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Dimethoate is an organophosphorus toxicant used in agri- and horticulture as a systemic broad-spectrum insecticide. It also exhibits toxic activity towards mammalian organism provoked by catalytic desulfuration in the liver producing its oxon-derivative omethoate thus inhibiting acetylcholinesterase, initiating cholinergic crisis and ultimately leading to death by respiratory paralysis and cardiovascular collapse. Pharmaco- and toxicokinetic studies in animal models help to broaden basic understanding of medical intervention by antidotes and supportive care. Therefore, we developed and validated a LC–ESI-MS/MS method suitable for the simultaneous, selective, precise (RSDintra-day 1–8%; RSDinter-day 5–14%), accurate (intra-day: 95–107%; inter-day: 90–115%), and robust quantification of both pesticides from porcine urine and plasma after deproteinization by precipitation and extensive dilution (1:11,250 for plasma and 1:40,000 for urine). Accordingly, lower limits of quantification (0.24–0.49 μg/ml plasma and 0.78–1.56 μg/ml urine) and lower limits of detection (0.12–0.24 μg/ml plasma and 0.39–0.78 μg/ml urine) were equivalent to quite low absolute on-column amounts (1.1–2.1 pg for plasma and 2.0–3.9 pg for urine). The calibration range (0.24–250 μg/ml plasma and 0.78–200 μg/ml urine) was subdivided into two linear ranges (r2  0.998) each covering nearly two orders of magnitude. The lack of any interfering peak in 6 individual blank specimens from plasma and urine demonstrated the high selectivity of the method. Furthermore, extensive sample dilution causing lowest concentration of potentially interfering matrix ingredients prompted us to develop and validate an additional flow-injection method (FI-ESI-MS/MS). Validation characteristics were as good as for the chromatographic method but sample throughput was enhanced by a factor of 6. Effects on ionization provoked by plasma and urine matrix from 6 individuals as well as in the presence of therapeutics (antidotes) administered in an animal study were investigated systematically underling in the reliability of the presented methods. Both methods were applied to porcine samples derived from an in vivo animal study.  相似文献   

The role of vertebrate-like sex-steroids (testosterone, T, progesterone, P, and 17β-estradiol, E2) in molluscs is still debated, but they could represent potential biomarkers of endocrine disruption. A radioimmunoassay (RIA) and a liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) methods have been developed and compared to measure their levels in a gastropod snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Both methods showed a good reproducibility despite the complex matrix and the very low levels of vertebrate-like sex-steroids. Only T and P were detected using the LC–MS/MS method, while the RIA method reached lower detection limits and enabled the detection of all three steroids. Results indicated that T and P were mainly present as unconjugated forms. Both methods were compared in the analysis of snails exposed to waste water treatment plant effluents and led to the same conclusions concerning the modulation of steroids levels. Moreover, they both were in agreement concerning T measurements. On the other hand, LC–MS/MS appeared to be more suitable when analyzing P levels due to a low sensitivity of the RIA method. As E2 was not measured using the LC–MS/MS method because of a higher detection limit compared to the other steroids, the results obtained with the RIA method should be interpreted with caution. LC–MS/MS remains the gold standard for sex-steroid determinations, however a relevant and alternative method based on RIA was developed, requiring fewer organisms. RIA seems a promising method as a screening tool for experimental use, allowing comparison of sex-steroid levels in the mudsnail both in laboratory and in field experiments.  相似文献   

Homocysteine is an endogenous sulphydryl aminoacid irreversibly catabolized by transsulfuration to cysteine or remethylated to methionine. Increased plasma levels of homocysteine are an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Accurate and reliable quantification of this amino acid in plasma samples is essential in clinical practice to explore the presence of a hyperhomocysteinemia, for instance after an ischemic event, or to control a possible adjunctive risk factor in patients at higher risk. In this review, LC–ESI-MS/MS methods are discussed and compared with other analytical methods for plasma homocysteine. LC–ESI-MS/MS is a technique combining the physicochemical separation of liquid chromatography with the analysis of mass spectrometry. It is based on stable-isotope dilution and possesses inherent accuracy and precision. Quantitative analysis is achieved by using commercially available homocystine-d8 as an internal standard. Taking advantage of the high sensitivity and specificity, approaches involving LC–ESI-MS/MS require less laborious sample preparation, no derivatization and produce reliable results.  相似文献   

