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Summary The present studies examined some of the properties of Cl channels in renal outer medullary membrane vesicles incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. The predominant channel was anion selective having aP Cl/P K ratio of 10 and a unit conductance of 93 pS in symmetric 320mm KCl. In asymmetric KCl solutions, theI-V relations conformed to the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation. Channel activity was voltage-dependent with a gating charge of unity. This voltage dependence of channel activity may account, at least in part, for the striking voltage dependence of the basolateral membrane Cl conductance of isolated medullary thick ascending limb segments. The Cl channels incorporated into the planar bilayers were asymmetrical: thetrans surface was sensitive to changes in ionized Ca2+ concentrations and insensitive to reducing KCl concentrations to 10mm, while thecis side was insensitive to changes in ionized Ca2+ concentrations, but was inactivated by reducing KCl concentrations to 50mm.  相似文献   

Summary This paper provides the results of studies which characterized conductive36Cl flux in basolaterally enriched membrane vesicles prepared from rabbit renal outer medulla. Conductive36Cl uptake was studied under two different experimental conditions. In the first,36Cl flux was driven by an inside positive voltage created with oppositely directed Cl and gluconate gradients. In the second, an inwardly direct K+ gradient was used to drive36Cl uptake. By these two methods, voltage-sensitive36Cl uptake was shown to comprise about 45 and 65%, respectively, of the initial rates of total36Cl flux. Separate paired studies demonstrated that the conductive36Cl uptake was inhibited by the Cl channel blocker diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC) with an IC50 for DPC of 154 m. The voltagedependent36Cl uptake had an activation energy of 6.4 kcal/mole. This36Cl conductance had an anion selectivity sequence of I>ClNO 3 gluconate.  相似文献   

Summary We evaluated the effects of vawrying aqueous Cl concentrations, and of the arginyl- and lysyl-specific reagent phenylglyoxal (PGO), on the properties of Cl channels fused from basolaterally enriched renal medullary vesicles into planar lipid bilayers. The major channel properties studied were the anion selectivity sequence, anionic requirements for, channel activity. and the efects of varying Cl concentrations and/or PGO on the relation between holding voltageV H -mV) and open-time probability (P o).Reducingcis Cl concentrations, in the range 50–320mm, produced a linear reduction in fractional open time (P v) with a half-maximal reduction inP o atcis Cl170mM. Channel activity was sustained by equimolar replacement ofcis Cl with F, but not with impermeant isethionate. Fortrans solutions, the relation between Cl concentration andP 0 at 10mm Cl. Reducingcis Cl had no effect on the gating charge (Z) for channel opening, but altered significantly the voltage-independent, energy (G) for channel opening.Phenylglyoxal (PGO) reducedZ and altered G for Cl channel activity when added tocis, but nottrans solutions, Furthermore, in the presence ofcis PGO, reducing thecis Cl concentration had no effect onZ but altered G. Thus we propose thatcis PGO and,cis Cl concentrations affect separate sites determining channel activity at the extracellular faces of, these Cl channels.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the interactions of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and varying aqueous Cl concentrations in modulating the activity of Cl channels obtained by fusing basolaterally enriched renal outer medullary vesicles into planar lipid bilayers. Under the present experimental conditions, thecis andtrans solutions face the extracellular and intracellular aspects of these Cl channels, respectively. Raising thetrans Cl concentration from 2 to 50mm increased the channel open-time probability, raised the unit channel conductance, and affected the voltage-independent determinant (G) of channel activity but not the gating charge (Winters, C.J., Reeves, W.B., Andreoli, T.E. 1990.J. Membrane Biol. 118:269–278). With 2mm trans KCl,trans addition of the catalytic subunit of PKA (C-PKA) plus ATP increased channel open-time probability and altered the voltage-independent determinant of channel activity without affecting either unit channel conductance or gating charge. The effect was ATP specific, did not occur with (C-PKA plus ATP) addition tocis solutions, and was abolished by denaturing C-PKA. Finally, (C-PKA plus ATP) activation of channel activity was not detected with relatively high (50mm)trans Cl concentrations. These data indicate that (C-PKA plus ATP) might modulate Cl channel activity by phosphorylation at or near the Cl-sensitive site on the intracellular face of these channels.  相似文献   

