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B V Bronk  P K Lala 《Cell biophysics》1982,4(2-3):105-115
When Ehrlich ascites cells from old tumors are inoculated into fresh hosts, their cell cycle parameters show several unusual features when studied by means of four independent techniques. These experiments measure: Labeling Index (LI); Mitotic Index (MI); Percent Labeled Mitosis (PLM); Percent of population mitotic and initially G0, (Mu/P). The minimum modifications of the standard cell-cycle model that allow simultaneous simulation of the four sets of data were then determined. These modifications are: (1) sudden shortening of transit time for the S state immediately following reinoculation; (2) a more gradual change in the transit time for M; (3) an orderly reentry of G0 cells into the beginning of the cycle; (4) a shorter first cycle for the reentering G0 cells along with a smaller coefficient of variation for the first cycle of the G0 cells. These changes allow a simultaneous simulation of the four experiments with a single parameter set. This was not achievable without the modifications. Hence, resolution of a cell population into two components allows one to account for additional kinetic features.  相似文献   

Most mammalian neoplasms have a defect in ether lipid content manifested by the presence of abnormally large quantities of 0-alkyl glyceryl ethers, in contrast to normal tissues in which the alk-1-enyl structure predominates. These lipids are for the most part structural. The manner in which tumor cell plasma membranes differ from normal may be important, and it has been hitherto unclear whether or not the 0-alkyl lipid abnormality of neoplasms includes the plasma membrane. The present investigation reveals that 0-alkyl lipids are present in the membranes of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells isolated by several different methods. The amount of 0-alkyl lipid, on a weight basis, represents 1-3 percent of the total phospholipids and 1-4 percent of the total aliphatic lipid. These quantities are the same as or greater than the amount of 0-alkyl lipid found in microsomes, mitochondria, and whole cell homogenate. As is generally the case for intact neoplastic tissues, the quantity of 0-alkyl lipids of Ehrlich ascites tumor plasma membrane is greater than the amount of alk-1-enyl lipids.  相似文献   

Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were permeabilized using low concentrations of digitonin, 8 micrograms/10(6) cells. Permeabilization was monitored by the assay of lactate dehydrogenase released into the incubation medium and of hexokinase partially bound to mitochondria. Integrity of the cellular organelles was unaffected as determined by assay of the mitochondrial enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase. Cells were stained with rhodamine 123 as a mitochondrial specific dye and propidium iodide/mithramycin as DNA specific dyes. The green fluorescence of bound rhodamine 123 versus red fluorescence of DNA in individual cells was analysed by dual parameter flow cytometry. Incubation of cells with inhibitors of mitochondrial energy metabolism, such as, potassium cyanide and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone abolished binding of rhodamine 123. Flow cytometric data allowed a correlation between cell position in the mitotic cycle with total mitochondrial activity. In addition, comparison of the characteristics of propidium iodide and ethidium bromide staining further elucidated the molecular basis of the staining with the positively-charged fluorescent dye rhodamine 123.  相似文献   

The extract of cells of ascitic Ehrlich's tumour (chaloun) and its cell-free fluid produced a marked inhibitory action on the cell proliferation of this tumour four hours after the administration. The effect is tissue-specific, more pronounced in the extract and depends on the dose of the antigen. Eight hours after the extract or the cell-free fluid administration the mitotic activity in the tumour proved to increase in comparison with control; this indicated the presence of a short-lived chaloun action on the G2-phase of the mitotic cycle and synchronization of cell division.  相似文献   

