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Five new species of chalcidoid wasps of the family Eurytomidae are described: four from Israel and one from Kazakhstan. Tetramesa pavliceki Zerova, sp. n. (cylindrica species group) is closely related to T. scheppugi Schlecht., but differs in the more elongate flagellar segments, longer genae, and smooth metasomal tergites. Eurytoma nevoi Zerova, sp. n. is similar to E. sabulosa Erd. and E. bicolorata Zer. (phragmiticola species group), differs from these species in the longer marginal vein, punctate propodeum, and longer flagellar segments. E. oreni Zerova, sp. n. belongs to the fumipennis species group. It is closely related to E. monticola Zer., but differs in the more convex scape, longer postmarginal vein, and yellow legs. E. simutniki Zerova, sp. n. belongs to the robusta species-group. It resembles E. heriadi Zer., but differs in the longer flagellar segments of the female and in the shorter postmarginal vein. Nikanoria mamayevi Zerova, sp. n. is similar to N. stigma Zer., but differs in the more elongate metasoma, longer flagellar segments of both sexes, and larger yellow spots on the pronotum.  相似文献   

Three new scarab-beetle species are described. Aphodius moronensis sp. n. (northern Mongolia) and A. kozlovi sp. n (eastern Tibet) with modified spurs on fore tibiae in males are placed in the falcispinis group of the subgenus Agolius but are similar to the grafi group of the subgenus Chilothorax in the shape of parameres and elytral pattern. The new species differ from A. falcispinis in the shape of the spur; A. moronensis sp. n. also differs in the shape of the body and parameres. Orphnus transvaalensis sp. n. is the second apterous Orphnus species found in Southern Africa. It differs from the closely related O. harrisoni in the shape of parameres, position of the hornlike clypeal process, and in a smaller body size.  相似文献   

Nine new species of scelionids collected in Japan, Israel, and the Ukraine, Calotelea shimurai Kononova et Fursov, C. japonica Kononova, C. stellae Kononova, Calliscelio recens Kononova, C. floridum Kononova, C. parilis Kononova, C. ordo Kononova, Oxyscelio florum Kononova, and O. perpensum Kononova, are described. A brief morphological characteristics of the mentioned genera and some data on the geographical distribution of these species are given. Calotelea shimurai differs from C. striola Kononova in the sculpture of the metasoma (tergites I–III striate, whereas in C. striola striation present only on tergites I and II), fore-wing venation (stigmal vein of C. shimurai 0.43 times as long as postmarginal vein and 1.75 times as long as marginal one; in C. striola, stigmal vein 0.52 times as long as postmarginal vein and 1.3 times as long as marginal one), and the length of the metasoma (in C. shimurai and C. striola, metasoma 4.0 and 2.3 times as long as wide, respectively). Calotelea shimurai parasitizes in eggs of the dragonflies Aeshna nigroflava Martin, Planaeschna milnei Selys, and Boyeria macachlani (Aeshnidae, Odonata). C. japonica is closely related to C. originalis Kozlov and Kononova, but differs from it in the sculpture of the metasoma (metasomal tergites with longitudinal wrinkles against the bright smooth background; in C. originalis, tergites I and II with longitudinal wrinkles against the alveolate background), in the coloration of fore wing (infuscate in C. japonica and dark, with dark transverse stripes in C. originalis). C. stellae differs from C. artus Kozlov and Kononova in the more flattened mesoscutum (C. artus with protruding mesoscutum) and the sculpture of the metasomal tergites (in C. stellae, only petiolus and tergite II striate, while in C. artus, such striation present on tergites I–IV). C. stellae was reared from eggs of unidentified Orthoptera. C. recens is closely related to C. parilis Kononova. It can be distinguished by the fore-wing venation (C. recens has stigmal vein, which is twice as long as marginal vein and 0.66 times as long as postmarginal one; stigmal vein of C. parilis is 3 times as long as marginal vein and 0.83 times as long as postmarginal one), by the sculpture of the metasoma, and coloration of the coxae (yellow in C. recens and black in C. parilis). C. floridum is similar to C. mediterranea Kieffer, but can be identified by the length of the postmarginal vein, which is 3 times as long as the stigmal vein, whereas C. mediterranea has the postmarginal vein, which is only twice as long as the stigmal one. C. floridum also differs in the sculpture of the metasoma (C. floridum has all the metasomal tergites with longitudinal lines, while C. mediterranea has only metasomal petiolus with the same sculpture and tergites II–IV with alveolate sculpture, tergites V and VI are slightly stippled) and in the coloration of the legs, which are yellow (as coxae), while C. mediterranea has brownish black legs. C. parilis resembles C. recens, but differs from it in the fore-wing venation, sculpture of the metasoma, and coloration of the coxae. C. ordo differs from the closely related C. ruficollis Kozlov et Kononova in the head sculpture, which is finely alveolate in C. ordo and finely granulate in C. ruficollis. Oxyscelio florum is closely related to O. perpensum, but differs from it in the coloration of the body and size of the antennal segments, stigmal and postmarginal veins, and metasomal tergites. O. perpensum is closely related to O. florum. The main distinguishing morphological characters are similar to those in O. florum. O. perpensum was reared from eggs of unidentified Orthoptera.  相似文献   

