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Meristem-derived plantlets of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) were induced to flower in vitro. Five genotypes out of 13 consistently responded to our culture conditions giving rise to male or female flowers. Male flowers contained anthers in which meiosis occurred and apparently normal pollen grains were formed.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the genetic diversity of the cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) grown by the Chibchan Amerindians of Costa Rica. The authors collected cassava in various locations within two Amerindian Reserves: Talamanca, inhabited by Cabecares and Bribris, and Coto Brus, inhabited by Guaymi. Through the use of isozyme electrophoretic techniques we found variation for six out of nine systems analyzed, namely DIA, EST, IDH, MDH, PGI, and SKD. No variation was found in ADH, PGD, and PGM systems. We analyzed the distribution of variation within and between the reserves, and found most of the variation occurred within reserves (Gst = 0.1084). Only low levels of genetic differentiation were found between reserves (Nei’s genetic distance = 0.0088). The high levels of genetic variation within reserves that we found concur with results of previous studies on cassava grown by South American Amerindians and farmers. The role of the breeding system of cassava and the agricultural practices of Amerindians in the maintenance of high levels of genetic diversity are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cassava (Manihot esculenta) has three adventitious root types: primary and secondary fibrous roots, and storage roots. Different adventitious root types can also regenerate from in vitro cultured segments. The aim of this study was to investigate aspects of in vitro production of storage roots. METHODS: Morphological and anatomical analyses were performed to identify and differentiate each root type. Twenty-nine clones were assayed to determine the effect of genotype on the capacity to form storage roots in vitro. The effects of cytokinins and auxins on the formation of storage roots in vitro were also examined. KEY RESULTS: Primary roots formed in vitro and in vivo had similar tissue kinds; however, storage roots formed in vitro exhibited physiological specialization for storing starch. The only consistent diagnostic feature between secondary fibrous and storage roots was their functional differentiation. Anatomical analysis of the storage roots formed in vitro showed that radial expansion as a consequence of massive proliferation and enlargement of parenchymatous cells occurred in the middle cortex, but not from cambial activity as in roots formed in vivo. Cortical expansion could be related to dilatation growth favoured by hormone treatments. Starch deposition of storage roots formed in vitro was confined to cortical tissue and occurred earlier than in storage roots formed in vivo. Auxin and cytokinin supplementation were absolutely required for in vitro storage root regeneration; these roots were not able to develop secondary growth, but formed a tissue competent for starch storing. MS medium with 5 % sucrose plus 0.54 microM 1-naphthaleneacetic acid and 0.44 microM 6-benzylaminopurine was one of the most effective in stimulating the storage root formation. Genotypes differed significantly in their capacity to produce storage roots in vitro. Storage root formation was considerably affected by the segment's primary position and strongly influenced by hormone treatments. CONCLUSIONS: The storage root formation system reported here is a first approach to develop a tuberization model, and additional efforts are required to improve it. Although it was not possible to achieve root secondary growth, after this work it will be feasible to advance in some aspects of in vitro cassava tuberization.  相似文献   

采用根癌农杆菌介导的叶盘转化法,以我国南方地区主栽木薯品种—华南8号的胚状体子叶为受体,对影响木薯遗传转化效率的主要因素进行了分析。研究结果表明,在木薯的遗传转化中,选用GV3101作为浸染外植体的农杆菌菌株,将感染时间和共培养时间分别控制在30~45 min和3~4 d、菌液浓度(OD600)采用0.45、并添加200 μmol·L-1的乙酰丁香酮(AS)均可明显提高其转化效率,但若对外植体进行预培养反而会降低其转化效率。利用该体系从453块外植体中共转化获得10株抗性再生植株,经PCR和Southern杂交检测,有8株木薯的基因组中已整合进了外源基因glgC336,转化率为1.77%。  相似文献   

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), is an important tropical tuber crop with global importance and plays a significant role in the food, nutritional and livelihood security of around 500 million people. In India, the low productivity of cassava attributes to the soil borne disease, particularly tuber rot caused by Phytophthora palmivora (Butl.) which is destructive and the attack is spreading in alarming rate in all the cassava growing regions causing heavy yield loss of more than 50%. Introduction of disease resistant varieties may alleviate the problem to a certain extent. This paper describes the screening procedures and findings on the disease resistant variety of cassava accession against tuber rot. Variety Sree Padmanabha imparted high resistance against tuber rot, while Sree Sahya was moderately resistant and all other accessions studied were found to be susceptible in in vitro and in field trials. In screening studies, a reproducible positive correlation was obtained between attached tubers in live plant with detached tubers which showed that detached tuber part can be used for the prediction of resistance in attached live plants of cassava for cultivar resistance. The procedure described here could be used as a simple, rapid and efficient method for screening of cassava accessions against tuber rot of cassava.  相似文献   

