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A laboratory experiment was conducted with the marine gastropod Littorina littorea from three different sites in Long Island Sound to test for inducible responses to the non‐native predatory crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus. Individuals of L. littorea did not exhibit decreased shell growth in response to increased predation risk, which differs from the response seen in other species of Littorina. However, snails did exhibit slower growth in response to reduced food availability, as seen in other gastropods. Surprisingly, snails from two sites exhibited differences between the crab‐exposed and reduced food‐availability treatments in how they remodeled the thickness of different microstructural layers of shell material in apical parts of the shell. Although individuals of L. littorea did not show the typical shell thickening response seen in other gastropods, they did show differences among populations in remodeling their shell. This underlies the importance of examining how the shell is constructed and remodeled in studies of inducible defenses in gastropods, as well as the importance of examining animals from multiple populations.  相似文献   

Geographical patterns in morphology can be the result of divergence among populations due to neutral or selective changes and/or phenotypic plasticity in response to different environments. Marine gastropods are ideal subjects on which to explore these patterns, by virtue of the remarkable intraspecific variation in life‐history traits and morphology often observed across relatively small spatial scales. The ubiquitous N‐Atlantic common whelk (Buccinum undatum) is well known for spatial variation in life‐history traits and morphology. Previous studies on genetic population structure have revealed that it exhibits significant differentiation across geographic distances. Within Breiðafjörður Bay, a large and shallow bay in W‐Iceland, genetic differentiation was demonstrated between whelks from sites separated by just 20 km. Here, we extended our previous studies on the common whelk in Breiðafjörður Bay by quantifying phenotypic variation in shell morphology and color throughout the Bay. We sought to test whether trait differentiation is dependent on geographic distance and/or environmental variability. Whelk in Breiðafjörður Bay displayed fine‐scale patterns of spatial variation in shape, thickness, and color diversity. Differentiation increased with increasing distance between populations, indicating that population connectivity is limited. Both shape and color varied along a gradient from the inner part of the bay in the east to the outer part in the west. Whelk shells in the innermost part of Breiðafjörður Bay were thick with an elongate shell, round aperture, and low color diversity, whereas in the outer part of the bay the shells were thinner, rounder, with a more elongate aperture and richer color diversity. Significant site‐specific difference in shell traits of the common whelk in correlation with environmental variables indicates the presence of local ecotypes and limited demographic connectivity.  相似文献   

In marine species, population diversity and differentiation is affected by the population history and by the complex interaction between oceanographic dynamics and ecological traits. In the present study, we examined two species of marine gastropods (the mangrove periwinkle Littoraria scabra and the rocky shore Littoraria glabrata) along the East African coast, using both genetic and geometric morphometric methods. We report a greater variation of shell shape in L. scabra compared to the slightly smaller variation in L. glabrata. This variation was probably associated with variation of environmental factors along the coast, such as temperature and hydrodynamics. Despite morphological variation, we found low mitochondrial genetic differentiation among samples from different localities for both species, which is probably a consequence of the ongoing gene flow during the free‐swimming larval stage of these gastropods. Additionally, high levels of haplotype diversity, low nucleotide diversity, and ‘star‐like’ genealogies were found in both species. These observations and the results from mismatch distributions, indicate a possible signature of recent population expansions in both species, which probably started during interglacial periods of the Pleistocene and led to the colonization of the Indian Ocean coast. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Variation in the abundance, distribution and size of four species of mangrove littorinid gastropods (genus Littoraria) was investigated using a nested sampling design at different spatial scales along the East African coast, from Tanzania to South Africa. Littorinid abundance and diversity decreased abruptly south of Inhaca Island at the southern end of the study area. All species presented a large-scale spatial variation in abundance, with L. subvittata showing the greatest abundance while L. intermedia was rare. Littoraria scabra and L. intermedia were found mainly at the seaward edge of the forests. Littoraria subvittata increased in abundance in the middle of the forest and towards the landward side. Littoraria pallescens occurred mainly at the seaward edge and in the middle areas in the Rhizophora zone. These small-scale variations show contrasting specific distribution patterns within the mangrove, likely reflecting different tolerances to physical factors and biological interactions. All species appeared decreased in shell height from north to south. Littoraria scabra was always significantly larger than other species at all mangrove study sites. Handling editor: P. Viaroli  相似文献   

