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产朊假丝酵母细胞壁33 ku蛋白的功能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过胰蛋白酶和枯草杆菌蛋白酶对产朊假丝酵母Candida utilis细胞壁的酶解,发现一种分子质量为33 ku的酵母细胞壁主要结构蛋白. 研究显示,在细胞壁上这种蛋白质与细胞壁绝大多数蛋白质成分不同, 它不被胰蛋白酶水解,但对枯草杆菌蛋白酶的作用敏感.33 ku蛋白存在于酵母菌整个对数生长期的细胞壁中,特别是在对数早期细胞壁中,它是唯一的对胰蛋白酶作用不敏感的蛋白质成分.实验证明,该蛋白质对维系酵母细胞壁骨架成分葡聚糖的相互连接和细胞壁的完整结构,具有重要作用,是一种重要的酵母细胞壁嵌合蛋白.  相似文献   

Schwanniomyces castellii excreted -amylase and amyloglucosidase into the medium in the presence of starch. The biosynthesis and the rate of excretion were influenced by dissolved oxygen (specially for -amylase), pH of the culture and dilution rate. The cell yield observed (0.59) remained constant up to D=0.35h-1 with starch as substrate. But in the case of growth on glucose, the yield observed was equal to 0.62 up to a dilution rate of D=0.18 h-1. Beyond this value Y x/s decreased and ethanol was produced. The onset of fermentation dependend partly on the nature of the substrate and not only on the environment in particular on the quantity of dissolved oxygen present.  相似文献   

Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to examine the effects of increased levels of soil NH 4 + on the growth and yield of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Nitrogen was supplied as urea plus the nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin (enhanced-NH 4 + supply) or as a 41 molar ratio of CA(NO3)2 and Mg(NO3)2 at rates of 0 to 450 mg N kg–1 soil in 37.5 mg N increments. Enhanced-NH 4 + supply, in comparison to the NO3 treatment, increased grain yield 15 and 18% in the two experiments. In one experiment this yield increase occurred through increased number of kernels and in a second experiment, through increased weight of kernels. During the first 28 days after plant emergence, the number of leaves, stalk width, plant weight, and plant N content were greater with enhanced-NH 4 + supply than with NO 3 . However, at harvest total plant weight and plant N content were minimally affected by enhanced-NH 4 + supply.  相似文献   

When Candida utilis was grown in continuous culture, decreasing the concentration of N in the medium affected cell composition, biomass yield, biomass productivity, maximal growth rate and cell morphology. When the dilution rate was low (0.1 h-1), reducing N from 1100 to 100 mg/l led to a 40% decrease in RNA content of the cells. Nitrogen-limited growth, which occurred when N<420 mg/l, was associated with significant changes in cell-wall carbohydrates and a significant reduction in the glycogen content of the cells. A set of culture conditions was established which permitted maximal consumption of the main nutrients in the medium and the production of yeast biomass suitable as a source of single-cell protein.  相似文献   