Data from flow-cytometric analysis of DNA of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were fitted using non-linear least squares curve fitting routines. Analysis of rates of synthesis from the derived S-period profiles revealed a pattern of changing rates of DNA synthesis during the S-period. Three main peaks are seen whose trough to through periods range from 0 to 16%, 16 to 65%, 65 to 100% of the DNA synthesized during S. The differences between the peak rates and rates in the intervening troughs are small, about 10% of the maximum, but these occur reproducibly. Some differences in the DNA distribution profiles, hence rate profiles, can be seen among samples taken at different times during the day. These are thought to reflect the effects of circadian rhythms, but they are not large enough to obscure the general pattern of rate shifts that occur during the S-period. Analyses of radioactivity of 3H-thymidine pulse labelled cells, sorted across the S-period, were in accord with the results obtained from the DNA distributions. A parallel analysis of DNA and histones showed a correspondence in the timing and direction of shifts in rate for both during the middle part of the S-period.  相似文献   

The linear and nonlinear aspects of the dynamics of the cell cycle kinetics of cell populations are studied. The dynamics are represented by difference equations. The characteristics of cell population systems are analyzed by applying the model to Ehrlich ascites tumor. The model applied for the simulations of the growth of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells incorporates processes of cell division, cell death, transition of cells to resting states and clearance of dead cells. Comparison of the results obtained with the model and the experimental data suggests that the duration of the mean generation time of the proliferating EAT cells increases with aging of the tumor. An attempt is made to relate the prolongation of cell mean generation time with processes of cell death and dead cell clearance. Studying the transition of cells to the resting states, it becomes apparent that in fact transition of proliferating cells to the resting states occurs somewhere close to the end of the cell cycle and with a rate that varies with the age of the tumor. Time course behavior of the cell age, cell size, and cell DNA distribution with aging of the tumor are obtained. Variations in average size and average DNA contents are determined.  相似文献   

Ehrlich ascites tumor cells spontaneously release cell surface material (glycocalyx) into isotonic saline medium. Exposure of these cells to tritium-labeled 4,4′-diisothiocyano-1,2′-dihenylethane-2,2′-disulfonic acid (3H2DIDS) at 4°C leads to preferential labeling of the cell surface coat. We have combined studies of the kinetics of 3H2DIDS-label release, the effects of enzymatic treatment, and cell electrophoretic mobility to characterize the 3H2DIDS-labeled components of the cell surface. Approximately 73% of the cell-associated radioactivity is spontaneously released from the cells after 5 h at 23°C. The kinetics of release is consistent with the first-order loss of two fractions; a slow (τ½ = 360 min) component representing 33% of the radioactivity, and a fast (τ½ = 20 min) component representing 26%. The remaining 14% of the labile binding may reflect mechanically induced surface release. Trypsin (1 μ/ml) also removes approximately 73% of the labeled material within 30 min and converts the kinectics of release to that of a single component (τ½ = 5.5 min). The specific activity (SA) of material released by trypsin immediately after labeling is 83% of the SA of the material spontaneously los in 1 h. However, trypsinization following a 2-h period of spontaneous release yields material of reduced (43%) SA. Neither 3H2DIDS labeling nor the initial spontaneous loss of labeled material alters cell electrophoretic mobility. However, extended spontaneous release is accompanied by a significant decrease in surface charge density. Trypsinization immediately following labeling or after spontaneous release (2 h) reduces mobility by 32%. We have tentatively identified the slowly released compartment as contributing to cell surface negativity.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of Ehrlich ascites tumor lipids was altered markedly in vivo by changing the type of fat fed to the tumor-bearing mice. As compared with regular chow, large differences were produced in polar and neutral lipid fatty acyl groups when the tumor cells were grown in mice fed coconut oil, sunflower oil or fat deficient diets. Subcellular membrane fractions obtained from these cells exhibited similar variations in fatty acyl composition. This experimental system provides large quantities of malignant cells for study of the relationships between membrane lipid structure and function.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane of the Ehrlich ascites tumor cell contains an NADH dehydrogenase. This activity was shown not to be due to contamination by other subcellular membranes. A variety of electron acceptors have been compared as to rate with the following result: ferricyanide greater than cytochrome c greater than cytochrome b5 greater than glyoxylate greater than dichlorophenolindophenol. Oxygen acceptance could not be detected. The optimum assay temperature and pH ranges were 30--40 degrees C and pH 6--8, respectively. With respect to either NADH or ferricyanide, the kinetics yielded linear double-reciprocal plots. Inhibition of the enzyme by sulfhydryl reagents could be blocked by excess NADH. Detergents such as Triton X-100 or cholate resulted in solubilization of the enzymatic activity, but phospholipase A2 did not. The activity differed from that of the mitochondria in that it was not inhibited by rotenone or antimycin A. The possible involvement of NADH oxidation in the energetics of plasma membrane transport is discussed.  相似文献   

