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玉米根尖细胞液泡膜结合的蛋白激酶的存在及其性质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解液泡膜蛋白在植物细胞信号途径中的功能 ,用新型的非放射性同位素方法从玉米根细胞的高纯度液泡膜上鉴定出一种膜内在的蛋白激酶。这种蛋白激酶具有Ca2 依赖、CaM和磷脂酰丝氨酸不依赖等特性 ,与已在多种植物中报道的含有类似钙调素结构域的蛋白激酶CDPK相似。离体实验表明其活性的最适pH值为 6 .5 ,最适Ca2 浓度为 1 0 μmol/L。从最适pH值和去污剂的影响可以推测出其活性位点朝向胞质一侧。Zn2 对其活性没有明显的抑制作用 ,说明该激酶缺少某些哺乳动物的蛋白激酶常含有的锌指结构。当液泡膜蛋白在Ca2 和ATP存在的条件下被预磷酸化后 ,液泡膜H _ATPase的ATP水解和质子转运过程均被激活。激活的活性可以被碱性磷酸酶逆转。以上结果说明玉米根尖细胞的液泡膜中存在一种可能是CDPK的蛋白激酶。由它造成的Ca2 依赖的磷酸化作用激活了液泡膜H _ATPase的活性。这些结果将有助于深入研究CDPK在植物细胞信号转导中的功能。  相似文献   

玉米根尖细胞中液泡发生过程的电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

关于液泡的起源与发育目前存在多种看法,Mesquita(1969)认为是由粗糙型内质网膨大形成液泡前体,然后发育成液泡,Bowes(1965)则认为根的分生区细胞液泡来源于内质网,而非分生区细胞的液泡则来源于线粒体或质体的降解;Sitte(1961)认为液泡由部分细胞质溶解后形成液泡膜  相似文献   

箭舌豌豆根瘤中有丰富的侵入线,从侵入线释放出来的细菌都有细菌周膜。有时液泡中也有细菌,但它们中的绝大多数没有细胞周膜,只有个别例外,而且结构较清晰。细菌结构越好,它的细菌周膜就越完整。因此,液泡中细菌所具有的细菌周膜并非由液泡膜和液泡内含物形成。  相似文献   

运用膜片钳技术研究植物钙依赖型蛋白激酶(CDPK)对细胞液泡离子通道的作用,发现它明显地激活液泡膜上一种电流方向与慢液泡(SV)通道电流相反的阴离子通道.用CsCl和GluK作通道阻断试验,结果表明它是一种Cl-通道,单通道电导约为30pS,不同于SV的50~100 pS.对它在细胞信息传导中的作用作了分析.  相似文献   

以玉米(Zea mays L)根的高纯度液泡膜为材料进行的磷酸化反应表明,液泡膜蛋白的磷酸化可明显提高v型H -ATPase(V-ATPase)的ATP水解活性和H 转运活性.进一步研究表明,纯化的液泡膜蛋白能被硫代磷酸化,用V-ATPase的A亚基抗体将一条约69 kD的条带鉴定为A亚基.为了测定V-ATPase的A亚基的磷酸化位点,从硫代磷酸化的凝胶中切下A亚基条带并用胰蛋白酶彻底消化.用RP-HPLC分离纯化酶解片断,收集纯化的硫代磷酸化肽段进行质谱分析所测定的分子量为573.83 Da.A亚基胰蛋白酶彻底消化后能产生61个肽段,只有F56肽段的分子量573.66 Da与573.83 Da最接近,而且F56肽段上只有第525位的丝氨酸可以被磷酸化.因此可以确定,玉米根V-AT-Pase A亚基的潜在磷酸化位点为Ser525.就我们所知,这是首次确定植物V-ATPase A亚基的磷酸化位点.  相似文献   

液泡膜苹果酸转运蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
液泡是植物细胞贮藏苹果酸重要的细胞器.苹果酸是三羧酸酸循环和乙醛酸循环的中介,是维持细胞渗透压与电荷平衡的关键代谢物,还参与调节植物气孔大小,故苹果酸在植物的生命活动中起着重要作用.液泡膜苹果酸转运蛋白直接或间接控制苹果酸进出液泡,介导液泡与细胞质问苹果酸的运输.液泡膜苹果酸转运蛋白属于钠连接的羧酸盐载体家族,本文重点介绍植物液泡膜苹果酸转运蛋白的性质和功能及其与植物细胞pH值动态平衡之间关系的研究进展.  相似文献   

研究了铝和铝+_钙对小麦功苗根尖质膜、液泡膜微囊H^+-ATP酶、Ca^2+-ATP酶、Mg^2+-ATP酶活性及共动力学参数和膜流动性的影响。在质膜和液泡膜微囊制剂中加入1.0mmol/L的AI^3+(AICI3)时,H^2+-ATP囊制剂中加入1.0mmol/L的AI^3+(AICI3)时,H^+-ATP酶、Ca^2+-ATP酶、Mg^2+-ATP酶活笥和酶促反应的Vmax及膜流动性下降,而酶  相似文献   

