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Abstract. 1. The allocation of honey bee foragers among food patches is a result of decisions made by individual bees that are based on internal and external cues.
2. Decision-making processes are often based on internal thresholds. For example, if the quality of the food source is assessed by a forager as exceeding its internal threshold, the bee will continue foraging on that food source.
3. It is often assumed that all individuals have the same threshold and therefore use the same thresholds in decision-making, but because the honey bee queen mates with 12–30 males, the workers within a colony are genetically heterogeneous. Thus, the thresholds used by individual bees may be genetically variable within a colony.
4. Models of colony-level foraging behaviour of honey bees suggest that the rate of abandoning food sources is a critical parameter affecting foraging success. Moreover, these models show that variance among subfamilies in their abandonment rates may increase the colony's foraging efficiency.
5. Experimental data showing the relationship between the probability of abandoning a food source and its profitability are lacking, as is information on any variation in abandonment rates among subfamilies.
6. Abandonment rates were determined experimentally for four honey bee families for seven different sucrose concentrations. The results showed that abandonment rates appear to be invariant among (sub)families. The importance of forager fidelity to declining food sources is discussed with respect to foraging efficiency in a changing environment.  相似文献   

We incorporate a mathematical model of Varroa destructor and the Acute Bee Paralysis Virus with an existing model for a honeybee colony, in which the bee population is divided into hive bees and forager bees based on tasks performed in the colony. The model is a system of five ordinary differential equations with dependent variables: uninfected hive bees, uninfected forager bees, infected hive bees, virus-free mites and virus-carrying mites. The interplay between forager loss and disease infestation is studied. We study the stability of the disease-free equilibrium of the bee-mite-virus model and observe that the disease cannot be fought off in the absence of varroacide treatment. However, the disease-free equilibrium can be stable if the treatment is strong enough and also if the virus-carrying mites become virus-free at a rate faster than the mite birth rate. The critical forager loss due to homing failure, above which the colony fails, is calculated using simulation experiments for disease-free, treated and untreated mite-infested, and treated virus-infested colonies. A virus-infested colony without varroacide treatment fails regardless of the forager mortality rate.  相似文献   

We propose a model that combines the dynamics of the spread of disease within a bee colony with the underlying demographic dynamics of the colony to determine the ultimate fate of the colony under different scenarios. The model suggests that key factors in the survival or collapse of a honey bee colony in the face of an infection are the rate of transmission of the infection and the disease-induced death rate. An increase in the disease-induced death rate, which can be thought of as an increase in the severity of the disease, may actually help the colony overcome the disease and survive through winter. By contrast, an increase in the transmission rate, which means that bees are being infected at an earlier age, has a drastic deleterious effect. Another important finding relates to the timing of infection in relation to the onset of winter, indicating that in a time interval of approximately 20 days before the onset of winter the colony is most affected by the onset of infection. The results suggest further that the age of recruitment of hive bees to foraging duties is a good early marker for the survival or collapse of a honey bee colony in the face of infection, which is consistent with experimental evidence but the model provides insight into the underlying mechanisms. The most important result of the study is a clear distinction between an exposure of the honey bee colony to an environmental hazard such as pesticides or insecticides, or an exposure to an infectious disease. The results indicate unequivocally that in the scenarios that we have examined, and perhaps more generally, an infectious disease is far more hazardous to the survival of a bee colony than an environmental hazard that causes an equal death rate in foraging bees.  相似文献   

Feral honey bee populations have been reported to be in decline due to the spread of Varroa destructor, an ectoparasitic mite that when left uncontrolled leads to virus build-up and colony death. While pests and diseases are known causes of large-scale managed honey bee colony losses, no studies to date have considered the wider pathogen burden in feral colonies, primarily due to the difficulty in locating and sampling colonies, which often nest in inaccessible locations such as church spires and tree tops. In addition, little is known about the provenance of feral colonies and whether they represent a reservoir of Varroa tolerant material that could be used in apiculture. Samples of forager bees were collected from paired feral and managed honey bee colonies and screened for the presence of ten honey bee pathogens and pests using qPCR. Prevalence and quantity was similar between the two groups for the majority of pathogens, however feral honey bees contained a significantly higher level of deformed wing virus than managed honey bee colonies. An assessment of the honey bee race was completed for each colony using three measures of wing venation. There were no apparent differences in wing morphometry between feral and managed colonies, suggesting feral colonies could simply be escapees from the managed population. Interestingly, managed honey bee colonies not treated for Varroa showed similar, potentially lethal levels of deformed wing virus to that of feral colonies. The potential for such findings to explain the large fall in the feral population and the wider context of the importance of feral colonies as potential pathogen reservoirs is discussed.  相似文献   