Net fluxes of sodium and potassium were studied in Ehrlich mouse ascites tumor cells during contact with the agglutinating protein, concanavalin A. This lectin altered cation transport markedly at concentrations of 20–105 μg/ml (6–47 μg/mg cell protein). Whereas control cells extruded sodium and maintained or accumulated potassium against electrochemical gradients, in the presence of concanavalin A there was rapid net sodium entry and potassium loss. After 10–20 minutes in concanavalin A, sodium extrusion began and potassium loss diminished but these events were prevented by ouabain. The alterations in cation content induced by concanavalin A are unlikely to be the result only of agglutination since soybean agglutinin caused much smaller changes although it agglutinated the cells equally well.  相似文献   

The malate-citrate cycle was studied during aerobic glycolysis and glutaminolysis in a strain of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells which showed a very low malate-aspartate shuttle system activity. The experimental approach includes: estimation of mitochondrial NAD[P]+-dependent malic enzyme activity; respiratory activity of freshly harvested or fasted cells, and of isolated mitochondria; and determination of the metabolites involved in the glycolytic and glutaminolytic pathways. The results suggest that in this strain, the malate-citrate shuttle is not an effective pathway for transferring glycolytic reducing equivalents from cytosol to mitochondria. Less than 15% of the glucose uptake was affected by the 1,2,3-benzenetricarboxylate inhibition of the malate-citrate shuttle. Moreover, in the presence of glucose, the malate-citrate cycle did not appear to play an important role in the glutaminolytic process. The present work supports and extends the finding of previous studies, since the results showed that the glucose metabolism depressed the oxidative processes in Ehrlich ascites tumor mitochondria, not only alone, but also in the presence of glutamine. Interestingly, the high glutamine uptake was maintained in the presence of glucose.  相似文献   

Studies have been conducted on the movements of sodium and potassium into and out of the Ehrlich ascites tumor cell. Under steady state conditions, at 22 degrees C., in the absence of an exogenous source of glucose, the cell flux for both potassium and sodium averaged 0.8 microM10(7) cells/hr, or 3.0 pM/cm.(2)/sec. The cell can accumulate potassium and extrude sodium against electrochemical gradients for both ions. It is possible under the experimental conditions reported to separate the transport systems for these two ions. Thus, it has been shown that under conditions of low temperature with a diminished metabolism, net fluxes for the two ions are different. Also, following periods of 24 hours at 2 degrees C., an exogenous source of glucose enhances the accumulation of potassium sevenfold while sodium extrusion is uninfluenced by the presence of glucose. Similarly potassium exchange rates are temperature-dependent, with Q(10) values as high as 5, while exchange rates for sodium are temperature-insensitive, with Q(10) values of 1.2 to 1.6. Glycolysis has been eliminated as an energy source for the transport processes since these processes go on in the absence of an exogenous source of glucose. It is estimated that a maximum of 0.3 per cent of the energy derived from the total oxidative metabolism of glucose would be required to support independent transport of potassium and sodium.  相似文献   