提取大麦叶片液泡膜微囊的两相法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍用两相法提取大麦叶片液泡膜微囊的技术,证明用此法获得的膜微囊制剂中叶绿素含量很低,基本直不影响液泡膜H^+-ATP酶和H^+-PPi酶活性的测定。  相似文献   

胡杨液泡膜微囊的纯化及其质子转运活性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
 为进一步研究液泡膜及 H+ - ATP酶在胡杨抵御盐胁迫中所起的作用 ,比较了研磨、捣碎和超声破碎三种细胞破碎方法 ,从悬浮培养的胡杨细胞中制备液泡膜微囊的效果 ;并用差速离心和不连续蔗糖密度梯度离心纯化了胡杨液泡膜微囊 .通过测定 H+ - ATP酶对 NO-3 、VO3-4和 Na N3的敏感性 ,以及焦磷酸酶质子转运活性表明 ,液泡膜微囊主要分布在 0 %~ 2 5%的蔗糖界面上 .捣碎法破碎细胞结合差速离心和蔗糖密度梯度离心可获得正向微囊比例高、封闭性好和酶活性高的液泡膜微囊  相似文献   

Cell suspension cultures of Acer pseudoplatanus L. (Bligny cell line) adapted to growth in the presence of NaCl, are a useful tool for investigating mechanisms for cellular salt tolerance. We compared the activities of vanadate-sensitive (plasma membrane) and nitrate-sensitive (tonoplast) ATPases, and tonoplast K+-stimulated PPase in microsomal fractions (8000–108 000 g) from unadapted and NaCl-adapted (80 m M ) cells of A. pseudoplatanus . Since NaCl reduces the growth rate of the culture, the two cell lines were harvested and compared at both the same cellular density and at the same growth phase (middle exponential phase or beginning of the stationary phase). The ATPase activity of the plasma membrane (expressed both on the basis of protoplast number and in relation to protein content) was not affected by the adaptation to salinity. The two enzyme activities of the tonoplast (mainly as expressed on a protein basis) were higher in adapted than in unadapted cells. However, a preferential increase in PPase activity took place, although the pH dependence, ionic requirements, and apparent Km of the PPase activity were the same in the two cell lines. The three enzyme activities showed different sensitivities to detergents such as Triton X-100, Brij 58 and lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). The stimulation of K+-stimulated PPase activity by detergents was higher in adapted than in unadapted cells. This suggests that the salt-induced enhancement of the PPase activity might partially depend on a modification of the lipid component of the tonoplast.  相似文献   

以玉米 (Zea mays L.) 根的高纯度液泡膜为材料进行的磷酸化反应表明,液泡膜蛋白的磷酸化可明显提高V型H -ATPase (V-ATPase) 的ATP水解活性和H 转运活性。进一步研究表明,纯化的液泡膜蛋白能被硫代磷酸化,用V-ATPase的A亚基抗体将一条约69 kD的条带鉴定为A亚基。为了测定V-ATPase的A亚基的磷酸化位点,从硫代磷酸化的凝胶中切下A亚基条带并用胰蛋白酶彻底消化。用RP-HPLC分离纯化酶解片断,收集纯化的硫代磷酸化肽段进行质谱分析所测定的分子量为573.83 Da。A亚基胰蛋白酶彻底消化后能产生61个肽段,只有F56肽段的分子量573.66 Da与573.83 Da最接近,而且F56肽段上只有第525位的丝氨酸可以被磷酸化。因此可以确定,玉米根V-AT-Pase A亚基的潜在磷酸化位点为Ser525。就我们所知,这是首次确定植物V-ATPase A亚基的磷酸化位点。  相似文献   

植物细胞质膜H+-ATPase的调控   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
综述了质膜H ATPase在转录、翻译及翻译后水平上所受调控现象及其机制的研究进展  相似文献   