A multivariate analysis of 11 skull measurements, along with evaluation of the shape of maxill-premaxill suture at palatine foramina, was carried out in pikas of thealpina-hyperborea group. The study provided rational for recognition of three distinct species in this group:Ochotona alpina (Pallas, 1773),O. hyperborea (Pallas, 1811), andO. turuchanensis Naumov, 1934.O. turuchanensis is a species from central Siberia differing fromO. hyperborea in the chromosome number and type of palatine foramina and fromO. alpina in size of the skull. This species is allopatric withO. alpina and partly sympatric withO. hyperborea. The subspeciessvatoshi is reportedly allocated toO. hyperborea. The taxonomic status ofmantchurica (now allocated tohyperborea) and scorodumovi (treated at present as an isolated subspecies of O. alpina) needs careful investigation.  相似文献   

A new species Amblyeleotris memnonia sp. n. from the South China Sea is described. By the high number of rays in the second dorsal and anal fins, the new species is close to A. gymnocephala and A. cephalotaenia, but it differs from them and all other species by the uniform dark color of the body.  相似文献   

Two new species of Arachnothryx (Guettardeae, Rubiaceae) from the cloud forest of the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, Mexico are described and illustrated. Arachnothryx axillaris together with A. heteranthera are the only two species in the genus with axillary inflorescences, but otherwise they are not similar. The new species is more similar to A. capitellata, but it differs in pubescence and inflorescence morphology. Arachnothryx flores-olverae can be confused with A. buddleioides mainly because they share discolorous leaves with densely tomentose pubescence, but they differ in stipule and inflorescence morphology. With these two new species the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca becomes more evidently the main hotspot of species diversity for the genus.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Cryptocephalus is described from the Malaysary Mountains (Southeastern Kazakhstan). The new species belongs to the subgenus Asionus and is closest to the group of species with a deep impression on the male anal (V) sternite (C. halophilus, C. impressipygus and C. mniczechi). Cryptocephalus malaysaryensis sp. n. clearly differs in the structure of the aedeagus and abdominal sternite V of the male.  相似文献   

A new species group of the genus Oxyopes Latreille, 1804, including three species (O. heterophthalmus (Latreille, 1804), O. nenilini sp. n., and O. takobius Andreeva et Tystshenko, 1969) is distinguished. The group is characterized by (1) complex lateral apophysis of the palpal tibia of males, (2) absence of modifications of the cymbium and palpal tibia, (3) large chitinized plate of the female epigyna, (4) long copulatory ducts of the female endogyna, involuted around the receptacle. The new species, O. nenilini, is described. The species O. heterophthalmus and O. takobius are redescribed. The new synonyms, O. foliiformis Song, 1991, syn. n. = O. yiliensis Hu et Wu 1989, syn. n. = O. takobius Andreeva et Tystshenko, 1969, are proposed.  相似文献   

