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The cloning of melanocortin (MC) receptors in distant species has provided us tools to get insight in how the ligand-receptors interactions in the MC system have evolved. We have however lacked studies on pharmacology of native ancient melanocortin peptides at the ancient MC receptors. In this paper we synthesized melanocortin peptides from both the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) and spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) and tested them on the MC3 and MC4 receptors from spiny dogfish. The results show that both the dogfish and lamprey ACTH peptides have similar or higher affinity than the dogfish alpha-, beta- and gamma-MSH peptides to the dogfish MC3 and MC4 receptors. Moreover, both the dogfish and lamprey ACTH peptides have more than 10-fold higher affinity than alpha-MSH to the dogfish MC4 receptor. We also show that dogfish delta-MSH is able to bind to MC receptors and its potency is higher than of dogfish beta-MSH, which is considered to be its precursor. Our results provide the first evidence that native ACTH ligands from dogfish and lamprey have a preference above native MSH peptides to ancient version of the MC3 and MC4 receptors. This further strengthens the hypotheses that the ligand contributing to the first version of the melanocortin ligand-receptor system resembled ACTH.  相似文献   

Aminoglycoside-mediated read-through of stop codons was recently demonstrated for a variety of diseases in vitro and in vivo. About 30 percent of human genetic diseases are the consequence of nonsense mutations. Nonsense mutations in obesity-associated genes like the melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R), expressed in the hypothalamus, show the impact of premature stop codons on energy homeostasis. Therefore, the MC4R could be a potential pharmaceutical target for obesity treatment and targeting MC4R stop mutations could serve as proof of principle for nonsense mutations in genes expressed in the brain. We investigated four naturally occurring nonsense mutations in the MC4R (W16X, Y35X, E61X, Q307X) located at different positions in the receptor for aminoglycoside-mediated functional rescue in vitro. We determined localization and amount of full-length protein before and after aminoglycoside treatment by fluorescence microscopy, cell surface and total enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Signal transduction properties were analyzed by cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) assays after transient transfection of MC4R wild type and mutant receptors into COS-7 cells. Functional rescue of stop mutations in the MC4R is dependent on: (i) triplet sequence of the stop codon, (ii) surrounding sequence, (iii) location within the receptor, (iv) applied aminoglycoside and ligand. Functional rescue was possible for W16X, Y35X (N-terminus), less successful for Q307X (C-terminus) and barely feasible for E61X (first transmembrane domain). Restoration of full-length proteins by PTC124 could not be confirmed. Future pharmaceutical applications must consider the potency of aminoglycosides to restore receptor function as well as the ability to pass the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   



The melanocortin (MC) receptors have a key role in regulating body weight and pigmentation. They belong to the rhodopsin family of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). The purpose of this study was to identify ancestral MC receptors in agnathan, river lamprey.  相似文献   

A novel series of imidazole-based small molecule antagonists of the melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4-R) is reported. Members of this series have been identified, which exhibit sub-micromolar binding affinity for the MC4-R, functional potency <100nM, and good oral exposure in rat. Antagonists of the MC4-R are potentially useful in the therapeutic treatment of involuntary weight loss due to advanced age or disease (e.g. cancer or AIDS), an area of large, unmet medical need.  相似文献   

A peptide with very high specificity for the human melanocortin MC(1) receptor identified by phage display was used as a lead for the design of new peptides. Two new peptides, MS05 and MS09, were synthesized and found to bind with sub-nanomolar affinities to the MC(1) receptor. Both these peptides showed strong agonistic activity at the MC(1) receptor. The MS05 was the most MC(1) receptor selective as it showed virtually no binding affinity for the MC(4) and MC(5) receptors and only micromolar affinity for the MC(3) receptor. The selectivity and potency of the new peptides make them potent tools for studies of MC(1) receptors, as well as novel potential candidate drugs for the treatment of inflammatory conditions.  相似文献   

