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EU expenditures for Rural Development, having increased from 2.9% of the total Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) budget in the 1990s to 12.3% in the beginning of the 2010s, reflect the growing strategic and societal values attached to this policy in addressing the new global challenges for rural areas in the enlarged EU. The analysis of the recent and ongoing reforms shows that Rural Development Programmes (RDP) made substantial progress towards sectoral integration and thematic broadening, and, at the same time, provided continuity of well-established and important measures. Yet, under growing budget constraints, better targeting of funds becomes even more crucial (European Court of Auditors, 2011). Comparing the design and allocation practices of Regional RDPs, however, reveals significant differences in targeting strategies, all too often based on the implementation history and experience of previous periods. Better availability, coordination and digital connectivity of expenditure data and other data sources across the EU encouraged the adoption of the Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF), aimed at more clearly depicting intervention needs and effects at the regional scale (NUTS2–NUTS3) (NUTS (Nomenclature des unités territoriales statistiques) is a EU geocode standard for referencing spatial subunits for statistical purposes). The EU project SPARD (Spatial Analysis of Rural Development Measures) took those data as a starting point to find out more about the causal relationships between RD measure implementation, and their determining factors and impacts with a specific look at their spatial dimension: in which rural development measures is success determined by neighbourhood conditions, and at what scale? SPARD developed and applied new methodological approaches, particularly spatial econometrics, to evaluate selected measures that contribute to improved competitiveness, environmental performance and rural viability. The results are presented in this special issue in four thematic foci:
  • •Analysing RDP performance by applying spatial econometric modelling (theory, procedures, key results) on RDP payments at the national and European scale.
  • •Effectiveness and efficiency of RDP participation towards impacts at the regional scale: an in-depth view of European case studies, specific measures, indicators and shortcomings of the CMEF.
  • •Learning about spatial and non-spatial determinants of participation in RDP.
  • •Experiences and requirements related to the CAP 2020 and the improvement of the CMEF.
Overall, the results emphasise the difficulty of evaluating of RDPs, even when using much more sophisticated instruments than those used in the current evaluation practices. While a lack of appropriate information remains an issue, the experience of SPARD also underscores the challenge of matching the quest for generalised approaches and the need to consider ad hoc local determinants, as well as the trade-off between the benefits of higher precision and the costs of implied information burden.  相似文献   

From 1991 onward, the European Union (EU) member states have had to comply with the Nitrates Directive. The aim of this directive is to sustainably protect ground and surface waters from pollution with nitrogen (nitrate) originating from agriculture. Agriculture is, on an EU level, the largest single source of nitrate (runoff, leaching) pollution, although households and industries also contribute to some extent. An important element in the directive is the reporting every 4 years on the monitoring of ground- and surface-water quality. Furthermore, all 15 member states are compelled to designate so-called Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZs). These are regions where the nitrate concentrations in the groundwater amount to 50 mg/l or more. In addition to Codes of Good Agricultural Practice, valid on a countrywide basis and often consisting of voluntary-based measures, specific Action Programmes with mandatory measures have to be developed for the NVZs. The first reporting period ended in 1995. This paper describes the progress in member states" compliance with the Nitrates Directive during the second period (1996-1999), with a focus on the agricultural practices and action programmes. An evaluation of the member states' reports shows that good progress is being made on the farmers" awareness of the need to comply with EU regulations on the protection of the aquatic environment. Action programmes are valuable tools to enforce measures that lead to a reduction of the water pollution by agricultural activities. Regional projects show that significant improvements can be achieved (e.g., reduced fertiliser inputs) while maintaining crop yields and thus maintaining the economic potential of agriculture.  相似文献   

