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Proteasome activation as a critical event of thymocyte apoptosis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Caspase activation may occur in a direct fashion as a result of CD95 death receptor crosslinking (exogenous pathway) or may be triggered indirectly, via a Bcl-2 inhibitable mitochondrial permeabilization event (endogenous pathway). Thymocyte apoptosis is generally accompanied by proteasome activation. If death is induced by DNA damage, inactivation of p53, overexpression of a Bcl-2 transgene, inhibition of protein synthesis, and antioxidants (N-acetylcyteine, catalase) prevent proteasome activation. Glucocorticoid-induced proteasome activation follows a similar pattern of inhibition except for p53. Caspase inhibition fails to affect proteasome activation induced by topoisomerase inhibition or glucocorticoid receptor ligation. In contrast, caspase activation (but not p53 knockout or Bcl-2 overexpression) does interfere with proteasome activation induced by CD95. Specific inhibition of proteasomes with lactacystin or MG123 blocks caspase activation at a pre-mitochondrial level if thymocyte apoptosis is induced by DNA damage or glucocorticoids. In strict contrast, proteasome inhibition has no inhibitory effect on the mitochondrial and nuclear phases of apoptosis induced via CD95. Thus, proteasome activation is a critical event of thymocyte apoptosis stimulated via the endogenous pathway yet dispensable for CD95-triggered death.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) is a conserved pathway regulating numerous biological processes including protein turnover, DNA repair, and intracellular trafficking. Tumor cells are dependent on a functioning UPS, making it an ideal target for the development of novel anti-cancer therapies. The development of bortezomib (Velcade®) as a treatment for multiple myeloma and mantle cell lymphoma has verified this and suggests that targeting other components of the UPS may be a viable strategy for the treatment for cancer. We recently described a novel class of proteasome inhibitors that function by an alternative mechanism of action (D’Arcy et al., 2011). The small molecule b-AP15 blocks the deubiquitinase (DUB) activity of the 19S regulatory particle (19S RP) without inhibiting the proteolytic activities of the 20S core particle (20S CP). b-AP15 inhibits two proteasome-associated DUBs, USP14 and UCHL5, resulting in a rapid accumulation of high molecular weight ubiquitin conjugates and a functional proteasome shutdown. Interestingly, b-AP15 displays several differences to bortezomib including insensitivity to over-expression of the anti-apoptotic mediator Bcl-2 and anti-tumor activity in solid tumor models. In this review we will discuss the potential of proteasome deubiquitinase inhibitors as additions to the therapeutic arsenal against cancer.  相似文献   

Assembly of the eukaryotic 20S proteasome is an ordered process involving several proteins operating as proteasome assembly factors including PAC1-PAC2 but archaeal 20S proteasome subunits can spontaneously assemble into an active cylindrical architecture. Recent bioinformatic analysis identified archaeal PAC1-PAC2 homologs PbaA and PbaB. However, it remains unclear whether such assembly factor-like proteins play an indispensable role in orchestration of proteasome subunits in archaea. We revealed that PbaB forms a homotetramer and exerts a dual function as an ATP-independent proteasome activator and a molecular chaperone through its tentacle-like C-terminal segments. Our findings provide insights into molecular evolution relationships between proteasome activators and assembly factors.  相似文献   

The central role of the proteasome in controlling the expression of regulators of cell proliferation and survival has led to interest in developing proteasome inhibitors as novel anticancer agents. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that proteasome inhibitors have activity against a variety of tumor types. One of these agents, PS-341, has been tested in phase I trials in a variety of tumor types; in these trials, PS-341 treatment was well tolerated and preliminary evidence of biological activity was observed in some patients. Phase II trials in several hematological malignancies and solid tumor types are now in progress.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2014,14(2):128-139
A novel method termed the biological transcomplementary activation (B-TCA) has been recently utilized for the stimulation of porcine oocytes reconstituted by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). The use of cytosolic components originating from fertilized (FE) rabbit zygotes as the stimuli for the B-TCA of SCNT-derived pig oocytes appeared to be a highly efficient strategy applied to promote the in vitro development of cloned embryos, leading to a significant improvement in the blastocyst yield (43.6%) compared to the yields achieved using the standard protocol of simultaneous fusion and electrical activation (SF-EA; [31.3%]) or the protocol of delayed electrical activation (D-EA) independent of extracellular Ca2+ ions (0%). The FE rabbit zygote cytoplast-mediated B-TCA resulted in the increased blastocyst formation rate of porcine cloned embryos as compared to the B-TCA triggered by either cytoplasts isolated from pig parthenogenotes (PAs; [27.8%]) or rabbit PA-descended cytoplasts (0%). A considerably lower percentage of blastocysts containing apoptotic and/or necrotic (annexin V-eGFP-positive) cells were obtained from the SCNT-derived oocytes stimulated by the FE rabbit zygote cytoplast-based B-TCA (22.2%) compared to those stimulated using the SF-EA protocol (35.1%). In contrast to the B-TCA induced by FE rabbit zygote cytoplasts, apoptosis/necrosis incidence decreased totally among the cloned pig blastocysts that developed from reconstituted oocytes undergoing the porcine PA cytoplast-evoked B-TCA. In conclusion, the FE rabbit zygote cytoplast-mediated B-TCA turned out to be a relatively effective strategy for the in vitro production of porcine blastocyst clones of higher quality compared to those created using the standard SF-EA approach.  相似文献   

