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本文记述小毛瓢虫属ScymnusKugelann小瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Pullus)Mulsant三新种:枝角小瓢虫Ssymnus(Pullus)cladocerussp.nov.,鞭丝小瓢虫Scymnus(Pullus)mastigoidessp.nov.,肾斑小瓢虫Scymnus(Pullus)nephrospiulssp.nov.。  相似文献   

本文记述小毛瓢虫属Scymnus Kugelann小瓢虫亚属Scymnus(Pullus)Mulsant三新种:枝角小瓢虫Scymnus(Pullus)cladocerussp.nov,鞭丝小瓢虫Scymnus(Pullus)mastigoides sp.nov.,肾斑小瓢虫Scymnus(Pullus)nephrospilus sp.nov.。  相似文献   

本文所描述的17个新种,为云南省森林病虫害普查所采集,在此,对参加这一工作的同志表示感谢。 以上模式标本均存云南省林业厅昆虫标本室。1.陆良褐菌瓢虫 Vibidia luliangensis,新种 体长:4.5毫米;体宽:3.5毫米。 头部黄褐色,复眼黑色,唇基,口器及触角黄褐色。前胸背板及鞘翅黄褐色。前胸背板两侧各具乳白色的两个斑,分别位于前角和基角,后者近四边形。小盾片黄褐色。  相似文献   

广东小毛瓢虫新种记述(鞘翅目:瓢虫科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庞雄飞 《昆虫学报》1986,(3):308-311
广东省龙门县南昆山自然保护区,位于北回归线上,植物种类丰富,瓢虫种类也较多,我们准备继续采集和整理。本文记述属于小毛瓢虫属的两新种。模式标本保存于华南农业大学昆虫标本室。量度均为毫米。 南昆小瓢虫Scymnus (Pullus)nankunicus新种 雄 体长1.4;体宽1.0。虫体外缘卵形,中度隆起,背面披黄白色绒毛,鞘翅上绒毛排列成“S”形。头部黄色,复眼黑色,上颚末端黄褐色。前胸背板浅黄褐色。小盾片黑褐色  相似文献   

闪蓝红点唇瓢虫生物学特性观察及利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李毓晶 《昆虫知识》1994,31(4):231-233
我场有竹林面积6万多亩,人工林面积2万多亩。1982年以来毛竹拟白盾蚧Kuwamspispseudoleucaspis(Kuwana))危害毛竹严重,有虫株率58%。擦木白轮蚣,AulacaspissassfrasChen危害檫水,有虫株率100%。在工作中发现闪蓝红点唇瓢虫ChilocoruscholybeatusGorh能控制这两种蚣虫危害,为此我们对其进行了生物学特性的观察和利用。现将结果分述如下。1形态特征成虫长4.5~5.6mm,宽3.9~50mm,虫体呈圆形拱起。头部黑至黑褐色。前胸背板黑色,仅前角有细窄的红棕色边缘。小盾片黑色。鞘翅基色黑色,记在黑色部分呈现蓝色金属光泽。在鞘翅位…  相似文献   

郑发科 《昆虫学报》1997,40(2):195-197
在整理川、滇标本时,发现巨须隐翅虫属OxyporusFabricius(1775)二新种,报道如下。模式标本保存在四川师范学院生物系。溪巨须隐翅虫oxypomsriparius新种(图1~4)雄性:头黑色,触角、下颚须、下唇黄色,上颚黑色。前胸背板黑色。鞘翅前部黄色,后外角有一三角形黑斑,其前界由外缘中部约伸至缝端,但不与缝相接。小盾片黑色,鞘翅与之相邻的黑域小。足黄色,跑节色稍深。腹部第2~4可见背扳两侧黄色、中部黑色,第5、6背板黑色,腹末黄色。体长67~7.5mrn。头稍横宽(0.75:1.15mm),略较前胸短(O.75:O.9mm),与之约等宽。…  相似文献   

本文记述中国重庆北碚沼梭科3新种,正模保存在西南师范大学生命科学系(重庆、北碚),副模保存在中国科学院动物研究所(北京)。1. Peltodytesaschnae, 新种(图1~8a)本种相似于PeltodytescoomaniPeschet, 但鞘翅斑纹和雄性外生殖器形状均不相同,后者鞘翅斑纹较小。正模:♂,重庆北碚,1998- Ⅵ- 11, D. Makhan 采;副模:6♀♀,5♂♂,同正模;1♀,重庆北碚晋云山,1998- Ⅵ- 12, D. Makhan 采;2♂♂,3♀♀,重庆北碚,1998- Ⅵ- 16,D. Makhan 采。2. Haliplusrishwani, 新种(图9~6)本种前胸背板基褶相似于HaliplusjaponicusSharp, 但鞘翅色斑和雄性生殖器形状不同。正模:♂,重庆北碚,1998- Ⅵ- 11,D.Makhan采;副模13♂♂,20♀♀,同正模;1♂,重庆北碚,1998- Ⅵ- 10,D.Makhan采;2♂♂,重庆北碚晋云山,1998- Ⅵ- 12,D. Makhan 采。3. Haliplusamrishi, 新种(图17~24)本种相似于HaliplusdiopusGuignot, 但  相似文献   

