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In facultative polygynous birds with biparental care, a trade-off may occur between male parental care and attraction of additional mates. If there is a cost associated with reduced male parental care, the relative benefit of mate attraction may be predicted to decrease as the size of a male's clutch or brood increases. We tested this prediction in monogamous pairs of facultatively polygynous European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). The larger the clutch, the more time the male spent incubating and the less time he spent attracting an additional female (i.e. singing near and carrying green nesting material into adjacent empty nest-boxes). Reduced paternal incubation resulted in lower overall incubation (the female did not compensate) and lower hatching success. Immediately after experimental reduction of clutches, males spent significantly less time incubating and more time singing and carrying greenery, and vice versa for experimentally enlarged clutches. Males with experimentally reduced clutches attracted a second female more often than males with experimentally enlarged clutches. This is the first study, to our knowledge, to provide experimental evidence for an adjustment of paternal care and male mate-attraction effort to clutch size. However, a trade-off between paternal nestling provisioning and mate attraction was not revealed, probably due to the absence of unpaired females by that time in the breeding season. Experiments showed that the relative contribution of the male and female to nestling provisioning was unrelated to brood size.  相似文献   

Previous studies of sex roles in the polygynous Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus have shown that males incubate less than females, perhaps suggesting that sexual selection is important in shaping the parental behaviour of this species. The purpose of this study was to (1) examine for the first time the possibility that males compensate for low diurnal nest attentiveness by increasing their nocturnal assistance and (2) evaluate the hypotheses that sexual selection and individual breeding quality determines incubation behaviour in lapwings. Males were never found incubating at night in 19 nests, although median diurnal male attentiveness was 15.3% in 16 of the same pairs. Nor were there any differences among monogamous and polygynous males in the time spent in four categories of behaviour (incubation, guarding, maintenance and mating activities). The time males spent in mating and incubation behaviours was weakly negatively correlated, and the time spent incubating varied considerably among males (0–74%). Further, female body condition was positively related with male nest attentiveness and there was a negative relationship between nest attentiveness and date of arrival to the study area in monogamous, but not in polygynous, males. We argue that sexual selection could not alone explain all sides of Northern Lapwing incubation, and suggest that individual differences in breeding quality may also be important.  相似文献   

Parental care activities of male and female Common Terns Sterna hirundo were recorded over two breeding seasons. Males and females exhibited distinct parental roles throughout a breeding bout. Courtship feeding by males was extensive prior to and during egg-laying, but declined with the onset of incubation. Females performed significantly more incubation behaviour than males although both sexes spent equal time attending at the nest site. During the chick stage, females spent significantly more time on the territory than did males. Chick feeding was largely the responsibility of the male; males fed chicks at a rate approximately three times higher than that of females. In addition, whereas females showed no trend in the size of fish delivered to chicks relative to chick age, the size of fish delivered by males increased with chick age. Courtship feeding activities and extensive chick feeding contributions by male Common Terns appear to outweigh parental contributions by females, contrary to predictions for a monogamous species.  相似文献   

CHERI L. GRATTO-TREVOR 《Ibis》1991,133(4):394-399
Although Semipalmated Sandpipers Calidris pusilla are monogamous, with biparental incubation, most females (86–97%) deserted their broods to the care of their mates, 0–11 days (average 6) after their eggs hatched. Males left the brood an average of 8 days later, shortly before or after the chicks fledged. In several instances, females that deserted in one year remained with the chicks the next year, and vice versa. Females deserted chicks at nests that hatched later in the season at an earlier age than those had hatched earlier ( r 2> o.6). Since females appeared to have an energy deficit in at least some years, and suffered higher mortality rates than males during breeding, it is possible that females deserted broods in order to take advantage of better feeding conditions at migratory stopovers in northeastern North America early in the season. There was little evidence of higher nesting success or earlier hatching date in reuniting pairs, although if both members of a pair returned to the breeding area, 80% reunited. Increased survival of their mate may be most advantageous to males in ensuring that they obtain a female the following year.  相似文献   

