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The influence of intraventricular injection of different doses of renin on the effects of electrical stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus was studied. Injection of renin (10 micrograms/kg) into the lateral ventricles of the brain of experimental animals elicited a prolonged elevation of arterial pressure and a decrease of the heart rate, while given in doses of 20 and 30 micrograms/kg it also provoked arrhythmias and ventricular extrasystoles, and a lowering of the threshold of ventromedial hypothalamus stimulation. It was found that under the central action of renin, a short-term stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus provoked ventricular extrasystoles.  相似文献   

Influence of food intake on hypothalamically induced avoidance reactions have been studied in rabbits. It was shown that first contact with food and beginning of food intake accompany with activation of avoidance reactions. Central action of cholecystokinin-octapeptide, pentagastrin, beta-endorphin and naloxone on avoidance reactions of fed and fasted rabbits before and during food intake was investigated. It was found that injection of cholecystokinin and naloxone, which had a satiated effect, act on avoidance reactions similarly in fed and fasted rabbits. Beta-endorphin inhibits avoidance behavior, and only pentagastrin activates avoidance reactions of fasted but not fed rabbits. It is concerned that influence of feeding motivation may modulate avoidance behavior by participation of endogenous gastrin-like peptide release into the perineuronal area during contact of rabbits with food and beginning of its intake.  相似文献   

The influence of brain electrical stimulation, which induced some elements of agonistic behavior, on the preference of an animal of one of two compartments of the experimental chamber was studied in 7 male cats with implanted hypothalamic electrodes. The animals avoided the compartment in which they were stimulated. Self-stimulation reaction could not be formed on the basis of the electrical brain stimulation inducing certain elements of agonistic behavior. Passage latencies were shorter when an animal left the less preferential compartment that in the case when in started from the more preferential one. The obtained evidence suggests that hypothalamic stimulation producing certain elements of agonistic behavior evokes in an animal a negative internal state.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (ANG II) is known to activate central sympathetic neurons. In this study we determined the effects of ANG II on the autonomic components of the cardiovascular responses to stimulation of nasopharyngeal receptors with cigarette smoke. Experiments were carried out in conscious New Zealand White rabbits instrumented to record arterial pressure and heart rate. Rabbits were exposed to 50 ml of cigarette smoke before and after subcutaneous osmotic minipump delivery of ANG II at a dose of 50 ng.kg(-1).min(-1) for 1 wk in one group and intracerebroventricular (icv) infusion at a dose of 100 pmol/min for 1 h in a second group. The responses were compared before and after heart rate was controlled by pacing. Autonomic components were evaluated by intravenous administration of atropine methyl bromide (0.2 mg/kg) and prazosin (0.5 mg/kg). ANG II given either systemically or icv significantly blunted the pressor response to smoke (P < 0.05) when the bradycardic response was prevented. This blunted response was not due to an absolute increase in baseline blood pressure after ANG II infusion (71.64 +/- 11.6 vs. 92.1 +/- 19.8 mmHg; P < 0.05) because normalization of blood pressure with sodium nitroprusside to pre-ANG II levels also resulted in a significantly blunted pressor response to smoke. The effect of smoke was alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor-mediated because it was essentially abolished by prazosin in both the pre- and the post-ANG II states (P < 0.05). These results suggest that elevations in central ANG II reduce the sympathetic response to smoke in conscious rabbits. This effect may be due to an augmentation of baseline sympathetic outflow and a reduction in reflex sensitivity similar to the effect of ANG II on baroreflex function.  相似文献   

The influence of increasing electrodermal stimulation (EDS) on the dynamics of the somatovegetative reactions evoked by electrical stimulation of negative emotiogenic regions of the hypothalamus was studied. EDS produced a blocking effect on the somatovegetative reactions evoked by stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH). Pretreatment with naloxone prevented the effects of EDS. Injection of beta-endorphine in a dose of 10 micrograms to the lateral ventricules of the animal brain also blocked the somatovegetative reactions during VMH stimulation. Injection of beta-endorphine in doses of 50-100 micrograms enhanced and prolonged the somatovegetative reactions evoked by VMH stimulation. Elevated arterial blood pressure, pronounced bradycardia, extrasystoles, muscle tremor, and pathologic respiration were recorded. These disorders were completely reversed by EDS. It is assumed that both opiate peptides and their receptors are involved in the mechanism of the somatovegetative reactions evoked by VMH stimulation, experiencing the influence of EDS.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that rhythmic stimulation of the relay thalamic nucleus in rabbits at the second half of the first month of postnatal life does not significantly affect the amplitude of the second and third positive components (PC-2 and PC-3) of the positive phase of the thalamocortical responses. Combination of rhythmic stimulation of this nucleus and that of lateral hypothalamic structures is accompanied by a significant increase of the amplitude of both positive components of the thalamocortical responses, the degree of potentiation of PC-3 being higher than that of PC-2. The described potentiation is most evident at the third week of postnatal development of rabbits.  相似文献   

