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This study examined echinoderm assemblages from nearshore rocky habitats for large-scale distribution patterns with specific emphasis on identifying latitudinal trends and large regional hotspots. Echinoderms were sampled from 76 globally-distributed sites within 12 ecoregions, following the standardized sampling protocol of the Census of Marine Life NaGISA project (www.nagisa.coml.org). Sample-based species richness was overall low (<1-5 species per site), with a total of 32 asteroid, 18 echinoid, 21 ophiuroid, and 15 holothuroid species. Abundance and species richness in intertidal assemblages sampled with visual methods (organisms >2 cm in 1 m(2) quadrats) was highest in the Caribbean ecoregions and echinoids dominated these assemblages with an average of 5 ind m(-2). In contrast, intertidal echinoderm assemblages collected from clearings of 0.0625 m(2) quadrats had the highest abundance and richness in the Northeast Pacific ecoregions where asteroids and holothurians dominated with an average of 14 ind 0.0625 m(-2). Distinct latitudinal trends existed for abundance and richness in intertidal assemblages with declines from peaks at high northern latitudes. No latitudinal trends were found for subtidal echinoderm assemblages with either sampling technique. Latitudinal gradients appear to be superseded by regional diversity hotspots. In these hotspots echinoderm assemblages may be driven by local and regional processes, such as overall productivity and evolutionary history. We also tested a set of 14 environmental variables (six natural and eight anthropogenic) as potential drivers of echinoderm assemblages by ecoregions. The natural variables of salinity, sea-surface temperature, chlorophyll a, and primary productivity were strongly correlated with echinoderm assemblages; the anthropogenic variables of inorganic pollution and nutrient contamination also contributed to correlations. Our results indicate that nearshore echinoderm assemblages appear to be shaped by a network of environmental and ecological processes, and by the differing responses of various echinoderm taxa, making generalizations about the patterns of nearshore rocky habitat echinoderm assemblages difficult.  相似文献   

In this study, we compare the composition, abundance and structureof a temperate fish larval assemblage at different depth intervals(0–4, 4–8 and 8–12 m) in the extreme nearshoreenvironment. We used a plankton net attached to an underwaterscooter to sample in close proximity to the rocky substrate(<50 cm). A total of 868 larvae from 27 taxa in 13 familieswere caught. The majority of larvae belonged to benthic reef-associatedspecies (Blenniidae, Gobiidae, Gobiesocidae and Tripterygiidae),the four most abundant comprising 76% of the total larvae caught.A non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis (MDS) showedthat there was a single multispecific larval patch near thesubstrate in the extreme nearshore up to 12 m depth. Nonetheless,distinct larval abundances were found in this relatively smalldepth range, with the majority of species being more abundantat the deepest interval, particularly Pomatoschistus pictusand Gobius xanthocephalus. Tripterygion delaisi was an exceptionbeing more abundant at the shallowest depth as young larvae.The density of pre-flexion larvae was not significantly differentacross depth intervals, but post-flexion larval density increasedwith depth. The full size range (from hatching to settlement)of P. pictus was present at the extreme nearshore. The innovativesampling technique used here revealed high densities of larvaeclose to the bottom, and depth was found to be an importantfactor influencing the distribution of several taxa and ontogeneticstages. The nearshore component of coastal fish larval assemblagesnear rocky substrates has been poorly studied, and our resultssuggest that the high densities of larvae found to aggregatein these environments must be taken into account when studyingdistribution and functional aspects of these assemblages.  相似文献   

Nineteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading bacteria were isolated from environmental samples in Kuwait, Indonesia, Thailand, and Japan by enrichment with either naphthalene or phenanthrene as a sole carbon source. Sequence analyses of the 16-S rRNA gene indicated that at least seven genera (Ralstonia, Sphingomonas, Burkholderia, Pseudomonas, Comamonas, Flavobacterium, and Bacillus) were present in this collection. Determination of the ability of the isolates to use PAH and its presumed catabolic intermediates suggests that the isolates showed multiple phenotypes in terms of utilization and degradation pathways. The large subunit of the terminal oxygenase gene (phnAc) from Burkholderia sp. strain RP007 hybridized to 32% (6/19) of the isolates, whilst gene probing using the large subunit of terminal oxygenase gene (pahAc) from Pseudomonas putida strain OUS82 revealed no pahAc-like genes amongst the isolates. Using three degenerated primer sets (pPAH-F/NR700, AJ025/26, and RieskeF/R), targeting a conserved region with the genes encoding the large subunit of terminal oxygenase successfully amplified material from 6 additional PAH-degrading isolates. Sequence analyses showed that the large subunit of terminal oxygenase in 4 isolates was highly homologous to the large subunit of naphthalene dioxygenase gene from Ralstonia sp. strain U2. However, we could not obtain any information on the oxygenase system involved in the naphthalene and/or phenathrene degradation by 7 other strains. These results suggest that PAH-degrading bacteria are diverse, and that there are still many unidentified PAH-degrading bacteria.  相似文献   

