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Various influences of the host altered the establishment and reproduction of mouse-adapted Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. Establishment and egg production were greater in mature male than in female mice. Worm fecundity increased similarly in both sexes of mice prior to 41 days of host age. Male mice at 62 days of age or older harbored more N. brasiliensis than did females, but the number of nematodes was similar in younger hosts of both sexes. Crowding of male mice significantly increased the establishment of helminths, but not the production of eggs by N. brasiliensis. Pregnancy of the host significantly increased both establishment of and reproduction by N. brasiliensis. Ligation of the bile duct of the mouse reduced both establishment and fecundity of the nematode after subcutaneous or surgical infection with larvae and adults, respectively.  相似文献   

and 1986. Humoral and cellular responses to homologous extracts of Nematospiroides dubius and Nippostrongylus brosiliensis. International Journal for Parasitology 16: 601–606. Humoral and cellular responses to homologous parasite extracts were studied in C57BL mice infected with Nematospiroides dubius or Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, to determine whether these parasites induced specific immunosuppression which might facilitate their survival. IgG and IgM titres to adult, excretory-secretory, larval and egg antigens from N. dubius and adult antigen from N. brasiliensis increased progressively for several weeks, irrespective of parasite rejection. Delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to the same antigens peaked after about 2 weeks and then remained constant in N. dubius -infected mice, but declined after the rejection of N. brasiliensis. The specific lymphoproliferative responses of spleen cells to these extracts reached peak values 1–3 weeks after infection and were anti-Thy 1.2-sensitive. They then declined sharply, but remained above the levels seen in uninfected mice. These results should be considered in the interpretation of any investigations into the stable host-parasite relationship which exists during a primary N. dubius infection.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite involved in the etiology of various behavioral and hormonal alterations in humans and rodents. Various mechanisms, including induction changes of testosterone production, have been proposed in the etiology of behavioral alterations during T. gondii infection. However, controversy remains about the effects of T. gondii infection on testosterone production; in some studies, increased levels of testosterone were reported, whereas other studies reported decreased levels. This is a significant point, because testosterone has been shown to play important roles in various processes, from reproduction to fear and behavior. This contradiction seems to indicate that different factors--primarily parasite strains and host variations--have diverse effects on the intensity of T. gondii infection, which consequently has diverse effects on testosterone production and behavioral alterations. This paper reviews the role of parasite strains, host variations, and intensity of T. gondii infection on behavioral alterations and testosterone production, as well as the role of testosterone in the etiology of these alterations during toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

The plasticity of macrophages is evident in helminthic parasite infections, providing protection from inflammation. Previously we demonstrated that the micronutrient selenium induces a phenotypic switch in macrophage activation from a classically activated (pro-inflammatory; M1/CAM) toward an alternatively activated (anti-inflammatory; M2/AAM) phenotype, where cyclooxygenase (COX)-dependent cyclopentenone prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) plays a key role. Here, we hypothesize that dietary selenium modulates macrophage polarization toward an AAM phenotype to assist in the increasing clearance of adult Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, a gastrointestinal nematode parasite. Mice on a selenium-adequate (0.08 ppm) diet significantly augmented intestinal AAM presence while decreasing adult worms and fecal egg production when compared with infection of mice on selenium-deficient (<0.01 ppm) diet. Further increase in dietary selenium to supraphysiological levels (0.4 ppm) had very little or no impact on worm expulsion. Normal adult worm clearance and enhanced AAM marker expression were observed in the selenium-supplemented Trspfl/flCreWT mice that express selenoproteins driven by tRNASec (Trsp), whereas N. brasiliensis-infected Trspfl/flCreLysM selenium-supplemented mice showed a decreased clearance, with lowered intestinal expression of several AAM markers. Inhibition of the COX pathway with indomethacin resulted in delayed worm expulsion in selenium-adequate mice. This was rescued with 15d-PGJ2, which partially recapitulated the effect of selenium supplementation on fecal egg output in addition to increasing markers of AAMs in the small intestine. Antagonism of PPARγ blocked the effect of selenium. These results suggest that optimal expression of selenoproteins and selenium-dependent production of COX-derived endogenous prostanoids, such as Δ12-PGJ2 and 15d-PGJ2, may regulate AAM activation to enhance anti-helminthic parasite responses.  相似文献   

