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Cell number in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) of rats was the first neural sex difference shown to differentiate under the control of androgens, acting via classical intracellular androgen receptors. SNB motoneurons reside in the lumbar spinal cord and innervate striated muscles involved in copulation, including the bulbocavernosus (BC) and levator ani (LA). SNB cells are much larger and more numerous in males than in females, and the BC/LA target muscles are reduced or absent in females. The relative simplicity of this neuromuscular system has allowed for considerable progress in pinpointing sites of hormone action, and identifying the cellular bases for androgenic effects. It is now clear that androgens act at virtually every level of the SNB system, in development and throughout adult life. In this review we focus on effects of androgens on developmental cell death of SNB motoneurons and BC/LA muscles; the establishment and maintenance of SNB motoneuron soma size and dendritic length; BC/LA muscle morphology and physiology; and behaviors controlled by the SNB system. We also describe new data on neurotherapeutic effects of androgens on SNB motoneurons after injury in adulthood.  相似文献   

During development, survival of the sexually dimorphic spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) and its target perineal muscles, the bulbocavernosus (BC) and the levator ani (LA) is androgen-dependent. To define androgen's site of action in masculinizing SNB system structures, we examined whether or not androgen receptors are present in SNB motoneurons and/or BC/LA muscles of neonatal male rats. Using a receptor binding assay, we have identified androgen-binding factors in the neonatal BC/LA (Bmax = 13.5 fmol/mg protein; Kd = 4.69 nM) for the first time. In contrast, androgen autoradiography provided no evidence that neonatal spinal motoneurons accumulate androgens. These results support the hypothesis that BC/LA muscles are a primary site of androgen action for masculinizing SNB system structures, and that androgen need not interact with SNB motoneurons directly to sexually differentiate them.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) interacts with testosterone to regulate dendritic morphology of motoneurons in the highly androgen‐sensitive spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB). Additionally, in adult male rats testosterone regulates BDNF in SNB motoneurons and its target muscle, the bulbocavernosus (BC). Because BDNF is retrogradely transported from skeletal muscles to spinal motoneurons, we hypothesized that testosterone could regulate BDNF in SNB motoneurons by acting locally at the BC muscle. To test this hypothesis, we restricted androgen manipulation to the SNB target musculature. After castration, BDNF immunolabeling in SNB motoneurons was maintained at levels similar to those of gonadally intact males by delivering testosterone treatment directly to the BC muscle. When the same implant was placed interscapularly in castrated males it was ineffective in supporting BDNF immunolabeling in SNB motoneurons. Furthermore, BDNF immunolabeling in gonadally intact adult males given the androgen receptor blocker hydroxyflutamide delivered directly to the BC muscle was decreased compared with that of gonadally intact animals that had the same hydroxyflutamide implant placed interscapularly, or when compared with castrated animals that had testosterone implants at the muscle. These results demonstrate that the BC musculature is a critical site of action for the androgenic regulation of BDNF in SNB motoneurons and that it is both necessary and sufficient for this action. Furthermore, the local action of androgens at the BC muscle in regulating BDNF provides a possible mechanism underlying the interactive effects of testosterone and BDNF on motoneuron morphology. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73: 587–598, 2013  相似文献   

The spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) is a sexually dimorphic motor nucleus in the rat lumbar spinal cord. The sex difference arises through the androgenic sparing of the motoneurons and their target muscles from ontogenetic cell death. Indirect evidence suggests that androgen acts on the target muscles rather than directly on SNB motoneurons to spare them from death. The testicular feminization mutation (Tfm), a defect in the androgen receptor (AR), blocks androgenic sparing of SNB motoneurons and their targets. The pattern of AR immunocytochemistry was previously found to be different in adultTfmand wild-type rats: immunostaining was nuclear in most SNB cells of wild-type rats, but very few SNB cells display nuclear AR immunostaining in affectedTfmrats. Because theTfmmutation is carried on the X chromosome, random X inactivation during development makes female carriers ofTfm(+/Tfm) genetic mosaics for androgen sensitivity.Tfmcarriers, their wild-type sisters, and affectedTfmmales were treated with perinatal testosterone and immunocytochemistry was used to detect androgen receptor in the SNB when the rats reached adulthood. Mosaic females could be distinguished from their wild-type sisters by external morphology. In such perinatally androgenized mosaics, adult SNB cells were equally divided between wild-type andTfmgenotype, as indicated by AR immunocytochemistry. In contrast, the pattern of AR immunocytochemistry in target muscles of mosaics appeared similar to that of wild-type females. These results indicate that early androgen spared both androgen-sensitive and -insensitive motoneurons from cell death, confirming a site of androgen action other than the motoneurons themselves.  相似文献   

