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A survey of the nasal mites from Guatemalan cloud forest birds is reported. Seventy-eight birds, representing 10 families and 18 species, were examined. Prevalance of infection was 24%. Two new species are described: Sternostoma darlingi from Mitrephanes phaeocercus (Tyrannidae) and S. pencei from Empidonax flavescens (Tyrannidae). New host records are reported for S. pirangae from Chlorospingus ophthalmicus (Thraupidae), S. hutsoni from Catharus dryas (Turdidae), Ptilonyssus sairae from Chlorospingus opthalmicus (Thraupidae) and Myioborus miniatus (Parulidae), P. euroturdi from Catharus dryas (Turdidae), P. tyrannus from Empidonax flavescens and Mitrephanes phaeocercus (both Tyrannidae), and Tinaminyssus ixoreus from Catharus dryas (Turdidae). The subspecies Ptilonyssus euroturdi mimicola Fain and Hyland is synonymized with the nominate subspecies. Data are presented to suggest that the Rhinonyssidae may be a polyphyletic assemblage.  相似文献   

Eight new species of the genus Ptilonyssus (Berl. et Troues.) (Gamasina: Rhinonyssidae) from nasal cavities of the passeriformes from territory of the former USSR are described: P. ammomani sp. n. from Ammomanus deserti (Alaudidae) collected in Turkmenistan; P. spini sp. n. from Spinus spinus (Fringillidae) of Kaliningrad district (Russia); P. ripariae sp. n. from Riparia riparia (Hirundinidae) and P. acanthopneustes sp. n. from Phylloscopus borealis (Sylviidae) collected in Tjumen district (Russia); P. pyrrhulinus sp. n. from Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Fringillidae) and P. anthi sp. n. from Anthus trivialis (Motacillidae) of Rjazan district; P. sylviicola sp. n. from Sylviae communis (Sylviidae) collected in Tatarstan; P. cyanosylviae sp. n. from Cyanosylvia svecica (Turdidae) collected from Novosibirsk district.  相似文献   

The chromosome number and morphology of two species of the family Laelapidae have been determined: Hypoaspis aculeifer Canestrini, 1887 has 9() and 18() chromosomes and Cosmolaelaps miles Berlese, 1914 7() and 14(). Both karyotypes have monokinetic chromosomes and show obvious similarity. The longest chromosome of both species consists of a normal and a heterochromatic arm. The two laelapid mites prove to be arrhenotokous, as unfertilized females lay eggs from which only males arise. A theory has been postulated that within the Gamasida an evolutionary line towards arrhenotoky is present.Arguments supporting an independent evolution of sex determining system in the two acarine taxa Actinotrichida and Anactinotrichida are discussed.  相似文献   

A survey of nasal mites, primarily from birds in Texas, was reported and comparisons with the other major studies were made. Of 103 host species examined, 40 were parasitized, and of 502 individual birds examined, 87 were parasitized (17% prevalence). It was shown that the prevalence of infection was significantly dependent on the bird taxa examined, which indicates that the evolution of the hosts has affected the nasal mites' ability to parasitize their avian hosts. It was also shown that the prevalence of rhinonyssid nasal mites in their hosts seems to differ significantly between geographic regions.  相似文献   

The female reproductive system in Pergamasus mites consists of an unpaired vagina, vaginal duct, uterus, and ovary. Additionally, there are paired vaginal glands, as well as unpaired ventral and paired lateromedial glandular complexes. The vagina and vaginal duct are cuticle‐lined. In the dorsal wall of the vagina, this lining forms the endogynium which possesses a “sac” and two conspicuous “spherules” and is armed with “stipula” and other cuticular protrusions. The endogynium functions as a spermatheca, being a storing site for the spermatophore. The spherule procuticle is perforated by microvilli of underlying cells that are structurally very unusual. The lining of the vaginal duct forms numerous cuticular fibers directed toward the vagina. There is an external layer of muscles, supposedly functioning as a sphincter. The uterus is an organ in which the fertilized egg is stored for some time and starts embryonic development. Its wall is composed of glandular epithelial cells. The ovary consists of inner and outer parts. The former part is formed by a nutritive syncytium, whereas the latter contains growing oocytes. Two groups of glands connect with the genital tract. Paired vaginal glands are composed of glandular and secretion‐storing parts and open into the vagina. Paired lateromedial and unpaired ventral glandular complexes empty into the genital tract between the vaginal duct and uterus. The structure of the female genital system is discussed in terms of its function and phylogeny. J. Morphol. 240:195–223, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A 390 bp region of the 16S rDNA gene was sequenced from six species ofrhinonyssid mites (Tinaminyssus columbae, T. minisetosum, Sternostomaturdi, S. sternahirundo, S. fulicae and Ptilonyssus euroturdi) andtwo subspecies (Tinaminyssus melloi melloi andTinaminyssus melloi streptopeliae) to examine the level ofsequence variation and the taxonomic levels to show utility in phylogenyestimation. Furthemore, two different geographic locations of T. m.melloi and T. m. streptopeliae were analyzed todetect variation between populations. Molecular data revealed the existence oftwo distinct groups in the genus Tinaminyssus parasitic oncolumbiform birds. These results are in agreement with those reported by someauthors using morphological characters. Sternostoma turdi parasitizing aerial birds appeared to be phylogenetically separated from otherspecies of this genus isolated from aquatic birds. Moreover, our studyaddressesthe validity of the subspecies status of T. melloistreptopeliae. This region of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA gene is auseful marker for inferring phylogenetic relationships among closely relatedrhinonyssid species, but not for more distantly related taxa.  相似文献   

