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The effects of elevated dietary calcium (as CaCO3) and acute waterborne Cd exposure (50 microg/l) on whole body uptake, tissue uptake, and internal distribution of newly accumulated Cd, Ca2+, and Na+ in juvenile rainbow trout were examined. Fish were fed with three diets (mg Ca2+/g food): 20 (control), 30 and 60 for 7 days before fluxes were measured with radiotracers. The highest dietary Ca2+ elevation reduced waterborne whole body Ca2+ uptake, but did not protect against inhibition of waterborne Ca2+ uptake by waterborne Cd. Both Ca2+-supplemented diets reduced newly accumulated Ca2+ in the gills in relation to the control treatment, but did not prevent the Cd-inhibiting effect against accumulation of new Ca2+ in most compartments. Fish fed with Ca2+-supplemented diets showed markedly lower rates of whole body uptake and internalization (in some tissues) of waterborne Cd, illustrating that, while dietary Ca2+ supplementation did not protect against the impact of waterborne Cd on waterborne Ca2+ uptake, it did protect against the uptake of Cd. Waterborne Cd had no effect on Na+ fluxes, total Cl-, and in most body compartments, newly accumulated Na+ and total Na+ were also not affected. Dietary supplementation with CaCO3 had the same protective effect as demonstrated by dietary supplementation with CaCl2 in an earlier study. Thus, the reduction of waterborne Cd uptake and internalization by dietary Ca2+ was specifically due to Ca2+ and not to the anion.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of dietary Ca2+ on branchial Ca2+ and Zn2+ uptake, new and total zinc accumulation in target tissues (gill, liver and kidney), calcium and zinc homeostasis, and acute tolerance to waterborne zinc in fish chronically exposed to waterborne zinc. Juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were maintained on a calcium-enriched diet [41.2 mg vs. 21.2 mg (control) calcium/g dry wt. of food] and chronic waterborne zinc exposure (2.3 micromol/L), both separately and in combination, for 28 days. Calcium-supplemented diet in the absence of waterborne zinc significantly reduced branchial Ca2+ and Zn2+ influx rates, and new and total zinc accumulations in target tissues relative to control. However it did not protect against the acute zinc challenge. In contrast, waterborne zinc exposure significantly increased branchial Ca2+ and Zn2+ influx rates, new and total zinc concentrations in target tissues, and acute zinc tolerance relative to control. Interestingly, no such changes in any of these parameters were recorded in fish treated simultaneously with elevated dietary Ca2+ and waterborne zinc, except acute zinc tolerance which was highest among all the treatments. Thus, we conclude that the interactions between elevated dietary Ca2+ and waterborne zinc can protect freshwater fish against waterborne zinc toxicity.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss ( c . 60 g) were exposed for 1 week to 0·1 μM silver as AgNO3 in ion poor water (Ca c . 150 μM, pH c . 8, water temperature 13° C) with or without waterborne organic matter (27 mg C l−1 as Aldrich humic acid), thiosulphate (5 μM Na2S2O3) or chloride (4 mM KCl). Organic matter decreased Ag accumulation by the gills initially, but did not decrease Ag accumulation by plasma or liver. Thiosulphate decreased the amount of Ag accumulated by the gills for the entire 1 week exposure but had no effect on Ag concentrations in the plasma, liver or bile. Chloride had no effect on Ag uptake in any of the tissues examined. All three complexing agents reduced the decreases in plasma Na and Cl concentrations caused by Ag. To study the effects of waterborne complexing agents on Ag depuration, rainbow trout were exposed to 0·1 μM AgNO3 for 1 week then placed for 8 days in Ag‐free, ion poor water with or without waterborne organic matter (55 mg C l−1) or thiosulphate (5 μM). These complexing agents did not alter depuration of Ag from the gills, plasma, liver or bile. Thus, once Ag has entered a fish, subsequent elimination of internal Ag is not affected by external complexing agents.  相似文献   