Occurrence of intervarietal or interspecific natural crosses has been reported for many crop plants in traditional farming systems, underlining the potential importance of this source of genetic exchange for the dynamics of genetic diversity of crop plants. In this study, we use microsatellite loci to investigate the role of volunteer seedlings (plants originating from unmanaged sexual reproduction) in the dynamics of genetic diversity of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a vegetatively propagated crop, in a traditional farming system in Guyana. A previous field study showed that farmers incorporate such plants into the germplasm for vegetative propagation, and that many of them are likely to be assigned by farmers to recognized varieties. Under strict vegetative propagation clonality of varieties is expected. The high proportion of polyclonal varieties observed suggests that incorporation of seedlings into the germplasm for propagation is a frequent event. The molecular variability assessed with microsatellite markers shows that there is high differentiation among heterozygous varieties, whereas populations of seedlings do not depart from the proportions expected under Hardy-Weinberg assumptions. Assignment of seedlings to a recognized variety on the basis of morphological similarity greatly increases genetic diversity within the variety. We argue that recombination and gene flow play a major role in the dynamics of genetic diversity of cassava in traditional farming systems. Documenting unmanaged sexual reproduction and its genetic consequences is a prerequisite for defining strategies of in situ conservation of crop plant genetic resources.  相似文献   

Cassava fertility and seed viability are frequently low, which can be a disadvantage in a breeding programme. An embryo culture method is described whereby embryonic axes are excised from mature seeds and placed on a culture medium containing 1.23 M indolebutyric acid (IBA) at 30°C under continuous light. The number of plants recovered by embryo culture was much greater than the number recovered from conventional seed germination procedures.  相似文献   

木薯离体培养与快速繁殖   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
选取3个木薯品种的腋芽作为外植体,分别接种于MS基本培养基上进行离体培养及快速繁殖。结果表明, 6-BA不同浓度对木薯品种不定芽诱导效果不一,在MS+6-BA 0.5~1.0mg/L中,3个品种均可诱导产生幼芽;在MS+6-BA 3.0mg/L中,3个品种的幼芽诱导率高达100%;MS+6-BA 3.0mg/L+NAA 0.1mg/L对继代效果较好;MS+NAA 0.1mg/L对生根效果最佳。  相似文献   

木薯体细胞胚胎发生及植株再生研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对木薯体细胞胚胎发生的影响因素进行了优化研究。结果表明,基因型对木薯体细胞胚胎发生影响很大,在供试的六个品种中,“华南 8 号”的体细胞胚胎发生率和产胚量最高,分别为 65% 和19个;侧芽茎尖为最佳外植体,体细胞胚胎发生的最佳培养基为MS +0.5mg/L CuSO4 + 4 mg/L 2,4-D。同时,对木薯体细胞胚再生成完整植株的主要影响因素作了分析,建立了一个高效的植株再生体系。  相似文献   

In this study, 49 primers were designed from sequences containing di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- and hexanucleotide motifs with a minimum of four repeats and presence of motif size polymorphisms (insertion/deletion) from cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) expressed sequence tags deposited in public sequence database. Each locus was subsequently screened on 29 M. esculenta Crantz obtained from 15 different countries. Cross-amplification was tested with M. esculenta Crantz (ssp. flabellifolia) and four different Manihot species, M. chlorosticta, M. carthaginensis, M. filamentosa and M. tristis. Of these, nine loci showed polymorphic profiles within M. esculenta Crantz, which revealed two to four alleles per locus. The average unbiased and direct count heterozygosities were 0.4901 and 0.5674, respectively.  相似文献   