4种寄主植物对烟粉虱发育、存活及繁殖的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在实验室条件下[温度(26±1)℃,相对湿度(75±5)%,光照L∶D=14∶10],对烟粉虱[Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)]在烟草、假连翘、一品红、扶桑等4种寄主植物上的发育、存活、繁殖力及若虫个体形态进行了研究。结果表明:烟粉虱在上述4种寄主植物上从卵至成虫的发育历期分别为:17.63、25.70、23.15、20.32 d,存活率为:62.63%、58.48%、43.69%、52.45%。烟粉虱在烟草、假连翘、一品红、扶桑上的单雌产卵量分别为337.80、307.40、157.00、57.20粒,种群增长指数(I)分别为117.95、107.86、37.86、16.24。  相似文献   

1. We investigated the effect of refractory dissolved organic matter (refractory DOM: fulvic acids (FAs) and ultrafiltrates (UFs)), isolated from five different sources, on the reproduction of the bacterivorous nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Nematodes were exposed to DOM (0.5–64 mg L?1 dissolved organic carbon) during a whole life cycle (72 h). At the end of the test, the number of offspring per worm was determined.
2. We also studied the effect of refractory DOM on abundance, cell size, and activity of the bacteria (Escherichia coli) that were used as a food source for the nematodes, to assess possible indirect effects of DOM via the food organisms.
3. The effects of DOM on the reproduction of C. elegans varied, depending on the origin and concentration of DOM. FAs isolated from a soil leachate and from the effluent of a waste water plant, as well as UFs from a humic lake and from a marsh, stimulated the reproduction of C. elegans. FAs from ground water had no effect, while FAs from a humic lake inhibited the reproduction of the nematodes. All effects occurred at ecologically relevant DOM concentrations and showed clear dose–response relationships.
4. Neither bacterial abundance nor cell size were influenced by refractory DOM. Bacterial activity was unaffected by four types of DOM. Only FAs from the humic lake caused a significant decrease in bacterial activity over 72 h.
5. The negative effect of FAs from the humic lake on nematode reproduction may be a consequence of a lower bacterial activity in this treatment. The positive effects of refractory DOM, however, could not be related to bacterial parameters. Therefore, we assume that the DOM directly influenced the reproduction of C. elegans. We speculate that refractory DOM can potentially be an additional carbon source or a source of trace nutrients influencing the reproduction of C. elegans. Adsorption of refractory DOM on bacterial cells, serving as food for the nematodes, may have been an important factor for the availability of DOM for C. elegans.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to study the extent and nature of the damage occurring in adult Nippostrongylus brasiliensis undergoing immune expulsion from the rat. It was found that worms are not killed nor irreparably damaged when being rejected. On transfer into naive second recipient rats the rate of re-establishment of worms previously incubated in immune rat recipients for 4-17 hr was high (68-69%) and comparable to that shown by worms from normal recipient rats (48-56%). Similarly, worms taken on days 10, 11, and 12 of a primary infection, already passed to the distal half of the small intestine due to immune expulsion effects, on transfer into naive recipient rats re-established themselves well (rates varying from 62 to 80%) compared to those harvested from their normal habitat in the proximal half of the small intestine (rates varying from 44 to 87%). Worm damage is associated with decreased motility and impaired locomotion capacity. The phenomenon of mucosal trapping occurs during expulsion, but merely to the extent of some 30% of the worm population. It is suggested that in principle, worms subjected to immune expulsion are in a state of acute, transient metabolic crisis. The present results support the enteroallergic indirect mechanism for worm rejection.  相似文献   

Nippostrongylus brasiliensis: effects of immunity on the pre-intestinal and intestinal larval stages of the parasite. International journal for Parasitology4: 183–191. Migration of the pre-intestinal larval stages of N. brasiliensis was studied in rats undergoing either primary or challenge infections. In rats undergoing a primary infection, more than 67 percent of larvae successfully migrated from the skin to the oesophagus by 70 h after infection, and subsequently over 90 per cent of these larvae became established in the small intestine as sexually mature adults. In immune rats undergoing a second infection, 46 per cent of larvae completed migration to the oesophagus by 70 h and of these, only 1·6 per cent became established in the intestine to produce eggs. These inhibitory effects on the pre-intestinal and intestinal larval stages were even more pronounced in immune rats undergoing a third or fourth infection and in addition, there was a prolonged sojourn and substantial retention of larvae in their lungs. There was no evidence that the immune response had an adverse effect on oesophageal fourth stags larvae as these organisms (obtained from immune donors) were able to establish and develop to maturity when transferred per os to normal animals.Syngeneic transfer of immune mesenteric lymph node cells to normal recipients, caused expulsion of parasites from the intestine but failed to effect migration of pre-intestinal larval stages. The implications of these findings are discussed in the context of current knowledge of the mechanisms of immunity to helminths.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The causes and reproductive consequences of body size variation of Brachinus lateralis Dejean, a parasitic carabid beetle, were investigated.
2. Body size variation occurs within and between sites. Host size has a major influence on body size of the adult.
3. Fecundity is positively correlated with body size. Egg size is not correlated with body size.
4. Mating males tend to be larger than non-mating males. There is a positive correlation of body sizes in mating pairs.
5. Limited opportunity for host choice may maintain size variation despite the advantages of large size.
6. The non-random patterns of mating for a species without obvious intrasexual aggression suggest that subtle means of male-male competition or female choice may be important.  相似文献   