A unique property of basolateral membrane Cl channels from the mTAL is that the Cl concentration facing the intracellular aspects of these channels is a determinant of channel open time probability (P 0 ). The K 1/2 for maximal activation of P 0 by Cl facing intracellular domains of these channels is 10 mm Cl. The present experiments evaluated the nature of these Cl-interactive sites. First, we found that the impermeant anion isethionate, when exposed to intracellular Cl channel faces, could augment P 0 with a K 1/2 in the range of 10 mm isethionate without affecting conductance (g Cl, pS). Second, pretreatment of the solutions facing the intracellular aspects of the channels with either 1 mm phenylglyoxal (PGO), an arginine-specific reagent, or the lysine/terminal amine reagent trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS, 1 mm), prevented the activation of P 0 usually seen when the Cl concentration of solutions facing intracellular channel domains was raised from 2 to 50 mm. However, when the Cl channel activity was increased by first raising the Cl concentration bathing intracellular channel faces from 2 to 50 mm, subsequent addition of either PGO or TNBS to solutions bathing intracellular Cl channel faces had no effect on P 0 . We conclude that the intracellular aspects of these Cl channels contain Cl-interactive loci (termed [Cl] i ) which are accessible to impermeant anions in intracellular fluids and which contain arginineand lysine-rich domains which can be inactivated, at low ambient Cl or isethionate concentrations, by interactions with PGO or TNBS.We acknoeledge the able technical assistance of Anna Grace Stewart. Clementine M. Whitman provided her customary excellent secretarial assistance. This work was supported by Veteterans Administration Merit Review Grants to T. E.Andreoli and to W. B. Reeves. C. J. Winters is a Veterans Administration Associate Investigator.  相似文献   

The Cl? transport properties of the luminal border of bovine tracheal epithelium have been investigated using a highly purified preparation of apical plasma membrane vesicles. Transport of Cl? into an intravesicular space was demonstrated by (1) a linear inverse correlation between Cl? uptake and medium osmolarity and (2) complete release of accumulated Cl? by treatment with detergent. The rate of Cl? uptake was highly temperature-sensitive and was enhanced by exchange diffusion, providing evidence for a carrier-mediated transport mechanism. Transport of Cl? was not affected by the ‘loop’ diuretic bumetanide or by the stilbene-derivative anion-exchange inhibitors SITS (4-acetamido-4′-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid) and DIDS (4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid). In the presence of the impermeant cation, tetramethylammonium (TMA+), uptake of Cl? was minimal; transport was stimulated equally by the substitution of either K+ or Na+ for TMA+. Valinomycin in the presence of K+ enhanced further Cl? uptake, while amiloride reduced Na+-stimulated Cl? uptake towards the minimal level observed with TMA+. These results suggest the following conclusions: (1) the tracheal vesicle membrane has a finite permeability to both Na+ and K+; (2) the membrane permeability to the medium counterion determines the rate of Cl? uptake; (3) Cl? transport is not specifically coupled with either Na+ or K+; and, finally (4) Cl? crosses the tracheal luminal membrane via an electrogenic transport mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were performed usingin vitro perfused medullary thick ascending limbs of Henle (MTAL) and in suspensions of MTAL tubules isolated from mouse kidney to evaluate the effects of arginine vasopressin (AVP) on the K+ dependence of the apical, furosemide-sensitive Na+:Cl cotransporter and on transport-related oxygen consumption (QO2). In isolated perfused MTAL segments, the rate of cell swelling induced by removing K+ from, and adding onemm ouabain