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Using a gel retardation assay it was shown that the 87 bp DNA fragment (UAS87) containing the upstream activating sequence (UAS) of S. cerevisiae EN01 gene and a nuclear extract gave rise to three migration-retarded species specific to UAS87. Heat- or proteinase-treatment of the nuclear extract revealed that these species were protein-DNA complexes. The precise binding region of the protein identified by DNaseI protection analysis was found to include a CCAAACA sequence which forms a dyad-symmetrical structure. The amount of one of the three migration-retarded species significantly increased when cells were grown in medium containing a gluconeogenic carbon source. The introduction of pGCR8, a multicopy plasmid containing GCR1 gene, a regulatory gene controlling the expression of several glycolytic enzymes, showed no effect on the amount of three migration-retarded species.  相似文献   

The nuclear factor which specifically binds to the upstream activation sequence (UAS) of the enolase 1 gene (ENO1) of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was purified by sequence-specific affinity chromatography. The purified factor gave two closely migrated bands at 32 kDa on SDS/PAGE. The binding activities were eluted from a gel filtration column at molecular masses of 110 kDa and 60 kDa, suggesting a dimeric and a tetrameric assembly of the factor in the native form. The region protected by the purified factor against deoxyribonuclease I digestion contained the sequence ACCCAAACACC which is highly similar to the consensus sequence present in the 5'-flanking region of the ribosomal protein genes (RPG box). We also identified the other factor specific to the ENO1 UAS which gave a single peak at a molecular mass of 120 kDa in gel filtration. We suggest the existence of multiple binding to the ENO1 UAS by at least two factors: one is the factor which we purified with a molecular mass of 32 kDa on SDS/PAGE and the other is the factor like RAP1 protein which generally recognizes the RPG-box-like sequence.  相似文献   

Summary The upstream activation site of the pyruvate decarboxylase gene, PDC1, of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains an RPG box, and mediates the increase in expression of a PDC1-lacZ fusion gene during growth on glucose. Oligonucleotide replacement experiments indicate that the RPG box functions as an absolute activator of expression, but other elements (possibly CTTCC repeats) are required for carbon source regulation, and maximal expression. Gel retardation and oligonucleotide competition experiments suggest that the DNA binding factor TUF interacts with the RPG box in the upstream region of PDC1. Binding of TUF factor is not carbon source dependent in in vitro experiments, and is probably not responsible for glucose induction of PDC1 expression.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the DAL5 gene, encoding a necessary component of the allantoate transport system, is constitutively expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Its relatively high basal level of expression did not increase further upon addition of allantoin pathway intermediates. However, steady-state DAL5 mRNA levels dropped precipitously when a repressive nitrogen source was provided. These control characteristics of DAL5 expression make this gene a good model with which to unravel the mechanism of nitrogen catabolite repression. Its particular advantage relative to other potentially useful genes derives from its lack of control by induction and hence the complicating effects of inducer exclusion.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells possess a remarkable capacity to adhere to other yeast cells, which is called flocculation. Flocculation is defined as the phenomenon wherein yeast cells adhere in clumps and sediment rapidly from the medium in which they are suspended. These cell-cell interactions are mediated by a class of specific cell wall proteins, called flocculins, that stick out of the cell walls of flocculent cells. The N-terminal part of the three-domain protein is responsible for carbohydrate binding. We studied the N-terminal domain of the Flo1 protein (N-Flo1p), which is the most important flocculin responsible for flocculation of yeast cells. It was shown that this domain is both O and N glycosylated and is structurally composed mainly of β-sheets. The binding of N-Flo1p to D-mannose, α-methyl-D-mannoside, various dimannoses, and mannan confirmed that the N-terminal domain of Flo1p is indeed responsible for the sugar-binding activity of the protein. Moreover, fluorescence spectroscopy data suggest that N-Flo1p contains two mannose carbohydrate binding sites with different affinities. The carbohydrate dissociation constants show that the affinity of N-Flo1p for mono- and dimannoses is in the millimolar range for the binding site with low affinity and in the micromolar range for the binding site with high affinity. The high-affinity binding site has a higher affinity for low-molecular-weight (low-MW) mannose carbohydrates and no affinity for mannan. However, mannan as well as low-MW mannose carbohydrates can bind to the low-affinity binding site. These results extend the cellular flocculation model on the molecular level.  相似文献   

