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The iTRAQ technique is popular for the comparative analysis of proteins in different complex samples. To increase the dynamic range and sensitivity of peptide identification in shotgun proteomics, SCX chromatography is generally used for the fractionation of iTRAQ-labeled peptides before LC-MS/MS analysis. However, SCX suffers from clustering of similarly charged peptides and the need to desalt fractions. In this report, SCX is compared with the alternative ERLIC method for fractionating iTRAQ-labeled peptides. The simultaneous effect of electrostatic repulsion and hydrophilic interaction in ERLIC results in peptide elution in order of decreasing pI and GRAVY values (increasing polarity). Volatile solvents can be used. We applied ERLIC to iTRAQ-labeled peptides from rat liver tissue, and 2745 proteins and 30,016 unique peptides were identified with high confidence from three technical replicates. This was 12.9 and 49.4% higher, respectively, than was obtained using SCX. In addition, ERLIC is appreciably better at the identification of highly hydrophobic peptides. The results indicate that ERLIC is a more convenient and more effective alternative to SCX for the fractionation of iTRAQ-labeled peptides. Quantification data show that both SCX and ERLIC fractionation have no significant effect on protein quantification by iTRAQ.  相似文献   

Yang W  Steen H  Freeman MR 《Proteomics》2008,8(4):832-851
Signal transduction is one of the most active fields in modern biomedical research. Increasing evidence has shown that signaling proteins associate with each other in characteristic ways to form large signaling complexes. These diverse structures operate to boost signaling efficiency, ensure specificity and increase sensitivity of the biochemical circuitry. Traditional methods of protein analysis are inadequate to fully characterize and understand these structures, which are intricate, contain many components and are highly dynamic. Instead, proteomics technologies are currently being applied to investigate the nature and composition of multimeric signaling complexes. This review presents commonly used and potential proteomic methods of analyzing diverse protein complexes along with a discussion and a brief evaluation of alternative approaches. Challenges associated with proteomic analysis of signaling complexes are also discussed.  相似文献   

Baculovirus expression system for heterologous multiprotein complexes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The discovery of large multiprotein complexes in cells has increased the demand for improved heterologous protein production techniques to study their molecular structure and function. Here we describe MultiBac, a simple and versatile system for generating recombinant baculovirus DNA to express protein complexes comprising many subunits. Our method uses transfer vectors containing a multiplication module that can be nested to facilitate assembly of polycistronic expression cassettes, thereby minimizing requirements for unique restriction sites. The transfer vectors access a modified baculovirus DNA through Cre-loxP site-specific recombination or Tn7 transposition. This baculovirus has improved protein expression characteristics because specific viral genes have been eliminated. Gene insertion reactions are carried out in Escherichia coli either sequentially or concurrently in a rapid, one-step procedure. Our system is useful for both recombinant multiprotein production and multigene transfer applications.  相似文献   

Jiang X  Feng S  Tian R  Han G  Jiang X  Ye M  Zou H 《Proteomics》2007,7(4):528-539
An approach was developed to automate sample introduction for nanoflow LC-MS/MS (microLC-MS/MS) analysis using a strong cation exchange (SCX) trap column. The system consisted of a 100 microm id x 2 cm SCX trap column and a 75 microm id x 12 cm C18 RP analytical column. During the sample loading step, the flow passing through the SCX trap column was directed to waste for loading a large volume of sample at high flow rate. Then the peptides bound on the SCX trap column were eluted onto the RP analytical column by a high salt buffer followed by RP chromatographic separation of the peptides at nanoliter flow rate. It was observed that higher performance of separation could be achieved with the system using SCX trap column than with the system using C18 trap column. The high proteomic coverage using this approach was demonstrated in the analysis of tryptic digest of BSA and yeast cell lysate. In addition, this system was also applied to two-dimensional separation of tryptic digest of human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line SMMC-7721 for large scale proteome analysis. This system was fully automated and required minimum changes on current microLC-MS/MS system. This system represented a promising platform for routine proteome analysis.  相似文献   

