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基于F—2群体的鸡重要生长性状遗传分析 总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13
采用F-2设计,以丝羽乌骨鸡(C系)为一亲本,分别与农大褐蛋鸡(B系),及法国明星肉鸡(A系)进行正反交,产生了包含A×C,C×A;B×C,C×B4个杂交组合的F2代群体,建立了可用于定位产肉及产蛋等性状QTL的资源群体.基于这一F-2群体,对体重及日增重等性状表型值进行分析,结果显示,亲本间均值差异显著,分离群体变异大,这组性状间有中等或较高的相关,各性状潜在的QTL座位数不超过10,所建资源家系能够满足QTL定位所需的样本数量,达到了预期的效果. 相似文献
* Information on the genetic variation of plant response to elevated CO(2) (e[CO(2)]) is needed to understand plant adaptation and to pinpoint likely evolutionary response to future high atmospheric CO(2) concentrations. * Here, quantitative trait loci (QTL) for above- and below-ground tree growth were determined in a pedigree - an F(2) hybrid of poplar (Populus trichocarpa and Populus deltoides), following season-long exposure to either current day ambient CO(2) (a[CO(2)]) or e[CO(2)] at 600 microl l(-1), and genotype by environment interactions investigated. * In the F(2) generation, both above- and below-ground growth showed a significant increase in e[CO(2)]. Three areas of the genome on linkage groups I, IX and XII were identified as important in determining above-ground growth response to e[CO(2)], while an additional three areas of the genome on linkage groups IV, XVI and XIX appeared important in determining root growth response to e[CO(2)]. * These results quantify and identify genetic variation in response to e[CO(2)] and provide an insight into genomic response to the changing environment. 相似文献
Using SRAP (sequence-related amplified polymorphism) markers a genetic linkage map of cucumber was constructed with a population
consisting of 138 F2 individuals derived from a cross of the two cucumber lines, S06 and S52. In the survey of parental polymorphisms with 182
primer combinations, 64 polymorphism-revealing primer pairs were screened out, which generated totally 108 polymorphic bands
with an average of 1.7 bands per primer pair and at most 6 bands from one primer pair. The constructed molecular linkage map
included 92 loci, distributed in seven linkage groups and spanning 1164.2 cM in length with an average genetic distance of
12.6 cM between two neighboring loci. Based on this linkage map, the quantitative trait loci (QTL) for the lateral branch
number (lbn) and the lateral branch average length (lbl) in cucumber were identified by QTLMapper1.6. A major QTL lbn1 located
between ME11SA4B and ME5EM5 in LG2 could explain 10.63% of the total variation with its positively effecting allele from S06.
A major QTL lbl1 located between DC1OD3 and DC1EM14 in LG2 could account for 10.38% of the total variation with its positively
effecting allele from S06. 相似文献
基于基因型选择提高QTL作图的精度——以一个RIL群体为例 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以PCR为基础的分子标记以及其他检测技术的发展,使得大规模的标记分析成为现实。这也为通过大群体标记分析,然后基于基因型选择挑选合适的小群体,从而提高QTL定位准确性和精度提供了可能。以一个包含294个家系的重组自交系(RIL)群体为例,通过基因型选择和随机选择的办法产生了一系列大小不等的亚群体,比较了两类群体QTL定位的结果。分析表明:相同大小的基因型选择群体与随机群体相比性状的表型分布都符合正态分布;标记的偏分离情况也没有明显的差别,都随着群体大小的增大,偏分离的比例也逐渐增大。但同等大小的基因型选择群体比随机群体的交换富集率(CE)要大,且随着选择强度的增大不断增大,如群体大小为270时,CE=1.04,群体大小为30时,CE=1.45。总体上,随着群体大小的增加,不管是随机群体还是选择群体,其QTL检测能力、灵敏性和特异性也随之增加,但选择群体的检测能力、灵敏性和特异性总体上要好于随机群体。当群体大于或等于240时,其QTL检测能力基本没有差别;群体大小大于或等于210时,其QTL检测的灵敏性和特异性也没有什么差别。这也说明:选择强度越大,效果越明显。以QTLI—LOD区间作为衡量QTL精度的一个指标,结果显示所有基因型选择群体都比相同大小随机群体的QTL定位精度高。目前QTL定位研究中,基因型数据较表型数据而言更容易准确获得,因此通过基因型选择可以更好的优化群体结构,减少田间实验的工作量,提高全基因组水平QTL作图的精度,为随后的QTL辅助选择和精细定位以及克隆提供帮助。 相似文献
