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Bacillus popilliae and B. lentimorbus grew most rapidly and to the greatest extent in aerated cultures at 30 to 32 C with oxygen absorption rates of 1 mmole of O2 per min per liter, or above. The control of pH also increased the maximal populations attained. Media were developed which consistently produced cell populations of about 109 within 24 to 48 hr in aerated cultures of these two species. The acetic acid produced in highly aerated cultures was shown not to be responsible for the rapid loss of cell viability in stationary phase cultures. However, H2O2 was very lethal to cells of B. popilliae, and this species is known to have the capacity to produce it. Stationary-phase cells were partially stabilized by reducing the availability of oxygen after 24 hr of incubation on a shaker, and the addition of low levels of glucose further stabilized the cells. The most stable cells were those produced in a medium in which 4% Trypticase (BBL) and 0.1% barbituric acid were incorporated. A high percentage of these cells contained refractile bodies visible under a phase microscope. Although these bodies were not heat-resistant and lacked other characteristics of endospores, cells in cultures containing them had reasonably high viability for extended periods, as compared with those in control cultures.  相似文献   

The types of fatty acids produced by two strains each of Bacillus larvae, B. lentimorbus, and B. popilliae, and their distribution patterns, were studied by gas-liquid chromatography. All six organisms produced eight major fatty acids: six branched (iso-C(14), -C(15), -C(16), and -C(17), and anteiso-C(15) and -C(17)), two normal (n-C(14) and -C(16)), and two minor (n-C(15) and monounsaturated n-C(16)). In addition, some other trace acids were produced. Branched-chain fatty acids accounted for 54 to 85% of the total fatty acids. These compositions are similar to those previously found with 26 strains of 12 species of the genus Bacillus. Thus, an abundance of branched-chain fatty acids seems to be a characteristic of the biochemical nature of the genus Bacillus. It is noteworthy that marked differences between the nutritional requirements of the three insect pathogens used in the present study and those of the other 12 species of the genus Bacillus studied previously are not significantly reflected in their fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

The effects of antibiotics, sulfonamides, and other antimicrobial agents on vegetative cultures of five strains of milky disease bacteria were compared with those on Bacillus subtilis Cohn emend. Prazmowski, Staphylococcus aureus Rosenbach, Sarcina lutea Schroeter, Escherichia coli (Migula) Castellani and Chalmers, Saccharomyces pastorianus Hansen, and Mucor ramannianus Moel. Similar numbers of viable cells of each organism were exposed to the test materials by use of an antibiotic-sensitivity disc method adapted from techniques recommended by the Food and Drug Administration in the Federal Register. The results suggest that vancomycin or ristocetin, as well as a few other materials, might be useful in controlling contamination either during culture of the fastidious milky disease bacteria or in large populations of vegetative cells undergoing treatment to induce sporulation. Inhibitory concentrations of vancomycin and ristocetin in shaken-tube tests were much lower than expected in comparison with results of sensitivity-disc tests on the milky disease bacteria. Sublethal concentrations of the two antibiotics elicited some morphological change in the bacteria.  相似文献   

We digested chromosomal DNAs from 12 Campylobacter strains (C. jejuni, 4 strains; C. coli, 2 strains; C. fetus subsp. fetus, 2 strains; C. hyointestinalis, 2 strains; and C. upsaliensis, 2 strains) and from 4 Helicobacter strains (H. pylori, 2 strains; and H. mustelae, 2 strains) with HindIII, SstI, BamHI, DpnI, MboI, and Sau3AI. Restriction fragments were then separated by electrophoresis in 1% agarose or 10% polyacrylamide gels. Only DNAs from three Campylobacter species (C. jejuni, C. coli, and C. upsaliensis) were digested with DpnI (an enzyme that recognizes only methylated adenine in GATC sequences). We used MboI and Sau3AI to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

We have cloned two DNA fragments containing 5'-GATC-3' sites at which the adenine is methylated in the macronucleus of the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila. Using these cloned fragments as molecular probes, we analyzed the maintenance of methylation patterns at two partially and two uniformly methylated sites. Our results suggest that a semiconservative copying model for maintenance of methylation is not sufficient to account for the methylation patterns we found during somatic growth of Tetrahymena. Although we detected hemimethylated molecules in macronuclear DNA, they were present in both replicating and nonreplicating DNA. In addition, we observed that a complex methylation pattern including partially methylated sites was maintained during vegetative growth. This required the activity of a methylase capable of recognizing and modifying sites specified by something other than hemimethylation. We suggest that a eucaryotic maintenance methylase may be capable of discriminating between potential methylation sites to ensure the inheritance of methylation patterns.  相似文献   

Survival of Lyophilized Bacillus popilliae in Soil   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Survival of lyophilized vegetative Bacillus popilliae in dry soil and in soil kept in atmospheres with different relative humidities (RH) was determined. Cells survived for at least 1 year when the RH was 22% or lower, but an RH of 33% or higher reduced viability. At 33% RH, no bacteria were recovered after 5 months of storage; at 42% or above, no bacteria were recovered after 1 month of storage.  相似文献   