Paralemmin-1 is a protein implicated in plasma membrane dynamics, the development of filopodia, neurites and dendritic spines, as well as the invasiveness and metastatic potential of cancer cells. However, little is known about its mode of action, or about the biological functions of the other paralemmin isoforms: paralemmin-2, paralemmin-3 and palmdelphin. We describe here evolutionary analyses of the paralemmin gene family in a broad range of vertebrate species. Our results suggest that the four paralemmin isoform genes (PALM1, PALM2, PALM3 and PALMD) arose by quadruplication of an ancestral gene in the two early vertebrate genome duplications. Paralemmin-1 and palmdelphin were further duplicated in the teleost fish specific genome duplication. We identified a unique sequence motif common to all paralemmins, consisting of 11 highly conserved residues of which four are invariant. A single full-length paralemmin homolog with this motif was identified in the genome of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus and an isolated putative paralemmin motif could be detected in the genome of the lancelet Branchiostoma floridae. This allows us to conclude that the paralemmin gene family arose early and has been maintained throughout vertebrate evolution, suggesting functional diversification and specific biological roles of the paralemmin isoforms. The paralemmin genes have also maintained specific features of gene organisation and sequence. This includes the occurrence of closely linked downstream genes, initially identified as a readthrough fusion protein with mammalian paralemmin-2 (Palm2-AKAP2). We have found evidence for such an arrangement for paralemmin-1 and -2 in several vertebrate genomes, as well as for palmdelphin and paralemmin-3 in teleost fish genomes, and suggest the name paralemmin downstream genes (PDG) for this new gene family. Thus, our findings point to ancient roles for paralemmins and distinct biological functions of the gene duplicates.  相似文献   

Melanocortin peptides regulate a variety of physiological processes. Five melanocortin receptors (MC-R) have been cloned and the MC3R and MC4R are the main brain MC receptors. The aim of this study was to identify structural requirements in both ligand and receptor that determine gamma-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) selectivity for the MC3R versus the MC4R. Substitution of Asp10 in [Nle4]Lys-gamma2-MSH for Gly10 from [Nle4]alpha-MSH, increased both activity and affinity for the MC4R while the MC3R remained unaffected. Analysis of chimeric MC3R/MC4Rs and mutant MC4Rs showed that Tyr268 of the MC4R mainly determined the low affinity for [Nle4]Lys-gamma2-MSH. The data demonstrate that Asp10 determines selectivity for the MC3R, however, not through direct side chain interactions, but probably by influencing how the melanocortin core sequence is presented to the receptor-binding pocket. This is supported by mutagenesis of Tyr268 to Ile in the MC4R which increased affinity and activity for [Nle4]Lys-gamma2-MSH, but decreased affinity for two peptides with constrained cyclic structure of the melanocortin core sequence, MT-II and [D-Tyr4]MT-II, that also displayed lower affinity for the MC3R. This study provides a general concept for peptide receptor selectivity, in which the major determinant for a selective receptor interaction is the conformational presentation of the core sequence in related peptides to the receptor-binding pocket.  相似文献   

Melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) has an important role in the regulation of energy homeostasis in both mammals and fish. In this study, MC4R was characterized in S. prenanti (Schizothorax prenanti) and designated as SpMC4R. SpMC4R cDNA is composed of 1004 nucleotides with a 978 nucleotide open reading frame encoding a protein of 326 amino acids. The SpMC4R contained predicted regions that were structural features of MCR subtypes of vertebrates. In addition, phylogenetic analyses suggested that S. prenanti MC4R was closely related to fish MC4Rs. The SpMC4R mRNA was detected in embryos at developmental stages. Further, its mRNA was detectable in unfertilized eggs. Using real-time RT-PCR, MC4R is widely expressed, with highest levels of expression in brain and ovary. An experiment was conducted to determine the expression profile of MC4R during short-term and long-term fasting of the brain. The expression level of MC4R in unfed fish was significantly increased at 6, 9 and 24 h post-fasting (hpf) and 14 days fasting than in fed fish, this suggests that MC4R is conserved peptide that might be involved in the regulation of food intake and other physiological function in S. prenanti.  相似文献   

MRAP, melanocortin 2 (MC2) receptor accessory protein, is required for trafficking by the MC2 (ACTH) receptor. MRAP is a single transmembrane protein that forms highly unusual antiparallel homodimers. We used molecular complementation to ask where MRAP achieves dual topology. Fragments of yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) were fused to the NH2 or COOH terminus of MRAP such that YFP fluorescence could occur only in antiparallel homodimers; fluorescence was present in the endoplasmic reticulum. MRAP retained dual topology after deletion of most of the amino terminus. In contrast, deletion of residues 31-37, just NH2-terminal to the transmembrane domain, forced MRAP into a single Nexo/Ccyt orientation and blocked its ability to promote MC2 receptor trafficking and homodimerize. When the transmembrane domain of MRAP was replaced with the corresponding region from RAMP3, dual topology was retained but MRAP was inactive. Insertion of MRAP residues 29-37 conferred dual topology to RAMP3, normally in an Nexo/Ccyt orientation. When expressed with MRAPDelta1-30, MRAPDelta10-20, or MRAPDelta21-30, MC2 receptor was localized on the plasma membrane but unable to respond to ACTH. Residues 18-21 of MRAP were critical; MC2 receptor expressed with MRAP(18-21A) localized to the plasma membrane but did not bind 125I-ACTH or increase cAMP in response to ACTH. A newly identified MRAP homolog, MRAP2, lacks amino acids 18LDYI21 of MRAP and, like MRAP(18-21A), allows MC2 receptor trafficking but not signaling. MRAP2 with an LDYI insertion functions like MRAP. These results demonstrate that MRAP not only facilitates MC2 receptor trafficking but also allows properly localized receptor to bind ACTH and consequently signal.  相似文献   