拟流苏耳蕨新种图1PolystichumsubfimbriatumW.M.ChuetZ.R.He,sp.nov.TYPE:Yunnan(云南),Zhenxiong(镇雄),Huashan(花山),alt.1950m,infisuresoflimest...  相似文献   

转柳叶蜂NematustrochanteratusMalaise属叶蜂科(Tenthredinidae)丝叶蜂属Nema-tus。在山东分布于海拔500m以上的山区,国内山西和江苏也有分布。主要危害杨树和柳树叶片。1984~1990年作者在泰安市定点观察。现将结果报道如下。1形态特征(见图)成虫:雌蜂体长8.5~9.5mm,翅展21~22.5mm。体黑色具光泽。头部红褐色。触角黑色,9节;第3、4节最长,长为后3节之和。单眼红褐色。上唇红褐色,宽大于长,上端及下端部黑色。前胸背板黄褐色达翅基片。中胸背板红褐色,中叶中央具黑色纵线,小盾片前缘及后缘具黑色边,其余红褐色,眉…  相似文献   

本文记述采自广西壮族自治区的长崎齿瓢虫属2新种,即弄岗崎齿瓢虫Afissulanonggangensis,sp.nov.和鸟喙崎齿瓢虫A.ornithorrhyncha,sp.nov。模式标本除弄岗崎齿瓢虫A.nonggangensis(正模♂,配模♀和副模5♂4♀)保存在南京农业大学植保系外,其余标本保存在广西农科院植保所。  相似文献   

Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is a serious threat to tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) crops in South America. In Europe, after its first detection in Spain in 2006, it rapidly spread through the Mediterranean basin, reaching Italy 2 yr later. The aim of our work was to find indigenous effective biological control agents and to evaluate their potential role in the control of larval populations of T. absoluta in controlled conditions. Nine species of larval parasitoids emerged from field-collected tomato leaves infested by T. absoluta. The most abundant, Necremnus near artynes (Walker) and Necremnus near tidius (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), were tested in laboratory parasitism trials. Furthermore, because the species N. artynes and N. tidius are each reported in literature as an ectoparasitoid of Cosmopterix pulchrimella Chambers (Lepidoptera: Cosmopterigidae) on upright pellitory plants, olfactometer bioassays were performed to assess the response of our parasitoids to the odors of tomato and pellitory leaves infested by T absoluta and C. pulchrimella, respectively, compared with healthy ones. Both Necremnus species showed good adaptation to the invasive pest, and we observed a high larval mortality of T. absoluta because of host feeding and parasitism. Even olfactory responses highlighted a preference of both wasps for tomato plants infested by the exotic pest. These preliminary results demonstrated a high suitability of these indigenous natural enemies for controlling T. absoluta. Further investigations are needed to confirm their role as potential biological agents in commercial tomato plantations.  相似文献   

One species of parasitic bug (Hemiptera : Cimicidae), 3 species of fleas (Siphonaptera: Ischnopsyllidae), and 2 species of parasitic flies (Diptera : Nycteribiidae) were collected from 9 species of bats (Chiroptera : Vespertilionidae) in southern interior and northeastern British Columbia, Canada. Female bats that return daily to maternity roosts were more frequently infested with both cimicids and ischnopsyllids than were male bats. Some differences in ectoparasite infestation can be attributed to differences in roosting behavior of the host. New national records for 2 parasite species, and 8 new host records are established for Canada.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of four enzymatic loci has been examined in 27 populations of Tetranychus urticae in relation to their geographical distribution and to two ecological parameters: open field vs. greenhouse habitats, and species of the colonized host plant. Genetic differentiation was significantly correlated to geographical distance in both types of habitat. Mite density and distribution of infested plants appear to be important factors for the population structure of T. urticae . In open field, T. urticae specimens from citrus trees were genetically more similar to other 'citrus' samples collected in different localities than they were from mites collected in the same locality on other plant species.  相似文献   

壳斗科三种植物种子大小对昆虫寄生及种子存活率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种子内的寄生昆虫可以严重影响种子的发育、损害种子活力。种子足余策略理论认为大种子有利于抵御和适应昆虫寄生取食,但动物最优觅食理论推测,大种子更易遭受昆虫寄生。为对这两种对立观点进行验证,本实验以青冈、苦槠和麻栎各2个种群的种子为材料,对昆虫寄生与完好种子间的体积和萌发率进行比较,并对寄生种子萌发率与种子体积的关系进行了分析。结果显示:(1)在6个种群的种子中,只有松阳麻栎和青冈种群的寄生种子体积大于完好种子,其余4个种群的寄生种子体积小于完好种子,但这种差异不显著;(2)所有寄生种子的整体萌发率(18%)显著低于完好种子(45.66%)(P<0.001),在不同种群内,寄生种子的萌发率也分别显著低于完好种子。(3)比较同种植物体积差异显著的寄生种子的萌发率发现,大种子总比小种子具有更高的萌发率,但差异不显著;在不同植物的寄生种子间比较时,体积最大的麻栎种子萌发率显著高于体积较小的青冈和苦槠种子。研究结果表明,象虫在种子上产卵时对大种子没有选择偏好,在昆虫寄生取食严重损害种子活力的压力下,大种子比小种子具有更强的耐受力。  相似文献   