Elucidation of post-translational modifications to proteins, such as glycosylations or phosphorylations, is one of the major issues concerning ongoing proteomics studies. To reduce general sample complexity, a necessary prerequisite is specific enrichment of peptide subsets prior to mass spectrometric sequencing. Regarding analysis of overall N-glycosylation sites in the past, this has been achieved by several approaches proving to be more or less complicated and specific. Here we present a novel strategy to target N-glycosylation sites with application to platelet membrane proteins. Initial aqueous two-phase partitioning for membrane enrichment and single step strong cation exchange-based purification of glycopeptides resulted in identification of 148 glycosylation sites on 79 different protein species. Although 69% of these sites were not annotated in the Swiss-Prot database before, a high number of 75% plasma membrane-localized proteins were analyzed. Furthermore miniaturizations and relative quantification are comprised in the developed method suggesting further use in other proteome projects. Results on platelet glycosylation sites may imply an impact on research of bleeding disorders as well as potential new functions in inflammation and immunoactivity.  相似文献   

Han G  Ye M  Zhou H  Jiang X  Feng S  Jiang X  Tian R  Wan D  Zou H  Gu J 《Proteomics》2008,8(7):1346-1361
The mixture of phosphopeptides enriched from proteome samples are very complex. To reduce the complexity it is necessary to fractionate the phosphopeptides. However, conventional enrichment methods typically only enrich phosphopeptides but not fractionate phosphopeptides. In this study, the application of strong anion exchange (SAX) chromatography for enrichment and fractionation of phosphopeptides was presented. It was found that phosphopeptides were highly enriched by SAX and majority of unmodified peptides did not bind onto SAX. Compared with Fe(3+) immobilized metal affinity chromatography (Fe(3+)-IMAC), almost double phosphopeptides were identified from the same sample when only one fraction was generated by SAX. SAX and Fe(3+)-IMAC showed the complementarity in enrichment and identification of phosphopeptides. It was also demonstrated that SAX have the ability to fractionate phosphopeptides under gradient elution based on their different interaction with SAX adsorbent. SAX was further applied to enrich and fractionate phosphopeptides in tryptic digest of proteins extracted from human liver tissue adjacent to tumorous region for phosphoproteome profiling. This resulted in the highly confident identification of 274 phosphorylation sites from 305 unique phosphopeptides corresponding to 168 proteins at false discovery rate (FDR) of 0.96%.  相似文献   

Abstract: Epigenetic regulation of the chromatin landscape is often orchestrated through modulation of nucleosomes. Nucleosomes are composed of two copies each of the four core histones, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, wrapped in ~150 bp of DNA. We focus this review on recent structural studies that further elucidate the mechanisms used by macromolecular complexes to mediate histone modification and nucleosome assembly. Nucleosome assembly, spacing, and variant histone incorporation are coordinated by chromatin remodeler and histone chaperone complexes. Several recent structural studies highlight how disparate families of histone chaperones and chromatin remodelers share similar features that underlie how they interact with their respective histone or nucleosome substrates. Post‐translational modification of histone residues is mediated by enzymatic subunits within large complexes. Until recently, relatively little was known about how association with auxiliary subunits serves to modulate the activity and specificity of the enzymatic subunit. Analysis of several recent structures highlights the different modes that auxiliary subunits use to influence enzymatic activity or direct specificity toward individual histone residues.  相似文献   