The intertidal snail Nucella lapillus generally has thicker shells at sites sheltered from wave action, where crabs are abundant and pose a high risk of predation, than at exposed sites where crabs are rare. We studied two populations showing the opposite trend. We reciprocally transplanted snails between field sites and measured shell length, width and lip thickness of those recaptured 12 months later. Snails transplanted to the sheltered site grew larger than sheltered-site residents, which in turn grew larger than transplants to the exposed site. Relative shell-lip thickness was greater in residents at the exposed site than at the sheltered site. Transplants from shelter to exposure developed relatively thicker shells than their controls and relatively thinner shells from exposure to shelter. Progeny of the two populations were reared for 12 months in a common garden experiment presenting effluent from crabs feeding on broken conspecifics as the treatment and fresh sea-water as the control. The crab-effluent treatment decreased foraging activity, concomitantly reducing cumulative somatic growth and reproductive output. Juveniles receiving crab-effluent grew slower in shell length while developing relatively thicker shell lips than controls, the level of response being similar between lineages. F2 progeny of the exposed-site lineage showed similar trends to the F1s; sheltered-site F2s were too few for statistical analysis. At sexual maturity, shell-lip thickness was greater in snails receiving crab-effluent than in controls, indicating plasticity, but was also greater in the exposed-site than in the sheltered-site lineage, indicating heritable variation, probably in degree of sexual thickening of the shell lip. Results corroborate hypotheses that ‘defensive’ shell thickening is a passive consequence of starvation and that heritable and plastic control of defensive shell morphology act synergistically. Shell thickening of juveniles was similar between lineages, contrary to hypotheses predicting differential strengths of plasticity in populations from low- or high-risk habitats.  相似文献   

Undaria pinnatifida sporophytes, originating from the same strain, were cultured at the commercial cultivation site exposed to wave action and the uncultivated site protected from water action of Okirai Bay, Northeast Japan, from January to April 2007; simultaneously, water flow velocity, water temperature, salinity, NO3 + NO2, and chlorophyll a were monitored to investigate the effect of water environment on their growth and morphology. Water temperature and salinity fluctuated within the optimal range for their growth whereas water flow velocity at the cultivation site was greatly fast compared with that at the uncultivated site. Successive chlorophyll a increases synchronized with NO3 + NO2 decreases were observed only at the uncultivated site for over a month; indicating developments of phytoplankton blooms and their nutrient consumption under the low-flow condition. Meanwhile, blade growth rate of cultured sporophytes was higher at the cultivation site than at the uncultivated site. Their thallus size expressed by six morphological characters (blade length, stipe length, blade wet weight, stipe wet weight, blade width, and undivided blade width) at the cultivation site became large in comparison with that at the uncultivated site. Their three morphological correlations (correlations between blade length and thallus length; blade wet weight and thallus wet weight; and undivided blade width and blade width) differed between the sites. They produced a thick and flat blade at the cultivation site but formed a thin and wrinkled blade at the uncultivated site. These results show the significant impact of water flow velocity on their growth and morphology.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory experiments were used to investigate the variation and phenotypic plasticity in the adhesive abilities of the intertidal snail Nucella lapillus between high- and low-wave-energy environments. Whelks from an exposed coast produced a larger pedal surface area and were more resistant to dislodgement than were similar-sized individuals from a protected shore. Tenacity (g/cm2) was similar between individuals from exposed and protected shores, indicating that variation in resisting dislodgement was solely a function of pedal surface area. Whelks from exposed and protected shores did not differ in pedal surface area as they emerged from egg capsules or when reared in the laboratory under uniform conditions, suggesting that variation between populations does not represent genetic differentiation. Individuals from high-and low-wave-energy environments reared intertidally produced a larger pedal surface area than did those reared in the laboratory. The extent to which pedal surface area increased corresponded to the intensity of wave action. These findings suggest that pedal surface area is a highly plastic character modulated or induced by the water turbulence accompanying breaking waves. A reciprocal-transplant experiment confirmed this notion but revealed an asymmetry in the plasticity. Snails from the protected site transplanted to an exposed shore formed a much larger pedal surface area than did controls reared on the protected shore. In contrast, whelks from a wave-swept shore transplanted to a protected shore differed little from their controls reared on the exposed shore. The asymmetric response parallels a possible asymmetry in the risks of acclimating to a temporally unpredictable environmental cue, such as wave action.  相似文献   