The insect pathogen Bacillus popilliae Dutky causes a fatal milky disease of Japanese beetle larvae. Spores of the bacterium offer a biological means of controlling this insect. While satisfactory sporulation in vitro has not yet been accomplished, conditions have been developed for the proliferation of vegetative cells in shaken flasks and aerated fermentors. Vegetative cultures are maintained by frequent transfer or by lyophilization. Media based on yeast extract are used routinely, but corn steep liquor and casein hydrolyzates afford comparable yields of 5 × 108 cells/ml. in 16–24 hr. Nutritional requirements have been established for growth in a synthetic medium. Oxygen availability affects the pathway of carbohydrate catabolism and is necessary for optimal growth. In rapidly growing cultures, a short period of maximum viability is characteristically followed by rapid death of the cells. When inoculum size and transfer time are suitably manipulated, viable cell yields reach 1–2 × 109/ml. Alternative methods of propagation, including the addition of particulate carbon, and procedures designed either to neutralize acids or to remove metabolic products by dialysis, do not markedly enhance the yield of cells per volume of medium, although viability may be prolonged.  相似文献   

Contrary to mammalian DNA, which is thought to contain only 5-methylcytosine (m5C), bacterial DNA contains two additional methylated bases, namely N6-methyladenine (m6A), and N4-methylcytosine (m4C). However, if the main function of m5C and m4C in bacteria is protection against restriction enzymes, the roles of m6A are multiple and include, for example, the regulation of virulence and the control of many bacterial DNA functions such as the replication, repair, expression and transposition of DNA. Interestingly, even if adenine methylation is usually considered a bacterial DNA feature, the presence of m6A has been found in protist and plant DNAs. Furthermore, indirect evidence suggests the presence of m6A in mammal DNA, raising the possibility that this base has remained undetected due to the low sensitivity of the analytical methods used. This highlights the importance of considering m6A as the sixth element of DNA.  相似文献   

DNA N6-methyladenine (6 mA) is a new type of DNA methylation identified in various eukaryotic cells. However, its alteration and genomic distribution features in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remain elusive. In this study, we found that N6AMT1 overexpression increased HCC cell viability, suppressed apoptosis, and enhanced migration and invasion, whereas ALKBH1 overexpression induced the opposite effects. Further, 23,779 gain-of-6 mA regions and 11,240 loss-of-6 mA regions were differentially identified in HCC tissues. The differential gain and loss of 6 mA regions were considerably enriched in intergenic regions. Moreover, 7% of the differential 6 mA modifications were associated with tumors, with 60 associated with oncogenes and 57 with tumor suppressor genes (TSGs), and 17 were common to oncogenes and TSGs. The candidate genes affected by 6 mA were filtered by gene ontology (GO) and RNA-seq. Using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), BCL2 and PARTICL were found to be correlated with DNA 6 mA in certain HCC processes.  相似文献   

While determining the minor and major base composition of the DNA from 17 types of thermophilic bacteria by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of enzymatic digests, we have discovered a novel base, N4-methylcytosine (m4C). Its structure was proven by comparison of the DNA-derived nucleoside to the analogous authentic compound by HPLC, UV spectroscopy, and mass spectroscopy. Eight of the bacterial DNAs contained m4C. Only two contained the common minor base, 5-methylcytosine (m5C), and neither of these was from an extreme thermophile. The other prevalent modified base of bacterial DNA, N6-methyladenine (m6A), was found in nine of the DNAs. Restriction analysis revealed that four of the DNAs had dam-type (Gm6ATC) methylation patterns. Due to the propensity of m5C residues to be deaminated by heat to thymine residues and to inefficient repair of the resulting mismatched base pairs, thermophiles with optimal growth temperatures of greater than or equal to 60 degrees C generally may avoid having m5C in their genomes. Instead, some of them have deamination-resistant m4C residues.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of Bacillus larvae NRRL b-3555 and Bacillus subtilis RM125 (restrictionless, modificationless mutant) were transfected with DNA from the B. larvae bacteriophage PBL1c in the presence of polyethylene glycol. B. subtilis 168 and Bacillus popilliae NRRL B-2309M protoplasts could not be transfected with PBL1c DNA. Protoplasts of B larvae NRRL B-3555 were transformed with plasmids pC194 and pHV33 in the presence of polyethylene glycol. The frequency of transformation was much higher when the plasmids were isolated from B. larvae NRRL B-3555 transformants than when they were isolated from B. subtilis 168. These results indicate that the restriction-modification systems found in B. larvae NRRL B-3555 and B. subtilis 168 may be different. Conditions for protoplast formation and cell wall regeneration were developed for B. popilliae NRRL B-2309S. However, no transformation occurred with plasmids pC194 and pHV33 (isolated from B. subtilis 168).  相似文献   