Shotgun proteome analysis platforms based on multidimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) provide a powerful means to discover biomarker candidates in tissue specimens. Analysis platforms must balance sensitivity for peptide detection, reproducibility of detected peptide inventories and analytical throughput for protein amounts commonly present in tissue biospecimens (< 100 microg), such that platform stability is sufficient to detect modest changes in complex proteomes. We compared shotgun proteomics platforms by analyzing tryptic digests of whole cell and tissue proteomes using strong cation exchange (SCX) and isoelectric focusing (IEF) separations of peptides prior to LC-MS/MS analysis on a LTQ-Orbitrap hybrid instrument. IEF separations provided superior reproducibility and resolution for peptide fractionation from samples corresponding to both large (100 microg) and small (10 microg) protein inputs. SCX generated more peptide and protein identifications than did IEF with small (10 microg) samples, whereas the two platforms yielded similar numbers of identifications with large (100 microg) samples. In nine replicate analyses of tryptic peptides from 50 microg colon adenocarcinoma protein, overlap in protein detection by the two platforms was 77% of all proteins detected by both methods combined. IEF more quickly approached maximal detection, with 90% of IEF-detectable medium abundance proteins (those detected with a total of 3-4 peptides) detected within three replicate analyses. In contrast, the SCX platform required six replicates to detect 90% of SCX-detectable medium abundance proteins. High reproducibility and efficient resolution of IEF peptide separations make the IEF platform superior to the SCX platform for biomarker discovery via shotgun proteomic analyses of tissue specimens.  相似文献   

MultiBac: expanding the research toolbox for multiprotein complexes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein complexes composed of many subunits carry out most essential processes in cells and, therefore, have become the focus of intense research. However, deciphering the structure and function of these multiprotein assemblies imposes the challenging task of producing them in sufficient quality and quantity. To overcome this bottleneck, powerful recombinant expression technologies are being developed. In this review, we describe the use of one of these technologies, MultiBac, a baculovirus expression vector system that is particularly tailored for the production of eukaryotic multiprotein complexes. Among other applications, MultiBac has been used to produce many important proteins and their complexes for their structural characterization, revealing fundamental cellular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Most protein complexes are inaccessible to high resolution structural analysis. We report the results of a combined approach of cross-linking, mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics to two human complexes containing large coiled-coil segments, the NDEL1 homodimer and the NDC80 heterotetramer. An important limitation of the cross-linking approach, so far, was the identification of cross-linked peptides from fragmentation spectra. Our novel approach overcomes the data analysis bottleneck of cross-linking and mass spectrometry. We constructed a purpose-built database to match spectra with cross-linked peptides, define a score that expresses the quality of our identification, and estimate false positive rates. We show that our analysis sheds light on critical structural parameters such as the directionality of the homodimeric coiled coil of NDEL1, the register of the heterodimeric coiled coils of the NDC80 complex, and the organization of a tetramerization region in the NDC80 complex. Our approach is especially useful to address complexes that are difficult in addressing by standard structural methods.  相似文献   

Nedelkov D  Nelson RW 《Proteomics》2001,1(11):1441-1446
Biomolecular interaction analysis mass spectrometry (BIA-MS) is a multiplexed bioanalytical approach used in analysis of proteins from complex biological mixtures. It utilizes surface-immobilized ligands for protein affinity retrieval, surface plasmon resonance for monitoring the ligand-protein interaction and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry for revealing the masses of the biomolecules retrieved by the ligand. In order to explore the utility of BIA-MS in delineation of multiprotein complexes, an in vivo assembled protein complex comprised of retinol binding protein (RBP) and transthyretin (TTR) was investigated. Antibodies to RBP and TTR were utilized as ligands in the analysis of the protein complex present in human plasma. The RBP-TTR complex was retrieved by the anti-RBP antibody as indicated by the presence of both RBP and TTR signals in the mass spectra. RBP signals were not observed in the mass spectra of the material retained on the anti-TTR derivatized surface. In addition, the mass-specific detection in BIA-MS allowed detection of RBP and TTR analyte variants.  相似文献   