Small scale spatial patterns of abundance, growth and condition of the mussel Mytilus edulis on sub-littoral boulders (approx. 1–2 m high) were investigated at the island of Askö in the northern Baltic proper. The effect of side (exposed/sheltered with respect to wave action and sunlight) of boulder and position (up/down) on boulder was investigated. A large spatial variability in abundance of M. edulis between boulders and between various sites within boulders were found. The highest numbers of mussels were found on the wave exposed side, near the top of boulders. Shell growth was favoured by a sheltered side and a down position. The body condition (meat weight/shell weight) of mussels was, on the other hand, affected only by position, the condition of mussels being better at the up position. Consequently, there seems to be temporal differences in the condition for growth within a spatial position. The body condition of the mussels was best near the top of boulders in the spring, but long-term shell growth was favoured by a sheltered side and a down position. This may reflect changes in the composition and availability of food during the year with phytoplankton as the major food source during the spring bloom and resuspension of benthic production and detritus as relatively more important during the rest of the year.  相似文献   

Postelsia palmaeformis Ruprecht is an intertidal kelp found only on very wave‐exposed rocky shores of the northeast Pacific. In areas dominated by mussels, Postelsia depends on wave‐induced disturbances to complete its life‐history cycle. Postelsia also recruits where mussels are absent, but not at less wave‐exposed shores. Thus, physical conditions related to wave exposure limit its horizontal distribution. It is not clear what limits the vertical distribution of Postelsia. We investigated factors contributing to Postelsia's limited distribution using transplant experiments, demographic monitoring, and field fluorometry to evaluate growth and performance across gradients of tidal elevation and wave exposure. Survivorship and growth were sharply reduced at upper and wave‐protected edges relative to mid‐level, wave‐exposed sporophytes. Reproductive output was reduced at upper and lower levels, and growth but not survivorship was lower at the lower level. Effects were independent of population of origin and were a manifestation of the environment. Maximum electron transport rates (ETRm), light saturation parameters (Ek), and maximum quantum yields (ΔF/Fm) provided insight into physiological dynamics; all were lowest at the high edge, but increased when desiccation stress was alleviated by a mock sea‐spray treatment. The ETRm and Ek values of low sporophytes were not as high as the values for mid‐sporophytes, despite higher or equivalent nitrogen content, chl a, and absorptance, suggesting a trade‐off between light‐capturing and carbon‐fixation capacity. Physiological limitations at upper and lower levels and deleterious desiccation effects at wave‐protected sites prevent establishment, thus constraining Postelsia to a mid‐zone, wave‐exposed distribution. Physical conditions related to wave exposure may limit the horizontal distribution of Postelsia because this kelp is also found in areas where mussels are lacking but not on less wave‐exposed shores.  相似文献   

