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原始卵泡形成与早期发育调控对卵母细胞发育来说非常重要,通过对原始卵泡的体外培养,可以了解原始卵泡发育的调节机制.原始卵泡向初级卵泡的转变不依赖于促性腺激素,而主要受卵巢旁分泌因子的调控,包括Kit/KL、GDF9等促进因子和AMH等抑制因子的调控.目前,原始卵泡发育的分子调控机理研究多以小鼠为模型,而对大型哺乳动物和人的研究甚少.概述了哺乳动物原始卵泡形成与发育启动调控机制的既有研究成果,详细阐述了原始卵泡发育过程中关键分子的调控作用,并介绍了小鼠及其他哺乳动物卵泡体外培养的研究进展.  相似文献   

张焱  张华 《生理学报》2020,72(1):63-74
卵巢作为雌性哺乳动物的性腺,是由卵母细胞和不同类型的体细胞组成的异质性器官。卵巢在功能上,一方面担负了与雌性个体健康有关的内分泌调节功能,另一方面则承载了产生成熟卵母细胞并繁衍子代的重要任务。而承担上述功能的单位为卵泡,即卵母细胞和卵泡体细胞共同构成的复合体。对于具有较长生殖寿命的哺乳动物而言,卵泡在卵巢内的发育是一个内部协同与外部调控的精密有序过程。其中后期促性腺激素依赖的有腔卵泡发育直接调控生殖周期的产生,而近期越来越多的证据表明早期卵泡的有序发育与雌性生殖寿命维持密切关联。因此,卵泡在体正常发育与雌性个体的健康息息相关;而深入探索卵泡发育调控机制,可直接指导我们认识包括人类在内的雌性哺乳动物生殖寿命的维持机制,并在未来对其进行可能的调控。近年来,伴随着新技术和新方法的产生,特别是基因修饰动物的开发以及新型显微技术的出现,对卵泡发育特别是早期卵泡发育的调控机制研究有了长足的进步。本综述围绕着卵泡在体发育中的关键生理事件,将近年来对卵泡的生理发育调节机制研究进行梳理,并重点聚焦于早期卵泡发育的体内相关调控机制研究进展。  相似文献   

植物叶发育调控机理研究的进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
黄海 《植物学通报》2003,20(4):416-422
在植物的营养生长阶段,叶原基从植物地上部分顶端分生组织的周边区形成,在一系列细胞分裂和分化程序的指导下,最终发育成叶。近年来,通过遗传学和分子生物学研究已经鉴定和克隆了一批参与叶发育调控的关键基因,植物激素在叶原基的诱导和叶形态建成中也起十分重要的作用。目前这个领域的主要研究工作是鉴定调控叶发育的新基因并且解释叶调控基因之间的相互作用,同时了解基因调控和植物激素作用之间的关系。  相似文献   

张春娇  王超 《生理学报》2021,73(6):980-990
卵泡的正常发育涉及有序的基因转录激活和抑制等一系列复杂的生命过程,对雌性获得生殖能力至关重要.组蛋白甲基化修饰可以改变细胞内染色质的状态,影响基因的转录活性.现阶段的研究表明,组蛋白甲基化等表观遗传学修饰在雌性哺乳动物卵泡发育的过程中发挥了重要的调控作用.本文总结了组蛋白赖氨酸甲基化(H3K4及H3K9)等甲基化修饰与...  相似文献   

郑文影  王超 《生理学报》2021,73(3):518-526
环磷酸腺苷(cyclic adenosine monophosphate,cAMP)是哺乳动物体内重要且保守的第二信使之一,可通过转导细胞外信号参与调节多种器官和组织的发育及生理功能.已有研究显示,雌性哺乳动物卵母细胞减数分裂进程与cAMP的水平变化密切相关且受到严格调控.卵母细胞中cAMP主要由腺苷酸环化酶3(ade...  相似文献   

刘俊  张培君  李松海 《兽类学报》2022,42(1):95-107
胚胎滞育(Embryonic diapause)是存在于部分哺乳动物中的一种生存策略和繁殖状态.其具体过程为:胚胎在着床前停止或减缓发育形成胚胎滞育期,滞育期结束后胚胎再次活化,且滞育过程不会对随后的胚胎发育产生任何不良影响.胚胎滞育主要分为两种类型:兼性滞育(Facultative diapause)和专性滞育(Ob...  相似文献   