There is no question that necrosis and apoptosis contribute to cardiomyocyte death in the setting of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion. Indeed, considerable effort and resources have been invested in the development of novel therapies aimed at attenuating necrotic and apoptotic cell death, with the ultimate goal of applying these strategies to reduce infarct size and improve outcome in patients suffering acute myocardial infarction (MI) or ‘heart attack’. However, an issue that remains controversial is the role of autophagy in determining the fate of ischemic-reperfused cardiomyocytes: i.e., is induction of autophagy detrimental or protective? Recent data from our group obtained in the clinically relevant, in vivo swine model of acute MI provide novel evidence of a positive association between pharmacological upregulation of autophagy (achieved by administration of chloramphenicol succinate (CAPS)) and increased resistance to myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

Neuroprotective strategies, including free radical scavengers, ion channel modulators, and anti-inflammatory agents, have been extensively explored in the last 2 decades for the treatment of neurological diseases. Unfortunately, none of the neuroprotectants has been proved effective in clinical trails. In the current study, we demonstrated that methylene blue (MB) functions as an alternative electron carrier, which accepts electrons from NADH and transfers them to cytochrome c and bypasses complex I/III blockage. A de novo synthesized MB derivative, with the redox center disabled by N-acetylation, had no effect on mitochondrial complex activities. MB increases cellular oxygen consumption rates and reduces anaerobic glycolysis in cultured neuronal cells. MB is protective against various insults in vitro at low nanomolar concentrations. Our data indicate that MB has a unique mechanism and is fundamentally different from traditional antioxidants. We examined the effects of MB in two animal models of neurological diseases. MB dramatically attenuates behavioral, neurochemical, and neuropathological impairment in a Parkinson disease model. Rotenone caused severe dopamine depletion in the striatum, which was almost completely rescued by MB. MB rescued the effects of rotenone on mitochondrial complex I-III inhibition and free radical overproduction. Rotenone induced a severe loss of nigral dopaminergic neurons, which was dramatically attenuated by MB. In addition, MB significantly reduced cerebral ischemia reperfusion damage in a transient focal cerebral ischemia model. The present study indicates that rerouting mitochondrial electron transfer by MB or similar molecules provides a novel strategy for neuroprotection against both chronic and acute neurological diseases involving mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   

An important feature shared by many cancer cells is drastically altered metabolism that is critical for rapid growth and proliferation. The distinctly reprogrammed metabolism in cancer cells makes it possible to manipulate the levels of metabolites for cancer treatment. Citrate is a key metabolite that bridges many important metabolic pathways. Recent studies indicate that manipulating the level of citrate can impact the behaviors of both cancer and immune cells, resulting in induction of cancer cell apoptosis, boosting immune responses, and enhanced cancer immunotherapy. In this review, we discuss the recent developments in this emerging area of targeting citrate in cancer treatment. Specifically, we summarize the molecular basis of altered citrate metabolism in both tumors and immune cells, explore the seemingly conflicted growth promoting and growth inhibiting roles of citrate in various tumors, discuss the use of citrate in the clinic as a novel biomarker for cancer progression and outcomes, and highlight the new development of combining citrate with other therapeutic strategies in cancer therapy. An improved understanding of complex roles of citrate in the suppressive tumor microenvironment should open new avenues for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The proteasome is a proteolytic machinery that executes the degradation of polyubiquitinated proteins to maintain cellular homeostasis. Proteasome inhibition is a unique and effective way to kill cancer cells because they are sensitive to proteotoxic stress. Indeed, the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib is now indispensable for the treatment of multiple myeloma and other intractable malignancies, but is associated with patient inconvenience due to intravenous injection and emerging drug resistance. To resolve these problems, we attempted to develop orally bioavailable proteasome inhibitors with distinct mechanisms of action and identified homopiperazine derivatives (HPDs) as promising candidates. Biochemical and crystallographic studies revealed that some HPDs inhibit all three catalytic subunits (ß 1, ß 2 and ß 5) of the proteasome by direct binding, whereas bortezomib and other proteasome inhibitors mainly act on the ß5 subunit. Proteasome-inhibitory HPDs exhibited cytotoxic effects on cell lines from various hematological malignancies including myeloma. Furthermore, K-7174, one of the HPDs, was able to inhibit the growth of bortezomib-resistant myeloma cells carrying a ß5-subunit mutation. Finally, K-7174 had additive effects with bortezomib on proteasome inhibition and apoptosis induction in myeloma cells. Taken together, HPDs could be a new class of proteasome inhibitors, which compensate for the weak points of conventional ones and overcome the resistance to bortezomib.  相似文献   

