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Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry has been used to obtain accurate molecular weight information for the integral membrane proteins bacteriorhodopsin and bovine rhodopsin desorbed from solubilized membrane preparations. Mass differences in the molecular weights measured for bleached and unbleached bacteriorhodopsin and rhodopsin indicate the removal of the retinal chromophores upon bleaching. The MALDI technique was also successful for determination of the major cleavage products obtained upon treatment of membrane bound rhodopsin with endoproteinase Asp-N and thermolysin. Our results indicate that the MALDI method is a useful means of obtaining accurate molecular weight information on hydrophobic proteins isolated in their native membranes.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin (BR), halorhodopsin (HR), and rhodopsin (Rh) all belong to the class of seven-helix membrane proteins. For BR, a structural model at atomic resolution is available; for HR, diffraction data are available only down to a resolution of 6 Å in the membrane plane, and for Rh, down to 9 Å. BR and HR are closely related proteins with a sequence homology of 34%, while Rh does not share any sequence homology with BR. An atomic model for HR is derived that is based on sequence alignment and the atomic model for BR and is improved by molecular dynamics simulations. The model structure obtained accounts well for the experimentally observed difference between HR and BR in the projection map, where HR exhibits a higher density in the region between helices D and E. The reason for this difference lies partially in the different side chains and partially in slightly different helix tilts. The scattering amplitudes and phases of the model structure are calculated and agree with the experimental data down to a resolution of about 8 Å. If the helix positions are adopted from the projection map for HR and used as input in the model, this number improves to 7 Å. Analogously, an atomic model for Rh is derived based on the atomic model for BR and subjected to molecular dynamics simulations. Optimal agreement with the experimental projection map for Rh is obtained when the entire model structure is rotated slightly about two axes in the membrane plane. The agreement with the experimental projection map is not as satisfactory as for HR, but the results indicate that even for a nonhomologous, but structurally related, protein such as Rh, an acceptable model structure can be derived from the structure of BR. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The centenary of the birth of H. Gobind Khorana provides an auspicious opportunity to review the origins and evolution of parallel advances in biophysical methodology and molecular genetics technology used to study membrane proteins. Interdisciplinary work in the Khorana laboratory in the late 1970s and for the next three decades led to productive collaborations and fostered three subsequent scientific generations whose biophysical work on membrane proteins has led to detailed elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of energy transduction by the light-driven proton pump bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and signal transduction by the G protein–coupled receptor (GPCR) rhodopsin. This review will highlight the origins and advances of biophysical studies of membrane proteins made possible by the application of molecular genetics approaches to engineer site-specific alterations of membrane protein structures.  相似文献   

EPR spectroscopy in combination with site directed spin labeling (SDSL) has become a valuable tool for structural investigations as well as for kinetic studies on proteins. This method has been especially useful for membrane proteins in yielding structural and functional data. This information is not easily available from other techniques, like, e.g., X-ray crystallography or electron microscopy. In the first part of this two part review, the topology of the sensory rhodopsin II/transducer complex (NpSRII/NpHtrII) derived from EPR constraints is compared to that obtained from X-ray crystallography. In the second part, the helix F movement observed for both sensory rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin is evaluated and discussed in order to establish a common mechanism after photoreceptor activation.  相似文献   

J Edelman 《Biopolymers》1992,32(1):3-10
A general formula is derived for the relation between the pair correlation function and the histogram of interparticle distances in small nonuniform systems. The formula is applied to random packings of spheres in a spherical container, which are generated by a Monte Carlo method. When measured properly, the resultant correlation functions are very similar to ones in bulk systems with the same volume fraction of particles. In contrast, the density is very nonuniform as a function of distance from the center of the container. The variation is an order of magnitude for the number density of particle centers, or severalfold for the occupied volume fraction. It is described how these results can be used to analyze the forces that determine protein structure.  相似文献   