Protein secretion in yeast is generally associated with a burden to cellular metabolism. To investigate this metabolic burden in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we constructed a set of strains secreting the model protein maltase in different amounts. We quantified the influence of protein secretion on the metabolism applying 13C-based metabolic flux analysis in chemostat cultures. Analysis of the macromolecular biomass composition revealed an increase in cellular lipid content at elevated levels of protein secretion and we observed altered metabolic fluxes in the pentose phosphate pathway, the TCA cycle, and around the pyruvate node including mitochondrial NADPH supply. Supplementing acetate to glucose or glycerol minimal media was found to improve protein secretion, accompanied by an increased cellular lipid content and carbon flux through the TCA cycle as well as increased mitochondrial NADPH production. Thus, systematic metabolic analyses can assist in identifying factors limiting protein secretion and in deriving strategies to overcome these limitations.  相似文献   

Experimental determination of fluxes by (13)C-tracers relies on detection of (13)C-patterns in metabolites or by-products. In the field of (13)C metabolic flux analysis, the most recent developments point toward recording labeling patterns by liquid chromatography (LC)-mass spectrometry (MS)/MS directly in intermediates in central carbon metabolism (CCM) to increase temporal resolution. Surprisingly, the flux studies published so far with LC-MS measurements were based on intact metabolic intermediates-thus neglected the potential benefits of using positional information to improve flux estimation. For the first time, we exploit collisional fragmentation to obtain more fine-grained (13)C-data on intermediates of CCM and investigate their impact in (13)C metabolic flux analysis. For the case study of Bacillus subtilis grown in mineral medium with (13)C-labeled glucose, we compare the flux estimates obtained by iterative isotopologue balancing of (13)C-data obtained either by LC-MS/MS for solely intact intermediates or LC-MS/MS for intact and fragmented intermediates of CCM. We show that with LC-MS/MS data, fragment information leads to more precise estimates of fluxes in pentose phosphate pathway, glycolysis, and to the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Additionally, we present an efficient analytical strategy to rapidly acquire large sets of (13)C-patterns by tandem MS, and an in-depth analysis of the collisional fragmentation of primary intermediates. In the future, this catalogue will enable comprehensive in silico calculability analyses to identify the most sensitive measurements and direct experimental design.  相似文献   

The transfer of cholesterol from the outer to the inner mitochondrial membrane is the rate-limiting step in hormone-induced steroid formation. To ensure that this step is achieved efficiently, free cholesterol must accumulate in excess at the outer mitochondrial membrane and then be transferred to the inner membrane. This is accomplished through a series of steps that involve various intracellular organelles, including lysosomes and lipid droplets, and proteins such as the translocator protein (18 kDa, TSPO) and steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) proteins. TSPO, previously known as the peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor, is a high-affinity drug- and cholesterol-binding mitochondrial protein. StAR is a hormone-induced mitochondria-targeted protein that has been shown to initiate cholesterol transfer into mitochondria. Through the assistance of proteins such as the cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunit Iα (PKA-RIα) and the PKA-RIα- and TSPO-associated acyl-coenzyme A binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein, PAP7, cholesterol is transferred to and docked at the outer mitochondrial membrane. The TSPO-dependent import of StAR into mitochondria, and the association of TSPO with the outer/inner mitochondrial membrane contact sites, drives the intramitochondrial cholesterol transfer and subsequent steroid formation. The focus of this review is on (i) the intracellular pathways and protein–protein interactions involved in cholesterol transport and steroid biosynthesis and (ii) the roles and interactions of these proteins in endocrine pathologies and neurological diseases where steroid synthesis plays a critical role.  相似文献   