A fundamental problem in ecology, regardless of habitat or system, is understanding the relationship between habitats and assemblage of organisms. It is commonly accepted that differences in composition and surrounding landscape of habitats affect the diversity of assemblages, although there is not much empirical evidence because of difficulties of manipulating structure in many habitats. These relationships were examined experimentally, using habitats of artificial turfs that are colonized by diverse assemblages of gastropods. Each habitat was made of nine sub‐habitats, which were sampled individually to allow tests of hypotheses about the effect of type of habitat and the influence of other adjacent sub‐habitats on the colonizing assemblage. Turf habitats were deployed for 8 weeks on a rocky shore after which they were collected and the colonizing assemblages of gastropods sampled. Independently of the types of turfs combined to form different habitats, there were more species where there was more than one type of component in a habitat (i.e. structural diversity). The type of habitat (i.e. structural identity) itself had little or no influence on the colonizing assemblage. The number of species colonizing short‐sparse and short‐dense turfs was influenced by which type of habitat was adjacent. Thus, when units of one type (e.g. short‐sparse turf) were added to a patch of habitat of long‐sparse turfs, the number of species in short‐sparse turfs was greater than in patches of the same type. This also increased total number of taxa in the whole patch of habitat. These results show how diversity of gastropods colonizing heterogeneous patches of habitat is influenced not only by the number of types of sub‐habitats, but also by interactions with surrounding sub‐habitats. These findings reiterate the importance of investigating the role of structure of habitats and of their surrounding landscapes across different systems, irrespective of their size or associated assemblages of organisms.  相似文献   

Epi-macrobenthic species richness, abundance and composition are linked with type, assemblage and structural complexity of seabed habitat within coastal ecosystems. However, the evaluation of these habitats is highly hindered by limitations related to both waterborne surveys (slow acquisition, shallow water and low reactivity) and water clarity (turbid for most coastal areas). Substratum type/diversity and bathymetric features were elucidated using a supervised method applied to airborne bathymetric LiDAR waveforms over Saint-Siméon–Bonaventure''s nearshore area (Gulf of Saint-Lawrence, Québec, Canada). High-resolution underwater photographs were taken at three hundred stations across an 8-km2 study area. Seven models based upon state-of-the-art machine learning techniques such as Naïve Bayes, Regression Tree, Classification Tree, C 4.5, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and CN2 learners were tested for predicting eight epi-macrobenthic species diversity metrics as a function of the class number. The Random Forest outperformed other models with a three-discretized Simpson index applied to epi-macrobenthic communities, explaining 69% (Classification Accuracy) of its variability by mean bathymetry, time range and skewness derived from the LiDAR waveform. Corroborating marine ecological theory, areas with low Simpson epi-macrobenthic diversity responded to low water depths, high skewness and time range, whereas higher Simpson diversity relied upon deeper bottoms (correlated with stronger hydrodynamics) and low skewness and time range. The degree of species heterogeneity was therefore positively linked with the degree of the structural complexity of the benthic cover. This work underpins that fully exploited bathymetric LiDAR (not only bathymetrically derived by-products), coupled with proficient machine learner, is able to rapidly predict habitat characteristics at a spatial resolution relevant to epi-macrobenthos diversity, ranging from clear to turbid waters. This method might serve both to nurture marine ecological theory and to manage areas with high species heterogeneity where navigation is hazardous and water clarity opaque to passive optical sensors.  相似文献   