The rate of regeneration of rhodopsin, from 11-cis-retinal and opsin, and bacteriorhodopsin from all-trans-retinal and bacterio-opsin, in the presence or absence of compounds whose structures partially resemble retinal were measured. Some of these compounds severely slowed down the regeneration process, but did not influence the extent of regeneration. In the case of compounds with a carbonyl functional group they were not joined to the active site of the apo-protein via a Schiff's base linkage since after treatment with NaBH4 an active apo-protein remained. The most effective inhibitors of rhodopsin regeneration were molecules whose structure could be superimposed on 9-cis or 11-cis retinal up to carbon atom 11. These C13 and C15 molecules were not distinguished between aldehyde, ketone or alcohol functional groups. The regeneration of bacteriorhodopsin was not inhibited by retinal analogues with short side chains. The most effective inhibitors were the all-trans C17-aldehyde (beta-ionylideneacetaldehyde) or C18-ketone (beta-ionylidenepent-3-ene-2-one) which, compared to retinal, lack two or three carbon atoms from the end of the poylene chain. The inhibition was very dependent upon the presence of the all-trans isomer and required aldehyde or ketone as functional group nitriles and alcohols were less effective. However, similarly to retinol, the all-trans C17 and C18 alcohols underwent a bathochromic shift and showed fine-structured spectra when mixed with bacterio-opsin.  相似文献   

Nitroxide sensors were placed in rhodopsin at sites 140, 227, 250, and 316 to monitor the dynamics and conformation of the receptor at the cytoplasmic surface in solutions of dodecyl maltoside (DM), digitonin, and phospholipid bilayers of two compositions. The EPR spectra reveal a remarkable similarity of rhodopsin structure and the activating conformational change in DM and bilayers, the hallmark of which is an outward tilt of transmembrane helix VI. This conformational change is blocked in solutions of digitonin, although changes in optical absorbance accompany activation, showing that absorbance and structural changes are not necessarily coupled. In DM and bilayers, the receptor is apparently in equilibrium between conformational substates whose populations are modulated by activation. Despite the general similarity in the two environments, the receptor conformations have increased flexibility in DM relative to bilayers. For the activated receptor in DM and bilayers, a pH-dependent conformational equilibrium is identified that may correspond to the optically characterized MII(a)()-MII(b)() equilibrium. No specific effects of headgroup composition on receptor conformation in lipid bilayers were found.  相似文献   

Possible steps in the folding of bacteriorhodopsin are revealed by studying the refolding and interaction of two fragments of the molecule reconstituted in lipid vesicles. (1) Two denatured bacteriorhodopsin fragments have been purified starting from chymotryptically cleaved bacteriorhodopsin. Cleaved bacteriorhodopsin has been renatured from a mixture of the fragments in Halobacterium lipids/retinal/dodecyl sulfate solution following removal of dodecyl sulfate by precipitation with potassium. The renatured molecules have the same absorption spectrum and extinction coefficient as native cleaved bacteriorhodopsin. They are integrated into small lipid vesicles as a mixture of monomers and aggregates. Extended lattices form during the partial dehydration process used to orient samples for X-ray and neutron crystallography. (2) Correct refolding of cleaved bacterioopsin occurs upon renaturation in the absence of retinal. Regeneration of the chromophore and reformation of the purple membrane lattice are observed following subsequent addition of all-trans retinal. (3) The two chymotryptic fragments have been reinserted separately into lipid vesicles and refolded in the absence of retinal. Circular dichroism spectra of the polypeptide backbone transitions indicate that they have regained a highly alpha-helical structure. The kinetics of chromophore regeneration following reassociation have been studied by absorption spectroscopy. Upon vesicle fusion, the refolded fragments first reassociate, then bind retinal and finally regenerate cleaved bacteriorhodopsin. The complex formed in the absence of retinal is kinetically indistinguishable from cleaved bacterioopsin. The refolded fragments in lipid vesicles are stable for months, both as separate entities and after reassociation. These observations provide further evidence that the native folded structure of bacteriorhodopsin lies at a free energy minimum. They are interpreted in terms of a two-stage folding mechanism for membrane proteins in which stable transmembrane helices are first formed. They subsequently pack without major rearrangement to produce the tertiary structure.  相似文献   