近年来,台湾大学畜产系和有关研究机构,对畜禽生物分子学与胚胎分子学调控方面的研究有一定进展,在猪滤泡发育分子调控、猪胚胎发育分子调控和基因转殖猪的研究都取得了重大成果。  相似文献   

ES细胞是一种来源于胚胎的多潜能细胞,它可在体外培养并进行基因操作,而且通过囊胚注射制作嵌合体的途径,能将外源基因掺入小鼠的基因库中,因此利用ES细胞可筛选出发生基因突变的小概率事件并获得其遗传突变体.利用基因诱捕载体与ES细胞,研究与哺乳动物发育调控有关的未知基因,这一新技术将成为阐明胚胎发育过程中基因表达的时空格式的有效手段.  相似文献   

哺乳动物的延迟着床及其分子调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
延迟着床是指胚胎在发育到胚泡阶段时暂时进入休眠状态,并不立即着床。在这个时期,胚泡或者停止细胞分化与增长,以使其大小及内部细胞数量保持稳定,或者经历一个少量细胞发生分化的缓慢增长阶段。共有7个目中的近100种哺乳动物有延迟着床现象。延迟着床受光周期、哺乳刺激和营养等各方面因素的影响,同时还受激素和多种生长因子等调节。虽然各种动物中延迟着床的机制各不相同,但延迟着床均可有效地延长妊娠期,使该物种在一年中最适宜的时期进行交配和产仔。利用在小鼠或大鼠中建立的延迟着床模型,可模拟正常的胚胎着床过程,有利于研究胚胎着床过程中的分子调控机制。  相似文献   

细胞外囊泡(Extracellular vesicles,EVs)是指细胞分泌的双层膜转运囊泡。EVs能从细胞中摄取大分子物质,并将其转移至受体细胞。在这些大分子物质中,研究最多的就是microRNA (miRNA)。miRNA是一种参与基因表达调控的非编码RNA,已证实在哺乳动物卵泡液EVs中有不同的非编码RNA存在,EVs携带miRNA可以作为自分泌和旁分泌的替代机制,影响卵泡发育。文中系统介绍了EVs的种类、特征和分离鉴定方法,重点综述了EVs及携带的miRNA对卵泡发育的作用,包括早期卵泡发育、卵母细胞成熟、卵泡优势化以及对颗粒细胞功能的影响。同时对卵泡液中EVs及其携带的miRNA的未来研究进行了展望,为卵泡液中EVs及携带的miRNA功能的研究及应用提供了思路和方向。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to record the hormonal and follicular turnover in Jersey crossbred cows when subjected for follicular wave synchronization using GnRH. Six healthy, non-lactating and regularly cycling Jersey crossbred cows (5-6 y) were used for the study. In the control group, the follicular wave pattern was ultrasonographically investigated in 18 cycles (3 cycles/cow). In the treatment group, GnRH analogue (buserelin acetate 10 μg im) was administered on Day 6 of the cycle and follicular wave pattern was studied in 12 cycles (2 cycles/animal). Follicular population was categorized based on their diameter Class I, ≤5 mm; Class II, >5-<9 mm; Class III, ≥9 mm) and the number of follicles in each category was determined on Day 6, Day 8 and Day 10. Plasma FSH and progesterone concentrations were estimated in both control and treatment groups. Out of 18 estrous cycles studied, 14 cycles (77.8%), three cycles (16.7%) and one cycle (5.6%) exhibited three-, two- and four-follicular waves per cycle, respectively. It was evident that the DF of Wave I established its dominance and was in the growing phase by Day 6 of the estrous cycle in all the normally cycling crossbred cows. The DF ovulated in all the animals (100%) in the mean interval of 27.7 ± 0.2 h after GnRH administration. A synchronized homogenous group of follicles emerged two days after GnRH injection (Day of 8.0 ± 0.0) in all the animals (100%). The combination of LH surge induced ovulation of DF (abrupt termination of Wave I) and FSH surge stimulated homogenous recruitment of Class I follicles, led to a synchronized emergence of follicular wave. All the GnRH treated cows had three follicular waves because of early emergence and short period of dominance of Wave II DF.  相似文献   