In fixed Wistar line rats, neuronal activity of the ventromedial hypothalamus was studied in conditions of acute emotional stress elicited by electric stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus stochastically alternating with electrocutaneous stimuli. Distinctions were revealed in neuronal activity of the animals with different stress resistance. The pattern of neuronal impulse activity proved to be the most informative one.  相似文献   

The influence of prolonged electrical stimulation of rabbit hypothalamus on blood lipids and the development of atherosclerosis were studied. The negative emotional state observed during the electrical stimulation was accompanied by blood hyperlipemia and atherosclerosis development in 1/3 noncastrated and 2/3 castrated animals.  相似文献   

The influences of different parts of the neocortex on the rabbit alimentary behaviour produced by stimulation of the hypothalamic "alimentary centre" were studied in chronic experiments on rabbits with electrodes implanted in different formations of the limbic system and the midbrain. It has been found that electrical stimulation of the frontal and anterior parietal cortical areas raised the threshold of the evoked alimentary reaction. Inhibitory influences of the frontal areas proved to be stronger and more prolonged than those of the anterior parietal area. Electrical stimulation of the posterior parietal and occipital cortical areas decreased the threshold of the evoked alimentary reaction. Coagulation of the dorsal hippocampus eliminated the inhibitory influences of the neocortex, while coagulation of the mesencephalic reticular formation discontinued the facilitating influences of the neocortex on the alimentary reaction.  相似文献   

Vaginocervical stimulation (VCS) induces the immediate-early gene product Fos in the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) of female rats. However, this induction is lower in ovariectomized rats that receive estradiol benzoate (EB) and progesterone (P) relative to an oil vehicle. We have observed that a substantial proportion of cells activated in the VMH by VCS stain for glutamate, and infusions of glutamate or its selective receptor agonists to the VMH inhibit both appetitive and consummatory sexual behaviors in females. This raises the possibility that VCS activates an inhibitory glutamate system in the VMH, and that ovarian steroids blunt the activation, although it is not known whether EB or P, alone or in combination, lead to this effect. The present experiment examined the ability of VCS to induce Fos in glutamate neurons in the VMH of ovariectomized rats under 4 hormonal regimens: oil, EB alone, P alone, or EB + P, following 1 or 50 distributed VCSs administered with a lubricated glass rod over the course of 1 h. Treatment with EB or P alone significantly reduced the number of glutamate neurons activated by 1 VCS, with P being more effective than EB. Treatment with EB + P also produced a significant reduction, but not to the extent of EB or P alone. Although EB and P work in synergy to activate sexual behavior in female rats, actions of EB or P alone are sufficient to blunt the ability of VCS to activate glutamate neurons in the VMH. It thus appears that ovarian steroids may “disinhibit” sexual responding, in part, by dampening the ability of VCS to activate glutamate neurons in the VMH. In turn, this may allow females to receive a sufficient number of intromissions for the activation of sexual reward and the facilitation of pregnancy.  相似文献   

A "preparatory" hypothesis according to which the bar-holding develops as a preparatory response placing an animal in an advantageous position for the reaction on the subsequent action of the electric current has been experimentally examined. Comparing the avoidance training under the condition allowing the bar-holding until the next conditioned and unconditioned stimuli, and under conditions excepting such long holding it has been established that in first case the number of bar-holding responses is more and the avoidance responses are less than in the second one. It contradicts the "preparatory" hypothesis. It has been shown that the dynamics of inter-trail and the bar-holding responses results from stimulus generalization and discrimination.  相似文献   

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