Food restriction causes a set of physiological changes that reduce the rate of aging. At the level of an organism, these changes are initiated by a hormonal response, which in turn activates certain intracellular signaling cascades. As a result, cells increase their antioxidant capacities and decrease the risk of cancerous transformation. A number of small molecule compounds activating these signaling cascades have been described. One could expect that direct pharmacological activation of the signaling can produce a stronger antiaging effect than that achieved by the indirect hormonal stimulation. Data from the literature point to the opposite. Possibly, a problem with pharmacological activators is that they cause generation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species. Indeed, hyperpolarized mitochondria are known to induce oxidative stress. Such hyperpolarization could happen because of artificial activation of cellular response to caloric restriction in the absence of energy deficit. At the same time, energy deficit seems likely to be a natural consequence of the shortage of nutrients. Thus, there is a possibility that combining the pharmacological activators with compounds that decrease mitochondrial transmembrane potential, uncouplers, could be a powerful antiaging strategy.  相似文献   

Mesothelin, a differentiation antigen present in a series of malignancies such as mesothelioma, ovarian, lung and pancreatic cancer, has been studied as a marker for diagnosis and a target for immunotherapy. We, however, were interested in evaluating the effects of direct targeting of Mesothelin on the viability of cancer cells as the first step towards developing a novel therapeutic strategy. We report here that gene specific silencing for Mesothelin by distinct methods (siRNA and microRNA) decreased viability of cancer cells from different origins such as mesothelioma (H2373), ovarian cancer (Skov3 and Ovcar-5) and pancreatic cancer (Miapaca2 and Panc-1). Additionally, the invasiveness of cancer cells was also significantly decreased upon such treatment. We then investigated pro-oncogenic signaling characteristics of cells upon mesothelin-silencing which revealed a significant decrease in phospho-ERK1 and PI3K/AKT activity. The molecular mechanism of reduced invasiveness was connected to the reduced expression of β-Catenin, an important marker of EMT (epithelial-mesenchymal transition). Ero1, a protein involved in clearing unfolded proteins and a member of the ER-Stress (endoplasmic reticulum-stress) pathway was also markedly reduced. Furthermore, Mesothelin silencing caused a significant increase in fraction of cancer cells in S-phase. In next step, treatment of ovarian cancer cells (OVca429) with a lentivirus expressing anti-mesothelin microRNA resulted in significant loss of viability, invasiveness, and morphological alterations. Therefore, we propose the inhibition of Mesothelin as a potential novel strategy for targeting human malignancies.  相似文献   

The application and success of combinatorial approaches to protein engineering problems have increased dramatically. However, current directed evolution strategies lack a combinatorial methodology for creating libraries of hybrid enzymes which lack high homology or for creating libraries of highly homologous genes with fusions at regions of non-identity. To create such hybrid enzyme libraries, we have developed a series of combinatorial approaches that utilize the incremental truncation of genes, gene fragments or gene libraries. For incremental truncation, Exonuclease III is used to create a library of all possible single base-pair deletions of a given piece of DNA. Incremental truncation libraries (ITLs) have applications in protein engineering as well as protein folding, enzyme evolution, and the chemical synthesis of proteins. In addition, we are developing a methodology of DNA shuffling which is independent of DNA sequence homology.  相似文献   