The influence of oceanographic features and moon phases on ichthyoplankton assemblages in a temperate nearshore rocky reef off El Quisco Bay, central Chile, was assessed during austral spring–summer 2015–2016 using Bongo nets. Wind direction was predominantly south-west, and ocean temperature increased gradually during the study period, fluctuating between 11.6°C and 17.7°C. A relatively cold period (from late September to early December, 12.42?±?0.64°C) was distinguished from a relatively warmer phase (from mid-December to February, 13.56?±?1.08°C). Nearshore ichthyoplankton was composed of 13,700 individuals, belonging to 43 taxa. Larval Strangomera bentincki (Clupeidae) were collected in high numbers between late September and late October with peaks during full moon and first quarter (maximum?=?734 ind. 100?m?3); larval Engraulis ringens (Engraulidae) was most abundant between late October and late December 2015, with peaks during the third quarter and full moon. Principal Component Analysis of ichthyoplankton data explained more than 44% of total variance and showed the influence of cold/warm periods in the structuring of larval fish assemblages. Water temperature had more influence than lunar phase in the structure and composition of nearshore fish larvae off central Chile. We conclude that larval fish assemblages found in nearshore waters change on a seasonal scale by differences in the reproductive activity among species, and that lunar phase exerts a low, but significant effect on the abundance of fish larvae, but this variability is species-specific.  相似文献   

Human alteration of nutrient cycling and the densities of important consumers have intensified the importance of understanding how nutrients and consumers influence the structure of ecological systems. We examined the effects of both grazing and nutrient enrichment on algal abundance and diversity in a high-intertidal limpet-macroalgal community on the South Island of New Zealand, a relatively nutrient-poor environment. We used a fully factorial design with three levels each of grazing (manipulations of limpet and snail densities) and nutrients (nutrient-diffusers attached to the rock). Top-down control by grazers appears to be the driving organizing mechanism for algal communities in this system, with strong negative effects of grazing on algal diversity and abundance across all levels of nutrient enrichment. However, in contrast to the conclusions drawn from the analysis of the whole algal community, there was an interactive effect of grazing and enrichment on foliose algae, an important component of the algal system. When herbivory was reduced to very low levels, enrichment generated increases in the abundance and biomass of foliose algae. As expected, top-down control was the primary determinant of algal community structure in this system, controlling abundance and diversity of macrophytes on the upper shore. Contrary to expectations, however, increased nutrients had no community-wide effects, although foliose algal abundance increases were greatest with high nutrients and reduced grazing. It seems likely that most of the corticated algal species have limited capacity to respond to nutrient pulses in this nutrient-poor environment.  相似文献   

Yeasts with counts of above 106 g−1 wet weight and high diversity were found in the fecal pellets of rodents and marsupials from a mosaic of forest fragments, grasslands, cultivated fields and pasture in Rio de Janeiro. The most frequently isolated yeasts were Debaryomyces hamsenii, Pichia membranaefaciens and Issatchenkia orientalis (and its anamorph Candida krusei ), probably reflecting a high fruit content in the diet of these animals. The opportunistic pathogens Candida albicans, Candida glabrata and Candida tropicalis were isolated at lower frequency. Some Pichia anomala and P. membranaefaciens cultures had killer activity affecting many of the other isolates. These animals can be involved in dispersal of yeasts.  相似文献   

生境因子对岩质边坡生态恢复过程中植被多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对舟山市已生态恢复的岩质边坡进行植物群落调查,记录了36个不同生境条件下边坡样地中的植物种及生境因子,计算了4个植物物种多样性指数,利用广义线性混合模型分析了生境因子与边坡植被多样性交化的关系,以揭示生境因子对岩质边坡生态恢复植被的影响.结果表明:从1 a到7 a的岩质边坡生态恢复过程中,坡位对边坡植被多样性的影响最显著(P<0.05),不同坡位的Shannon-Wiener指数、Margalef指数、物种丰富度差异明显,其变化呈现一致的趋势为下坡>中坡>上坡;坡向与Margalef指数显著相关(P<0.05),从阳坡、半阳坡、半阴坡到阴坡,植被多样性呈总体上升趋势;随着边坡恢复年限的延长,边坡植被多样性逐渐增加,但没有表现出统计学意义上的差异(P>0.05);坡度、海拔、土壤厚度对边坡植被多样性的变化无明显影响(P>0.05);Pielou均匀度指数与各个生境因子均无显著关系,在边坡植被恢复过程中基本保持稳定的状态.因此,坡位、坡向是影响岩质边坡生态恢复过程中植被多样性最重要的因子;Margalef丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数是岩质边坡生态恢复过程中植物群落变化的主要指示因子.  相似文献   