Chemical synthesis of the deuterium isotope desmosine-d4 has been achieved. This isotopic compound possesses all four deuterium atoms at the alkanyl carbons of the alkyl amino acid substitution in the desmosine molecule and is stable toward acid hydrolysis; this is required in the measurement of two crosslinking molecules, desmosine and isodesmosine, as biomarkers of elastic tissue degradation. The degradation of elastin occurs in several widely prevalent diseases. The synthesized desmosine-d4 is used as the internal standard to develop an accurate and sensitive isotope-dilution liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry analysis, which can serve as a generalized method for an accurate analysis of desmosine and isodesmosine as biomarkers in many types of biological tissues involving elastin degradation.  相似文献   

The analysis of protein–protein interactions is important for developing a better understanding of the functional annotations of proteins that are involved in various biochemical reactions in vivo. The discovery that a protein with an unknown function binds to a protein with a known function could provide a significant clue to the cellular pathway concerning the unknown protein. Therefore, information on protein–protein interactions obtained by the comprehensive analysis of all gene products is available for the construction of interactive networks consisting of individual protein–protein interactions, which, in turn, permit elaborate biological phenomena to be understood. Systems for detecting protein–protein interactions in vitro and in vivo have been developed, and have been modified to compensate for limitations. Using these novel approaches, comprehensive and reliable information on protein–protein interactions can be determined. Systems that permit this to be achieved are described in this review.K. Kuroda, M. Kato and J. Mima contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Simple, sensitive and robust liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometer (LC–MS/MS) methods were developed and validated for the determination of lipopeptide polymyxins and glycopeptide vancomycin in rat plasma. The effect of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) concentration on sample recoveries (peak area of sample recovered from plasma/peak area of sample from neat solvent solutions) was studied and an optimized concentration of 30% TCA were determined that gives the best sample recovery for the peptides from rat plasma. The effect of the TCA concentration on the chromatographic behavior of peptides was studied on a Phenomenex Jupiter C18 5 μ 300 Å 50 mm × 2 mm column using a mobile phase with a pH of 2.8. Other than protein precipitation, TCA also acted as ion pairing reagent and was only present in the samples but not in the mobile phases. The data demonstrated that by increasing the TCA concentration, the analyte retention and sensitivity were improved. The absence of TCA in mobile phase helped to reduce the ion source contamination and to achieve good reproducibility. The plasma method was linearly calibrated from 5 to 5000 ng/mL for polymyxins with precisions to be of 2.3–10.8%, and accuracies to be 91.7–107.4% for polymyxin B1, B2, E1, E2, respectively. For vancomycin the calibration is from 1 to 5000 ng/mL with precisions to be of 7.8–10.3 and accuracies to be 96.2–102.0%. The LLOQs corresponding with a coefficient of variation less than 20% were 7.5, 18.1, 7.3, 5.0 and 1.0 ng/mL for polymyxin B1, B2, E1, E2 and vancomycin, respectively.  相似文献   

We present the application of a novel isotope dilution method, named Alternate Isotope-Coded Derivatization Assay (AIDA), to the quantitative analysis of hydrazone derivatives of malondialdehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) samples using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. AIDA is based on the alternate derivatization of the analyte(s) with reagents that are available in two pure isotopic forms, respectively “light” and “heavy”, by using light-derivatized standards for the quantification of the heavy-derivatized analytes, and vice versa. To this purpose, 2,4-dinitro-3,5,6-trideuterophenylhydrazine (d3-DNPH) has been synthesized and used as “heavy” reagent in combination with commercial “light” DNPH. Using the AIDA method, any unknown concentration of the analyte in the matrix can be calculated without the need of a calibration curve. An external calibration method has been also investigated for comparative purpose. The stability of DNPH and d3-DNPH derivatives was verified by excluding any exchange of hydrazones with each other. In the range of concentrations of biological interest, e.g., 2–40 nM for MDA and 0.5–10 nM for 4-HNE, the derivatization reactions of MDA and 4-HNE with DNPH and d3-DNPH showed overlapping kinetics and comparable yields. The MS response of both DNPH and d3-DNPH hydrazones was similar. The precision of AIDA, calculated as %RSD, was within 3.2–8% for MDA and 4.5–11% for 4-HNE. Accuracy was tested by analyzing a spiked EBC pool sample and acceptable results (accuracy within 98–108% for MDA and 93–114% for 4-HNE) were obtained by AIDA after subtraction of the blank, which was not negligible. The results of quantitative analysis of MDA and 4-HNE in EBC samples obtained by AIDA assay with four analyses per sample were in good agreement with those obtained by external calibration method on the same samples.  相似文献   