目的:利用饥饿刺激探讨应激状态下脂联素缺失对小鼠卵泡发育的影响。方法:C57BL/6、脂联素半缺失(APN+/-)、脂联素全缺失(APN-/-)三种基因型小鼠以正常进食量的一半给予饥饿刺激,建立应激模型,30天后处死小鼠取卵巢,计数三种基因型小鼠各级卵泡数目。结果:1经过30天饥饿后饥饿组小鼠体重下降与初始体重比较有统计学意义(P0.001),应激模型建立。2应激状态下三种基因型小鼠卵巢重量未见统计学差异(P0.05)。3正常饮食组三种基因型小鼠各级卵泡比例未有统计学差异(P0.05)。饥饿后C57BL/6小鼠原始卵泡比例为(47±2.966)%,APN+/-原始卵泡比例为(36.5±1.555)%(P0.05),APN-/-原始卵泡比例为(36.8±2.200)%(P0.05);C57BL/6闭锁卵泡比例为(12±1.225)%,APN+/-闭锁卵泡比例为(19.75±1.887)%(P0.01),APN-/-闭锁卵泡比例为(20±0.8367)%(P0.001),与野生型闭锁卵泡比例比较差异有统计学意义。结论:饥饿刺激下脂联素缺失小鼠原始卵泡消耗增加,而闭锁卵泡的发生增加,处于生长状态的卵泡减少,提示在应激状态下脂联素水平的下降可导致卵泡成熟的过程受阻。  相似文献   

Summary A genetic model with either 64 or 1,600 unlinked biallelic loci and complete dominance was used to study prediction of additive and dominance effects in selected or unselected populations with inbreeding. For each locus the initial frequency of the favourable allele was 0.2, 0.5, or 0.8 in different alternatives, while the initial narrow-sense heritability was fixed at 0.30. A population of size 40 (20 males and 20 females) was simulated 1,000 times for five generations. In each generation 5 males and 10 or 20 females were mated, with each mating producing four or two offspring, respectively. Breeding individuals were selected randomly, on own phenotypic performance or such yielding increased inbreeding levels in subsequent generations. A statistical model containing individual additive and dominance effects but ignoring changes in mean and genetic covariances associated with dominance due to inbreeding resulted in significantly biased predictions of both effects in generations with inbreeding. Bias, assessed as the average difference between predicted and simulated genetic effects in each generation, increased almost linearly with the inbreeding coefficient. In a second statistical model the average effect of inbreeding on the mean was accounted for by a regression of phenotypic value on the inbreeding coefficient. The total dominance effect of an individual in that case was the sum of the average effect of inbreeding and an individual effect of dominance. Despite a high mean inbreeding coefficient (up to 0.35), predictions of additive and dominance effects obtained with this model were empirically unbiased for each initial frequency in the absence of selection and 64 unlinked loci. With phenotypic selection of 5 males and only 10 females in each generation and 64 loci, however, predictions of additive and dominance effects were significantly biased. Observed biases disappeared with 1,600 loci for allelic frequencies at 0.2 and 0.5. Bias was due to a considerable change in allelic frequency with phenotypic selection. Ignoring both the covariance between additive and dominance effects with inbreeding and the change in dominance variance due to inbreeding did not significantly bias prediction of additive and dominance effects in selected or unselected populations with inbreeding.  相似文献   

Follicular growth in the feline ovary is usually detected indirectly, through behavior observation, vaginal smears, or more invasively, by estradiol assay in blood. This study was designed to describe follicular dynamics by transabdominal ultrasonography. Secondly, the stage of follicular growth was associated to behavioral and vaginal changes. Ovarian ultrasonography was performed during nine anovulatory and 12 ovulatory cycles. Forty-eight follicles were followed during anovulatory cycles: on the first day of estrus behavior, 4.8 ± 0.2 follicles (2 to 7 per female) of 2.3 ± 0.01 mm mean diameter were present. Follicular growth continued at a rate of 0.2 ± 0.04 mm per day. At least one follicle in the cohort reached a diameter greater than 3.0 mm. Maximal follicular growth (when one follicle of the cohort reached the maximal diameter observed for the whole estrus) was reached 3.8 ± 0.3 days after the onset of estrus with the largest follicle reaching a diameter of 3.5 ± 0.04 mm. Growth of the various follicles within a cohort was not exactly synchronous. When no ovulation took place, the follicular diameter decreased by 0.1 ± 0.01 mm per day until the end of estrus. The first day after the end of behavioral estrus, the diameter of the largest follicle in each cohort was 2.7 ± 0.05 mm. No correlation was found between follicular development and either vaginal smear characteristics, or time elapsed since the onset of estrus. When ovulations were mechanically induced after one follicle had reached 3.0 mm in diameter, artificial insemination produced normal pregnancy rate and litter size: four pregnant females out of nine, and 2 to 4 kittens per litter. Ultrasonography proved thus to allow the monitoring of follicular growth in the female cat, with low correlation with behavior and vaginal smear modifications. Further studies are needed to evaluate the interest of an ultrasonographic ovarian follow-up to determine the optimal moment for ovulation induction prior to artificial insemination.  相似文献   

