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We propose alternative fish-populations spatial indicators for use in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Following Commission Decision 2010/477, we have applied two different spatial indicators to three fish populations with “slow type” life-history traits, i.e. slow growing like Helicolenus dactylopterus, or large bodied like Merluccius merluccius and Lophius budegassa. We tested their efficiency separately and combined. One of these indicators, the presence/absence of the population in sampling squares, had already been applied during the initial assessment of the MSFD in Spain. Another indicator, the geographical spread, is proposed here as a new monitoring tool for the MSFD in Spanish waters. The results demonstrate for the three populations analyzed that neither indicator was sufficient alone to describe the population spatial pattern or its evolution. Thus, the approach to implementing the MSFD indicated in Commission Decision 2010/477 is not sufficient to provide integrated information about the spatial behavior of the fish populations analyzed. Although numerical targets or threshold values cannot be set, directional targets could be proposed, based on the results of both indicators, if evaluation of them is extended to more species and more geographical areas. The analysis could be extended to other “slow type” populations within the fish community and also to different ecoregions. We propose an approach including the estimation of two different indicators to monitoring both the area occupied and the geographical spread of fish populations within communities, interpreting them together to generate a more complete picture of the spatial patterns of those populations. In spite of the difficulties in fixing numerical targets or thresholds, or in distinguishing between environmentally and human driven changes in the population spatial distributions, this approach helps to summarize fish spatial behavior. It improves information from the indicators applied alone and reduces the requirement for a large number of maps (except for some particular event or population). The proposed indicators can be readily used by managers and politicians.  相似文献   

This study reports the state and causes of eutrophication in the Portuguese continental Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), during a 14-year period (1995–2008), following the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and using the trophic index TRIX for an integrated evaluation of indicators of eutrophication, and identifies areas where monitoring is needed to improve the eutrophication assessment. A non-continuous dataset for the 8 indicators specified by the MSFD for eutrophication assessment was used, including published and grey data. Eutrophication indicators were validated and thresholds reviewed, considering regional differences. The diatom:flagellate ratio was found a poor indicator of eutrophication as shifts in the diatom:flagellate ratio naturally occur associated with alternating water column turbulence and upwelling, and stratification, and therefore, could not be associated with anthropogenic nutrient enrichment effects. Assessment areas were, as a whole, classified as non-problem areas concerning eutrophication. Although nutrient enrichment was observed in coastal waters, related to river plume influence, nutrient enrichment direct and indirect effects were generally not detectable, possibly due to water column dispersion and mixing processes. Only occasionally, mild eutrophication was found in specific areas under the influence of major river (Douro, Vouga and Guadiana) plumes, associated with high nutrient and phytoplankton biomass levels and seagrass decline, which indicates the need for directed monitoring on eutrophication in those areas.  相似文献   