The effect of various factors on the yield of Bacillus popilliae var. rhopaea spores formed in Rhopaea verreauxi larvae have been studied. Lack of adequate food, temperatures above and below 23°C, and infecting doses above 106 spore larva, all significantly lowered spore yield per larva. Larval age had a pronounced effect; second-instar and young third-instar larvae produ ed about 1 × 1010 spores while old third-instar larvae produced about 4 × 1010 spores. Incubation of larvae for longer than 4 weeks did not increase spore yield per larva. Yields were similar whether larvae were infected by injection or per os. Three other host species could be used to mass-produce B. popilliae var. rhopaea spores but all were less efficient than R. verreauxi. Milky third-instar R. verreauxi larvae, which were field collected, yielded 1.57 × 1010 spores per larva.  相似文献   

The dam gene of Escherichia coli encodes a DNA methyltransferase that methylates the N6 position of adenine in the sequence GATC. It was stably expressed from a shuttle vector in a repair- and recombination-proficient strain of Bacillus subtilis. In this strain the majority of plasmid DNA molecules was modified at dam sites whereas most chromosomal DNA remained unmethylated during exponential growth. During stationary phase the amount of unmethylated DNA increased, suggesting that methylated bases were being removed. An ultraviolet damage repair-deficient mutant (uvrB) contained highly methylated chromosomal and plasmid DNA. High levels of Dam methylation were detrimental to growth and viability of this mutant strain and some features of the SOS response were also induced. A mutant defective in the synthesis of adaptive DNA alkyltransferases and induction of the adaptive response (ada) also showed high methylation and properties similar to that of the dam gene expressing uvrB strain. When protein extracts from B. subtilis expressing the Dam methyltransferase or treated with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitroso-guanidine were incubated with [3H]-labelled Dam methylated DNA, the methyl label was bound to two proteins of 14 and 9 kD. Some free N6-methyladenine was also detected in the supernatant of the incubation mixture. We propose that N6-methyladenine residues are excised by proteins involved in both excision (uvrB) and the adaptive response (ada) DNA repair pathways in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

Cloning and analysis of the first cry gene from Bacillus popilliae.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
An 80-kDa parasporal crystal protein was detected in protein extracts of sporangia of Bacillus popilliae isolated from a diseased larva of the common cockchafer (Melolontha melolontha L.). Amino acid analysis of tryptic peptides revealed significant homology to the Cry2Aa endotoxins of Bacillus thuringiensis. The gene cryBP1 (cry18Aa1), which codes for the parasporal crystal protein, was found in a putative cry operon on the bacterial chromosome, which contains at least one further (smaller) open reading frame, orf1. The 706-amino-acid-long CryBP1 (Cry18Aa1) protein has a predicted molecular mass of 79 kDa and shows about 40% sequence identity to the Cry2 polypeptides of B. thuringiensis. In the light of published observations which suggest that the parasporal crystal proteins of B. popilliae are slightly toxic to their grub hosts, we propose the following survival strategy of B. popilliae. As an obligate pathogen of grubs, B. popilliae germinates in the gut of a grub and the parasporal crystal proteins are released and activated. The activated protein does not cause colloid osmotic lysis but instead damages the gut wall somehow to allow the vegetative cells to enter the hemolymph more easily. By becoming a parasite, B. popilliae can continue to proliferate efficiently while the living grub provides a food supply. This process is in contrast to that of B. thuringiensis, which rapidly kills the insect and is then limited to growth on the larval carcass.  相似文献   

Cabbage looper hemolymph induced rapid germination and outgrowth of spores of Bacillus popilliae. Spores germinated within sporangia but outgrowth occurred from free released spores as well as from spores retained in sporangia. With 37°C, an alkaline pH, and tyrosinase, outgrowth resulted in 1 hr. Of six strains of milky disease bacteria tested, hemolymph mediated germination and outgrowth of only those which are infective perorally for European chafer larvae, indicating a potential use as a screening tool to assess virulence for the chafer.  相似文献   

Spores accumulate periodically in colonies of Bacillus popilliae after 3 days of vegetative growth on solid medium. Sporulation occurs on the surface and primarily in a ring near the periphery, causing slight changes in colony contour. The formation of mature spores and their acquisition of resistance to drying and to heat occur in a stepwise manner. A high level of prespore forms persists in mature colonies. Sporulation in colonies is as efficient as early stages of sporulation in larvae, but efficiency in vivo must increase as milky disease progresses.  相似文献   

The presence of a m6A-T base pair does not give rise to a major change in helix conformation from that of a normal B DNA, but does slow down dramatically the rate of helix formation.  相似文献   

A L Lu 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(3):1254-1259
The effect of the number and position of DNA adenine methylation (dam) sites, i.e., d(GATC) sequences, on mismatch repair in Escherichia coli was investigated. The efficiency of repair was measured in an in vitro assay which used an f1 heteroduplex containing a G/T mismatch within the single EcoRI site. Both an increase in the number of dam sites and a shortened distance between dam site and mismatched site increased the efficiency of mismatch repair. The sequences adjacent to d(GATC) also affected the efficiency of methylation-directed mismatch repair. Furthermore, heteroduplexes with one extra dam site located close to either the 5' or 3' end of the excised base increased the repair efficiency to about the same extent. The findings suggest that the mismatch repair pathway has no preferred polarity.  相似文献   

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