基因组印记是由亲本来源不同而导致等位基因表达差异的一种遗传现象。基因组印记产生的原因及过程是现代遗传学的一个热点问题。哺乳动物的许多基因组印记特征都使其成为后基因组时代的一个热点生物学问题。进化的基因组印记在哺乳动物生殖、发育中起到了特定的作用。综述了基因组印记的特点、印记基因的印记机理、基因印记与克隆动物的发育、印记基因与疾病的研究进展。  相似文献   

EffectofEpidermalGrowthFactoronFollicularDevelopmentandSteroidogenesisinPerfusedRatOvary¥LUOWen-xiang(罗文祥);ZHAOFang(赵芳);MAKui...  相似文献   

新生小鼠卵巢移植雄鼠肾囊下卵泡的生长发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将1日龄小鼠卵巢移植入成年雄鼠肾囊下,分别于移植后18d、36d回收移植卵巢进行形态学、组织学观察,以评价卵巢移植体在成年雄性受体小鼠体内生长及卵泡发育潜能。结果表明:移植体生长增大,有各级生长卵泡发育;18日龄移植体平均直径为1881.1μm±204.7μm,与1日龄卵巢相比差异极显著(P<0.01),卵泡发育到有腔卵泡阶段;36日龄移植体平均直径达2575.3μm±466.4μm,显著大于18日龄移植体(P<0.01),有成熟卵泡出现,未观察到黄体;从移植体分离到GV期卵母细胞和卵丘卵母细胞复合体。研究表明1日龄小鼠卵巢移植体在雄性受体生理环境中具有正常生长发育和形成成熟卵泡的潜能。  相似文献   

The structure of oocytes aspirated from the dominant and its subordinate follicles was investigated from the achievement of follicular dominance to ovulation. Ovulation was induced in 18 heifers and 5 cows by injection of cloprostenol at days 8–14 (day 0 = day of ovulation), and follicular development was monitored by ultrasonography. The animals were slaughtered at days 3–11, but animals slaughtered on days 8–11 were given a second injection of cloprostenol at day 7 to allow ovulation of the dominant follicle of the first follicular wave. Oocytes were aspirated from the dominant (largest) and two largest subordinat efollicles and processed for transmission electron microscopy, whereas the follicular fluids were analyzed for concentrations of estradiol-17β (E2) and progesterone (P4). Dominant follicular growth was associated with increase in the concentration of E2 and P4 in the follicular fluid, which was E2-dominated. From days 3–7, the dominant oocytes had pronounced junctional contacts with the cumulus cells and a nonundulating nuclear envelope but showed an increase in the number of lipid droplets and a decrease in the size of Golgi complexes, the size of cortical granule clusters, and the number of microvilli stacks. After cloprostenol injection on day 7, but before the anticipated LH surge, the dominant oocytes showed a reduced oocyte cumulus contact, vacuolization of the nucleolus, undulation of the nuclear envelope, and dispersal of the mitochondrial clusters. The morphological alterations occurring in the dominant oocytes before the anticipated LH surge are suggested to be a prerequisite for the oocyte to achieve the competence to undergo final maturation. Subordinate follicles ceased growing at about days 3–4 and their follicular fluid had low E2:P4 ratio or was P4-dominated. Subordinate oocytes displayed degenerative features in their cumulus investment and nuclear activation and maturation especially after day 5. The structural changes associated with oocyte degeneration showed similarities with the processes seen before and during final maturation of the dominant oocytes. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Spermine synthase (SPMS), which converts spermidine into spermine, is essential for normal cell growth and development processes in humans and other mammals, but the molecular characterization and expression profiling of the SPMS gene remain undetermined in goose tissues and ovarian follicles. In this study, the SPMS cDNA sequence of the Sichuan white goose was cloned and analysed, and SPMS mRNA expression was profiled in various tissues and ovarian follicles. The results showed that the open reading frame of the SPMS cDNA sequence was 1092?bp in length, encoding 363 amino acids with a molecular weight of 41?kDa. Among all the examined tissues, SPMS expression was highest in the spleen and cerebrum and lowest in the breast and thigh muscles. SPMS expression in the F1 follicle was significantly higher than that in the POF (except for POF2) (P?<?0.05). Our results indicate that SPMS might play an important role in follicular development and ovulation.  相似文献   

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