The honey bee Apis mellifera L. is a crucial insect in the agricultural industry and natural ecosystem by being a major pollinator. Nevertheless, honey bee population has been recently facing a decline. Among the several factors responsible for this decline, deformed wing virus (DWV) is considered a primary cause that negatively affects honey bee health. DWV is a cosmopolitan honey bee pathogen and causes morphological disadvantages in individual honey bees and colony collapse. Regarding the horizontal transmission of DWV, in addition to Varroa destructor, a well-known major vector of DWV, flowers have recently been implied as a transmission route. Therefore, in this study, we detected DWV from various substances, including flowers, honey bee feces, pupa, larva, nurse bee, surface of nurse bee, pollen collected by forager bee, and forager bee samples in four strawberry greenhouses, which could suggest the potential for the horizontal transmission of DWV in the semi-field condition. We also detected DWV in pollen collected by DWV-negative forager bees, implying that flowers can serve as a potential source of virus infection. These findings suggest that the surrounding environment such as shared floral sources affects the spread of DWV.  相似文献   

Magal  P.  Webb  G. F.  Wu  Yixiang 《Journal of mathematical biology》2020,80(7):2363-2393
Journal of Mathematical Biology - We develop a model of honey bee colony collapse based on contamination of forager bees in pesticide contaminated spatial environments. The model consists of...  相似文献   

Honey bee health is mainly affected by Varroa destructor, viruses, Nosema spp., pesticide residues and poor nutrition. Interactions between these proposed factors may be responsible for the colony losses reported worldwide in recent years. In the present study, the effects of a honey bee virus, Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV), on the foraging behaviors and homing ability of European honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) were investigated based on proboscis extension response (PER) assays and radio frequency identification (RFID) systems. The pollen forager honey bees originated from colonies that had no detectable level of honey bee viruses and were manually inoculated with IAPV to induce the viral infection. The results showed that IAPV-inoculated honey bees were more responsive to low sucrose solutions compared to that of non-infected foragers. After two days of infection, around 107 copies of IAPV were detected in the heads of these honey bees. The homing ability of IAPV-infected foragers was depressed significantly in comparison to the homing ability of uninfected foragers. The data provided evidence that IAPV infection in the heads may enable the virus to disorder foraging roles of honey bees and to interfere with brain functions that are responsible for learning, navigation, and orientation in the honey bees, thus, making honey bees have a lower response threshold to sucrose and lose their way back to the hive.  相似文献   

The tracheal mite has been associated with colony deaths worldwide since the mite was first discovered in 1919. Yet controversy about its role in honey bee colony mortality has existed since that time. Other pathogens such as bacteria and viruses have been suggested as the cause of colony deaths as well as degenerative changes in individual honey bees. Using data from published work we developed a qualitative mortality model to explain colony mortality due to tracheal mite infestation in the field. Our model suggests that colonies of tracheal-mite infested honey bees, with no other pathogens present, can die out in the late winter/early spring period due to their inability to thermoregulate. An accumulation of factors conspire to cause colony death including reduced brood/bee population, loose winter clusters, reduced flight muscle function and increasing mite infestation. In essence a cascade effect results in the colony losing its cohesion and leading to its ultimate collapse.  相似文献   

Based on population dynamics, tracheal mite (Acarapis woodi) parasitism of colonies of honey bees (Apis mellifera) appears to be, potentially at least, regulatory and stable. Empirical and theoretical considerations suggest, however, that intracolony population dynamics of mite-honey bee worker seem to be unstable in managed situations where honey bee worker population is allowed to grow unchecked. Experimental studies showed that tracheal mite population levels increased in a managed honey bee colony but were impaired in one in which brood rearing was interrupted by loss of the queen. Mite densities but not prevalence were lowered in experimental swarms kept from rearing brood. We propose that swarming reduces mite density within a colony, therefore implicating modern techniques of hive management in the sudden historical appearance of the mite on the Isle of Wight.  相似文献   

