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Mosses and vascular plants have been shown to be reliable indicators of wetland habitat delineation and environmental quality. Knowledge of the best ecological predictors of the quality of wetland moss and vascular plant communities may determine if similar management practices would simultaneously enhance both populations. We used Akaike's Information Criterion to identify models predicting a moss quality assessment index (MQAI) and a vascular plant index of biological integrity based on floristic quality (VIBI-FQ) from 27 emergent and 13 forested wetlands in Ohio, USA. The set of predictors included the six metrics from a wetlands disturbance index (ORAM) and two landscape development intensity indices (LDIs). The best single predictor of MQAI and one of the predictors of VIBI-FQ was an ORAM metric that assesses habitat alteration and disturbance within the wetland, such as mowing, grazing, and agricultural practices. However, the best single predictor of VIBI-FQ was an ORAM metric that assessed wetland vascular plant communities, interspersion, and microtopography. LDIs better predicted MQAI than VIBI-FQ, suggesting that mosses may either respond more rapidly to, or recover more slowly from, anthropogenic disturbance in the surrounding landscape than vascular plants. These results supported previous predictive studies on amphibian indices and metrics and a separate vegetation index, indicating that similar wetland management practices may result in qualitatively the same ecological response for three vastly different wetland biological communities (amphibians, vascular plants, and mosses).  相似文献   

Indices of biological integrity of wetlands based on vascular plants (VIBIs) have been developed in many areas of the USA and are used in some states to make critical management decisions. An underlying concept of all VIBIs is that they respond negatively to disturbance. The Ohio VIBI (OVIBI) is calculated from 10 metrics, which are different for each wetland vegetation class. We present a candidate vegetation index of biotic integrity based on floristic quality (VIBI-FQ) that requires only two metrics to calculate an overall score regardless of vegetation class. These metrics focus equally on the critical ecosystem elements of diversity and dominance as related to a species’ degree of fidelity to habitat requirements. The indices were highly correlated but varied among vegetation classes. Both indices responded negatively with a published index of wetland disturbance in 261 Ohio wetlands. Unlike VIBI-FQ, however, errors in classifying wetland vegetation may lead to errors in calculating OVIBI scores. This is especially critical when assessing the ecological condition of rapidly developing ecosystems typically associated with wetland restoration and creation projects. Compared to OVIBI, the VIBI-FQ requires less field work, is much simpler to calculate and interpret, and can potentially be applied to all habitat types. This candidate index, which has been “standardized” across habitats, would make it easier to prioritize funding because it would score the “best” and “worst” of all habitats appropriately and allow for objective comparison across different vegetation classes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if the accuracy and precision of wetland plant indices of biological integrity (IBIs) could be improved through the use of modeling techniques. To do this, we developed a modeled vegetation IBI (MVIBI) based on metrics previously used to develop vegetation indices of biological integrity (VIBIs) for Ohio wetlands (e.g. % invasive grass, % sensitive species, shrub richness). We selected 82 emergent, forested, and shrub-dominated reference sites distributed across the State of Ohio and built Random Forest models to predict plant metric scores at reference wetlands from naturally occurring environmental features related to climate, hydrology, geology, soils, and landscape position. The models explained between 14 and 52% of the variance in the scores of 21 metrics indicating that variation in wetland plant assemblages was significantly associated with naturally occurring environmental gradients. We used principal component analysis to identify ten groups of statistically independent metrics and selected one metric from each group that discriminated most strongly between reference and most degraded sites based on t-scores. Two axes did not contain discriminating metrics so we used eight metrics in the MVIBI. Analysis of variance of reference site MVIBI scores indicated that we could use one distribution of reference site scores to assess multiple wetland types, thus eliminating the need to separately designate wetland types. We used the MVIBI to assess 170 test sites and compared the accuracy, precision, responsiveness, and sensitivity of the MVIBI to those of the original VIBIs. The MVIBI was up to twice as accurate and precise as the original VIBIs, indicating that modeling can be used to improve the performance of vegetation-based IBIs. The use of model-based IBIs for wetland plants should reduce assessment errors associated with natural variation in plant metrics and should increase confidence in wetland assessments.  相似文献   