Range expanding species can have major impacts on marine ecosystems but experimental field based studies are often lacking. The urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii has recently undergone a southerly range expansion to the east coast of Tasmania, Australia. We manipulated densities of C. rodgersii and algal regrowth in urchin barrens habitat to test effects of the urchin on biotic interactions between two native herbivores, black-lip abalone (Haliotis rubra) and another urchin (Heliocidaris erythrogramma), and their benthic habitat. After 13 months, removals of only C. rodgersii resulted in overgrowth of barrens habitat by algae and sessile invertebrates. Densities of abalone increased (+92 %) only in patches from which C. rodgersii was removed and algal regrowth allowed. In contrast, densities of H. erythrogramma increased in all treatments (+45, +28, +25 %) in which C. rodgersii was removed, irrespective of the algal regrowth manipulations. These results suggest that C. rodgersii has a negative influence on the densities of abalone through competition for food and on densities of H. erythrogramma through competition for preferred habitat. Densities of abalone (+65 %) but not H. erythrogramma (+25 %), were lower in the patches from which C. rodgersii and canopy algae regrowth were removed relative to patches from which only C. rodgersii was removed (+92 and +28 %, respectively). These results suggest that C. rodgersii overgrazing of canopy-algae results in loss of structural complexity which could increase abalone susceptibility to predation, cause abalone to seek shelter in cryptic microhabitats and/or prevent their return to patches where canopy algae are absent. The ongoing spread of C. rodgersii and expansion of barrens habitat in eastern Tasmania will continue to negatively affect populations of these two native herbivores and their associated fisheries at a range of spatial scales. This example shows that habitat modifying species which become highly invasive can have disproportionate negative impacts on the structure and dynamics of the recipient community.  相似文献   

During a 15-month behavioral study in Morocco and a 3-month survey in Morocco and Algeria, the present distribution of the Barbary macaque was determined. In Algeria, monkeys are found in seven constricted and disjunct localities in the Grande and Petite Kabylie mountain ranges. These localities are severely restricted in space and are located in remote or inaccessible areas which support only small populations. Their habitats include mixed cedar and holm oak forests, humid Portuguese and cork oak mixes and gorges dominated by scrub vegetation. In only two regions (Guerrouch and Agfadou) can population of reasonable size be found; even there they do not approach the abundance found in the central Middle Atlas zone of Morocco. Distribution was more extensive earlier in this century and some areas have become unoccupied within the past 15 years. Today, their absolute numbers and population densities are low in all but two locations. Algeria contains approximately 23% (5,500 maximum) of the total number of surviving Barbary macaques in North Africa. About 77% of the total number of Barbary macaques occur in Morocco. Moroccan habitats include high cedar forests, cedar/holm-oak mixtures and pure holm oak forests. Macaque distribution in the High Atlas is restricted to the Ourika valley where only a small relict population survives. There are between five and eight small, disjunct forest pockets in the Rif which support small groups of monkeys. In the Middle Atlas, monkeys are found in high numbers and in relatively wide stretches of distribution, although there are constricted areas of low densities in this region also. 65% (14,000 maximum) of the animals and their highest densities occur in the high mixed cedar forests of the Central zone, and mixed cedar forest appears to be the preferred habitat for the species. With the exception of the Central zone, their remaining distribution is typically disjunct and constricted, and population densities aer low. As in Algeria, distribution in Morocco was wider earlier this century, and several areas have recently become unoccupied.  相似文献   

岩质公路边坡生态恢复土壤特性与植物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘树林  辜彬  李家祥 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6404-6411
以深圳市盐田港高速公路岩质边坡上历经10a的植被恢复边坡为研究对象,在厚层基材喷附、客土喷附、自然复绿3种边坡生态恢复方式下,重点分析和研究了土壤理化性质与酶活性、植物多样性、土壤特性与植物多样性之间的相关性。结果表明:3种生态恢复方式下,1)土壤含水量、养分与酶活性均呈现出厚层基材喷附边坡>客土喷附边坡>自然复绿边坡的分布差异;2)3种生态恢复方式的植物群落指数均偏低,群落演替仍处于灌草植物群落阶段;3)土壤特性同植物多样性之间存在明显的相关关系,即土壤速效氮与均匀度指数存极显著的正相关,与木本层多样性指数存显著的正相关;土壤全磷与均匀度指数存显著的负相关;土壤有效磷与丰富度指数、多样性指数及均匀度指数都存极显著的负相关;土壤全钾与丰富度指数存极显著的负相关,与草本层多样性指数存显著的负相关;土壤速效钾与均匀度指数存极显著的负相关;土壤蔗糖酶活性与草本均匀度指数存显著的负相关。该调查研究有助于对岩质边坡这类特殊生境下植被恢复基础生态资料的积累,其结果可为边坡生态恢复工程技术方法的开发、设计、施工,调控植被演替速度和预期植被恢复绩效等提供依据。  相似文献   

