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The aim of this study was to determine whether an oral administration of melatonin, a known antioxidant, free radical scavenger and metal chelator, influences tissue accumulation and toxicity of cadmium (Cd) in mice exposed subchronically to the metal. The animals received drinking water containing 50 μg Cd/mL only or with additional 2, 4 or 6 μg/mL melatonin for 8 weeks. Melatonin co-treatment brought about a dose-dependent decrease in the renal, hepatic and intestinal Cd concentrations, and the renal and hepatic metallothionein levels followed a pattern similar to that of the Cd accumulation. Histopathological changes occurred only in the kidneys (glomerular swelling and focal tubular degeneration) in all mice from the Cd alone group. In mice co-treated with melatonin, only slight (2 μg/mL melatonin) or no damage (4 and 6 μg/mL melatonin) was seen. The Cd and melatonin treatments did not affect renal lipid peroxidation and iron concentration. These data indicate that orally administered melatonin together with Cd reduces tissue accumulation of this metal; in particular, the reduction of renal Cd accumulation by melatonin is probably responsible for the prevention of Cd-induced injury in this organ.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes in the kidneys of rats after acute cadmium exposure and the effects of exogenous metallothionein (MT) were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Thirty-six adult Wistar rats were divided into three groups. Cadmium chloride (CdCl2) (3.5 mg/kg/day) was injected subcutaneously in the first group. In the second group, 30 μmol/kg MT was administered in addition to CdCl2. Control rats received 0.5 ml subcutaneous saline solution. Four rats from each group were killed on days 1, 3, 5, and 7 after administration of the compounds. Kidney tissues were taken and fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution for electron microscopic observations. Tissue damage in kidney increased as time passed since the administration of CdCl2 in the first group. Degeneration in the proximal and distal tubules was observed. Increased apoptosis was seen in the proximal tubules epithelium, especially on day 7. Peritubular capillaries became dilated, there was degeneration of the endothelial cells, and the amount of intertubular collagen fibers was increased. On day 1, irregular microvilli in the proximal tubules, deepening of the basal striations, and myelin figures; on day 3, multiple vesicular mitochondria and regions of edema around tubules; on days 5 and 7, increased apoptotic cell in the proximal tubules and widened rough endoplasmic reticulum of the endothelial cells of glomerular capillaries were observed. We observed that the structural alterations that increased depending on the day of Cd administration decreased after exogenous MT administration, the dilation of the peritubular capillaries persisted, and there were degenerated proximal tubules. It was established that cadmium chloride was toxic for kidney cortex and caused structural damage. Exogenous MT partly prevents CdCl2-induced damage.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) is believed to be one of the most abundant and ubiquitously distributed toxins in the aquatic system. This metal is released to the aquatic environment from both anthropogenic sources, such as industrial, agricultural and urban effluents as well as natural sources, such as rocks and soils. Otherwise, the temperature increase of water bodies, which has been observed due to global climatic changes, has been shown to increase Cd toxicity for several aquatic animal species including fish. In the present study, Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), (26.0±0.38 g) were reared at 20, 24, 28, or 32 °C and exposed to 0.0 or 0.5 mg Cd/L for 8 weeks to investigate effects of water temperature, Cd toxicity and their interaction on fish performance as well as metallothionein (MT) and Cd distribution in different fish organs. It was found that fish reared in Cd-free group at 28 °C showed the optimum growth and feed intake, while Cd-exposed fish showed low growth and feed intake irrespective to water temperature. A synergetic relationship between water temperature and Cd toxicity was observed where Cd toxicity increased as water temperature increased and the worse growth was obtained in Cd-exposed fish reared at 32 °C. Additionally, the highest Cd residues in different fish organs were detected in Cd-exposed fish reared at 32 °C. Similarly, MT concentrations in different fish organs increased as water temperature increased especially in Cd-exposed fish groups. A high positive correlation between MT and Cd concentrations in fish organs was detected. The distribution of MT and Cd levels was in the order of liver>kidney>gills>muscles. The present study revealed that the optimum water temperature suitable for Nile tilapia growth is 28 °C. Additionally, Cd exposure had a deteriorate effect on the growth and health of Nile tilapia. This hazardous effect increased as water temperature increased. Further, liver and kidney were the prime sites of Cd accumulation, while Cd load in the muscles was the lowest as compared to the other investigated organs.  相似文献   

