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B Kalderon  A Gopher  A Lapidot 《FEBS letters》1987,213(1):209-214
A quantitative analysis of the major metabolic pathways of hepatic glucose synthesis in fasted rats was conducted. [2-13C]Acetate was administered intraintestinally into awake fasted rats. 13C NMR and GC-MS analysis were used to quantitate the isotopic enrichments of glutamate, glutamine, lactate, alanine and the newly synthesized liver glucose. By measuring the ratio of carbon atoms in glutamate molecules derived from acetyl-CoA to carbon atoms in the glucose molecule derived from oxaloacetate and gluconeogenic substrates, such as lactate and alanine, the relative activities of the Krebs cycle and gluconeogenesis were quantified. Our results indicate that the percentage of glucose carbons originating by 'metabolic exchange' with the oxaloacetate pool, via the Krebs cycle, is less than 7%.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthase (FASN or FAS, EC is the sole mammalian enzyme to synthesize fatty acids de novo from acetyl- and malonyl-coenzyme A (CoA) esters. This article describes a new method that directly quantifies uniformly labeled (13)C(16)-labeled palmitate ([(13)C(16)]palmitate) by tracing [(13)C(2)]acetyl-CoA and [(13)C(3)]malonyl-CoA using an in vitro FASN assay. This method used gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to detect [(13)C(16)]palmitate carboxylate anions (m/z 271) of pentafluorobenzyl (PFB) derivatives and was highly sensitive at femtomole quantities. Uniformly incorporated [(13)C(16)]palmitate was the primary product of both recombinant and crude tissue lysate FASN. Quantification of FASN protein within crude tissue lysates ensured equal FASN amounts, preserved steady-state kinetics, and enabled calculation of FASN-specific activity. FASN activity determined by [(13)C(16)]palmitate synthesis was consistent with values obtained from β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 2'-phosphate (NADPH) oxidation assays. Analysis of FASN activity from tissue extracts was not hampered by contaminating enzymes or preexisting fatty acids. Crude mammary gland and liver lysates had significantly different activities at 82 and 65nmolmin(-1)mg(-1), respectively, suggesting that tissue-specific activity levels differ in a manner unrelated to FASN amount. GC-MS quantification of [(13)C(16)]palmitate synthesis permits sensitive evaluation of FASN activity from tissues of varied physiological states and of purified FASN activity in the presence of modifying proteins, enzymes, or drugs.  相似文献   

In order to understand the role of the glycans in glycoproteins in solution, structural information obtained by NMR spectroscopy is obviously required. However, the assignment of the NMR signals from the glycans in larger glycoproteins is still difficult, mainly due to the lack of appropriate methods for the assignment of the resonances originating from the glycans. By using [U-13C6,2H7]glucose as a metabolic precursor, we have successfully prepared a glycoprotein whose glycan is uniformly labeled with 13C and partially with D at the sugar residues. The D to H exchange ratios at the C1-C6 positions of the sugar residues have been proven to provide useful information for the spectral assignments of the glycan in the glycoprotein. This is the first report on the residue-specific assignment of the anomeric resonances originating from a glycan attached to a glycoprotein by using the metabolic incorporation of hydrogen from the medium into a glycan labeled with [U-13C6,2H7]glucose.  相似文献   

The reaction of demethylation mediated by cytochrome P450 (CYP) leads to the equimolar production of demethylated metabolite and formaldehyde. From a 13C-substrate labeled on a carbon of the methyl moiety, [13C]formaldehyde (H13CHO) is liberated. A highly sensitive and specific assay involving the oxidation of H13CHO to 13CO(2) by a double-enzymatic-step reaction is reported. The 13CO(2) was quantified by the method of reverse isotopic dilution based on gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry analysis. The method first involves the limiting step of the CYP-dependent reaction, which is stopped with a mixture of zinc sulfate 5 mM and trichloroacetic acid 100 mM. Then, the transformation of H13CHO to 13CO(2) is performed with the formaldehyde (0.2 unit) and the formate (0.2 unit) dehydrogenase NAD-dependent enzymes. The recovery of 13CO(2) from the incubation mixture was equal to 91.4 +/- 3.0%. The accuracy and the precision of the present method were within 12 and 10%, respectively. The limit of quantification was set to 25 pmol. The performance of the assay was validated on human liver microsomes with five probes: [13C]erythromycin, [1-13C]caffeine, [3-13C]caffeine, [7-13C]caffeine, and [13C(2)]aminopyrine. This method is useful for the rapid determination of N-demethylase activity of human liver microsomes from methyl-13C-substrates.  相似文献   

