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The formation of the neuromuscular junction is characterized by the progressive accumulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) in the postsynaptic membrane facing the nerve terminal, induced predominantly through the agrin/muscle-specific kinase (MuSK) signaling cascade. However, the cellular mechanisms linking MuSK activation to AChR clustering are still poorly understood. Here, we investigate whether lipid rafts are involved in agrin-elicited AChR clustering in a mouse C2C12 cell line. We observed that in C2C12 myotubes, both AChR clustering and cluster stability were dependent on cholesterol, because depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin inhibited cluster formation or dispersed established clusters. Importantly, AChR clusters resided in ordered membrane domains, a biophysical property of rafts, as probed by Laurdan two-photon fluorescence microscopy. We isolated detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) by three different biochemical procedures, all of which generate membranes with similar cholesterol/GM1 ganglioside contents, and these were enriched in several postsynaptic components, notably AChR, syntrophin, and raft markers flotillin-2 and caveolin-3. Agrin did not recruit AChRs into DRMs, suggesting that they are present in rafts independently of agrin activation. Consequently, in C2C12 myotubes, agrin likely triggers AChR clustering or maintains clusters through the coalescence of lipid rafts. These data led us to propose a model in which lipid rafts play a pivotal role in the assembly of the postsynaptic membrane at the neuromuscular junction upon agrin signaling.  相似文献   

Chronic low-frequency stimulation has been used as a model for investigating responses of skeletal muscle fibres to enhanced neuromuscular activity under conditions of maximum activation. Fast-to-slow isoform shifting of markers of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the contractile apparatus demonstrated successful fibre transitions prior to studying the effect of chronic electro-stimulation on the expression of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Comparative immunoblotting revealed that the alpha- and delta-subunits of the receptor were increased in 10-78 day stimulated specimens, while an associated component of the surface utrophin-glycoprotein complex, beta-dystroglycan, was not drastically changed in stimulated fast skeletal muscle. Previous studies have shown that electro-stimulation induces degeneration of fast glycolytic fibres, trans-differentiation leading to fast-to-slow fibre transitions and activation of muscle precursor cells. In analogy, our results indicate a molecular modification of the central functional unit of the post-synaptic muscle surface within existing neuromuscular junctions and/or during remodelling of nerve-muscle contacts.  相似文献   

Background information. Cholesterol/sphingolipid‐rich membrane microdomains or membrane rafts have been implicated in various aspects of receptor function such as activation, trafficking and synapse localization. More specifically in muscle, membrane rafts are involved in AChR (acetylcholine receptor) clustering triggered by the neural factor agrin, a mechanism considered integral to NMJ (neuromuscular junction) formation. In addition, actin polymerization is required for the formation and stabilization of AChR clusters in muscle fibres. Since membrane rafts are platforms sustaining actin nucleation, we hypothesize that these microdomains provide the suitable microenvironment favouring agrin/MuSK (mu scle‐s pecific k inase) signalling, eliciting in turn actin cytoskeleton reorganization and AChR clustering. However, the identity of the signalling pathways operating through these microdomains still remains unclear. Results. In this work, we attempted to identify the interactions between membrane raft components and cortical skeleton that regulate, upon signalling by agrin, the assembly and stabilization of synaptic proteins of the postsynaptic membrane domain at the NMJ. We provide evidence that in C2C12 myotubes, agrin triggers the association of a subset of membrane rafts enriched in AChR, the ‐MuSK and Cdc42 (cell division cycle 42) to the actin cytoskeleton. Disruption of the liquid‐ordered phase by methyl‐β‐cyclodextrin abolished this association. We further show that actin and the actin‐nucleation factors, N‐WASP (neuronal Wiscott—Aldrich syndrome protein) and Arp2/3 (actin‐related protein 2/3) are transiently associated with rafts on agrin engagement. Consistent with these observations, pharmacological inhibition of N‐WASP activity perturbed agrin‐elicited AChR clustering. Finally, immunoelectron microscopic analyses of myotube membrane uncovered that AChRs were constitutively associated with raft nanodomains at steady state that progressively coalesced on agrin activation. These rearrangements of membrane domains correlated with the reorganization of cortical actin cytoskeleton through concomitant and transient recruitment of the Arp2/3 complex to AChR‐enriched rafts. Conclusions. The present observations support the notion that membrane rafts are involved in AChR clustering by promoting local actin cytoskeleton reorganization through the recruitment of effectors of the agrin/MuSK signalling cascade. These mechanisms are believed to play an important role in vivo in the formation of the NMJ.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to present a new concept of site-directed reduction of disulfide bonds based upon the use of an affinity ligand harbouring a readily oxidizable dithiol. The cysteine bond involved in the acetylcholine binding site of the AChoR was specifically reduced by a carbamylcholine analogue. The ligand, in its oxidized form, was characterized by an affinity constant of 20 μM for the agonist binding site. In its dithiol form, it specifically reduced the disulfide between Cys-192 and Cys-193 on the -subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. This reduction needed 10 times lower concentration when carried out with site-directed reducing agent (ARA) than with DTT, and was highly specific for the -subunits. The contribution of the carbamylcholine moiety of the site-directed reducing agent was clearly demonstrated in kinetic studies where reduction abilities of ARA, DTT and the methylated analogue of ARA (MeRA) were compared. At the same concentration (20 μM), DTT and MeRA had a 25 times lower initial rate of reduction than ARA. With 200 μM of DTT this initial reduction was still 4 times lower. Furthermore, the use of a maleimido undecagold cluster which specifically labeled the reduced nicotinic receptor opens the way to structural analysis of the agonist binding site by electron microscopy. These results demonstrate the potency of this kind of site-directed reducing agent for structural study of receptors or enzymes involving a disulfide bond in their active site.  相似文献   