Male Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups - A, B and C. A dose of 5 mg and 10 mg of cadmium chloride/kg body weight/day was orally administered to groups B and C, respectively. Rats from group A served as control. Rats were sacrificed on 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th week after initiation of the experiment. Kidneys were removed immediately, fixed in Bouin's fixative, routinely processed and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The present study showed that the histopathological changes were caused in kidney of rats by cadmium exposure. The changes noticed were mainly - the glomerular swelling (at initial stage), the shrinkage of glomerulus (at later stage), the tubular dilatation, hypertrophy of tubular epithelium, degeneration of glomerulus and renal tubules and deposition of eosin-positive substances in the glomerulus and renal tubules. However, lesions were depended upon the doses and duration of the treatment.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effects of Cd and Zn exposure of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on (a) hepatic glutathione (GSH) levels; and (b) hepatic and branchial metallothionein (MT) mRNA expression. Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to waterborne Cd (nominal concentrations: 1.5 or 10 microg Cd l(-1)), Zn (150 or 1000 microg Zn l(-1)) or Cd/Zn mixtures (1.5 microg Cd l(-1) with 200 microg Zn l(-1) or 10 microg Cd l(-1) with 1000 microg Zn l(-1)). After 14 and 28 days of treatment, hepatic concentrations of total glutathione, oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and cysteine were determined by means of fluorometric high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Branchial and hepatic expression of MT mRNA was measured by means of semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Exposure of trout to Zn did not result in significantly elevated tissue levels of Zn, whereas Cd accumulation factors changed significantly with time and concentration. Despite of the absence of Zn accumulation, hepatic GSH but not MT mRNA levels were significantly altered in Zn-exposed fish. Cd, on the contrary, affected mainly the MT response but not GSH. Also tissue specific differences in the regulation of the two thiol pools were expressed. The thiol response after exposure to metal mixtures could not be explained by simple addition of the effects of the individual metals. The results indicate that cellular thiol pools show different reaction patterns with respect to specific metals and metal mixtures. Under conditions of long-term, low dose metal exposure, the function of GSH appears to go beyond that of a transitory, first line defense.  相似文献   

To evaluate the species specificity of Cd accumulation and the relationship of Cd with other essential metals and metallothionein (MT), the concentrations of Cd, Zn, Cu, and Fe in the liver and kidney and the MT concentrations in the soluble fractions of the liver and kidney were determined in Cd-uncontaminated nonhuman primates (11 species, 26 individuals) kept in a zoo and two wild-caught Japanese macaques. The compositions of metal-binding proteins in the soluble fractions were also investigated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The hepatic Cd concentration was 0.03–14.0 μg/g and the renal Cd concentration was 0.35–99.0 μg/g, both varying greatly and being higher in nonhuman primates, which were more closely related to man. The hepatic Zn concentration was 24.0–176 μg/g and the renal Zn concentration was 13.5–138 μg/g, showing 7- to 10-fold differences, and a correlation (r=0.558, p<0.01) was found between renal Zn and renal Cd concentrations. It was proved that in the liver, MT is more closely correlated with Zn (r=0.795, p<0.001) than with Cd (r=0.492, p<0.01) and that in the kidney MT is correlated with both Cd (r=0.784, p<0.001) and Zn (r=0.742, p<0.001). HPLC analysis of metals bound to MT-like protein in chimpanzees, de Brazza’s monkeys, and Bolivian squirrel monkeys showed that more than 90% of Cd in both the liver and kidney, approx 40% of Zn in liver and 28–69% of Zn in kidney were bound to MT-like protein. The higher percentage Zn was bound to high-molecular protein.  相似文献   

《Comptes rendus biologies》2014,337(7-8):451-458
The biological effect of seasonality on cadmium, lead and metallothionein contents was assessed in mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis from natural banks located along the coastline of the Gulf of Naples (Campania, Italy). Heavy metals and metallothionein concentrations were measured in digestive and reproductive glands. The results showed a clear correlation between metallothionein content and the reproductive gland status determined during the seasons; on the contrary, no correlation was found between metallothionein and metal contents. Data allow us to hypothesize that metallothionein functions go beyond metal detoxification, thus opening new scenarios for these proteins in invertebrates. The effect of seasons on metals concentration in mussel tissues showed similar seasonal patterns between the sites, regardless of their anthropogenic impacts. Cadmium content was not strictly related to seasonal periods, whereas lead content was significantly lower in summer. The results also indicate that the metal contents in mussels from the Gulf of Naples do not represent a risk to human health, even in the period of their maximum accumulation, and that the relaying of mussels before marketing could improve the animal stress conditions, but having a slight effect on metal excretion.  相似文献   