In January 2003, the European Union (EU) issued a directive on e‐waste (waste from electrical and electronic equipment; WEEE) to deal with increasing quantities and the included hazardous components. The WEEE Directive is based on the principle of extended producer responsibility, which shifts the responsibility for end of life of products away from municipalities toward producers. This led some researchers to state that, in theory, the costs of waste treatment are passed on to consumers in terms of higher prices. This work addresses two fundamental questions: (1) Did the introduction of the WEEE Directive increase consumer prices of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE)? and (2) how much is this price increase? We carry out, for the first time in the literature, a quantitative research on price variation of the vast majority of EEE sold in the EU after the introduction of producers’ financial responsibility. The panel data include 972 price level indices, namely, six categories of EEE for 27 member states for six years. The main result is that the average variation of the prices for each category of EEE investigated actually increased and the variation was between 0.71% and 3.88%, depending on the specific category of EEE. The average increase of 2.19% is in line with the previous studies that estimated the impact of the WEEE Directive up to a 3% increase of the product price. The t‐test performed on the data shows a good statistical significance, which strengthens the relevance of the results. Finally, future directions for research are included.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the use of impact indicators with respect to climate change in the 2007–2013 Rural Development Programme (RDP) of the European Union, with particular reference to the Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP). It concludes that the policy context has highlighted the need for the rural land use sector to respond to climate change but that the associated Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF) did not develop suitable indicators to assess the impact of SDRP measures on GHG emission mitigation. It suggests improved impact indicators based on the relationship between rural land use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: first, an indicator based on net GHG emissions per holding; and a second based on net GHG emissions per unit volume of output. The paper points out the challenges in measuring land-based emissions accurately. It further proposes screening of RDP measures to ensure that climate change mitigation impacts are properly appraised. It is recognised that climate change policy in relation to rural land use is still at an early stage of development but greater sophistication of policy instrument design and evaluation will be required if the RDP is to contribute significantly to climate change policy objectives.  相似文献   

Sustainable agriculture is important for the safeguarding of natural resources (e.g. semi-natural habitats, clean water and energy), food production and for the survival of rural communities. As part of the EU strategy towards sustainability Member States are committed to identifying and protecting areas of agrobiodiversity. Identification of the extent and support of High Nature Value (HNV) farmland across the EU was an important policy requirement of Member States Rural Development Programmes (RDP) (2007–2013) but problems defining the extent of HNV farmland have delayed progress to date. Following a five step statistical process, we developed a simple 10 point nature value index based on percentage improved agricultural grassland, stocking density (LU/ha Utilisable Agricultural Area) and length of linear habitats per hectare on a farm. We propose an index that can be used to highlight farms with low biodiversity allowing targeting of sustainability measures such as increasing field boundary area or reducing inorganic Nitrogen inputs, farms that are already sustainable from a biodiversity perspective, and could be labelled as such through national programs or even farms that are High Nature Value (HNV) and should be targeted through results-based agri-environment schemes. This nature value index has potential to be applied to a range of farmed pastoral landscapes in North West Europe's Atlantic biogeographic region. The methodology used in the development of the index has the potential to be used in other biogeographic zones to develop similar indices of nature value at farm level. This index is a simple to use, easily accessible identification tool based on farm-level data which can be utilised in sustainability indices and HNV farmland identification.  相似文献   

Several regulatory organisations are involved in the assessment of clinical gene therapy trials involving genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in The Netherlands. Medical, ethical and scientific aspects are, for instance, evaluated by the Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects (CCMO). The Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) is the competent authority for the environmental risk assessment according to the deliberate release Directive 2001/18/EC. A Gene Therapy Office has been established in order to streamline the different national review processes and to enable the official procedures to be completed as quickly as possible. Although the Gene Therapy Office improved the application process at the national level, there is a difference of opinion between the EU member states with respect to the EU Directive according to which gene therapy trials are assessed, that urges for harmonisation. This review summarises the gene therapy legislation in The Netherlands and in particular The Netherlands rationale to follow Directive 2001/18/EC for the environmental risk assessment.  相似文献   