Using data collected for the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) 2011 National Wetland Condition Assessment (NWCA), we developed separate multimetric indices (MMIs) for vegetation, soil, algae taxa, and water to assess condition of freshwater wetlands in the northeastern US. This study represents the first attempt at developing multiple biotic and abiotic MMIs of wetland condition over this large of an area, and is only possible because of the high quality data collected by the NWCA. We chose metrics that distinguished between reference and most disturbed sites, had a signal:noise ratio > 2, and were not strongly correlated with other metrics, latitude, or longitude. The vegetation and soil MMIs were the best performing indices, with good separation between reference and most disturbed sites, and included commonly used condition metrics (e.g., pH and P concentration for soil, and percent cover of exotic species for vegetation). The algae MMI was the weakest index, with considerable overlap between reference and most disturbed sites. For areas smaller than our study, algae taxa may be suitable for wetland MMIs. However, in our study area, many algae taxa followed strong latitudinal or longitudinal gradients, and could not be considered for the algae MMI. Small sample size and several metrics with a high signal:noise ratio were the major limitations of the water MMI. We also examined how well landscape (level 1) and rapid assessment (level 2) metrics predicted MMIs using random forest regression. Agricultural land use surrounding wetlands was an important predictor for all four MMIs, although the soil, algae and water MMI models performed best when intensive (level 3) vegetation metrics were also included in the random forest regression models. Based on these results, we recommend wetland assessment programs employ a combination of landscape and rapid assessment monitoring at many sites, along with level 3 monitoring at a subset of sites. We developed these MMIs to evaluate freshwater wetland condition for a long-term monitoring program in Acadia National Park. These MMIs are also applicable to a range of wetland types covering 11 states in the northeastern United States and can be calculated using a downloadable spreadsheet that calculates and rates each MMI using raw metric values.  相似文献   

We fit regression and classification tree models to vegetation data collected from Ohio (USA) wetlands to determine (1) which species best predict Ohio vegetation index of biotic integrity (OVIBI) score and (2) which species best predict high-quality wetlands (OVIBI score >75). The simplest regression tree model predicted OVIBI score based on the occurrence of three plant species: skunk-cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus), cinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea), and swamp rose (Rosa palustris). The lowest OVIBI scores were best predicted by the absence of the selected plant species rather than by the presence of other species. The simplest classification tree model predicted high-quality wetlands based on the occurrence of two plant species: skunk-cabbage and marsh-fern (Thelypteris palustris). The overall misclassification rate from this tree was 13 %. Again, low-quality wetlands were better predicted than high-quality wetlands by the absence of selected species rather than the presence of other species using the classification tree model. Our results suggest that a species’ wetland status classification and coefficient of conservatism are of little use in predicting wetland quality. A simple, statistically derived species checklist such as the one created in this study could be used by field biologists to quickly and efficiently identify wetland sites likely to be regulated as high-quality, and requiring more intensive field assessments. Alternatively, it can be used for advanced determinations of low-quality wetlands. Agencies can save considerable money by screening wetlands for the presence/absence of such “indicator” species before issuing permits.  相似文献   

Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) is an aggressive invader that dominates wetlands throughout the US. We examined the effects of reed canary grass on wetland habitat, both vegetation canopy architecture and soil environment, and its impacts the arthropod community in an urban wetland in Portland, OR, USA. Reed canary grass dominance resulted in reduced vegetation canopy complexity through reductions in native vegetation diversity and canopy height. In addition, reed canary grass dominance significantly changed the wetland soil environment, decreasing soil organic content and increasing soil moisture. The arthropod community responded to these habitat changes, being distinct between plots dominated by reed canary grass and those dominated by native vegetation. In addition, diversity measures were significantly lower in plots dominated by reed canary grass. Variables describing both vegetation canopy complexity and soil environment were more important predictors than relative abundance of reed canary grass in multiple regression models developed for dominant arthropod taxa and community metrics. Our results suggest that the mechanism by which reed canary grass affects the wetland arthropod community is primarily indirect, through habitat changes, rather than by directly altering its food source.  相似文献   

Rapid assessment of aquatic ecosystems has been widely implemented, sometimes without thorough evaluation of the robustness of rapid assessment metrics as indicators of ecological integrity. Here, we evaluate whether the Ohio Rapid Assessment Method (ORAM) for Wetlands Version 5.0 is a useful indicator of ecological integrity beyond its intended purpose. ORAM was developed to categorize natural wetlands for regulatory purposes and to contribute to the development of indicators of biotic integrity. It was never intended for use as an index of the quality of habitat for wetland birds. Nonetheless, it is conceivable that ORAM scores could serve as adequate predictors of avian diversity. We evaluated whether avian species richness in wetlands could be reliably predicted from each of the following variables: (1) total ORAM score, (2) total score minus the score for one metric that did not apply to all wetlands, and (3) sum of scores for the four ORAM components (of 16 scored) with the highest potential point total. These four components corresponded to aquatic vegetation communities, microtopography, modifications to natural hydrologic regime, and sources of water. All three variables were significant predictors of both total species richness and mean species richness of birds of conservation concern. Variable (3) was a significant predictor of mean species richness of wetland-dependent birds. Variable (2) was a weak predictor of both total and mean species richness of all birds combined. These results extend the robustness of ORAM as an indicator of the ecological integrity of wetlands.  相似文献   


