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The utility of Sr/Ca ratios in otoliths as indicators of thermal history in fish was investigated for juvenile Girella elevata . There was no direct relationship between ratios of Sr/Ca and temperature of the water, as has been assumed in many previous studies. Sr/Ca ratios did not decrease when water temperature was elevated from 19 to 28° C. Elevation of ambient Sr levels in the sea water caused a significant increase in Sr/Ca ratios in otoliths, and there was a detectable increase in Sr/Ca ratios in otoliths of some individuals fed an Sr-enriched diet. Multiple factors may influence natural Sr/Ca ratios in otoliths of juvenile G. elevata and their interactions make it difficult to interpret the chronology of conditions experienced by an individual fish during early life in the pelagic or benthic environment.  相似文献   

Otoliths of juvenile Girella elevata (M.) were examined to obtain information about the environmental conditions experienced during early life. Patterns of increment deposition and elemental ratios in otoliths were compared in wild fish. A tetracycline experiment indicated that increments were deposited daily in juveniles. Although different patterns in the spacing of increments were found among juveniles collected at different locations and times, the widest increments were always found in the first 40 increments. Strontium: calcium (Sr: Ca) ratios increased with age in the otoliths of most wild G. elevata .
The patterns of increment width and Sr: Ca ratios were not related and, therefore, were probably not under the same relative control by environmental or physiological factors. Although the number of increments can be used to age juvenile G. elevata , the utility of increment widths and Sr: Ca ratios as environmental predictors in this species is questionable without experimental validation.  相似文献   

Transgenerational mass marking of viviparous fish larvae in vivo was validated by intra‐muscular injection of elemental strontium chloride (SrCl2) in gestating females and detection of the Sr in the otoliths of developing larvae. All otoliths of brown rockfish Sebastes auriculatus larvae produced from SrCl2‐injected females showed enriched Sr:Ca ratios near the otolith edges, and the signatures did not appear to be affected by the anterior, centre and posterior positions of larvae within the ovary. Results from the present study indicate that transgenerational marking is a highly reliable technique for marking large numbers of extremely small viviparous fish larvae.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. External and internal examinations of otoliths in fishes for macrostructure and microstructure has demonstated yearly, daily and population rhythmic patterns.
  • 2.2. Chemical analyses (atomic absorption) of otolith carbonate from reared Fundulus heteroclitus for strontium-calcium concentration ratios demonstrated changes in chemistry related to temperature.
  • 3.3. Microprobe analyses made it feasible to interpret almost daily changes in temperature to provide the temperature history of an individual fish.
  • 4.4. A combination of microprobe analyses and daily increment analyses of otoliths can provide a life history profile for individual fish and can provide information on the environmental history of each fish.
  • 5.5. Such information is vital to our understanding of the processes underlying recruitment and growth rates, and would make it possible to link growth and mortality rates to environmental occurrences.

Although otolith Strontium (Sr)/calcium (Ca) ratios have been widely used to reconstruct the past salinity environmental history of anguillid eels, factors affecting the Sr/Ca ratios in otoliths are incompletely understood. Japanese Eel (Anguilla japonica) elvers (mean length 54.7 ± 2.1 mm) were collected in the estuary during their upstream migration and reared at 5 different salinities (0, 5, 15, 25, and 35 psu) and 3 types of feeding conditions (formulated feed, tubifex, and starvation) for 30 days to evaluate the effects of salinity and diets on otolith Sr/Ca ratios. Ca and Sr concentrations in the ambient water significantly increased with salinity (SAL) as [Ca] water = 15.50SAL − 5.56, and [Sr] water = 0.21SAL + 0.03, respectively. Sr/Ca ratios in otoliths increased with salinity (SAL) of the rearing water as [(Sr/Ca) × 1000] otolith = 0.091SAL + 3.790. In diets, Sr/Ca ratios were 4 times higher in tubifex than in formulated feed. However, in otoliths, ANOVA indicated that Sr/Ca ratios did not differ significantly between groups fed on tubifex or formulated feed (p = 0.118). Otolith Sr/Ca ratios were negatively correlated with fish growth rates while the growth rates differed significantly among rearing conditions with different salinities and diets. Partition coefficients of the Sr/Ca ratios from ambient water to fish tissues and otoliths significantly increased with salinity. The Sr/Ca ratios of Japanese Eel otoliths thus were positively correlated with the ambient salinity and decreased with increasing fish growth rate, but was not affected by fish diet.  相似文献   