The EU Habitats Directive is a key biodiversity conservation instrument. It contains legal obligations for the 28 EU member states in order to safeguard a ‘favourable conservation status’ (FCS) for selected species and habitat types. The crucial FCS concept itself, however, remains subject to considerable confusion regarding its proper interpretation and operationalization, impairing the Directive’s effective implementation. Diminishing this confusion is the purpose of this review. It focuses specifically on large carnivores—wolf (Canis lupus), brown bear (Ursus arctos), Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) and wolverine (Gulo gulo). These pose particular challenges, given their low densities, transboundary populations, and human-wildlife conflict potential. Large carnivores are also the only species for which specific guidance has been adopted by the European Commission—and subsequently contested. Our methodology combines legal analysis with an understanding of the species’ ecology and associated social, economic and cultural dimensions. We analyze the methods and processes through which EU law is interpreted, implemented, and enforced, by member states, European Commission, and EU Court of Justice—which is the ultimate authority regarding EU law interpretation. On that basis, we engage three particularly complex interpretation questions which are also of great practical significance: (1) the appropriate scale to achieve FCS (national or transboundary population level); (2) the respective roles of demographic, genetic and ecological factors in determining FCS; and (3) the use of extinction versus carrying capacity as benchmark. Regarding these questions, we identify approaches that are workable and effective, as well as likely to be endorsed by the EU Court.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) Broiler Directive (2007/43/EC) is unique amongst current EU Directives, which address animal welfare, in that it uses outcome data collected at abattoirs and on farm to monitor on-farm broiler welfare and vary the maximum permitted stocking density on farm. In this study, we describe how, by bringing together personnel from the competent authorities in 22 member states (MSs) who have responsibility for implementing the Directive, and engaging in exchange of information and technical methods regarding the Broiler Directive, it has been possible to identify differences in approach with regard to ‘what data is being collected, and by whom’ across EU MSs. Online questionnaires and workshop exercises enabled us to identify priority areas for knowledge transfer and training. For example, foot pad dermatitis, hock burn, dead on arrival and total rejections (birds rejected as unfit for human consumption by the meat inspection staff at slaughter) were identified by the MSs as measures of medium-to-low priority in terms of knowledge transfer because there are assessment methods for these conditions that are already well accepted by competent authorities. On the other hand, breast lesions, cellulitis, emaciation, joint lesions, respiratory problems, scratches, wing fractures and a number of environmental measures were identified as having high priority in terms of knowledge transfer. The study identified that there is significant variability in the stage of implementation between MSs, and responses from the participating MSs indicated that sharing of guidance and technical information between MSs may be of value in the future set-up process for those MSs engaged in implementation of the Directive.  相似文献   

Ten years have passed since Directive 2004/24/EC regulating herbal medicinal products across the EU were published. The directive created the Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products within the European Medicines Agency whose remit includes the creation and publishing of official EU monographs on herbal medicinal products. These monographs include the official uses of the products and their evidence for efficacy and safety. To this effect, we are interested in analysing the potential impact herbal product EU monographs could have on the therapeutic treatment options available for prescribers in Malta. Therefore our aim was two-fold. First, to rationalise the spread of indications of the herbal substances listed in the community herbal monograph inventory and subsequently determine if these herbal substances could potentially contribute to the treatment options available in our local scenario (Malta). 128 EU monographs were analysed resulting in a total of 230 indications which subsequently codified into 42 unique ATC codes. The Malta Medicines List contains 1456 unique ATC codes. Comparative analysis of the Malta Medicines List revealed that the 21 therapeutic areas had 4 or less pharmaceutically used substances (5th level ATC codes) registered and therefore in our opinion are areas with limited therapeutic choice. The following 4 therapeutic areas, A05 bile and liver therapy, A13 tonics, A15 appetite stimulants and D03 preparations for treatment of wounds and ulcers, could potentially benefit from the registration of herbal medicinal products according to the EU herbal monographs. If such registration is effected the aforementioned areas would no longer be considered limited because more than 4 therapeutic choices would be available to prescribers. This study is the first study across the EU to analyse the potential impact of published EU herbal monographs on therapeutic coverage in an EU member state and confirms the notion that herbal products could potentially increase the treatment options available in areas where few medical products have been registered due to Malta's small market size.  相似文献   


Prioritization is crucial in nature conservation, as land and financial resources are limited. Selection procedures must follow objective criteria, and not primarily subjective aspects, such as charisma. In this study, we assessed the level of charisma for all European butterflies. Based on these data, we analysed the charisma values of the species listed on the annexes of the EU Habitats Directive and of the species being of conservation priority according to criteria derived by three objective criteria: Species ecological specialisation, distribution, and threat. The mean level of charisma was higher for species of the EU Habitats Directive than for species of conservation priority and for not-listed species. Five of the twenty most charismatic species were also listed on the EU Habitats Directive, but none occurred on the list of species being of conservation priority. A trait space analysis revealed remarkable differences between the different species assortments: The species listed on the EU Habitats Directive covered a large trait space and included many species with high charismatic value, but low ecological and biogeographical relevance, while species of high conservation priority covered a restricted trait space and did not overlap with charismatic species. According to our findings, the selection of species for nature conservation still follows a mix of being aesthetic combined with some ecological criteria.