We investigated the effects of invasion by introduced grey willow (Salix cinerea) on beetle communities within four wetland vegetation types: native vegetation, native vegetation following grey willow removal, native vegetation undergoing grey willow invasion and dense grey willow-dominated vegetation. In total, 1505 beetles from 90 species were collected using modified Malaise traps. Native wetland vegetation had significantly lower beetle species richness than willow-dominated vegetation and was dominated by herbivores, whereas detritivores characterised willow-dominated vegetation. Beetle abundance was highest in the willow-dominated vegetation and mostly comprised detritivores. In contrast, beetle abundance was lowest in native wetland vegetation, but had even proportions of herbivores and detritivores. Native wetland vegetation had a high proportion of native beetles present. As grey willows invaded, introduced beetles became more common. The beetle community composition differed significantly between grey willow-dominated vegetation and native wetland vegetation. These compositional differences were mainly due to the increasing complexity of vegetation structure following grey willow invasion. The beetle communities within restored native wetland vegetation were most similar to those within the native wetland vegetation. From a conservation perspective, these results are encouraging and suggest that, although grey willows dramatically alter the composition of beetle communities present, these communities can be restored to a beetle fauna that is similar to those found within native wetland through the removal of the willows.  相似文献   

Tidal salt marshes in the San Francisco Estuary region display heterogeneous vegetation patterns that influence wetland function and provide adequate habitat for native or endangered wildlife. In addition to analyzing the extent of vegetation, monitoring the dynamics of vegetation pattern within restoring wetlands can offer valuable information about the restoration process. Pattern metrics, derived from classified remotely sensed imagery, have been used to measure composition and configuration of patches and landscapes, but they can be unpredictable across scales, and inconsistent across time. We sought to identify pattern metrics that are consistent across spatial scale and time – and thus robust measures of vegetation and habitat configuration – for a restored tidal marsh in the San Francisco Bay, CA, USA. We used high-resolution (20 cm) remotely sensed color infrared imagery to map vegetation pattern over 2 years, and performed a multi-scale analysis of derived vegetation pattern metrics. We looked at the influence on metrics of changes in grain size through resampling and changes in minimum mapping unit (MMU) through smoothing. We examined composition, complexity, connectivity and heterogeneity metrics, focusing on perennial pickleweed (Sarcocornia pacifica), a dominant marsh plant. At our site, pickleweed patches grew larger, more irregularly shaped, and closely spaced over time, while the overall landscape became more diverse. Of the two scale factors examined, grain size was more consistent than MMU in terms of identifying relative change in composition and configuration of wetland marsh vegetation over time. Most metrics exhibited unstable behavior with larger MMUs. With small MMUs, most metrics were consistent across grain sizes, from fine (e.g. 0.16 m2) to relatively large (e.g. 16 m2) pixel sizes. Scale relationships were more variable at the landcover class level than at the landscape level (across all classes). This information may be useful to applied restoration practitioners, and adds to our general understanding of vegetation change in a restoring marsh.  相似文献   

Phenological patterns of wetland vegetation were studied on the Savannah River Site, Aiken, South Carolina, USA, to aid in delineation of wetland vegetation community types and plant species from aerial imagery. Relative phenology patterns were recorded for 16 dominant wetland plant species from May 1984 to June 1985 on the floodplains of three streams. These patterns were identified and compared with aerial photographs acquired in the same season as ground observations. Leafout and leaf senescence varied between and within floodplains. In spite of this variability, vegetation classes and individual species may be distinguished best during the late April leafout period.  相似文献   