Culture of cassava somatic embryos on media with an altered macro- and micro-nutrient salt concentration affected embryo development and germination capability. In the tests, quarter-, half-, full- or double-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) media were compared. The maximum number of somatic embryos differentiated from a proliferative nodular embryogenic callus (NEC) on either half- or full-strength MS medium, and the greatest numbers of cotyledonary stage embryos were formed on full-strength MS medium. Developed somatic embryos were then desiccated above a saturated K2SO4 solution for 10 d. After transfer to germination medium, embryos that had developed on half- and full-strength MS medium yielded 8.3 and 8.6 germinants g(-1) NEC tissue, respectively. For this important but often disregarded culture factor, either half- or full-strength MS medium is recommended for both the differentiation and development of cassava somatic embryos that are capable of germination.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis was obtained from mature cassava cotyledons explants. A two-step medium sequence was developed for efficient embryogenesis. Application of 2,4-D (4 mg l-1) yielded proembryogenic masses which developed into somatic embryos after transfer to a medium containing NAA (0.01 mg l-1), BA (0.1 mg l-1) and GA3 (0.1 mg l-1). The 2,4-D concentrations used for embryo initiation strongly influenced embryo development. Among the cultivars tested, TMS 30395 was most responsive. Full strength MS basal medium alone or with 4 x MS micro salts was efficient for the formation of somatic embryos. Casein hydrolysate, adenine sulfate, nicotinic acid, glycine, tryptophan, and serine were ineffective for embryo development. High sucrose concentration (6%, w/v) inhibited the induction of somatic embryos, while 6% sucrose was optimal concentration for the development of somatic embryos after an induction treatment using 2% sucrose. Addition of 0.52 mg l-1 ABA to the induction media resulted in an increase in somatic embryos production. The ploidy levels of the regenerated plantlets were determined by flow cytometry analysis. Fifty regenerants tested were all tetraploids as the source plants and were morphologically normal. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to genetic transformation using the cotyledons as the explant source.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BA 6-benzylaminopurine - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - SR 101 sulforhodamine - GA3 gibberellic acid - MCPA methyl- chlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA naphthalen-acetic acid - PCPA P-chlorophenoxyacetic acid - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - 2,4,5 T 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

Isoenzyme electrophoresis was used as a method to determine genetic diversity in various M. esculenta cultivars collected in the Southwestern (SW) and Northwestern (NW) regions of the State of Parana, in the South region of Brazil, and in cultivars produced at the Agronomic Institute of Campinas (IAC), S~ao Paulo State, Southeastern region of Brazil. The cultivars have been maintained by vegetative propagation for 5 years and are useful in production programs. A total of 28 loci in the acid phosphatase (ACP; EC, esterases (EST; EC, malate dehydrogenase (MDH; EC, and shikimate dehydrogenase (SKDH; EC isozymes was analyzed. The proportion of polymorphic loci for NW, SW, and IAC cultivars was 57.14, 50.0, and 53.6%, respectively. Genetic diversity calculated by Nei's genetic identity (I) showed high I values for the three M. esculenta subpopulations. The high degree of polymorphism expressed by cassava cultivars is highly relevant to stimulate breeding programs with M. esculenta species.  相似文献   

An assessment of the competitive indices in intercropping between cassava (Manihot esculenta) and bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) was conducted with the aim of increasing the productivity of these crops. For this purpose, three farmers preferred landraces of cassava (yacé, blêbou and six mois) and three morphotypes of gourd (dark green and round fruit, light green and round fruit, light green and long fruit) were used to test the three intercropping ratios (gourd:cassava with 6:42, 6:24 and 6:18). Intercropping systems were assessed by land equivalent ratio (LER), area time equivalent ratio (ATER), relative crowding coefficient (K), actual yield loss (AYL), aggressivity (A) and competition ratio (CR). LER, ATER and K values were greater than 1 for gourd-cassava (6:24). These findings indicate an advantage of intercropping for exploiting the resources of the environment. Cassava clones were more competitive than gourd component.  相似文献   

Maximum photosynthetic CO2 exchange rates (Pn) of single attached leaves were determined for several cassava cultivars selected from different habitats and grown in pots outdoors at CIAT, Colombia, S.A. Pn rates were in a narrow range of 22 to 26 mol CO2 m–2s–1 for all cultivars tested when measured at high photon flux density, normal air, optimum temperature and with low leaf-air vapor pressure differences. For all tested cultivars (9 cvs.), there was a broad optimum temperature for Pn between 25 to 35°C. At temperatures below and above this range Pn declined in all cultivars with Pn rates reaching 80% of maximum at 20 and 40°C. Pn temperature coefficient (Q10) from 15–25°C was 1.6±0.2 across cultivars. No consistent relation existed between Pn, optimum temperature, and the original habitat.  相似文献   

