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Capture-recapture studies are crucial in many circumstances for estimating demographic parameters for wildlife and fish populations. Pollock's robust design, involving multiple sampling occasions per period of interest, provides several advantages over classical approaches. This includes the ability to estimate the probability of being present and available for detection, which in some situations is equivalent to breeding probability. We present a model for estimating availability for detection that relaxes two assumptions required in previous approaches. The first is that the sampled population is closed to additions and deletions across samples within a period of interest. The second is that each member of the population has the same probability of being available for detection in a given period. We apply our model to estimate survival and breeding probability in a study of hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata), where previous approaches are not appropriate.  相似文献   

Coastal grasslands are semi-natural habitats used for agriculture, but they are also vital habitats for many taxa, such as waders. The importance of this habitat for wildlife has found recognition in the policies of the European Union, resulting in the implementation of biodiversity-friendly agri-environment schemes (AES) to ensure the sustainable management of these areas. However, the performance of AESs has often been questioned and data to analyse their effectiveness is mostly lacking.To fill this knowledge gap, we used freely available European Space Agency's Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images and ground truth data to describe the vegetation height based habitat suitability of coastal grasslands as breeding sites for waders at a country-wide scale in Estonia, where the main threat to this habitat is overgrowing with high sward plant species.We show that satellite remote sensing can be used as a straight-forward and reliable tool to estimate the grazed coastal grassland habitat suitability for breeding waders in terms of vegetation height in two broad classes.We demonstrate that the AES applied on Estonian coastal grasslands is important for improving the suitability of this habitat for the breeding wader community: compared to 24% of suitable habitat in areas where no agricultural subsidies are paid, 60% of the land under the targeted AES is suitably managed for breeding waders. The highest proportion of habitat suitability (76%) is achieved in areas receiving targeted top-up subsidy for wader conservation.Continued monitoring of the performance of the AES is essential for taking timely and targeted conservation actions and we strongly recommend the wider use of remotely sensed data for this purpose. We promote the continuation of the AES scheme applied on Estonian coastal grasslands while improving its efficiency through carefully raised stocking rates and increased uptake of the top-up scheme.  相似文献   

The mast depression hypothesis (MDH) proposes that cyclic population fluctuations of microtines and other herbivores are an effect of cyclic seed cropping of plants. This is because high seed crops, termed masts, are produced at the expense of chemical defence against herbivores. It has generally been assumed that bird-hunting raptors produce high numbers of offspring when microtine prey are abundant because of reduced competition from generalist predators. However, this may also be caused by higher production of herbivorous insects, and thus insectivorous bird prey, because of lower contents of chemical defence compounds in some plant species, such as bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus and cowberry V. vitis-idaea. In Aust-Agder county, southern Norway, the mean brood size of pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus and goshawk A. gentilis was higher in peak vole years than in other years. The effect was not due to variation in nest predation, as only successful nesting attempts were included in the analyses. For the pied flycatcher, the annual proportion of large broods (>6 fledglings) was positively correlated with the vole trapping index. No correlation was found between the offspring production of goshawks and the proportion of voles in their diet. During a 3-year light-trapping study of nocturnal moths prior to our study, four moth species whose larvae ate Vaccinium were commonest in the vole peak year. All these results are consistent with the MDH. Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 20 April 1998  相似文献   

Farmland birds are important indicators of the state of biodiversity in rural landscapes, and the occurrence and abundance of birds contribute to their importance as bioindicators. However, the measurement of farmland bird abundance can be difficult. The rapid growth of crop plants in the spring combined with disturbances related to farming practices, such as weed and pest control and other measures, can profoundly change the habitat suitability of arable fields for birds within a short period of time. Consequently, the existing dynamics must be incorporated into the applied methods, and a single value of bird abundance during the breeding season is insufficient to characterise the habitat functions of arable land. The abundance of farmland bird species is influenced by crop specific features, which profoundly change within the breeding season and which we have described using a novel concept called Moving Window Abundance. Based on field surveys in 29 observation areas within arable landscapes, each 1 km2, Skylark with territorial behaviour were counted using a mapping method related to the habitats and growth of field crops, such as wheat and maize. To describe the dynamic characteristics of the abundance during the breeding season over the time period from 16 March to 18 July, three methods of Moving Window Abundance were tested: patchy, adjacent and overlapping. These methods differ in the time-space continuity of the considered time window throughout the breeding season. In the Patchy Moving Window Abundance method, we used the exact days in which field surveys were conducted throughout the entire time period of the field surveys. However, with the Adjacent Moving Window Abundance method, the time window included five-day, ten-day and semi-monthly adjacent windows; in the Overlapping Moving Window Abundance method, the time window shifted daily, with five-day, ten-day and semi-monthly overlapping windows used in the calculation procedure. The results indicated that the dynamic nature of Skylark abundance (i) reached a maximum level in the first breeding period in the agricultural landscape and (ii) exhibited large variations in level and time within the various field crops. Therefore, abundance was not described conventionally using a single numerical value but rather using mathematical functions based on the spatial scale of the landscape and habitat. We conclude with recommendations for further research to standardise farmland bird monitoring.  相似文献   