Most plant-based indices of biotic integrity (IBIs) developed for wetlands have focused on emergent wetlands. A Vegetation Index of Biotic Integrity (VIBI-Forest) was developed for forested wetlands in the four large ecoregions of the Ohio. Assessing the effect of human disturbance on the ecological condition of wetland forests is complicated by several factors. First, forest canopies can remain largely intact even after significant degradation of the herb and shrub stratum. Second, increases in total diversity may not be good. In forested wetlands, a major artifact of disturbance is the addition of non-wetland or wetland native or adventive plant species adapted to full sun conditions to their floras. Initial versions of the VIBI-Forest metrics were very sensitive to disturbance-induced increases in diversity. Correcting this problem required modifying or replacing metrics so that only forest dependent species were included in metric calculations. The final VIBI-Forest included metrics which evaluated each forest stratum including the ground layer (% bryophyte), herb layer (shade or seed-less vascular plant species), shrub layer (subcanopy importance value (IV), relative density of young trees), canopy (canopy IV), and composite metrics for all vertical strata (Floristic Quality Assessment Index score, % hydrophytes, % sensitive, % tolerant). Assessing wetland forest condition is further complicated by the fact that some successional communities after canopy death or destruction (shrub swamp, marsh, wet meadow) may have intrinsic value as wetland community types. The solution is not to attempt to derive a one-size-fits-all assessment method but to derive separate protocols for other successional phases that are of value or interest.  相似文献   

Wetland restoration aims to recreate or enhance valuable ecosystem services lost during wetland destruction. Regaining wetland ecosystem services depends on restarting basic wetland functions, like carbon (C) storage, which are unmeasured in many Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) restoration sites. We collected soil and plant data from 17 WRP sites in western New York that were used for tillage or non-tillage agriculture and then actively restored as isolated depressional wetlands by excavating basins and disabling drainage systems. Sites had been restored for 0–15 years when sampled in August-October 2010. We analyzed data as chronosequences and tested whether soil and vegetation parameters in restored wetlands, over time, (1) departed from pre-restoration baselines, estimated using active agricultural fields paired to each WRP site, and (2) converged towards “natural” benchmarks, estimated from four naturally-occurring wetlands. Restored WRP soils remained similar to agricultural soils in organic matter, density, moisture, and belowground plant biomass across chronosequences, indicating negligible C storage and belowground development for 15 years following restoration. Soil changes were limited in sites restored after both tillage and non-tillage agriculture and throughout the upland meadow, emergent shoreline, and open-water habitat zones that characterize these sites. Many plant metrics like aboveground biomass matched natural wetlands within 15 years, but recovered inconsistently among tilled and untilled sites and across all habitat zones, suggesting land-use history impacts and/or zonation effects. Disparities in recovery times exists between vegetation, which can respond quickly to wetland restoration, and underlying soils, which show limited signs of recovery 15 years after being restored.  相似文献   

In ‘zonal’ vegetation, climatic factors are the main influence on growth and performance and the climate determines the vegetation type completely, which makes this vegetation dominant in the landscape. If vegetation is ‘azonal’ however, local stresses are assumed to have an overwhelming influence on plant performance and climatic influences will be minimal; typically, this vegetation occurs only in small patches in the landscape. In this study I ask whether wetland plant communities, as they are described for South Africa, are evenly distributed among different terrestrial vegetation types, to test whether they are zonal or azonal. Three contingency tables were construed based on the counts of wetland vegetation records, defined on three hierarchical levels (Main Clusters, Community Groups and Community) and their occurrence in the country (at the level of Biome, Bioregion and terrestrial vegetation type). An ‘azonality index’ was calculated as the sum of all Chi‐square values for each wetland vegetation type divided by the total number of records. The overall correlation between hydroperiod and the azonality index was very weak. At the finest level, terrestrial vegetation types were clustered on the basis of having similar combinations of wetland community types. Eighteen different ‘wetland ecoregions’ have been defined, on the basis of wetland vegetation types occurring within them. Instead of regarding wetland vegetation as azonal, it should rather be regarded as ‘intrazonal’, meaning that climate does have an impact but many vegetation types are widespread across climatic regions. The reason why community types in wetlands are widespread is due to the monodominance of a single widespread, often clonal, species. The different wetland ecoregions do not correspond to terrestrial biomes, so it is expected that wetland vegetation responds differently to climate than terrestrial vegetation.  相似文献   