A total of 107 putative ericoid mycorrhizal endophytes were isolated from hair roots of Calluna vulgaris from two abandoned arsenic/copper mine sites and a natural heathland site in southwest England. The endophytes were initially grouped as 14 RFLP types, based on the results of ITS-RFLP analysis using the restriction endonucleases Hin f I, Rsa I and Hae III. ITS sequences were obtained for representative isolates from each RFLP type and compared phylogenetically with sequences for known ericoid mycorrhizal endophytes and selected ascomycetes. The majority of endophyte isolates (62–92%) from each site were identified as Hymenoscyphus ericae , but a number of other less common mycorrhizal RFLP types were also identified, all of which appear to have strong affinities with the order Leotiales. None of the less common RFLP types was isolated from C. vulgaris at more than one field site. Neighbour-joining analysis indicated similarities between the endophytes from C. vulgaris and mycorrhizal endophytes isolated from other Ericaceae and Epacridaceae hosts in North America and Australia.  相似文献   

  • 1 Based on monthly samples taken over a 1-year period, average density (individuals m-2). average standing biomass and annual production of benthic macroinvertebrates were estimated at five sites within an Appalachian Mountain drainage basin. Two sites were on first order streams and differed from the three second order sites: they were smaller and more shallow and they were depressed in pH and chemical richness.
  • 2 Patterns of abundance of individual taxa, of higher taxonomic groups and of functional (feeding) groups differed according to whether abundance was measured as density, as standing biomass or as annual production. Standing biomass was chosen as the measure of macroinvertebrate abundance because available evidence indicates that only standing biomass is consistently, positively correlated with survivorship, and thus with habitat favourability.
  • 3 Two non-insect taxa (the crayfish Cambarus and the snail Leptoxis carinata) dominated standing biomass at each site. Consequently, differences among sites in total macroinvertebrate standing biomass and differences within and among sites in standing biomass of functional groups were determined by differences in estimated standing biomass of these two taxa. Differences in estimates of crayfish standing biomass were consistent with an explanation based on the availability of refuges created by large substrate particles. The abundance of L. carinata appeared to be controlled primarily by water chemistry and possibly secondarily by predators. A number of insect taxa exhibited patterns of standing biomass consistent with hypotheses based on effects of annual depth-flow regimes. Hypotheses based on differences in food resource and on competition appeared, in general, to be inconsistent with observed patterns of macroinvertebrate abundance.
  • 4 Contrary to predictions of the River Continuum Concept, the shredder functional group in the Guys Run drainage and in other temperate woodland streams was found to be a minor part of total macroinvertebrate standing biomass. Further, in a majority of small forested stream sites studied to date, standing biomass of grazers has been determined to be greater than that of shredders.