Two new species of the weevil genus Mecysmoderes Schoenherr, 1837 are described from Vietnam. Mecysmoderes (Enzoellus) vladimirisp. n. differs from the type species of Enzoellus and its allies from Thailand and Laos in the larger size, deeper meshes on the pronotum, broader legs and a velvety black sutural spot on the elytra. Mecysmoderes (Xenysmoderes) sergiisp. n. in the shape, coloration, and vestiture of the body is similar to M. consularis Pascoe, but clearly differs in the larger size, strongly and unevenly convex pronotal disc, swollen in the middle part elytra, and a dark scutellar spot.  相似文献   

Diplophyllum sibiricum is described based on plants from North and East Asia. It somewhat resembles D. obtusifolium, from which it differs in coloration and highly protandrous paroecy, as well as distribution. The species status of D. trollii is confirmed based on molecular studies, and it is additionally recorded from the spurs of the Himalaya in Guizhou Province of China. Both taxa are slightly molecularly divergent ‘young’ species that are strongly defined geographically from close morphological relatives. Diplophyllum obtusatum and D. obtusifolium should be excluded from the flora of North Asia. A key to Diplophyllum taxa in North and East Asia is provided. Probable cryptic speciation was observed within D. albicans, but this problem is regarded as requiring further studies. The split of Diplophyllum subg. Diplophyllum into two sections is not maintained.  相似文献   

A new species of Kiluluma Skrjabin, 1916, Kiluluma ornata n. sp., is described from the intestine of the white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum (Burchell) from South Africa. The new species is virtually identical with a species described as Kiluluma sp., but not named due to a paucity of material then available. The new species most closely resembles K. solitaria Thapar, 1924 and K. ceratotherii Beveridge & Jabbar, 2013, in the possession of an undulating anterior margin of the buccal capsule but differs in the leaf crown elements which have bulbous, lip-like expansions, which are lacking in K. solitaria and K. ceratotherii.  相似文献   

The subgenus Pocusogetus Rtt. of the genus Otiorhynchus Germ. is revised. The subgenus includes O. rosti Strl., O. shapovalovi Davidian et Yunakov, O. obsulcatus Strl., O. fischtensis Rtt., and O. gusakovi sp. n. closely related to O. fischtensis (both from Mt. Fisht, the Western Caucasus). O. fischtensis is transferred from the subgenus Vicoranius Rtt., its lectotype is designated. A key to species of Pocusogetus is given. The systematic position of the subgenera Pocusogetus and Vicoranius in the genus Otiorhynchus is discussed. New data on the geographical distribution and ecology of the little-known species of the subgenera Obvoderus Rtt., Pseudoprovadilus Magnano, and Clypeorhynchus Yunakov et Arzanov are given. Some features of ecological differentiation between Otiorhynchus species in the alpine and subalpine zones of the Caucasus are discussed.  相似文献   

Ophiocordyceps unituberculata, a new insect pathogenic fungus from southwestern China, is described using molecular phylogenetic and morphological data. This fungus differs from other Ophiocordyceps species by its enormously long monophialidic conidiogenous cells and a large periclinal protuberance often growing near the apex of conidiogenous cells, single conidia (lanceolate to fusiform) embedded in mucous sheath, and much larger conidial dimensions. Four-locus (nrSSU, nrLSU, tef-1α and rpb1) and ITS data phylogenetic analyses show that O. unituberculata belongs to the Hirsutella nodulosa clade within the genus Ophiocordyceps of Ophiocordycipitaceae and is a separate clade from other allied species. Molecular phylogeny and morphology both strongly support the distinctiveness of this taxon. The interspecific relationships in the H. nodulosa clade are discussed.  相似文献   