It is well known that excess dietary histidine induces the metabolic changes in copper and zinc. Therefore, this study was carried out to clarify whether excess dietary histidine alters the gene expressions of metallothionein-1 and metallothionein-2 in the liver and kidney. Male rats were fed the control (ad libitum and pair-fed) or histidine-excess (50 g of L-histidine per kg of diet) diet for 0, 1 and 3 days. The levels of liver metallothionein-1 and metallothionein-2 mRNA were markedly lower in the rats fed the histidine-excess diet as compared to those of the control (ad libitum and pair-fed) diet, when fed for 1 or 3 days. The levels of renal metallothionein-1 and metallothionein-2 mRNA in the rats fed the histidine-excess diet were higher or tended to be higher as compared with the rats fed the control (ad libitum and pair-fed) diet when fed for 1 or 3 days, respectively. At the same time, hepatic copper content was decreased and renal zinc content was increased by dietary histidine. It thus appears, that such a response on the level of liver metallothionein mRNA might be related to the contents of liver copper, but of kidney metallothionein mRNA might be due to the content of zinc.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) is known to cause various disorders in the testis, and metallothionein (MT) is known as a protein, which has a detoxification function for heavy metals. However, the changes of Fe, Cu, and Zn distribution in the testis induced by Cd exposure have not been well examined. Moreover, only a few studies have been reported on the localization of MT after Cd exposure. In this study, we have investigated the changes of Fe, Cu, and Zn distribution in Cd-exposed testis by a newly developed in air micro-Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) method. Also, we examined the distribution of MT expression in testis. In the testis of Cd-treated rats with significant increases of lipid peroxidation, the sertoli cell tight junction was damaged by Cd exposure, resulting from disintegration of the blood testis barrier (BTB). Evaluation by in air micro-PIXE method revealed that Cd and Fe distribution were increased in the interstitial tissues and seminiferous tubules. The histological findings indicated that the testicular tissue damage was advanced, which may have been caused by Fe flowing into seminiferous tubules followed by disintegration of the BTB. As a result, Fe was considered to enhance the tissue damage caused by Cd exposure. MT was detected in spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and Sertoli’s cells in the testis of Cd-treated rats, but was not detected in interstitial tissues. These results suggested that MT was induced by Cd in spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and Sertoli’s cells, and was involved in the resistance to tissue damage induced by Cd.  相似文献   

Two metallothionein cDNA isoforms (MT-1 and MT-2) were isolated from carp (Cyprinus carpio) by RT-PCR. Sequence analysis of the cDNAs revealed two amino acid differences between the coding regions and markedly different 3'-untranslated ends. Gene-specific primers were selected and used in RT-PCR reactions to measure the basal MT-1 and MT-2 mRNA levels and to follow the inducer-specific expression of MT genes in different tissues during in vivo studies. In the brain and muscle, the uninduced levels of the two MT mRNAs were similar. In the kidney and liver, the MT-1 gene product predominated, while in the heart the relative expression levels of the two genes were opposite. Both the MT-1 and MT-2 mRNA levels increased with Cd concentration in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The expression of MT-2, however, was more responsive to a high Cd concentration. In parallel with the induction of the MTs by Cd, we followed the accumulation of this metal in the kidney and liver. Although the Cd level was always higher in the kidney during treatment, the rate of accumulation was higher in the liver. Cold stress resulted in a significantly higher induction of MT-1 than of MT-2, while heat shock had no effect on the expression of either gene.  相似文献   

First cadmium metallothionein like gene PMCd1 of a ciliate, Paramecium sp., isolated from industrial wastewater has been cloned and sequenced. PMCd1 is an intronless gene, encoding 612 nucleotides, with TAA coding for glutamine. The coding region of PMCd1 comprises 203 amino acids, including 37 cysteine residues with a conserved structural pattern in the form of recurring structural motifs, arranged in 17 x-cys-x-y-cys-x, 1 x-cys-cys-x and x-cys-x contexts. Both, the deduced amino acids and nucleotide sequence differ, not only from other animal metallothioneins (MTs), but also from the previously characterized Tetrahymena Cu and Cd-MTs. The translated protein of PMCd1 contains conserved cysteine residues, peculiar characteristic of stress inducible metallothionein genes of ciliates and other groups of organisms.  相似文献   

