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A hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) gene bearing the 39-amino-acid-long domain A of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) within the HBcAg immunodominant loop has been constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli. Chimeric capsids demonstrated HBs but not HBc antigenicity and elicited in mice B-cell and T-cell responses against native HBcAg and HBsAg.  相似文献   

Human T cells that recognize a major epitope of the hepatitis B surface antigen were studied for their ability to react with antigen when presented by mouse fibroblasts that express class II products of the human major histocompatibility gene complex after gene transfection. L cells expressing HLA-DPw4, but not those expressing HLA-DR4 or HLA-DR7, induced strong proliferative responses of antigen-specific T cells to either hepatitis B surface antigen or the synthetic peptide S1d, which bears the immunodominant T-cell epitope. These results identified a genetic restriction element of human helper T-lymphocyte responses to a major antigenic determinant of hepatitis B virus and might be important in the design of subunit vaccines to this pathogen. Peptides that induce T-cell responses that are restricted by a frequently encountered major histocompatibility complex molecule in the general population such as DPw4 would be ideal candidates as subunit vaccines.  相似文献   

Cell surface expression of protein has been widely used to display enzymes and antigens. Here we show that Pseudomonas syringae ice nucleation protein with a deletion of internal repeating domain (INC) can be used in Escherichia coli to display peptide in a conformationally active form on the outside of the folded protein by fusing to the C-terminus of INC. Diagnostic potential of this technology was demonstrated by effective mapping of antigenic epitopes derived from hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein. Amino acids 1-38 and 26-53 of HCV core protein were found to react more sensitively in a native conformation with the HCV patient sera than commercial diagnostic antigen, c22p (amino acids 10-53) by display-ELISA. These results demonstrate that the bacterial cell surface display using INC is useful for peptide presentation and thus epitope mapping of antigen.  相似文献   

Recombinant plasmids were constructed by fusing the gene fragments encoding the full-length (1-191aa) and the truncated (1-40aa and l-69aa) HCV core proteins (HCc) respectively to the core gene of HBV at the position of amino acid 144 and expressed inE. coli. The products were analyzed by ELISA, Western blotting as well as the immunization of the mice. The results showed that those fusion proteins (B144C191, B144C69, B144C40) possessed the dual antigenicity and immunogenicity of both hepatitis B virus core antigen (HBcAg) and hepatitis C virus core protein (HCc). Analysis by electron microscopy and CsCI density gradient ultra-centrifugation revealed that similar to the HBcAg itself, all fusion proteins were able to form particles. Comparison of the antigenicity and immunogenicity of those fusion proteins showed that the length of HCc gene fused to HBcAg had no much effect on the antigenicity and immunogenicity of HBcAg, however, B144C69 and B144C40 induced higher titres antibodies against HCc than B144C191. Using those fusion proteins, ELISA for screening of antibodies against both HBV and HCV in human sera was also established.  相似文献   

Recombinant plasmids were constructed by fusing the gene fragments encoding the full-length (1-191aa) and the truncated (1-40aa and 1-69aa) HCV core proteins (HCc) respectively to the core gene of HBV at the position of amino acid 144 and expressed in E. coli. The products were analyzed by ELISA, Western blotting as well as the immunization of the mice. The results showed that those fusion proteins (B144C191, B144C69, B144C40) possessed the dual antigenicity and immunogenicity of both hepatitis B virus core antigen (HBcAg) and hepatitis C virus core protein (HCc). Analysis by electron microscopy and CsCl density gradient ultra-centrifugation revealed that similar to the HBcAg itself, all fusion proteins were able to form particles. Comparison of the antigenicity and immunogenicity of those fusion proteins showed that the length of HCc gene fused to HBeAg had no much effect on the antigenicity and immunogenicity of HBcAg, however, B144C69 and B144C40 induced higher titres antibodies against HCc than B14d  相似文献   

J Pugh  A Zweidler    J Summers 《Journal of virology》1989,63(3):1371-1376
The amino acid composition of the major duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) core particle proteins was determined. The results of this analysis indicated that cores are composed of a single major protein that initiates translation from the second available AUG in the DHBV core gene. Proteins isolated from core particles purified from the cytoplasm of DHBV-infected duck hepatocytes exhibited heterogeneity in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, independent of the stage of viral DNA maturation. Incubation of native cores with alkaline phosphatase removed this heterogeneity, indicating that phosphorylation of external amino acids was responsible. Core protein isolated from mature DHBV purified from serum of infected animals did not display heterogeneity, suggesting a possible role for dephosphorylation in virus maturation.  相似文献   