Microbial protein was produced from defatted rice polishings using Candida utilis in shake-flasks and a 14-l fermentor to optimize fermentation conditions before producing biomass in a 50-l fermentor. The organism supported maximum values of 0.224 h−1, 0.94, 1.35, 1.75, 2.12 g l−1 h−1, 0.62 g cells g−1 substrate utilized and 0.38 g g−1 for specific growth rate, true protein productivity, crude protein productivity, cell mass productivity, substrate consumption rate, cell yield, crude protein yield, respectively in 50-l fermentor studies using optimized cultural conditions. Maximum values compared favourably or were superior to published data in literature. The biomass protein in the 50-l fermentor contained 22.3, 27.8, 19.2, 9.5, 38.12, 8.5 and 0.27% true protein, crude protein, crude fibre, ash, carbon, cellulose and RNA content, respectively. The dried biomass showed a gross metabolizable energy value of 2678 kcal kg−1 and contained all essential and non-essential amino acids. Yeast biomass as animal feed may replace expensive feed ingredients currently being used in poultry feed and may improve the economics of feed produced in countries like Pakistan. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Schwanniomyces castellii B5285 grew faster and produced greater biomass and higher protein yield than either S. alluvius ATCC 26074 or S. alluvius 81Y when these amylolytic yeasts were grown with 2% (w/v) cassava starch as sole C source. With 0.5% (w/v) glutamate as N source, S. castellii reached 7.12 g cell dry mass/l, with a protein yield of 6.4 g/100 g starch. The optimal agitation speed, aeration rate and pH for growth of this yeast in a fermenter were 400 rev/min, 1.67 vol./vol.min. and 5.0, respectively. Tween 80 at 0.1% increased cell dry mass to 8.90 g/l, cell yield to 44 g/100 g starch and protein yield to 7.4 g/100 g starch.The authors are with the Department of industrial Biotechnology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai 90110, Thailand  相似文献   

Summary Field experiments were conducted to assess the contribution ofAzospirillum brasilense to the N needs of grain sorghumcv. CSH — 5 during monsoon (June–October) seasons of 1978 and 1979.A. brasilense contributed to the N uptake by crop in the range from 5.8 to 19.6 kg N/ha. However, the contribution ofA. brasilense to the N needs of sorghum was more when sorghum was manured with farmyard manure at the rate of 10 tons/ha. Publication of G.B.P.U.A.T. Expt. Station, Pantnagar — 263145, India.  相似文献   

When grown in a defined simple salts medium, plus vitamins, Candida utilis displayed an absolute requirement for potassium. But the potassium content of this yeast was exceedingly variable and, with aerobic chemostat cultures (grown at a dilution rate of 0.1 h-1; 30° C; pH 5.5), was low (< 0.2%, w/w) when they were potassium-limited and high (> 2%, w/2) when glucose-limited. With potassium-limited cultures, the cell-bound potassium content also varied markedly with growth rate, though hardly at all with glucose-limited cultures; magnesium- and phosphate-limited cultures gave intermediate responses.Changes in cell-bound potassium content correlated only weakly with changes in the cellular contents of magnesium, phosphate and RNA, but strongly with changes in both the Y glucose and Y O values, indicating an involvement of potassium in the generation of energy by oxidative phosphorylation reactions and/or the utilization of this energy for growth processes.Studies with isolated mitochondria revealed that potassium-limited organisms had a changed content of cytochrome b relative to cytochrome a, and lacked coupling at either site 2 or site 3 of the respiratory chain.These results are discussed in relation to the reported functions of potassium in the growth of micro-organisms, and the organizational differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Variations in some grain and quality characters in progenies of regenerated rice plants were studied. Grain length and weight decreased significantly, yet gel consistency increased. Variations in these quantitative characters of all cultivars studied were consistent, showing the tendencies of the variations. Grain protein contents of the somaclones were higher in one cultivar. Variability of most traits was increased by combining low-dosage radiation and tissue culture.  相似文献   

Populations ofTococa occidentalis (Melastomataceae) and the inhabiting ants (Myrmelachista sp.) were observed for more than eight months in the Peruvian Amazon (Sira mountains). They represent a complex coevolutionary system: the plants offer shelter (leaf domatia, hollow stems) and food (leaf glands), whereas the ants kill all surrounding plants, including large trees up to 10 m, by chemical weapons. Experiments with exposed plants revealed a highly specialized way to attack meristematic tissue and leaf nervature, which leads to a quick decay of the plant individuals. The clearing of the vegetation by the ants allows theTococa population to expand mostly by vegetative shoots to large monocultures (up to 30 m in diameter) free from any other plant species. Artificially introduced plant individuals, from differentT. occidentalis populations, are regarded as a foreign species by the ants.The succession of such aTococa-Myrmelachista system begins with one or a few founder plants on a light place in the midst of the vegetation.Myrmelachista soon inhabits their host plants which otherwise would not survive and begin to clear the place from all foreign plant species.Tococa expands quickly, forming circle shaped populations. Distantly situated canopy trees shade theTococa population after a number of years and cause their decay. The whole place appears contaminated for years and no other plant can establish itself. Some of the consequences of these open places are erosion and a severe influence on the regeneration of the forest.  相似文献   