Steroid hormones and neurotrophic factors exert profound and widespread effects on the developing nervous system, including regulation of the size, connectivity, and survival of neurons. Androgenic control of the survival of motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) of rats has been well documented. We previously found that ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) mimics many effects of androgen on the developing SNB. Whether effects of CNTF depend on the presence of a functional androgen receptor was evaluated in the present study. Androgen-insensitive male rats bearing the testicular feminization mutation, Tfm, and female littermates were treated with CNTF or with vehicle alone from embryonic day 22 through postnatal day 3. On postnatal day 4 SNB cell number was elevated in both groups receiving CNTF. Volumes of the bulbocavernosus (BC) and levator ani (LA) muscles, targets of SNB motoneurons, were also markedly increased by CNTF. Since the BC appears to degenerate completely in untreated females, these results indicate that CNTF can delay or prevent muscle fiber death. The relative sparing of muscles and motoneurons did not differ for Tfm males and females, demonstrating that effects of CNTF on the SNB neuromuscular system do not require functional androgen receptors. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A sexual dimorphism in the number of motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) of rats is engendered by a sex difference in ontogenetic cell death. Testicular secretions, specifically androgenic steroids, reduce SNB motoneuron death in males. The fate of the target muscles generally mirrors that of the motoneurons, and androgens appear to exert their effects upon the target muscles, sparing the motoneurons as a secondary consequence. Treatment with ciliary neurotrophic factor can also spare SNB motoneurons in newborn females, raising the possibility that this factor normally mediates androgen's effect upon motoneuron survival. The ontogeny of calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivity is delayed in SNB cells compared with other motoneurons and is further delayed in the SNB cells of females. In both sexes, calcitonin gene-related peptide is detected after the period of SNB motoneuron death is complete. A sex difference in motoneuron number is also seen in the human homologue of the SNB and, because ontogenetic death of motoneurons in humans overlaps the period of androgen secretion, may arise in a manner similar to that in the rat SNB.  相似文献   

The spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) neuromuscular system mediates sexual reflexes, and is highly sexually dimorphic in rats. While maintenance of this system in adulthood is mainly dependent on androgens, there is also evidence to suggest that glucocorticoids may have a catabolic effect. We conducted a series of studies to fully examine the influence of basal glucocorticoids on the size of the SNB motoneurons and the associated bulbocavernosus (BC) and levator ani (LA) muscles. Specifically, we examined whether the muscles and motoneurons of the SNB neuromuscular system are affected by: (1) blockade of endogenous glucocorticoids via delivery of the antagonist RU-486 at doses ranging from low to high, (2) removal of endogenous glucocorticoids via adrenalectomy, or (3) restoration of physiological corticosterone levels via implants following adrenalectomy. In each study, we found that muscle and motoneuron size were unaffected by glucocorticoid manipulation. In contrast to previous results with supraphysiological levels of glucocorticoids, our results indicate that basal, nonstress levels of glucocorticoids do not influence the size of the BC/LA muscles or their associated SNB motoneurons.  相似文献   