Kuhlia sandvicensis, the aholehole, is a native Hawaiian fish found in both marine and freshwater habitats. In the lower reaches of streams, they are predators on stream fishes, invertebrates, and insects. Aholehole are an important food fish in the Hawaiian Islands and were often used by ancient Hawaiians in traditional ceremonies. Although aholehole are an important part of stream ecosystems and Hawaiian culture, little is known about their life history, specifically, whether a freshwater phase is obligatory. In this study, light microscopy and electron microprobe techniques were used to analyze otolith daily increments. The analysis estimated age of juveniles and provided information regarding salinity of a fish's habitat at specific points in its life. Sr/Ca profiles from otoliths of juvenile and adult fish from fresh and salt water indicated that this species' use of stream habitats is facultative. Unlike Hawaiian freshwater gobies and at least one other member of the Kuhliidae from the Western Pacific, there is no physiological requirement of fresh water at a specific point in the life cycle of K. sandvicensis. Future research will provide a greater understanding as to the importance of streams as nursery habitats for this species. The research is expected to bolster the argument for maintaining the stream-ocean corridor for access by amphidromous gobies and perhaps also for the aholehole.  相似文献   

Ultrathin sections of otoliths were prepared and studied with the transmission electron microscope. The discontinuous zone starts to grow at night, 3 h before light-on, and is completed a few hours after light-on. The growth of the incremental zone follows immediately afterwards and continues approximately until light-off. There is little material deposited onto the otolith at night before the start of discontinuous zone deposition.  相似文献   

Tenualosa ilisha was found recently in the Perak River in western Peninsular Malaysia. Molecular phylogenetic and haplotype network analyses suggest that T. ilisha has two genetically distinct populations/groups: (i) Peninsular Malaysia (Malaysia population), and (ii) Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, India and Bangladesh (Indian Ocean population). The results also suggest that the T ilisha population in Peninsular Malaysia is genetically heterogeneous with a typical anadromous migration pattern.  相似文献   

The migratory histories of Japanese freshwater sculpins, one Trachidermus and four Cottus species, were studied by examining strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) concentrations in their otoliths using wavelength dispersive X‐ray spectrometry on an electron microprobe. The Sr : Ca ratios in the otoliths changed with salinity of the habitat. The otoliths of Cottus nozawae showed consistently low Sr : Ca ratios, with an average of 3·37 × 10?3 from the core to the edge, suggesting a freshwater resident life cycle. In contrast, the otolith Sr : Ca ratios for Trachidermus fasciatus and Cottus kazika changed along the life history transects possibly in accordance with their migration patterns from sea to fresh water. The ratios of T. fasciatus and C. kazika averaged 5·4 × 10?3 and 5·3 × 10?3 respectively, in the otolith region from the core to the points 450–890 μm, and changed to the lower levels, averaging 2·0 × 10?3 and 2·7 × 10?3, in the outer otolith region. These data suggest that both the species have a catadromous life cycle. The otoliths of Cottus hangiongensis had low Sr : Ca ratios in the two regions from the core to the points 15–30 μm and the points 415–582 μm to the edge, averaging 2·0 × 10?3 and 1·9 × 10?3, with significantly higher ratios in the narrow area between these regions, averaging 4·6 × 10?3. Similar ontogenetic changes in otolith Sr : Ca ratios were found in the otoliths of Cottus amblystomopsis, suggesting their amphidromous life cycle. These findings suggest that otolith Sr : Ca ratios reflect individual life histories and that Japanese Trachidermus and Cottus species have diverse migratory histories.  相似文献   