Jian-Bing YAN 《Acta Genetica Sinica》2006,33(7):617-624
The QTL mapping results were compared with the genotypically selected and random samples of the same size on the base of a RIL population. The results demonstrated that there were no obvious differences in the trait distribution and marker segregation distortion between the genotypically selected and random samples with the same population size. However, a significant increase in QTL detection power, sensitivity, specificity, and QTL resolution in the genotypically selected samples were observed. Moreover, the highly significant effect was detected in small size of genotypically selected samples. In QTL mapping, phenotyping is a more sensitive limiting factor than genotyping so that the selection of samples could be an attractive strategy for increasing genome-wide QTL mapping resolution. The efficient selection of samples should be more helpful for QTL maker assistant selection, fine mapping, and QTL cloning. 相似文献
Chang-Kug Kim Young-Joo Seol Dong-Jun Lee Jae-Hee Lee Tae-Ho Lee Dong-Suk Park 《Bioinformation》2014,10(10):664-666
The National Agricultural Biotechnology Information Center (NABIC) in South Korea reconstructed a RiceQTLPro database for
gene positional analysis and structure prediction of the chromosomes. This database is an integrated web-based system providing
information about quantitative trait loci (QTL) markers in rice plant. The RiceQTLPro has the three main features namely, (1) QTL
markers list, (2) searching of markers using keyword, and (3) searching of marker position on the rice chromosomes. This updated
database provides 112 QTL markers information with 817 polymorphic markers on each of the 12 chromosomes in rice.
The database is available for free at http://nabic.rda.go.kr/gere/rice/geneticMap/ 相似文献9.
Shan-Zhi Lin Zhi-Yi Zhang Qian Zhang Yuan-Zhen Lin 《植物学报(英文版)》2006,48(9):1001-1007
The poplar is one of the most economically important and intensively studied tree species owing to its wide application in the timber industry and as a model material for the study of woody plants. The natural resource of poplars in China is replete. Over the past 10 years, the application of molecular biological techniques to genetic improvements in poplar species has been widely studied in China. Recent advances in molecular genetic improvements of poplar, including cDNA library construction, gene cloning and identification, genetic engineering, gene expression, genetic linkage map construction, mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) and molecular-assisted selection, are reviewed in the present paper. In addition, the application of modern biotechnology to molecular improvements in the genetic traits of the poplar and some unsolved problems are discussed. 相似文献