In rats, motoneurons of the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) innervate the bulbocavernosus (BC) muscle, which surrounds the base of the penis. The SNB/BC is a sexually dimorphic, steroid-sensitive neuromuscular system, which is critically important in male reproductive behavior. Androgens are necessary for the development, morphology, and function of the SNB/BC system. However, estradiol (E) is also necessary for the development of the SNB/BC system, and E is capable of maintaining BC EMG activity in adulthood. In this study, we used electrophysiological and anatomical methods to examine estrogenic effects on BC EMG activity. We used a modified H-reflex testing method to investigate polysynaptic reflex characteristics in intact males, castrates, and castrates treated short term with estradiol benzoate (EB). Measures of EMG activity, response latency, and spike count were altered in castrates, but maintained in EB-treated castrates to the levels of intact males. Furthermore, estrogenic effects were found in EMG activity that could be isolated to the periphery of the SNB/BC system. BC NMJ size and muscle fiber area have been demonstrated to be hormone sensitive, and we examined these for possible correlates of E's effects on BC EMG activity. BC muscles of intact males, castrates, and short-term EB-treated castrates were fixed and stained with zinc iodide and osmium tetroxide. NMJ size and muscle fiber area did not differ between groups. Together, these data suggest that E treatment results in changes in the neuromuscular periphery that maintain BC EMG activity, but this effect cannot be accounted for by changes in NMJ size or muscle fiber area.  相似文献   

The dorsolateral nucleus (DLN) and the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) of the rat lumbar spinal cord are sexually dimorphic groups of motoneurons that innervate striated perineal muscles involved in male copulatory behavior. Androgens control the development of these motoneurons and their target muscles, and continue to influence the system in adulthood. Given that several features of SNB motoneuron morphology have been shown to be androgen sensitive in adult male rats, we examined the effects of androgen manipulations on the morphology of motoneurons in the DLN in adult rats. Adult male rats were castrated and implanted with testosterone-filled or blank implants, or were subjected to a sham-castration procedure. Six weeks after treatment, motoneurons in the DLN were retrogradely labeled with cholera toxin-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) after injection into the ischiocavernosus (IC) muscle and their morphology assessed. Measures of the radial extent and coverage of the dendritic arbor of DLN motoneurons projecting to the IC (DLN-IC motoneurons) were similar across the groups, indicating comparable degrees of HRP transport. However, DLN-IC motoneurons in castrates with blank implants possessed both shorter dendritic lengths and smaller somas than those of castrates treated with testosterone. Castrates with testosterone implants had DLN-IC motoneurons that were significantly larger than those of sham castrates in dendritic length and soma area. These results suggest that motoneurons in the DLN, like those in the SNB, possess a significant degree of structural plasticity in adulthood which is influenced by androgens.  相似文献   

The dorsolateral nucleus (DLN) and the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) of the rat lumbar spinal cord are sexually dimorphic groups of motoneurons that innervate striated perineal muscles involved in male copulatory behavior. Androgens control the development of these motoneurons and their target muscles, and continue to influence the system in adulthood. Given that several features of SNB motoneuron morphology have been shown to be androgen sensitive in adult male rats, we examined the effects of androgen manipulations on the morphology of motoneurons in the DLN in adult rats. Adult male rats were castrated and implanted with testosterone-filled or blank implants, or were subjected to a sham-castration procedure. Six weeks after treatment, motoneurons in the DLN were retrogradely labeled with cholera toxin-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) after injection into the ischiocavernosus (IC) muscle and their morphology assessed. Measures of the radial extent and coverage of the dendritic arbor of DLN motoneurons projecting to the IC (DLN-IC motoneurons) were similar across the groups, indicating comparable degrees of HRP transport. However, DLN-IC motoneurons in castrates with blank implants possessed both shorter dendritic lengths and smaller somas than those of castrates treated with testosterone. Castrates with testosterone implants had DLN-IC motoneurons that were significantly larger than those of sham castrates in dendritic length and soma area. These results suggest that motoneurons in the DLN, like those in the SNB, possess a significant degree of structural plasticity in adulthood which is influenced by androgens.  相似文献   

The spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) is a sexually dimorphic motor nucleus in the rat lumbar spinal cord. SNB motoneurons and their perineal target muscles are present in adult males but reduced or absent in females. This sexual dimorphism is due to the presence of androgen during development; females treated with testosterone (T) perinatally have a masculine SNB system. To assess whether masculinization of the SNB could involve the conversion of testosterone into its active metabolites, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estrogen, we examined the development of the SNB in females treated perinatally with estrogen alone or in combination with dihydrotestosterone. Counts of motoneurons in the developing SNB in all groups showed the typical prenatal increase followed by a differential postnatal decline; the incidence of degenerating cells reflected this decline. Motoneuron numbers and the frequency of degenerating cells in females treated with estrogen (E) alone did not differ from those of normal females, with both groups losing large numbers of motoneurons and having a high incidence of degenerating cells. In contrast, females treated with both estrogen and dihydrotestosterone did not show the female-typical decline in motoneuron number and had a low, masculine incidence of degenerating cells. By postnatal day 10, females treated with estrogen and dihydrotestosterone had a fully masculine SNB motoneuron number, suggesting that dihydrotestosterone alone or in conjunction with estrogen may be involved in the development of the sexually dimorphic SNB system.  相似文献   