We studied the low-frequency terahertz spectroscopy of two photoactive protein systems, rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin, as a means to characterize collective low-frequency motions in helical transmembrane proteins. From this work, we found that the nature of the vibrational motions activated by terahertz radiation is surprisingly similar between these two structurally similar proteins. Specifically, at the lowest frequencies probed, the cytoplasmic loop regions of the proteins are highly active; and at the higher terahertz frequencies studied, the extracellular loop regions of the protein systems become vibrationally activated. In the case of bacteriorhodopsin, the calculated terahertz spectra are compared with the experimental terahertz signature. This work illustrates the importance of terahertz spectroscopy to identify vibrational degrees of freedom which correlate to known conformational changes in these proteins.  相似文献   

FTIR difference spectra have been obtained for the sR587----S373 phototransition of sensory rhodopsin I (sR-I), a signal-transducing protein of Halobacterium halobium. The vibrational modes of the sR587 chromophore have frequencies close to those of the bacteriorhodopsin bR568 chromophore, confirming that the two chromophores have very similar structures and environments. However, the sR-I Schiff base C = N stretch frequency is downshifted relative to bR, consistent with weaker hydrogen bonding with its counterion(s). The carboxyl (COOH) stretch modes of sR-I and halorhodopsin (hR) are at the same frequencies. On the basis of sequence homologies, these bands can be assigned to Asp-106 in helix D and/or Asp-201 in helix G. In contrast, no band was found that could be assigned to the protonation of Asp-76. In bR, the homologous residue Asp-85 serves as the acceptor group for the Schiff base proton. Bands appear in the amide I and II regions at similar frequencies in sR-I, hR, and bR, indicating that despite their different functions they all undergo closely related structural changes. Bands are also detected in the C-H stretch region, possibly due to alterations in the membrane lipids. Similar spectral features are also observed in the lipids of rhodopsin-containing photoreceptor membrane upon light activation.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to incorporate the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin into polymerized bilayers composed of a diacetylenic phosphatidylcholine, 1,2-bis(tricosa-10,12-diynoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DC8,9PC) and a non-polymerizable phospholipid, dinonanoylphosphatidylcholine (DNPC). The extent of DC8,9PC polymerization in the bilayer was significantly improved when 2:1 mole ratio DNPC-DC8,9PC was used. Octyl glucopyranoside-solubilized bacteriorhodopsin was inserted into the polymerized DNPC-DC8,9PC bilayers by overnight incubation at 4 degrees C followed by dialysis to remove the detergent. The protein was inserted into the membranes after photo-polymerization to avoid inactivation of the protein due to the UV irradiation. The insertion of bacteriorhodopsin into the polymerized DNPC-DC8,9PC membranes was confirmed by density gradient centrifugation, UV/visible spectroscopy, and freeze fracture electron microscopy. The polymerized DNPC-DC8,9PC membranes containing bacteriorhodopsin were about 10% protein by weight. These results suggest that mixed lipid systems such as the DNPC-DC8,9PC can be used to improve both the extent of polymerization and the efficiency of membrane protein incorporation in the polymerized bilayer.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin from squid photoreceptor membranes was solubilized in octyl glucoside and purified to a single band on SDS-polyacrylamide gels of Mr 46 000. Purified rhodopsin was recombined with phospholipids to form vesicles by detergent dialysis. Spectroscopic analysis of the rhodopsin-lipid vesicles showed that the interconversion between acid and basic metarhodopsin had a pK of 8. Furthermore, rhodopsin in the vesicles could be photoregenerated from metarhodopsin in solutions of either neutral or alkaline pH. These two spectroscopic properties are comparable to those for rhodopsin in photoreceptor membranes. The results indicate that the native conformation of rhodopsin is preserved during purification and after recombination with phospholipids into vesicles. This preparation is, therefore, an active starting point for functional reconstitution studies.  相似文献   