Otolith growth increments in wild-caught alizarin complex one (ALC)-marked honmoroko Gnathopogon caerulescens were examined to verify the veracity of the age determination method in cyprinids. ALC-marked G. caerulescens recaptured from their natural environment had lapilli increment counts outside the ALC ring mark that had formed on a daily basis during the juvenile stage. This apparently being the first direct evidence of daily periodicity of otolith increment formation in wild-caught cyprinids.  相似文献   

The sagittal otoliths of pre- and posthatch embryos, larval, and juvenile coregonids (Coregonus spp.) were examined for growth increments. Under laboratory conditions, a check is formed on the day of hatching and subsequently one growth increment per day is deposited during at least 265 days. Under the experimental conditions of this study, the age of young coregonids can therefore be determined with high accuracy.In starving larvae, both increment width and ring contrast decrease during the first 10 days after hatching until daily increments are no longer recognizable. A change from one diet to another, alteration of the water temperature, or a short starvation period lead to the formation of characteristic ring patterns which appear on the otoliths within 1 to 3 days. These patterns are highly reproducible among all specimens of each treatment group and can therefore be used as intrinsic marks. They could be applied to hatchery-reared coregonids, thus providing a basis for judging the efficacy of stocking operations.  相似文献   

Synopsis We studied the life histories of the ninespine sticklebacks, Pungitius pungitius and Pungitius tymensis, collected from Japanese freshwater and brackish (sea) water habitats by examining the strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) concentrations in their otoliths. The Sr:Ca ratios in the otoliths changed with the salinity of the habitat regardless of identification as freshwater or brackish water type based on morphological characteristics. The ninespine sticklebacks living in a freshwater environment showed consistently low Sr:Ca ratios throughout the otolith. These samples were identified as a standard freshwater type. In contrast, all freshwater-type fishes collected from the intertidal zone showed higher otolith Sr:Ca ratios than those in the standard freshwater type, and the ratios fluctuated with the growth phase. All brackish water-type fishes collected in the intertidal zone showed the highest otolith Sr:Ca ratio throughout the otolith. In the present study, besides the two representative life history types of P. pungitius, i.e., freshwater and brackish water life history types, other sticklebacks had an anadromous life history type. These findings clearly indicate that the ninespine stickleback has a flexible migration strategy with a high degree of behavioral plasticity and an ability to utilize the full range of salinity in its life history.  相似文献   

The Japanese Common Squid, Todarodes pacificus Steenstrup, 1880, moves vertically in the water column in time with the natural day-night cycle and this exposes the animal to considerable temperature changes throughout the 24-h period. We considered that this behavior could result in daily fluctuations of the statolith strontium/calcium ratio (Sr/Ca ratio), if this ratio is thermally sensitive, as is found for coral skeletons. To investigate this hypothesis, Japanese Common Squid were reared under constant temperature (15 °C) for 64 days and their statolith Sr/Ca ratios, in the area that had been deposited while in captivity, measured by wavelength dispersive spectrometer. Small repetitive fluctuations were observed in the statolith Sr/Ca ratios of the captive squid (N=5, 2.7-day cycle) but similar fluctuations were also observed in the statoliths of Japanese Common Squid collected from the wild (N=5, 2.4-day cycle). These results imply that the daily vertical movements in the water column are not reflected in the statolith Sr/Ca ratios in the Japanese Common Squid. The observed small repetitive fluctuations are discussed in relation to the periodic feeding activity of the captive squid (1.9-day cycle).  相似文献   

Trace element concentrations of otoliths from larval herring Clupea harengus collected from known spawning beds in the Celtic and Irish Seas, were investigated using laser ablation ICP-MS and compared with concentrations in the larval cores of juvenile otoliths from the same populations and year class. A range of elements (Mg, Zn, Sr, Ba and Pb) was detectable in early larval otoliths (20–40 µm diameter). Larval otolith concentrations exceeded the larval core concentrations of juvenile otoliths and also the concentrations reported in the literature, for Mg, Zn, Ba and Pb, indicating that the measurement of elements in larval otoliths was severely affected by post-mortem contamination, most likely due to adherence of tissue and endolymph residue on the otolith surface. Comparison of otolith composition between larvae from two freezing treatments showed that contamination from Mg and Zn was more serious in otoliths that had remained in frozen larvae for prolonged periods. Larval populations from the two seas showed significant differences in otolith Sr concentrations, which were consistent over two sampling years. Similar differences were seen in the corresponding juvenile populations. The results show that while early larval otoliths are extremely susceptible post-mortem contamination, Sr concentrations can be reliably measured using laser ablation ICP-MS and for this element, the detection of region specific differences is possible.  相似文献   