A sexual dimorphism in the number of motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) of rats is engendered by a sex difference in ontogenetic cell death. Testicular secretions, specifically androgenic steroids, reduce SNB motoneuron death in males. The fate of the target muscles generally mirrors that of the motoneurons, and androgens appear to exert their effects upon the target muscles, sparing the motoneurons as a secondary consequence. Treatment with ciliary neurotrophic factor can also spare SNB motoneurons in newborn females, raising the possibility that this factor normally mediates androgen's effect upon motoneuron survival. The ontogeny of calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivity is delayed in SNB cells compared with other motoneurons and is further delayed in the SNB cells of females. In both sexes, calcitonin gene-related peptide is detected after the period of SNB motoneuron death is complete. A sex difference in motoneuron number is also seen in the human homologue of the SNB and, because ontogenetic death of motoneurons in humans overlaps the period of androgen secretion, may arise in a manner similar to that in the rat SNB. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In rats, androgens in adulthood regulate the morphology of motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB), including the size of their somata and the length of their dendrites. There are conflicting reports about whether androgens exert similar influences on SNB motoneurons in mice. We castrated or sham-operated C57BL6J mice at 90 days of age and, thirty days later, injected cholera toxin conjugated horseradish peroxidase into the bulbocavernosus muscle (to label SNB motoneurons) on one side, and into intrinsic foot muscles contralaterally (to label motoneurons of the retrodorsolateral nucleus (RDLN)). Castrated mice had significantly smaller SNB somas compared to sham-operated mice while there were no differences in soma size of RDLN motoneurons. Dendritic length in C57BL6J mice, estimated in 3-dimensions, also decreased significantly after adult castration. In rats, androgens act directly through androgen receptors (AR) in SNB motoneurons to control soma size and nearly all SNB motoneurons contain AR. Since SNB somata in C57BL6J mice shrank after adult castration, we used immunocytochemistry to characterize AR expression in SNB cells as well as motoneurons in the RDLN and dorsolateral nucleus (DLN). A pattern of labeling matched that seen previously in rats: the highest percentage of AR-immunoreactive motoneurons are in the SNB (98%), the lowest in the RDLN (25%) and an intermediate number in the DLN (78%). This pattern of AR labeling is consistent with the possibility that androgens also act directly on SNB motoneurons in mice to regulate soma size in mice.  相似文献   

Motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) and their target muscles, bulbocavernosus and levator ani (BC/LA), constitute an androgen-sensitive neuromuscular system. Testosterone regulates SNB soma size, SNB dendritic length, and BC/LA muscle mass in adult male rats. Recent evidence indicates that the cell death-regulatory protein, Bcl-2, may also play a role in adult neural plasticity. The present study examined whether gonadal hormones and/or the Bcl-2 protein influence the morphology of the SNB neuromuscular system in adult B6D2F1 mice. In Experiment 1, adult wild-type and Bcl-2 overexpressing males were castrated and implanted with silastic capsules containing testosterone or left blank. Six weeks after castration, cholera toxin-horseradish peroxidase was injected into the BC muscle to label SNB dendrites. Animals were killed 48 h later, and BC/LA muscle mass, SNB soma size, and SNB dendritic arbors were examined. In Experiment 2, wild-type and Bcl-2 overexpressing males were castrated or sham castrated, implanted with testosterone-filled or blank capsules, and examined 12 weeks later. In both experiments, BC/LA muscle mass and SNB soma size were significantly reduced in castrates receiving blank capsules. Surprisingly, however, there was no effect of hormone manipulation on any of several measures of dendritic length. Thus, the dendritic morphology of SNB motoneurons appears to be relatively insensitive to circulating androgen levels in B6D2F1 mice. Bcl-2 overexpression did not influence BC/LA muscle mass, SNB soma size, or SNB dendritic length, indicating that the morphology of this neuromuscular system and the response to castration are not altered by forced expression of the Bcl-2 protein.  相似文献   

Motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) and their target muscles, bulbocavernosus and levator ani (BC/LA), constitute an androgen‐sensitive neuromuscular system. Testosterone regulates SNB soma size, SNB dendritic length, and BC/LA muscle mass in adult male rats. Recent evidence indicates that the cell death‐regulatory protein, Bcl‐2, may also play a role in adult neural plasticity. The present study examined whether gonadal hormones and/or the Bcl‐2 protein influence the morphology of the SNB neuromuscular system in adult B6D2F1 mice. In Experiment 1, adult wild‐type and Bcl‐2 overexpressing males were castrated and implanted with silastic capsules containing testosterone or left blank. Six weeks after castration, cholera toxin‐horseradish peroxidase was injected into the BC muscle to label SNB dendrites. Animals were killed 48 h later, and BC/LA muscle mass, SNB soma size, and SNB dendritic arbors were examined. In Experiment 2, wild‐type and Bcl‐2 overexpressing males were castrated or sham castrated, implanted with testosterone‐filled or blank capsules, and examined 12 weeks later. In both experiments, BC/LA muscle mass and SNB soma size were significantly reduced in castrates receiving blank capsules. Surprisingly, however, there was no effect of hormone manipulation on any of several measures of dendritic length. Thus, the dendritic morphology of SNB motoneurons appears to be relatively insensitive to circulating androgen levels in B6D2F1 mice. Bcl‐2 overexpression did not influence BC/LA muscle mass, SNB soma size, or SNB dendritic length, indicating that the morphology of this neuromuscular system and the response to castration are not altered by forced expression of the Bcl‐2 protein. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 53: 403–412, 2002  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of testosterone and two of its metabolites on the size of motoneurons in the sexually dimorphic spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) in adult male rats. Treatment of castrates with either testosterone or dihydrotestosterone maintained SNB cell size, although testosterone was more effective in this regard. However, estradiol, either alone or in conjunction with dihydrotestosterone treatment, had no effect on the size of the somata or nuclei of SNB motoneurons. These results indicate that testosterone affects SNB cell size by interacting with androgen receptors and that aromatized metabolites of testosterone are not involved in this aspect of motoneuronal plasticity in adulthood. Because the penile reflexes mediated by the SNB neuromuscular system are also sensitive to androgen but not estrogen treatment, morphological changes in SNB cells may contribute to the androgenic modulation of these reflexes.  相似文献   

In androgen-sensitive motoneurons of the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB), we investigated the interaction of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) and testosterone to understand whether each factor gates the ability of the other to regulate androgen receptor expression and soma size, and whether each factor requires the presence of the other for its action. We axotomized SNB motoneurons and applied BDNF or PBS (phosphate-buffered saline) to the cut ends of the axons in rats that were castrated and treated with either testosterone or placebo. Control groups were either not castrated or not axotomized, or had intact SNB axons and were castrated and treated with testosterone or placebo. We found that testosterone determined the expression of nuclear androgen receptor, and this effect was enhanced by both BDNF and contact with the target muscles. The effect of BDNF on androgen receptor expression was seen only when testosterone was present. In the regulation of soma size, BDNF dominated. The application of BDNF completely compensated for the loss of testosterone in castrated males so that the testosterone effect on soma size was seen only in intact SNB motoneurons and in axotomized motoneurons treated with PBS. Moreover, testosterone increased androgen receptor and soma size in axotomized SNB motoneurons, indicating that testosterone can act on sites other than the target muscles of the SNB to regulate each of these. These results indicate that the regulation of androgen receptor by testosterone does not require BDNF, but the regulation of androgen receptor by BDNF does require testosterone. The regulation of soma size by BDNF does not require high expression of nuclear androgen receptor.  相似文献   