IndiSeas (“Indicators for the Seas”) is a collaborative international working group that was established in 2005 to evaluate the status of exploited marine ecosystems using a suite of indicators in a comparative framework. An initial shortlist of seven ecological indicators was selected to quantify the effects of fishing on the broader ecosystem using several criteria (i.e., ecological meaning, sensitivity to fishing, data availability, management objectives and public awareness). The suite comprised: (i) the inverse coefficient of variation of total biomass of surveyed species, (ii) mean fish length in the surveyed community, (iii) mean maximum life span of surveyed fish species, (iv) proportion of predatory fish in the surveyed community, (v) proportion of under and moderately exploited stocks, (vi) total biomass of surveyed species, and (vii) mean trophic level of the landed catch. In line with the Nagoya Strategic Plan of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2011–2020), we extended this suite to emphasize the broader biodiversity and conservation risks in exploited marine ecosystems. We selected a subset of indicators from a list of empirically based candidate biodiversity indicators initially established based on ecological significance to complement the original IndiSeas indicators. The additional selected indicators were: (viii) mean intrinsic vulnerability index of the fish landed catch, (ix) proportion of non-declining exploited species in the surveyed community, (x) catch-based marine trophic index, and (xi) mean trophic level of the surveyed community. Despite the lack of data in some ecosystems, we also selected (xii) mean trophic level of the modelled community, and (xiii) proportion of discards in the fishery as extra indicators. These additional indicators were examined, along with the initial set of IndiSeas ecological indicators, to evaluate whether adding new biodiversity indicators provided useful additional information to refine our understanding of the status evaluation of 29 exploited marine ecosystems. We used state and trend analyses, and we performed correlation, redundancy and multivariate tests. Existing developments in ecosystem-based fisheries management have largely focused on exploited species. Our study, using mostly fisheries independent survey-based indicators, highlights that biodiversity and conservation-based indicators are complementary to ecological indicators of fishing pressure. Thus, they should be used to provide additional information to evaluate the overall impact of fishing on exploited marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and discusses the methods and metrics used for the assessment of the ecological status of marine angiosperms comparing the European with the South African situation. In Europe salt marsh and seagrasses are an important biological element for establishing the ecological quality status of transitional waters and in South Africa changes over time in the salt marsh and submerged macrophyte habitats (species richness, abundance and community composition) is used nationally to assess the health of estuaries. In Europe several studies have developed metrics that include salt marsh species composition and community structure to assess the ecological quality status. Deviation of taxonomic composition and abundance from a reference situation is investigated. Multi-metric approaches have been shown to provide a more holistic view of the ecological status of the ecosystem. Many indices are highly dependent on historical data to assess the deviation from reference conditions. Within the WFD spirit one widely used approach for salt marsh assessment, the Best’s method, the baseline can be determined based on the first sampling effort, by the largest previously recorded size of the salt marsh or using the “maximum potential size” of the salt marsh from habitat prediction models. In South Africa all habitat below the 5 m contour line is considered estuary habitat and any land occupied here by agricultural or other developments is considered as a loss of habitat from the reference condition. For seagrasses European metrics are based on attributes from the community (e.g., taxonomic composition, epiphytes), the population (e.g., bed extent, shoots density), but also quantified at individual species (e.g., leaves length) or physiological levels (e.g., stable isotopic signatures). Seagrass habitats in South African estuaries are highly dynamic in response to floods and an understanding of this is needed before present ecological status can be assessed.  相似文献   

Assessing the size structure and composition of fish stocks, as demanded by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), is considered to be critical for the evaluation of the health status of exploited populations. The MSFD explicitly contains the concept that many large individuals within a population are indicative of a healthy stock. To reflect the abundance of large individuals, the EU-Commission suggested several size-based indicators (SBI). Only few of these SBI have been tested within a pressure-state relationship, in which a state indicator is sensitive, responsive and specific to a given pressure. Sensitivity and responsiveness of pressure-state relationship can be validated by cross-correlating time-series of pressure and state indicators. In the real world, however, time-series of ecological indicators are not only affected by the influence of a pressure, but by natural variability, changes in the sampling method and stochasticity. Hence observed cross-correlations between pressure and state indicator time-series may not be based on a true causal link, especially if time-series are short (less than 30 years). To overcome these limitations, the performance of eight SBI was tested with a population model in which pressures (fishing mortality) and states of ecosystem components (SBI) were precisely known. We distinguished between relative SBI reflecting proportions of size-classes and absolute SBI reflecting absolute entities of the size-distribution such as the observed maximum size in a given survey year. Relative SBI were more sensitive to recruitment than absolute SBI, but not to fishing pressure, which makes relative SBI unsuitable for the assessment of the abundance of large individuals within a population. The outcomes of the model simulation were confirmed by a case study on North Sea cod, where the mean length of the largest ten individuals caught in a given survey year (Lmax10) emerged as a promising indicator for the assessment of size structure. Exemplary, we demonstrate how the Lmax10 may be incorporated into the existing International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) assessment framework by defining target and limit values of the good environmental status.  相似文献   

The European Union has been engaged in an effort to develop a marine strategy to protect the marine environment and a more encompassing integrated maritime policy that would provide a comprehensive system for the management of the uses of the marine areas of Europe. An earlier article by the author described the beginnings of this policy development; this article examines the subsequent 2008 Directive of the European Parliament and the Council, which establishes a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive provides a plan of action with designated responsibilities and obligations and a schedule that is to be adhered to by member states and the European Commission. It represents a significant step in the European endeavor to advance ocean use management and sets the stage for future development of European marine policy.  相似文献   