Stimulatory effects of intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle on renal uptake of a weak organic anion, fluorescein, were studied with the aid of the method of contact microfluorimetry of individual convoluted proximal tubules ascending to the surface of the rat renal cortex slices. The study was undertaken for verifying the hypothesis that energization of renal excretion of anionic exenobiotics is mediated through their transport across the basolateral membrane in exchange for cytoplasmic alpha-ketoglutarate serving as a counter-anion. Effects of inhibitors of the tricarboxylic acid cycle such as fluoroacetate, malonate and 5-methoxyindole-2-carboxylate on the fluorescein uptake and renal gluconeogenesis in the presence of the metabolic substrates were investigated in order to outline metabolic pathways that could be responsible for elevation of the cytoplasmic alpha-ketoglutarate. Obtained data evidence that the stimulatory effects of the tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates on the transport process under study depend on the metabolic state of the mitochondria and involve an activation of certain reactions but not the cycle as a whole. It has been suggested that an elevation of the cytoplasmic alpha-ketoglutarate resulting from this activation can be conditioned by export of isocitrate from the mitochondria with its subsequent transformation into alpha-ketoglutarate in the cytoplasm in the isocitrate dehydrogenase reaction.  相似文献   

A detailed characterization of the central metabolic network of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CEN.PK 113-7D was carried out during cometabolism of different mixtures of glucose and acetate, using aerobic C-limited chemostats in which one of these two substrates was labeled with 13C. To confirm the role of malic enzyme, an isogenic strain with the corresponding gene deleted was grown under the same conditions. The labeling patterns of proteinogenic amino acids were analyzed and used to estimate metabolic fluxes and/or make inferences about the in vivo activities of enzymes of the central carbon metabolism and amino acid biosynthesis. Malic enzyme flux increased linearly with increasing acetate fraction. During growth on a very-high-acetate fraction, the activity of malic enzyme satisfied the biosynthetic needs of pyruvate in the mitochondria, while in the cytosol pyruvate was supplied via pyruvate kinase. In several cases enzyme activities were unexpectedly detected, e.g., the glyoxylate shunt for a very-low-acetate fraction, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase for an acetate fraction of 0.46 C-mol of acetate/C-mol of substrate, and glucose catabolism to CO2 via the tricarboxylic acid cycle for a very-high-acetate fraction. Cytoplasmic alanine aminotransferase activity was detected, and evidence was found that α-isopropylmalate synthase has two active forms in vivo, one mitochondrial and the other a short cytoplasmic form.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to outline a common mistake made when the rate of oxidation of exogenous substrates during prolonged exercise is computed using 13C naturally labeled substrates. The equation proposed and commonly used in the computation does not take into account that exercise and/or exogenous substrate ingestion modifies the composition of the mixture of endogenous substrates oxidized and, consequently, the isotopic composition of CO2 arising from oxidation of endogenous substrates. The recovery of 13C and the amount of exogenous substrate oxidized are thus overestimated. An adequate procedure for the computation of exogenous substrate oxidation taking into account changes in isotopic composition of CO2 arising from oxidation of endogenous substrates is suggested. Results from a pilot experiment (4 subjects) using this procedure indicate that over 2 h of exercise (66% of maximal O2 uptake), with ingestion of 60 g of glucose, 39 +/- 4 g of glucose were oxidized. Estimates made without taking into account changes in isotopic composition of CO2 arising from oxidation of endogenous substrates range between 70 +/- 8 and 44 +/- 3 g depending on 1) the isotopic composition of exogenous glucose and 2) the isotopic composition of expired CO2 taken as reference (rest or exercise without glucose ingestion). These observations suggest that results from previous studies of exogenous substrate oxidation during exercise using 13C labeling should be used with caution.  相似文献   