The reasons for female desertion of offspring and the evolution of predominantly male care among monogamous bird species are not clearly understood. We studied parental effort during the incubation and chick rearing periods in the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata in western Finland, and compared timing of brood desertion with other populations in Europe. Males and females contributed equally to incubation and showed no differences in the intensity of mobbing behaviour towards a potential nest predator (stuffed crow) shortly after hatching. However, females deserted their offspring approximately halfway through the brooding period ( c. 16 d after hatching), while males remained with chicks until independence ( c. 35 d). Females with late-laid clutches deserted their offspring sooner after hatching than those with clutches produced earlier in the season. Curlew females deserted younger chicks in northeast Europe, where laying dates were later, breeding seasons shorter and migration distances were longer, than in western and central Europe. We suggest that the most likely reasons for offspring desertion by females may be associated with increased female survivorship and maintenance of pairbond between years.  相似文献   

We studied the mating system in a local population of colour-ringed sedge warblers in south Central Sweden in 1990–92. Of 58 territorial males, 59% were socially monogamous, 14% socially polygynous and 27% unpaired. Socially polygynous males in general paired with two females: the only exception was one male that formed pair bonds with three females. Among the males that formed a pair bond, 38% resumed singing after their first female had started egg-laying or incubation and 50% of the paired males that resumed singing succeeded in attracting a second female. Hence, despite a consistently male-biased sex ratio in the population a large proportion of the males tried to become polygynous and they were often successful. The frequency of extra-pair matings did not differ between monogamous and polygynous males. Of 47 breeding females, 6.4% were sequentially socially polyandrous. In two out of three cases, the females fed the young of their first broods until independence before initiating the second brood. In the third case the female deserted her newly fledged young and these were instead cared for by a neighbouring male. DNA fingerprinting revealed that this male had not sired any of these young. Each of the sequentially polyandrous females successfully raised both their broods, and their annual reproductive success was slightly higher than the average for the polygynous males. When the sequentially socially polyandrous females initiated their second brood, their primary male (in all cases polygynous males), cared for young in their secondary female's nest. In all cases, the sequentially polyandrous females formed second pair bonds with unpaired males that were close neighbors. This suggests that females switched pair male for their second brood to obtain a mate that was more likely to provide them with direct benefits (e.g. parental care).  相似文献   

Gaute Bø Grønstøl 《Ibis》2003,145(2):203-211
In this study bigamous female Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus received significantly less incubation relief from their males than monogamous females. On average, monogamous males spent 34.3% of their time incubating and bigamous males 29.9%. Bigamous males divided their effort between their nests, incubating on average 9.4% on primary nests and 20.5% on secondary nests. Bigamous females compensated for the lack of male relief. Primary females incubated for 71.8% of their time, secondary females for 64.2%, while monogamous females spent 52.7% of their time incubating. As a result, there was no significant difference in total nest attentiveness among nests of different status. Primary and secondary females received equivalent incubation relief from the male. Bigamous males increased their contribution to incubation significantly as the season progressed. A bigamous male's distribution of incubation relief between his females was unrelated to female body mass, or to the degree of asynchrony between primary and secondary females in arrival and laying. Incubation time was significantly, negatively, correlated with total nest attentiveness. Monogamous females spent most time, secondary females spent an intermediate time, and primary females spent the least time on maintenance behaviour (foraging, comfort behaviour, inactivity). No significant differences were found in hatching success among females of different mating status. However, the ratio of unhatched to hatched eggs (i.e. the eggs that remained in the nest at the time of hatching) differed significantly: secondary females hatched a smaller proportion of their eggs than monogamous and primary females.  相似文献   

The Lapwing Vanellus vanellus has traditionally been regarded as a monogamous, single brooded species, defending a single territory. Recent studies involving individually recognizable Lapwings have begun to challenge the ubiquity of these statements, with high frequencies of polygyny and the production of second broods being reported. Breeding Lapwings were studied in Upper Teesdale, County Durham, U.K., between 1993 and 1995, where both adults and chicks had been individually colour-ringed since 1990. A total of 90 territorial males and 64 females were intensively studied during the 3 years. Overall, 30% of territorial males had more than one mate in any year, with 19% more adult males than yearling males mating polygynously. On two occasions, polygynous males simultaneously defended two territories. Five females attempted to produce second broods, and one was polyandrous.  相似文献   