Urinary amino acid analysis is typically done by cation-exchange chromatography followed by post-column derivatization with ninhydrin and UV detection. This method lacks throughput and specificity. Two recently introduced stable isotope ratio mass spectrometric methods promise to overcome those shortcomings. Using two blinded sets of urine replicates and a certified amino acid standard, we compared the precision and accuracy of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) of propyl chloroformate and iTRAQ® derivatized amino acids, respectively, to conventional amino acid analysis. The GC–MS method builds on the direct derivatization of amino acids in diluted urine with propyl chloroformate, GC separation and mass spectrometric quantification of derivatives using stable isotope labeled standards. The LC–MS/MS method requires prior urinary protein precipitation followed by labeling of urinary and standard amino acids with iTRAQ® tags containing different cleavable reporter ions distinguishable by MS/MS fragmentation. Means and standard deviations of percent technical error (%TE) computed for 20 amino acids determined by amino acid analyzer, GC–MS, and iTRAQ®–LC–MS/MS analyses of 33 duplicate and triplicate urine specimens were 7.27 ± 5.22, 21.18 ± 10.94, and 18.34 ± 14.67, respectively. Corresponding values for 13 amino acids determined in a second batch of 144 urine specimens measured in duplicate or triplicate were 8.39 ± 5.35, 6.23 ± 3.84, and 35.37 ± 29.42. Both GC–MS and iTRAQ®–LC–MS/MS are suited for high-throughput amino acid analysis, with the former offering at present higher reproducibility and completely automated sample pretreatment, while the latter covers more amino acids and related amines.  相似文献   

BMS-754807 and metformin were co-administered in drug discovery studies which required the quantitation of both compounds in plasma. Since the two compounds are chemically and structurally dissimilar, developing a single bioanalytical method presented a number of chromatographic challenges including the achievement of appropriate retention times and peak shapes on a single analytical column. To address this chromatographic challenge, we investigated different LC columns under different gradient elution schemes using aqueous/organic mobile phases. Using unbonded silica column and aqueous/methanol mobile phase, we were able to obtain robust and well-resolving chromatographic conditions to support the development and implementation of a single LC–MS/MS bioanalytical method. The use of sub-2 micron particle sizes and a high flow rate, which are attainable with UPLC systems, enhanced the method. The method performance evaluation showed that the method easily met the normally used acceptance criteria for bioanalytical methods, namely a deviation of ±15% from the nominal concentration except at lower limit of quantitation (LLOQ), where ±20% is accepted. The reported LLOQ of 7.8 ng/ml, for both BMS-754807 and metformin, was adequate to support the pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   