During synaptogenesis at the neuromuscular junction, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) are organized into high‐density postsynaptic clusters that are critical for efficient synaptic transmission. Rapsyn, an AChR associated cytoplasmic protein, is essential for the aggregation and immobilization of AChRs at the neuromuscular junction. Previous studies have shown that when expressed in nonmuscle cells, both assembled and unassembled AChR subunits are clustered by rapsyn, and the clustering of the α subunit is dependent on its major cytoplasmic loop. In the present study, we investigated the mechanism of rapsyn‐induced clustering of the AChR β, γ, and δ subunits by testing mutant subunits for the ability to cocluster with rapsyn in transfected QT6 cells. For each subunit, deletion of the major cytoplasmic loop, between the third and fourth transmembrane domains, dramatically reduced coclustering with rapsyn. Furthermore, each major cytoplasmic loop was sufficient to mediate clustering of an unrelated transmembrane protein. The AChR subunit mutants lacking the major cytoplasmic loops could assemble into αδ dimers, but these were poorly clustered by rapsyn unless at least one mutant was replaced with its wild‐type counterpart. These results demonstrate that the major cytoplasmic loop of each AChR subunit is both necessary and sufficient for mediating efficient clustering by rapsyn, and that only one such domain is required for rapsyn‐mediated clustering of an assembly intermediate, the αδ dimer. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 54: 486–501, 2003  相似文献   

Maturation of the neuromuscular junction is accompanied by molecular switching of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) channels from embryonic types with gamma-subunits to adult ones with epsilon-subunits after birth. As a step toward understanding the molecular mechanisms of the gamma-to-epsilon switch, we addressed the question of whether embryonic- and adult-type AChRs constitute different endplates during the transitional period. From analyses with double- or triple-staining with anti-gamma- and/or anti-epsilon-antibodies together with alpha-bungarotoxin, which binds to alpha-subunits, we demonstrated that during neonatal stages in mice, adult-type AChRs are incorporated into individual endplates expressing embryonic-AChRs and replace these embryonic-AChRs gradually. The main period of AChR transition in the mouse diaphragm was between postnatal days 5 (P5) and P7, similar to the period described previously in which endplates shift from multi-axon to single-axon innervation. This finding will help our understanding of the mechanisms of the gamma-to-epsilon switch during establishment of the neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   

