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Prevention is the best way to slow the escalation of problems associated with biological invasions. Screening of potential introductions is widely applied for assessing the risk of species becoming invasive. Despite advances in the understanding of the determinants of invasiveness, screening still relies heavily on assessments of the potential of species to ‘fit in’ to the broad environmental conditions of a target region. Most screening systems ask whether species are native to, or are known to be naturalized or invasive in, regions with ‘similar’ climatic/environmental conditions to the target region. The level of similarity required to make the species a high‐risk introduction is generally not specified. This paper describes a protocol for making such assessments more objective, using South Africa as a test case. Using nonparametric niche‐based modelling (generalized additive model; GAM) calibrated on the current distribution of each South African biome, we mapped regions of the world that are climatically similar to South African biomes. Lists were produced of countries with the largest areas climatically similar to South Africa overall, and to each biome separately. Validation of the usefulness of the approach was sought by evaluating whether the main invasive plant species in South African biomes occur naturally, or have adventive ranges, in regions mapped as analogous to South African biomes. A very large part of the world is climatically similar to South Africa, with eight countries having larger areas of land classified as climatically similar to South African biomes than the total area of South Africa. Almost all the most prominent invasive species in South African biomes occur naturally or are invasive outside their natural range in areas with similar climates to those that occur in parts of South Africa. This confirms the value of objective climate matching in screening protocols. We examined climatic conditions for a representative sample of major invasive plants from other parts of the world. The analysis identified several species that are already invasive in regions that have matched climates in South Africa but that are not yet introduced or, if already present, have not yet invaded large areas. For example, the following known invasive species should be considered high‐risk species in South African grasslands: Alliaria petiolata, Cytisus scoparius, Gleditsia triacanthos, Heracleum mantegazzianum, Hieracium pilosella, Juniperus communis, Pinus contorta, P. monticola, P. ponderosa, P. sylvestris, Prunus laurcerasus, and P. serotina. Objectively matched climatic regions are also useful as a first‐cut assessment when evaluating species with no invasive history.  相似文献   

Harestad & Bunnell (1979) showed that, at least for North American species, home ranges of large herbivorous mammals are relatively larger than we would expect on metabolic grounds, and suggested that the productivity of the environment for mammal species decreases with increasing body size. This interpretation assumes that the number of conspecifics that share an individual's home range is independent of body size. Data presented here show that this is not true for the species in their sample; the home range is shared with an increasing number of conspecifics in larger herbivore species. The productivity of the environment for a species is independent of body size and the area available to an individual for its own use scales approximately as do individual metabolic requirements. These results agree with conclusions based upon the scaling of population density with body mass and illustrate the interrelationship between home range and dietary and social organization trends among mammalian herbivores. Individual home range area is a function of the way in which the local population of a species, not merely an individual, exploits the environment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To collect data from a cohort of women requesting a home birth and examine the experience and outcome of pregnancy, the indications for hospital transfer, and the attitudes of mothers, midwives, and general practitioners. DESIGN: Follow up study with anonymised postal questionnaires. SETTING: Northern Regional Health Authority area. SUBJECTS: The 256 women resident in the Northern region who expected to deliver in 1993 and whose request for a home birth became known to one of the local supervisors of midwives. Limited cross validating information was also collected retrospectively on all other women delivering a baby outside hospital in 1993. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rate of and reason for transferred care; maternal, midwifery, and general practitioner views; perinatal outcome. RESULTS: Five women miscarried, leaving 251 in the study. Of these, 142 (57%) delivered at home. There were 17 (7%) caesarean sections but no perinatal deaths. General practitioners had reservations about half of the booking requests. Two thirds of the women thought they had not been offered any option about place of birth, 74 (29%) were referred to hospital for delivery before the onset of labour, and 35 (14%) were referred to hospital during labour. Intrapartum transfers were uneventful, and half the mothers commented spontaneously that they valued having spent even part of their labour at home. CONCLUSIONS: Home birth is valued for its family setting. General practitioners'' support is sought and influential but uncommon, possibly because of a lack of understanding of the responsibilities of the midwife and general practitioner.  相似文献   

The extent to which populations are connected by dispersal influences all aspects of their biology and informs the spatial scale of optimal conservation strategies. Obtaining direct estimates of dispersal is challenging, particularly in marine systems, with studies typically relying on indirect approaches to evaluate connectivity. To overcome this challenge, we combine information from an eight-year mark-recapture study with high-resolution genetic data to demonstrate extremely low dispersal and restricted gene flow at small spatial scales for a large, potentially mobile marine vertebrate, the turtleheaded sea snake (Emydocephalus annulatus). Our mark-recapture study indicated that adjacent bays in New Caledonia (<1.15 km apart) contain virtually separate sea snake populations. Sea snakes could easily swim between bays but rarely do so. Of 817 recaptures of marked snakes, only two snakes had moved between bays. We genotyped 136 snakes for 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci and found statistically significant genetic divergence between the two bays (F(ST)= 0.008, P < 0.01). Bayesian clustering analyses detected low mixed ancestry within bays and genetic relatedness coefficients were higher, on average, within than between bays. Our results indicate that turtleheaded sea snakes rarely venture far from home, which has strong implications for their ecology, evolution, and conservation.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are capable of importing folded and oligomeric proteins. However, it is a matter of dispute whether oligomer import by peroxisomes is the exception or the rule. Here, I argue for a clear distinction between homo-oligomeric proteins that are essentially peroxisomal, and dually localized hetero-oligomers that access the peroxisome by piggyback import, localizing there in limited number, whereas the majority remain in the cytosol. Homo-oligomeric proteins comprise the majority of all peroxisomal matrix proteins. There is evidence that binding by Pex5 in the cytosol can regulate their oligomerization state before import. The hetero-oligomer group is made up of superoxide dismutase and lactate dehydrogenase. These proteins have evolved mechanisms that render import inefficient and retain the majority of proteins in the cytosol.  相似文献   

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