Agri-environmental management (AEM) is heralded as being key to biodiversity conservation on farmland, yet results of these schemes have been mixed, making their general utility questionable. We test with meta-analysis whether the benefits of AEM for species richness and abundance of plants and animals are determined by the surrounding landscape context. Across all studies (109 observations for species richness and 114 observations for abundance), AEM significantly increased species richness and their abundance. More specifically, we test the hypothesis that AEM benefits species richness and abundance (i.e. increases the difference between fields with and without AEM) more in simple than in complex landscapes. In croplands, species richness but not abundance was significantly enhanced in simple but not in complex landscapes. In grasslands, AEM effectively enhanced species richness and abundance regardless of landscape context. Pollinators were significantly enhanced by AEM in simple but not in complex landscapes in both croplands and grasslands. Our results highlight that the one-size-fits-all approach of many agri-environmental programmes is not an efficient way of spending the limited funds available for biodiversity conservation on farmland. Therefore, we conclude that AEM should be adapted to landscape structure and the species groups at which they are targeted.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to get insight into chemical structure and toxigenicity of antigenic preparations obtained from A. flavus Link strain isolated from industrial environment. A microbiol multiplication and an antigenic fractions preparation scheme is presented. The method proposed allows to obtain antigens from culture filtrate (APP), mycelial extract (AEM), and two subfractions obtained from AEM: supernatant--AS and precipitated--API. The strain tested did not show aflatoxigenic activity and antigenic fractions obtained were free of aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2 in concentrations detectable by thin-layer chromatography. A chemical composition of the antigenic fractions was tested. A content, depending on fractions, of proteins ranged from 32.0 to 74.5 micrograms/ml, of sugars from 15.0-44.5 micrograms/ml, phosphorus 0.5-1.5 micrograms/ml, and nitrogen 2.5-4.9 micrograms/ml. Toxicity of APP and AEM antigens designated for laboratory animals immunisation was also determined. The values of LD50 for APP preparation was 2.00 mg/mouse and for AEM - 2.75 mg/mouse. These data give evidence of moderate toxicity of these preparations.  相似文献   

With the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), the member states have to classify the ecological status of surface waters following standardised procedures. It was a matter of some surprise to lake ecologists that zooplankton were not included as a biological quality element (BQE) despite their being considered to be an important and integrated component of the pelagic food web. To the best of our knowledge, the decision of omitting zooplankton is not wise, and it has resulted in the withdrawal of zooplankton from many so-far-solid monitoring programmes. Using examples from particularly Danish, Estonian, and the UK lakes, we show that zooplankton (sampled from the water and the sediment) have a strong indicator value, which cannot be covered by sampling fish and phytoplankton without a very comprehensive and costly effort. When selecting the right metrics, zooplankton are cost-efficient indicators of the trophic state and ecological quality of lakes. Moreover, they are important indicators of the success/failure of measures taken to bring the lakes to at least good ecological status. Therefore, we strongly recommend the EU to include zooplankton as a central BQE in the WFD assessments, and undertake similar regional calibration exercises to obtain relevant and robust metrics also for zooplankton as is being done at present in the cases of fish, phytoplankton, macrophytes and benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

The Oder and the Vistula rivers are responsible for about 25% of the total riverine nitrogen input to the Baltic Sea and of this 60% have been estimated to originate from diffuse sources. In this study we have tested the hypothesis that changes in agricultural practices in Poland have changed the riverine nitrogen export from the rivers Oder and Vistula to the Baltic Sea. We calculated agricultural long-term nitrogen budgets (1960–2000) for the catchments of the Oder and the Vistula rivers. Poland went through severe economical changes in the early 1990s, which led to a drastic decrease in fertilizer consumption. The role of the calculated nitrogen surplus as an eutrophication capacitor and the potential to reduce this important capacitor to improve the environmental state of the Baltic Sea is discussed. N surplus for the entire country showed a maximum in 1980 (58 kg ha−1 sown area−1) and it dropped to 39 kg ha−1 sown area−1 in 2000. The surplus was, however, up to two times lower than that in other transitional countries, and much lower than in Western Europe with intensive agriculture. An observed decrease in nitrogen concentrations in both Polish rivers is not ascribed to drop in fertilizer use, but it results from nutrient removal in municipal wastewater treatment plants with tertiary treatment facilities. Comparison of trends in nitrogen concentrations in different transition countries indicates that factors other than reduced fertilizer application influenced the inertia of the water quality response. Hence, the potential to reduce diffuse nitrogen emissions from agriculture by reducing fertilization is constricted in areas with low-nitrogen surplus. In transitional countries like Poland the largest potential for nutrient reductions seem to be in improving the connectivity to waste water treatment plants with tertiary treatment.  相似文献   