15-series prostaglandins (PGE2s) and isoprostanes (isoPGE2s) are robust biomarkers of oxidative stress, possess potent biological activity, and may be derived through cyclooxygenase or free radical pathways. Thus, their quantification is critical in understanding many biological processes where PG, isoPG, or oxidative stress are involved. LC/MS/MS methods allow a highly selective, sensitive, simultaneous analysis for prostanoids without derivatization. However, the LC/MS/MS methods currently used do not allow for simultaneous separation of the major brain PGE2/D2 and isoPGE2 without derivatization and multiple HPLC separations. The developed LC/MS/MS method allows for the major brain PGE2/PGD2/isoPGE2 such as PGE2, entPGE2, 8-isoPGE2, 11β-PGE2, PGD2, and 15(R)-PGD2 to be separated and quantified without derivatization. The method was validated by analyzing free and esterified isoPGE2 in mouse brains fixed with head-focused microwave irradiation before or after global ischemia. Using the developed method, we report for the first time the esterified isoPGE2 levels in brain tissue under basal conditions and upon global ischemia and demonstrate a nonreleasable pool of esterified isoPG upon ischemia. In addition, we demonstrated that PGE2s found esterified in the sn-2 position in phospholipids are derived from a free radical nonenzymatic pathway under basal conditions. Our method for brain PG analysis provides a high level of selectivity to detect changes in brain PG and isoPG mass under both basal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Whole-body protein synthesis and breakdown are measured by a combined tracer infusion protocol with the stable isotope amino acids l-[ring-2H5]-phenylalanine, l-[ring-2H2]-tyrosine and l-[ring-2H4]-tyrosine that enable the measurement of the phenylalanine to tyrosine conversion rate. We describe a liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method for the measurement of very low tracer–tracee ratios (TTR) of the amino acids l-phenylalanine and l-tyrosine in human plasma. TTR calibration curves of the tracers l-[ring-2H5]-phenylalanine, l-[ring-2H2]-tyrosine and l-[ring-2H4]-tyrosine were linear (r2 > 0.99) in the range between 0.01% and 5.0% TTR and lowest measurable TTR for the tracers was 0.01% at a physiological concentration of 60 μM. The method was applied successfully to plasma samples from a clinical study reaching a steady state enrichment plateau (mean ± SD) of 3.33 ± 0.19% for l-[ring-2H5]-phenylalanine, 2.40 ± 0.43% for l-[ring-2H2]-tyrosine and 0.29 ± 0.07% for l-[ring-2H4]-tyrosine, respectively. The LC–MS/MS method can be applied for measurement of very low plasma enrichments of phenylalanine and tyrosine for the determination of whole-body protein synthesis and breakdown rates in humans.  相似文献   

Cholesterol and its precursors, namely 7-dehydrocholesterol, desmosterol and lathosterol are important biochemical markers of cholesterol biosynthesis, and their quantification in body fluids is useful for the diagnosis of cholesterol biosynthesis pathway disorders. A rapid and sensitive gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric method was developed and validated for quantitative analysis of five sterols (cholesterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol, desmosterol, lathosterol and sitosterol) in amniotic fluid. The method was linear for all compounds (r2 > 0.99), and intra and inter-assay coefficients of variation were typically below 5%, and inaccuracy was within a ±12% interval. The method was applied to 330 amniotic fluid samples, grouped by gestational age between 13 and 22 weeks of pregnancy, in order to establish reference intervals for sterols in this specimen. The obtained concentrations (μmol/L) for each sterol was as follows: 22.1758 ± 4.2716 at 13 weeks and 78.5082 ± 12.9041 at 22 weeks for cholesterol; 0.0039 ± 0.0007 at 13 weeks and 0.1150 ± 0.0212 at 22 weeks for 7-dehydrocholesterol; 0.1562 ± 0.0406 at 13 weeks and 0.7691 ± 0.0821 at 22 weeks for desmosterol; 0.0272 ± 0.0035 at 13 weeks and 0.8551 ± 0.1791 at 22 weeks for lathosterol; and 0.0404 ± 0.0039 at 13 weeks and 0.2326 ± 0.0386 at 22 weeks for sitosterol. The method was also applied to one pathological sample that showed decreased levels of cholesterol, and higher concentration of 7-dehydrocholesterol, which is consistent with a 7-dehydrocholesterol-reductase deficiency. Our results showed that as long as pregnancy goes on, the concentrations of cholesterol and precursors increase in amniotic fluid, which is related to the increased need for cholesterol by the fetus. The reference range of each sterol in amniotic fluid was calculated at different gestational ages and will be useful for the interpretation and validation of biochemical prenatal diagnosis of inborn errors of sterol biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Metabolomics has emerged as a key technique of modern life sciences in recent years. Two major techniques for metabolomics in the last 10 years are gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC–MS). Each platform has a specific performance detecting subsets of metabolites. GC–MS in combination with derivatisation has a preference for small polar metabolites covering primary metabolism. In contrast, reversed phase LC–MS covers large hydrophobic metabolites predominant in secondary metabolism. Here, we present an integrative metabolomics platform providing a mean to reveal the interaction of primary and secondary metabolism in plants and other organisms. The strategy combines GC–MS and LC–MS analysis of the same sample, a novel alignment tool MetMAX and a statistical toolbox COVAIN for data integration and linkage of Granger Causality with metabolic modelling. For metabolic modelling we have implemented the combined GC–LC–MS metabolomics data covariance matrix and a stoichiometric matrix of the underlying biochemical reaction network. The changes in biochemical regulation are expressed as differential Jacobian matrices. Applying the Granger causality, a subset of secondary metabolites was detected with significant correlations to primary metabolites such as sugars and amino acids. These metabolic subsets were compiled into a stoichiometric matrix N. Using N the inverse calculation of a differential Jacobian J from metabolomics data was possible. Key points of regulation at the interface of primary and secondary metabolism were identified.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are a large family of proteins responsible for the translocation of a variety of compounds across the membranes of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The inter-protein and intra-protein interactions in these traffic ATPases are still only poorly understood. In the present study we describe, for the first time, an extensive yeast two-hybrid (Y2H)-based analysis of the interactions of the cytoplasmic loops of the yeast pleiotropic drug resistance (Pdr) protein, Pdr5p, an ABC transporter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Four of the major cytosolic loops that have been predicted for this protein [including the two nucleotide-binding domain (NBD)-containing loops and the cytosolic C-terminal region] were subjected to an extensive inter-domain interaction study in addition to being used as baits to identify potential interacting proteins within the cell using the Y2H system. Results of these studies have revealed that the first cytosolic loop (CL1) – containing the first NBD domain – and also the C-terminal region of Pdr5p interact with several candidate proteins. The possibility of an interaction between the CL1 loops of two neighboring Pdr5p molecules was also indicated, which could possibly have implications for dimerization of this protein. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