【目的】蛋白样品的制备是获得良好双向凝胶电泳(2-DE)图谱的前提,建立合理的西花蓟马蛋白的双向电泳体系,获得分辨率较高、重复性较好的图谱,能够为后续的研究提供有力支撑。【方法】实验以西花蓟马成虫为实验材料,对比了饱和酚法、TCA/丙酮法和直接裂解法3种蛋白提取方法,从中选出最适宜双向电泳分析的一种蛋白提取方法。【结果】3种方法蛋白提取率差异显著,直接裂解法蛋白提取率最高,饱和酚法的蛋白提取率最低;3种方法的SDS-PAGE条带数差异不明显;TCA/丙酮法的双向凝胶图谱效果最好,蛋白点最多。【结论】TCA/丙酮法能够有效去除西花蓟马蛋白中的干扰物质,是最适合西花蓟马双向凝胶电泳的蛋白提取方法,为后续西花蓟马在蛋白组学方面的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The lepidopteran stalk borers, the indigenous Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Noctuidae), and the exotic Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Pyralidae), were studied in grain sorghum fields, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (cultivar SSK-52), in the dry season of 1986 (April–October) at Delmas and Brits, Transvaal, South Africa. More than 90% of plants at both sites were infested, but as winter progressed, the proportion of plants infested and the level of infestation dropped gradually. The borer larvae hibernated inside the dry stalks, but the location differed: 65% of B. fusca were in the lower third and 30% in the middle third, whereas for C. partellus it was 45 and 50% respectively. Both borers overwintered as larvae in either of the last three instars, but the proportions of larval instars were different. About 82% of B. fusca hibernated as 6th and 16% as 5th larval instars whereas with C. partellus it was 40 and 45% respectively. C. partellus started to emerge from diapause in the second part of August and it lasted until the first week of November, a period of 12 weeks, but with B. fusca on the other hand pupation lasted only 3 weeks during October–November. Parasitism was low on both species, but higher on B. fusca. Three parasites, Chelonus curvinaculatus Cameron, Chelonus sp. and Pristomerus sp. hibernated in the borers, one parasite Iphiaulax sp., hibernated in its cocoon inside the stalks, and two parasites Apanteles sesamiae Cameron and Bracon sp. were active in winter. Two ants, Pheidole megacephala Febricius, and Dorylus helvolus (L.), preyed on the borer larvae in winter.
Hibernation des chenilles de deux espèces de mineuses, Busseola fusca et Chilo partellu dans les tiges de Sorghum bicolor
Résumé Deux chenilles mineuses de tiges, B. fusca, Noctuidae indigène, et C. partellus, Pyralidae exotique, ont été étudiées dans des champs de S. bicolor (cultivar SSK-52), pendant la saison sèche de 1986 (Avril–Octobre) à Delmas et Brits, au Transvaal en Afrique du Sud. Plus de 90% des pieds des deux stations étaient infestés, mais plus l'hiver avançait, plus la proportion de plantes in festées et le taux d'infestation diminuaient. Les chenilles ont hiverné dans les tiges sèches, mais leurs positions étaient différentes: 65% des B. fusca étaient dans le tiers inférieur et 30% dans le tiers médian, tandis que pour C. partellus, il s'agissait respectivement de 45 et 50%. Les duex chenilles hivernaient à l'un des 3 derniers stades larvaires, mais les proportions étaient différentes. Pour B. fusca environ 82% hivernaient au 6ème stade et 16% au 5ème stade, tandis que pour C. partellus c'étaient 40 et 45% respectivement. C. partellus a commencé à sortir de diapause pendant la seconde moitié d'Août et a continué jusqu'à la première semaine de Novembre, soit durant une période de 12 semaines, mais avec B. fusca la nymphose a duré seulement 3 semaines en Octobre–Novembre. Le parasitisme des deux espèces a été faible, mais plus important chez B. fusca. Trois parasites, Chelonus curvimaculatus Cameron, Chelonus sp. et Pristomerus sp. ont hiverné dans leurs cocons à l'intérieur des tiges, et deux parasites, Apanteles sesamiae Cameron et Bracon sp. étaient actifs en hiver. Deux fourmis, Pheidole megacephala Fabricius et Dorylus helvolus L. capturaient des chenilles de ces mineuses pendant l'hiver.

