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Summary Sex chromosome length, sex chromatin area and the pattern of sex chromosome replication were determined in the field mouseAkodon azarae (Rodentia Cricetidae). Among the animals studied a group of spontaneously deleted females was included. The complemont in deleted females was 38Xx, being the x a grossly deleted X-chromosome.Length of sex chromosomes expressed as percentage of the haploid set was: X-chromosome 7.89% (±1.18), x-chromosome 1.47% (±0.20), Y-chromosome 1.15% (±0.29). Area of sex chromatin expressed as percentage of the haploid genome was 7.28% (±1.18) in XX females and 3.26% (±0.73) in Xx females. According to these data it was assumed that: (a) sex chromatin was formed by all those sex chromosome material in excess of the 5% of the haploid set; (b) the x-chromosome in Xx females was always involved in sex chromatin formation.Time-sequence of sex chromosome replication was as follows: (a) at the beginning of the S period one X-chromosome starts replication carly while the other X, the x and the Y-chromosomes are the last to initiate DNA synthesis; (b) in the intermediate stage of the S period sex chromosomes replicate in the same way as autosomes; (c) in late and final stages of the S period both sex chromosomes are late replicating in their whole extension. It is concluded that the pattern of sex chromosome replication at the beginning of the S period may be more informative than the pattern at the end of the S phase to distinguish between hetero-and euchromatin in the sex genome ofAkodon azarae.
Zusammenfassung An der FeldmausAkodon azarae wurde die Länge der Geschlechtschromosomen, die Größe des Geschlechtschromatinkörperchens und das Muster der Geschlechtschromosomenreplikation bestimmt. Unter den untersuchten Tieren befand sich auch eine Gruppe von Weibchen mit einem spontan deletierten X-Chromosom. Der Karyotyp dieser Weibchen war 38 Xx, wobei x das stark deletierte X-Chromosom darstellt.Die Länge der Geschlechtschromosomen wurde wie folgt, ausgedrückt in Prozent des haploiden Satzes, ermittelt: X-Chromosom 7,89% (±1,18), x-Chromosom 1,47% (±0,20), Y-Chromosom 1,15% (±0,29). Die Größe des Geschlechtschromatinkörpers, ausgedrückt in % des haploiden Genoms, betrug 7,28% (±1,18) bei XX-Weibchen und 3,26% (±0,73) bei Xx-Weibchen. Auf Grund dieser Daten wird angenommen, daß a) das Geschlechtschromatin durch das gesamte Geschlechtschromosomenmaterial, das 5% des Haploidsatzes übersteigt, gebildet wird, und b) das x-Chromosome bei den Xx-Weibchen stets an der Geschlechtschromatinbildung beteiligt ist.Die Geschlechtschromosomenreplikation ging zeitlich wie folgt vor sich: a) zu Beginn der S-Periode beginnt ein X-Chromosom früh mit der Replikation, während das andere X-Chromosom und das x- und Y-Chromosom die DNS-Synthese als letzte beginnen; b) im intermediären Stadium der S-Periode replizieren die Geschlechtschromosomen in gleicher Weise wie die Autosomen, c) in den späten und endstadien replizieren beide Geschlechtschromosomen in ihrer gesamten Ausdehnung spät. Das Muster der Chromosomenreplikation zu Beginn der S-Periode kann als aufschlußreicher für die Unterscheidung von Hetero- und Euchromatin im Geschlechtsgenom vonAkodon azarae angesehen werden als das Replikations-Muster der Endphase.

A satellite DNA fraction from P. eremicus, having a buoyant density of 1.705 g/ml in neutral CsCl density gradients, was isolated. In situ hybridization experiments, using 3H-RNA complementary to this DNA fraction indicated that the short (heterochromatic) arms of most of the autosomes contained this sequence. Conversely, in situ hybridization using 3H-complementary DNA (cDNA) synthesized from the cytoplasmic poly (A) RNA of P. eremicus (comprising a substantial fraction of total messenger RNA) showed that the number of silver grains in the long arms (euchromatin) was significantly higher than that in the short arms. The X chromosomes showed a distinct localization pattern of both sequences.  相似文献   

Genetic similarity between species of Akodon (Rodentia, Cricetidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic similarity between species of rodents of the Akodon genus (A. dolores, A. molinae, and A. azarae) has been estimated by analysis of electrophoretic zymograms corresponding to 23 loci. Nei's coefficient between A. dolores and A. molinae was within the range usually found in conspecific populations. This evidence plus the successful production of "hybrids" (Merani et al., J. Exp. Zool., 206:343-346, '78) suggests that A. dolores and A. molinae may represent geographic races of the same species.  相似文献   