P24, P30, and P39, the three major surface antigens of the envelope of hepatitis B virus, are co-carboxy-terminal proteins with different amino-terminal extensions. We prompted expression of these proteins in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells by placing the appropriate coding sequence(s) under the control of the simian virus 40 early promoter. P24 and P30 formed 22-nm particles which were efficiently secreted. In contrast, P39 accumulated in a perinuclear structure, presumably the Golgi complex, and was not secreted. Coexpressing P39 and P24 resulted in the localization of both in the perinuclear region and restricted the secretion of P24. We found that P39 must be expressed at a relatively low level to allow efficient secretion of P24 in typical spherical particles. We hypothesize that P39, by inhibiting the formation of spherical particles, helps to induce formation of filamentous particles and mature Hepatitis B virus.  相似文献   

Core particles of hepatitis B virus are assembled from dimers of a single 185-residue (subtype adw) viral capsid or core protein (p21.5) which possesses two distinct domains: residues 1 to 144 form a minimal capsid assembly domain, and the arginine-rich, carboxyl-terminal residues 150 to 185 form a protamine-like domain that mediates nucleic acid binding. Little is known about the topography of the p21.5 polypeptide within either the p21.5 capsids or dimers. Here, using site-specific proteases and monoclonal antibodies, we have defined the accessibility of p21.5 residues in dimers and capsids assembled from wild-type and mutant hepatitis B virus core proteins in Xenopus oocytes and in vitro. The data reveal the protamine region to be accessible to external reagents in p21.5 dimers but largely cryptic in wild-type capsids. Strikingly, in capsids the only protease target region was a 9-residue peptide covering p21.5 residues Glu-145 to Asp-153, which falls largely between the two core protein domains. By analogy with protease-sensitive interdomain regions in other proteins, we propose that this peptide constitutes a hinge between the assembly and nucleic acid binding domains of p21.5. We further found that deletion or replacement of the terminal Cys-185 residue greatly increased surface exposure of the protamine tails in capsids, suggesting that a known disulfide linkage involving this residue tethers the protamine region inside the core particles. We propose that disruption of this disulfide linkage allows the protamine region to appear transiently on the surface of the core particle.  相似文献   

Enzootic bovine leucosis is a chronic lymphoproliferative disease of cattle. The causative agent, bovine leukemia virus (BLV), is related to the human retroviruses HTLV-I and -II. The external env-protein of BLV, a glycoprotein of 51 kDa, carries neutralizing epitopes and should be an essential component in a vaccine against the virus. Problems have been encountered with the concentration and purification of intact virions of BLV and other retroviruses. During centrifugation procedures the external env-proteins are to a great extent detached and consequently poorly recovered with the virion particles. Therefore, other methods are sought to obtain a high yield of the external glycoproteins. The use of two-phase systems based on water soluble polymers is described for the extraction of BLV-gp51 from culture medium. Several polymer systems were tested and the results showed that some were attractive for large scale application. The classical combination dextran-polyethylene glycol gave promising results; a partition coefficient of about 0.02 was obtained for the distribution of the gp51 between the top and combined inter- and bottom phases. In a single extraction step it was possible to obtain 45% of the glycoprotein in a small volume bottom phase and at the same time about 15-fold purified. That should be compared with a recovery of less than 20% with the conventional centrifugation procedures. It is concluded that extraction in phase systems based on water soluble polymers is a methodology well suited for the concentration and purification of BLV-gp51.  相似文献   