Summary In cassava a cyclic system of somatic embryogenesis was developed. Primary (torpedo shaped or germinated) embryos, originating from leaf lobes, could only be obtained after culture on solid medium. Cyclic embryos, originating from embryos, could be obtained in both liquid and on solid medium. The production of embryos in liquid medium was distinctly higher, faster and more synchronized than on solid medium. Lower densities and fragmentation of starting embryos improved the production significantly. The highest production found was 32.1 embryos per initial embryo. In all treatments the explants initiated multiple embryos. The production of single embryos was achieved by pressing starting embryos through a fine meshed sieve, indicating that embryos can be produced from a piece of tissue with a restricted number of cells. The shoot conversion rate of embryos from liquid medium was comparable with that of embryos from solid medium.Abbreviations BM Basal Medium - MIE medium volume per initial embryo - E/IE number of Embryos per Initial Embryo  相似文献   

M/o基因家族是植物重要的抗病基因。本文通过系统分析木薯基因组数据库,从中共鉴定出21个M/o成员,其中20个具有完整序列,1个只有部分序列。对其中20个具有完整序列的基因与其他物种的Mlo基因进行聚类关系分析,结果显示,可将木薯Mlo基因家族分为6类(I~VI),其中4类都包括有来自拟南芥的Mlo基因,第vI类只包括2个木薯Mlo基因,可能是木薯中特有的一类Mlo;6个木薯Mlo与已知的抗病Mlo基因分别聚在第1V和第V类,这6个基因可能是木薯基因组中具有抗病功能的Mlo。对所有的木薯Mlo蛋白进行结构分析发现,除了MeMl020外,其他蛋白均具有6~8个跨膜结构,其中3个蛋白具有N端信号肽。  相似文献   

Because domestication rarely leads to speciation, domesticated populations often hybridize with wild relatives when they occur in close proximity. Little work has focused on this question in clonally propagated crops. If selection on the capacity for sexual reproduction has been relaxed, these crops would not be expected to hybridize with their wild relatives as frequently as seed-propagated crops. Cassava is one of the most important clonally propagated plants in tropical agriculture. Gene flow between cassava and wild relatives has often been postulated, but never demonstrated in nature. We studied a population of a wild Manihot sp. in French Guiana, which was recently in contact with domesticated cassava, and characterized phenotypes (10 morphological traits) and genotypes (six microsatellite loci) of individuals in a transect parallel to the direction of hypothesized gene flow. Wild and domesticated populations were strongly differentiated at microsatellite loci. We identified many hybrids forming a continuum between these two populations, and phenotypic variation was strongly correlated with the degree of hybridization as determined by molecular markers. Analysis of linkage disequilibrium and of the diversity of hybrid pedigrees showed that hybridization has gone on for at least three generations and that no strong barrier prevents admixture of the populations. Hybrids were more heterozygous than either wild or domesticated individuals, and phenotypic comparisons suggested heterosis in vegetative traits. Our results also suggest that this situation is not uncommon, at least in French Guiana, and demonstrate the need for integrated management of wild and domesticated populations even in clonally propagated crops.  相似文献   

Many different species of fungi are often isolated from rotted cassava root tubers and pathogenicity studies have often implicated Botryodiplodia theobromae and Fusarium solani as the major causal pathogens. Consequently, more attention has often been focused on Botryodiplodia theobromae and Fusarium solani with little or no attention on the other minor pathogens. Considering the increasing importance of cassava to the Nigerian economy and the fact that minor root rot pathogens of cassava today could become major tomorrow, the aim of this research is to determine the incidence, pathogenicity and symptoms of the minor root rot pathogens in cassava from cassava fields within the derived savanna and the humid forest of Nigeria. Isolation of associated fungi was done on rotted root samples and the pathogenicity of these isolates were established by inoculating them into healthy cassava tuberous roots and subsequently reisolating them from resulting rotted tissue. The less frequently isolated fungi where Macrophomina sp., Trichoderma sp., Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Sclerotium rolfsii and Fungus ‘A’ (a yet to be identified fungus). Repeated experiments confirmed a constant relationship between inoculated fungus and the resulting rotted tissue colour. The root rot tissue colours associated with inoculated pathogens in the laboratory were identical with the pathogens colony colour on potato dextrose agar.  相似文献   

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