Calcineurin is a calcium-activated serine/threonine phosphatase critical to a number of developmental processes in the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. In the T-cell lineage, calcineurin activation is important for pre-T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling, TCR-mediated positive selection of thymocytes into mature T cells, and many aspects of the immune response. The critical role of calcineurin in the immune response is underscored by the fact that calcineurin inhibitors, such as cyclosporin A (CsA) and FK506, are powerful immunosuppressants in wide clinical use. We observed sustained calcineurin activation in human B- and T-cell lymphomas and in all mouse models of lymphoid malignancies analyzed. In intracellular NOTCH1 (ICN1)- and TEL-JAK2-induced T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia, two mouse models relevant to human malignancies, in vivo inhibition of calcineurin activity by CsA or FK506 induced apoptosis of leukemic cells and rapid tumor clearance, and substantially prolonged mouse survival. In contrast, ectopic expression of a constitutively activated mutant of calcineurin favored leukemia progression. Moreover, CsA treatment induced apoptosis in human lymphoma and leukemia cell lines. Thus, calcineurin activation is critical for the maintenance of the leukemic phenotype in vivo, identifying this pathway as a relevant therapeutic target in lymphoid malignancies.  相似文献   

The improvement of the cytocompatibility of medical implants is a major goal in biomaterials research. During the last years many researchers worked on the fascinating approach to seed the respective cell types on various artificial substrates before implantation. For instance, cell-seeded implants are supposed to be better candidates for transplantable bone substitutes than conventional artificial bone grafts. To improve cell seeding efficiency and cytocompatibility, we designed a new coating material for medical implants. We used aptamers, highly specific cell binding nucleic acids generated by combinatorial chemistry with an in vitro selection called systematic evolution of exponential enrichment (SELEX). Aptamers do have high binding affinity and selectivity to their target. In our study, human osteoblasts from osteosarcoma tissue were used as a target to create the aptamer. Single aptamer mediated cell sorting assays showed the binding affinity with osteoblasts. Additionally, the aptamers immobilized on tissue culture plates could capture osteoblasts directly and rapidly from the cell solution. This model proves that aptamer coated artificial surfaces can greatly enhance cell adhesion. We assume that this strategy is capable to improve the clinical application of tissue engineered implants.  相似文献   

Huang J  Liu K  Yu Y  Xie M  Kang R  Vernon P  Cao L  Tang D  Ni J 《Autophagy》2012,8(2):275-277
Autophagy is a catabolic process critical to maintaining cellular homeostasis and responding to cytotoxic insult. Autophagy is recognized as "programmed cell survival" in contrast to apoptosis or programmed cell death. Upregulation of autophagy has been observed in many types of cancers and has been demonstrated to both promote and inhibit antitumor drug resistance depending to a large extent on the nature and duration of the treatment-induced metabolic stress as well as the tumor type. Cisplatin, doxorubicin and methotrexate are commonly used anticancer drugs in osteosarcoma, the most common form of childhood and adolescent cancer. Our recent study demonstrated that high mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1)-mediated autophagy is a significant contributor to drug resistance in osteosarcoma cells. Inhibition of both HMGB1 and autophagy increase the drug sensitivity of osteosarcoma cells in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the ULK1-FIP200 complex is required for the interaction between HMGB1 and BECN1, which then promotes BECN1-PtdIns3KC3 complex formation during autophagy. Thus, these findings provide a novel mechanism of osteosarcoma resistance to therapy facilitated by HMGB1-mediated autophagy and provide a new target for the control of drug-resistant osteosarcoma patients.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a catabolic process critical to maintaining cellular homeostasis and responding to cytotoxic insult. Autophagy is recognized as “programmed cell survival” in contrast to apoptosis or programmed cell death. Upregulation of autophagy has been observed in many types of cancers and has been demonstrated to both promote and inhibit antitumor drug resistance depending to a large extent on the nature and duration of the treatment-induced metabolic stress as well as the tumor type. Cisplatin, doxorubicin and methotrexate are commonly used anticancer drugs in osteosarcoma, the most common form of childhood and adolescent cancer. Our recent study demonstrated that high mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1)-mediated autophagy is a significant contributor to drug resistance in osteosarcoma cells. Inhibition of both HMGB1 and autophagy increase the drug sensitivity of osteosarcoma cells in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the ULK1-FIP200 complex is required for the interaction between HMGB1 and BECN1, which then promotes BECN1-PtdIns3KC3 complex formation during autophagy. Thus, these findings provide a novel mechanism of osteosarcoma resistance to therapy facilitated by HMGB1-mediated autophagy and provide a new target for the control of drug-resistant osteosarcoma patients.  相似文献   

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