1. The lipoproteins of the Ehrlich ascites tumor plasma were separated into 3 distinct fractions, very low density, low density and high density lipoproteins by preparative ultracentrifugation combined with agarose column chromatography. 2. High density lipoproteins contained 74% of the total protein in the lipoproteins. By contrast, most of the lipids were present in the very low density lipoprotein fraction. 3. The fatty acid compositions of the cholesteryl esters were appreciably different in the very low, low and high density lipoproteins, whereas phospholipid and triacylglycerol fatty acid compositions were quite similar in the 3 lipoprotein fractions. 4. Very low and high density apoprotein electrophoretic patterns on sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gels were similar to those observed in the corresponding lipoprotein fractions obtained from other mammalian species. The low density fraction, however, contained 7 apoprotein bands, and 32% of the low density apoprotein was soluble in tetramethyl urea. 5. The average molecular weights as determined by analytical ultracentrifugation were 2-10(7) (very low density), 6-10(6) (low density) and 4.4-10(5) (high density).  相似文献   

We have studied in vitro binding of DNA to nuclear lamina structures isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. At low ionic strength in the presence of Mg++, they bind considerable amounts of mouse and bacterial DNA, forming complexes stable in 2 M NaCl. Single-stranded DNA and pulse-labeled DNA show higher binding efficiencies than native uniformly labeled DNA. When mixing occurs in 2 M NaCl, complex formation is inhibited. When nuclei are digested with DNAse I under conditions that favor chromatin condensation, DNA associated with matrices subsequently prepared from such nuclei is markedly enriched in satellite DNA. If digestion is carried out with DNAse II while nuclei are decondensed in EDTA, no enrichment in satellite DNA is observed. Preparations of purified, high-molecular weight, double-stranded DNA contain variable amounts of fast-sedimenting aggregates, which are insoluble in 2 M NaCl but are dispersed by DNA fragmentation or denaturation. These results point at some artifacts inherent in studies of DNA bound to residual nuclear structures in vivo and suggest conditions expected to avoid these artifacts. Further, using controlled digestion with DNAse II, we have studied the in vivo association of DNA with nuclear lamina isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. In the course of DNA fragmentation from above 50 kbp to about 20 kbp average size, the following events were observed. The DNA of high molecular weight (much longer than 50 kbp) behaved as if tightly bound to the nuclear lamina, as judged by sedimentation in sucrose and metrizamide density gradients, electron microscopy, and retention on glass fiber filters. As the size of DNA decreased, it was progressively detached from the nuclear lamina, and at about 20 kbp average length practically all DNA was released. The last 1-4% of DNA, although cosedimenting with the nuclear lamina in sucrose gradients, behaved as free DNA, banding at 1.14 g/cm3 in metrizamide density gradients and showing less than 4% retention on filters. At no stage of digestion did the DNA cosedimenting with nuclear lamina show changes in satellite DNA content relative to that of total DNA or enrichment in newly replicated DNA. It was shown, however, that digestion of nuclear lamina-DNA complex with EcoRI or Hae III led to the formation of DNA-protein aggregates, which banded at 1.35 g/cm3 in high salt containing metrizamide density gradients and which were strongly enriched in satellite DNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The fatty acyl group composition of Ehrlich ascites tumor cell plasma membranes was modified by feeding the tumor-bearing mice diets rich in either coconut or sunflower oil. When coconut oil was fed, the oleate content of the membrane phospholipids was elevated and the linoleate content reduced. The opposite occurred when sunflower oil was fed. Qualitatively similar changes were observed in the plasma membrane phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and mixed phosphatidylserine plus phosphatidylinositol fractions. These diets also produced differences in the sphingomyelin fraction, particularly in the palmitic and nervonic acid contents. Unexpectedly, the saturated fatty acid content of the plasma membrane phospholipids was somewhat greater when the highly polyunsaturated sunflower oil was fed. The small quantities of neutral lipids contained in the plasma membrane exhibited changes in acyl group composition similar to those observed in the phospholipids. These fatty acyl group changes were not accompanied by any alteration in the cholesterol or phospholipid contents of the plasma membranes. Therefore, the lipid alterations produced in this experimental model system are confined to the membrane acyl groups.  相似文献   

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