玉米5个农艺性状的QTL定位 总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35
利用“豫玉22”构建的266个玉米F2:3家系为材料,通过一年两点的随机区组田间试验和分子标记分析,研究了玉米穗位高、雄穗分支数、茎粗、抽雄期、吐丝期5个重要农艺性状。相关分析表明,穗位高、雄穗分支数、茎粗与单株产量显著正相关,抽雄期与吐丝期高度正相关,雄穗分支数与茎粗显著正相关。采用复合区间作图法,通过500次排列测验分别确定各性状的LOD阈值,在武汉和襄樊两地共定位了7个穗位高QTL、9个雄穗分支数QTL、8个茎粗QTL、9个抽雄期QTL和7个吐丝期QTL;这些QTL在染色体上分布不均匀,具有集中分布的特点。研究表明,数量性状间的表型相关可能源于控制数量性状的QTL位点间的相关。 相似文献
甘蓝型油菜遗传图谱的构建及单株产量构成因素的QTL分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
采用常规品系04-1139与高产多角果品系05-1054构建的F2代群体为作图群体, 运用SSR(Simple sequence repeat)和SRAP(Sequence-related amplified polymorphism)构建分子标记遗传图谱并对甘蓝型油菜单株产量构成因素进行QTL分析。遗传图谱包含200个分子标记, 分布于19个连锁群上, 总长度1 700.23 cM, 标记间的平均距离8.50 cM。采用复合区间作图法(Composite interval mapping, CIM)对单株产量构成因素(单株有效角果数、每果粒数和千粒重)进行QTL分析, 共检测到12个QTL: 其中单株有效角果数4个QTL, 分别解释表型变异为35.64%、12.96%、28.71%和34.02%; 每果粒数获得5个QTL, 分别解释表型变异为8.41%、7.87%、24.37%、8.57%和14.31%; 千粒重获得3个QTL, 分别解释表型变异为2.33%、1.81%和1.86%。结果表明: 同一性状的等位基因增效作用可以同时来自高值亲本和低值亲本; 文章中与主效QTL连锁的标记可用于油菜产量性状的分子标记辅助选择和聚合育种。 相似文献
Ghost quantitative trait loci (QTL) are the false discoveries in QTL mapping, that arise due to the “accumulation” of the polygenic effects, uniformly distributed over the genome. The locations on the chromosome that are strongly correlated with the total of the polygenic effects depend on a specific sample correlation structure determined by the genotypes at all loci. The problem is particularly severe when the same genotypes are used to study multiple QTL, e.g. using recombinant inbred lines or studying the expression QTL. In this case, the ghost QTL phenomenon can lead to false hotspots, where multiple QTL show apparent linkage to the same locus. We illustrate the problem using the classic backcross design and suggest that it can be solved by the application of the extended mixed effect model, where the random effects are allowed to have a nonzero mean. We provide formulas for estimating the thresholds for the corresponding t-test statistics and use them in the stepwise selection strategy, which allows for a simultaneous detection of several QTL. Extensive simulation studies illustrate that our approach eliminates ghost QTL/false hotspots, while preserving a high power of true QTL detection. 相似文献
Assessing genome-wide statistical significance is an important issue in genetic studies. We describe a new resampling approach for determining the appropriate thresholds for statistical significance. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach accurately controls the genome-wide type I error rate even under the large p small n situations. 相似文献
水稻纹枯病抗性QTL分析 总被引:37,自引:4,他引:37
对灿稻窄叶青8号(ZYQ8)和粳稻京系17(JX17)以及由它们构建的加倍单倍体(DH)群体,分别在杭州和海南岛,采用注射器接种法进行纹枯病抗性鉴定,并使用该群体的分子链锁图谱进行数量性状座位(QTL)分析。共检测到4个抗纹枯病的QTL(qSBR-2、qSBR-3、qSBR-7和qSBR-11),分别位于第2、第3、第7和第11染色体。其中qSBR-2、qSBR-3、qSBR-7的抗性基因由抗病亲本ZYQ8贡献,而qSBR-11的抗性基因来自感病亲本JX17。qSBR-2、qSBR-3、qSBR-7在杭州和海南岛都能检测到,而qSBR-11只在杭州检测到。在杭州的实验中,纹枯病病级与秆长和抽穗期呈显著负相关;在控制秆长和抽穗期的QTL中,控制秆长的qCL-3与qSBR-3位于同一染色体区域,其余QTL与抗纹枯病的QTL之间无连锁关系。 相似文献