New taxa of Ensifera and Caelifera orthopterans (Insecta, Orthoptera), from the families Gryllotalpidae [Marchandiinae, subfam. nov. (Lower Cretaceous)], Haglotettigoniidae [?Haglotettigonia aenigmatosa, sp. nov. (Lower Cretaceous)], Tettigoniidae [Meconematinae: Archixizicus occidentalis, gen. et sp. nov. (Eocene), Eogrigoriora gracilis, gen. et sp. nov. (Eocene), Miophlugis rostratus, gen. et sp. nov. (Miocene)], Stenopelmatidae [Siinae: Electrosia baltica, gen. et sp. nov. (Eocene); Gryllacridinae: Plesiolarnaca prior, gen. et sp. nov. (Eocene)] and Tridactylidae [Mongoloxyinae: Birmitoxya intermedia, gen. et sp. nov. (Upper Cretaceous). The Eocene species Lipotactes martynovi Zeun. and L. bispinatus Weidn. are transferred to the genus Eomortoniellus Zeun. (Tettigoniidae: Tympanophorinae); Prorhaphidophora zeuneri Chop. and P. tachycinoides Chop. are transferred to the genus Protroglophilus Gor. (Rhaphidophoridae: Protroglophilinae). The Eocene species E. handlirschi Zeun., species of the genus Protroglophilus, and a possible member of the genus Succinotettix Piton (Tetrigidae: Tetriginae), as well as a Miocene representative of the genus Archaeoellipes Heads (Tridactylidae: Tridactylinae) are also discussed.  相似文献   

Canavalia llanorum (subgenus Wenderothia) from the northwestern Llanos region of Colombia and Venezuela (Orinoquia) is described and illustrated, and its morphological relationship with an allied species is discussed. The new species is morphologically related to C. bicarinata, but it differs mainly by its legumes having only one extra medium rib (vs. two ribs in C. bicarinata), and by its leaflets elliptic-ovate or obovate (vs. ovate). We also discuss the phylogenetic position of C. llanorum and present geographical and ecological information about the new species.  相似文献   

Two new species of Gentianella (Gentianaceae, Gentianeae, Swertiinae), G. grantii and G. wayqecha, are described from Departamento Cusco, Peru. These two species differ from other Peruvian species of Gentianella in a combination of stems 10–100 cm long; no rosette of basal leaves; cauline leaves 10–75 mm long; flowers in thyrses; and corollas 14–26 mm long, campanulate, and adaxially glabrous. The leaves of G. grantii consist of an appressed pseudopetiole and a spreading, narrowly elliptic-oblong to linear blade; the corollas are lavender; and the corolla lobes are 0.6–0.7× as long as the tube. Gentianella grantii is similar to G. lythroides, of Bolivia, but differs in having more closely spaced leaves and less deeply lobed corollas. The leaves of G. wayqecha are sessile, lanceolate to ovate; the corollas are rose-violet; and the corolla lobes are 0.75–1.35× as long as the tube. Gentianella wayqecha is similar to G. rapunculoides, of Colombia and Ecuador, and G. ruizii, of Peru, but differs from both in its adaxially glabrous corollas and from G. rapunculoides in its less deeply lobed corollas. Both G. grantii and G. wayqecha grow in moist habitats near tree line, and are known only from a area northeast of the city of Cusco.  相似文献   

We typify and clarify the nomenclature and identity of three species originally described in the fern genus Pellaea. We find Pellaea bongardiana to be illegitimate and recognize it as a synonym of Ormopteris riedelii (= P. riedelii). We also consider Pellaea brasiliensis to be a synonym of O. riedelii. The phylogenetic position of Pellaea flavescens, recently combined in Ormopteris (as O. flavescens), is discussed, and a key to all species of Ormopteris in Brazil is provided.  相似文献   

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