The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R): more than just red hair   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The melanocortin 1 receptor, a seven pass transmembrane G protein coupled receptor, is a key control point in melanogenesis. Loss-of-function mutations at the MC1R are associated with a switch from eumelanin to phaeomelanin production, resulting in a red or yellow coat colour. Activating mutations, in animals at least, lead to enhanced eumelanin synthesis. In man, a number of loss-of-function mutations in the MC1R have been described. The majority of red-heads (red-haired persons) are compound heterozygotes or homozygotes for up to five frequent loss-of-function mutations. A minority of redheads are, however, only heterozygote. The MC1R is, therefore, a major determinant of sun sensitivity and a genetic risk factor for melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer. Recent work suggests that the MC1R also shows a clear heterozygote effect on skin type, with up to 30% of the population harbouring loss-of-function mutations. Activating mutations of the MC1R in man have not been described. The MC1R is particularly informative and a tractable gene for studies of human evolution and migration. In particular, study of the MC1R may provide insights into the lightening of skin colour observed in most European populations. The world wide pattern of MC1R diversity is compatible with functional constraint operating in Africa, whereas the greater allelic diversity seen in non-African populations is consistent with neutral predictions rather than selection. Whether this conclusion is as a result of weakness in the statistical testing procedures applied, or whether it will be seen in other pigment genes will be of great interest for studies of human skin colour evolution.  相似文献   

Xi D  Liu Q  Huo Y  Sun Y  Leng J  Gou X  Mao H  Deng W 《Molecular biology reports》2012,39(7):7293-7301
The melanocortin 1 receptor gene (MC1R) plays a crucial role in determining coat colour of mammals. To investigate the relationship of polymorphism of the MC1R with coat colour in gayal, the coding sequence (CDS), and the 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions (UTR) of the MC1R were sequenced from 63 samples from the gayal and compared with the sequences of the MC1R from other ruminant species. A sequence of 1,136 bp including the whole CDS (954 bp) and parts of the 5'- and 3'-UTR (164 and 18 bp, respectively) of the gayal MC1R was obtained. A total of nine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) including four SNPs (c.-129T>C, c.-127A>C, c.-106C>T, c.-1G>A) in the 5'-UTR and five SNPs (c.201C>T, c.583C>T, c.663T>C, c.871A>G and c.876T>C) in the CDS were detected, revealing high genetic diversity. Three novel coding SNPs including c.201C>T, c.583C>T and c.876T>C, which have not been reported previously in bovid species, were retrieved. Within five coding SNPs, c.201C>T, c.663T>C and c.876T>C were silent mutations, while c.583C>T and c.871A>G were mis-sense mutations, resulting in changes in the amino acids located in the fifth (p.L195F) and seventh (p.T291A) transmembrane regions, respectively. The alignment of amino acid sequences was found to be very similar to those for other bovid species. It was demonstrated, using the functional effect prediction, that the p.T291A amino acid replacement could have an effect on MC1R protein function but not for the p.L195F substitution. Using phylogenetic analyses it was revealed that the gayal has a close genetic relationship with the yak. However, three classical bovine MC1R loci the E (D), E (+) and e were not retrieved in the gayal, indicating other genes or factors could affect coat colour in this species.  相似文献   

Kim KS  Lee JJ  Shin HY  Choi BH  Lee CK  Kim JJ  Cho BW  Kim TH 《Animal genetics》2006,37(4):419-421
The aim of this study was to analyse the combined effect of melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) and high mobility group AT-hook 1 (HMGA1) polymorphisms on growth and fatness traits in Duroc pigs. No significant interaction was observed between MC4R and HMGA1 for back-fat traits. An additive mode of inheritance of both gene effects was found for average daily gain and lean meat content. Maximum mean differences from combined genotypic effects were over 2 mm for back fat, 70 g/day for average daily gain and 2% for lean meat content. Therefore, utilization of polymorphisms in both MC4R and HMGA1 for marker-assisted selection could result in an economic benefit to the pig industry.  相似文献   

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