寄主转换对B型烟粉虱生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在实验室恒温条件下,对B型烟粉虱Bemisiatabaci(Gennadius)寄主转换后的生长发育和繁殖进行初步研究。结果表明:B型烟粉虱从番茄转移到国抗22棉花上后,第1代转寄主烟粉虱的发育历期比第2代长19.2%,存活率低16.4%,第2代和第3代之间没有明显差异。受体寄主对B型烟粉虱发育速率的恢复有一定的影响。  相似文献   

The glycosylation alterations of mouse small intestinal mucins during a 12-day infectious cycle caused by the parasite Nippostrongylus brasiliensis have been studied. The guanidinium chloride insoluble mucins were isolated at day 0 to 12 from the small intestine of infected and non-infected C57BL/6 mice. The O-linked oligosaccharides were released by reductive -elimination from the mucins and separated into neutral, sialylated and sulfated fractions. All fractions were analyzed by monosaccharide composition analysis and the neutral oligosaccharides were structurally characterized by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Two oligosaccharides containing blood group H-type epitopes (Fuc1-2Gal-) were transiently expressed with a maximum at day 6. Additional oligosaccharides with the common structure HexNAc-Gal-3GalNAcol were transiently induced with a maximum at day 10. Northern blot analysis on total RNA showed a transient expression at day 4–6 of the Fut2 gene encoding a Fuc1-2 fucosyltransferase, probably responsible for the detected blood group H-type epitopes. Comparisons with the corresponding infection in rat studied previously, revealed structurally different alterations, although occurring as transient events in both species. Both showed an induced blood group-type transferase halfway through the infection (a blood group A transferase in rat) and an induced transferase adding a terminal GalNAc (to a sialic acid- containing epitope in rat) towards the end of the infection. These differences between closely related species suggest rapid evolutionary alterations in glycosyltransferase expression.  相似文献   

A study has been made to determine the chemotherapeutic susceptibility of natural and “steroid sustained” Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infections in rats. Dexamethasone in the drinking water (2.5 × 10?4 mg/ml) aided establishment of greater parasite populations but restricted growth of young rats. Comparison trials with thiabendazole, cambendazole, and parbendazole, as well as 10 candidate drugs, showed that the parasiticidal activity of these materials was not significantly altered between the 10-day-old naturally maintained and the 17-day-old steroid-treated parasitic infections. As expected, 17-day-old naturally maintained parasite populations were highly susceptible to the anthelmintic action of these materials. In one instance, the toxic response elicited by a candidate drug was apparently potentiated by dexamethasone.  相似文献   

Testosterone promotes aggressive behaviour in male vertebrates during the breeding season, but the importance of testosterone in female aggression remains unclear. Testosterone has both beneficial and detrimental effects on behaviour and physiology, prompting the hypothesis that selection favours an association between aggression and testosterone only in certain contexts in which intense or persistent aggression may be beneficial. We tested this hypothesis in a year-round territorial female buff-breasted wrens (Thryothorus leucotis), by exposing free-living females to experimental intrusions in different social (either single female or male, or paired decoys) and seasonal (pre-breeding or breeding) contexts. Females responded more aggressively to intrusions by females and pairs than to males. However, female intrusions elicited stronger responses during pre-breeding, whereas responses to pair intrusions were more intense during breeding. Territorial females had elevated testosterone levels after female intrusions and intermediate levels after pair intrusions during pre-breeding, but the levels of testosterone remained low after these intrusions during breeding. These results demonstrate seasonal differences in circulating testosterone following territorial aggression in female buff-breasted wrens and are suggestive of differences according to social context as well. Context-dependent elevation of testosterone implies that selection acts directly on female vertebrates to shape patterns of testosterone secretion.  相似文献   

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