Perchloric acid extracts of rabbit renal proximal convoluted tubular cells (PCT) incubated with [2-13C]glycerol and [1,3-13C]glycerol were investigated by 13C-NMR spectroscopy. These 13C-NMR spectra enabled us to determine cell metabolic pathways of glycerol in PCT cells. The main percentage of 13C-label, arising from 13C-enriched glycerol, was found in glucose, lactate, glutamine and glutamate. So far it can be concluded that glycerol is a suitable substrate for PCT cells and is involved in gluconeogenesis and glycolysis as well in the Krebs cycle intermediates. Label exchange and label enrichment in 13C-labelled glucose, arising from [2-13C]glycerol and [1,3-13C]glycerol, is explained by label scrambling through the pentose shunt and a label exchange in the triose phosphate pool. From relative enrichments it is estimated that the ratio of the pyruvate kinase flux to the gluconeogenetic flux is 0.97:1 and that the ratio of pyruvate carboxylase activity relative to pyruvate dehydrogenase activity is 2.0:1. Our results show that 13C-NMR spectroscopy, using 13C-labelled substrates, is a powerful tool for the examination of renal metabolism.  相似文献   

The availability of genetically modified mice requires the development of methods to assess heart function and metabolism in the intact beating organ. With the use of radioactive substrates and ex vivo perfusion of the mouse heart in the working mode, previous studies have documented glucose and fatty acid oxidation pathways. This study was aimed at characterizing the metabolism of other potentially important exogenous carbohydrate sources, namely, lactate and pyruvate. This was achieved by using (13)C-labeling methods. The mouse heart perfusion setup and buffer composition were optimized to reproduce conditions close to the in vivo milieu in terms of workload, cardiac functions, and substrate-hormone supply to the heart (11 mM glucose, 0.8 nM insulin, 50 microM carnitine, 1.5 mM lactate, 0.2 mM pyruvate, 5 nM epinephrine, 0.7 mM oleate, and 3% albumin). The use of three differentially (13)C-labeled carbohydrates and a (13)C-labeled long-chain fatty acid allowed the quantitative assessment of the metabolic origin and fate of tissue pyruvate as well as the relative contribution of substrates feeding acetyl-CoA (pyruvate and fatty acids) and oxaloacetate (pyruvate) for mitochondrial citrate synthesis. Beyond concurring with the notion that the mouse heart preferentially uses fatty acids for energy production (63.5 +/- 3.9%) and regulates its fuel selection according to the Randle cycle, our study reports for the first time in the mouse heart the following findings. First, exogenous lactate is the major carbohydrate contributing to pyruvate formation (42.0 +/- 2.3%). Second, lactate and pyruvate are constantly being taken up and released by the heart, supporting the concept of compartmentation of lactate and glucose metabolism. Finally, mitochondrial anaplerotic pyruvate carboxylation and citrate efflux represent 4.9 +/- 1.8 and 0.8 +/- 0.1%, respectively, of the citric acid cycle flux and are modulated by substrate supply. The described (13)C-labeling strategy combined with an experimental setup that enables continuous monitoring of physiological parameters offers a unique model to clarify the link between metabolic alterations, cardiac dysfunction, and disease development.  相似文献   