Considerable interannual variation in the abundance of larval and juvenile Pacific herring Clupea pallasii was detected in Miyako Bay, on the Pacific coast of northern Japan; abundances were high in 2001 and 2003 and low in 2000 and 2002. Hatch dates and growth rates for larval and juvenile survivors were estimated through otolith analysis. Water temperature and food availability were monitored on the spawning and nursery grounds in the inner part of the bay. The number of spawning females caught in nets set around the spawning ground was recorded during each spawning season (January to May) in 2000–2003. No correlation was found between the number of spawning females and the abundance of larvae and juveniles on the spawning and nursery grounds. The hatch dates of surviving larvae and juveniles were concentrated at the end of the spawning season in 2001 and in the middle of the season in 2003. The larvae experienced relatively high prey concentrations during the first-feeding period in 2001 but low concentrations in 2003. Survival of larvae during the first-feeding period may be a function of prey concentration as well as water temperature. In 2003, low water temperature would reduce starvation mortality during the first-feeding period. In contrast, unfavourable feeding conditions with higher temperatures during the first-feeding period seemed to result in low larval survival in 2000 and 2002. The 2001 larvae grew faster than those in 2003 because of the late hatch dates and the higher ambient temperatures that resulted. Temperature might be a major factor controlling growth rates of C. pallasii larvae in Miyako Bay.  相似文献   

The life histories of the pond smelt Hypomesus nipponensis collected from Japanese fresh waters and brackish (sea) waters were studied by examining the strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) concentrations in their otoliths. The Sr:Ca ratios in the otoliths changed with the salinity of the habitat. The pond smelt living in a freshwater environment showed consistently low Sr:Ca ratios throughout the otolith, averaging 1·2–1·3 × 10−3. These samples were identified as a standard freshwater type. In contrast, fish collected from the intertidal zone showed higher otolith Sr:Ca ratios than those in the standard freshwater type, and the ratios fluctuated along the growth phase. In addition to the two representative life‐history types of H. nipponensis , i. e . freshwater and anadromous life‐history types, other pond smelts were found to have an estuarine resident life history‐type with no freshwater phase, indicating that the pond smelt has a flexible migration strategy with a high degree of behavioural plasticity and an ability to utilize the full range of salinity in its life history.  相似文献   

A one-to-one relationship was found between days of rearing and counted daily increments in the otoliths of Sarotherodon melanotheron verifying daily increment deposition. A marked hatch check was found in all otoliths from both the reared fish and the wild specimens. Five to 10 faint prolarval increments were visible but the rate of their formation was not investigated. The rate of increment deposition of S. melanotheron is apparently independent of somatic growth and increments found in the otoliths of this species can therefore be used for ageing.  相似文献   

The life history in a brackish water type of the ninespine stickleback, Pungitius pungitius, was studied by examining the strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) concentrations in the otoliths. The fluctuating patterns of Sr/Ca ratios along the life history transect in the otoliths varied widely among fish in spite of their identification as brackish water type as estimated by morphological characteristics. More than 70% fish showed the intermediate otolith Sr/Ca ratio throughout, averaging 5.23–7.71 × 10−3. Besides this brackish water resident life history type of P. pungitius, other sticklebacks had anadromous (25%) and freshwater amphidromous (2.5%) life history types. These findings clearly indicate that the migration of the ninespine stickleback between fresh and sea waters is obligatory but facultative having an ability to utilize the full range of salinity in its life history.  相似文献   

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