to, the basolateral solution [ouabain(zero-K+)] provided an index to apical cotransporter activity and was used to evaluated the ionic requirements of the apical cotransporter in the presence and absence of AVP. In the absence of AVP cotransporter activity required Na+ and Cl, but not K+, while in the presence of AVP the apical cotransporter required all three ions.86Rb+ uptake into MTAL tubules in suspension was significant only after exposure of tubules to AVP. Moreover,22Na+ uptake was unaffected by extracellular K+ in the absence of AVP while after AVP exposure22Na+ uptake was strictly K+-dependent. The AVP-induced coupling of K+ to the Na+:Cl cotransporter resulted in a doubling in the rate of NaCl absorption without a parallel increase in the rate of cellular22Na+ uptake or transport-related oxygen consumption. These results indicate that arginine vasopressin alters the mode of a loop diuretic-sensitive transporter from Na+:Cl cotransport to Na+:K+:2Cl cotransport in the mouse MTAL with the latter providing a distinct metabolic advantage for sodium transport. A model for AVP action on NaCl absorption by the MTAL is presented and the physiological significance of the coupling of K+ to the apical Na+:Cl cotransporter in the MTAL and of the enhanced metabolic efficiency are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Sodium (22Na) transport was studied in a basolateral membrane vesicle preparation from rabbit parotid. Sodium uptake was markedly dependent on the presence of both K+ and Cl in the extravesicular medium, being reduced 5 times when K+ was replaced by a nonphysiologic cation and 10 times when Cl was replaced by a nonphysiologic anion. Sodium uptake was stimulated by gradients of either K+ or Cl (relative to nongradient conditions) and could be driven against a sodium concentration gradient by a KCl gradient. No effect of membrane potentials on KCl-dependent sodium flux could be detected, indicating that this is an electroneutral process. A KCl-dependent component of sodium flux could also be demonstrated under equuilibrium exchange conditions, indicating a direct effect of K+ and Cl on the sodium transport pathway. KCl-dependent sodium uptake exhibited a hyperbolic dependence on sodium concentration consistent with the existence of a single-transport system withK m =3.2mm at 80mm KCl and 23°C. Furosemide inhibited this transporter withK 0.5=2×10–4 m (23°C). When sodium uptake was measured as a function of potassium and chloride concentrations a hyperbolic dependence on [K] (Hill coefficient =1.31±0.07) were observed, consistent with a Na/K/Cl stoichiometry of 112. Taken together these data provide strong evidence for the electroneutral coupling of sodium and KCl movements in this preparation and strongly support the hypothesis that a Na+/K+/Cl cotransport system thought to be associated with transepithelial chloride and water movements in many exocrine glands is present in the parotid acinar basolateral membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Properties of the single Cl channels were studied in excised patches of surface membrane from molluscan neurones using single-channel recording technique. These channels are controlled by Ca2+ and K+ acting on cytoplasmic and outer membrane surfaces, respectively, and by the membrane potential. The channels display about 16 intermediate conductance sublevels, each of them being multiples of 12.5 pS. The upper level of the channel conductance is about 200 pS. The channel behavior is consistent with an aggregation of channel-forming subunits into a cluster.  相似文献   

Na+, Li+ and Cl− transport by brush border membranes from rabbit jejunum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Na+, Li+, K+, Rb+, Br-, Cl- and SO4(2-) transport were studied in brush border membrane vesicles isolated from rabbit jejunum. Li+ uptakes were measured by flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy, and all others were measured using isotopic flux and liquid scintillation counting. All uptakes were performed with a rapid filtration procedure. A method is presented for separating various components of ion uptake: 1) passive diffusion, 2) mediated transport and 3) binding. It was concluded that a Na+/H+ exchange mechanism exists in the jejunal brush border. The exchanger was inhibited with 300 microM amiloride or harmaline. The kinetic parameters for sodium transport by this mechanism depend on