Four new species of the nasal mite family Rhinonyssidae collected in different regions of the former USSR are described: Neonyssus (Otocorinyssus) alaudae sp. n. from Alauda arvensis L. (Alaudidae, Passeriformes) from Turkmenistan; Rhinonyssus clangulae sp. n. from Clangula hyemalis (L.) (Anatidae, Anseriformes) from Yakutia; R. marilae sp. n. from Aythya marilae L. (Anatidae, Anseriformes) from the Russian Far East; Locustellonyssus sibiricus sp. n. from Locustella certhiola (Pall.) (Sylviidae, Passeriformes) from Siberia.  相似文献   

I analyzed the dispersion patterns of ascid mites (Gamasida:Ascidae) on inflorescences of Heliconia trinidatis in relationto the temporal and spatial distribution of open flowers. Openflowers last only a few hours and are the locations of foodas well as the sole sites from which mites disperse on visitinghummingbirds. All inflorescences were inhabited by populationsof nectarivorous Rhinoseius trinitatis and omnivorous Lasioseiuselegants. All demographic groups of R. trinitatis were associatedstrongly with bracts bearing open flowers on the day of inflorescencecollection or with bracts that would have had an open floweron the day after collection. For L. elegans, only larval distributioncoincided with open flowers. Laboratory observations demonstratedthat mites move throughout an inflorescence at night and preferentiallyaggregate where the next flower will open. Mites enter flowersimmediately at, or just before, anthesis, and unerringly exitopen flowers well in advance of floral abscission. Hummingbirdflower mites exhibit a variety of behavioral adaptations, indicatingextraordinary sensitivity to the physiological and biochemicalnuances of their host inflorescences.  相似文献   

This study describes the spermatophore of Pergamasus mites after transfer into the female endogynial sac and modifications of the structure of the female-penetrating spermatozoa. The spermatophore is saccular and contains largely unmodified spermatozoa and variously structured secretions. The spermatozoa that leave the spermatophore reach the inner (proximal) end of the vaginal duct where they presumably escape from the genital tract to continue their route through the hemocoel into the ovarian tissue where fertilization occurs. During this transit, the structure of such spermatozoa changes considerably, in particular when in contact with the ovary. These alterations include modifications of the cell periphery and of certain inclusion bodies. Furthermore, the spermatozoa form protrusions that fit into corresponding invaginations of the somatic tissue of the ovary.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Three new feather mite species of the Nycteridocaulus generic group (Proctophyllodidae: Proctophyllodinae) are described from passerines in Panama: Atrichophyllodes...  相似文献   

Information is presented for the first time on laelapid mites associated with wild rodents in Uruguay. Specimens of the following species were identified: Laelapinae: Androlaelaps fahrenholzi (Berlese), Androlaelaps rotundus (Fonseca), Gigantolaelaps wolffsohni (Oudemans), Laelaps paulistanensis (Fonseca), Laelaps manguinhosi (Fonseca) and Mysolaelaps microspinosus Fonseca; Haemogamasinae: Eulaelaps stabularis (Koch). Most of the ectoparasite-host associations are reported for the first time. New host and locality records presented in this study are in accordance with previous findings on the same and/or related host species in nearby South American localities.  相似文献   