A combined experimental and theoretical study is performed on binary dilauroylphosphatidylcholine/distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC/DSPC) lipid bilayer membranes incorporating bacteriorhodopsin (BR). The system is designed to investigate the possibility that BR, via a hydrophobic matching principle related to the difference in lipid bilayer hydrophobic thickness and protein hydrophobic length, can perform molecular sorting of the lipids at the lipid-protein interface, leading to lipid specificity/selectivity that is controlled solely by physical factors. The study takes advantage of the strongly nonideal mixing behavior of the DLPC/DSPC mixture and the fact that the average lipid acyl-chain length is strongly dependent on temperature, particularly in the main phase transition region. The experiments are based on fluorescence energy transfer techniques using specifically designed lipid analogs that can probe the lipid-protein interface. The theoretical calculations exploit a microscopic molecular interaction model that embodies the hydrophobic matching as a key parameter. At low temperatures, in the gel-gel coexistence region, experimental and theoretical data consistently indicate that BR is associated with the short-chain lipid DLPC. At moderate temperatures, in the fluid-gel coexistence region, BR remains in the fluid phase, which is mainly composed of short-chain lipid DLPC, but is enriched at the interface between the fluid and gel domains. At high temperatures, in the fluid phase, BR stays in the mixed lipid phase, and the theoretical data suggest a preference of the protein for the long-chain DSPC molecules at the expense of the short-chain DLPC molecules. The combined results of the experiments and the calculations provide evidence that a molecular sorting principle is active because of hydrophobic matching and that BR exhibits physical lipid selectivity. The results are discussed in the general context of membrane organization and compartmentalization and in terms of nanometer-scale lipid-domain formation.  相似文献   

The chromophores of rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin are believed to result from an electrostatic interaction between the protonated Schiff base of retinal and amino acid side chains. It has been proposed from ESR measurements on rhodopsin (Shirane, K. (1975) Nature, 254, 722–723) and model studies using retinal and tryptophan (Ishigami, M., Maeda, Y. and Mishima, K. (1966) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 112, 372–375) that the interaction is one of charge transfer and that the amino acid involved is tryptophan. Our re-examination of this work does not support the existence of a charge-transfer complex. However, additional similarities between the model system and bateriorhodopsin were observed. It is concluded that further studies in this area may yield information about the nature of the protein chromophores.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The third cytoplasmic loop of rhodopsin (Rho EF) is important in signal transduction from the retinal in rhodopsin to its G protein, transducin. This loop also interacts with rhodopsin kinase, which phosphorylates light-activated rhodopsin, and arrestin, which displaces transducin from light-activated phosphorylated rhodopsin. RESULTS: We replaced eight residues of the EF loop of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) with 24 residues from the third cytoplasmic loop of bovine Rho EF. The surfaces of purple membrane containing the mutant BR (called IIIN) were imaged by atomic force microscopy (AFM) under physiological conditions to a resolution of 0.5-0.7 nm. The crystallinity and extracellular surface of IIIN were not perturbed, and the cytoplasmic surface of IIIN increased in height compared with BR, consistent with the larger loop. Ten residues of Rho EF were excised by V8 protease, revealing helices E and F in the AFM topographs. Rho EF was modeled onto the BR structure, and the envelope derived from the AFM data of IIIN was used to select probable models. CONCLUSIONS: A likely conformation of Rho EF involves some extension of helices E and F, with the tip of the loop lying over helix C and projecting towards the C terminus. This is consistent with mutagenesis data showing the TTQ transducin-binding motif close to loop CD, and cysteine cross-linking data indicating the C-terminal part of Rho EF to be close to the CD loop.  相似文献   