The sexes’ share in parental care and the social mating system in a marked population of the single‐brooded Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor were studied in 17 woodpecker territories in southern Sweden during 10 years. The birds showed a very strong mate fidelity between years; the divorce rate was 3.4%. In monogamous pairs, the male provided more parental care than the female. The male did most of the nest building and all incubation and brooding at night. Daytime incubation and brooding were shared equally by the sexes, and biparental care at these early breeding stages is probably necessary for successful breeding. In 42% of the nests, however, though still alive the female deserted the brood the last week of the nestling period, whereas the male invariably fed until fledging and fully compensated for the absent female. Post‐fledging care could not be quantified, but was likely shared by both parents. Females who ceased feeding at the late nestling stage resumed care after fledging. We argue that the high premium on breeding with the same mate for consecutive years and the overall lower survival of females have shaped this male‐biased organisation of parental care. In the six years with best data, most social matings were monogamous, but 8.5% of the females (N=59) exhibited simultaneous multi‐nest (classical) polyandry and 2.9% of the males (N=68) exhibited multi‐nest polygyny. Polyandrous females raised 39% more young than monogamous pairs. These females invested equal amounts of parental care at all their nests, but their investment at each nest was lower than that of monogamous females. The polyandrously mated males fully compensated for this lower female investment. Polygynous males invested mainly in their primary nest and appeared to be less successful than polyandrous females. Polyandry and polygyny occurred only when the population sex ratio was biased, and due to strong intra‐sexual competition this is likely a prerequisite for polygamous mating in Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers.  相似文献   

Shorebirds show high variability in parental care strategies among species, populations, and environments. Research on shorebird parental sex roles can help to understand the selective pressures that shape avian breeding strategies. Although several studies have examined parental care strategies in holarctic shorebirds, very little research has been conducted in the tropics. Here we examined parental sex roles during territorial defence, incubation, and chick-rearing in Malaysian plovers Charadrius peronii in the Gulf of Thailand. The costs and gains of particular parental behaviour may vary between the sexes and can be affected differently by environmental factors and chick age. Thus we also examined how temperature, prey availability, chick or embryo age, and time of day affected parental sex roles. Males spent more time defending territories and were further away from chicks whereas females spent more time incubating eggs. Both adults contributed to chick defence during disturbances throughout the entire chick-rearing period. Total nest attendance (sum of both sexes) was affected by the modelled temperature of an unincubated egg. Prey availability, embryo age, and time of day had no effect on total nest attendance. Males adjusted incubation effort in response to temperature only at high temperatures (>36°C) whereas females adjusted nest attendance at high and low temperatures. Chick age had no effect on the proportion of time adults spent defending territories or responding to disturbance. Pairs were more likely to fledge chicks if both the male and female spent more time defending territories. For Malaysian plovers, high cooperation between the sexes during parental care may help to achieve high quality breeding territories, maintain body conditions during hot days, protect offspring from predators and attacking conspecifics, and contribute to high lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

I studied the parental care behavior of the Madagascar paradise flycatcher Terpsiphone mutata in northwestern Madagascar. I especially focused on feeding, brooding and vigilance behaviors. Feeding rate did not differ between males and females, but females spent more time at the nest than males. Females dedicated their time to brooding, while males perched on the nest and were vigilant. Both parents changed the feeding rate in relation to brood size, so the feeding rate per nestling was not different among nests of different brood size. Duration of brooding by females increased with decreasing brood size, suggesting that the Royama effect, the pattern of lower feeding rate per nestling in larger broods, did not apply in this study. Males spent more time on vigilance than females. Anti-predator vigilance by males should be important for nestling survival given the high predation pressure typical of this population. In conclusion, males provide considerable parental care probably to minimize nestling starvation and to avoid nest predation. My results are not consistent with the general pattern of less parental effort by males in monogamous, sexually dimorphic species.  相似文献   