Many previous comparisons of multiple sampling methods have assumed that detection probabilities for each method are either constant or equal to one. We used 4 sampling methods to estimate detection probabilities for forest-floor dwelling amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals. We investigated associations between seasonality and precipitation on species detection and explored sample design tradeoffs for future studies. Although we captured 25 species, we could reliably detect (detection probability >0.15) only northern short-tailed shrews (Blarina brevicauda) and pygmy and masked shrews (Sorex spp.) using drift fences and red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) using visual encounter surveys (VES). The use of multiple sampling methods improved detection probabilities for only red-backed salamanders ( = 0.32, 95% CI: 0.24–0.38, = 0.38, 95% CI: 0.32−0.44). Parameter estimates indicated detection of both shrew species was positively related to increased precipitation. Detection probabilities for pygmy and masked shrews and red-backed salamanders were positively and negatively associated with date, respectively. Our power analysis revealed that sampling during rain events increased the power of detecting a change in sorid occupancy by ≥40% (α = 0.05). Our results demonstrate the need to incorporate species detectability when comparing the effectiveness of different trapping methodologies. Furthermore, our study highlights the utility of power analyses for exploring study design tradeoffs for research and monitoring programs. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Three species of brood parasites are increasingly being recorded as transoceanic vagrants in the Northern Hemisphere, including two Cuculus cuckoos from Asia to North America and a Molothrus cowbird from North America to Eurasia. Vagrancy patterns suggest that their establishment on new continents is feasible, possibly as a consequence of recent range increases in response to a warming climate. The impacts of invasive brood parasites are predicted to differ between continents because many host species of cowbirds in North America lack egg rejection defenses against native and presumably also against invasive parasites, whereas many hosts of Eurasian cuckoos frequently reject non‐mimetic, and even some mimetic, parasitic eggs from their nests. During the 2014 breeding season, we tested the responses of native egg‐rejecter songbirds to model eggs matching in size and color the eggs of two potentially invasive brood parasites. American Robins (Turdus migratorius) are among the few rejecters of the eggs of Brown‐headed Cowbirds (M. ater), sympatric brood parasites. In our experiments, robins rejected one type of model eggs of a Common Cuckoo (C. canorus) host‐race, but accepted model eggs of a second cuckoo host‐race as well as robin‐mimetic control eggs. Common Redstarts (Phoenicurus phoenicurus), frequent hosts of Common Cuckoos in Eurasia, rejected ~50% of model Brown‐headed Cowbird eggs and accepted most redstart‐mimetic control eggs. Our results suggest that even though some hosts have evolved egg‐rejection defenses against native brood parasites, the invasion of brood parasites into new continents may negatively impact both naïve accepter and coevolved rejecter songbirds in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Breeding ground food availability is critical to the survival and productivity of adult birds. The common cuckoo Cuculus canorus is a brood-parasitic Afro-Palearctic migrant bird exhibiting long-term (breeding) population declines in many European countries. Variation in population trend between regions and habitats suggests breeding ground drivers such as adult food supply. However, cuckoo diet has not been studied in detail since before the most significant population declines in Europe began in the mid-1980s. 20th century studies of cuckoo diet largely comprised field observations likely to carry bias towards larger prey taxa. Here we demonstrate the potential value of 1) using high-throughput DNA sequencing of invertebrate prey in faeces to determine cuckoo diet with minimal bias towards large prey taxa, and 2) using crowd-sourced digital photographs from across Britain to identify lepidopteran cuckoo prey taxa during recent years post-decline (2005–2016). DNA analysis found a high frequency of Lepidoptera, including moths of family Lasiocampidae, prominent within the past literature, but also grasshoppers (Orthoptera) and flies (Diptera) that may be overlooked by field observation methodologies. The range of larval lepidopteran prey identified from photographs largely agreed with those previously documented, with potential signs of reduced diversity, and identities of key adult prey taxa were supported by molecular results. Notably, many identified cuckoo prey taxa have shown severe declines due to agricultural intensification, suggesting this has driven spatial patterns of cuckoo loss. Landscape-scale, lowland rewilding interventions provide opportunities to understand the scale of reversal of previous agricultural intensification that may be necessary to restore prey populations sufficiently to permit recolonization by cuckoos.  相似文献   