Vacuoles were isolated from leaves of Kalanchoë daigremontiana Hamet et Perrier de la Bathie, and the ionic sensitivity of the vacuolar ATPase was studied in vacuole homogenates desalted on Sephadex G-25. The ATPase activity was dependent on the presence of divalent cations (Mg2+≥ Mn2+≥ Ca2+, Co2+; Zn2+ had no effect). Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity was stimulated by anions (Cl? > malate2+, HCO?3), with maximal stimulation at concentrations above 50 mM. Mg2+-Dependent activity was inhibited by NO?3 above 2 mM, but no saturation was observed up to 100 mM. No stimulation by K+ or Na+ was detected; stimulation by NH+4 was abolished by 0.01% (w/v) Triton X-100, suggesting that the NH+4 effect was due to the permeability of vacuolar membrane vesicles to NH3. Trans-tonoplast electrical potentials (Δψ) and intra-vacuolar pH were measured with glass microelectrodes and antimony covered glass micro-pH-electrodes, respectively. Free vacuofes isolated from Kalanchoë tubiflora (Harv.) Hamet were slightly positive with respect to the suspension medium. This Δψ was insensitive to the protonophore FCCP and depolarized by about 4 mV on addition of 50 mM KCl, still remaining about +5 mV. Upon addition of 7 mM Mg-ATP, vacuoles showed an FCCP-sensitive increase of Δψ from +9.2 ± 2.8 (13) to +17.8 ± 3.7 (12) mV [given as x?± sd (n)] and an internal acidification from pH 5.4 ± 0.2 (11) to pH 4.3 ± 0.4 (12). Mg-ADP and ATP without Mg2+ had no effect on Δψ. It is concluded that the H4 pumping at the tonoplast is due to the functioning of the anion-sensitive vacuolar ATPase and that this is an essential part of the mechanism of nocturnal acid accumulation in CAM.  相似文献   

Acidification of external solution by maize root tips can apparently proceed by two mechanisms. The first, significant only above pH 6, does not require the presence of salts in the medium and appears to be due to respiratory CO2 release with subsequent hydration and dissociation into H+ + HCO?3. The second, much more efficient process, requires permeant ions and proceeds to well below pH 4 under mediation by the plasma membrane H+-ATPase. While the first process is affected by acetazolamide (an inhibitor of carbonate dehydratase), the second is blocked by vanadate, erythrosin B, diethylstilbestrol and miconazole, and is strikingly stimulated by fusicoccin. Both mechanisms are markedly inhibited by heavy water, the first by up to 80% with an ID50 of 18–25% D2O, the second up to 91%, with an ID50 of 20–30% D2O. The inhibition of the acidification by ATPase can be relieved by replacing D2O with H2O, indicating that the effect of D2O is kinetic rather than on covalently-bound hydrogen atoms. Apparently the H+-ATPase uses H+ (or possibly H3O+) as substrate which binds to a rather specific site where it cannot be functionally replaced by D+ or D3O+.  相似文献   

等渗盐胁迫对番茄抗氧化酶和ATP酶及焦磷酸酶活性的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
用Ca(NO3)2 80 mmol/L和NaCl 120 mmol/L等渗溶液处理番茄幼苗后,细胞质和叶绿体中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)的活性升高,并且NaCl胁迫的作用明显高于Ca(NO3)2胁迫.Ca(NO3)2处理提高了线粒体中SOD、CAT、APX的活性,而NaCl处理降低了它们的活性.根系质膜H -ATPase、液泡膜H -ATPase、焦磷酸酶(H -PPase)的活性和叶片丙二醛(MDA)及脯氨酸含量在两种盐胁迫后明显增加.NaCl处理对植株生长的抑制程度明显高于Ca(NO3)2处理.  相似文献   

NaCl-induced changes in the accumulation of message for the 70 kDa subunit of the tonoplast H+-ATPase and plasma membrane H+-ATPase were studied in hydroponically grown plants of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Large Cherry Red. There was increased accumulation of message for the 70 kDa (catalytic) subunit of the tonoplast H+-ATPase in expanded leaves of tomato plants 24 h after final NaCl concentrations were attained. This was a tissue-specific response; levels of this message were not elevated in roots or in young, unexpanded leaves. The NaCl-induced accumulation of this message was transient in the expanded leaves and returned to control levels within 7 days. The temporal and spatial patterns of NaCl-induced accumulation of message for the plasma membrane H+-ATPase differed from the patterns associated with the 70 kDa subunit of the tonoplast H+-ATPase. NaCl-induced accumulation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase message occurred in both roots and expanded leaves. Initially accumulation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase message was greater in root tissue than in expanded leaves, but increased to higher levels in expanded leaves after 7 days. These results suggest that increased expression of the tonoplast H+-ATPase is an early response to salinity stress and may be associated with survival mechanisms, rather than with long-term adaptive processes.  相似文献   

玉米根尖质膜的受钙激活蛋白激酶的特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以生长3-4d的玉米(ZeamaysL.)根尖为材料,用两相法得到高纯度的质膜,鉴定了质膜上存在一受钙激活的蛋白激酶。该类激酶主要位于质膜内侧;钙的半激活浓度为50μmol/L;外源钙调素对激酶没有明显的活化作用;钙调素拮抗剂三氟拉嗪(TFP)可明显抑制激酶活性,半抑制浓度为75μmol/L;该类激酶对外源底物组蛋白ⅢS型有较高的特异性。结果显示此激酶属于钙依赖钙调素不依赖蛋白激酶。质膜上33kD和58kD两种蛋白可能是这种钙依赖蛋白激酶的内源底物。  相似文献   

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