Defining the overall ecological status of lakes according to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) is to be partially based on the species composition of the aquatic macrophyte community. We tested three assessment methods to define the ecological status of the macrophyte community in response to a eutrophication pressure as reflected by total phosphorus concentrations in lake water. An absolute species richness, a trophic index (TI) and a lake trophic ranking (LTR) method were tested at Europe-wide, regional and national scales as well as by alkalinity category, using data from 1,147 lakes from 12 European states. Total phosphorus data were used to represent the trophic status of individual samples and were plotted against the calculated TI and LTR values. Additionally, the LTR method was tested in some individual lakes with a relatively long time series of monitoring data. The TI correlated well with total P in the Northern European lake types, whereas the relationship in the Central European lake types was less clear. The relationship between total P and light extinction is often very good in the Northern European lake types compared to the Central European lake types. This can be one of the reasons for a better agreement between the indices and eutrophication pressure in the Northern European lake types. The response of individual lakes to changes in the abiotic environment was sometimes represented incorrectly by the indices used, which is a cause of concern for the use of single indices in status assessments in practice.  相似文献   

海洋生态环境的持续恶化与生态学认知的提高使海洋生态红线区管理制度成为必然。总结了中国海洋保护区现状与存在问题;分析了发展海洋生态红线的必要性、区划原则、概念及组成体系;提出海洋保护区与海洋生态红线区可分别籍空间统一性、决策统一性、工作内容与管理要求的一致性相关联,海洋保护区的核心、关键和重要因素与海洋生态红线的范围划定、宏观应对策略制定、微观管理规定一一对应。对海洋保护区管理向海洋生态红线区划与管理的转变给出了若干建议,认为海洋生态红线区划指标体系可以参照海洋保护区绩效评估、保护区选划与评估指标;并从海洋生态红线的尺度,陆海统筹的生态系统格局-结构\过程-机理,复杂生态系统与海洋生态红线的结合,海洋生态红线基点观测等方面对海洋生态红线的研究和工作方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

We demonstrate the use of multiple indicators to characterize the ecological integrity of a coastal plain stream system in the New Jersey Pinelands in relation to human-induced watershed alterations. The individual indicators include pH, specific conductance, stream vegetation and stream-fish, impoundment-fish, and anuran assemblages. We evaluate and compare the utility of the individual and multiple environmental and biological indicators and present a relatively straightforward method for ranking sites. Specific conductance and pH measured at 88 monitoring sites varied in relation to the percentage of altered land (developed land and upland agriculture) within the associated watersheds. All three environmental variables were associated with variations in the composition of stream vegetation and stream fish, impoundment fish, and anuran assemblages. With the exception of impoundment fish, the association between altered land and the multiple-indicator scores based on the two water-quality indicators and the four biological indicators was stronger than that displayed by any of the individual variables.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a key legislative action developed by the European Union in order to protect aquatic ecosystems. One of the concerning pollutants, listed in this directive as a priority hazardous substance, is tributyltin (TBT), a biocide largely used in antifouling paints and identified as a causative agent of imposex/intersex in gastropods. In order to integrate TBT pollution monitoring within this legislative framework, a practical exercise is here proposed to assess the evolution of surface water ecological status in Ria de Aveiro (NW Portugal). Three bioindicators – the caenogastropods Nucella lapillus, Nassarius reticulatus and Littorina littorea – were used under the general WFD benthic invertebrate quality element, and the vas deferens sequence index (VDSI) and the intersex index (ISI) were selected as biomarkers for the purpose of assessing the condition of this quality element regarding the impact of TBT pollution. Levels of VDSI in N. lapillus and N. reticulatus, and ISI in L. littorea, were surveyed in 2013 and compared with previous data available for the same species and study area in 1998 and 2005, providing a time lapse for a period of 15 years. VDSI and ISI values were converted into Ecological Quality Ratios (EQR) and EQR boundaries were set for each species in order to define the five ecological status classes (High, Good, Moderate, Poor and Bad). We propose N. lapillus as key bioindicator, however the combined use of further species is very useful to cover a wider study area. Based on the proposed method, it is concluded that the ecological status of the surface waters surveyed in Ria de Aveiro, concerning the impact of TBT pollution on the above benthic invertebrate taxa, improved considerably since 1998 and achieved a Good Ecological Status in 2013, thus meeting the WFD environmental objectives for this priority hazardous substance even before 2015.  相似文献   