In order to establish whether the blood gas respiratory disturbances noted with exposure to chloramine-T are due to differences in the rates of uptake of O2 and excretion of CO2 or gill blood flow, adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were fitted with dorsal aorta and bulbus arteriosus catheters to facilitate blood pressure recordings, an ultrasonic blood flow probe and opercular impedance electrodes. Fish received either a 45-min static exposure to 9 mg l−1 chloramine-T or tap water (control) and continuous recordings of blood pressure, and ventilation frequency and amplitude were made. Pre- and post-exposure arterial and venous blood samples were taken and analyzed for O2 and CO2 content, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit. Chloramine-T exposure had no effect on any of the continuously recorded parameters. However, individual measurements (made immediately prior to and following exposure) of cardiac output and O2 uptake rates increased significantly following exposure to chloramine-T compared to before exposure. CO2 excretion rates were unaffected by chloramine-T exposure. Calculation of the perfusion convection requirement showed a significant increase for CO2 but not for O2. It was concluded that increases in O2 uptake resulted from increased cardiac output but that CO2 excretion, a diffusion-limited process, was not increased due to additional diffusive limitations caused by the irritant effect of chloramine-T.  相似文献   

Renal function was examined in adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after chronic exposure to a sublethal level of dietary Cd (500 mg/kg diet) for 52 d and during a subsequent challenge to waterborne Cd (10 microg/L) for 72 h. Dietary Cd had no major effects on UFR (urine flow rate) and GFR (glomerular filtration rate) but caused increased renal excretion of glucose, protein, and major ions (Mg(2+), Zn(2+), K(+), Na(+), Cl(-) but Ca(2+)). However, dietary Cd did not affect any plasma ions except Na(+) which was significantly elevated in the Cd-acclimated trout. Plasma glucose and ammonia levels fell by 25% and 36% respectively, but neither plasma nor urine urea was affected in Cd-acclimated fish. Dietary Cd exposure resulted in a remarkable increase of Cd load in the plasma (48-fold, approximately 22 ng/mL) and urine (60-fold, 8.9 ng/mL), but Cd excretion via the kidney was negligible on a mass-balance basis. Clearance ratio analysis indicates that all ions, Cd, and metabolites were reabsorbed strongly (58-100%) in both na?ve and dietary Cd exposed fish, except ammonia which was secreted in both groups. Mg(2+), Na(+), Cl(-) and K(+) reabsorption decreased significantly (3-15%) in the Cd-exposed fish relative to the control. Following waterborne Cd challenge, GFR and UFR were affected transiently, and only Mg(2+) and protein excretion remained elevated with no recovery with time in Cd-acclimated trout. Urinary Ca(2+) and Zn(2+) excretion rates dropped with an indication of renal compensation towards plasma declines of both ions. Cadmium challenge did not cause any notable effects on urinary excretion rates of metabolites. However, a significant decrease in Mg(2+) reabsorption but an increase in total ammonia secretion was observed in the Cd-acclimated fish. The study suggests that dietary Cd acclimation involves physiological costs in terms of renal dysfunction and elevated urinary losses.  相似文献   

The effect of increased available dietary carbohydrate on the tolerance of waterborne copper by rainbow trout was investigated. Trout were reared for six to eight weeks on one of four isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets which varied in available carbohydrate content due to either processing (extrusion v. steam-pelleting) or supplementation with cerelose (0 or 21%). The incipient lethal level (ILL) of copper for trout reared on the low-available-carbohydrate steam-pelleted diet was 350 μg I?1, significantly higher than the 276 μg I?1 shown for trout reared on the high-available-carbohydrate extruded diet. The ILL of copper for the low-carbohydrate group (0% cerelose) was 408 μg I?1, significantly higher than the ILL of 246 μg I?1 of trout reared on the high-carbohydrate diet (21% cerelose). Increased available dietary carbohydrate resulted in increased liver glycogen content and liver-body weight ratios and decreased liver protein content. Significant correlations were evident between waterborne copper tolerance and liver glycogen, liver-body weight ratios and liver protein. Relative to those on high carbohydrate diets, livers of fish on low-carbohydrate diets contained higher concentrations of copper after seven days of exposure to 0 or 196 μg I?1 of copper. The elevated liver glycogen levels, resulting from increased dietary carbohydrate, are thought to have impaired liver function, thus reducing copper tolerance.  相似文献   