In February 2003, European Union (EU) policy makers implemented a Directive that will make producers responsible for waste electrical and electronic equipment at end-of-life (known as the "WEEE" Directive). Under this new legislation, producers are required to organize and finance the take-back, treatment, and recycling of WEEE and achieve mass-based recycling and recovery targets. This legislation is part of a growing trend of extended producer responsibility for waste, which has the potential to shift the world's economies toward more circular patterns of resource use and recycling. This study uses life-cycle assessment and costing to investigate the possible environmental effects of the WEEE Directive, based on an example of printer recycling in the United Kingdom.
For a total of four waste management scenarios and nine environmental impact categories investigated in this study, results varied, with no scenario emerging as best or worst overall compared to landfilling. The level of environmental impact depended on the type of material and waste management processes involved. Additionally, under the broad mass-based targets of the WEEE Directive, the pattern of relationships between recycling rates, environmental impacts, and treatment and recycling costs may lead to unplanned and unwanted results. Contrary to original EU assumptions, the use of mass-based targets may not ensure that producers adapt the design of their products as intended under producer responsibility.
It is concluded that the EU should revise the scope of consideration of the WEEE Directive to ensure its life-cycle impacts are addressed. In particular, specific environmental objectives and operating standards for treatment and recycling processes should be investigated as an alternative to mass-based recycling and recovery targets.  相似文献   

As of 1 January 2006 all automotive OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) and component manufacturers operating within the European Union will need to comply with the End-of-Life Vehicle Directive (referred to hereafter as the EU ELV Directive). The EU ELV Directive compels all OEMs to take back and dismantle all motor vehicles for domestic use at the end of their useful lives. Each component part will then be either reused or recycled. To this end, the ultimate goal of the EU ELV Directive is that all motor vehicles for domestic use will have a reuse or recyclable content of 85% at the end of their useful lives, moving toward 95% by 2015. The burden of the EU ELV Directive falls on both the OEMs and their component manufacturers, forcing them to innovate and "design for disassembly." This being the case, it offers a unique real world example with which to test the Porter Hypothesis. Porter asserts that strict, correctly formulated environmental regulation can offer a firm secondary benefits through improved product design and the reduction of waste. This in turn allows the firm to offset the cost of compliance. Because the EU ELV Directive has been fashioned to force firms into a process of innovation and redesign, the magnitude of these so-called offsets can be judged. This article employs Rugman and Verbeke's 1998 strategic matrix of firm response to environmental regulation to examine qualitative details of the strategic response of automotive component manufacturers and OEMs in the United Kingdom to the demands of the directive to judge the volume of offsets generated. This analysis shows no support for the Porter Hypothesis and challenges the assumptions of Rugman and Verbeke's model.  相似文献   

