the parasitoid showed no preference forE. postvittana orC. obliquana.  相似文献   

A small cage was designed to study the biology and behavior ofAnagrus flaveolus Waterhouse, an important egg parasitoid of the brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugens (Stal), a pest of rice. A method of rearing moderate numbers of parasitoids on planthopper eggs in the laboratory was developed. Though the mymaridAnagrus flaveolus Waterhouse, a common egg parasitoid of rice planthoppers and leafhoppers all over Asia, reduces pest populations, its biological control potential has largely been overlooked because of its minute size and the lack of suitable techniques to study and rear it in the laboratory.Ôtake (1968, 1969) described some techniques to study the development, longevity and fecundity of a related speciesAnagrus nr.flaveolus Waterhouse. The cages described herein are much simpler to build and more efficient to use compared with those developed earlier. Rearing this important parasitoid in large numbers in the laboratory has not been done before.  相似文献   

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