The Conservation (Natural Habitats, & c.) Regulations 1994 which implement the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) and Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) in the UK include a number of provisions for the protection of European Marine Sites (marine candidate Special Areas of Conservation (cSAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs)), including the requirement for competent authorities to assess the effects of new and existing consents, permissions and authorisations to ensure that they are not having an adverse effect on the integrity of the site (Regulations 48 and 50). In England and Wales site characterisation, a process which involves the collation, integration and critical evaluation of existing site knowledge, is seen by the Environment Agency (EA) and the nature conservation bodies (English Nature – EN, and the Countryside Council for Wales – CCW) as an important step towards evaluating the effects of consented discharges and activities on the interest features of EMS, and is fundamental to the development of ecosystem-based management. An on-going project, led by the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (part of the Plymouth Marine Science Partnership) in collaboration with EA, EN and CCW, sets out to characterise the impacts and risks associated with water and sediment quality in relation to the integrity and interest features of selected European Marine Sites in southwest England and Wales. Using published information and unpublished data-sets from regulatory agencies, conservation bodies, and research institutes, evidence is compiled on the links between potentially harmful activities, environmental quality and resultant biological effects, and includes an evaluation of long-term change. An overview of results is presented here for one of the UK marine sites studied, The Fal and Helford candidate SAC, highlighting the threats to biota from point-source and diffuse pollutants, together with major gaps in our understanding. Some of the priorities for new research and better integrated monitoring to address nature conservation objectives (to maintain and restore the system) are discussed.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU)’s Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires that all Member States participate in intercalibration exercises in order to ensure that ecological status concepts and assessment levels are consistent across the EU. This paper describes one such exercise, performed by the countries in the Central/Baltic Geographical Intercalibration Group stretching from Ireland in the west to Estonia in the east and from the southern parts of Scandinavia to the northern regions of Spain and Italy (but excluding alpine regions, which were intercalibrated separately). In this exercise, methods used to measure ecological status of rivers using benthic diatoms were compared. Ecological status is estimated as the ratio between the observed value of a biological element and the value expected in the absence of significant human impact. Approaches to defining the ‘reference sites’, from which these ‘expected’ values were derived, varied from country to country. Minimum criteria were established as part of the exercise but there was still considerable variation between national reference values, reflecting typological differences that could not be resolved during the exercise. A simple multimetric index was developed to compare boundary values using two widely used diatom metrics. Boundary values for high/good status and good/moderate status set by each participant were converted to their equivalent values of this intercalibration metric using linear regression. Variation of ±0.05 EQR units around the median value was considered to be acceptable and the exercise provided a means for those Member States who fell significantly above or below this line to review their approaches and, if necessary, adjust their boundaries. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

Teaching students to develop data-driven models is a challenging task as a good balance has to be found between the theoretical background of the models, the ecological relevance of the knowledge rules inferred and their socio-economic applicability. In this context it is unclear which aspects of the modeling process are easily understood by students, and in particular, how theoretical issues interfere with practical boundary conditions and socio-economic relevance (ecosystem protection, water management, policy development, ecological engineering). In order to fill this knowledge gap, students developed static data-driven models and tutors assessed students' performances. Criteria such as the theoretical, ecological and socio-economic relevance of the derived knowledge rules were used to select the most optimal models.We noticed an inverse relationship between the complexity of the subtasks and the number of students that succeeded. Students evaluated their models with respect to the theoretical reliability, but were not likely to consider the other two criteria. Half of the students succeeded in assessing the models based on their ecological relevance and only 17% of the students checked the socio-economic relevance of the knowledge rules. Four groups out of seven assessed their models merely based on the predictive power of the models. Only one group integrated the theoretical, ecological and socio-economic relevance to assess the models.The key findings of our research can be used to optimize the efficiency of data mining courses. We reveal which aspects of the modeling process students seem to overemphasize and give recommendations about the topics trainers should emphasize in the future to ensure that students develop advanced skills. Based on our results the theory–practice dichotomy in higher education can be further reduced. Our learning-by-doing approach showed students how to solve common problems in ecological data sets (e.g. missing data, outliers, collinearity, non-normal distribution, parameterization, uncertainty, etc.), which are often only briefly discussed in basic statistical courses.  相似文献   