In Europe and North America honey bees cannot be kept without chemical treatments against Varroa destructor. Nevertheless, in Brazil an isolated population of Italian honey bees has been kept on an island since 1984 without treatment against this mite. The infestation rates in these colonies have decreased over the years. We looked for possible varroa-tolerance factors in six Italian honey bee colonies prepared with queens from this Brazilian island population, compared to six Carniolan colonies, both tested at the same site in Germany. One such factor was the percentage of damaged mites in the colony debris, which has been reported as an indicator of colony tolerance to varroa. A mean of 35.8% of the varroa mites collected from the bottoms of the Italian bee colonies were found damaged, among which 19.1% were still alive. A significantly greater proportion of damaged mites were found in the Carniolan bees (42.3%) and 22.5% were collected alive. The most frequent kind of damage found was damaged legs alone, affecting 47.4% of the mites collected from debris in Italian bees, which was similar to the amount found in Carniolan colonies (46%). The mean infestation rate by the varroa mite in the worker brood cells in the Italian bee colonies was 3.9% in June and 3.5% in July, and in drone brood cells it was 19.3% in June. In the Carniolan honey bee colonies the mean infestation rates in worker brood cells were 3.0 and 6.7%, respectively in the months of June and July and 19.7% in drone brood cells in June. In conclusion, the 'Varroa-tolerant' Italian honey bees introduced from Brazil produced lower percentages of damaged mites (Varroa destructor) in hive debris and had similar brood infestation rates when compared to 'susceptible' Carniolan bees in Germany. In spite of the apparent adaptation of this population of Italian bees in Brazil, we found no indication of superiority of these bees when we examined the proportions of damaged mites and the varroa-infestation rates, compared to Carniloan bees kept in the same apiary in Germany.  相似文献   

Earlier studies showed that Russian honey bees support slow growth of varroa mite population. We studied whether or not comb type influenced varroa reproduction in both Russian and Italian honey bees, and whether Russian bees produced comb which inhibited varroa reproduction. The major differences found in this study concerned honey bee type. Overall, the Russian honey bees had lower (2.44 ± 0.18%) levels of varroa infestation than Italian honey bees (7.20 ± 0.60%). This decreased infestation resulted in part from a reduced number of viable female offspring per foundress in the Russian (0.85 ± 0.04 female) compared to the Italian (1.23 ± 0.04 females) honey bee colonies. In addition, there was an effect by the comb built by the Russian honey bee colonies that reduced varroa reproduction. When comparing combs having Russian or Italian colony origins, Russian honey bee colonies had more non-reproducing foundress mites and fewer viable female offspring in Russian honey bee comb. This difference did not occur in Italian colonies. The age of comb in this study had mixed effects. Older comb produced similar responses for six of the seven varroa infestation parameters measured. In colonies of Italian honey bees, the older comb (2001 dark) had fewer (1.13 ± 0.07 females) viable female offspring per foundress than were found in the 2002 new (1.21 ± 0.06 females) and 1980s new (1.36 ± 0.08 females) combs. This difference did not occur with Russian honey bee colonies where the number of viable female offspring was low in all three types of combs. This study suggests that honey bee type largely influences growth of varroa mite population in a colony.  相似文献   

To achieve maximised and sustainable crop productivity, it is critical that we develop crop-specific strategies for managing pollination. Honey bees (Apis mellifera) and stingless bees (Tetragonula carbonaria) are considered effective pollinators of macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia). The introduction of managed honey bee or stingless bee hives into orchards is likely to boost the numbers of these insects visiting flowers; however, there is a lack of published information and consensus regarding their management for pollination. Here, we identify factors that affect the distribution of both honey bees and stingless bees across cultivated macadamia, and establish whether increased flower visitation leads to higher nut set. A gradient of bee visitation rates was created by placing colonies on the ends of a four-hectare block, and mixed-effect models were applied to assess forager abundance and nut set with respect to distance from hive, time of day, cultivar, and floral display size. Distance from colony had a strong effect on stingless bee numbers, with >96% of individuals recorded within 100 metres of colonies, whereas the distribution of honey bees was more closely related to daily floral display: trees with greater numbers of flowers attracted more honey bees. Simplified surveys conducted in a further 17 macadamia blocks confirm that these are broadly occurring distribution patterns. Bee abundance alone did not significantly predict nut production; however, an indirect effect of bee visits to flowers is inferred, as nut production increased with size of floral display. To encourage a more even distribution of bees and uniform pollination, we recommend placement of stingless bee hives to maximise their distribution through a block (e.g. at 100-m intervals) and management practices that promote even distributions of flowers across trees.  相似文献   