A suite of respiratory, acid-base, ionoregulatory, hematological, and stress parameters were examined in adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after chronic exposure to a sublethal level of dietary Cd (500 mg/kg diet) for 45 days and during a subsequent challenge to waterborne Cd (10 microg/L) for 72 h. Blood sampling via an indwelling arterial catheter revealed that dietary Cd had no major effects on blood gases, acid-base balance, and plasma ions (Ca(2+), Mg(2+), K(+), Na(+), and Cl(-)) in trout. The most notable effects were an increase in hematocrit (49%) and hemoglobin (74%), and a decrease in the plasma total ammonia (43%) and glucose (49%) of the dietary Cd-exposed fish relative to the nonexposed controls. Dietary Cd resulted in a 26-fold increase of plasma Cd level over 45 days (approximately 24 ng/mL). The fish exposed to dietary Cd showed acclimation with increased protection against the effects of waterborne Cd on arterial blood P(aCO2) and pH, plasma ions, and stress indices. After waterborne Cd challenge, nonacclimated fish, but not Cd-acclimated fish, exhibited respiratory acidosis. Plasma Ca(2+) levels declined from the prechallenge level, but the effect was more pronounced in nonacclimated fish (44%) than in Cd-acclimated fish (14%) by 72 h. Plasma K(+) was elevated only in the nonacclimated fish. Similarly, waterborne Cd caused an elevation of all four traditional stress parameters (plasma total ammonia, cortisol, glucose, and lactate) only in the nonacclimated fish. Thus, chronic exposure to dietary Cd protects rainbow trout against physiological stress caused by waterborne Cd and both dietary and waterborne Cd should be considered in determining the extent of Cd toxicity to fish.  相似文献   

Dietary Na does not reduce dietary Cu uptake by juvenile rainbow trout   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss fry in moderately hard water were exposed to control or high levels of dietary Cu (c. 6 and 580 ug Cu g food?1) at one of three levels of Na (1·5, 3·0 or 4·5%) in the diet, i.e. six experimental groups. Fish were fed a 4% body mass ration daily for 28 days and 10 individuals from each group were sampled every 7 days. Concentrations of Cu and Na were measured in the gills, liver, gut and remaining carcass of sampled fish. Growth was not affected and no consistent differences were found in mass, total lengths (LT) or indices of body condition among any of the groups on any sampling day. Copper concentration was significantly higher in tissues of Cu‐exposed groups, although within treatment types (control Cu v. high Cu diet), it did not differ consistently among groups that received different levels of dietary Na. Tissue Na concentration did not differ among any of the groups and did not show any marked changes over time. In Cu‐exposed groups, the proportion of total body Cu burden contained in the liver approximately doubled over time, from c. 30% on day 7 to c. 60% on day 28. In unexposed fish, the liver maintained c. 25% of the total Cu burden throughout the experiment. In contrast, the proportion of the total body Cu burden contained in the gut decreased somewhat over time in Cu‐exposed fish, from c. 40% on day 7 to c. 30% on day 28, and remained fairly stable at c. 25–30% in control groups, i.e. approximately equal to liver values. In all groups, the carcass contained by far the largest portion of the total Na content (>80%). Measurements made 36 h post‐feeding indicated that all six groups had much higher Na efflux relative to influx, suggesting that the fish were eliminating excess Na taken up from the diet, and differences in Na influx rates were small. Na efflux rate was significantly higher in the high Cu and high Na group than in the high Cu and low Na group. The results indicate that at the concentrations used in this experiment, dietary Na has little effect on dietary Cu uptake by juvenile rainbow trout, and dietary Cu has little effect on Na homeostasis.  相似文献   

The effects of chronic exposure to waterborne Cd and elevated dietary Ca, alone and in combination, were examined in juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchusmykiss. Fish were chronically exposed to 0.05 (control) or 2.56 μg/l Cd [as Cd(NO3)2·4H2O] and were fed 2% body mass/day of control (29.6 mg Ca/g) or Ca-supplemented trout food (52.8 mg Ca/g as CaCl2·2H2O). Cd accumulated mainly in gill, liver, and kidney. Waterborne Cd inhibited unidirectional Ca uptake from water into the gill and induced hypocalcemia in the plasma on day 40. Waterborne Cd also induced an elevated Ca concentration on day 20 in the gill tissue of trout fed the Ca-supplemented diet and a decreased Ca concentration on day 35 in the gills of trout fed the control diet. Dietary Ca protected against Cd accumulation in gill, liver, and kidney, but did not protect against the inhibition of Ca uptake into the gill or plasma hypocalcemia. When fed Ca-supplemented diet and exposed to waterborne Cd, fish showed 35% mortality, compared to 0–2% in control fish and in the Cd-exposed fish with normal Ca in the diet. Growth, on the other hand, was not affected by any treatment.  相似文献   