喀斯特石漠化区典型生境下石生苔藓的固土持水作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究喀斯特石漠化区典型生境下石生苔藓植物的固土持水能力及影响因素,在其石生苔藓分布和形态特征基础上,深入探讨了不同生境下石生苔藓的固土持水效应。结果表明:(1)生境对石生苔藓植物的固土持水能力影响显著。草地中的宽叶真藓(Bryum funkii)固土量最高,为8.85×103 kg/hm2,裸地中的美灰藓(Eurohypnum leptothallum)持水量最高,其最高持水量是自身干重的14倍。石生苔藓植物在裸地和草地中表现出较高的固土率,而在乔木林与草地下具有较好的持水率。(2)苔藓类型对固土持水能力存在显著性的影响。4种石生苔藓植物的固土率高低为宽叶真藓>尖叶对齿藓原变种(Didymodon constrictus var.constrictus)>卷叶湿地藓(Hyophila involuta)>美灰藓,且差异显著;4种苔藓植物的持水率强弱为美灰藓>宽叶真藓>卷叶湿地藓>尖叶对齿藓原变种。(3)石生苔藓植物的固土持水能力受自身功能性状和立地环境的综合影响,苔藓植物的固土率与干重存在显著的正相关关系,其持水量与干重和生物量间具有显著的正相关关系。综上,从固土持水和生态修复的角度出发,应加强裸地和草地两种生境的石漠化治理力度;可考虑将宽叶真藓和美灰藓作为喀斯特岩面生态恢复的先锋苔藓,其能有效解决喀斯特区石漠化大面积基岩裸露问题,提高喀斯特区水土保持效益。  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2008,8(4):338-350
We developed a benthic index for the nearshore Gulf of Maine to provide researchers and environmental managers a way to make spatial and year-to-year comparisons of benthic condition. The data set used included 248 stations sampled for physical, chemical, and biological variables by the National Coastal Assessment in 2000–2003. We used logistic regression with 49 candidate measures of benthic species diversity, pollution sensitivity-tolerance, and community composition to discriminate sites with high and low benthic environmental quality (BEQ). BEQ was based on the concentrations of metal and organic contaminants in the sediments, total organic carbon, sediment toxicity, and dissolved oxygen level of the bottom water. An analysis of similarity test showed that the community composition of low BEQ stations was significantly different (p < 0.001) from high BEQ stations. Ten of the 49 benthic metrics showed a strong ability to discriminate stations. We developed several candidate benthic indices and tested them with independent data from Massachusetts Bay and Casco Bay to help select and validate the best index. A model using the Shannon-Wiener diversity measure, Rosenberg's species pollution tolerance measure, and the percent capitellid polychaetes (or percent Capitella spp.) strongly discriminated stations, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.82 and a classification accuracy of 80%. Signal detection theory (ROC curves and positive–negative predictive value curves) was used to evaluate the index and to predict how well an index developed for one geographic area might work in another area with a different prevalence of the degraded condition. We show how these techniques can also guide decisions by environmental managers about choosing thresholds and weighing costs and benefits of particular actions.  相似文献   

The organization of peg‐like sensillae composing CAP organs is described for a number of representative decapod crustacea. In Natantian forms the sensillae are aligned in linear fashion on the distal side of the appropriate joints. One example, Pasiphaea, possesses a cluster of hair sensillae instead of pegs, possibly indicating the primitive origin of this organ system. In the Reptantia the Macrura have well‐developed groups of sensillae, arranged in broad fan‐shaped arrangements; the Anomura display rather varied plans of small sensillae, and in Porcellana only one group on maxilliped 3 are found. The Brachyura have no CAP organs. The significance of these findings, and their possible implication in the evolution of internal proprioceptors in the crustacea, is discussed.  相似文献   

Following governments'' policies to tackle global climate change, the development of offshore renewable energy sites is likely to increase substantially over coming years. All such developments interact with the seabed to some degree and so a key need exists for suitable methodology to monitor the impacts of large-scale Marine Renewable Energy Installations (MREIs). Many of these will be situated on mixed or rocky substrata, where conventional methods to characterise the habitat are unsuitable. Traditional destructive sampling is also inappropriate in conservation terms, particularly as safety zones around (MREIs) could function as Marine Protected Areas, with positive benefits for biodiversity. Here we describe a technique developed to effectively monitor the impact of MREIs and report the results of its field testing, enabling large areas to be surveyed accurately and cost-effectively. The methodology is based on a high-definition video camera, plus LED lights and laser scale markers, mounted on a “flying array” that maintains itself above the seabed grounded by a length of chain, thus causing minimal damage. Samples are taken by slow-speed tows of the gear behind a boat (200 m transects). The HD video and randomly selected frame grabs are analysed to quantify species distribution. The equipment was tested over two years in Lyme Bay, UK (25 m depth), then subsequently successfully deployed in demanding conditions at the deep (>50 m) high-energy Wave Hub site off Cornwall, UK, and a potential tidal stream energy site in Guernsey, Channel Islands (1.5 ms−1 current), the first time remote samples from such a habitat have been achieved. The next stage in the monitoring development process is described, involving the use of Remote Operated Vehicles to survey the seabed post-deployment of MREI devices. The complete methodology provides the first quantitative, relatively non-destructive method for monitoring mixed-substrate benthic communities beneath MPAs and MREIs pre- and post-device deployment.  相似文献   

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