Kumaran S  Kozlov AG  Lohman TM 《Biochemistry》2006,45(39):11958-11973
We have examined the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding properties of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae replication protein A (scRPA) using fluorescence titrations, isothermal titration calorimetry, and sedimentation equilibrium to determine whether scRPA can bind to ssDNA in multiple binding modes. We measured the occluded site size for scRPA binding poly(dT), as well as the stoichiometry, equilibrium binding constants, and binding enthalpy of scRPA-(dT)L complexes as a function of the oligodeoxynucleotide length, L. Sedimentation equilibrium studies show that scRPA is a stable heterotrimer over the range of [NaCl] examined (0.02-1.5 M). However, the occluded site size, n, undergoes a salt-dependent transition between values of n = 18-20 nucleotides at low [NaCl] and values of n = 26-28 nucleotides at high [NaCl], with a transition midpoint near 0.36 M NaCl (25.0 degrees C, pH 8.1). Measurements of the stoichiometry of scRPA-(dT)L complexes also show a [NaCl]-dependent change in stoichiometry consistent with the observed change in the occluded site size. Measurements of the deltaH(obsd) for scRPA binding to (dT)L at 1.5 M NaCl yield a contact site size of 28 nucleotides, similar to the occluded site size determined at this [NaCl]. Altogether, these data support a model in which scRPA can bind to ssDNA in at least two binding modes, a low site size mode (n = 18 +/- 1 nucleotides), stabilized at low [NaCl], in which only three of its oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding folds (OB-folds) are used, and a higher site size mode (n = 27 +/- 1 nucleotides), stabilized at higher [NaCl], which uses four of its OB-folds. No evidence for highly cooperative binding of scRPA to ssDNA was found under any conditions examined. Thus, scRPA shows some behavior similar to that of the E. coli SSB homotetramer, which also shows binding mode transitions, but some significant differences also exist.  相似文献   

Diploid a/alpha Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells cease mitotic growth and enter meiosis in response to starvation. Expression of meiotic genes depends on the IME1 gene product, which accumulates only in meiotic cells. We report here an analysis of the regulatory region of IME2, an IME1-dependent meiotic gene. Deletion and substitution studies identified a 48-bp IME1-dependent upstream activation sequence (UAS). Activity of the UAS also requires the RIM11, RIM15, and RIM16 gene products, which are required for expression of the chromosomal IME2 promoter and for meiosis. Through a selection for suppressors that permit UAS activity in an ime1 deletion mutant, we identified recessive mutations in three genes, SIN3 (also called RPD1, UME4, and SDI1), RPD3, and UME6 (also called CAR80), that were previously known as negative regulators of other early meiotic genes. Mutational analysis of the IME2 UAS reveals two critical sequence elements: a G+C-rich sequence (called URS1), previously identified at many meiotic genes, and a newly described element, the T4C site, that we found at a subset of meiotic genes. In agreement with prior studies, URS1 mutations lead to elevated IME2 UAS activity in the absence of IME1. However, the URS1 mutations prevent any further stimulation of UAS activity by IME1. Repression through URS1 has been shown to require the UME6 gene product. We find that activation of the IME2 UAS by IME1 also requires the UME6 gene product. Thus, UME6 and the URS1 site both have dual negative and positive roles at the IME2 UAS. We propose that IME1 modifies UME6 to convert it from a negulator to a positive Regulor.  相似文献   

The induction of arginase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  

The PUT1 and PUT2 genes encoding the enzymes of the proline utilization pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are induced by proline and activated by the product of the PUT3 gene. Two upstream activation sequences (UASs) in the PUT1 promoter were identified by homology to the PUT2 UAS. Deletion analysis of the two PUT1 UASs showed that they were functionally independent and additive in producing maximal levels of gene expression. The consensus PUT UAS is a 21-base-pair partially palindromic sequence required in vivo for induction of both genes. The results of a gel mobility shift assay demonstrated that the proline-specific UAS is the binding site of a protein factor. In vitro complex formation was observed in crude extracts of yeast strains carrying either a single genomic copy of the PUT3 gene or the cloned PUT3 gene on a 2 microns plasmid, and the binding was dosage dependent. DNA-binding activity was not observed in extracts of strains carrying either a put3 mutation that caused a noninducible (Put-) phenotype or a deletion of the gene. Wild-type levels of complex formation were observed in an extract of a strain carrying an allele of PUT3 that resulted in a constitutive (Put+) phenotype. Extracts from a strain carrying a PUT3-lacZ gene fusion formed two complexes of slower mobility than the wild-type complex. We conclude that the PUT3 product is either a DNA-binding protein or part of a DNA-binding complex that recognizes the UASs of both PUT1 and PUT2. Binding was observed in extracts of a strain grown in the presence or absence of proline, demonstrating the constitutive nature of the DNA-protein interaction.  相似文献   

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