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Extraction of rat liver cytosol with charcoal inactivates glucocorticoid-binding capacity and receptors can be reactivated to the steroid-binding state by an endogenous reducing system utilizing NADPH and a Mr = 12,000, heat-stable, endogenous, cytosolic protein (Grippo, J. F., Tienrungroj, W., Dahmer, M. K., Housley, P. R., and Pratt, W. B. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 13658-13664). In this paper we show that NADPH-dependent conversion of the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor from a nonbinding to a steroid-binding form is blocked in an immune-specific manner by antisera raised against purified rat liver thioredoxin reductase or thioredoxin. The inhibition produced by thioredoxin reductase antiserum may be circumvented by dithiothreitol or overcome by addition of purified thioredoxin reductase. These observations prove that the endogenous glucocorticoid receptor-activating factor is thioredoxin and that the enzyme required for generating the steroid-binding conformation of the glucocorticoid receptor by the endogenous receptor-activating system is thioredoxin reductase.  相似文献   

Boiled cytosols prepared from a wide variety of sources contain a low Mr factor that inhibits glucocorticoid receptor transformation to the DNA-binding state (Leach, K.L., Grippo, J.F., Housley, P.R., Dahmer, M.K., Salive, M.E., and Pratt, W.B. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 381-388). In this work, we show that this endogenous factor, which is partially purified from rat liver, produces all of the effects of the group VI-A transition metal oxyanions molybdate and vanadate on the structure and function of glucocorticoid receptors in cytosol preparations. Like molybdate, the endogenous factor behaves as a strong anion with an apparent Mr of 340 on Bio-Gel P-2, and it binds to both hydroxylapatite and Chelex 100 resins. The receptor stabilizing activity of the factor is completely stable to heating at 320 degrees C for 1 h. The small size, profound heat stability, and absorption by a metal chelating resin strongly suggest that the factor is an endogenous metal anion. As reduction of the concentration of the factor in cytosol promotes generation of the DNA-binding form of the receptor, we suggest that this endogenous metal anion interacts with the receptor to stabilize the 9 S complex and maintain the receptor in its untransformed, non-DNA-binding state. We propose that molybdate and vanadate may exert their effects on the untransformed receptor by interacting with the binding site for the endogenous metal anion.  相似文献   

Treatment of rat liver cytosol containing temperature-transformed [3H]dexamethasone-bound receptors at 0 degree C with the sulfhydryl modifying reagent methyl methanethiosulfonate (MMTS) inhibits the DNA-binding activity of the receptor, and DNA-binding activity is restored after addition of dithiothreitol (DTT). However, transformed receptors that are treated with MMTS and then separated from low Mr components of cytosol by passage through a column of Sephadex G-50 have very little DNA-binding activity when DTT is added to regenerate sulfhydryl moities. The receptors will bind to DNA if whole liver cytosol or boiled liver cytosol is added in addition to DTT. The effect of boiled cytosol is mimicked by purified rat thioredoxin or bovine RNase A in a manner that does not reflect the reducing activity of the former or the catalytic activity of the latter. This suggests that the reported ability of each of these heat-stable peptides to stimulate DNA binding by glucocorticoid receptors is not a biologically relevant action. We suggest that stimulation of DNA binding of partially purified receptors by boiled cytosol does not constitute a reconstitution of a complete cytosolic system in which the dissociated receptor must associate with a specific heat-stable accessory protein required for DNA binding, as has been suggested in the "two-step" model of receptor transformation recently proposed by Schmidt et al. (Schmidt T.J., Miller-Diener, A., Webb M.L. and Litwack G. (1985) J. biol. Chem. 260, 16255-16262).  相似文献   

It has recently been suggested that the level of the endogenous glucocorticoid receptor stabilizing factor in mouse liver is regulated by the major hisiocompatibility, H-2. complex (Katsumata et al. [1]). We have developed an asssay for the activity of the endogenous heat-stable factor in mouse liver and have assayed this factor in liver cytosols prepared from two pairs of two H-2 congenic mouse strains. Our results show that the amount of the endogenous factor is the same in all four mouse strains and that it is not regulated by the H-2 locus.  相似文献   