Lipid rafts are microdomains of the plasma membrane which are enriched in glycosphingolipids and specific proteins. The reported interactions of several raft-associated proteins (such as, e.g., F3) with tenascin C and tenascin R prompted us to consider that these oligomeric multidomain glycoproteins of the extracellular matrix (ECM) could associate with rafts. Here, we show punctate immunocytochemical distributions of tenascin C (TN-C) and tenascin R (TN-R) at the membrane surface of neural cells resembling the pattern reported for raft-associated proteins. Moreover, cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin reduced the punctate surface staining of TN-C. Consistently, TN-C was associated with lipid rafts of neonatal mouse brain according to sucrose density gradient centrifugation experiments. Furthermore, TN-R was also found in rafts prepared from myelin of adult mice. Thus, brain-derived tenascins are able to associate with lipid rafts.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular synaptic transmission depends upon tight packing of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) into postsynaptic AChR aggregates, but not all postsynaptic AChRs are aggregated. Here we describe a new confocal Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) assay for semi-quantitative comparison of the degree to which AChRs are aggregated at synapses. During the first month of postnatal life the mouse tibialis anterior muscle showed increases both in the number of postsynaptic AChRs and the efficiency with which AChR was aggregated (by FRET). There was a concurrent two-fold increase in immunofluorescent labeling for the AChR-associated cytoplasmic protein, rapsyn. When 1-month old muscle was denervated, postsynaptic rapsyn immunostaining was reduced, as was the efficiency of AChR aggregation. In vivo electroporation of rapsyn-EGFP into muscle fibers increased postsynaptic rapsyn levels. Those synapses with higher ratios of rapsyn-EGFP to AChR displayed a slower metabolic turnover of AChR. Conversely, the reduction of postsynaptic rapsyn after denervation was accompanied by an acceleration of AChR turnover. Thus, a developmental increase in the amount of rapsyn targeted to the postsynaptic membrane may drive enhanced postsynaptic AChRs aggregation and AChR stability within the postsynaptic membrane.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a synthetic peptide termed core peptide (CP), which corresponds to a sequence within the transmembrane domain of the alpha chain of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR), can inhibit IL-2 production in antigen-stimulated T cells and can suppress inflammation in several T cell-mediated animal models of disease. As the first step in determining the mechanism of CP action, we examined the association of CP with the plasma membrane of human T cells using confocal microscopy. A homogeneous distribution of CP was observed in the plasma membrane of human T cells. This membrane localization was dependent on the presence of positive charges in the CP sequence. CP analogs, containing either neutral or negatively charged amino acids in place of the positive amino acid charges, did not localize within TCR membranes. Following antibody-induced TCR clustering, there was specific colocalization of CP with surface TCR. No association was observed with other cell surface receptors when similarly clustered. Since TCR activation leads to an increased movement of the receptor complex to cholesterol/glycosphingolipid (GSL) plasma membrane microdomains (rafts) we examined whether the association of CP with TCR was raft-driven. TCR clustering led only to a partial colocalization of TCRs with raft GSL, ganglioside GM1, and a complete colocalization of CP with TCRs. We conclude that CP associates specifically with plasma membrane TCRs and not raft lipids.  相似文献   

Lipid rafts play an important role in the life cycle of many viruses. Cholesterol is a critical structural component of lipid rafts. Although the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) has restricted cell tropism for cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage, a non-macrophage cell MARC-145 was susceptible to PRRSV because of the expression of virus receptor CD163 on the cell surface, therefore MARC-145 cells is used as model cell for PRRSV studies. In order to determine if cholesterol is involved in PRRSV infection in MARC-145 cells, we used three pharmacological agents: methyl-β cyclodextrin (MβCD), mevinolin, and filipin complex to deplete cholesterol in MARC-145. Although these agents act by different mechanisms, they all significantly inhibited PRRSV infection. The inhibition could be prevented by addition of exogenous cholesterol. Cell membrane cholesterol depletion after virus infection had no effect on PRRSV production and cholesterol depletion pre-infection did not reduce the virus attachment, suggesting cholesterol is involved in virus entry. Further results showed that cholesterol depletion did not change expression levels of the PRRSV receptor CD163 in MARC-145, had no effect on clathrin-mediated endocytosis, but disturbed lipid-raft-dependent endocytosis. Collectively, these studies suggest that cholesterol is critical for PRRSV entry, which is likely to be mediated by a lipid-raft-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