A key challenge for countries like Ireland up to 2030 is to produce sufficient supplies of food, feed and fuel, without compromising on public health or negatively impacting the environment. As we progress through the technology era, certain agricultural technologies [e.g. genetically modified (GM) crops] have been championed to maximise production while minimising environmental impact. Yet, multiple arguments have been made to counter such a claim, which has led to a polarisation of opinions and a plethora of generic commentaries being made in regard to the impact of this technology. Yet, few studies within the European Union (EU) have conducted a critical needs analysis to assess the potential of specific GM traits in light of issues, such as climate change, increased environmental legislation (e.g. EU Water Framework, Nitrates Directive, proposed reform to the Pesticide Directive and Common Agricultural Policy reform), mitigating biodiversity loss and sustainable biofuel production. The goal of this study is to collate a register of GM traits such that a list of potential GM crops could be prioritised against the backdrop of the challenges facing the tillage sector. Clearly, the crops with the most significant potential for genetic modification are those that are grown widely and/or receive high applications of pesticides and fertilisers (e.g. potato, wheat, barley and maize). GM traits with significant agronomic potential include late blight resistant potato, Fusarium head blight resistant wheat and Septoria resistant wheat and herbicide‐tolerant winter oilseed rape and maize. Following on from these, crops with enhanced nitrogen‐use efficiency could provide significant input to the tillage sector in light of EU‐based restrictions on nitrogen usage, crops with elevated protein content could offset the costs of imported animal feed and crops with modified oil content/lignocellulose composition could assist in biodiesel/bioenergy production at a regional level. This study is relevant to other European countries that cultivate similar crops and like Ireland, are facing multiple challenges to their tillage sector in the near future.  相似文献   

Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a huge environmental management challenge for Europe, demanding an integrated sustainable approach to water management and a common objective of obtaining ‘good status’ for all water bodies before 2015. The main task is the preparation of a river basin management plan for each of the 96 European river basin districts before the end of 2009. In Odense River Basin (island of Fyn, Denmark), one of 14 appointed European Pilot River Basins, the implementation of the WFD has been developed and tested in practice. Reference conditions and ecological status classification for Odense Fjord, based on eelgrass (Zostera marina) depth limit and nutrient concentrations, have been drawn up through a combination of historical data and modelling tools. A subsequent quantitative linking of pressures and impact, in casu between land-based nitrogen (N) loading of the fjord and resulting nutrient concentrations and eelgrass appearance, provided an estimate of the needed nitrogen load reduction of the fjord. This amounted to approx. 1,200 tonnes N per year (an annual load reduction of ca. 11 kg N ha?1 of catchment area or ca. 19.5 g N m?2 of fjord surface)—a load reduction of ca. 60% from the present level—to obtain at least ‘good’ ecological status sensu WFD. It is presently not possible to quantify a target load for phosphorus (P) in relation to marine environmental objectives. An economically feasible programme of measures to obtain ‘good’ status in all surface water and groundwater bodies in Odense River Basin, using an integrated cost-effectiveness analysis, showed that re-establishment of wetlands, catchcrops, and reduced fertilisation norms are the most effective measures if large reductions in N loads to the aquatic environment are to be achieved. The total socio-economic cost of implementing the WFD in the river basin amounts to about 13 million €/year, which will increase the expense for water services by only 0.5–0.6% of the total income and production value in the basin (15,650 million €/year). Investments to obtain the needed nitrogen load reductions from agriculture are thus economically feasible. Further, it is not an impossible task, either economically or technically, to reach the objectives of the WFD while still retaining the possibility of keeping a high agricultural production in the catchment (maintaining livestock production but decreasing crop production in the case of Odense River Basin). The future conditions in Odense Fjord will not only depend on the success in reducing the load from the river basin area, but will also be affected by the trend in the nutrient loss from the whole Baltic catchment area. The high growth rates in the new EU Member States thus pose an important challenge to water managers, and decoupling of economic growth from pressure on water bodies will be necessary. Finally, a number of challenges facing water managers around the Baltic and within the EU, namely preconditions required to successfully implement the WFD, are presented.  相似文献   

W Shi  IT Freitas  C Zhu  W Zheng  WW Hall  DG Higgins 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41997
Recombination in Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is considered to be rare. In this study, we performed a phylogenetic analysis of 1278 full-length HCV genome sequences to identify potential recombination events. Nine inter-genotype recombinants were identified, all of which have been previously reported. This confirms the rarity of inter-genotype HCV recombinants. The analysis also identified five inter-subtype recombinants, four of which are documented for the first time (EU246930, EU246931, EU246932, and EU246937). Specifically, the latter represent four different novel recombination types (6a/6o, 6e/6o, 6e/6h, and 6n/6o), and this was well supported by seven independent methods embedded in RDP. The breakpoints of the four novel HCV recombinants are located within the NS5B coding region and were different from all previously reported breakpoints. While the locations of the breakpoints identified by RDP were not identical, they are very close. Our study suggests that while recombination in HCV is rare, this warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

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