We investigated butterfly responses to plot-level characteristics (plant species richness, vegetation height, and range in NDVI [normalized difference vegetation index]) and spatial heterogeneity in topography and landscape patterns (composition and configuration) at multiple spatial scales. Stratified random sampling was used to collect data on butterfly species richness from seventy-six 20 × 50 m plots. The plant species richness and average vegetation height data were collected from 76 modified-Whittaker plots overlaid on 76 butterfly plots. Spatial heterogeneity around sample plots was quantified by measuring topographic variables and landscape metrics at eight spatial extents (radii of 300, 600 to 2,400 m). The number of butterfly species recorded was strongly positively correlated with plant species richness, proportion of shrubland and mean patch size of shrubland. Patterns in butterfly species richness were negatively correlated with other variables including mean patch size, average vegetation height, elevation, and range in NDVI. The best predictive model selected using Akaike’s Information Criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc), explained 62% of the variation in butterfly species richness at the 2,100 m spatial extent. Average vegetation height and mean patch size were among the best predictors of butterfly species richness. The models that included plot-level information and topographic variables explained relatively less variation in butterfly species richness, and were improved significantly after including landscape metrics. Our results suggest that spatial heterogeneity greatly influences patterns in butterfly species richness, and that it should be explicitly considered in conservation and management actions.  相似文献   


Macroinvertebrate community structure and assemblages associated with the planted, native submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) species Heteranthera dubia (Jacq.) MacMillan and Potamogeton nodosus Poiret were examined in a series of constructed urban floodway wetlands, the Dallas Floodway Extension Lower Chain of Wetlands, Dallas, TX, USA. Macroinvertebrate community metrics, including abundance, richness, diversity, and evenness associated with SAV and three different wetlands of varying construction completion dates, water sources (direct or wetland-channeled wastewater effluent), and ecosystem management stage (established/reference or developing) were compared and analyzed. Assemblages at sampling sites were also classified and related to vegetation and wetland physicochemical parameters. Plant species affected only macroinvertebrate abundance, with the less-dissected P. nodosus supporting higher counts than H. dubia. Wetland age and water-effluent type had the most substantial effect on macroinvertebrate communities. The older, longer-managed wetland and wetland-channeled effluent habitat consistently demonstrated higher quality metrics and biodiversity than newly constructed, direct effluent wetland habitat. Increased vegetation cover and wetland age, coupled with moderate water temperature, pH, and DO levels were characteristics of more rich and diverse macroinvertebrate communities, including pollutant-sensitive taxa, such as Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera.


Development of community metrics to evaluate recovery of Minnesota wetlands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monitoring wetland recovery requires assessment tools that efficiently and reliably discern ecosystem changes in response to changes in land use. The biological indicator approach pioneered for rivers and streams that uses changes in species assemblages to interpret degradation levels may be a promising monitoring approach for wetlands. We explored how well metrics based on species assemblages related to land use patterns for eight kinds of wetlands in Minnesota. We evaluated land use on site and within 500 m,1000 m, 2500 m and 5000 m of riverine, littoral, and depressional wetlands (n = 116) in three ecoregions. Proportion of agriculture, urban, grassland, forest,and water were correlated with metrics developed from plant, bird, fish, invertebrate, and amphibian community data collected from field surveys. We found79 metrics that relate to land use, including five that may be useful for many wetlands: proportion of wetland birds, wetland bird richness, proportion of insectivorous birds, importance of Carex, importance of invasive perennials. Since very few metrics were significant for even one-half of the wetland types surveyed, our data suggest that monitoring recovery in wetlands with community indicators will likely require different metrics,depending on type and ecoregion. In addition, wetlands within extensively degraded ecoregions may be most problematic for indicator development because biotic degradation is historic and severe. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We studied wetland development in a chronosequence of created wetlands in a reclaimed landscape in east Texas seasonally for 1 year. The purpose of the study was to identify features (i.e., indicators) that best reflected changes in wetland ecosystem state through time and could serve as indicators of “maturity” for bond-release. Features considered included surface water nutrients, soil nutrients, soil redox potential, vegetative biomass and diversity, and benthic invertebrate biomass and diversity. Our sampling focused on nine wetlands representing three different-age classes (n = 3 for each) as a surrogate for time. All wetland sites were created with the same homogenized mine spoil and had similar hydrology and climate. Age-specific changes in all parameters were observed, except for surface water nutrients. The oldest wetlands (i.e., “mature”) exhibited highest soil concentrations of N, C, K, P, and Ca. Soil redox potential was significantly lower in the mature wetlands, in addition to within-wetland (lowest in deepest sampling zones) and intra-annual variability (i.e., lowest during the summer). Mature created wetlands supported the highest vegetative biomass and species richness and highest densities of invertebrates; however, taxa richness was similar across all age groups. Of all parameters we measured, vegetation metrics were among the simplest and most cost-effective measures used to track the early development of mitigated wetlands. This study provides the basis from which to track the development of these reclaimed ecosystems in a more rigorous and easily replicated manner. With further validation, select use of these parameter sets in east Texas and other similar landscapes could aid both in determining compliance for regulatory purposes as well as tracking success of ecological mitigation.  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2008,8(3):303-307
The Index of Plant Community Integrity (IPCI) was developed to assess wetland plant communities in the Prairie Pothole Region. The IPCI evaluates the condition of wetland plant communities based on disturbance level and multiple community attributes. However, the index was developed for seasonal wetlands from limited spatial and temporal data. We tested the index for seasonal wetlands and developed an index for temporary and semi-permanent wetlands by evaluating vegetative composition of wetlands throughout the Northern Glaciated Plains and Northwestern Glaciated Plains Ecoregions of South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana. In 2003 and 2004, we selected wetlands based on classification and type of disturbance, ranging from little disturbance (native rangeland) to heavily disturbed (cropland). We analyzed the data using the IPCI vegetation metrics developed for seasonal wetlands, and further analyzed using nonmetric multidimensional scaling and cluster analyses. All vegetation metrics tested were significant in indicating disturbance level. Based on data analysis, five biologically significant groups related to intensity of disturbance (Very good, Good, Fair, Poor, and Very poor) were determined for seasonal wetlands, and three condition classes (Good, Fair, and Poor) for temporary and semi-permanent wetlands. Score ranges were assigned to the metrics according to the determined classes. Using the IPCI method, wetlands throughout the Northern and Northwestern Glaciated Plains of South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana may be placed into disturbance classes. This data can then be used for ecological purposes and mitigation needs such as monitoring trends on reclaimed or restored wetlands, regional inventories, and for evaluation of ecological functions.  相似文献   