The polyclonal antiserum PG21 was used to detect androgen receptor (AR) protein in three motoneuronal pools of the male rat lumbar spinal cord. In gonadally intact, wild-type males, the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB), dorsolateral nucleus (DLN), and retrodorsolateral nucleus (RDLN) all displayed immunolabeling of cell nuclei. The percentage of motoneurons displaying such labeling was highest in the SNB and lowest in the RDLN. This pattern of AR immunocytochemical labeling agrees well with previous steroid autoradiographic studies of androgen accumulation in the rat spinal cord. In contrast, virtually no motoneurons in any of the three pools displayed nuclear AR immunostaining in long-term gonadectomized males or in gonadally intact males carrying the Tfm mutation, which renders the AR incompetent. In gonadectomized males, labeling was restored in the SNB and DLN, but not the RDLN, 30 min after an injection of replacement testosterone. Eight hours of testosterone exposure restored immunolabeling in all three motor nuclei. Apparent cytoplasmic staining was seen in SNB motoneurons of untreated castrates and Tfm rats, but not intact rats, suggesting that AR residing in the cytoplasm translocates to the nucleus on binding to androgen in these motoneurons. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Motoneuron death in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) and the dorsolateral nucleus (DLN) of the lumbar spinal cord is androgen regulated. As a result, many more SNB and DLN motoneurons die in perinatal female rats than in males, whereas treatment of newborn females with androgen results in a permanent sparing of the motoneurons and their target muscles. We previously observed that a neurotrophic molecule, ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), also arrests the death of SNB motoneurons and their target musculature, at least in the short term. The present study compares the short- and long-term consequences of perinatal CNTF treatment on motoneuron number in the SNB, the DLN, and the retrodorsolateral nucleus (RDLN), a motor pool in the lower lumbar cord that does not exhibit hormone-regulated cell death. Female pups were treated with CNTF or vehicle alone from embryonic day 22 through postnatal day 6 (P6). Motoneuron number in each nucleus was then determined immediately after treatment on P7, or 10 weeks later (P77). CNTF treatment significantly elevated motoneuron number in the SNB and DLN on P7; the volume of SNB target muscles on P7 was also greater in the CNTF-treated group. These effects were transient, however, as motoneuron number and ratings of muscle size were not different in CNTF- and vehicle-treated females on P77. Perinatal CNTF treatment did not alter cell number in the RDLN at either age. The finding that effects of CNTF on SNB and DLN motoneuron number are short lived contrasts with the permanent effects of early androgen treatment, and has implications for molecular models of the actions of androgen and neurotrophic factors on the developing spinal cord. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) innervate the perineal muscles, bulbocavernosus (BC), and levator ani (LA). Testosterone regulates the survival of SNB motoneurons and BC/LA muscles during perinatal life. Previous findings suggest that effects of testosterone on this system may be mediated by trophic factors-in particular, by a factor acting through the ciliary neurotrophic factor alpha-receptor (CNTFRalpha). To test the role of CNTFRalpha in the response of the developing SNB system to testosterone, CNTFRalpha +/+ and -/- mice were treated with testosterone propionate (TP) or oil during late embryonic development. BC/LA muscle size and SNB motoneuron number were evaluated on the day of birth. Large sex differences in BC and LA muscle size were present in newborn mice of both genotypes, but muscle volumes were reduced in CNTFRalpha -/- animals relative to same-sex, wild-type controls. Prenatal testosterone treatment completely eliminated the sex difference in BC/LA muscle size in wild-type animals, and eliminated the effect of the CNTFRalpha gene deletion on muscle size in males. However, the effect of TP treatment on BC and LA muscle sizes was blunted in CNTFRalpha -/- females. SNB motoneuron number was sexually dimorphic in oil-treated, wild-type mice. In contrast, there was no sex difference in SNB motoneuron number in oil-treated, CNTFRalpha knockout mice. Prenatal treatment with testosterone did not increase SNB motoneuron number in CNTFRalpha -/- mice, but also did not significantly increase SNB motoneuron number in newborn wild-type animals. These findings confirm the absence of a sex difference in SNB motoneuron number in CNTFRalpha -/- mice. Moreover, the CNTFRalpha gene deletion influences perineal muscle development and the response of the perineal muscles to testosterone. Prenatal TP treatment of CNTFRalpha -/- males overcomes the effects of the gene deletion on the BC and LA muscles without a concomitant effect on SNB motoneuron number.  相似文献   

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