A highly sensitive and rapid method for the analysis of isradipine in human plasma using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) was developed. The procedure involves a simple liquid–liquid extraction of isradipine and amlodipine (IS, internal standard) with methyl-t-butyl ether after alkaline treatment and separation by RP-HPLC. Detection was performed by positive ion electrospray ionization (ESI) in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode, monitoring the transitions m/z 372.1  m/z 312.2 and m/z 408.8  m/z 237.9, for quantification of isradipine and IS, respectively. The standard calibration curves showed good linearity within the range of 10 to 5000 pg/mL (r2  0.9998). The lower limit of quantitation (LLOQ) was 10 pg/mL. The retention times of isradipine (0.81 min) and IS (0.65 min) suggested the potential for high throughput of the proposed method. In addition, no significant metabolic compounds were found to interfere with the analysis. This method offered good precision and accuracy and was successfully applied for the pharmacokinetic and bioequivalence studies of 5 mg of sustained-release isradipine in 24 healthy Korean volunteers.  相似文献   

Quantification of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins (okadaic acid analogues), and other lipophilic toxins in single-cell isolates of the dinoflagellates Dinophysis fortii, D. acuminata, D. mitra, D. norvegica, D. tripos, D. infundibulus and D. rotundata, collected in coastal waters Hokkaido, Japan in 2005, was carried out by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). Okadaic acid (OA), dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX1), 7-O-palmitoyldinophysistoxin-1 (DTX3), pectenotoxin-1 (PTX1), pectenotoxin-11 (PTX11), pectenotoxin-2 (PTX2), pectenotoxin-6 (PTX6), pectenotoxin-2 seco-acid (PTX2sa), yessotoxin (YTX) and 45-hydroxyyessotoxin (45-OHYTX) were quantified by LC–MS/MS. PTX2 was the dominant toxin in D. acuminata, D. norvegica and D. infundibulus whereas both DTX1 and PTX2 were the principal toxins in D. fortii. None of the toxins were detected in D. mitra, D. rotundata and D. tripos. These results suggest that D. fortii is the most important species responsible for DSP contamination of bivalves in Hokkaido. This is the first finding of PTX2 in D. infundibulus, and confirms the presence of PTX2 in Japanese D. acuminata and D. norvegica collected from natural seawater.  相似文献   

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