R Prange  R Nagel    R E Streeck 《Journal of virology》1992,66(10):5832-5841
The small envelope S protein of hepatitis B virus carrying the surface antigen has the unique property of mobilizing cellular lipids into empty envelope particles which are secreted from mammalian cells. We studied the biogenesis of such particles using site-directed mutagenesis. In this study, we describe the effect of deletions in the N-terminal hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains of the S protein. Whereas short overlapping deletions of hydrophilic sequences flanking the first hydrophobic domain were tolerated, larger deletions of the same sequences were not. Conversely, the hydrophilic region preceding the second hydrophobic domain was not permissive for even short deletions. Deletion of part or all of the first hydrophobic domain also completely blocked secretion, confirming that the entire apolar region serves an essential function. Most of the secretion-defective deletion mutants still entered the secretory pathway and translocated at least the second hydrophilic domain across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. These mutants appeared to remain arrested in a membrane-associated configuration in the endoplasmic reticulum or the cis-Golgi compartment but preserved their capacity for oligomerization with the wild-type S protein. While secretion of wild-type S protein was specifically blocked by the formation of intracellularly retained mixed envelope aggregates, secretion of an unrelated protein (interleukin 9) was completely unaffected.  相似文献   

The outer membrane of the hepatitis B virus consists of host lipid and the hepatitis B virus major (p25, gp28), middle (gp33, gp36), and large (p39, gp42) envelope polypeptides. These polypeptides are encoded by a large open reading frame that contains three in-phase translation start codons and a shared termination signal. The influence of the large envelope polypeptide on the secretion of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) subviral particles in transgenic mice was examined. The major polypeptide is the dominant structural component of the HBsAg particles, which are readily secreted into the blood. A relative increase in production of the large envelope polypeptide compared with that of the major envelope polypeptide led to profound reduction of the HBsAg concentration in serum as a result of accumulation of both envelope polypeptides in a relatively insoluble compartment within the cell. We conclude that inhibition of HBsAg secretion is related to a hitherto unknown property of the pre-S-containing domain of the large envelope polypeptide.  相似文献   

【目的】为了探究乙肝病毒核心蛋白(HepatitisBviruscoreprotein,HBc)病毒样颗粒(Virus-like particles,VLPs)表面抗原密度对免疫后抗体应答水平的影响,制备了不同抗原密度的HBc VLPs疫苗,并检测了其在小鼠体内的抗体应答水平。【方法】首先制备了N端带有3个甘氨酸的人巨细胞病毒重组抗原域AD-4作为模式抗原,接着通过Sortase A的介导将AD-4连接到HBc VLPs表面上。将系列浓度梯度AD-4抗原在SortaseA介导下分别与相同浓度的HBcVLPs发生反应,制备不同抗原密度的HBc-AD-4 VLPs。将其分别免疫6–8周龄BALB/c小鼠3次,每次免疫间隔2 w,间接ELISA法检测被免疫小鼠血清的抗体应答水平。【结果】结果表明,当HBc VLPs表面抗原密度为44.4%时,即HBc反应浓度∶AD-4反应浓度为1:0.5时,不足以引起高滴度的抗体产生;当HBc VLPs表面抗原密度为64.2%时,即HBc反应浓度∶AD-4反应浓度为1:1时,HBc-AD-4 VLPs诱导的AD-4特异性抗体滴度与100%抗原密度的HBc-AD-4VLPs所引起的抗体滴度相当;当HBcVLPs表面抗原密度大于64.2%时,引起的抗体应答水平不因抗原密度增加而进一步增强。【结论】发现了HBcVLPs表面抗原密度与免疫后抗体滴度呈正相关,然而免疫64.2%抗原密度的HBc VLPs所产生的抗体滴度可达峰值,抗原密度进一步增加,抗体应答水平不会进一步加强。  相似文献   

We have characterized a conformational epitope on capsids of hepatitis B virus (HBV) by cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction of Fab-labeled capsids to approximately 10-A resolution, combined with molecular modeling. The epitope straddles the interface between two adjacent subunits and is discontinuous, consisting of five peptides-two on one subunit and three on its neighbor. Together, the two icosahedral forms of the HBV capsid-T=3 and T=4 particles-present seven quasiequivalent variants of the epitope. Of these, only three bind this Fab. Occupancy ranges from approximately 100 to approximately 0%, reflecting conformational variations in the epitope and steric blocking effects. In the former, small shifts of the component peptides have large effects on binding affinity. This approach appears to hold general promise for elucidating conformational epitopes of HBV and other viruses, including those of neutralizing and diagnostic significance.  相似文献   