Many species of Eudyptes penguin have shown substantial population declines and in response, there have been efforts to identify the key demographic parameters. Here, we present the demographic parameters of one of the least well known and the least abundant species of crested penguin, the endangered Fiordland crested penguin Eudyptes pachyrhynchus. A population study incorporating mark–recapture, nest occupancy and breeding success was conducted over 16 years at several sites in the northern half of the range of the species. Survival probabilities were calculated using standard Cormack–Jolly–Seber models and the Burnham Live and Dead model. The annual probability of true survival for banded birds and apparent survival for birds with transponders were both estimated at 89% during their adult years, which is similar to that reported for Eudyptes penguin species inhabiting more southerly latitudes. Annual juvenile survival was assessed for Fiordland crested penguins until their first return at 77%. The mean breeding success (0.61?±?0.02 chicks/pair) was higher than is observed for other crested penguin species, except the southern rockhopper penguin, which may be due to having lower A-egg ejection rates and higher rates of fledging two chicks per pair. Breeding success was related to the niche of predators present.  相似文献   

Synopsis The hypothesis that variation in a paternal trait associated with offspring survival will result in female mate choice based on that trait was tested in rock bass,Ambloplites rupestris, a temperate fresh water fish with uniparental male care. The number of eggs acquired by 108 nesting male rock bass, in Cranberry Lake (New York State, U.S.A.), was estimated in two different spawning episodes that differed in the size structure of the nesting male stock. Early breeders (between the 4–7 June 1989) were mainly medium and large males (101–300 g), as compared to late breeders (between the 19–21 June 1989) which were mostly small (50–100 g). Because survival of larvae in rock bass is significantly lower in nests guarded by small males as compared to nests guarded by medium and large males, it was hypothesized that female mate choice should have been (1) size-based, and (2) more intense late in the season when the nesting stock was comprised mostly of small males. The results were consistent with these hypotheses. Variation in egg numbers per nest was significantly higher during the late spawning episode. In addition, egg number per nest were normally distributed during the early spawning episode, but were positively skewed and leptokurtic during the later episode. The correlation between male size and egg number was significant for both spawning episodes. However, during the late episode male size explained 23% of the variation in egg numbers versus only 8% of the variation during the earlier episode.  相似文献   

In wildlife considerations in planning and managing road corridors little attention has been given to the effects of disturbance by traffic on populations of breeding birds. Recent studies, however, show evidence of strongly reduced densities of many species of woodland and open habitat in broad zones adjacent to busy roads. The density reduction is related to a reduced habitat quality, and traffic noise is probably the most critical factor. Because density can underestimate the habitat quality, the effects on breeding populations are probably larger than have been established. In consequence, species that did not show an effect on the density might still be affected by traffic noise. On the basis of this recent knowledge, methods have been developed that can be used in spatial planning procedures related to main roads, and in road management practice, and some practical points are discussed. An example of application shows that the effects are probably very important in The Netherlands with a dense network of extremely crowded main roads. For meadow birds, which are of international importance, the decrease in population in the West of The Netherlands may amount to 16%. Because breeding birds suffer from many other environmental influences there is also a great risk of an important cumulation of effects.  相似文献   

The red-backed shrike Lanius collurio is an open-cup nesting passerine bird, which protects its nest aggressively attacking predators near the nest. The response of parents to a human observer was investigated during the nesting period 1999–2001 in Poland. The intensity of nest defence increased as the breeding cycle progressed in accordance to the offspring value hypothesis. However, we did not find an increase in the level of aggression according to the number of offspring and the time of season. Contrary to previous predictions, we did not find gender differences in nest defence. More aggressive parents, both females and males, have significantly better breeding success than quieter individuals.  相似文献   

Migration is a common strategy used by birds that breed in seasonal environments. The patterns and determinants of migration routes, however, remain poorly understood. Recent empirical analyses have demonstrated that the locations of two North America migration flyways (eastern and western) shift seasonally, reflecting the influence of looped migration strategies. For the eastern but not western flyway, seasonal variation in atmospheric circulation has been identified as an explanation. Here, we test an alternative explanation based on the phenology of ecological productivity, which may be of greater relevance in western North America, where phenology is more broadly dictated by elevation. Migrants in the western flyway selected lower-elevation spring routes that were wetter, greener and more productive, and higher-elevation autumn routes that were less green and less productive, but probably more direct. Migrants in the eastern flyway showed little season variation but maintained associations with maximum regional greenness. Our findings suggest the annual phenology of ecological productivity is associated with en route timing in both flyways, and the spring phenology of ecological productivity contributes to the use of looped strategies in the western flyway. This fine-tuned spatial synchronization may be disrupted when changing climate induces a mismatch between food availability and needs.  相似文献   