the pH of the intravesicular solution. The application of a pH gradient (pHin = 5.5, pHout = 7.5) causes an increase in Jmax (50 to 125 pmol/mg protein . sec) with no change in Kt (congruent to 4.5 nM). Competition experiments show that other monovalent cations, e.g. Li+ and NH4+, share the Na+/H+ exchanger. This was confirmed with direct measurements of Li+ uptakes. Saturable uptake mechanisms were also observed for K+, Rb+ and SO4(2-), but not for Br-. The Jmax for K+ and Rb+ are similar to the Jmax for Na+, suggesting that they may share a transporter. The SO4(2-) system appears to be a Na+/SO4(2-) cotransport system. There does not appear to be either a Cl-/OH- transport mechanism of the type observed in ileum or a specific Na+/Cl- symporter.  相似文献   

Summary Models of epithelial salt secretion, involving secondary active transport of Cl [9], locate the K+ conductance of the plasma membrane exclusively in the basolateral membrane, although there is considerable experimental evidence to show that many secretory epithelia do have a significant apical K+ conductance. We have used an equivalent circuit model to examine the effect of an apical K+ conductance on the composition and flow rate of the fluid secreted by an epithelium in which secretion is driven by the secondary active transport of Cl. The parameters of the model were chosen to be similar to those measured in the dog tracheal mucosa when stimulated with adrenaline to secrete. We find that placing a K+ conductance in the apical membrane can actually enhance secretion provided that proportion of the total cell K+ conductance in the apical membrane is not greater than about 60%, the enabling effect on secretion being maximal when the proportion is around 10–20%. We also find that even when the entire cell K+ conductance is located in the apical membrane, the secreted fluid remains relatively Na+ rich. Analysis of the sensitivity of model behavior to the choice of values for the parameters shows that the effects of an apical K+ conductance are enhanced by increasing the ratio of the paracellular resistance to the transcellular resistance.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane of Chara corallina was made accessible for patch pipettes by cutting a small window through the cell wall of plasmolyzed internodal cells. With pipettes containing Cl as Ca2+ or Ba2+ (50 or 100 mm), but not as Mg2+ or K+ salt, it was possible to record in the cell-attached mode for long periods with little channel activity, randomly interspersed with intervals of transient activation of two Cl channel types (cord conductance at +50 mV: 52 and 16 pS, respectively). During these periods of transient channel activity, variable numbers (up to some 10) of the two Cl channel types activated and again inactivated over several 100 msec in a coordinated fashion. Transient Cl channel activity was favored by voltages positive of the free running membrane voltage (> –45 mV); but positive voltage alone was neither a sufficient nor a necessary condition for activtion of these channels. Neither type of Cl channel was markedly voltage dependent. A third, nonselective 4 pS channel is a candidate for Ca2+ translocation. The activity of this channel does not correlate in time with the transient activity of the Cl channels. The entire set of results is consistent with the following microscopic mechanism of action potentials in Chara, concerning the role of Ca2+ and Cl for triggering and time course: Ca2+ uptake does not activate Cl channels directly but first supplies a membrane-associated population of Ca2+ storage sites. Depolarization enhances discharge of Ca2+ from these elements (none or few under the patch pipette) resulting in a local and transient increase of free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) at the inner side of the membrane before being scavenged by the cytoplasmic Ca2+ buffer system. In turn, the transient rise in [Ca2+]cyt causes the transient activity of those Cl channels, which are more likely to open at an elevated Ca2+ concentration.The financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary In rabbit gallbladder epithelium, a Na+/H+, Cl/HCO 3 double exchange and a Na+–Cl symport are both present, but experiments on intact tissue cannot resolve whether the two transport systems operate simultaneously. Thus, isolated apical plasma membrane vesicles were prepared. After preloading with Na+, injection