The effect of N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), an irreversible sulfhydryl modifying reagent, on the transport of organic cations in the renal basolateral membrane was examined. The studies were conducted examining the exchange of [3H]tetraethylammonium (TEA) for unlabeled TEA in basolateral membrane vesicles isolated from the outer cortex of rabbit kidneys. NEM inactivated TEA transport in a dose-dependent fashion with an IC50 value of 260 microM. The rate of TEA transport inactivation followed apparent pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics. A replot of the data gave a linear relationship between the apparent rate constants and the NEM concentration with a slope of 4.0. The data imply that inactivation involves the binding of at least four molecules of NEM per active transport unit. This is most consistent with the presence of four sulfhydryl groups at this site. The substrate TEA displayed a dose-dependent enhancement of NEM inactivation, with 50% enhancement occurring at 365 microM TEA. Another organic cation, N1-methylnicotinamide, known to share a common transport mechanism with the TEA/TEA exchanger is also capable of increasing the reactivity of sulfhydryl groups to NEM. These results demonstrate that there are essential sulfhydryl groups for organic cation transport in the basolateral membrane. In addition, the capability of organic cations to alter the susceptibility to sulfhydryl modification suggests that these groups may have a dynamic role in the transport process.  相似文献   

U.v.-visible-absorption and e.p.r. spectroscopy were used to study the type 2 and type 3 copper centres in the mercury derivative of laccase. After treatment with peroxide the mercury derivative of laccase exhibits a fully developed absorption band at 330 nm (delta epsilon = 2900 +/- 100 M-1.cm-1, which is characteristic of type 3 copper in the oxidized state. In addition, there is a weak ligand-field absorption at 740 nm (epsilon = 380 +/- 30 M-1.cm-1), which can be assigned to the type 3 pair. Because the e.p.r. spectrum of the type 2 copper is well resolved in the case of the mercury derivative of laccase, for the first time we have been able to observe spectroscopic evidence for a pH-dependent structural transition that has been invoked to explain the kinetics of enzyme reduction [Andréasson & Reinhammar (1979) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 568, 145-156]. According to the e.p.r. data the pKa lies in the range 6-7, and comparisons with a model compound show that the spectral changes can plausibly be interpreted in terms of the deprotonation of a water molecule in the co-ordination sphere of the type 2 copper.  相似文献   

Summary Three-dimensional 1H-TOCSY-relayed ct-[13C,1H]-HMQC is a novel experiment for aromatic spin system identification in uniformly 13C-labeled proteins, which is implemented so that it correlates the chemical shift of a given aromatic proton with those of the directly attached carbon and all vicinal protons. The ct-HMQC scheme is used both for overlay of the indirect 1H and 13C chemical shift evolution periods and for the generation of 1H-1H antiphase magnetization to accelerate the 1H-TOCSY magnetization transfer at short mixing times. As an illustration, data recorded for the 18 kDa protein cyclophilin A are presented. Since transverse relaxation of 13C-1H zero-quantum and double-quantum coherences is to first order insensitive to 13C-1H heteronuclear dipolar relaxation, the new experiment should work also for proteins with molecular weights above 20 kDa.  相似文献   

Summary New 2D and 3D 1H-13C-15N triple resonance experiments are presented which allow unambiguous assignments of intranucleotide H1'-H8(H6) connectivities in 13C-and 15N-labeled RNA oligonucleotides. Two slightly different experiments employing double INEPT forward and back coherence transfers are optimized to obtain the H1'-C1'-N9/N1 and H8/H6-C8/C6-N9/N1 connectivities, respectively. The correlation of H1' protons to glycosidic nitrogens N9/N1 is obtained in a nonselective fashion. To correlate H8/H6 with their respective glycosidic nitrogens, selective 13C-refocusing and 15N-inversion pulses are applied to optimize the magnetization transfers along the desired pathway. The approach employs the heteronuclear one-bond spin-spin interactions and allows the 2D 1H-15N and 3D1H-13C-15N chemical shift correlation of nuclei along and adjacent to the glycosidic bond. Since the intranucleotide correlations obtained are based exclusively on through-bond scalar interactions, these experiments resolve the ambiguity of intra-and internucleotide H1'-H8(H6) assignments obtained from the 2D NOESY spectra. These experiments are applied to a 30-base RNA oligonucleotide which contains the binding site for Rev protein from HIV.  相似文献   