Agrin is a motoneuron‐derived factor that initiates neuromuscular synapse formation; however, the signaling pathway underlying postsynaptic differentiation is not yet understood. We have investigated the role of calcium in agrin signaling through the MuSK receptor tyrosine kinase and in the intracellular signaling cascade that leads to AChR phosphorylation and clustering. We find that agrin‐ and neuramindase‐induced MuSK activation in cultured myotubes is completely blocked by removal of extracellular calcium, but only slightly reduced by clamping of intracellular calcium transients with BAPTA. Following agrin's activation of MuSK, we find that the downstream tyrosine phosphorylation of the AChR β‐subunit was inhibited by BAPTA but not by a slower acting chelator, EGTA. Similarly, agrin‐induced clustering of the AChR was blocked by BAPTA but not EGTA. These findings indicate that extracellular calcium is required for the formation of a MuSK signaling complex, and that intracellular calcium regulates phosphorylation and clustering of the AChR in the postsynaptic membrane. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 50: 69–79, 2002  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) are diverse members of the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily of neurotransmitter receptors and play critical roles in chemical signaling throughout the nervous system. Reports of effects of substance P (SP) on nAChR function prompted us to investigate interactions between several tachykinins and human nAChR subtypes using clonal cell lines as simple experimental models. Acute exposure to SP inhibits carbamylcholine- or nicotinestimulated function measured using86Rb+ efflux assays of human ganglionic (α3β4) nAChR expressed in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells (IC50∼2.3 μM) or of human muscle-type (α1β1γδ) nAChR expressed in TE671/RD clonal cells (IC50∼21 μM). SP also acutely blocks function of rat ganglionic nAChR expressed in PC12 pheochromocytoma cells (IC50∼2.1 μM). Neurokinin A and eledoisin inhibit function (extrapolated IC50 values between 60 and 160 μM) of human muscle-type or ganglionic nAChR, but neurokinin B does not, and neither human nAChR is as sensitive as PC12 cell α3β4-nAChR to eledoisin or neurokinin A inhibition. At concentrations that produce blockade of nAChR function, SP fails to affect binding of [3H]acetylcholine to human muscle-type or ganglionic nAChR. SP-mediated blockade of rat or human ganglionic nAChR function is insurmountable by increasing agonist concentrations. Collectively, these results indicate that tachykinins act noncompetitively to inhibit human nAChR function with potencies that vary across tachykinins and nAChR subtypes. They also indicate that tachykinin actions at nAChR could further contribute to complex cross-talk between nicotinic cholinergic and tachykinin signals in regulation of nervous system activity.  相似文献   

The insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) is a major target for insecticide action. The rapidly expanding use of neonicotinoid insecticides of varied structures makes it increasingly important to define similarities and differences in their action, particularly for the first-generation chloropyridinyl compounds versus the second-generation chlorothiazolyl derivatives. We have shown with Musca domestica that a convenient and relevant determination of the neonicotinoid insecticide target is a binding site assay with [(3)H]imidacloprid ([(3)H]IMI). This study uses membranes from the aphids MYZUS: persicae and Aphis craccivora and from heads of the flies DROSOPHILA: melanogaster and Musca domestica to characterize the [(3)H]IMI binding sites relative to their number and possible species variation in structure-activity relationships. With emphasis on commercial neonicotinoids, six potent chloropyridinyl compounds are compared with the corresponding six chlorothiazolyl analogues (syntheses are given for chemicals prepared differently than previously described). The preference for chloropyridinyl versus chlorothiazolyl is not dependent on the insect species examined but instead on other structural features of the molecule. The chlorothiazolyl substituent generally confers higher potency in the clothianidin and desmethylthiamethoxam series and the chloropyridinyl moiety in the imidacloprid, thiacloprid, acetamiprid, and nitenpyram series. Two chlorothiazolyl compounds compete directly with the chloropyridinyl [(3)H]IMI for the same binding sites in MYZUS: and DROSOPHILA: membranes. This study shows conserved neonicotinoid specificity of the [(3)H]IMI binding site in each of the four insect species examined.  相似文献   