A ubiquitous, low molecular weight, heat-stable component of cytosol stabilizes the glucocorticoid receptor in its untransformed state in association with hsp90. This heat-stable factor mimics molybdate in its effects on receptor function, and it has the heat stability, charge, and chelation properties of a metal oxyanion [Meshinchi, S., Grippo, J.F., Sanchez, E.R., Bresnick, E.H., & Pratt, W.B. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 16809-16817]. In this paper, we describe the further purification of the endogenous factor from rat liver cytosol by anion-exchange HPLC (Ion-110) after prepurification by molecular sieving, cation absorption, and charcoal absorption. Elution of the factor with an isocratic gradient of ammonium bicarbonate results in recovery of all of the bioactivity in a single peak which coelutes with inorganic phosphate and contains all of the endogenous molybdenum. The bioactivity can be separated from inorganic phosphate by chromatography of the partially purified endogenous factor on a metal-chelating column of Chelex-100. The chelating procedure results in complete loss of bioactivity with recovery of 98% of the inorganic phosphate in both the column drop-through and a subsequent 1 M NaCl wash. The factor preparation purified through the Ion-110 HPLC step inhibits temperature-mediated dissociation of the immunopurified glucocorticoid receptor-hsp90 complex, but it is considerably more effective at stabilizing the unpurified receptor-hsp90 complex in a Chelex-treated cytosol system that has been depleted of metal components. These observations support the proposal that an endogenous metal can stabilize the binding of hsp90 to the receptor but it is likely that other cytosolic components that are not present in the immunopurified complex must contribute to the stability of the soluble protein-protein complex in cytosol.  相似文献   

This paper presents data identifying adenosine 3',5'-diphosphate (3',5'-ADP) as the small heat-stable factor essential for the active steroid binding complex of the adrenocortical pregnenolone-binding protein (PBP). Factor activity obtained from the boiled supernatant of partially purified PBP was isolated by high performance liquid chromatography using weak anion-exchange and hydrophobic (C18) chromatography sequentially. The purified material retained characteristic factor activity and presented a UV spectrum identical to that for authentic 3',5'-ADP. Mass spectroscopic analysis of the isolated factor revealed an M-H ion of appropriate mass (m/z = 426) and a decomposition pattern for the M-H ion that was consistent with the structure of 3',5'-ADP. The studies presented here demonstrate that authentic 3',5'-ADP can categorically substitute for factor prepared from the soluble fraction of the guinea pig adrenal. Specifically, 3',5'-ADP potentiated ligand binding of partially purified native PBP and restored binding capacity to alkaline phosphatase-inactivated PBP in a dose-dependent manner. As is the case for adrenocortical factor activity, these effects were negated by pretreating the 3',5'-ADP with calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase. Other nucleotides similarly tested, including ADP isomers, were ineffective as factor substitutes. The sulfated form of 3',5'-ADP (i.e. 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate) demonstrated some potential for restoring binding capacity to phosphatase-inactivated PBP; however, this compound was clearly inhibitory rather than stimulatory for native PBP activity. Taken collectively, the data overwhelmingly demonstrate that 3',5'-ADP is in fact the molecule required by the PBP for high affinity steroid binding complex formation. It is not yet known whether 3',5'-ADP acts allosterically or contributes directly to the structure of the steroid binding site.  相似文献   

Cytosol preparations contain an endogenous heat-stable factor which stabilizes the glucocorticoid receptor in its untransformed, non DNA-binding form. Elution of a partially purified preparation of this stabilizing factor through a metal chelating resin (Chelex-100) leads to the loss of its ability to inhibit temperature-mediated transformation of the receptor. Sodium molybdate mimicks the ability of this endogenous metal to stabilize the untransformed receptor, and it too is adsorbed by Chelex resin. When an L-cell cytosol preparation containing the glucocorticoid receptor is passed through a column of Chelex-100 resin and then incubated at 15 degrees C, the receptor is rapidly transformed to the DNA-binding state, regardless of whether it is steroid-bound or not. In contrast, whole cytosol containing endogenous metals is transformed to the DNA-binding state only when the receptor is both steroid-bound and exposed to elevated temperature. these data suggest that a metal (or metals) may be involved in conferring the property of ligand-dependency to the transformation process.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that administration of Thymosin alpha 1 (T-1) can enhance the level of the Nerve Growth Factor and the distribution of its receptor in the developing Central Nervous System (CNS) of rat. To further explore the role of T-1 and verify its presence in cells of rat CNS, we carried out an immunohistochemical study using a polyclonal antibody against T-1. T-1 immunoreactivity was found mainly in neurons of the hippocampus and spinal cord and in several small cells, resembling glial cells, of specific regions of the brain. Moreover, to study whether cerebral cells were receptive to T-1, we injected iodinated T-1 (125I-T-1) icv. 125I-T-1 labelled neurons were observed in the hypothalamus and septal nuclei. Our results indicate that specific neuronal populations in the rat CNS are able to express and respond to T-1.  相似文献   

Peroxiredoxins catalyze reduction of hydrogen peroxide or alkyl peroxide, to water or the corresponding alcohol. Detailed analysis of their sequences indicates that these enzymes possess a thioredoxin (Trx)-like fold and consequently are homologues of both thioredoxin and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). Sequence- and structure-based multiple sequence alignments indicate that the peroxiredoxin active site cysteine and GPx active site selenocysteine are structurally equivalent. Homologous peroxiredoxin and GPx enzymes are predicted to catalyze equivalent reactions via similar reaction intermediates.  相似文献   

Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) exerts neurotrophic and neuromodulatory actions in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS). Like the cytokines, PDGF primarily signals through tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent pathways that activate multiple intracellular molecules including Janus family kinases. We previously showed that microinjection of PDGF-BB into the lateral ventricle induced a febrile response in rats that was reduced by pretreatment with Win 41662, a potent inhibitor of PDGF receptors (Pelá IR, Ferreira MES, Melo MCC, Silva CAA, and Valenzuela CF. Ann NY Acad Sci 856: 289-293, 1998). In this study, we further characterized the role of PDGF-BB in the febrile response in rats. Microinjection of PDGF-BB into the third ventricle produced a dose-dependent increase in colonic temperature that peaked 3-4 h postinjection. Win 41662 attenuated fever induced by intraperitoneal injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide, suggesting that endogenous PDGF participates in the febrile response to this exogenous pyrogen. Importantly, febrile responses induced by tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1beta, and interleukin-6 were unchanged by Win 41662. Both indomethacin and dexamethasone blocked the PDGF-BB-induced increase in colonic temperature, and, therefore, we postulate that PDGF-BB may act via prostaglandin- and/or inducible enzyme-dependent pathways. Thus our findings suggest that PDGF-BB is an endogenous CNS mediator of the febrile response in rats.  相似文献   

The treatment of crude culture medium from human rheumatoid synovial cells with 4-aminophenylmercuric acetate (APMA) or trypsin results in the activation of procollagenase. This process was shown to be dependent on the presence of matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP-3). MMP-3 can directly activate procollagenase without changing the apparent molecular weight of procollagenase. This activity was accelerated in the presence of APMA. We propose that MMP-3 plays an important role in connective tissue destruction through the activation of procollagenase in addition to its direct action on components of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Generation of the polyadenylated 3' end of an mRNA requires an endonucleolytic cleavage followed by synthesis of the poly(A) tail. Despite the seeming simplicity of the reaction, more than a dozen polypeptides are required, and nearly all appear to be necessary for the cleavage reaction. Because of this complexity, the identity of the endonuclease has remained a mystery. Here we present evidence that a component of the cleavage-polyadenylation specificity factor CPSF-73 is the long-sought endonuclease. We first show, using site-specific labeling and UV-cross-linking, that a protein with properties of CPSF-73 is one of only two polypeptides in HeLa nuclear extract to contact the cleavage site in an AAUAAA-dependent manner. The recent identification of CPSF-73 as a possible member of the metallo-beta-lactamase family of Zn(2+)-dependent hydrolytic enzymes suggests that this contact may identify CPSF-73 as the nuclease. Supporting the significance of the putative hydrolytic lactamase domain in CPSF-73, we show that mutation of key residues predicted to be required for activity in the yeast CPSF-73 homolog result in lethality. Furthermore, in contrast to long held belief, but consistent with properties of metallo-beta-lactamases, we show that 3' cleavage is metal-dependent, likely reflecting a requirement for tightly protein-bound Zn(2+). Taken together, the available data provide strong evidence that CPSF-73 is the 3' processing endonuclease.  相似文献   

Enterolactone, a lignan that has been identified in biological samples from man and several mammals, shares with ascorbic acid and cardiac glycosides a gamma-butyrolactone. It displaces 3H-ouabain from its binding sites on cardiac digitalis receptor and inhibits, dose dependently, the Na+, K+-ATPase activity of human and guinea-pig heart. The time dependence of this inhibition resembles that of dihydroouabain, a cardiac glycoside in which the lactone ring does not contain conjugated double bonds. The active concentrations of enterolactone as inhibitor of Na+,K+-ATPase are in the 10(-4) M range and, at those concentrations, the cross-reactivity with antidigoxin antibodies is low. Lignans may contribute to the putative digitalis-like activity found in tissues, blood and urine of several mammals including man.  相似文献   

Two phosphoproteins are adsorbed to protein-A-Sepharose when cytosol from 32P-labeled L-cells is incubated with a monoclonal antibody against the glucocorticoid receptor: one is a 98-100-kDa phosphoprotein that contains the steroid-binding site and the other is a 90-kDa nonsteroid-binding phosphoprotein that is associated with the untransformed, molybdate-stabilized receptor (Housley, P. R., Sanchez, E. R., Westphal, H.M., Beato, M., and Pratt, W.B. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, in press). In this paper we show that the 90-kDa receptor-associated phosphoprotein is an abundant cytosolic protein that reacts with a monoclonal antibody that recognizes the 90-kDa phosphoprotein that binds steroid receptors in the chicken oviduct. The 90-kDa protein immunoadsorbed from L-cell cytosol with this antibody reacts on Western blots with rabbit antiserum prepared against the 89-kDa chicken heat shock protein. Immunoadsorption of molybdate-stabilized cytosol by antibodies against the glucocorticoid receptor results in the presence of a 90-kDa protein that interacts on Western blots with the antiserum against the chicken heat shock protein. The association between the 90-kDa protein and the receptor is only seen by this technique when molybdate is present to stabilize the complex; and when steroid-bound receptors are incubated at 25 degrees C to transform them to the DNA-binding state, the 90-kDa protein dissociates. These observations are consistent with the proposal that the untransformed glucocorticoid receptor in L-cells exists in a complex with the murine 90-kDa heat shock protein.  相似文献   

