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全自动生化分析仪测定血清AST同工酶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用天冬氨酸氨基转移酶抑制剂“AMANO-3”水解样品中的线粒体型天冬氨酸氨基转移酶同工酶(m-AST),测定血清中剩余的胞浆型AST同工酶(c-AST)活性,进而与总AST活性相比较并计算出受抑制剂水解的m-AST同工酶活性.由于此方法采用蛋白水解反应破坏m-AST,因此测定方法可直接应用于生化自动分析仪.亦建立了一个适于日立7150分析仪的AST同工酶联合测定方法.其测定和计算出的m-AST同工酶批内CV为3.5%~7.9%;其结果(y)与AST同工酶电泳迁移率(x)相关.y=1.019x-0.489,r=0.996(n=30).测定了113名健康人m-AST和c-AST,其m-AST参考值范围1.64~9.64U/L,x±s=(5.641±2.013)U/L;c-AST参考值范围5.69~16.81U/L,x±s=(5.641±2.013)U/L.  相似文献   

应用α-糜蛋白酶和盐酸胍作为抑制剂选择性测定待测样品中乳酸脱氢酶同工酶Ⅰ(LD-1).采用蛋白水解酶和抑制剂来破坏乳酸脱氢酶同工酶2~5(LD2~5)的活性,因此不需预处理待测样品,可直接用于自动生化分析仪.使用日立7150分析仪建立了LD-1分析仪建立了LD-1测定参数,方法变异系数(CV)2.7%~4.4%;测得结果(y)与LD-1电泳方法(x)相关良好,y=0.967x-1.957,r=0.992(n=37);检测了197名健康男女血清样品,确定LD-1参考值范围为29.78~59.26U/L,x±s=(44.58±7.39)U/L.  相似文献   

目的:利用校准周期图科学确立奥林帕斯Au640全自动生化分析仪校准周期。方法:生化分析仪定标校准后,每隔2小时分别测定三种浓度水平的质控血清一次,24小时后每天测定一次,总计测定30天。所有检测项目均重复测定四次取平均值。以积变异系数(CV)大于1/6 CLIA’88为评价标准,绘制校准周期图。结果:碱性磷酸酶(ALP)L1校准周期最短每12 h一次。酶类项目较稳定,校准周期可达30天以上,低水平质控血清必不可少,这样有利于测得更为准确的校准周期。结论:科学、合理地确立各检测项目的校准周期,对生化分析仪检测系统进行定期校准,既能够避免不必要的校准、又能够节省检验工作的时间和成本,保证生化检验项目检测结果可靠性。  相似文献   

目的:对日立H7180、奥林帕斯Au640全自动生化分析仪校准周期的对比分析。方法:相同条件下,两生化分析仪进行定标校准后,每隔2小时测定高、中、低3种浓度的质控血清各一次直到24 h,后每间隔24 h测定一次,共测定30 d,检测项目均重复测定4次取平均值。从校准完成后开始计时到累积变异系数(CV)大于1/6 CLIA'88允许误差时终止,确定该项目的校准周期。通过绘制校准周期图获得两种全自动生化分析仪不同检测项目的校准周期,并对结果进行对比分析。结果:以碱性磷酸酶(ALP)为例绘制校准周期图,进行对比分析。各检测项目在日立H7180中,低水平质控CV最先达到校准要求,高水平质控CV最后达到校准要求;而在奥林帕斯Au640中,中水平质控CV最先达到校准要求,高水平质控CV最后达到校准要求。结论:日立H7180和奥林帕斯Au640全自动生化分析仪,其校准周期基本一致,个别项目存在差异。  相似文献   

随着检验医学不断地发展,检验技术日新月异,全自动生化分析仪具有自动化程度高,速度快,操作简便,故障率低,系统重复性好,准确度高以及能模块组合等优点,成为现代医院首选的仪器设备。现在以迈瑞BS-820全自生化分析仪为例,谈一下全自动生化分析仪的保养心得。  相似文献   

目的:研究血清镁测定中的试剂交叉污染情况,并探讨解决方法.方法:严格按照仪器厂家测定试剂交叉污染的程序,分别测定试剂仓内圈中的14种生化试剂对镁测定的交叉污染情况,对有交叉污染的试剂设定Smart Wash功能来消除交叉污染.结果:CO2、Glu、CK、ALP、TBA测定试剂对镁测定存在交叉污染,设定Smart Wash功能后基本可消除交叉污染.结论:血清镁测定中存在较严重的试剂交叉污染问题,新的试剂在应用前应该测定试剂交叉污染情况,找到有效的方法来消除交叉污染,减少测定结果的误差.  相似文献   