Gil C  Cubí R  Aguilera J 《FEBS letters》2007,581(9):1851-1858
Protein ectodomain shedding is the proteolytic release of the extracellular domain of membrane-bound proteins. Neurotrophin receptor p75(NTR) is known to be affected by shedding. The present work provides evidence, in rat brain synaptosomes, that p75(NTR) is present in detergent-resistant membranes (DRM), also known as lipid rafts, only in its full-length form. Disrupting the integrity of lipid rafts causes solubilization of p75(NTR) after detergent treatment and enhancement of the shedding. Analyses of the enzymes described as being responsible for p75(NTR) shedding, i.e. tumor necrosis factor alpha convertase (TACE) and presenilin-1 (PS1), revealed that TACE is absent in DRM, while variable proportions of the C-terminal and N-terminal fragments of PS1 are found. In summary, our results point to a role of lipid rafts in the modulation of the shedding of the p75(NTR) receptor.  相似文献   

Platelet interactions with collagen are orchestrated by the presence or the migration of platelet receptor(s) for collagen into lipid rafts, which are specialized lipid microdomains from the platelet plasma membrane enriched in signalling proteins. Electron microscopy shows that in resting platelets, TIIICBP, a receptor specific for type III collagen, is present on the platelet membrane and associated with the open canalicular system, and redistributes to the platelet membrane upon platelet activation. After platelet lysis by 1% Triton X-100 and the separation of lipid rafts on a discontinuous sucrose gradient, TIIICBP is recovered in lipid raft-containing fractions and Triton X-100 insoluble fractions enriched in cytoskeleton proteins. Platelet aggregation, induced by type III collagen, was inhibited after disruption of the lipid rafts by cholesterol depletion, whereas platelet adhesion under static conditions did not require lipid raft integrity. These results indicate that TIIICBP, a platelet receptor involved in platelet interaction with type III collagen, is localized within platelet lipid rafts where it could interact with other platelet receptors for collagen (GP VI and α2β1 integrin) for efficient platelet activation. Pascal Maurice and Ludovic Waeckel have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

GH receptor (GHR) is a single membrane-spanning glycoprotein dimer that binds GH in its extracellular domain (ECD). GH activates the GHR intracellular domain (ICD)-associated tyrosine kinase, JAK2, which causes intracellular signaling. We previously found that plasma membrane (PM)-associated GHR was dramatically enriched in the lipid raft (LR) component of the membrane and that localization of GHR within PM regions may regulate GH signaling by influencing the profile of pathway activation. In this study, we examined determinants of LR localization of the GHR using a reconstitution system which lacks endogenous JAK2 and GHR. By non-detergent extraction and multistep fractionation, we found that GHR was highly enriched in the LR fraction independent of JAK2 expression. Various GHR mutants were examined in transfectants harboring JAK2. LR concentration was observed for a GHR in which the native transmembrane domain (TMD) is replaced by that of the unrelated LDL receptor and for a GHR that lacks its ICD. Thus, LR association requires neither the TMD nor the ICD. Similarly, a GHR that lacks the ECD, except for the membrane-proximal ECD stem region, was only minimally LR-concentrated. Mutants with internal stem deletions in the context of the full-length receptor were LR-concentrated similar to the wild-type. A GHR lacking ECD subdomain 1 reached the PM and was LR-concentrated, while one lacking ECD subdomain 2, also reached the PM, but was not LR-concentrated. These data suggest LR targeting resides in ECD subdomain 2, a region relatively uninvolved in GH binding.  相似文献   