适应白洋淀湿地健康评价的IBI方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈展  林波  尚鹤  李勇 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6619-6627
IBI指数法是美国湿地生态系统健康评价的常用方法之一,在国内应用较少,目前为止只有少数学者尝试了底栖动物完整性指数(B-IBI)和鱼类完整性指数进行河流生态系统健康评价。试图建立适合白洋淀地区的生物完整性指数湿地健康状况评价的方法。在白洋淀的23个淀区进行土壤、水体、植物的实地调查与采样分析。根据已有研究所选择的植物属性,选择了30个植物属性作为备选参数。通过考察备选参数与人类干扰的相关性,最后确定了9个对人类干扰敏感的IBI参数。通过分析,建立了适合白洋淀湿地健康评价的标准:IBI,35-45,好;27-34,一般;19-26,差;<18,极差。评价结果表明,白洋淀23个淀区中,6个健康状况好,5个一般,7个差,5个很差。  相似文献   

Under section 401 and section 404 of the Clean Water Act, permission to degrade existing natural wetlands in the USA may be conditional on restoring or creating ‘replacement’ wetlands. Success of wetland mitigation efforts in adequately replacing lost wildlife habitats depends on our good understanding of key ecological attributes that affect the structure of wetland faunal communities. We examined the effects of the presence of predatory fish, shallow vegetated littoral zone, emergent vegetation cover, wetland age and size on amphibian diversity in 42 replacement wetlands located in the Ohio’s North Central Tillplain ecoregion. We recorded 13 species of pond-breeding amphibians, and the average local species richness (α-richness) was 4.2 ± 1.7 species per site (range 1–7). There is strong evidence for the positive association between amphibian species richness and presence of a shallow littoral zone, and the negative association with presence of predatory fish. There was no evidence for the association between species richness and age, size, amount of forest cover within 200 m, nor the amount of emergent vegetation cover at the study sites. It is estimated that local species richness in wetlands with shallows was 1.76 species higher on average than in wetlands without shallows (95% CI from 0.75 to 2.76). The presence of predatory fish was associated with an average reduction in species richness by an estimated 1.21 species (95% CI from 0.29 to 2.11). Replacement wetlands were placed in areas with little or no existing forest cover, and amphibian species associated with forested wetlands were either rare (eastern newt, spotted salamander) or not present at all (marbled salamander, wood frog). In addition, we surveyed all replacement wetlands constructed under section 401 in Ohio since 1990, and found that predatory fish were present in 52.4% of the sites and that shallows were absent from 42.7% of the sites. Our results indicate that current wetland replacement practices could have a negative effect on the amphibian diversity within our region.  相似文献   

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