The role of cartilage cyclic AMP as a mediator or modulator of serum sulfation factor (SSF) action on embryonic chicken cartilage was assessed. Media with concentrations of rat serum (7.5%) sufficient to maximally stimulate chondromucoprotein synthesis as measured by 35SO4 incorporation did not change cartilage cyclic AMP levels. Theophylline (2.5mM) doubled cyclic AMP in cartilage incubated in media but had no effect on 35SO4 incorporation. In media containing 5% rat serum, theophylline at 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5mM caused a similar and significant rise in tissue cyclic AMP but only 2.5mM inhibited SSF stimulated 35SO4 incorporation. The data indicate that cartilage cyclic AMP neither mediates nor modulates SSF action on cartilage chondromucoprotein synthesis.  相似文献   

Blastocladiella emersonii zoospore maintenance factor (ZMF), released into the medium during zoospore production, mediates a reversible developmental block to zoospore encystment (Gottschalk, W. K., and Sonneborn, D. R. (1981) Exp. Mycol. 5, 1-14 and (1982) Dev. Biol. 93, 165-180). Crude ZMF and purified ZMF display indistinguishable sensitivities/insensitivities to inactivations by several different chemical or enzymatic treatments. Such data have provided additional support for the conclusion (Gottschalk, W. K., and Sonneborn, D. R. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 6588-6591) that ZMF biological activity resides in a single molecular species. The inactivation analyses have provided substantial evidence that ZMF is a newly discovered SH-containing cyclic ribotide. At least one SH-containing side group and at least one free amino group linked to an imidazole, as well as a ribosyl moiety containing a cyclic 3',5'-phosphate, a 2'-free hydroxyl, and a 1'-linkage to the imidazole, appear to be essential structural requirements for ZMF-mediated encystment blockage. The proposed structure of biologically functional ZMF is similar to that of a key intermediate in the de novo pathway of purine nucleotide biosynthesis (5'-phosphoribosyl-5-aminoimidazole-4-N-succino-carboxamide), except that ZMF, and not 5'-phosphoribosyl-5-aminoimidazole-4-N-succinocarboxamide, contains a cyclic phosphate and at least one reduced SH group.  相似文献   

1. An epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like activity was detected and partially purified from swiftlet's nest extract. 2. The partially purified EGF-like activity was able to (a) generate competitive binding curves parallel to the standard curves in radioreceptor assay and (b) stimulate thymidine incorporation in quiescent culture of 3T3 fibroblasts and the latter activity can be suppressed by mouse EGF antibody. 3. Partial characterization of the EGF-like activity in terms of pI, molecular weight and its behavior on gel filtration column suggest that it bears similar physical properties to the EGFs isolated from the mouse and the shrew.  相似文献   

Using L cell glucocorticoid receptors that have been immunopurified by adsorption to protein A Sepharose with a monoclonal antireceptor antibody, we have developed an assay to study the requirements for maintenance of steroid-binding capacity. After rapid purification by immunoadsorption, heteromeric receptor complexes retain the ability to bind glucocorticoid hormone. When the receptor complexes are warmed at 20 degrees C, steroid-binding capacity is lost, and the 90-kDa heat shock protein (hsp90) dissociates from the receptor. The rates of both temperature- and salt-dependent dissociation of hsp90 parallel the rates of loss of hormone-binding activity. Molybdate and hydrogen peroxide stabilize the hsp90-receptor complex against temperature-dependent dissociation. Molybdate, however, is much more effective in stabilizing steroid-binding capacity than peroxide. Receptors that have been inactivated in the absence of molybdate or peroxide cannot be reactivated. Inactivation of steroid-binding capacity occurs in the presence or absence of reducing agent, and inactivation is not accompanied by receptor cleavage or dephosphorylation. Under no conditions does an hsp90-free receptor bind steroid. Receptor bound to hsp90 can be cleaved to the 27-kDa meroreceptor in the presence of molybdate with retention of both hsp90 and steroid-binding activity. These observations lead us to propose that hsp90 is necessary but not sufficient for maintaining a competent high affinity glucocorticoid-binding site. Although the 27-kDa meroreceptor fragment is not itself sufficient for a competent binding site, it is sufficient when it is associated with hsp90.  相似文献   

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