Circular dichroic (CD) spectra of three related protein pigments from Halobacterium halobium, halorhodopsin (HR), bacteriorhodopsin (BR), and sensory rhodopsin I (SR-I), are compared. In native membranes the two light-driven ion pumps, HR and BR, exhibit bilobe circular dichroism spectra characteristic of exciton splitting in the region of retinal absorption, while the phototaxis receptor, SR-I, exhibits a single positive band centered at the SR-I absorbance maximum. This indicates specific aggregation of protein monomers of HR, as previously noted [Sugiyama, Y., & Mukohata, Y. (1984) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 96, 413-420], similar to the well-characterized retinal/retinal exciton interaction in the purple membrane. The absence of this interaction in SR-I indicates SR-I is present in the native membrane as monomers or that interactions between the retinal chromophores are weak due to chromophore orientation or separation. Solubilization of HR and BR with nondenaturing detergents eliminates the exciton coupling, and the resulting CD spectra share similar features in all spectral regions from 250 to 700 nm. Schiff-base deprotonation of both BR and HR yields positive CD bands near 410 nm and shows similar fine structure in both pigments. Removal of detergent restores the HR native spectrum. HR differs from BR in that circular dichroic bands corresponding to both amino acid and retinal environments are much more sensitive to external salt concentration and pH. A theoretical analysis of the exciton spectra of HR and BR that provides a range of interchromophore distances and orientations is performed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fluid lipid bilayers are the building blocks of biological membranes. Although there is a large amount of experimental data using incoherent quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) techniques to study membranes, very little theoretical works have been developed to study the local dynamics of membranes. The main objective of this work is to build a theoretical framework to study and describe the local dynamics of lipids and derive analytical expressions of intermediate scattering functions (ISF) for QENS. As results, we developed the dynamical Matryoshka model which describes the local dynamics of lipid molecules in membrane layers as a nested hierarchical convolution of three motional processes: (i) individual motions described by the vibrational motions of H-atoms; (ii) internal motions including movements of the lipid backbone, head groups and tails, and (iii) molecule movements of the lipid molecule as a whole. The analytical expressions of the ISF associated with these movements are all derived. For use in analyzing the QENS experimental data, we also derived an analytical expression for the aggregate ISF of the Matryoshka model which involves an elastic term plus three inelastic terms of well-separated time scales and whose amplitudes and rates are functions of the lipid motions. And as an illustrative application, we used the aggregated ISF to analyze the experimental QENS data on a lipid sample of multilamellar bilayers of DMPC (1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine). It is clear from this analysis that the dynamical Matryoshka model describes very well the experimental data and allow extracting the dynamical parameters of the studied system.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of the intrinsic membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin of Halobacterium halobium on the lateral organization of the lipid phase structure in the coexistence region of an equimolar mixture of dimyristoylphos-phatidylcholine and distearoylphosphatidylcholine. The fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) technique was used to monitor the diffusion of both a lipid analog (N-(7-nitrobenzoxa-2,3-diazol-4-yl)-dimyristoylphosphatidyle thanolamine, NBD-DMPE) and fluorescein-labeled bacteriorhodopsin (Fl-BR). In the presence of bacteriorhodopsin, the mobile fractions of the two fluorescent probes display a shift of the percolation threshold toward lower temperatures (larger gel-phase fractions), independent of the protein concentration, from 43 degrees C (without bacteriorhodopsin) to 39 degrees C and 41 degrees C for NBD-DMPE and Fl-BR, respectively. Moreover, in the presence of bacteriorhodopsin, the gel-phase domains are much less efficient in restricting the diffusion of both probes than they are in the absence of the protein in the two-phase coexistence region. Bacteriorhodopsin itself, however, obstructs diffusion of NBD-DMPE and Fl-BR to about the same extent in the fluid phase of the two-phase region as it does in the homogeneous fluid phase. These observations suggest that 1) the protein induces the formation of much larger and/or more centrosymmetrical gel-phase domains than those formed in its absence, and 2) bacteriorhodopsin partitions almost equally between the coexisting fluid and gel phases. Although the molecular mechanisms involved are not clear, this phenomenon is fully consistent with the effect of the transmembrane peptide pOmpA of Escherichia coli investigated by electron spin resonance in the same lipid system.  相似文献   

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