Trivers proposed that, if parental care by both sexes is advantageous, males should practice a "mixed" strategy of seeking extrapair copulations, while restricting their parental investment to offspring of social mates. We explore circumstances under which males should limit their parental care in the predicted manner. We find that Trivers's "mixed" strategy will generally be evolutionarily stable so long as either socially monogamous or polygynous males usually sire more offspring per brood from a social mate than they typically sire in broods of extrapair mates. Polygynous males should spread investment across their home nests unless the expected number of chicks sired in them differs widely. Whether polygynous males should restrict paternal care to social mates' offspring hinges additionally on resident male investment in broods containing extrapair young: if resident males contribute minimally, some investment by a polygynous extrapair male becomes more advantageous. Recently reviewed data on extrapair fertilization distributions within monogamous and polygynous passerines suggest that extrapair offspring often predominate numerically within their broods, consistent with sperm expenditure theory. Nevertheless, most species conform to the model's criterion regarding relative parentage levels in broods of social versus extrapair mates. Patterns of extrapair parentage thus appear sufficient to stabilize biparental care systems.  相似文献   

The costs imposed by parental care duties on an individual's future survival and reproduction generate conflicts because parents should attempt to minimize their investment in the present brood, and exploit the parental care of the other parent. This conflict is likely to contribute to cases of both polygamy and desertion. Here, we study the costs of polygyny in the tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor , using observations on 52 nests that were attended by polygynous males over 14 y. Both females mated to polygynous males paid reproductive costs at several stages of the nesting cycle. Clutches laid by social mates of polygynous versus monogamous males did not differ in size. However, initial brood sizes for polygynously mated females were lower because a higher proportion of their eggs failed to hatch. Likewise, fledging success was lower and nest predation rates were higher, perhaps reflecting the direct or indirect effects of reduced male attention. These results demonstrate that females pay a productivity cost when breeding with reduced male parental care. In contrast, polygynous males fledge on average more young than monogamous ones and clearly benefit from the association. We suggest that a mate-search cost is leading to the few cases of polygamous males: although females are likely evaluating males for their prospective dedication to the breeding attempt, in a short-lived bird with a short breeding season, the cost to females of searching for a more dedicated male is the risk of not breeding at all.  相似文献   

The contribution of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca male in parental care was studied to examine why some females mate with already-mated males. No difference in feeding rate was found between older and yearling monogamous males, when comparing nests at the same time. Monogamous and primary females were helped significantly more in parental care by the male than were secondary females of polygynous males. Females could only partly compensate for the absence of a male and of nestlings were reduced in nests with low male assistance. Differences in mate and territory quality were far too slight to make it advantageous for females to choose already-mated males instead of mating with monogamous males. We suggest that males, by being polyterritorial, deceive females into accepting polygyny; and females can be deceived since they do not have time to find out the marital status of males.  相似文献   

Parental care is a cooperative venture between a male and a female in many socially monogamous birds. Care is costly, and thus, sexual conflict arises between the parents about how much effort they should invest into rearing their young. The sexual conflict over care is most apparent when one parent abandons the brood before the offspring are independent. The deserted parent has three options: (1) desert the brood because a single parent is unable to raise the young on its own; (2) continue care provision at the same level as during biparental care, and thus do not compensate for the absence of mate; or (3) increase care and compensate partially or totally. We investigated these options in the magnificent frigatebird, Fregata magnificens, a species in which the male deserts his mate and brood before the chick is independent. During biparental care, females fed the chick more often than the males. After their mate deserted, the females nearly doubled their feeding rate and thus, fully compensated for the lost care. Consistent with these observations, growth rates of chicks provided with biparental and female-only care did not differ. These results support recent theoretical models of parental care, and suggest that females may withhold care during biparental care to manoeuvre their mates into prolonged care provision. A female only provides at her full capacity once her mate has deserted.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(3):705-717
By measuring the time allocated to various reproductive and somatic activities it was possible to look at differences in the strategies of the sexes for killdeer, a monogamous species. Killdeer time-activity budgets supported the general hypothesis that males and females maximize fitness in different ways. Males allocated more time than females to mating activities: mate attraction and territorial defence. However, the parental roles of the sexes were not those predicted for a monogamous species; males allocated more time than females to parental activities throughout a nesting attempt. Males appeared to be less time-constrained, and better able to perform parental activities. Females allocated more time to foraging than did males. It is suggested that the amount of time females allocated to parental activities is limited by the high energy demands of egg production. Further, high nest-failure rates may select for females maintaining good condition for re-nesting. The costs of desertion for killdeer were considerable. Adult removal experiments supported the hypothesis that two parents were necessary for successful reproduction. No individuals managed to raise offspring alone successfully. Lone males, however, were able to hatch chicks while females were not. The need for continuous parental attentiveness may results in selection for biparental care for killdeer.  相似文献   