Wave exposure has strong influences on population density, morphology and behaviour of intertidal species in temperate zones, but little is known about how intertidal organisms in tropical regions respond to gradients in wave exposure. We tested whether dislodgement force and shell shape of a tropical gastropod, Cittarium pica, differs among shores that vary in wave exposure. After adjusting for body size, we found that C. pica from exposed shores required greater dislodgement force to remove them from the shore, had slightly larger opercula (the closure to the shell aperture), and were slightly squatter in shape (reduced in shell height relative to shell width) than C. pica from sheltered shores. These morphological adjustments are consistent with those observed in temperate gastropods, which are argued to represent adaptive responses to the risk of mortality associated with dislodgement.  相似文献   

Three species of gastropods were tested in the laboraory and in the field for responses to contact with the polyclad flatworms Freemania litoricola (Heath and McGregor) and Notoplana acticola (Boone). The three limpets differed considerably in their responses to Freemania litoricola All specimens of Notoacmea scutum (Rathke) responded in some way to this flatworm, mostly by running. Fewer than half of the Collisella digitalis (Rathke) responded to Freemania litoricola, and these responded by mushrooming - elevating the shell several millimeters off the substratum. Collisella scabra (Gould) did not respond any differently to contact with Freemania litoricola than to contact with a control probe. Differences in the responses of these limpets to Freemania litoricola are discussed in relation to the characteristic intertidal distributions of this flatworm and the limpets. In contrast to Freemania litoricola, the polyclad Notoplana acticola typically did not elicit defensive responses. This difference is related to the diets of the two flatworms. Freemania litoricola was found to be a predator on limpets, whereas no evidence was found that Notoplana acticola eats limpets.  相似文献   

The marine otter Lontra felina has been said to prefer wave-exposed habitats over more protected sites in response to a greater prey abundance in exposed habitat. We examined how the foraging activity of L. felina is affected by the regime of wave exposure and prey availability at Isla Choros, northern Chile. Through focal sampling we recorded time spent by otters in foraging, the duration of dives, and the hunting success on a wave-exposed and a wave-protected site on the island. In addition, we quantified the abundance of prey in both habitats. Marine otters spent more time foraging in the wave-protected site compared with the wave-exposed habitat. Successful dives reached 26.9% in the wave-exposed habitats, and 38.2% in the wave-protected habitat. Foraging dives were 18% shorter in wave-exposed as compared with wave-protected habitat. Numerically, available prey did not differ significantly with habitat. Our results are more consistent with the hypothesis that wave-exposed habitats represent a sub-optimal habitat to foraging marine otters. Marine otters’ use of wave-exposed patches through northern and central Chile coastal areas probably reflects a low availability of suitable protected areas and greater human disturbance of more protected habitat.  相似文献   

Coevolution of a marine gastropod predator and its dangerous bivalve prey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fossil record of the interaction between the predatory whelk Sinistrofulgur and its dangerous hard‐shelled bivalve prey Mercenaria in the Plio‐Pleistocene of Florida was examined to evaluate the hypothesis that coevolution was a major driving force shaping the species interaction. Whelks use their shell lip to chip open the shell of their prey, often resulting in breakage to their own shells, as well as to their prey. Mercenaria evolved a larger shell in response to an intensifying level of whelk predation. Reciprocally, an increase in attack success (ratio of successful to unsuccessful attacks) and degree of stereotypy of attack position by the predator suggest reciprocal adaptation by Sinistrofulgur to increase efficiency in exploiting hard‐shelled prey. A decrease in prey effectiveness (ratio of unsuccessful to total whelk predation attempts) and an increase in the minimum boundary of a size refuge from whelk predation for Mercenaria may indicate that predator adaptation has outpaced prey antipredatory adaptation. Evolutionary size increase in Sinistrofulgur most likely occurred in response to prey adaptation to decrease the likelihood of feeding‐induced shell breakage and unsuccessful predation when encounters with damage‐inducing prey occur, coupled with (or reinforced by) an evolutionary response to the whelk's own predators. Predator adaptation to Mercenaria best explains temporal changes in whelk behaviour to decrease performance loss (shell breakage) associated with feeding on hard‐shelled prey; this behavioural change limits attacks on prey to when the whelk's shell lip is thickest and most resistant to breakage. Despite evidence of reciprocal adaptation between predator and prey, the contribution of Mercenaria to Sinistrofulgur evolution is likely only a component of the predator's response to dangerous bivalve prey. This study highlights the importance of understanding the interactions among several species in order to provide the appropriate context to test evolutionary hypotheses about any specific pair of species. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 80 , 409–436.  相似文献   