一组中国河南汉族群体血管紧张素转换酶基因多态性与血清酶活性研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为研究中国汉族群体血管紧张素转换酶(angiotensin-1 converting enzyme,ACE)活性、基因多态性分布及相互关系,用分光光度法检测496例汉族个体血清酶活性,PCR后的限制性酶切片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)法检测血管紧张素转换酶基因启动子区A-5466C、T-3892C、A-240T及编码区T1237C、G2215A、G2350A共6个SNP位点,以及第16内含子的A/u片段插入/缺失(I/D)和3’端4656(CT)。共8个多态位点的分布,同时用最大期望值(expectationmaximization,EM)算法估计基因连锁不平衡状态和单倍型结构。结果发现,上述8个多态存在于常见的9个单倍型中,其中两种最常见的单倍型为A(A-T-A-T-G-I-A-3)和B(C-C-T-C-A-D-G-2),A和B在每个位点都不相同。最大简约法分析提示本群体可被分为3个进化簇,Ⅲ簇最有可能由Ⅰ簇和Ⅱ簇产生。ACE基因各位点多态性在个体中的分布与血清中ACE活性有关,组成单倍型A的各等位位点与血清中ACE低活性有关,单倍型B的各等位位点与血清中ACE高活性有关。研究结果提示,本群体中ACE基因存在连锁不平衡,有两种主要的单倍型,单倍型B可能与导致ACE升高的数量性状(QTL)关联,但确定具体的数量性状位点还需绘制精细物理图谱。 相似文献
Lou P Zhao J He H Hanhart C Del Carpio DP Verkerk R Custers J Koornneef M Bonnema G 《The New phytologist》2008,179(4):1017-1032
Glucosinolates and their breakdown products have been recognized for their effects on plant defense, human health, flavor and taste of cruciferous vegetables. Despite this importance, little is known about the regulation of the biosynthesis and degradation in Brassica rapa. Here, the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for glucosinolate accumulation in B. rapa leaves in two novel segregating double haploid (DH) populations is reported: DH38, derived from a cross between yellow sarson R500 and pak choi variety HK Naibaicai; and DH30, from a cross between yellow sarson R500 and Kairyou Hakata, a Japanese vegetable turnip variety. An integrated map of 1068 cM with 10 linkage groups, assigned to the international agreed nomenclature, is developed based on the two individual DH maps with the common parent using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and single sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Eight different glucosinolate compounds were detected in parents and F(1)s of the DH populations and found to segregate quantitatively in the DH populations. QTL analysis identified 16 loci controlling aliphatic glucosinolate accumulation, three loci controlling total indolic glucosinolate concentration and three loci regulating aromatic glucosinolate concentrations. Both comparative genomic analyses based on Arabidopsis-Brassica rapa synteny and mapping of candidate orthologous genes in B. rapa allowed the selection of genes involved in the glucosinolate biosynthesis pathway that may account for the identified QTL. 相似文献
水稻苗期耐旱性基因位点及其互作的分析 总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25
随着全球水资源的日益贫乏和旱灾的日趋严重,水稻耐旱性的研究越来越重要,对籼稻窄叶青8号(ZYQ8)和粳稻京系17(JX17)以及由它们构建的加倍单倍体(DH)群体,参照国际水稻研究所的耐旱鉴定方法,在苗期进行断水,调查期耐旱性,利用该群体的分子连锁图谱进行数量性状座位(QTL)区间作图分析,共检测到2个耐旱的QTL(qDT-5和qDT-12),分别位于第5染色体的GA41-GA257之间的和第12染色体的RG457-Y12817R之间,这两个QTL的加性效应均来自ZYQ8的等位基因,用Epistat软件检测到2个单位点,即GA257和Y12817R,与区间作图分析的结果一致,Epistat还检测到与GA257互作的3个位点(RG541、G318和G192,分别位于第1、4和8染色体上)和与Y12817R互作的1个位点(CT234,位于第3染色体上)。 相似文献
水稻柱头外露率的QTL分析 总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15
利用高柱头外露率的籼稻窄叶青8号(ZYQ8)和极低外露率的粳稻京系17(JX17)以及由它们构建的加倍单倍体(DH)群体,在海南对各DH株系的柱头外露率进行调查,并使用该群体的分子连锁图谱进行数量性状座位(QTL)分析。共检测到2个控制水稻柱头外露率的QTL(qPES-2,qPES-3),分别位于第2、第3染色体;并发现控制柱头单边外露率的QTL与柱头外露率完全一致,而控制柱头双边外露率的QTL在第2染色体上检测到;其增效基因均来源于ZYQ8。同时定位的控制穗粒数的QTL位于第6染色体和第8染色体上,与柱头外露率之间没有连锁关系。 相似文献