Synopsis The impact of a long-term sublethal copper exposure on the olfactory discrimination performance was examined in rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss. Two fish groups, one from the 14th day post-fertilization and the other from hatching, were exposed continuously to 22 g Cu2+·1–1 for 41 and 37 weeks, respectively. Preference/avoidance responses to different odor conditions (own rearing water/well water; own rearing water/heterospecific water) were evaluated during the 8th month after hatching. The 2 odor conditions appear reliable criteria to evaluate the fish discrimination ability. When controls were given a choice between own rearing water against either well water or heterospecifc water, they significantly preferred their own rearing water, whereas both copper-exposed groups showed no preference. The behavioral response of exposed fish indicates impairment of their olfactory discrimination ability; however, it cannot be determined if this reflects a loss of olfactory sensitivity or an olfactory hyposensitivity. Behavioral tests performed 2 and 10 weeks after removal of copper, showed some functional recovery of the olfactory discrimination ability which could be related to the renewal property of olfactory receptor cells. Results demonstrate that a long-term sublethal exposure to copper, as it commonly occurs in the natural condition, may result in olfactory dysfunction with potential impacts on fish survival and reproduction.  相似文献   

Morten Sandvik 《Biomarkers》1998,3(6):399-410
Absorption and tissue distribution of benzo\[ a ]pyrene (BaP)-derived radioactivity were studied in juvenile rainbow trout following dietary or waterborne exposure. In order to compare the bioavailability of BaP, the fish were exposed to 1.5 mCi 3H-BaP kg-1 fish, either in the diet or in the water as a 2 days static exposure. Furthermore, tissue levels of BaP-derived radioactivity bound to macromolecules in different tissues were studied in non-induced fish, and in fish induced by additional treatment with unlabelled BaP (corresponding to 5 mg kg-1 fish) in the water. Absorption and tissue distribution of 3H BaP were studied by liquid scintillation counting and whole-body autoradiography. BaPderived radioactivity bound to macromolecules in different tissues was studied by autoradiography of solvent-extracted whole-body sections. The hepatic CYP1A induction was measured as EROD activity. Exposure to unlabelled BaP resulted in a marked induction of hepatic EROD activity in rainbow trout 2 days after the start of the exposure. Significant higher concentrations of radiolabelled compound were observed in waterborne-exposed fish, in contrast to dietary-exposed fish. High concentrations of radiolabelling were observed in the gills, liver, bile, intestines, olfactory organ, kidney and the skin of the waterborne-exposed fish. In the dietary-exposed fish, high levels of radioactivity were observed in the intestines and the bile, whereas lower concentrations were present in the liver. Only traces of radioactive compound were observed in the gills. In contrast to waterborne-exposed fish, no radioactivity was detected in the olfactory organ or skin. In autoradiograms of sections extracted with a series of polar and non-polar solvents, a large fraction of radioactivity was still present in the gills, olfactory organ, liver, kidney, skin and intestinal mucosa of the waterborne-exposed fish, indicating that reactive BaP intermediates formed by CYP1A-mediated metabolism were bound to macromolecules in these tissues.  相似文献   

Species specific differences in transporters, chaperones, metal binding proteins and other targets are important in metal toxicity. Therefore, we have studied the effects of copper exposure on the proteome of gill tissue from Oncorhynchus mykiss, Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus gibelio, which have different sensitivities toward copper. Fish were exposed to the Flemish water quality standard for surface waters, being 50 μg/L, for 3 days. Sampled gill tissue was subjected to a 2D-Dige and an iTRAQ analysis. While gibel carp showed more positive responses such as increased apolipoprotein A-I, transferrin and heat shock protein 70, common carp's gill tissue on the other hand displayed a changed actin cytoskeleton, and indications of a changed metabolism. These last two traits were evident in rainbow trout as well, together with decreased expressions of transferrin and albumin. urthermore, the Weighted Gene Co-Expression Network Analysis of rainbow trout data revealed a network of 98 proteins related to Cu accumulation in gill, of which the occurrence of proteins related to oxidative stress, such as superoxide dismutase and cytochrome c were promising. Additionally, the outcome of the different proteomics techniques demonstrates the usefulness of iTRAQ analysis compared to 2D-Dige and the need for fully annotated genomes.  相似文献   

