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基因转移的非病毒技术近来发展迅速,与病毒转染细胞的方法相比,非病毒转移方法比较简便,安全,毒性小。这种方法大体可分为两种:完全非病毒方法和病毒增强的转移方式。本文主要介绍一些最近两三年来新兴的技术方案的优点和不足。  相似文献   

基因转移载体在基因治疗中起着关键的作用.非病毒附着体载体可以附着而非整合到宿主细胞染色体上,克服了病毒载体及整合载体带来的副作用,是目前安全、理想的可用于基因治疗的表达载体.然而,其低克隆形成率、低表达量和低拷贝数限制了其在基因治疗中的应用.自第一代非病毒附着体载体构建以来,采用截短核基质附着区(matrix atta...  相似文献   

基因治疗的病毒载体系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张婵  邵艳军 《生物技术》2007,17(1):90-93
病毒载体是基因治疗中应用最为广泛的载体系统。该文就RNA病毒载体、DNA病毒载体和杂合病毒载体的生物学特性、基因组特点以及其在基因治疗中的优缺点进行综述,并对病毒载体系统的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

基于慢病毒载体的体外基因治疗已在临床试验中取得良好的效果,有望治愈一些造血系统的单基因遗传病。通过提高靶细胞转导效率和减少转导中病毒载体量,基因治疗有效性、安全性和成本都可以得到改善。不同包膜糖蛋白伪型慢病毒载体通过与细胞膜表面的不同受体结合,促进病毒黏附和入胞,增强不同靶细胞的病毒转导效率。此外病毒转导增强剂可以在病毒进入细胞过程或进入后发挥作用,在提高转导效率的同时使靶转导基因在体内长期稳定表达。通过对这两类方法的总结回顾,旨在为慢病毒载体的转导效率提供新的优化策略,使基因治疗得到更广泛的应用。  相似文献   

病毒--基因治疗中有效的载体系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基因治疗面临的首要问题是如何选择适当的基因载体将具有治疗价值的基因导入靶细胞并使其有效表达,以达到治疗疾病的目的。目前基因治疗临床试验中采用的载体大多数为病毒载体。本文主要介绍基因治疗中常用的4种病毒载体的生物学特性,以及各个载体在基因治疗中的优缺点。  相似文献   

高活性的抗病毒治疗可以显著地降低艾滋病患者血浆中的HIV病毒载量,但对潜伏的病毒库无效.对HIV的基因治疗包括诱导HIV潜伏感染的休止的CD4 T记忆细胞增生,使潜伏的HIV激活进入复制循环,结合药物治疗和激活潜伏的HIV基因表达但并不诱导细胞增生,而是通过载体携带的基因使细胞凋亡,以清除HIV潜伏感染的细胞,利用载体携带目的基因治疗脑中的病毒.  相似文献   

动物病毒载体在基因转移和治疗中有着重要意义。逆转录病毒载体是目前用子基因治疗最为成功的,已用于多种病例的临床研究;腺病毒载体成功地对多种基因进行了转移,并用于囊性纤维病的基因治疗临床研究;腺病毒相关病毒载体和单纯疤疾病毒载体介导的基因转移在体外培养细胞和动物实验中都取得成功,在某些疾病的基因治疗中显示出特殊的应用价值。  相似文献   

非病毒载体在基因表达质粒,反义寡核苷酸或反义表达质粒直核细胞的靶向转移中,有着病毒载体不可替代的作用,对这方面的研究人们投入了很大的精力,以期在基因治疗方面有所突破。本文综述了近年来非病毒载体的研究现状,分别阐明了质粒DNA肌肉注射,脂质体载体、多聚阳离子载体、多肽导向载体以及嵌合载体,指出了非病毒载体亟需发展这外以及病毒载体与非病毒载体联合发展的必要性。  相似文献   

基因治疗在恶性肿瘤、癌症、遗传性疾病和心脑血管等疾病的治疗中开始应用,临床治疗效果明显。基因治疗中的关键技术是选用合适的载体将外源基因高效导入受体靶细胞,综述了基因治疗中病毒和非病毒载体的研究进展。  相似文献   

We design a "simple" and "low cost" model technology for monitoring HIV viral load in resource-poor settings: SMARThivVLmos. Cost and complexity are the major challenges to the developing world, in monitoring HIV patients viral load. We have previously demonstrated in our SMARThivPack model that cost and complexity of laboratory monitoring of HIV patients, may be reduced not only at a first technology development level, but also at a second technology implementation, and at a third global coordination levels. In our SMARThivPack model, the P24 HIV viral load monitoring system passed both the "cost" and the "complexity" tests. However, compared to other alternative viral monitoring systems such as the Cavidi EXAVIR, the sensitivity of the P24 system is too low. Here we describe a dynamic model technology that overcomes the sensitivity barrier of the P24 system while maintaining simplicity and low cost.  相似文献   

直接转基因技术应用于神经系统基因治疗的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神经系统疾病的基因治疗是目前神经科学中发展比较迅速的一个领域,近年来研究发现,一此来源于单纯疱疹病毒,腺病毒和腺病毒相关病毒等的重组病毒表达载体能够将外源基因直接导入在体或离体培养的神经细胞。  相似文献   

In Nigeria, reproduction is highly valued, with many people desiring to produce a child ‘in their own image and likeness’. Previously, aspiring parents often resorted to adoption. Today, the availability of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) has provided options other than adoption for those desiring to procreate. Through ARTs, aspirations for a family may be attained through an exchange of reproductive goods and services, and not necessarily through traditional heterosexual relationships. ARTs have altered the perception of parenthood as it exists in Nigeria, and courts face a difficult task in defining parenthood within Nigerian jurisprudence, as they can only adjudicate based on extant law. Although ARTs provide greater individual choices for fulfilling the desire to procreate, they raise a number of ethical and legal issues that evolving legal systems, such as that in Nigeria, are ill-equipped to manage. This paper describes the traditional assignment of parenthood under indigenous laws and other sources of law within the Nigerian jurisprudence. We carried out an in-depth study of the Nigerian legislative framework and found that there are no laws directly regulating parenthood, procreation and ARTs in Nigeria. We also found that the extant laws are only tangentially related and do not answer the relevant questions sufficiently well, especially concerning succession, nationality and assignment of responsibility in collaborative reproduction. We conclude by highlighting the need for and recommending a regulatory framework on ARTs with a particular focus on providing a definition for parenthood achieved through ARTs in Nigeria.  相似文献   

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