BackgroundEnvironmental lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) pollution has been considered a risk factor in the etiology of kidney stones. However, the association between Pb and Cd exposure and kidney stone incidence has yet to be determined.ObjectivesThis study aimed to determine a possible the association between kidney stones with Pb and Cd exposure (alone or combined) in a non-occupational population.MethodsPb and Cd contaminations in soil-plant system were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Health risk assessment of dietary Pb or Cd intake from rice and vegetables were calculated. Kidney stones were diagnosed with urinary tract ultrasonography. Urinary cadmium (UCd) and blood lead (BPb) levels were determined by graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Multivariate logistic regression models were constructed.ResultsThe hazard indexes (HI) of Pb and Cd were 7.91 and 7.31. The odds ratio (OR) was 2.83 (95 %CI:1.38−5.77) in males with high BPb (BPb ≥ 100 μg/L), compared with those with low BPb (BPb<100 μg/L). Compared to those with low BPb and low UCd (BPb<100 μg/L and UCd<2 μg/g creatinine), the ORs were 2.58 (95 % CI:1.17−5.70) and 3.43 (95 % CI:1.21−9.16) in females and males with high BPb and high UCd (BPb ≥100 μg/L and UCd ≥2 μg/g creatinine), respectively. The OR was 3.16 (95 % CI:1.26−7.88) in males with high BPb and low UCd (BPb ≥ 100 μg/L and UCd <2 μg/g creatinine), compared to those with low BPb and low UCd.ConclusionsKidney stones incidence was increased by high Pb exposure in males, and by Pb and Cd co-exposure in males and females.  相似文献   

The relationship between a putative metallothionein gene (MT) and exposure to cadmium (Cd) in blood cockles (Anadara granosa) is reported. In a 96-h dose-response experiment, mortality of cockles was found to proportionately increase in the range of 0.2-5.0 mg/l Cd with a calculated LC(50) of 2.94 mg/l. Exposure to 0.25 mg/l Cd for 16 days caused significant increases (P<0.05) in Cd concentrations in whole tissues, gills and hepatopancreas, and the accumulation of Cd in these tissues increased with the duration of exposure. Two cDNA libraries constructed using the hepatopancreas from control and Cd-treated cockles gave titres of 5.62 x 10(5) and 1.94 x 10(5) pfu/microg vector, respectively. A putative MT gene, AnaMT, of 510 nucleotides in length, was isolated from the treated cDNA library using a heterologous probe MT20 from the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis. Northern analyses using AnaMT as a probe indicated low expression of the MT mRNA in control animals. In cockles treated with 0.25 mg/l Cd for 4 days, MT mRNA level increased to approximately 168%, but declined to 108% at day 8. After 12 and 16 days of Cd treatment, expression of the MT gene was 138% and 187%, respectively, compared to the controls. These observations suggest that induction of the MT gene by a sublethal dose of Cd is rapid, occurring within 4 days of treatment.  相似文献   

In the present report, we investigated zinc, copper and metallothionein (MT) contents in zebrafish oocytes and embryos. Our results demonstrate that the metal content increases during oocytes maturation. Zinc increases from 30 ng/oocyte (stage-1 oocytes) to 100 ng/oocyte (stage-3 oocytes); copper varied from 1 ng/oocyte (stage-1 oocytes) to 3.5 ng/oocyte (stage-3 oocytes). During embryogenesis, zinc and copper contents dramatically increase after fertilisation around the 512-cells stage, then slowly decrease until the mid-gastrula stage. During oocyte growth, the changes in the MT level are proportional to metal content, whereas during embryogenesis the pattern of MT accumulation does not parallel that of the two metals. Indeed, the maternal pool of MT decreases steadily during the early stages of the development until the gastrula stage. We have examined the effect of cadmium on the expression of MT during zebrafish development. After cadmium exposure, MT content increases in embryos at the blastula stage, whereas no induction occurs in embryos at the gastrula stage. However, pre-treatment of embryos at the gastrula stage with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine induces MT synthesis following exposure to cadmium. These observations show that changes in metal levels are not correlated to MT content in the embryo, whereas DNA methylation is one of the factors regulating MT expression.  相似文献   

Response functions for the effect of ozone on cadmium (Cd) (toxic to humans) and zinc (Zn) (essential nutrient for plants and humans) in wheat grain were derived for the first time. Data from four open‐top chamber (OTC) experiments with field‐grown wheat, performed in southwest Sweden, were used. Ozone exposure was expressed as the phytotoxic ozone dose above a threshold of 6 nmol/m2 per sec (POD6), and AOT40. Grain Zn concentration was significantly enhanced by ozone, while Zn yield was not affected. The positive ozone effect on grain Zn concentration was almost twice as large as the corresponding effect on grain protein concentration, most likely as a result of nitrogen availability being more limiting than Zn availability. Cd concentration was unaffected by ozone, but Cd yield was significantly negatively affected. For the variables studied, correlation was stronger with POD6 than AOT40, but in several cases, for example, for Zn concentration and Cd yield, there was practically no difference in the performance between the two exposure indices. From the literature, it is obvious that ozone has important adverse effects on wheat yield and certain quality traits. As shown in this study, there are also examples of ozone leading to improved quality, for example, in terms of enhanced Zn concentration of wheat grain. While OTC enclosure did not affect Zn accumulation in wheat grain, Cd accumulation was significantly positively affected, most likely through transpiration being enhanced by the OTC environment, promoting Cd uptake and transport through the plant.  相似文献   