Proteomic sensitivity to dietary manipulations in rainbow trout   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Changes in dietary protein sources due to substitution of fish meal by other protein sources can have metabolic consequences in farmed fish. A proteomics approach was used to study the protein profiles of livers of rainbow trout that have been fed two diets containing different proportions of plant ingredients. Both diets control (C) and soy (S) contained fish meal and plant ingredients and synthetic amino acids, but diet S had a greater proportion of soybean meal. A feeding trial was performed for 12 weeks at the end of which, growth and protein metabolism parameters were measured. Protein growth rates were not different in fish fed different diets; however, protein consumption and protein synthesis rates were higher in the fish fed the diet S. Fish fed diet S had lower efficiency of retention of synthesised protein. Ammonia excretion was increased as well as the activities of hepatic glutamate dehydrogenase and aspartate amino transferase (ASAT). No differences were found in free amino acid pools in either liver or muscle between diets. Protein extraction followed by high-resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis, coupled with gel image analysis, allowed identification and expression of hundreds of protein. Individual proteins of interest were then subjected to further analysis leading to protein identification by trypsin digest fingerprinting. During this study, approximately 800 liver proteins were analysed for expression pattern, of which 33 were found to be differentially expressed between diets C and S. Seventeen proteins were positively identified after database searching. Proteins were identified from diverse metabolic pathways, demonstrating the complex nature of gene expression responses to dietary manipulation revealed by proteomic characterisation.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout, common carp, and gibel carp were exposed to sublethal Cu levels (1.0 or 1.7 microM) for 1 week. In rainbow trout, arterial oxygen tension (P(aO(2))) remained normal and there was no indication of anaerobic metabolism. P(aO(2)) was considerably lower in common and gibel carp and Cu exposure decreased this further. The decrease was transient for common carp but persistent in gibel carp and coincided with an elevation in arterial carbon dioxide tension (P(aCO(2))) indicating that all gas exchange was compromised in both cyprinid species. The disturbed gas exchange resulted in acidosis, which was respiratory and metabolic for common carp but mainly respiratory for gibel carp. Gibel carp produced ethanol as end product of their alternative anaerobic pathway. The hypothesis that hypertrophy and hyperplasia, resulting in increased diffusion distances, are reducing P(aO(2)) appeared invalid. Hypoventilation seems a more likely cause. Ionoregulatory parameters responded more uniform among species. Fast and pronounced decreases in plasma sodium and chloride developed for all three species, independent of the observed gill damage. Rainbow trout lost 20% of their plasma Na in the first 3 days, while common and gibel carp had only lost 13 and 16% respectively at that time. This difference might be crucial when challenged with Cu exposure and allow a fish to survive the first shock phase and supports it the hypothesis that sodium turnover is a key factor in predicting Cu toxicity.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on the bioavailability of waterborne Cu to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during chronic sublethal exposure. Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to Cu (as CuSO(4)) and DOC as humic acid (HA, as sodium salt) for one month in synthetic soft water to give treatments with varying combinations of free ionic and HA complexed Cu. The total Cu concentration was 7 microg/l for all treatments (except controls) and HA was added at levels of 0, 2.5 and 7.5 mg/l which corresponded to DOC levels of 1.2, 2.2 and 4.0 mg/l. Fish grew well in all treatments and no mortalities occurred. Cu was highly bioavailable in the treatment with no added HA; gill and liver Cu accumulation occurred as well as a disruption of Na(+) regulation. In Cu treatments with additions of both 2.5 and 7.5 mg/l HA, there was no significant tissue accumulation of Cu. The addition of HA alleviated and delayed the disruption of iono-regulatory mechanisms. A recovery of plasma Na(+) losses was observed and this was associated with an increase in gill Na(+)/K(+) ATPase activity by the end of the exposure. Following the month of chronic exposure the uptake and turnover rates of Cu at the gills and into various tissue compartments were measured through radioisotopic techniques ((64)Cu). While chronic Cu exposure did not result in acclimation (i.e. increased LC50), the uptake rate and extent of Cu uptake into the gills and liver was increased. This study demonstrates that growth and tissue accumulation of Cu are poor predictors of the chronic effects of Cu, and illustrates that HA moderates chronic Cu bioavailability. The lack of a link between Cu bioaccumulation and Cu impact and the role of organic matter in reducing the bioavailability of Cu are important considerations in the context of ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   

Juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were subjected to a 2-day radioactive pulse of 110mAg at 11.9 microg/l (as AgNO3), followed by a 19-day post-tracer exposure to non-radioactive Ag(I) (3.8 microg/l). The distribution of 110mAg in the gills, liver, intestine, kidney, brain and remaining carcass was investigated over a 19-day post-tracer period. Initially, the intestine contained the highest proportion of the 110mAg burden (34%), however, by day 8, less than 5% of the total radioactivity remained in this tissue. The majority of the 110mAg eliminated from the intestine appeared to distribute to the liver. Eventually, the 110mAg content in the liver accounted for as much as 65% of the total radioactivity in the fish. Apart from the liver and intestine, only the gills and carcass contained any appreciable amount (>5%) of the total body 110mAg content. Liver and gill samples were fractionated using differential centrifugation techniques to discern the subcellular distribution of 110mAg in these tissues. In the liver, the 110mAg levels in the cytosolic fraction increased from 35% to 72% of the total cellular burden between days 8 and 19, respectively. The radioactive pulse in the gills was predominantly found in a membrane compartment termed the nuclear fraction ( approximately 60% of the total). Little change was observed over time (day 8 to day 19) to the subcellular distribution of Ag in the gills. Using size-exclusion chromatography, most ( approximately 70%) of the 110mAg content in the liver cytosol eluted at a molecular weight characteristic of metallothionein. The cytosolic distribution of 110mAg in gills was quite diffuse, occurring primarily in the heavy molecular weight fractions.  相似文献   

Branchial Ca uptake varied dielly with a nadir at 1000 hours and two peaks at 1600 and 0400 hours in rainbow trout. This variation profile essentially reflected Ca uptake through the arterio-arterial circulation.  相似文献   

Subordinate fish take up more copper during water-borne exposure than dominant fish and consequently display higher tissue burdens. The present study demonstrated a similar effect of social status on water-borne silver uptake. We evaluated whether differences in copper and silver accumulation between individuals could be due to differences in metabolic rate, internal concentrations of cortisol or sodium uptake rates. In the absence of social interaction, experimentally increased metabolic rates (via moderate exercise) and elevated whole body cortisol concentrations (via feeding of a cortisol-spiked diet) did not result in increased metal uptake. However, elimination of the difference in sodium uptake rates between dominant and subordinate fish by exposing them to a saturating level of water-borne sodium (50 mM) resulted in an elimination of copper uptake differences. No significant differences in sodium and silver uptake rates were seen between dominant and subordinate fish exposed to elevated silver concentrations. Therefore, it appears that socially-mediated differences in copper and silver accumulation are a result of differences in sodium uptake rates as both silver and copper are known to cross the gill epithelia via sodium transport pathways.  相似文献   

An in vitro gut-sac technique and 64Cu as a radiotracer were used to characterize gastric copper (Cu) transport. Cu transport was stimulated by low luminal pH (4.0 vs. 7.4), to a greater extent than explained by the increased availability of the free Cu2+ ion. At pH = 4.0, uptake kinetics were indicative of a low affinity (K m = 525 μmol L−1), saturable carrier-mediated component superimposed on a large linear (diffusive and/or convective) component, with about 50% occurring by each pathway at Cu = 50 μmol L−1. Osmotic gradient experiments showed that solvent drag via fluid transport may play a role in Cu uptake via the stomach, in contrast to the intestine. Also unlike the intestine, neither the Na+ gradient, high Ag, nor phenamil had any influence on gastric Cu transport, and a tenfold excess of Fe and Zn failed to inhibit Cu uptake. These findings indicate that neither Na+-dependent pathways nor DMT1 are likely candidates for carrier-mediated Cu transport in the stomach. We have cloned a partial cDNA sequence for the copper transporter Ctr1, and show its mRNA expression in all segments of the trout gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach. Based on the fact that this transporter is functional at low pH conventionally found in the stomach lumen, we suggest Ctr1 is a pathway for gastric Cu transport in trout. Extreme hypoxia inhibited Cu uptake. High P\textCO2 P_{{{\text{CO}}_{2} }} levels (7.5 torr) increased Cu uptake and acetazolamide (100 μmol L−1) significantly inhibited Cu uptake, indicating carbonic anhydrase activity was involved in gastric Cu transport. Transport of Cu was insensitive to bafilomycin (10 μmol L−1) suggesting a V-ATPase did not play a direct role in the process. Expression (mRNA) of H + , K +-ATPase, carbonic anhydrase 2, and the α-3 isoform of Na +K +-ATPase were observed in the stomach. We suggest these enzymes facilitate Cu transport in the stomach indirectly as part of a physiological mechanism exporting H+ to the cell exterior. However, pre-treatment with the H + , K +-ATPase proton pump blocker omeprazole did not affect gastric Cu transport, suggesting that other mechanisms must also be involved.  相似文献   

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