We report the characterization of the novel human protein MDGA1 encoded by MDGA1 (MAM domain containing glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor-1) gene, firstly termed as GPIM. MDGA1 has been mapped to 6p21 and it is expressed in human tissues and tumors. The deduced polypeptide consists of 955 amino acids and exhibits structural features found in different types of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), such as the presence of both immunoglobulin domains and a MAM domain or the capacity to anchor to the cell membrane by a GPI (glycosylphosphatidylinositol) motif. Our results demonstrate that human MDGA1 (hMDGA1) is localized in the membrane of eukaryotic cells. The protein follows the secretion pathway and finally it is retained in the cell membrane by a GPI anchor, susceptible to be cleavaged by phospholipase C (PI-PLC). Moreover, our results reveal that hMDGA1 is localized specifically into membrane microdomains known as lipid rafts. Finally, as other proteins of the secretory pathway, hMDGA1 undergoes other post-translational modification consisting of N-glycosylation.  相似文献   

T cell polarization and redistribution of cellular components are critical to processes such as activation, migration, and potentially HIV infection. Here, we investigate the effects of CD4 engagement on the redistribution and localization of chemokine receptors, CXCR4 and CCR5, adhesion molecules, and lipid raft components including cholesterol, GM1, and glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins. We demonstrate that anti-CD4-coated beads (alpha CD4-B) rapidly induce co-capping of chemokine receptors as well as GPI-anchored proteins and adhesion molecules with membrane cholesterol and lipid rafts on human T cell lines and primary T cells to the area of bead-cell contact. This process was dependent on the presence of cellular cholesterol, cytoskeletal reorganization, and lck signaling. Lck-deficient JCaM 1.6 cells failed to cap CXCR4 or lipid rafts to alpha CD4-B. Biochemical analysis reveals that CXCR4 and LFA-1 are recruited to lipid rafts upon CD4 but not CD45 engagement. Furthermore, we also demonstrate T cell capping of both lipid rafts and chemokine receptors at sites of contact with HIV-infected cells, despite the binding of an HIV inhibitory mAb to CXCR4. We conclude that cell surface rearrangements in response to CD4 engagement may serve as a means to enhance cell-to-cell signaling at the immunological synapse and modulate chemokine responsiveness, as well as facilitate HIV entry and expansion by synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are members of an extensive super-family of neurotransmitter-gated ion channels. In humans, nAChRs are expressed within the nervous system and at the neuromuscular junction and are important targets for pharmaceutical drug discovery. They are also the site of action for neuroactive pesticides in insects and other invertebrates. Nicotinic receptors are complex pentameric transmembrane proteins which are assembled from a large family of subunits; seventeen nAChR subunits (α1-α10, β1-β4, γ, δ and ε) have been identified in vertebrate species. This review will discuss nAChR subunit diversity and factors influencing receptor assembly and trafficking.  相似文献   

Triflumezopyrim, a newly commercialized molecule from DuPont Crop Protection, belongs to the novel class of mesoionic insecticides. This study characterizes the biochemical and physiological action of this novel insecticide. Using membranes from the aphid, Myzus persicae, triflumezopyrim was found to displace 3H-imidacloprid with a Ki value of 43 nM with competitive binding results indicating that triflumezopyrim binds to the orthosteric site of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). In voltage clamp studies using dissociated Periplaneta americana neurons, triflumezopyrim inhibits nAChR currents with an IC50 of 0.6 nM. Activation of nAChR currents was minimal and required concentrations ≥100 μM. Xenopus oocytes expressing chimeric nAChRs (Drosophila α2/chick β2) showed similar inhibitory effects from triflumezopyrim. In P. americana neurons, co-application experiments with acetylcholine reveal the inhibitory action of triflumezopyrim to be rapid and prolonged in nature. Such physiological action is distinct from other insecticides in IRAC Group 4 in which the toxicological mode of action is attributed to nAChR agonism.Mesoionic insecticides act via inhibition of the orthosteric binding site of the nAChR despite previous beliefs that such action would translate to poor insect control. Triflumezopyrim is the first commercialized insecticide from this class and provides outstanding control of hoppers, including the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens, which is already displaying strong resistance to neonicotinoids such as imidacloprid.  相似文献   

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