The 4C DNA amounts of 86 species fromAllium subgg.Allium, Rhizirideum, Bromatorrhiza, Melanocrommyum, Caloscordum andAmerallium show a 8.35-fold difference ranging from 35.60 pg (A. ledebourianum, 2n = 16) to 297.13 pg (A. validum 2n = 56). At diploid level the difference is 3.57-fold betweenA. ledebourianum (35.60 pg) andA. ursinum (127.14 pg). This shows that a significant loss and/or gain of DNA has occurred during evolution. On average subgg.Rhizirideum andAllium have less DNA amount than subgg.Melanocrommyum andAmerallium. The distribution of nuclear DNA amounts does not show discontinuous pattern and regular groups. The evolution of genome size has been discussed in relation to polyploidy and genomes, heterochromatin, adaptive changes in morphological characteristics, phenology and ecological factors, and infrageneric classification.  相似文献   

In an effort to evaluate the four Akodon species groups, phylogenetic relationships among individuals of the genus Akodon, selected from throughout South America, were examined using cytochrome b and a concatenated data set consisting of data from cytochrome b, exon 6 of the dentin matrix protein 1 and the nuclear intron thyrotropin. Both the cytochrome b data set and the combined data set were analysed under maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian criteria. Like previous studies, a monophyletic Akodon clade was recovered. Monophyly of the boliviensis and cursor groups was supported, and the two form a strongly supported sister relationship. Akodon azarae is basal to and forms a monophyletic group with the boliviensis cursor clade, resolving the placement of A. azarae but leaving it unassignable to a current Akodon species group. The aerosus and varius groups are paraphyletic as four members of the varius group (A. glaucinus, A. simulator, A. tartareus and A. varius) fall within the aerosus group. Akodon lindberghi is formally placed in the cursor group. Akodon caenosus is recognized as a species distinct of A. lutescens, A. orientalis is recognized as a species distinct of A. orophilus, and A. aerosus, A. baliolus and A. surdus are recognized as three separate species. Based upon chronophylogenetic analysis, the initial divergence within Akodon likely began during the late Pliocene and ancestors of the four extant species groups (aerosus, boliviensis, cursor and dolores) appeared around the Pleistocene–Pliocene boundary or shortly thereafter.  相似文献   

Early taxonomic investigations associated the genus Scotinomys with South American akodontine rodents, but more recent morphological analyses based in large part on the glans penis have linked brown mice with North American peromyscines, specifically the genus Baiomys. Differentially stained chromosomal preparations of S. xerampelinus were compared with other cricetine taxa. Chromosomally, golden mice (Ochrotomys) were found to be most similar to Scotinomys, this association based on two apparent synapomorphic G-banded chromosomes. The majority of banded chromosomes possessed by Scotinomys were found to be either uniquely derived or to appear unaltered, and therefore presumably ancestral, when compared to the G-band patterns of other cricetids. These results fail to support the morphological hypotheses that closely unite Scotinomys with Baiomys, and instead support a hypothesis that treats Scotinomys, Ochrotomys, and perhaps Baiomys as a rather loosely associated assemblage of genera that are phylogenetically intermediate between the relatively complex pene, primarily South American cricetine rodents and the more simple pene North American neotomine-peromyscines.  相似文献   

Snipes  Robert L. 《Zoomorphology》1982,100(3):189-202
Summary The macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the cecum of the gerbil was investigated using dissections, dried specimens and vascular injections as well as light-, scanning- and transmission electron microscopy.The cecum of the gerbil is a voluminous organ, possessing slight sacculations and only poorly developed taeniae. The base or ampulla ceci is slightly dilated and more voluminous than the corpus ceci, which decreases gradually in diameter to the blind-end, the apex ceci. A half ring-fold limits the entrance to the proximal colon from the ampulla. A wide-opened communication exists between ampulla and corpus ceci. The scanning microscopical appearance of the cecal wall takes the form of raised elevations circumventing a central depression. The cecum is lined internally by a tall columnar epithelium displaying a well-developed microvillar border and possessing numerous cellular organelles.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the Olkhon mountain vole (Alticola olchonensis Litvinov, 1960) was studied using the sequences of four nuclear (BRCA, GHR, LCAT, and IRBP) and one mitochondrial (cyt. b) gene. Until now multiple studies of the systematic position of this vole had been based exclusively on morphological data, while the major taxonomic references contain contradictory information regarding both the subgeneric and species status of this animal. It was established that the molecular data and morphology data allow us to concern the Lake Baikal vole unambiguously as a part of the nominative subgenus Alticola instead of Aschizomys.  相似文献   

NAD-linked lactate, malate, glycerophosphate, alcohol and nonspecific dehydrogenases, aspartate aminotransferases, and soluble esterases from extracts of tissues of individuals from a wild population of Calomys musculinus (Rodentia, Cricetidae) have been analyzed by means of starch gel electrophoresis and specific staining. Allelic frequencies and heterozygosity have been determined. Mendelian inheritance of some of the variants detected was confirmed by breeding experiments. Ten out of fifteen (66.6%) of the genetic loci investigated presented polymorphism. Mean heterozygosity per locus was very high (H=0.2014, se 0.046).This work has been supported, in part, by grants from the Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Nación (National Program for Endemic Diseases) and from the Fundación Emilio Ocampo. C. N. G. is a Fellow and A. B. a Career Investigator of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas of Argentina.  相似文献   