Males of Parasitina and Dermanyssina (Gamasida = Mesostigmata) have chelicerae modified to function as gonopods. The slit-like spermatotreme in the movable digit of the chela in males of Parasitina was studied in three species: in Pergamasus quisquiliarum and Holoparasitus sp. a rather simple slit is indeed present, whereas in Vulgarogamasus kraepelini the structure is represented by a fine duct traversing the movable digit. The spermatodactyl studied in two phytoseioid species (Phytoseiulus persimilis, Blattisocius dentriticus) of Dermanyssina is a slender process arising from the movable digit and containing a fine duct which is formed by cuticular folds. The spermatodactyl of these species thus differs remarkably from that described in Veigaia sp. The diversity of these structures seen in the few taxa studied up to now is discussed under functional and systematic aspects.  相似文献   

A study was carried out of the variability of mited colledted from 6 species of birds as follows: Larus argentatus Pontopp., L. minutus Pall., Gelochelidon nilotica Gm., Chlidonias leucoptera (Temm.), Ch. nigra (L.) and Sterna hirundo L. Structural peculiarities characteristic of the parasites of the above species have been revealed. The mites from St. hirundo were isolated into a distinct species, Larinyssus substerna sp. n., which is most close to L. sterna Fain, 1972. The new species differs from L. sterna in a smaller size of gnathosoma and chelicerae, lesser number of hypostomal setae and the presence of pigidial shields.  相似文献   

Halarachne halichoeri Allman (Halarachnidae: Anactinotrichida), a parasitic mite occuring in the nasal cavities of the grey seal, Halichoerus grypus , has an unusual apneustic respiratory system, which is described in detail. The main functions of this system are to facilitate gaseous (tracheal) respiration and prevent foreign material being forced into the tracheae under increased pressure experience when the host seal dives. Possible responses of the system to the rapidly changing pressure regimes are described.  相似文献   

The genus Holostaspella of the family Macrochelidae consists of more than 30 species. Of these, seven species have been recorded from Indonesia. In the present study, we review the genus in Indonesia, record two species ( H. pulchella and H. similiornata ) for the first time from Indonesia, and describe two new species ( H. oblonga n. sp. and H. villosa n. sp.) on the basis of the specimens collected in Java and Sulawesi. A key to the species of the genus in Indonesia is also provided.  相似文献   

Understanding oscine passerine dispersal patterns out of their Australian area of origin is hampered by a paucity of robust phylogenies. We constructed a molecular phylogeny of the oscine family, Oriolidae, which is distributed from Australia through to the Old World. We used the phylogeny to assess direction and timing of dispersal and whether dispersal can be linked with the well‐documented movements of geological terranes in the Indonesian Archipelago. We sampled 29 of 33 species of Oriolidae from fresh tissue and from toe pads from museum specimens, and examined two nuclear introns and two mitochondrial genes. Model‐based phylogenetic analyses yielded strong support for clades that generally mirrored classical systematics. Biogeographical analyses and divergence time estimates demonstrated that the family originated in the Australo‐Papuan region from where it dispersed first to Asia and then onwards to Africa and the Philippines before back‐colonising Asia and the Indonesian archipelago. Thus, contrary to several other avian families in the region, Oriolidae represents a sequential dispersal pattern from Australia to Africa via Asia. However, it is noteworthy that the Pacific islands and archipelagos remain uncolonised and that members inhabiting Wallacea are recent colonisers suggesting that Oriolidae are poorly adapted to island life.  相似文献   

The tyrannids are one of the most diverse groups of birds in the world, and the most numerous suboscine family in the Neotropics. Reflecting such diversity, many taxonomic issues arise in this group, mainly due to morphological similarities, even among phylogenetically distant species. Other issues appear at higher taxonomic levels, mostly brought up by genetic studies, making systematics a rather inconclusive issue. This study looks into the use of DNA barcodes method to discriminate and identify Tyrannidae species occurring in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes of Brazil. We analysed 266 individuals of 71 tyrant‐flycatcher species from different geographical locations by sequencing 542 bp of the mtDNA COI gene. The great majority of the analysed species showed exclusive haplotypes, usually displaying low intraspecific diversity and high interspecific divergence. Only Casiornis fuscus and Casiornis rufus, suggested in some studies to belong to a single species, could not be phylogenetically separated. High intraspecific diversity was observed among Elaenia obscura individuals, which can suggest the existence of cryptic species in this taxon. The same was also observed for Suiriri suiriri, considered by some authors to comprise at least two species, and by others to be divided into three subspecies. Additionally, the use of sequences from voucher specimens allowed us to correct four misidentifications that had happened in the field. Our findings suggest a great power of the COI barcodes to discriminate species of the Tyrannidae family that are found in Brazil.  相似文献   

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