The study was carried out in 31 workers co-exposed to cadmium, lead and zinc fumes and dusts in a zinc ore refinery. Urinary cadmium, lead, zinc, β2-M levels and NAG activities were determined to evaluate the possible dose-effect relationship between these parameters. A correlation was found between urinary cadmium, lead and zinc concentrations, and urinary β2-M levels and NAG activities of the exposed group. A statistically significant increase was also observed for urinary NAG activity in exposed workers who had urinary cadmium concentrations > 2 μg g?1 creatinine. However, in the same exposed group, the increment of β2-M was not statistically significant. In conclusion, the present study thus confirms the earlier observations and may suggest the notion that the urinary NAG seems to be a more sensitive indicator than urinary β2-M level in early stages of renal injury of moderately cadmium co-exposure with lead and zinc even at urinary cadmium concentration as low as 2 μg g?1 creatinine. When the earlier studies on the irreversibility of cadmium-induced tubular dysfunction and the present results were taken into consideration, the present health-based biological limit proposed by the WHO (5 μg g?1 creatinine) seems to be high for the occupational exposure to cadmium.  相似文献   

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is strongly associated with increased cardiovascular risk. Impaired endothelial function, a key initiating step in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease, has been reported in patients with CKD, but the mechanisms responsible for endothelial dysfunction in CKD remain elusive. Emerging evidence reveals that trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), a gut microbiota-generated metabolite, is involved in the pathogenesis of many cardiovascular diseases. Circulating TMAO is elevated in CKD. Here we tested the hypothesis that elevated TMAO plays a contributory role in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction in CKD. Rats underwent 5/6 nephrectomy to induce CKD or sham operation, and were treated with 1.0% 3,3-Dimethyl-1-butanol (DMB, an inhibitor of trimethylamine formation) or vehicle. Eight weeks after nephrectomy and DMB treatment, circulating TMAO levels were markedly elevated in CKD-vehicle rats compared with sham-vehicle rats, but were reduced in CKD-DMB rats. Acetylcholine-induced endothelium-dependent vasodilation was impaired in CKD-vehicle rats compared with sham-vehicle rats as indicated by reduced maximal relaxation (Emax) and decreased area under the curve (AUC). Emax and AUC were both normalized in CKD-DMB rats. No difference in sodium nitroprusside-induced endothelial-independent vasodilation was observed across groups. Molecular studies revealed that endothelial nitric-oxide synthase activity was decreased, while superoxide production and proinflammatory cytokine expression were increased in the aorta of CKD-vehicle rats compared with sham-vehicle rats. Of note, the abnormalities in above molecular parameters were completely restored in CKD-DMB rats. These results suggest that CKD elevates circulating TMAO levels, which may reduce eNOS-derived NO production by increasing vascular oxidative stress and inflammation, contributing to CKD-associated endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Crabs, Pachygrapsus marmoratus, were sampled in June 1997 and February 1998 from two sites (at the mouth and 25 km upstream) in the metal-rich Gironde estuary, France. Gills and hepatopancreas were analysed for metal (Cd, Cu, Zn) and metallothionein (MT) contents, in order to examine the influence of both biological and environmental factors on the physico-chemical forms of detoxified metal storage in the crabs. The concentrations of MT and both cytosolic and insoluble metals were not greatly different between males and females, and the influence of organ weights was also minimal. Intersite differences were observed, probably resulting from the gradient of salinity in the estuary, which interacts with both the chemical speciation and bioavailability of metals, and the general protein metabolism of the crabs. Seasonal changes were also important, probably in interaction with the moult and reproductive cycles. In February, concentrations of insoluble metals were generally higher than in June, in both organs, suggesting that essential metals, particularly Zn, are stored during winter then remobilised during the breeding season. The natural variability in the concentrations of MT often concealed any relationship with accumulated metal concentrations. Thus MT in crabs cannot be considered as a useful biomarker of metal pollution.  相似文献   

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