The climbing rats (Tylomys spp.) have diploid numbers of 52 (T. panamensis), 42 (T. nudicaudus), 40 (T. n. gymnurus) and 36 (T. n. villai). Using G-band analysis we found that the variations are mainly of the Bobertsonian type, and practically all changes can be traced. G-banding also revealed that biarmed chromosomes with similar morphology may be composed of different components. Such conclusions were verified also by analysis of the chromosomes of interspecific hybrids. C-band staining showed that the constitutive heterochromatin of Tylomys is mainly located in the centromeric regions and the sex chromosomes, a situation similar to that of Microtus agrestis. In one specimen of T. panamensis, however, an additional terminal heterochromatic segment was found in one member of the large metacentric pair. Our data underline that in mammalian cytotaxonomy studies both C- and G-band (or C- and Q-band) techniques must be applied to gain maximal information.  相似文献   

The meiotic behavior of sex chromosomes has been investigated in variant females of Akodon azarae, both in pachytene oocytes and metaphase I. In somatic cells, these females have a heteromorphic sex pair, in which the minor chromosome has been previously interpreted as a major deletion of the long arm of the X chromosome (dX). After microspreading for synaptonemal complex analysis, pachytene oocytes show two axes of very different lengths (100:17.1), which correspond to the sex chromosomes X and dX. True synapsis is abnormally restricted (43.3%) between these sex chromosomes; on the other hand, self-synapsis of both the X and dX chromosomes is frequent (60%). Single, nonsynapsed axes or axial segments are thickened. Strong chromatin condensation occurs around nonsynapsed axes or axial segments, giving many of these sex pairs an appearance similar to an XY body ("sex vesicle"). The minor gonosome axis differs from that of the Y chromosome of male meiosis, as the former is shorter (relative to the X) and has a different synaptic behavior. In 17 metaphases I from XdX variant females, only heteromorphic, end-to-end joined sex pairs were observed. These variant females differ from the variant females of the wood lemming Myopus schisticolor in several respects, but a similar mechanism seems to be prevalent in other species of the genus Akodon. Self-synapsis of unequal gonosomes in oocytes is assumed as an escape from functional deterioration, following the hypothesis put forward by others.  相似文献   

The G- and C-banded karyotype ofHolochilus brasiliensis collected in central Brazil (2n=55, AN=56, acrocentric X and Y) can be regarded as the most representative of the ancestral form of the genus.H. magnus (2n=52, AN=58, acrocentric X and Y) andH. brasiliensis vulpinus (2n=40, AN=56), both living in southern Brazil, would be in different phases of chromosome number reduction due to centric fusions.H. magnus, in addition, shows an X of variable morphology and a metacentric Y. This fact, coupled with its distinct morphology and restricted distribution, suggests that it may represent a distinct trend in the genus' main evolutionary line.  相似文献   

R. Robinson 《Genetica》1990,82(2):135-137
The phenotypic interaction of three mutant genes Ba, Ds and Wh are quantatively analysed for proportion of white areas in the coat. Each of the genes individually induces a characteristic amount of white spotting which is synergistically enhanced in combination. So much so, that the genotypes Ba+Ds+Wh+ has an almost or completely white coat.  相似文献   

Phodopus roborovskii (subfamily Cricetinae) is widely distributed in the northern arid regions of China. This study reports its complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) for the first time. The complete sequence was 16,273 bp long, including 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNAs, 22 transfer RNAs, and 1 major noncoding region. The base composition and codon usage were described. The putative origin of replication for the light strand (OL) of P. roborovskii was approximately 45 bp long and was highly conserved in the stem-loop and adjacent sequences, but the starting sequence of replication varied between genera among Rodentia. We analyzed the three domains of the D-loop region, and the results indicated that the central domain had higher G + C content and lower A + T content than two peripheral domains. Phylogenetic analyses indicated high resolution in four main divergent clades using mitogenomes data within Cricetidae. Within Cricetinae clade, P. roborovskii was at basal position which was in line with previous researches, and it shared a common ancestor with other extant hamsters. This work validated previous molecular and karyotype researches using mitogenomes data, and provided a set of useful data on phylogeny and molecular evolution in Cricetidae species.  相似文献   

The structure of two northern mole vole colonies from northern Chelyabinsk oblast (the Kunashak colony, 1981–1983) and southern Kurgan oblast (the Kurtamysh colony, 1985–1999) has been analyzed with respect to the number and composition of families, seasonal and annual population dynamics, age and sex composition and sex ratio, individual life span, migrations, breeding, and reproductive potential. The Kunashak colony is at the northwestern boundary of the species range, and its population is monomorphic (all animals are of the black color morph). The Kurtamysh colony is located in an optimal habitat, and its population is polymorphic, consisting of animals of three color morphs (black, brown, and transitional). Consideration is given to certain specific features of northern mole voles belonging to different color morphs.  相似文献   

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