Based on different characteristics between unlabeled and fully 15N,13C-labeled nucleotides, we develop a method for unambiguous resonance assignments in nucleic acids following site-specific fully 15N,13C isotope incorporation at very low levels1. The J-couplings between heteronuclei provide for distinction between the NMR signals of the fully labeled nucleotides and those of the natural abundance nucleotides. The method is demonstrated for DNA oligonucleotides2, in the dimeric G-quadruplex [d(GGGTTCAGG)]2and in the 22-nucleotide human telomeric fragment d[AG3(TTAG3)3]. We expect this approach to be useful for selective monitoring of important functional domains and of their interactions in large nucleic acids.  相似文献   

Insecticidal Cry proteins naturally produced by Bacillus thuringiensis are a major recombinant trait expressed by genetically modified crops. They are released into the soil during and after cropping. The objective of this study was to produce (14)C-labeled Cry1Ab proteins for soil metabolic studies in scope of their environmental risk assessment. Cry1Ab was synthesized as a protoxin by Escherichia coli HB101 pMP in 200-mL liquid batch culture fermentations and purified from inclusion bodies after trypsin digestion. For cultivation, U-(14)C-glycerol was the main carbon source. Inclusion bodies were smaller and Cry1Ab yield was lower when the initial amount of total organic carbon in the cultivation broth was below 6.4?mg C L(-1). Concentrations of 12.6?g (14)C-labeled glycerol L(-1) (1?%?v/v) resulted in the production of 17.1?mg (14)C-Cry1Ab L(-1) cultivation medium. (14)C mass balances showed that approx. 50?% of the label was lost by respiration and 20?% remained in the growth media, while the residual activity was associated with biomass. Depending on the production batch, 0.01 to 0.05?% of the total (14)C originated from Cry1Ab. In the presence of 2.04?MBq (14)C-labeled carbon sources, a specific activity of up to 268?Bq?mg(-1) (14)C-Cry1Ab was obtained. A more than threefold higher specific activity was achieved with 4.63?MBq and an extended cultivation period of 144?h. This study demonstrates that (14)C-labeled Cry1Ab can be obtained from batch fermentations with E. coli in the presence of a simple (14)C-labeled carbon source. It also provides a general strategy to produce (14)C-labeled proteins useful for soil metabolic studies.  相似文献   

3-Acyloxyl-2-oxopropyl ethers of umbelliferone were investigated as new fluorogenic substrates for lipases and esterases. The aliphatic primary alcohol-leaving group released the fluorescent product umbelliferone by an enolization/beta-elimination reaction similar to the triose phosphate isomerase (TIM) reaction. A similarly designed phenylacetamide provided a fluorescent probe for penicillin G acylase, whereby the enolization/beta-elimination sequence from the intermediate aminoketone was very fast and spontaneous even under acidic conditions. The corresponding epoxyketone was not fluorogenic with epoxide hydrolases (EH). These substrates represent periodate-free Clips-otrade mark substrates.  相似文献   

Studies have compared “total”, HMW kininogen and leukokininogen levels in human, rabbit and rat plasmas using trypsin, glass powder and cathepsin D as kininogenases or activators of kininogenases. Rat plasma was found to have about 10 fold more leukokininogen than the other plasmas assayed. When trypsin was used to estimate total kininogen, rat plasma liberated maximal amounts of kinin only in the presence of high concentrations of trypsin (1 mg/ml incubation mixture). In addition, it was found that trypsin in these concentrations liberated from rat plasma both bradykinin and a previously unidentified kinin which we have termed “T-kinin”. The results overall indicate that in the case of rat and rabbit plasma, currently used methods for estimations of total kininogen may not be accurate. T-kinin may represent a leukokininogen or a hitherto undescribed kininogen.  相似文献   

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