Greenhouse tomatoes, Lycopersicon esculentum Miller (Solanaceae), are autogamous, but facilitated pollination results in increased fruit size and set. Previous research examining honey bee pollination in greenhouse tomato crops established that fruit quality resulting from honey bee visitation is often comparable to bumble bees (Bombus spp.) and significantly better than in flowers that receive no facilitated pollination. However, management alternatives have not been studied to improve tomato fruit quality when honey bees are the only pollination option available for the high-value greenhouse industry. We investigated whether the quantity of brood (eggs, larvae, and pupae) in a honey bee colony in the winter and screening on greenhouse vents in the summer would encourage honey bee foraging on tomato flowers. We also established the influence of time of year on the potential for honey bees to be effective pollinating agents. We constructed small honey bee colonies full of naive forager bees with either two frames of brood ("brood colonies") or two empty frames ("no-brood") and compared total fruit set and the number of tomato seeds resulting from fruit potentially visited by honey bees in each of these treatments to bagged flowers that received no facilitated pollination. There was no significant difference in the quality of fruit resulting from honey bees from "brood" and "no-brood" colonies. However, these fruits produced significantly more seeds than bagged flowers restricted from facilitated pollination. Honey bees from brood and no-brood colonies also resulted in 98% fruit set compared with 80% fruit set in bagged flowers that received no facilitated pollination. During the summer, the number of seeds per fruit did not differ significantly between unbagged flowers potentially visited by honey bees in screened greenhouses and unscreened greenhouses and bagged flowers that received no facilitated pollination. However, time of year did have a significant influence on the quality of fruit produced by honey bees compared with flowers that received no facilitated pollination, because no difference in seed number was observed between the treatments after mid-April. The results from this study demonstrate that the management of brood levels and vent screening cannot be used to improve the quality of fruit resulting from honey bee pollination and that honey bees can be a feasible greenhouse pollination alternative only during the winter.  相似文献   

Urban landscapes provide habitat for many species, including domesticated and feral honey bees, Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae). With recent losses of managed honey bee colonies, there is increasing interest in feral honey bee colonies and their potential contribution to pollination services in agricultural, natural, and urban settings. However, in some regions the feral honey bee population consists primarily of Africanized honey bees. Africanized honey bees (AHB) are hybrids between European honey bees and the African honey bee, Apis mellifera scutellataLepeletier, and have generated economic, ecological, and human health concerns because of their aggressive behavior. In this study, we used two long‐term datasets (7–10 years) detailing the spatial and temporal distribution of AHB colonies in Tucson, AZ, USA, where feral colonies occupy a variety of cavities including water meter boxes. A stage‐structured matrix model was used to elucidate the implications of nest site selection and the effects of colony terminations on the structure and dynamics of the AHB population. Our results suggest that Tucson's AHB population is driven by a relatively small number of ‘source’ colonies that escape termination (ca. 0.165 colonies per km2 or 125 colonies in total), although immigrating swarms and absconding colonies from the surrounding area may have also contributed to the stability of the Tucson AHB population. Furthermore, the structure of the population has likely been impacted by the number and spatial distribution of water meter boxes across the city. The study provides an example of how urban wildlife populations are driven by interactions among landscape structure, human management, and behavioral traits conferred by an invasive genotype.  相似文献   

Varroa (Varroa destuctor Anderson and Trueman) populations in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies might be kept at low levels by well-timed miticide applications. HopGuard® (HG) that contains beta plant acids as the active ingredient was used to reduce mite populations. Schedules for applications of the miticide that could maintain low mite levels were tested in hives started from either package bees or splits of larger colonies. The schedules were developed based on defined parameters for efficacy of the miticide and predictions of varroa population growth generated from a mathematical model of honey bee colony–varroa population dynamics. Colonies started from package bees and treated with HG in the package only or with subsequent HG treatments in the summer had 1.2–2.1 mites per 100 bees in August. Untreated controls averaged significantly more mites than treated colonies (3.3 mites per 100 bees). By October, mite populations ranged from 6.3 to 15.0 mites per 100 bees with the lowest mite numbers in colonies treated with HG in August. HG applications in colonies started from splits in April reduced mite populations to 0.12 mites per 100 bees. In September, the treated colonies had significantly fewer mites than the untreated controls. Subsequent HG applications in September that lasted for 3 weeks reduced mite populations to levels in November that were significantly lower than in colonies that were untreated or had an HG treatment that lasted for 1 week. The model accurately predicted colony population growth and varroa levels until the fall when varroa populations measured in colonies established from package bees or splits were much greater than predicted. Possible explanations for the differences between actual and predicted mite populations are discussed.  相似文献   