SHC1型全自动生化分析仪的研制封洲燕沈公羽袁清育1)王载稆1)许少寅1)莫利明2)(浙江大学生物科学与技术系,杭州310027)临床生化分析仪属现代精密医学检测仪器,主要用于测定人体液中的各种生化指标,至今为止,我国的生化分析仪研究和制造主要限于...  相似文献   

基因组学、分子生物学等基础学科的发展,促进了体外诊断试剂的开发应用和更新换代,使其在疾病诊治中发挥越来越重要的作用。2016年全球体外诊断试剂市场容量约680亿美元,未来全球增速预计达7%~8%,其中中国是全球增速最快的市场。主要就体外诊断试剂的研发及市场发展情况进行阐释。  相似文献   

我国酶制剂工业每年以将近10% 的速度递增,世界范围内开发出的酶制剂品种越来越多,应用技术也越来越广泛,但是国内生产的酶制剂品种相对比较单一,与国外相比还有很大差距,随着国外酶制剂的进入,酶制剂的品种逐渐丰富,应用技术不断成熟,带动了中国酶制剂向"高档次、高活力、多品种"的方向进展,使中国酶制剂形成了一个独立行业,在国民经济地位中占了重要一席.  相似文献   

一、概述在过去十年中,日本患慢性肾功能衰竭的病人每年以5000名的数量连续递增,估计目前全日本尚在治疗中的病人约有55,000人以上,其发病率为444人/百万人口。之所以出现这种情况,主要是因为从1972年起,日本的保健经费明显提高,使肾功能不全的患者得到了广泛的治疗;其次是由于肾病的治疗设备迅速发展,它不仅能对一般肾功能衰竭患者进行透析治疗,而且对全身系统的病症(例如原发性糖尿病性肾炎)也能治疗。因此,根据日本有关方面的调查,说明患慢  相似文献   

目的:建立全自动生化分析仪测定尿枸橼酸盐的方法,探讨其在枸橼酸钾治疗泌尿系结石患者中的应用。方法:采用酶偶联速率法,观察重复性、线性及回收实验,并测定36例泌尿系结石病人口服枸橼酸钾片前及服药后24小时尿枸橼酸、尿钾和尿钙。结果:该法重复性CV分别为2.26%和3.34%,枸橼酸浓度在5mmol/L的范围内呈线性,r为0.9981。服药后,尿枸橼酸明显升高(p<0.05),尿钙显著降低(p<0.05)。结论:使用全自动酶法测定尿枸橼酸盐重复性好,准确度高,口服枸橼酸钾能碱化尿液,降低尿钙,起到防治泌尿系结石的作用。  相似文献   

Mycelial morphology is a critically important process property in industrial fermentations of filamentous micro-organisms, as particular phenotypes are associated with maximum productivity. However, the accurate quantification of complex morphologies still represents a significant challenge in elucidating this relationship. A system has been developed for high-resolution characterisation of filamentous fungal growth on a solid substrate, using membrane immobilization and fully-automatic plug-ins developed for the public domain, Java-based, image-processing software, ImageJ. The system has been used to quantify the microscopic development of Aspergillus oryzae on malt agar, by measuring spore projected area and circularity, the total length of a hyphal element, the number of tips per element, and the hyphal growth unit. Two different stages of growth are described, from the swelling of a population of conidiospores up to fully developed, branched hyphae 24 h after inoculation. Spore swelling expressed as an increase in mean equivalent spore diameter was found to be approximately linear with time. Widespread germination of spores was observed by 8 h after inoculation. From approximately 12 h, the number of tips was found to increase exponentially. The specific growth rate of a population of hyphae was calculated as approximately 0.24–0.27 h−1. A wide variation in growth kinetics was found within the population. The robustness of the image-analysis system was verified by testing the effect of small variations in the input data.  相似文献   

PurposeTo train and evaluate a very deep dilated residual network (DD-ResNet) for fast and consistent auto-segmentation of the clinical target volume (CTV) for breast cancer (BC) radiotherapy with big data.MethodsDD-ResNet was an end-to-end model enabling fast training and testing. We used big data comprising 800 patients who underwent breast-conserving therapy for evaluation. The CTV were validated by experienced radiation oncologists. We performed a fivefold cross-validation to test the performance of the model. The segmentation accuracy was quantified by the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and the Hausdorff distance (HD). The performance of the proposed model was evaluated against two different deep learning models: deep dilated convolutional neural network (DDCNN) and deep deconvolutional neural network (DDNN).ResultsMean DSC values of DD-ResNet (0.91 and 0.91) were higher than the other two networks (DDCNN: 0.85 and 0.85; DDNN: 0.88 and 0.87) for both right-sided and left-sided BC. It also has smaller mean HD values of 10.5 mm and 10.7 mm compared with DDCNN (15.1 mm and 15.6 mm) and DDNN (13.5 mm and 14.1 mm). Mean segmentation time was 4 s, 21 s and 15 s per patient with DDCNN, DDNN and DD-ResNet, respectively. The DD-ResNet was also superior with regard to results in the literature.ConclusionsThe proposed method could segment the CTV accurately with acceptable time consumption. It was invariant to the body size and shape of patients and could improve the consistency of target delineation and streamline radiotherapy workflows.  相似文献   