Nucleolar localization of human hepatitis B virus capsid protein   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Ning B  Shih C 《Journal of virology》2004,78(24):13653-13668
Wild-type human hepatitis B virus (HBV) exhibits selective export of virions containing mature genomes. In contrast, changing an isoleucine to a leucine at amino acid 97 (I97L) of the HBV core antigen (HBcAg) causes it to release immature genomes. To elucidate the structure-function relationship of HBcAg at amino acid 97, we systematically replaced the isoleucine residue at this position with 18 other amino acids via mutagenesis. Twelve of the 18 mutants exhibited no significant phenotype, while five new mutants displayed strong phenotypes. The I97D mutant had a near lethal phenotype, the I97P mutant exhibited a significantly reduced level of virion secretion, and the I97G mutant lacked the full-length relaxed circular form of viral DNA. The tip of the spike of the capsid particle is known to contain a predominant B-cell epitope. However, the recognition of this exposed epitope by an anti-HBc antibody appeared to be affected by the I97E mutation or by histidine tagging at the C terminus of mutant HBcAg, which is presumably in the capsid interior. Surprisingly, the nuclear HBcAg of mutants I97E and I97W, produced from either a replicon or an expression vector, was found to be colocalized with nucleolin and B23 at a frequency of nearly 100% by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy. In contrast, this colocalization occurred with wild-type HBcAg only to a limited extent. We also noted that nucleolin-colocalizing cells were often binucleated or apoptotic, suggesting that the presence of HBcAg in the nucleolus may perturb cytokinesis. The mechanism of this phenomenon and its potential involvement in liver pathogenesis are discussed. To our knowledge, this is the first report of nucleolar HBcAg in culture.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒核心抗原(hepatitis B core antigen,HBcAg)是由乙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis B virus,HBV) C基因编码的病毒蛋白,是HBV的衣壳蛋白,主要存在于HBV核衣壳表面。乙肝病毒核心蛋白(hepatitis B virus core protein,HBc)来源于HBcAg,由183或185个氨基酸组成。由于HBc本身具有高度的免疫原性,并且可携带自身或外源病原体的抗原/表位在体外自组装成病毒样颗粒,20世纪80年代开始HBc就被用于疫苗载体的研究。现对HBc近年来作为载体在表位疫苗中的应用作一概述。  相似文献   

The C open reading frame of the hepatitis B virus contains two in-frame ATG codons that are separated by the precore region and encodes two major polypeptides that are antigenically distinct and that are probably synthesized from individual mRNAs. The precore region directs the secretion of the e antigen, whereas the core antigen can be expressed in the absence of these sequences. In this report a transient expression system was used to study the hepatitis B virus core antigen. By using a chimeric complex of adenovirus major late promoter-simian virus 40 enhancer sequences, we were able to achieve high levels of core antigen expression in transfected cells, permitting characterization of this protein and analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The core polypeptide is a 20.9-kilodalton protein, and we show in this study that it is phosphorylated in vivo. Cell fractionation studies, the results of which are supported by indirect immunofluorescence, localized the phosphocore in the cytosol and the nucleus and indicated that it is associated with the membrane of transfected cells. Results of Triton X-114 solubilization studies indicated that the phosphocore is peripherally associated with cytoplasmic membranes. Expression of the membrane-associated phosphocore occurred in the absence of the precore sequences. The phosphocore also assembled into particles in the absence of other viral gene products or intact DNA.  相似文献   

Interaction between preformed nucleocapsids and viral envelope proteins is critical for the assembly of virus particles in infected cells. The pre-S1 and pre-S2 and cytosolic regions of the human hepatitis B virus envelope protein had been implicated in the interaction with the core protein of nucleocapsids. The binding affinities of specific subdomains of the envelope protein to the core protein were quantitatively measured by both ELISA and BIAcore assay. While a marginal binding was detected with the pre-S1 or pre-S2, the core protein showed high affinities to pre-S with apparent dissociation constants (K(D)(app)) of 7.3+/-0.9 and 8.2+/-0.4microM by ELISA and BIAcore assay, respectively. The circular dichroism analysis suggested that conformational change occurs in pre-S through interaction with core protein. These results substantiate the importance of specific envelope domains in virion assembly, and demonstrate that the interaction between viral proteins can be quantitatively measured in vitro.  相似文献   

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