The emerging field of sociogenomics explores the relations between social behavior and genome structure and function. An important question is the extent to which associations between social behavior and gene expression are conserved among the Metazoa. Prior experimental work in an invertebrate model of social behavior, the honey bee, revealed distinct brain gene expression patterns in African and European honey bees, and within European honey bees with different behavioral phenotypes. The present work is a computational study of these previous findings in which we analyze, by orthology determination, the extent to which genes that are socially regulated in honey bees are conserved across the Metazoa. We found that the differentially expressed gene sets associated with alarm pheromone response, the difference between old and young bees, and the colony influence on soldier bees, are enriched in widely conserved genes, indicating that these differences have genomic bases shared with many other metazoans. By contrast, the sets of differentially expressed genes associated with the differences between African and European forager and guard bees are depleted in widely conserved genes, indicating that the genomic basis for this social behavior is relatively specific to honey bees. For the alarm pheromone response gene set, we found a particularly high degree of conservation with mammals, even though the alarm pheromone itself is bee-specific. Gene Ontology identification of human orthologs to the strongly conserved honey bee genes associated with the alarm pheromone response shows overrepresentation of protein metabolism, regulation of protein complex formation, and protein folding, perhaps associated with remodeling of critical neural circuits in response to alarm pheromone. We hypothesize that such remodeling may be an adaptation of social animals to process and respond appropriately to the complex patterns of conspecific communication essential for social organization.  相似文献   

Livestock farming in the Eastern Cape, South Africa is a common land use practice that has affected the biodiversity of plants and animals in the region negatively. Indigenous populations of wild honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies also may suffer. Recently, farmers in the Eastern Cape have been converting their farms to game reserves as ecotourism attractions and nature conservation lands. Consequently, the goal of this research was to determine if land use habits (livestock farming and conversion to game reserves) in the Eastern Cape affect honey bee colony population density and colony strength parameters. A series of indices were developed to compare the relative population densities of colonies in two or more areas by counting the number of foraging bees and number of bee lines established at feeding stations. Wild colonies on farms and reserves were located and sampled to determine land use effects on colony strength parameters including total area of comb in the colony, the area of comb containing stored honey, pollen, and brood, adult bee population, weight per bee, and the colony nest cavity volume ratio. When viewed collectively, the data indicated that land use practices have affected honey bee nesting dynamics in the Eastern Cape. Trends in the data suggested that colonies nesting on the reserves may occur in greater densities than those nesting on livestock farms, though they do not appear to be healthier. Hopefully, this work will be continued since honey bee conservation in areas where they are native is crucial to the health of agriculture and whole ecosystems globally.  相似文献   

To provide replicate samples of local bee populations in a nature preserve, light traps operated continuously on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, collected bees for 17 years, including 10 years following invasion by African Apis mellifera. Honey bees appeared in light traps as the first swarms colonized the Panama Canal area. Their numbers followed seasonal trends shown in inde-pendent studies, thus indicating bee abundance and activity in a large area. No measurable population-level impact of competition between this invading honey bee and native bees, despite many demonstrations of resource competition at flower patch and colony levels, changed annual abundances of all 15 native bee species. Native bee abundance did not decrease, nor did native bees show substantial reciprocal yearly change with honey bee abundance. One strong negative correlation of bee catches with an extremely rainy year was found. However, multiple regression using rainfall and honey bee abundance as the independent variables showed that neither was responsible for bee population change over 17 years. Nearly half the native species declined during a year that displayed peak honey bee number. That competition from honey bees on an island the size of BCI was necessarily reduced below impact levels expected on the mainland is discussed using a model of resource and consumer density, foraging range, and island size.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that colonies of honey bees composedof workers with faster rates of adult behavioral developmentare more defensive than colonies composed of workers with slowerbehavioral development, we determined whether there is a correlationbetween genetic variation in worker temporal polyethism andcolony defensiveness. There was a positive correlation for thesetwo traits, both for European and Africanized honey bees. Thecorrelation was larger for Africanized bees, due to differencesbetween Africanized and European bees, differences in experimentaldesign, or both. Consistent with these results was the findingthat colonies with a higher proportion of older bees were moredefensive than colonies of the same size that had a lower proportionof older bees. There also was a positive correlation betweenrate of individual behavioral development and the intensityof colony flight activity, and a negative correlation betweencolony defensiveness and flight activity. This suggests thatthe relationship between temporal polyethism and colony defensivenessmay vary with the manner in which foraging and defense dutiesare allocated among a colony's older workers. These resultsindicate that genotypic differences in rates of worker behavioraldevelopment can influence the phenotype of a honey bee colonyin a variety of ways.  相似文献   

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