Candida utilis was grown on acetate in chemostat cultures that were, successively, carbon and ammonia-limited (30° C; pH 5.5). With carbon(acetate)-limited cultures, the specific rate of oxygen consumption (q O 2) was not a linear function of the growth rate but was markedly stimulated at the higher dilution rates, thus effecting a marked decrease in the Y O value. This increased respiration rate, and decreased yield value, correlated closely with a marked increase in the extracellular acetate concentration. Under ammonia-limiting conditions, very low Y O values were found, generally comparable with those found with carbon-limited cultures growing at the higher dilution rates, but these varied markedly with the extracellular acetate concentration. Thus, when the unused acetate concentration was raised progressively from about 5 g/l to about 21 g/l, the Y O value decreased non-linearly from 11.4 to 5.8. When the extracellular acetate concentration was further increased to 25 g/l, growth was inhibited and the culture washed out. This relationship between respiration rate and the extracellular concentration of unused acetate was also markedly influenced by the culture pH value. Thus, with a fixed extracellular acetate concentration (16±2g/l) and dilution rate (0.14 h–1), lowering the culture pH value progressively from 6.9 to 5.1 effected a marked and progressive increase in the respiration rate. Further lowering of the culture pH to 4.8, however, caused a complete collapse of respiration. In contrast to this situation, progressively lowering the pH value of an acetatelimited culture from 6.9 to 4.5 affected only slightly the culture respiration rate, and growth was possible even at a pH value of 2.5. These results are discussed in the context of the possible mechanisms whereby acetate exerts its toxic effect on the growth of C. utilis.  相似文献   

Two experiments to establish the relationship between insect suppression by intercropping and grain yield in sorghum and cowpea were conducted under field conditions. Treatments consisted of monocrops and intercrops of sorghum and cowpea and an additional pair of monocultures and mixtures protected by insecticides. Intercropping reduced the numbers of stem borer,Chilo partellus in sorghum and thrips,Megalurothrips sjostedti in cowpea. In the monocropped, unprotected sorghum, yield was reduced by 28% compared to the protected monocrop, while reduction in the unprotected intercropped sorghum was 15% compared to the protected intercrop. Similarly, in the unprotected cowpea, monocrop yield was reduced by 94% and intercrop yield was reduced by 51%. Thus, there are yield advantages under conditions where intercropping reduces insect pest density. Intercropping can form a component of an integrated pest management programme.  相似文献   

Wei G  Li Y  Du G  Chen J 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(11):887-890
In batch culture for glutathione production with Candida utilis, a higher temperature (30 °C) was required to hasten cell growth while a lower temperature (26 °C) was needed to increase the production of glutathione. A two-stage temperature control strategy was used to enhance both the yield and the productivity of glutathione. As a result, glutathione production was increased by 5% and 23% of that at 26 °C and 30 °C, respectively, and the intracellular glutathione content reached 2.5% (w/w).  相似文献   