Biparental care in birds is less common during incubation than in other nesting stages. Males share in incubating eggs in a minority of bird species, and male effort is generally thought to be lower than females when sharing does occur. However, male assistance and incubation efficacy is poorly studied in such species. We examined sex differences in incubation effort in 12 pairs of a species with biparental incubation, the chestnut-vented tit-babbler Parisoma subcaeruleum . Males and females did not differ in the amount of time spent incubating during the day, time of day spent incubating, nor in their ability to rewarm eggs. Yet, males consistently maintained eggs at higher temperatures than their female partners, despite the absence of a brood patch.  相似文献   

In species with biparental care, a conflict of interest can arise if one mate tries to maximize its own reproductive success at the expense of the other's. One of the mates can desert the brood to accrue a number of benefits to enhance its own fitness, leaving parental care to the remaining parent. This study is the first to describe the desertion pattern in a tern species (Sternidae). We investigated offspring desertion in the Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida, a species with semi‐precocial chicks. Offspring desertion was recorded in 52% of nests prior to fledging (n = 131 nests). Females also deserted during the post‐fledging period. Of the deserters, 97% were females. Desertions started when chicks were 5 days old and no longer required intense brooding. Desertions before fledging did not affect fledging success. Provisioning rates between pair members differed, and females supplied much less food than males. Female provisioning rate affected the chances of nest desertion significantly: daily desertion rates were lower when females supplied more food. After females had deserted, males increased their provisioning rates but compensated for the loss of female care only partly in two‐ and three‐chick broods. Only in small (one‐chick) broods was compensation full. We conclude that male and female Whiskered Terns adopt different reproductive strategies in the population studied here. Females invest much less in parental care than males, providing less food and deserting more frequently. Given the ready availability of food and low predation pressure, benefits appear to accrue to females that desert; selection forces may therefore not be acting against female desertion.  相似文献   

J. W. DUCKWORTH 《Ibis》1992,134(2):164-170
The Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus is a largely monogamous insectivorous passerine in which males and females provide equal care by day to eggs and chicks. Polygyny occurs occasionally, with males leaving one female unaided. When females were temporarily removed from three recently-completed clutches their males deserted and resumed the high song levels typical of unmated males. Males may desert either because they are physically incapable of incubation or because the energy expenditure needed for a male to return to an equivalent stage in the breeding cycle is much lower than for a female to do so. Widowed females ( n = 7 ), however, continued the breeding attempt alone, with similar incubation levels but higher provisioning rates than those of control females. In three out of four mid-season broods raised by lone females all fertile eggs were reared to healthy fledglings (in the fourth brood the female died), while only one of four late-season nests produced any fledglings (which were underweight). Late-season control nests were as successful as earlier ones. Loss of male help led to starvation of chicks, but caused no adverse effects during incubation. This explains the small changes in widows' sitting levels during incubation, but much greater effects after hatching. Females may need male help to rear late broods (but not early broods) as days are shorter and food is scarcer. Males may normally help at nests, even those in the mid-season, because in stressful spells (even for a few days) such help is vital for successful breeding but in good periods it costs the male little.  相似文献   

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