To clarify the prey‐finding behavior of the predatory mite Neoseiulus womersleyi (Schicha) (Acari: Phytoseiidae), we studied its olfactory responses to volatiles from the prey‐infested plant on which the mites had been collected. We used a local N. womersleyi population called Kanaya collected from tea (Camellia sinensis L.) (Theaceae) plants infested by Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Kanaya City, Japan. Neoseiulus womersleyi (Kanaya population) were more attracted to volatiles from tea plants infested with five female T. kanzawai per leaf for 7 days than to intact tea leaves in a Y‐tube olfactometer. Tetranychus kanzawai‐induced tea leaf volatiles were identified as (E)‐β‐ocimene, (E)‐4,8‐dimethyl‐1,3,7‐nonatriene, and (E,E)‐α‐farnesene. As olfactory responses are known to differ among local populations of N. womersleyi, we compared the responses of the Kanaya population with those of a Kikugawa population collected from tea plants infested by T. kanzawai in Kikugawa City. To test the influence of previous predation experience, we reared the two populations on tea plants infested by T. kanzawai or on kidney bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) infested by Tetranychus urticae Koch. The Kanaya population was more attracted to the volatiles from infested plants on which they had been reared. Because the Kanaya population was not attracted to the plant volatiles they had not previously experienced, the positive response to previously experienced volatiles might be the result of learning. By contrast, the Kikugawa population showed no preference for previously experienced volatiles from infested plants. The implications of this flexibility in foraging behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

The light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker), an Australia native tortricid, was found in California in 2006. A field survey of host plants used by E. postvittana was conducted in an urban region of the San Francisco Bay Area. An inspection of 152 plant species (66 families), within a 23-ha residential community, found E. postvittana on 75 species (36 families). Most (69 species) host plants were not Australian natives, but had a wide geographic origin; 34 species were new host records for E. postvittana. Heavily infested species were the ornamental shrubs Myrtus communis L., Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.) W.T. Aiton, Euonymus japonicus Thunb., and Sollya heterophylla Lindl. To survey for parasitoids, four urban locations were sampled, with E. postvittana collected from five commonly infested plants [M. communis, P. tobira, E. japonicus, Rosmarinus officinalis L., and Genista monspessulana (L.) L.A.S. Johnson]. Twelve primary parasitoid species and two hyperparasitoids were reared; the most common were the egg parasitoid Trichogramma fasciatum (Perkins), the larval parasitoids Meteorus ictericus Nees, and Enytus eureka (Ashmead), and the pupal parasitoid Pediobius ni Peck. Meteorus ictericus accounted for >80% of the larval parasitoids, and was recovered from larvae collected on 39 plant species. Across all samples, mean parasitism was 84.4% for eggs, 43.6% for larvae, and 57.5% for pupae. The results are discussed with respect to the potential for resident parasitoid species to suppress E. postvittana populations.  相似文献   

本文记述异小黑螨属Xenocoligonellidus Dc Leon 1959一新种:斯氏异小黑螨Xenocaligonellidus smileyi,sp.nov。  相似文献   

Four species of ticks were collected from 537 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), examined during the hunting seasons (November to January) of 1988-89 and 1989-90 at selected locations in Alabama (USA). Ixodes scapularis was the most common tick recovered (2,060 specimens) and infested 54% of the deer. Dermacentor albipictus was the second most frequent tick (1,253 specimens) and infested 15% of the deer. Amblyomma americanum was the third most frequent tick (315 specimens) and infested 24% of the deer; this was the only species of tick collected from deer at all sampling locations. Amblyomma maculatum was an infrequent parasite (five specimens) and infested only 1% of the deer; this tick species was only recorded during the 1989-90 season. Year-to-year and geographical differences in tick infestation parameters were noted. The data are compared with those reported for previous surveys of ticks infesting white-tailed deer in Alabama and adjacent states.  相似文献   

Three pink-colored yeast strains 3-1-3, 10-3-3 and 19-3-3 were isolated from xylem of surface-sterilized twigs of Pinus tabulaeformis collected from Dongling Mountain, Beijing, in different seasons. These strains were identified as Rhodotorula minuta (Saito) F.C. Harrison by conventional taxonomic characterization. However, molecular phylogenetic analysis based on internal transcribed spacer region (including 5.8S rDNA) and large-subunit rDNA D1/D2 domain sequences indicated that they represent a novel basidiomycetous yeast species, for which Rhodotorula pinicola is proposed (type strain: AS 2.2193(T)=CBS 9130(T)). The new species was most closely related to Rhodotorula laryngis Reiers?l in the R. minuta complex.  相似文献   

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