The phenology and seasonal growth of Porphyra linearis Grev. were investigated in two morphologically dissimilar populations from the west coast of Ireland. Thallus size and reproductive status of individuals were monitored monthly between June 1997 and June 1998. Both populations exhibited a similar phenology: gametophyte stages appeared on the shore in October, with spermatangial and zygotosporangial sori appearing the following February; the gametophyte stage began to degenerate in April and had disappeared completely by June. However, significant differences in growth and reproduction in the field and in cultures of plants from the two populations were observed. Thallus length and width of individuals from one population were significantly longer throughout the sample period, and reproduction and sporulation occurred 1 month earlier. Also, in situ relative growth rates (RGRs) of plants differed significantly and were correlated with different climatic factors (sunshine, day length, irradiance, rainfall, seawater temperature, and intertidal temperatures), suggesting that plants were affected by two different microhabitats. At one site, blades were more exposed to wave action, sunshine, and extreme minimum temperatures, while at the other site, blades were more protected in winter, spring, and early summer. In culture, RGRs of blades from the second site were higher than RGRs of blades from the first site under short days, corroborating the field results and suggesting a degree of phenotypic differentiation between the two populations. However, there were no sequence divergences of the RUBISCO spacer between strains of the two P. linearis populations.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic and growth characteristics of Mosla chinensis and M. scabra were compared at three irradiances similar to shaded forest understory, forest edge, and open land. At 25 % full ambient irradiance, M. chinensis and M. scabra had similar photosynthetic characteristics, but saturation irradiance, compensation irradiance, and apparent quantum yield of M. chinensis were higher than those of M. scabra at full ambient irradiance and 70 % full ambient irradiance. At the same irradiance treatment, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio of M. chinensis were lower than those of M. scabra. Photon-saturated photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of M. chinensis, however, were not significantly higher than those of M. scabra, and the leaf area and total biomass were lower than those of M. scabra. As a sun-acclimated plant, the not enough high photosynthetic capacity and lower biomass accumulation may cause that M. chinensis has weak capability to extend its population and hence be concomitant in the community.  相似文献   

The oxygen consumption of Bullia digitalis (Dillwyn) at 15°C has been measured in the laboratory under conditions which gave rise to repeated digging cycles, and compared with oxygen uptake while the same animals were stationary. The energy cost of burrowing is calculated to be about 5 × 10?4 Joules (2.1 × 10?3cal) per digging cycle in a whelk whose dry tissue weight is 750 mg. The overall efficiency of the burrowing process is ≈ 6%, in contrast to the 20% efficiency which has generally been assumed for locomotory activities.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of growth, erosion, productivity, and morphology of the dominant habitat‐forming kelp Ecklonia radiata (C. Agardh) J. Agardh were studied bimonthly over 1.5 years in a southern New Zealand fjord characterized by strong gradients in light and wave exposure. Spatial differences in growth were observed with rates at two outer coast, high‐light, wave‐exposed sites reaching 0.42 and 0.45 cm · d?1, respectively, compared to 0.27 cm · d?1 at an inner, more homogeneous site. Sporophyte productivity was similar among sites, although population productivity was greater at the outer sites due to population density being 5‐fold greater than at the inner site. It was expected that the inner site would have no pronounced seasonal pattern in growth and productivity due to its homogeneity; however, all three sites displayed maximum rates in late winter/spring and minimal in autumn. Growth rates were 2‐fold greater during the first growth period than the following year. This discrepancy was not correlated to inorganic nitrogen (N) levels, which remained low year‐round (<4 μM), and is likely a result of an interaction between light and temperature, and the photosynthetic capability of E. radiata. Variable pigment content indicated photoacclimation at the inner site. Morphological differences were observed between sites, with E. radiata from the inner site having longer, wider, thinner blades and longer stipes. While E. radiata displayed spatial differences in growth, erosion, productivity, and morphology, populations displayed no temporal differences. These results highlight the need for greater understanding of the mechanisms influencing kelp growth and productivity in a unique marine environment.  相似文献   