The combination of affinity purification and tandem mass spectrometry (MS) has emerged as a powerful approach to delineate biological processes. In particular, the use of epitope tags has allowed this approach to become scaleable and has bypassed difficulties associated with generation of antibodies. Single epitope tags and tandem affinity purification (TAP) tags have been used to systematically map protein complexes generating protein interaction data at a near proteome-wide scale. Recent developments in the design of tags, optimisation of purification conditions, experimental design and data analysis have greatly improved the sensitivity and specificity of this approach. Concomitant developments in MS, including high accuracy and high-throughput instrumentation together with quantitative MS methods, have facilitated large-scale and comprehensive analysis of multiprotein complexes.  相似文献   

The observation of multiprotein complexes by mass spectrometry formerly relied upon chemical cross-linking to maintain interactions. Recent technological developments have enabled the observation of intact macromolecular complexes without modification. These assemblies, with masses far in excess of those measured previously, can be examined through controlled dissociation in the mass spectrometer, revealing information about their subunit interactions and topology.  相似文献   

Summary Cation exchange capacity (CEC) of roots of fifteen genetically different tea clones was measured and the values were expressed on surface area and weight basis. The precision of the two methods is almost identical. The weight basis is, however, preferred as it is more convenient and less time consuming.In another experiment. CEC was determined separately on whole root system and on fractionated root segments (i.e. white and brown root portions). Highly significant and positive relationship between CEC values obtained with whole roots and those calculated from the fractionated root segments indicates that CEC can be more successfully measured on whole roots without sacrificing accuracy. Practical implications of both the procedures in root CEC-nutrient uptake relationship study was discussed.  相似文献   

We develop coarse-grained models and effective energy functions for simulating thermodynamic and structural properties of multiprotein complexes with relatively low binding affinity (Kd > 1 μM) and apply them to binding of Vps27 to membrane-tethered ubiquitin. Folded protein domains are represented as rigid bodies. The interactions between the domains are treated at the residue level with amino-acid-dependent pair potentials and Debye-Hückel-type electrostatic interactions. Flexible linker peptides connecting rigid protein domains are represented as amino acid beads on a polymer with appropriate stretching, bending, and torsion-angle potentials. In simulations of membrane-attached protein complexes, interactions between amino acids and the membrane are described by residue-dependent short-range potentials and long-range electrostatics. We parameterize the energy functions by fitting the osmotic second virial coefficient of lysozyme and the binding affinity of the ubiquitin-CUE complex. For validation, extensive replica-exchange Monte Carlo simulations are performed of various protein complexes. Binding affinities for these complexes are in good agreement with the experimental data. The simulated structures are clustered on the basis of distance matrices between two proteins and ranked according to cluster population. In ∼ 70% of the complexes, the distance root-mean-square is less than 5 Å from the experimental structures. In ∼ 90% of the complexes, the binding interfaces on both proteins are predicted correctly, and in all other cases at least one interface is correct. Transient and nonspecifically bound structures are also observed. With the validated model, we simulate the interaction between the Vps27 multiprotein complex and a membrane-tethered ubiquitin. Ubiquitin is found to bind preferentially to the two UIM domains of Vps27, but transient interactions between ubiquitin and the VHS and FYVE domains are observed as well. These specific and nonspecific interactions are found to be positively cooperative, resulting in a substantial enhancement of the overall binding affinity beyond the ∼ 300 μM of the specific domains. We also find that the interactions between ubiquitin and Vps27 are highly dynamic, with conformational rearrangements enabling binding of Vps27 to diverse targets as part of the multivesicular-body protein-sorting pathway.  相似文献   

In this study we use replicate 2D-LC-MS/MS analyses of crude membranes from B cells derived from a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) to examine the protein expression profile of CLL B cells. Protein identifications made by replicate 2D-LC-MS/MS analysis of tryptic peptides from detergent solubilized B cell membrane proteins, as well as replicate LC-MS/MS analysis of single off-line strong cation exchange chromatography (SCX) fractions, were analyzed. We show that despite the variance in SCX, capillary LC, and the data-dependent selection of precursor ions, an overlap of 64% between proteins identified in replicate runs was achieved for this system.  相似文献   

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