Medicine Lake is a small (165 ha), relatively shallow (average 7.3 m), intermediate elevation (2,036 m) lake located within the summit caldera of Medicine Lake volcano, Siskiyou County, California, USA. Sediment cores and high-resolution bathymetric and seismic reflection data were collected from the lake during the fall of 1999 and 2000. Sediments were analyzed for diatoms, pollen, density, grain size (sand/mud ratio), total organic carbon (TOC), and micro-scale fabric analysis. Using both 14C (AMS) dating and tephrochronology, the basal sediments were estimated to have been deposited about 11,400 cal year BP, thus yielding an estimated average sedimentation rate of about 20.66 cm/1,000 year. The lowermost part of the core (11,400–10,300 cal year BP) contains the transition from glacial to interglacial conditions. From about 11,000–5,500 cal year BP, Medicine Lake consisted of two small, steep-sided lakes or one lake with two steep-sided basins connected by a shallow shelf. During this time, both the pollen (Abies/Artemisia ratio) and the diatom (Cyclotella/Navicula ratio) evidences indicate that the effective moisture increased, leading to a deeper lake. Over the past 5,500 years, the pollen record shows that effective moisture continued to increase, and the diatom record indicates fluctuations in the lake level. The change in the lake level pattern from one of the increasing depths prior to about 6,000 cal year BP to one of the variable depths may be related to changes in the morphology of the Medicine Lake caldera associated with the movement of magma and the eruption of the Medicine Lake Glass Flow about 5,120 cal year BP. These changes in basin morphology caused Medicine Lake to flood the shallow shelf which surrounds the deeper part of the lake. During this period, the Cyclotella/Navicula ratio and the percent abundance of Isoetes vary, suggesting that the level of the lake fluctuated, resulting in changes in the shelf area available for colonization by benthic diatoms and Isoetes. These fluctuations are not typical of the small number of low-elevation Holocene lake records in the region, and probably reflect the hydrologic conditions unique to Medicine Lake.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to design a model of sustainable rural settlement to ensure food self-sufficiency. The strategic objective of this study is to verify how the development of rural settlements based on this model contributes to overall sustainability. The sustainability assessment is based on an ecological footprint indicator introduced by Rees (1992) and developed by Rees and Wackernagel (1994).The operational objective of this work is to develop an ecological footprint of autonomous food systems model that is able to determine the land area needed to ensure the food self-sufficiency of an Italian settlement while varying the number of components and the diet followed. The model is also intended to determine the food component of the ecological footprint indicator.Model development started with the identification of the average diet for a community, which was determined from organic farming criteria, crop layouts and livestock farming characteristics necessary to meet demand. The research demonstrated that by promoting food self-sufficient rural settlements, the food component of the ecological footprint indicator is lowered by 47.32% compared to the national average and by 8.11% compared to the world average.The development of this model has also highlighted how the ecological footprint indicator is not valid for assessing the autonomous sustainability of a community, leading to a systematic underestimation of humanity's true impact.  相似文献   

The paper couples the results obtained by applying the expert and the rapid Macrophyte Quality Indices set up to assess the ecological status of the Italian transitional environments according to the requirements by the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/CE). The indices were validated by comparing the composition of the macrophyte assemblages and the values of some bio-physico-chemical parameters of the water column of 20 stations of the Venice lagoon sampled monthly for one year between 2003 and 2005. In 5 stations out of the 20, the ones which fall within the 5 classes of ecological status suggested by the Water Framework Directive, sedimentation rates, sediment grain-size, and nutrient and pollutant (metals, Polychloro-Dibenzo-Dioxins/Furans, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenils) concentrations in surface sediments were also determined. Results showed strong relationships between the trends of these environmental parameters and the composition and structure of macrophyte associations, as well as with the Macrophyte Quality Index assessment. Chlorophyceae showed a trend opposite to Rhodophyceae whose presence was concentrated in oxygenated and transparent environments. Chlorophyceae and the species characterised by low scores prevailed in turbid areas where nutrient and pollutant concentrations were high. Results allowed the identification of the conditions of the “reference sites” (confinement areas and sites with high water renewal) and the integration of the dichotomic key used for the application of the R-MaQI. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