Sibling competition was proposed as an important selective agent in the evolution of growth and development. Brood parasitism by the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) intensifies sibling competition in the nests of its hosts by increasing host chick mortality and exposing them to a genetically unrelated nestmate. Intranest sibling competition for resources supplied by parents is size dependent. Thus, it should select for high development rates and short nestling periods, which would alleviate negative impacts of brood parasitic chicks on host young. I tested these predictions on 134 North American passerines by comparative analyses. After controlling for covariates and phylogeny, I showed that high parasitism rate was associated with higher nestling growth rate, lower mass at fledging, and shorter nestling periods. These effects were most pronounced in species in which sibling competition is most intense (i.e., weighing over about 30 g). When species were categorized as nonhosts versus old hosts (parasitized for thousands of years) versus new hosts (parasitized the last 100-200 years), there was a clear effect of this parasitism category on growth strategies. Nestling growth rate was the most evolutionarily flexible trait, followed by mass at fledging and nestling period duration. Adjustments during incubation (incubation period length, egg volume) were less pronounced and generally disappeared after controlling for phylogeny. I show that sibling competition caused by brood parasites can have strong effects on the evolution of host growth strategies and that the evolution of developmental traits can take place very rapidly. Human alteration of habitats causing spread of brood parasites to new areas thus cascades into affecting the evolution of life-history traits in host species.  相似文献   

Although it is often assumed that birds strongly prefer tailwindsfor their migratory flights, we predict that a strategy of nowind selectivity (traveling independently of winds) may be morefavorable than wind selectivity (traveling on tailwind occasionsbut stopping to rest under headwind occasions) for birds withlow energy costs of travel relative to rest and for birds thatcannot use stopover time for efficient fuel deposition. We testthis prediction by analyzing the daily traveling or stoppingas recorded by satellite tracking of five ospreys Pandion haliaetus,a species often using energy-saving thermal soaring, duringtheir migration between northern Europe and Africa. Besideswind, precipitation is another weather factor included in theanalyses because thermal soaring migrants are expected to stopand rest in rainy weather. In logistic regression analyses,taking into account the effects of latitude, behavior on previousday, season, date, and individual for discriminating betweentraveling and stopping days, we found a lack of influence ofwinds, suggesting that the ospreys travel or stop without regardto wind. This lack of wind selectivity under light and moderatewinds is in agreement with our prediction. We expect a low degreeof wind selectivity and thus regular flights under headwindsalso among other types of birds that cannot use stopping timefor efficient foraging and fuel deposition. We also found anunexpected lack of influence of precipitation, possibly becauseof relatively few instances with rainfall in combination withpoor geographic precision for estimates of this weather variable.  相似文献   

Using indicator species to assess the state of macrobenthic communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Environmental impact assessments are often followed by the continuous monitoring needed to determine community change. This long-term monitoring can be time-consuming and expensive. The concept of indicator species attempts to use their presence in a sample or area to characterise a certain degree of community change or pollution effects. This approach has been widely applied to benthic monitoring studies. However, many studies develop their own list of `indicators' in cases without having a prior knowledge of the area or any long-term data. This can result in the production of circular arguments. We carry out a meta-analysis on data sets from 5 of the 20 designated United Kingdom's sewage sludge dumping grounds and the data set from the classic study of Pearson & Rosenberg (1978). We construct a number of indices to examine this robustness across studies. Having refined our criteria for an `indicator taxa' we examine the spatial and temporal changes in macrobenthic communities occurring at the Tyne sewage sludge dumpsite to examine the utility of this approach. Of the total pool of 123 taxa, 81 taxa responded in one study only. While Spio filicornis(O. F. Müller), Spiophanes bombyx(Claparède), Lagis koreni (Malmgren) and Nephtys cirrosa (Ehlers) showed directly contradictory patterns in different locations. The Spearman's rank correlation test showed a significant negative relationship between the density of macro-litter per station found at the Tyne dumping ground and the abundance of Abra alba(Wood) (r s=0.462, n= 6, P=0.1) and Amphiura filiformis(O. F. Müller)(r s=0.493, n= 6, P=0.1). These were the only indicator taxa, which showed a strong relationship to sewage contamination. We therefore conclude that while the concept of indicators may be widely applicable, the actual indicator taxa are not. This demonstrate that the used of indicators must be continually developed providing prior information of the study area.  相似文献   

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