into a sodium-free medium caused a stable intravesicular acidification (monitored with the acridine orange fluorescence quenching method) that was reversed by Na+ addition to the external solution. Although to a lesser extent, acidification took place also in experiments with an electric potential difference (PD) equal to 0. If a preset pH difference (pH) was imposed ([H+]in>[H+]out, PD=0), the addition of Na-gluconate to the external solution caused pH dissipation at a rate that followed saturation kinetics. Amiloride (10–4 m) reduced the pH dissipation rate. Taken together, these data indicate the presence of Na+ and H+ conductances in addition to an amiloride-sensitive, electroneutral Na+/H+ exchange.An inwardly directed [Cl] gradient (PD=0) did not induce intravesicular acidification. Therefore, in this preparation, there was no evidence for the presence of a Cl/OH exchange.When both [Na+] and [Cl] gradients (outwardly directed, PD=0) were present, fluorescence quenching reached a maximum 20–30 sec after vesicle injection and then quickly decreased. The decrease was not observed in the presence of a [Na+] gradient alone or the same [Na+] gradient with Cl at equal concentrations at both sides. Similarly, the decrease was abolished in the presence of both Na+ and Cl concentration gradients and hydrochlorothiazide (5×10–4 m). The decrease was not influenced by an inhibitor of Cl/OH exchange (10–4 m furosemide) or of Na+–K+–2Cl symport (10–5 m bumetanide).We conclude that a Na+/H+ exchange and a Na+–Cl symport are present and act simultaneously. This suggests that in intact tissue the Na+–Cl symport is also likely to work in parallel with the Na+/H+ exchange and does not represent an induced homeostatic reaction of the epithelium when Na+/H+ exchange is inhibited.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of thyroid epithelial cells in mitosis has been investigated. A spatial association is described between clusters of apical vesicles (believed to contain thyroglobulin destined for secretion into the follicular lumen) and centrioles, in late prophase and late telophase cells. Quantitative techniques demonstrate the statistical significance of this association and suggest that it is not related to proximity of the Golgi apparatus or to the location of the centriole in the cell, which changes considerably during these phases of mitosis. The physical basis for this association remains uncertain, but microtubules emanating from the pericentriolar area may be involved.In interphase cells, centrioles are located very close to the follicular lumen, where the majority of apical vesicles are also found. The association of centrioles with clusters of apical vesicles also in mitotic cells suggests that in interphase cells the apically located centrioles may serve as a focus for apical vesicles, helping to direct these secretory vesicles toward the follicular lumen and to maintain cellular polarization. Previous studies demonstrating that centrioles can act as microtubule organizing centers in interphase cells and studies linking microtubules and secretion also tend to support this hypothesis.The author is grateful to Drs. Jan Wolff, Lars E. Ericson, and Seymour H. Wollman for useful discussions and to Mr. Franklin E. Reed for expert technical assistance.  相似文献   

Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) was shown to inhibit the transepithelial NaCl transport and the apical Na+-Cl? symport and to depolarize the apical membrane potential in the rabbit gallbladder epithelium. The depolarization was likely related to the opening of a Cl? conductance. To better understand whether an apical Cl? leak is involved in the mechanism of action of HCTZ, the transapical Cl? backflux was measured radiochemically by the washout technique. The gallbladder wall, pretreated with pronase on the serosal side to homogenize the subepithelium, was loaded with 36Cl? on the luminal side; mucosal and serosal 36Cl? effluxes (J m , J s ) were then measured every 2 min. The pretreatment with pronase did not alter the membrane potentials and the selectivity of the epithelium. Under control conditions and the tissue in steady-state, J m and J s time courses were each described by two exponential decays (A,B); the rate constants, k A and k B , were 0.71 ±0.03 and 0.16±0.01 min?1, respectively, and correspondingly the half-times (t 1 2A , t 1 2B ) were 1.01±0.05 and 5.00±0.44 min (n=10); these parameters were not significantly different for J m and J s time courses. J s was always greater than J m (J s /J m =2.02±0.22 and 1.43 ±0.17 for A and B decays). Under SCN? treatment in steady-state conditions, both J m and J s time courses were described by only one exponential decay, the component B being abolished. Moreover t 1 2A was similar to that predictable for the subepithelium. It follows that it is the component B which exits the epithelial compartment. Based on the intracellular specific activity and 36Cl? J m B at 0 min time of the washout experiment, the cell-lumen Cl? backflux in steady-state was calculated to be equal to about 2 μmol cm?2hr?1, in agreement with the value indirectly computable by other techniques. The experimental model was well responsive to different external challenges (increases in media osmolalities; luminal treatment with nystatin). HCTZ (2.5 · 10?4 m) largely increased 36Cl? J m B . The increase was abolished by luminal treatment with 10?4 m SITS, which not only brought back the efflux time courses to the ones observed under control conditions but even increased J s /J m of the cellular component, an indication of a reduced J m B . It is concluded that HCTZ opens an apical, SITS-sensitive Cl? leak, which contributes to dissipate the intracellular Cl? accumulation and to inhibit the NaCl transepithelial transport. Moreover, the drug is likely to reduce the basal electroneutral Cl? backflux supported by Na+-Cl? cotransport, in agreement with the inhibition of the cotransport itself.  相似文献   

Summary This study concerns the properties of rapid K+ and Cl transport pathways that are present in the (H++K+)-ATPase membrane from stimulated, and secreting, gastric oxyntic cells. Ion permeabilities in the isolated stimulation-associated vesicles were monitored via the rates of H+ efflux under conditions of exclusive H+/K+ counterflux or H+–Cl co-efflux, as well as by comparison of equilibration rates for86Rb and36Cl under conditions of equilibrium exchange and unidirectional salt flux. These latter studies suggest that Rb+ and Cl pathways are conductive and independent. In spite of the functional independence of the ion pathways, several divalent cations inhibit Rb+ and Cl isotopic exchange as well as the H+ efflux that is dependent on either K+ or anion (Cl, SCN, NO2) fluxes. Zn2+ is the more potent inhibitor, reducing by 50% the sensitive component of K+, Cl, and NO2 fluxes at about 20 m; Mn2+ has a similar effect at 200 m. Ni2+ and Co2+ were roughly equipotent to Mn2+ while Mg2+ and Ca2+ had not inhibitory effect. These results suggest that the stimulation-induced permeabilities, while functioning independently, may be physically linked, i.e., residing within a single entity. In similar studies carried out in (H++K+)-ATPase vesicles obtained from nonstimulated cells, no vestiges of sensitivity to the inhibitory divalent cations could be detected. The implications of these findings for the physiology of the oxyntic cell in the context of a model for membrane fusion are discussed.  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn2+) was shown to invariably inhibit muscimol-stimulated36Cl uptake by synaptoneurosomes in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum. The Zn2+ sensitivity of the GABAA receptor-gated36Cl uptake in the cerebral cortex was comparable to that in the hippocampus, whereas the uptake in the cerebellum was less sensitive to Zn2+. Although diazepam-potentiation of muscimol-stimulated36Cl uptake was unaltered by 100 μM Zn2+ in the cerebellum. Zn2+ inhibited [3H]diazepam binding significantly at 1 mM in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum, whereas Ni2+ increased the binding in a concentration-dependent manner in both regions. Although lower concentrations of Zn2+ did not affect [3H]Ro 15-4513 binding to diazepam-sensitive sites, higher concentrations of Zn2+ increased the binding in both regions. Unlike the diazepam-sensitive sites the diazepam-insensitive [3H]Ro 15-4513 binding was not affected by Zn2+ or Ni2+ at any of the tested concentrations. These results suggest that the GABAA ligand-gated Cl flux and its diazepam-potentiation are heterogeneously modulated in various brain regions. It is also suggested that cerebellar diazepam-insensitive [3H]Ro 15-4513 binding sites are insensitive to Zn2+ and Ni2+.  相似文献   

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