The effect of restoring connectivity for fish by the construction of 11 fish ladders in the Pielach and Melk rivers, both tributaries to the Danube in Austria, was monitored using electric fishing and fish traps between 1999 and 2004. In order to assess the efficiency of connectivity rehabilitation measures pre- and post-project data combining electric fishing and trap catch data were analyzed by means of three fish-based assessment methods: a MUlti-Level concept for a Fish-based, river-type-specific Assessment of ecological integrity (MULFA), the Fish Index Austria (FIA) and the European Fish Index (EFI). The effect of adding qualitative trap catch data to electric fishing data on metrics and indices was also tested and the magnitude of the effect was related to the distance of the sites from the river mouth. The results clearly demonstrated the significant contribution of connectivity rehabilitation measures to the ecological integrity of rivers like the River Pielach where morphological conditions are good, whereas remaining channelization still limits the success of connectivity measures in the River Melk. Trap catch data were found to represent an essential source of additional information to assess the efficiency of connectivity measures shortly after their implementation. The negative correlations of the magnitude of the effect of different indices and metrics with the distance of assessment sites from river mouths obviously underline the importance of the river Danube as a source for the re-colonization process. While the indices tested were found to have limited ability to reflect short-term response of fish assemblages to continuum rehabilitation, guild metrics were able to detect improvements of the ecological status shortly after the implementation of connectivity measures. Six metrics showed significant differences between pre and post-project data reflecting the expected increase of the ecological integrity: (1) Fish Region Index (FRI; FIA, MULFA), (2) number of subdominant species and (3) number of flow-guilds (FIA), (4) number of type specific species (MULFA), (5) number of benthic species and (6) number of potamodromous species (EFI); the FRI differences were only significant when trap catch data were added. The EFI indicated a decline of ecological integrity through increases in the density of omnivorous species and the relative number of tolerant species as well as a decrease in the relative number of intolerant species. Significantly decreasing responses with the distance from the river mouth were documented by the EFI and MULFA-index, the FRI (FIA, MULFA), total biomass and for the number of type specific species (MULFA). Guest editors: R. L. Welcomme & G. Marmulla Hydropower, Flood Control and Water Abstraction: Implications for Fish and Fisheries  相似文献   

A new phytoplankton-based index was designed to respond to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) requirements concerning the assessment of lake ecological status. The “Indice Phytoplancton Lacustre” (IPLAC) is a multimetric index, taking into account biomass, abundance and species composition of communities. The first metric is based on the total phytoplankton biomass (MBA), the second on the abundance and taxonomic composition (MCS) of 165 indicator taxa. The IPLAC was developed on 2 independent databases, one for the calibration and the second for the validation of the metrics. The calibration dataset was composed of 255 “lake-years” from 214 distinct lakes sampled between 2005 and 2012. The validation dataset included 173 lake-years in order to confirm the response of the index to the trophic gradient and anthropogenic pressure.The results show that the IPLAC correctly highlights chemical pressure (eutrophication). Especially high Pearson correlations are shown with total phosphorus (r = −0.71, p-value <0.001), chlorophyll-a (r = −0.83, p-value <0.001) and water transparency (r = 0.73, p-value <0.001) which are the main proxies for the trophic level. Corine land cover was used as an indication of the anthropogenic pressure and good correlations are also found with the watershed land use, negatively correlated with agricultural area (r = −0.60, p-value <0.001), population density (r = −0.36, p-value <0.001) and positively with forest area (r = 0.57, p-value <0.001).The index is WFD-compliant and is dedicated to natural lakes and artificial water bodies in metropolitan France, and will be routinely used by the French Ministry of the Environment to assess lake ecological status through the phytoplankton community. However, the results must be carefully interpreted in two cases: reservoirs with large water level fluctuations, and samples that include less than 5 indicator species.  相似文献   

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