本文介绍一种集吸乳和挤乳为一体的新型全自动多功能吸乳挤奶器,它克服以往人工吸奶器使用不方便,效果不理想等缺点,能安全,自动,舒适地对产妇进行负压吸乳和正压挤乳,以促进乳汁的分泌和排出,提高纯母乳喂养率。  相似文献   

PurposeSegmentation of cardiac sub-structures for dosimetric analyses is usually performed manually in time-consuming procedure. Automatic segmentation may facilitate large-scale retrospective analysis and adaptive radiotherapy. Various approaches, among them Hierarchical Clustering, were applied to improve performance of atlas-based segmentation (ABS).MethodsTraining dataset of ABS consisted of 36 manually contoured CT-scans. Twenty-five cardiac sub-structures were contoured as regions of interest (ROIs). Five auto-segmentation methods were compared: simultaneous automatic contouring of all 25 ROIs (Method-1); automatic contouring of all 25 ROIs using lungs as anatomical barriers (Method-2); automatic contouring of a single ROI for each contouring cycle (Method-3); hierarchical cluster-based automatic contouring (Method-4); simultaneous truth and performance level estimation (STAPLE). Results were evaluated on 10 patients. Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), average Hausdorff distance (AHD), volume comparison and physician score were used as validation metrics.ResultsAtlas performance improved increasing number of atlases. Among the five ABS methods, Hierarchical Clustering workflow showed a significant improvement maintaining a clinically acceptable time for contouring. Physician scoring was acceptable for 70% of the ROI automatically contoured. Inter-observer evaluation showed that contours obtained by Hierarchical Clustering method are statistically comparable with them obtained by a second, independent, expert contourer considering DSC. Considering AHD, distance from the gold standard is lower for ROIs segmented by ABS.ConclusionsHierarchical clustering resulted in best ABS results for the primarily investigated platforms and compared favorably to a second benchmark system. Auto-contouring of smaller structures, being in range of variation between manual contourers, may be ideal for large-scale retrospective dosimetric analysis.  相似文献   

PurposeTo implement a knowledge-based (KB) optimization strategy to our adaptive (ART) early-regression guided boosting technique in neo-adjuvant radio-chemotherapy for rectal cancer.Material and methodsThe protocol consists of a first phase delivering 27.6 Gy to tumor/lymph-nodes (2.3 Gy/fr-PTV1), followed by the ART phase concomitantly delivering 18.6 Gy (3.1 Gy/fr) and 13.8 Gy (2.3 Gy/fr) to the residual tumor (PTVART) and to PTV1 respectively. PTVART is obtained by expanding the residual GTV, as visible on MRI at fraction 9. Forty plans were used to generate a KB-model for the first phase using the RapidPlan tool. Instead of building a new model, a robust strategy scaling the KB-model to the ART phase was applied. Both internal and external validation were performed for both phases: all automatic plans (RP) were compared in terms of OARs/PTVs parameters against the original plans (RA).ResultsThe resulting automatic plans were generally better than or equivalent to clinical plans. Of note, V30Gy and V40Gy were significantly improved in RP plans for bladder and bowel; gEUD analysis showed improvement for KB-modality for all OARs, up to 3 Gy for the bowel.ConclusionsThe KB-model generated for the first phase was robust and it was also efficiently adapted to the ART phase. The performance of automatically generated plans were slightly better than the corresponding manual plans for both phases.  相似文献   

Biological chemistry and clinical potential of S-nitrosothiols   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
S-Nitrosothiols are endogenous metabolites of nitric oxide that have been detected in extra- and intracellular spaces. Many biological functions of S-nitrosothiols have been described that can be categorized as being due to one or more of the following: (i) nitric oxide release, (ii) transnitrosation, (iii) S-thiolation, and (iv) direct action. This emphasizes the fact that S-nitrosothiols are more than simply nitric oxide donors. Many of the biological functions that have been described for S-nitrosothiols have clinical correlates. This review describes the biological chemistry, biological actions, and clinical potential of these compounds.  相似文献   

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