The intertidal snail Nucella lapillus exhibits considerable variation in shell color both within and between populations differentially exposed to wave action. Populations from high-wave-energy shores tended to be highly polymorphic and were dominated by pigmented morphs (especially brown), while those at more sheltered locations exhibited less polymorphism and were predominantly white. Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the role of physiological stress and selective predation in maintaining the observed distribution of color morphs. The results demonstrated that 1) physiological stress from high temperature and desiccation during periods of tidal emersion was greater on protected shores, 2) under similar natural conditions, brown morphs heated up faster, attained higher temperatures, desiccated more rapidly, and suffered greater mortality than did white morphs, and 3) when pairs of brown and white morphs were tethered intertidally there was virtually no mortality of either morph on the exposed shore or in shaded microhabitats on the protected shore, but brown morphs suffered much greater mortality in sunny microhabitats on the protected shore. These findings demonstrate that the interpopulation variation in shell color of N. lapillus is in part a response to a selective gradient in physiological stress. Selection for crypsis by visually hunting predators did not appear to play a prominent role; however, only adults were considered, and the predation experiments were conducted in the fall before shorebirds that prey on whelks had arrived from their summer feeding grounds. Further experimentation to quantify the effects of visual predators such as birds and fish, particularly on juvenile snails, is necessary to assess adequately the importance of predation.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years southern New England, USA has been invaded by several species of ascidians, including Botrylloides violaceus, Diplosoma listerianum, Styela clava, and Ascidiella aspersa. These species have become dominate in coastal embayments and marinas but are usually absent from more open water coastal areas. A colonial ascidian, Didemnum sp. has invaded southern New England during the past 10 years and we first observed this species in eastern Long Island Sound in 2000. It has become the dominant at several field sites while remaining in low abundance at others. We conducted an experiment at two places, a protected marina and an open coast site, to examine its ability to compete with the established fouling community. Small colonies of Didemnum were transplanted onto panels with communities that varied in age from one to four weeks old and these treatments along with controls with only Didemnum were exposed at both sites. In most treatments Didemnum became a dominant species in the communities at both sites but it reached higher abundances at the open coast site. Potential causes of the observed differences are predation on other species of ascidians at the open coast site reducing recruitment of these species and competition, lower tolerance for elevated temperatures at the marina site, or other environmental parameters that might affect growth rates.  相似文献   

Abstract Variability in abundance of fish associated with beds of the seagrass Zostera capricorni was documented at 16 sites in NSW. Samples were collected from each site by seine net every 3 months for 2.5 years. One site had significantly greater abundances of recruits of five species of economically important fish during all three recruitment seasons. This site was within a small, constructed harbour in Botany Bay. Between June and March of each year abundances of five species (Acanthopagrus australis, Rhabdosargus sarba, Girella tricuspidata, Achoerodus viridis and Meuschenia trachylepis) were up to 73 times greater than abundances at the other 15 sites. However, at other times during the year, there was no significant difference between this site and the 15 others. Understanding the processes that contribute to the success of this modified site as a recruitment sink should aid in increasing the potential of other areas as fish nursery habitat, and contribute to the management and productivity of fish populations.  相似文献   

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