Low-affinity (K m=67.6±3.2 mM) and high-affinity (K m=1.9±1.2 mM) D-xylose transport occur in Candida utilis grown, respectively, on D-glucose or D-xylose. Starvation of glucose-grown cells decreases the K m value (10.5±2.6 mm). The high-affinity system appearing during starvation required protein synthesis and it was inactivated when cells were exposed to glucose, by a process independent of protein synthesis. High-affinity transport was accompanied by transient alkalinization of yeast suspensions, indicating that it is a proton symport, whereas low-affinity transport was not. Both systems, however, were inhibited by metabolic inhibitors and by replacing H2O in the transport assay with D2O, indicating that both may be proton symports. Glucose and acetic acid also inhibited both high-and low-affinity xylose transport.S.G. Kilian, B.A. Prior and J.C. du Preez are with the Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry, University of the Orange Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, Republic of South Africa  相似文献   

Two Streptomyces strains were grown on sugarcane bagasse and groundnut hulls lignocelluloses in semi-solid state culture at 37°C for 12 weeks. Best results gave a 45% depletion of sugarcane bagasse lignocellulose with a 21% crude protein content of final material. The possibility of using S. viridosporus to improve the protein content of both lignocelluloses for use as an animal feedstock supplement is discussed.At the time of this research the authors were with the Department of Biological Sciences, Rivers State University of Science & Technology, PMB 5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria and the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calabar, PMB 1115, Calabar, Nigeria. Dr lyo is now with the Department of Microbiology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada.  相似文献   

In order to study the influence of different carbon sources on the K+-requirements of Candida utilis NCYC 321, this yeast was grown at several different dilution rates in potassium-limited continuous cultures with either glucose, glycerol, ethanol, citrate or lactate serving as the carbon and energy source.It was found that the nature of the carbon source profoundly influenced the cellular potassium content, especially at low dilution rates, but that these differences could not be correlated with any differences in relative growth rate (i.e., / max. And although small amounts of potassium seemingly were needed to serve in osmoregulation and in the cotransport of some acidic carbon sources (lactate and citrate), these requirements were negligible.Independent of carbon source, a strong correlation existed between the intracellular potassium concentration and the yield value on oxygen (Y O), and between cellular potassium concentration and growth rate. From these two correlations it was concluded that potassium probably was involved mainly in processes associated with ATP synthesis in this yeast.Finally the effect of the addition of NaCl to the medium was tested with glucose-containing cultures that were either carbon- or potassium-limited. Up to a concentration of 20 g/l, NaCl was without influence on Y O, Y glucose and q O 2, but effected a slight increase in the cellular potassium content of the potassium-limited cells and a decrease in that of the glucose-limited cells.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes of the yeast, Candida utilis, were solubilized with octyl-β-d-glucopyranoside and a fraction enriched in the lactate carrier was obtained with DEAE-Sepharose anion-exchange chromatography, after elution with 0.4 M NaCl. The uptake of lactic acid into proteoliposomes, containing the purified protein fraction and cytochrome c oxidase, was dependent on a proton-motive force and the transport specificity was consistent with the one of C. utilis intact cells. Overall, we have obtained a plasma membrane fraction enriched in the lactate carrier of C. utilis in which the transport properties were preserved. Given the similarities between the lactate transport of C. utilis and the one of mammalian cells, this purified system could be further explored to screen for specific lactate inhibitors, with potential therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Maniania  N.K.  Ekesi  S.  Löhr  B.  Mwangi  F. 《Mycopathologia》2003,155(4):229-235
The potential of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorok. for the control of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) on chrysanthemum cuttings was evaluated in greenhouse experiments. The fungus significantly reduced both the adult and larval populations of F. occidentalis, although the level of control of larval populations was much lower than for adults. Combined application of M. anisopliae and Methomyl (Lannate®), however, resulted in a significant reduction of both the larval and adult stages. The use of both control agents might be helpful in reducing the selection pressure for resistance to chemical insecticides, thereby delaying or preventing the build-up of resistant populations in greenhouses.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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